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Questions tagged [memory]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
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Intel UHD extremely slow copy operations

Is there a way to make copy operations such as CopyResurce(d3d11) and glBlitFramebuffer(ogl) on multi-sample resources faster ...
leone ruggiero's user avatar
2 votes
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Corrupt values when writing and reading from the same RWTexture2D in HLSL/DirectX?

I'm playing around with DirectX 12 ray tracing, and I'm trying to read and write data to a 32-bit RGBA floating point RWTexture2DArray within a DirectX 12 HLSL shader. I'm getting weird corruption/...
b1skit's user avatar
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2 votes
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Groupshared memory and parallel reduction over multiple kernel dispatch

I am doing some parallel reduction and mostly following these nVidia slides. However they are not very detailed in places or I might be missing/misunderstanding something. Edit 2: While I figured ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
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Why cache working set per multiprocessor for texture memory in Nvidia has a variable size?

I saw it here , I don't know if it also happens ...
alvaro9650's user avatar