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Questions tagged [priming]

Addition of fermentable sugar to fully-attenuated beer, cider, mead or other beverage to produce carbonation by re-fermentation inside a sealed container, usually a bottle or keg. Requires viable yeast in suspension, either leftover from primary fermentation or added with the priming sugar.

2 votes
1 answer

Yield rates for priming sugar calculations

I am trying to figure out how Priming Sugar calculators work under the hood and just gave this illuminating article a read. Most of it makes sense, however the author talks about each different ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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If I stop fermentation early does the sugar left in juice still turns into Co2 after bottling

I am trying to understand a little bit about science process between Fermentation (when sugar is turned into alcohol) and Priming (when fermentable sugar is turned into). I have done several batches ...
Hermes_Lee's user avatar
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Weird growth 24h after adding sugar for carbonation, is this normal?

I've finished coldcrashing this cream ale I've been brewing, I took some samples and they tasted great, so I've moved it to an airtight container and added sugar for carbonation. I checked it the next ...
Protoless's user avatar
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Too much priming Sugar

Okay, how much danger am I in? I used a Mr Beer kit...and bottling added priming sugar. Unfortunately I got on the wrong line - having 500ML bottles, I added the priming sugar for 1 liter bottles. ...
Bruce Andrews's user avatar
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Re-Carbonating bottles in case bottles loose CO2

A friend of mine used plastic bottles with plastic caps (like coke bottles) for bottling. He used sugar (Granulated Sugar of Sugar Beet) for priming. It turned out those plastic bottles have ...
Mp0int's user avatar
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Should I add yeast when bottling an IPA after sitting in secondary for 1.5 months

I'm VERY new to homebrewing. This is my first 5gal batch. I moved from primary to secondary after 1-2 weeks. I then (due to life, work, forgetting to order bottles) have left the beer in the secondary ...
C.J. Thomas's user avatar
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Still, un-bubbly cider after priming and left for 3 weeks at room temperature

This was the first time I primed my cider when bottling for carbonation. I exclusively wild ferment and press my own apples. I added what I think was enough sugar (ca. 120 g for 25 L), and bottles ...
juansalix's user avatar
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Cold crashing and priming for carbonation, does that work?

My wild fermented cider from freshly pressed apples has been on the carboy for almost one and a half months now. Cider is cloudy and there's still some very, VERY occasional airlock activity (once or ...
juansalix's user avatar
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Over-primed for bottle conditioning. How many days to blow off carbonation before allowing to resume?

Alright, so I've gone and over-primed a 5 gallon amber batch when bottling. Surprisingly, there is limited solid information available so I figured I would ask for feedback and then post the results ...
jaredaritter's user avatar
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Is it wise to dissolve priming sugar or gelatin in water the day before adding it to the beer?

One of the biggest time consumers I have on bottling day is cooling down the sugar to room temperature. So I have been thinking about sanitizing a small container the day before bottling, dissolve the ...
WildLAppers's user avatar
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Beer Bottle vs. Can Head Space, Carbonation, and Conditioning

I have brewed at least a couple hundred 5-gallon batches of ale over the last 20+ years. For the vast majority of these batches, I have kegged in corny kegs and force carbonated using 30 PSI and ...
Rob's user avatar
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Priming kit beer without bottling bucket

After experiencing midnight explosion in 5L keg few year ago, i researched for safer ways to prime. Ever since i was measuring dextrose and adding in each bottle per its volume (and desired CO2) and ...
user1741397's user avatar
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primed beer left uncapped

I brewed a trippel, added priming sugar, and bottled it, but my bottle capper broke after only a few bottles. I placed caps atop the remaining bottles but won’t be able to seal them until I can ...
J Jasper's user avatar
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Priming a Brett beer (WLP648) for bottling

I am getting ready to bottle my 6 month old sour. I used WLP648 on primary. I’ve been reading up on this on other forums, but I get mixed insights: some people say to just go ahead per normal, others ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar
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How long should I wait for priming solution to mix when added to a keg?

Background After my beer reached FG I transferred it into a corny keg, cold crashed in my keezer at 42°F, and fined with gelatin. 48 hours after adding the gelatin I pulled about a pint of sludge ...
tbridge's user avatar
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Does bottle priming temp matter after 4 days?

It is my understanding that during priming the yeast creates the necessary C02 for carbonation in the first 3 to 4 days and the C02 is then absorbed into the beer over the next 10 to 15 days. If this ...
Bryant's user avatar
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Priming solution or add sugar to individual bottles?

From what I've read, it seems that the old technique of adding a given amount of sugar to each bottle for priming isn't recommended anymore. Instead, just about every source recommends boiling ...
tempest_col's user avatar
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Can I increase the carbonation of already-bottled beer?

I just made my first ever batch of beer, and it turned out great! The only thing is that my priming sugar calculation was slightly under what it should have been. I added 1/4 cup honey to a (finished ...
Chris Cirefice's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Can I store beer in wine bottles

I have only standard wine bottles available, are they strong enough to hold bottle primed beer (max. 30 psi) without exploding?
mad_brewer's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How can I prime bottled beer in accordance with the reinheitsgebot?

I so far brew beer using two different beer brewing kits. One required adding honey, the other sugar, for the bottling. First of all - isn't this breaking the reinheitsgebot? As a German I feel ...
Raffael's user avatar
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Fixing an underprimed imperial stout

I brewed the stout of my dreams back on Monday the 7th of August. It's a 9.5% imperial which hits all my buttons. I then bottled it on the 24th of August, adding the appropriate amount of sugar to the ...
Wilf's user avatar
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What is the ideal temperature during carbonation with priming for an ale?

During sugar priming, how does the temperature influence? In my understanding, higher the temperature, faster the carbonation process. But can this somehow produce some off-flavors on the beer? Too ...
evedovelli's user avatar
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Using different sugar for priming

My brew is ready for bottling, this time I doubled the recipe and fermented two Triple Brewferm can kits. I added three cans of Lyle's golden syrup (around 1362 grams), as it gives a better taste. The ...
Eduardo Sanchez-Ros's user avatar
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4 answers

Semi-Sweet, Medium ABV, Sparkling Mead - Is it possible?

I may asking to much for a homegamer but is it possible to make semi-sweet/sweet mead carbonated? I'm trying go for around 1.05 FG and 7%~10% ABV. This can be done easily fermenting dry then adding ...
f.rodrigues's user avatar
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Bottling Bucket - really necessary?

Pretty new to the home brew scene and about to have my first attempt at extract brewing next week. I have spend a lot of time reading up, but openly admit I may have glossed over some aspects. ...
user14585's user avatar
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Should I bottle whole batch after fermentation?

I read that after fermentation finishes, there is no harm in waiting before priming. I am using kits, and wort is 4 gallons. Can I bottle 1 gallon of beer, and leave the remaining gallons in ...
Emmet B's user avatar
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Priming sugar quantities for Weissbier

I've just primed 4.5L of weissbier with 38g of demerara sugar (the only I had around) and bottled it. According to beersmith's calculator that's what I should add to achieve 3.8 volumes of Co2. After ...
jpjorge's user avatar
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How much priming sugar should one use?

I'm just wondering how much priming solution should one use for a one liter bottle. I'm using dextrose. I don't want my bottles to pop.
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Off flavours from unsanitized priming sugar

Quick question for the group: Will unsanitized priming tablets/sugar likely/surely cause off flavours after bottle conditioning - especially, a wet/slightly moldy towel aroma? I've been experiencing ...
A. Mason's user avatar
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How to prime and bottle?

apologies for the somewhat newbie question (I can't hide it, this is my first batch and I'm hoping to get it right)! I have started the Bulldog Evil Dog double IPA kit and although I am still some ...
Gary's user avatar
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How to calculate and add the required amount of inverted sugar (liquid) during the bottleling phase?

How should I calculate te correct amount of priming sugar (inverted sugar) in liquid form, pretty much like a syrup for bottleling ? I was thinking in using a cooking syringe to add it to each bottle,...
Gus's user avatar
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Does lagering reduce yeast so much that bottle carbonation is effected?

My first lager (a German Pils) turned out quite good! From the keg, it's great, but the half dozen bottles I filled are completely flat!? I used a little more priming sugar per bottle than my usual ...
robmcvey's user avatar
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How much table sugar to use in bottling

Hi guys I'm new to home brewing I've brewed 3 ales so far but always used coopers carbonation drops, I've looked through lots of forums and most say to buy another bucket. I do not have the room for ...
Budge Brew's user avatar
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How to use priming sugar

I am about to bottle my first cider, and i have a 500g bag of priming sugar, from what i have read, i can either prime each bottle, or i can pour the sugar into the brewing vessel and stir it in if i ...
bizzehdee's user avatar
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What would cause bottle-carbonation to fail?

I made a Hydromel (beer-strength mead) around 5% using champagne yeast. After fermentation I split it into a few small batches... some I added ginger, some I added orange zest, some remained un-...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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What sugar to use when transferring to bottle or barrel

Doing a homebrew for the first time, bought a kit to do it with; figured it be a good student method of saving money :). Anyway, its currently in the fermenting bin, and when it comes to transferring ...
AmenoB's user avatar
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Does old fermented beer need more priming in the bottle

Hi I am going to bottle my brew tomorrow which has been left fermenting for 6 months. It is as flat as water will I need to put more priming sugar in the bottles for it to carbonat?
Jonay's user avatar
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How to make a mead beer/ale

Mead (in the UK at least) seems to generally be made as a wine, typically flat around 12% ABV. I'm interested in making more of a beer/ale type drink... carbonated, around 5% ABV, by fermenting honey ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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CO2 for duvel clone - Strong Golden Ale

What is the CO2 level for a Strong Golden Ale? Each calculator have a different value: 3.3 - source 2.5-3.2 - source 1.9-2.4 - source 1.9 -2.4 source It is correct if I use 160.36g of sucrose for ...
user2990084's user avatar
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on not priming ale

After reading Graham Wheeler's Brew your own British ale, in which he says:" a well brewed beer, kept its proper time, should not need priming or fining. A good yeast will clear down unaided, and ...
frank's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why less priming sugar in a mini keg?

I am used to bottling my beer and do bottle conditioning. However, I just bought a few 5l mini kegs for the next batch which is currently fermenting. From what I have read from different sources, you ...
Samuel's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

How can I get more consistent carbonation in bottles?

Some of my bottles usually turn out over carbonated, and some turn out under carbonated. Is there a good technique to get consistent carbonation? I imagine it is a function of both evenly distributed ...
JustInTheWoods's user avatar
6 votes
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Confectioners sugar for priming?

I have a batch of wheat beer on the go at the moment and I'm wondering which sugar to use as priming sugar? In my local shop the priming sugar they sell looks just like confectioners/powdered/icing ...
TimBrewer's user avatar
1 vote
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Bottling Hard Cider - can I prime with sweet cider?

I have some hard cider nearly ready to be bottled, and I am wondering if using pasteurized sweet cider as a primer would be a reasonable option. That is, I would mix in an appropriate volume of sweet ...
Sir_Lagsalot's user avatar
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Reduce Priming Sugar

I'm on my first batch of wort, I didn't account for evaporation and had a couple boil overs, I'm sitting at about 4.25 gallons of wort. Bottling calls for 5oz of priming sugar, should I reduce to ...
Joel Wickard's user avatar
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Bottle conditioning

More reading - this time about bottle conditioning. If my yeast attenuation level is say 80%, does that mean there would be enough sugars in the bottle for the yeast to carb the beer? Or would priming ...
Merchant's user avatar
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Expected priming time after 5 months in fridge?

I had a demijohn of beer sitting 'maturing' in the fridge for 5 months, neglected mostly. Needless to say it was crystal clear, which is little pointless as I ended up bottling it because within 5 ...
Another Compiler Error's user avatar
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Effect of priming with honey

How prominent might I expect the flavors of honey to be, if used as a priming element for beer? I am thinking about it in terms of an all-grain pale ale variation, perhaps with honey or biscuit malt ...
object88's user avatar
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Stopping fermentation and then bottling

I've tried making a few beers that I think have TOO much alcohol. I'd like to stop the fermentation before all of the sugars have fermented, and I'm wondering what the best way is to do that. I've ...
Jason Kolb's user avatar
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How do I calculate how much sugar to add, for carbonation

I have a brew, that I will need to bottle soon. But, how do I calculate, how much sugar to add, before bottling? I'll be adding table-sugar, but I am very worried about exploding bottles. Are there ...
Nicolai's user avatar
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