I'm VERY new to homebrewing. This is my first 5gal batch. I moved from primary to secondary after 1-2 weeks. I then (due to life, work, forgetting to order bottles) have left the beer in the secondary for 1.5 months. It is an IPA. I'm wondering if I should pitch additional yeast when I bottle or is there enough active yeast to carbonate?


1 Answer 1


Great question. There should be enough yeast still present to carbonate your bottles. If you want to be sure, it wouldn't be wrong just to add about 1 gram of fresh yeast before bottling. You don't need a whole pack, just a tiny amount. But this is optional. I'll bet if you don't add any more yeast it will still carbonate just fine.

  • Thank you for the quick response! I try doing it without and see what happens. Now that I have the bottles I have no excuse next time! Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 4:26

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