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Questions tagged [priming]

Addition of fermentable sugar to fully-attenuated beer, cider, mead or other beverage to produce carbonation by re-fermentation inside a sealed container, usually a bottle or keg. Requires viable yeast in suspension, either leftover from primary fermentation or added with the priming sugar.

11 votes
3 answers

Why my homebrewed lager beer bottles explode?

I started home-brewing lager beer last year. I am using ready-kits and the first three times it went quite well. Now, with the latest, I had a very strange problem. A couple of weeks after I bottled ...
Drake's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How can I prime bottled beer in accordance with the reinheitsgebot?

I so far brew beer using two different beer brewing kits. One required adding honey, the other sugar, for the bottling. First of all - isn't this breaking the reinheitsgebot? As a German I feel ...
Raffael's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

High-gravity beer stored too cold to carbonate during bottle conditioning. How can I carbonate this beer?

I made a strong scotch ale. Bottled it up, 2 weeks later no carbonation. Is there a way to save this batch? OG 1.095, Used Safale US-05, 2 weeks in primary, 6 weeks in secondary, FG 1.030, I ...
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8 votes
4 answers

How full can I fill my bottles?

My first few batches of beer have come out quite undercarbonated. I believe because I've been quite cautious about how far I fill my bottles up. This comment backs up my theory. How can I determine ...
Mark McDonald's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Experimenting, Priming Sugars

I've got a 3 gallon batch of bourbon dubbel fermenting, recipe calls for priming with maple syrup, I'm thinking of siphoning off .5 gal to prime with honey and .5 gal to prime with black treacle. ...
Chuck's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Whoops, I over-primed. Anything I can do?

I brewed a small batch, and referred to the Nomograph for Determining Ammount of Priming Suger for 5 US Gallons in Brewing Classic Styles. I wanted to carb to 2.25 vol.s at 70 degrees so I decided 3....
Bill Goetz's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Why less priming sugar in a mini keg?

I am used to bottling my beer and do bottle conditioning. However, I just bought a few 5l mini kegs for the next batch which is currently fermenting. From what I have read from different sources, you ...
Samuel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can I use fructose as a priming sugar and how much should I use?

OK, so I was in the health food shop (again) and couldn't find any corn sugar. However, on a whim I bought some fructose. I am thinking of using it for priming the English ale I have pencilled in to ...
Poshpaws's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

How can I get more consistent carbonation in bottles?

Some of my bottles usually turn out over carbonated, and some turn out under carbonated. Is there a good technique to get consistent carbonation? I imagine it is a function of both evenly distributed ...
JustInTheWoods's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Confectioners sugar for priming?

I have a batch of wheat beer on the go at the moment and I'm wondering which sugar to use as priming sugar? In my local shop the priming sugar they sell looks just like confectioners/powdered/icing ...
TimBrewer's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Priming still possible after bottling

I must have been really lucky with my yeasts so far but usually my beers turned out nicely carbonated without any priming. The last batch though is really flat. Is it still possible to prime in the ...
Tobi's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Priming calculation after cold crashing for a week

So beer temperature affects residual co2 in beer for priming, the lower the temp the more residual. I've got a Ryepa that I plan on carbing to 2.4 vols of CO2. Its been in a 55 degree closet for 4-5 ...
dsidab81's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Can I store beer in wine bottles

I have only standard wine bottles available, are they strong enough to hold bottle primed beer (max. 30 psi) without exploding?
mad_brewer's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How can I prime for bottle conditioning without oxidizing the beer?

I'm probably being too paranoid here, but what's the best way to make sure the priming sugar (I tend to use corn sugar boiled in a few cups of water for 5 minutes and then cooled) is thoroughly mixed ...
Nicholas Trandem's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

DME for priming

I fully acknowledge that the internet is a place of truly limitless (and often incorrect/misinformed) information, yet here I am asking this question on an internet forum. I'm planning on bottling ...
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