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Questions tagged [sheker-false]

Lying, not telling the truth, falsehood, etc.

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Does Lying, Except in Court Testimony, Violate the Ninth Commandment?

Am I transgressing the ninth of the 10 Commandments of Moses if I lie, except when giving testimony in court? In Exodus 20:13 it reads You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
lifeisaquestion's user avatar
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Is there any cautions against a person in Torah when someone lies [duplicate]

BH Are there cautions against a person in Torah if someone lies like if a potential shiduch or even close acquaintance lies?
David 's user avatar
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Does geneivat daat mean guaranteed refund

If someone bought something that was sold to them by means of geneivat daat (though they were not technically lied to), do they have an inherent right to get refunded? By geneivat daat I mean ...
Kirk's user avatar
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It would almost seem as though Hashem was tricking Ya'akov into going down to Egypt?

וַיֹּ֕אמֶר אָנֹכִ֥י הָאֵ֖ל אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֑יךָ אַל־תִּירָא֙ מֵרְדָ֣ה מִצְרַ֔יְמָה כִּֽי־לְג֥וֹי גָּד֖וֹל אֲשִֽׂימְךָ֥ שָֽׁם׃ “I am God, the God of your father’s [house]. Fear not to go down to Egypt, ...
zunior's user avatar
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Lying to prevent offense

Is one permitted to lie to a woman by saying that he's a kohen and therefore unable to marry her, thus preventing him from offending/embarrassing her about the reason he refused her? Are there ...
Ben Avraham's user avatar
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Scam baiting in Halacha

Some people engage in scam baiting, which is intentionally wasting time of scammers so that said scammers aren't spending their time actually scamming real victims. Is this allowed? It involves a lot ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is copywriting allowed according to halacha

Is it allowed (or not allowed) according to halacha to do copywriting? That means you use certain words and write a certain way that makes people more likely to buy a product for example. You are not ...
Mijmij's user avatar
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Are you allowed to lie in order to prevent embarrassing yourself

Is it mutar to lie if telling the truth will embarrass yourself? For example, if Reuven asks Shimon if he went to minyan, and Reuven says yes because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself and give a ...
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Laws, advice and limitations on "lying for the sake of shalom"

Emet (truth) in general, and interpersonal honesty in specific are some of the most valued and imperative concepts in all of Torah. Throughout all Torah writings, it seems there is nothing more ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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When can leaders lie to their people?

I am looking for Jewish sources that discuss when leaders can justifiably lie to their people for a greater purpose. (Reasons might be to avoid a panic, to avoid revealing sensitive secrets, to spare ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to lie that one is Jewish because it might be embarassing for people to know you are not Jewish?

If you know the answer to this, I'd like to know where your answer is sourced and where I can learn more about it. Furthermore, if the person claims embarrassment, how do we know that this is not just ...
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Is taarof allowed?

In Persian culture, there is a principle named taarof in which if something is being offered to you, you must decline it, even if you want it. The giver will ask again if you would like the object but ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Is there a source for the claim that a dishonest person cannot do teshuvah?

If I recall correctly, I remember someone saying in a shiur a long time ago that a dishonest person cannot do teshuvah. Is there any source for this claim?
Nosson's user avatar
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Why deception seems intrinsic to Terah's descendants?

The last couple of Parashot dealt with members of Abraham's family, both Abraham and Nachor's descendants. As far as I can see, many of them, both righteous and wicked, were liers: it starts with ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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May we always deceive deceivers?

The Tanach says [referring to God]: עִם־נָבָ֖ר תִּתָּבָ֑ר וְעִם־עִקֵּ֖שׁ תִּתַּפָּֽל׃ -- With the pure You act in purity, and with the perverse You are wily. [2 Samuel 22:27 and Ps. 18:27]” Does ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar

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