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Questions tagged [memory]

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Intel UHD extremely slow copy operations

Is there a way to make copy operations such as CopyResurce(d3d11) and glBlitFramebuffer(ogl) on multi-sample resources faster ...
leone ruggiero's user avatar
0 votes
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Does OpenGL allocate on glBegin/glEnd?

You can enclose arbitrary amount of vertices within glBegin/glEnd statements. Does OpenGL limit the number of vertices you create or it allocates memory for more?
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D3D11 Map forces synchronization

Is it possible that a call to ID3D11DeviceContext::Map on a dynamic vertex buffer with D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD causes my ...
leone ruggiero's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can meshes be reused in raytracing?

In rasterization, at least in the context of game development, it is a common to have many instances of the same 3D object in a scene (think many identical rocks in different sizes/positions/rotations)...
Ilya's user avatar
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How big is a multi-sampled FBO than a regular FBO with the same resolution?

Is it proportional to the samples count? Whats the performance difference between binding a multi-sampler and a regular sampler?
Danielhu's user avatar
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2 votes
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What does the z-buffer look like in memory?

I am an amateur game developer, and I've been reading a lot on how computer graphics rendering works lately. I was reading on the Z-buffer recently and I can't quite seem to be able to wrap my head ...
Carmo's user avatar
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Corrupt values when writing and reading from the same RWTexture2D in HLSL/DirectX?

I'm playing around with DirectX 12 ray tracing, and I'm trying to read and write data to a 32-bit RGBA floating point RWTexture2DArray within a DirectX 12 HLSL shader. I'm getting weird corruption/...
b1skit's user avatar
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Force int array to compact memory

I have following structure which i use as an uniform buffer object. ...
MrRabbit's user avatar
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Groupshared memory and parallel reduction over multiple kernel dispatch

I am doing some parallel reduction and mostly following these nVidia slides. However they are not very detailed in places or I might be missing/misunderstanding something. Edit 2: While I figured ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
2 votes
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Zero-copy texture reading from CPU memory

The Intel 740 AGP graphics card read textures directly from system RAM, using VRAM exclusively for depth buffers and the framebuffer. This has the effect of saving video RAM, and it could be ...
novice's user avatar
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In what scenarios and how does GL_ARB_buffer_storage help performance?

The Dolphin emulator for GameCube/Wii has the ability to use the ARB_buffer_storage (or EXT_buffer_storage for GLES) to improve rendering performance. From the extension's description, a GPU driver ...
jdonald's user avatar
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Why cache working set per multiprocessor for texture memory in Nvidia has a variable size?

I saw it here , I don't know if it also happens ...
alvaro9650's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to bind dynamic texture samplers to a shader in DX12?

So usually texture samplers are set directly in the D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC structure in DX12, at least that's how I've been setting them. I was wondering if it's ...
mbl's user avatar
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How can I control memory for command allocators and command queues in D3D12?

The D3D12 programming guide suggests specific allocation strategies for command queues and allocators, but the creation methods for those objects operate directly on queue/allocator pointers without ...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
4 votes
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Should you measure mesh complexity in triangles or vertices?

I have seen people using either vertices or triangles as a quick heuristic to estimate mesh memory usage and mesh rendering time. I always thought vertices were better, because the number of vertices ...
Makogan's user avatar
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