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3.13 LinkSys Info

Instructions for setting up a BellSouth supplied Motorola/Netopia 2210-02-1006 with a popular Linksys (BEFSR41v.2) router. Other Linksys routers (including wireless routers) are very similar and can use the basic setup of this FAQ. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys based network for FastAccess DSL. Any additional setup for features like DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.

This FAQ has 4 Major sections:
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 modem configuration
Section 3 - General router configuration information
Section 4 - Connections and power up

Section 1 - Overview

•The best configuration for networking a Linksys router(or any other external router) with the Motorola/Netopia 2210 is to set the 2210 to "Bridged Ethernet" mode and allow the Linksys to do the routing and DHCP functions. The Motorola/Netopia 2210 is also a router with full DHCP functions and may not function correctly when connected directly to another router. Not changing the modem to Bridged Ethernet may result in double NAT'ing, increased latency, possible IP conflicts, or possibly a network that doesn't work at all.
•Both the 2210 and Linksys router must be reset to default by pressing the reset button for approximately 30 seconds. Despite what the help desk tech tells you, resetting the modem does not put it into Bridged Mode.
•The BellSouth Installation CD is not required (nor recommended) to enable this configuration.
•Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers. Do not hard code a static IP in the router.
•You must connect the 2210 directly to the computer's NIC to make the necessary changes before you connect the router, because you will probably be unable to access the modem interface after you connect the router. The reason is that the modem interface is which is a local IP. By default, most routers do not have the capability to route a local IP out of their WAN port (where your 2210 is connected). Additionally, they may be on completely different subnets. After you have made the changes to the 2210 you can then connect the router and configure it for use with FastAccess. There are several alternative ways around this problem but they both have major liabilities. One method involves extra equipment (second NIC and a hub) and major configuration changes. The second method requires you to utilize the router as a simple switch and use the 2210's PPPoE and DHCP functions. Click here for more information.
•If you encounter any problems simply reset the 2210, connect it directly to your NIC, restart your computer, log into the 2210 interface, and start over again.

Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 Configuration

Step 1
Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down the 2210 and the computer(s). Power up the modem and press the reset button on the back of the modem for 10 seconds. After the modem has fully reinitialized, connect the 2210 to the NIC and then power up the computer.

Step 2
Open a browser application and enter "" in the address field to access the 2210 User Interface .

Step 3
Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net" in the User ID field. Enter your BellSouth Password in the Password field. Re-enter your BellSouth Password in the Confirm Password field. Click on Next. Update the Auto Calender Update Configuration as desired and click Next. The modem will try to initiate a session and then return to the main menu.

Step 4
Once at the main menu, click on Broadband DSL Line from the top menu. Click on Configure Connection from the right menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom. This will automatically restart the modem and the interface will return after the changes are saved. Note: functions like NAT, DHCP, IP Passthrough, and username and password will be disabled or irrelevant and can not be selected. After the modem has restarted, power down both the computer and the modem then physically disconnect the 2210.

Section 3 - Linksys Router Information

Step 5
When the computer is completely powered down, connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC and power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds (exact placement of the button differs per model).

Step 6
Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be slightly different, however the process and specific configurations are the same. The settings shown are the basic connectivity requirements for internet access. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter admin (without quotes) in the Password Field.

Step 7
On the Linksys Setup page select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter the recommended 180 seconds in the Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Important Operational Note: If your model has the ability to manually enable MTU size you should select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 (or less) in the Size field. The MTU fields are not shown on the screenshot below and may be on a different menu tab. Click on Apply to save the changes. You will get a "Settings are successful" message, click on Continue (if required).

Section 4 - Connections and Power Up

Step 8
Power everything down and physically connect the 2210, the router, and any computer(s) as shown below.

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Step 9
Power up the network equipment in this order:
•Motorola/Netopia 2210 Modem (wait til the ready light is steady green)
•Linksys Router
•Open a browser session and try to surf. If you do not have a connection enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
•Go surfing!

Important Additional Information
•The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
•The Motorola/Netopia 2210 has an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the 2210. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session the light will stay off. This is normal.
Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
•You should recheck your tweak settings in order to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • I tried this myself last night, been trying to get my new Linksys E2500 to work with my Motorola 2210. AT&T tech support couldn't help; Linksys tech support couldn't help either. They told me to take the router back, that it was bad. I found this page yesterday, and am very thankful that I did! I gave it one more shot & got the network functioning last night! This is by far the easiest to understand that I had found - thank you!

    2014-10-28 12:47:37

  • unbelievable, thanks for this page!!!! I finally got it to work, thanks a mil!

    2010-02-11 01:44:14

  • YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS 100% what i needed for a tutorial calling ATT or LINKSYS = epic fail DSLREPORTs FTW

    2009-03-09 17:48:34

  • Thank you so much for this information. I changed my primary Bellsouth password without realizing the implications, and had been without wireless internet for 2 months. AT&T tech help were clueless! After several hours on the phone with two different people, tech help concluded that my router was defective. Even the supervisor gave me wrong information. Using this and other FAQ's on this website, I was able to get my wireless internet! Thank you so very much!

    2008-11-29 08:49:50

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-10-11 16:01:42

Instructions for setting up a BellSouth supplied Motorola/Netopia 2210-02-1006 with a popular Linksys Wireless (BEFW11S4) router. Other Linksys routers are very similar and can use the basic setup of this FAQ. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys-based network for FastAccess DSL. Any additional setup for features like WEP, DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.

This FAQ has 4 Major sections:
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 modem configuration
Section 3 - General Linksys router configuration information
Section 4 - Connections and power up

Section 1 - Overview
•The best configuration for networking a Linksys router (or any other external router) with a 2210 is to set it to "Bridged Ethernet" mode and allow the Linksys to do the routing and DHCP functions. The 2210 is also a router with full DHCP functions and may not function correctly when connected directly to another router. Not changing the modem to Bridged Ethernet may result in double NAT'ing, increased latency, possible IP conflicts or possibly a network that doesn't work at all.
Make sure you secure your wireless network. Click here for the Linksys Wireless Security Guide.
•Both the modem and router must be reset to default by pressing the reset button for approximately 30 seconds. Despite what any help desk tech tells you, resetting the modem does not put it into Bridged Mode.
•The BellSouth Installation CD are not required (or recommended) to use this configuration.
•The Linksys Installation Wizard CD is not required (nor recommended) for this configuration.
•Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers.
•You must connect the 2210 directly to the computer's NIC to make the necessary changes before you connect the router, because you will probably be unable to access the modem interface after you connect the router. The reason is that the modem interface is which is a local IP. By default, most routers do not have the capability to route a local IP out of their WAN port (where your 2210 is connected). Additionally, they may be on completely different subnets. After you have made the changes to the 2210 you can then connect the router and configure it for use with FastAccess. There are several alternative ways around this problem but they both have major liabilities. One method involves extra equipment (second NIC and a hub) and major configuration changes. The second method requires you to utilize the router as a simple switch and use the 2210's PPPoE and DHCP functions. Click here for more information and detailed instructions.
•If you encounter any problems, simply reset the 2210, connect it directly to your NIC, restart your computer, log into the interface and start over again.

Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 Configuration
Step 1
Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down the 2210 and the computer(s). Power up the modem and press the default reset button on the back of the modem for 10 seconds. After the modem has fully reinitialized, connect the 2210 to the NIC and then power up the computer.

Step 2
Open a browser application and enter "" in the address field.

Step 3
Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net" in the User ID field. Enter your BellSouth Password in the Password field. Re-enter your BellSouth Password in the Confirm Password field. Click on Next. Update the Auto Calender Update Configuration as desired and click Next. The modem will try to initiate a session and then return to the main menu.

Step 4
Click on Broadband DSL Line from the top menu. Click on Configure Connection from the right menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom. This will automatically restart the modem and the interface will return after the changes are saved. Note: functions like NAT, DHCP, IP Passthrough, and username and password will be disabled or irrelevant and can not be selected. After the modem has restarted, power down both the computer and the modem then physically disconnect the 2210.

Section 3 - Linksys Router Information
Step 5
When the computer is completely powered down, connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC using a straight CAT5 cable. Power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds. (actual placement of reset button may vary).

Step 6
Important Note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router, and your screen shots may be slightly different. However, the process and configurations are the same. The settings shown are the basic connectivity requirements for Internet access. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt, enter admin in the Password field.

Step 7
On the Linksys Setup page, select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter the recommended 180 seconds in the Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Important Operational Note: If your model has the ability to manually enable MTU size you should select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 (or less) in the Size field. The MTU fields are not shown on the screenshot below and may be on a different menu tab. Click on Apply to save the changes. You should get a "Settings are successful" message. Click on Continue (if required).

Section 4 - Connections and Power Up

Step 8
Power everything down and physically connect the 2210, the router, the wireless NICs and any computer(s). You can utilize both with wireless and wired connections with this setup, if desired.

Click for full size
Pictures by Andy Houtz

Step 9
Power up the network equipment in this order:
•2210 Modem (wait until Ready light goes steady green)
•Linksys Router•Computer(s)
•Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu, then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
•Go surfing!

Important Additional Information
•The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
•The 2210 has an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the 2210. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session, the light will stay off. This is normal.
Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
•You should recheck your tweak settings in order to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Thanks for the info. I used this method approx. 1 month ago and yesterday I lost my connection. After several hours of troubleshooting, Bellsouth told me ther must have been an update which caused the Motorola modem to refuse the bridging method. I then spoke with my IT department at work and they gave me a simple way to bridge the router instead of the modem. After resetting both the modem and the router, I configured my bellsouth information and left the configure connection information alone. I then followed your steps #6 and #7 which are still legit to configure the router. I powered everything down, modem, router and computer. Then I ran an ethernet cable from the modem to one port in the router. I then hooked the ethernet cable from my desktop into another port on the router. Then I hooked my xbox 360 into another port. I then powered up the modem first until all the lights were solid green (except the Internet light). Then I powered up the router, then the pc. Low and behold it worked! I then tested my sons psp for the wireless access and 100% signal. I'm leaving this feedback in hopes that you would add this information for anyone else who may be struggling through this. Thanks for all the information that you have provided. Excellent stuff!

    2009-02-05 17:19:38

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-10-11 16:02:13

Instructions for setting up a BellSouth configured Westell 2100/2200/6100 (Models A90-210030-04, B90-220030-04, B90-610030-06 and C90-610030-06, respectively) with a very popular Linksys (BEFSR41v.2) router. Other Linksys routers (including wireless routers) are similar and can use the basic setup of this FAQ. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys based network for FastAccess DSL. Any additional setup for features like WEP, DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware. Several steps in this FAQ are dependent on the Westell model number and firmware. Please follow the instructions for your specific model and firmware. It is highly recommended you click here and update your Westell firmware. More detailed information about the Westell is available here.

This FAQ has 4 Major sections:
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Westell modem configuration
Section 3 - General router configuration information
Section 4 - Connections and power up

Section 1 - Overview

•The best configuration for networking a Linksys router(or any other external router) with the Westell is to set the Westell to "Bridged Ethernet" mode and allow the Linksys to do the routing and DHCP functions. The Westell is also a router with full DHCP functions and may not function correctly when connected directly to another router. Not changing the modem to Bridged Ethernet may result in double NAT'ing, increased latency, possible IP conflicts, or possibly a network that doesn't work at all.
•Both the Westell and Linksys router must be set to default by pressing the reset button for approximately 30 seconds. Despite what the help desk tech tells you, resetting the modem does not put it into Bridged Mode.
•The BellSouth Installation CD and Connection Manager are not required to use this configuration.
•Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers.
•You must connect the Westell directly to the computer's NIC to make the necessary changes before you connect the router, because you will probably be unable to access the modem interface after you connect the router. The reason is that the modem interface is which is a local IP. By default, most routers do not have the capability to route a local IP out of their WAN port (where your Westell is connected). Additionally, they may be on completely different subnets. After you have made the changes to the Westell you can then connect the router and configure it for use with FastAccess. There are several alternatives around this problem. One method involves extra equipment (second NIC and a hub) and major configuration changes. The second method requires you to utilize the router as a simple switch and use the Westell's PPPoE and DHCP functions. Click here for more information.
•If you encounter any problems simply reset the Westell, connect it directly to your NIC, restart your computer, log into the Westell interface, and start over again.
•More information about the Westell is available here.

Section 2 - Westell Configuration

Step 1
Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down the Westell and the computer(s). Power up the modem and press the reset button on the back of the modem for 10 seconds. After the modem has fully reinitialized connect the Westell to the NIC and then power up the computer.

Step 2
Open a browser application and enter in the URL address field to access the Westell interface. If you are unable to access the interface check here and make sure your NIC is set to "Obtain an IP address automatically". If that is set correctly and you still can not connect to the Westell interface, reboot the computer (or release/renew) to obtain a new IP.

Step 3
This step is dependent on your specific Westell model number and firmware.

Westell 6100 Procedure: Click on Broadband DSL Line from the top menu. Click on Configure Connection from the right menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom.

Westell 2100 or 2200 Procedure: Click on Expert Mode from the menu and confirm that you want to enter Expert Mode. Click on Configure from the menu and then Connection in the sub-menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom. Important Information: You will not be able to access Expert Mode if you are using Internet Explorer 7. This is a known issue, however no new firmware is available to correct the problem. Click here for more information.

This will automatically restart the modem and the interface will return after the changes are saved. Note: functions like NAT, DHCP, IP Passthrough, and username and password will be disabled or irrelevant and can not be selected. After the modem has restarted, power down both the computer and the modem then physically disconnect the Westell.

Section 3 - Linksys Router Information

Step 4
When the computer is completely powered down, connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC and power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 20 seconds (exact placement of the button differs per model). The follow screen shots are taken from a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be different.

Step 5
Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be slightly different, however the process and specific configurations are the same. Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter "admin" (without quotes) in the Password Field.

Step 6
On the Linksys Setup page select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter 180 seconds Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Important Operational Note: If your model has the ability to manually enable MTU size you should select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 (or less) in the Size field. The MTU fields are not shown on the screenshot below and may be on a different menu tab. Click on Apply to save the changes. You may get a "Settings are successful" message, click on Continue (if required).

Section 4 - Connections and Power Up

Step 7
Power everything down and physically connect the Westell, the router, and any computer(s) as shown below.

Westell 2100 shown. Pictures by Andy Houtz

Step 9
Power up the network equipment in this order:
•Westell Modem (wait til the ready light is steady green)
•Linksys Router
•Open a browser session and try to surf. If you do not have a connection enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
•Go surfing!

Important Additional Information
•The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
•The Westell 6100 has an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the Westell. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session the light will stay off. This is normal and does not effect your connection.
Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
•You should recheck your tweak settings in order to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.

Andy Houtz

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-10-11 16:02:49

Instructions for setting up a BellSouth supplied Westell 2100/2200/6100 (Models A90-210030-04, B90-220030-04 and B90-610030-06/C90-610030-06, respectively) with a popular Linksys Wireless (BEFW11S4) router. Other Linksys routers are very similar and can use the basic setup of this FAQ. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys-based network for FastAccess DSL. Any additional setup for features like WEP, DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware. Several steps in this FAQ are dependent on the Westell model number and firmware. Please follow the instructions for your specific model and firmware. It is highly recommended you click here and update your Westell firmware. More detailed information about the Westell is available here.

This FAQ has 4 Major sections:
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Westell modem configuration
Section 3 - General Linksys router configuration information
Section 4 - Connections and power up

Section 1 - Overview
•The best configuration for networking a Linksys router (or any other external router) with a Westell is to set the Westell to "Bridged Ethernet" mode and allow the Linksys to do the routing and DHCP functions. The Westell is also a router with full DHCP functions and may not function correctly when connected directly to another router. Not changing the modem to Bridged Ethernet may result in double NAT'ing, increased latency, possible IP conflicts or possibly a network that doesn't work at all.
Make sure you secure your wireless network. Click here for the Linksys Wireless Security Guide.
•Both the modem and router must be reset to default by pressing the reset button for approximately 30 seconds.
•Despite what the help desk tech tells you, resetting the Westell does not put it into Bridged Mode.
•The BellSouth Installation CD and Connection Manager are not required to use this configuration.
•The Linksys Installation Wizard CD is not required (nor recommended) for this configuration.
•Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers.
•You must connect the Westell directly to the computer's NIC to make the necessary changes before you connect the router, because you will probably be unable to access the modem interface after you connect the router. The reason is that the modem interface is which is a local IP. By default, most routers do not have the capability to route a local IP out of their WAN port (where your Westell is connected). Additionally, they may be on completely different subnets. After you have made the changes to the Westell you can then connect the router and configure it for use with FastAccess. There are several alternative ways around this problem but they both have major liabilities. One method involves extra equipment (second NIC and a hub) and major configuration changes. The second method requires you to utilize the router as a simple switch and use the Westell's PPPoE and DHCP functions. Click here for more information and detailed instructions.
•If you encounter any problems, simply reset the Westell, connect it directly to your NIC, restart your computer, log into the Westell interface and start over again.
•More information about the Westell is available here.

Section 2 - Westell Configuration

Step 1
Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down the Westell and the computer(s). Power up the modem and press the default reset button on the back of the modem for 10 seconds. After the modem has fully reinitialized, connect the Westell to the NIC and then power up the computer.

Step 2
Open a browser application and enter in the URL address field to access the Westell interface. If you are unable to access the interface check here and make sure your NIC is set to "Obtain an IP address automatically." This may require you to reboot the computer (or release/renew) to obtain a new IP.

Step 3
This step is dependent on your specific Westell model number and firmware.

Westell 6100 Procedure: Click on Broadband DSL Line from the top menu. Click on Configure Connection from the right menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom.

Westell 2100 or 2200 Procedure: Click on Expert Mode and confirm that you want to enter Expert Mode. Click on Configure from the menu then Connection in the sub-menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom. Important Information: You will not be able to access Expert Mode if you are using Internet Explorer 7. This is a known issue, however no new firmware is available to correct the problem. Click here for more information.

This will automatically restart the modem and the interface will return after the changes are saved. Note: functions like NAT, DHCP, IP Passthrough, and username and password will be disabled or irrelevant and can not be selected. After the modem has restarted, power down both the computer and the modem then physically disconnect the Westell.

Section 3 - Linksys Router Information
Step 4
When the computer is completely powered down, connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC using a straight CAT5 cable. Power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds. (actual placement of reset button may vary).

Step 5
Important Note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router, and your screen shots may be slightly different. However, the process and configurations are the same. The settings shown are the basic connectivity requirements for Internet access. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt, enter admin in the Password field.

Step 6
On the Linksys Setup page, select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter the recommended 180 seconds in the Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Important Operational Note: If your model has the ability to manually enable MTU size you should select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 (or less) in the Size field. The MTU fields are not shown on the screenshot below and may be on a different menu tab. Click on Apply to save the changes. You may get a "Settings are successful" message. Click on Continue (if required).

Section 4 - Connections and Power Up

Step 7
Power everything down and physically connect the Westell, the router, the wireless NICs and any computer(s). You can utilize both with wireless and wired connections with this setup, if desired.

Westell 2100 shown. Pictures by Andy Houtz

Step 8
Power up the network equipment in this order:
•Westell Modem (wait until Ready light goes steady green)
•Linksys Router
•Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu, then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
•Go surfing!

Important Additional Information
•The Westell 6100 has an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the Westell. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session, the light will stay off. This is normal.
Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
•The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
•You should recheck your tweak settings in order to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.
Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Half of Section 1, a critical section, will Not print using Control - p. Getting this document on a working PC to be used on another, 30 minutes apart

    2016-01-10 08:22:04

  • Thanks for the tutorial! it helped me get the perfect setup for my Wrouter TP-LINK and dsl modem Zhone 6211, my modem did entered bridge mode after just reseting i just had to change the VCI to 33 instead of 35 default, then i configured my TP-LINK router with your steps.

    2013-05-13 20:55:42

  • Awesome!!! Very good and easy to follow!

    2011-07-07 20:43:47

  • The first sentence in the first step of the FAQ clearly states "Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically"". Additionally, it is also a hotlink that tells you exactly how to verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically".

    2010-01-03 01:21:53 (FAQFixer See Profile)

  • Never fails. I ask for help then figure it out. On the NIC card you might want to say to check the "Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically" button also. Otherwise great writeup. I never would have figured this out. Especailly changing the modem settings. I had to download Firefox to accomplish that.

    2010-01-02 19:08:41

  • I have done everything in this procedure and still cannot get internet connectivity with my Linksys 54G. I can see the wireless network, it connects, but will not connect with the network. This procedure is very straight forward. Only issue was that I needed to change the IP to in order not to get a PPPoE error. Help

    2010-01-02 18:31:00

  • You people are awesome...these instructions worked perfectly for my old bellsouth westell modem/router and my linksys 54wrt54gl router! thank you very much and pleaes keep up the good work. neither att nor linksys are helpful.

    2009-05-25 14:18:14

  • omg this helped so much u are the best!

    2009-05-20 20:41:26

  • Perfect instructions! Great job!

    2009-04-11 20:22:45

  • The information contained in this article was exactly right on target! I forgot my password and had to reset my wrt54g linksys router with my bellsouth 6100 router. Bellsouth was no help as they don't provide support for the linksys and they want me to pay for their wireless router. I had some troulbe locating this article but once I found it this provided the answer. Thanks so much. Frank Walters

    2009-02-11 07:19:01

  • when I type in into the address window I just get a google search instead of the westell interface you talked about.

    2008-08-02 11:40:27

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-10-11 16:00:48

The most important thing you can do to eliminate problems on your wireless network is to secure the access to it. The link below has a quick security guide for common Linsys wireless devices such as the WRT54G, BEFW11S4 or WAP11 v2.2

Linksys Wireless Security Guide

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2005-03-03 09:03:58

Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.

Configuration of a Linksys router depends on the type of broadband service and other equipment connected. This is a generalized Linksys Router FAQ and some firmware, capabilities, and actual screen shots may vary. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys based network for FastAccess. Any additional setup for features like WEP, DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. Other FAQs may be more appropriate and provide more specific information:
•If you are using a BellSouth supplied Westell 2100/2200/6100 modem please reference the FAQ here.
•If you are using a BellSouth supplied Motorola/Netopia 2210 modem please reference the FAQ here.
  • If you here IFITL (PCData) service please reference the FAQ here.
  • Both the modem and router must be reset to default.
  • The BellSouth Installation CD and Connection Manager are not required to use this configuration.
  • Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers.
  • You will be using the PPPoE client built into the Linksys router for connectivity/authentication. Please delete any other unused PPP clients like Enternet300, RASPPP, or the native XP client.

    Section 1 - Linksys Router Configuration

    Step 1
    Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Power down the router and any PCs. Connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC and power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds (exact placement of the button differs per model).

    Step 2
    Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be different, however the process and configurations are the same. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter admin (without quotes) in the Password Field.

    Step 3
    On the Linksys Setup page select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter 180 seconds Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. If your model has the ability to adjust MTU size (not shown below) select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 in the Size field. Click on Apply to save the changes. You may get a "Settings are successful" message, click on Continue (if required).

    Section 2 - Physical Connections and Power Up

    Step 4
    Power everything down and physically connect the modem, the router, and any computer(s).

    Westell 2100 shown. Pictures by Andy Houtz

    Step 5
    Power up the network equipment in this order:

  • Westell or Motorola Modem (wait for DSL synch)
  • Linksys Router
  • Computer(s)
  • Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
  • Go surfing!

    Important Additional Information
  • The Westell 6100 and Motorola 2210 modems have an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the Westell. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session the light will stay off. This is normal.
  • Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
  • The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
  • You should check your tweak settings to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.

    Andy Houtz

  • Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
    • Thank you so much for the information that got my wireless router back up and kicking again! It took me awhile (never ignore the urging to upgrade your firmware!) but I am back in biz. I do so much of my work from home (I'm a newspaper editor) that having a wireless modem is a must if I want to put my feet up for a bit. The directions were easy, and the visuals helped me as well. I'm only *somewhat* computer tech-savvy, and AT&T will NOT help if you ask them ("It's not our equipment and we're not qualified to tell you how to use it"). Now ... if you could just get my HD converter box to pick up the TV signals from 20+ miles away... 8-) Thanks again -- you rock! Rebecca -- Indiana

      2011-08-04 00:21:59

    • Thanks so much just changed to DSL and go figure my free tech support expired April 2010, so in order to further assist me they wanted me to fork out $40 for 6mo or $30 for 2wks! WTF

      2011-01-06 20:29:34

    • Nice.. the linksys web interface is a bit different now. See this - http://www.toolsbysk.com/skipser/pages/Harsh_6/posts/general/how-to-setup-linksys-router.html

      2010-12-20 04:25:41

    • thanks for the article!!!!!!! Surya

      2010-12-16 13:26:18

    • Many thanks! I've used this twice to save having to give Cisco a bunch of money!

      2010-12-02 15:30:54

    • Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Hours of frustration and then I came across your article. Thank you!!!

      2010-11-27 22:31:04

    • This article was a Godsend. Thanks so much for helping me since Bellsouth was no help at all.

      2009-11-21 15:09:01

    • nice and yasy thanks

      2009-06-12 21:18:13

    by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2009-10-11 16:03:49

    IFITL (known as "PCData") is an extended 10Mb half-duplex Ethernet broadband service. IFITL is functionally similar to a standard Ethernet LAN connection and it does not require a modem like DSL. PCData requires a PPPoE client which will be configured on the router. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys based network for PCData. Any additional setup for features like WEP, DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc is out of the scope of this FAQ. The BellSouth Installation CD and Connection Manager are not required to use this configuration. Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers. Important Note: Due to specific firmware issues, not all Linksys routers are compatible with IFITL. You should run the latest firmware available and check with Linksys if you have any questions. Please check the Linksys Download Website update instructions.

    Section 1 - Linksys Router Configuration

    Step 1
    Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down all computers and connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC and power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds (exact placement of the button differs per model).

    Step 2
    Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be different, however the process and configurations are the same. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter admin in the Password Field.

    Step 3
    On the Linksys Setup page select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter 180 seconds Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Finally, click on Apply to save the changes. You may get a "Settings are successful" message, click on Continue (if required).

    Section 2 - Connections and Power Up

    Step 4
    Power everything down and physically connect the router to the wall plate and to any computer(s).

    Pictures by Andy Houtz

    Step 5
    Power up the network equipment in this order:
  • Linksys Router
  • Computer(s)
  • Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the main menu and check the login status. If the current status is "Disconnected" click on the Connect button to log in to BellSouth.
  • Go surfing!

    Additional Important Information
  • The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You should manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less).
  • You should check your tweak settings to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you require changes to your MTU, make sure you set the same value for all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.

    Andy Houtz
  • by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2008-06-24 14:38:18

    Finding and setting the correct MTU for your PC and router is one of the most important tweaks you can make to your network. An improper MTU can cause a multitude of problems ranging from email to browsing to using a VPN. When you set your MTU you must make sure the MTU is identical on all PC NICs and your router. To find your optimum MTU please click here.

    Very Important Notes:
    •Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.
    •Some Linksys router models have an "Auto" MTU capability that does not function correctly and will create erratic speeds and performance. You must enable the "Manual MTU" function and manually enter 1492 (or less).

    Step 1
    Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be different, however the steps and configurations are the same. Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter "admin" (without quotes) in the Password Field.

    Step 2
    Click on the Advanced tab from the menu.

    Step 3
    Select the Filters tab and find MTU. Select "Enable" and enter your result from the ping test in the text field. Click Apply. The router will restart with the new settings.

    Step 4
    When you receive the confirmation pop-up click on Continue.

    You're finished.

    Andy Houtz

    Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
    • Yes the password admin doesnt work if someone has changed it from default, ask your admin or whoever set up the router

      2011-08-18 00:06:16

    • The password isnt working for me...

      2009-06-16 18:38:21

    • The "admin" password did not work. I tried several times.

      2009-06-16 10:13:40

    • Well I went through this whole step by step process and I am still not getting good results. I am trying to fix my xbox 360. I did the ping test and added 28 and it still fails. you can reach me at Dirt8889@gmail.com

      2008-09-30 00:53:48

    by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2008-10-21 09:24:49

    Tips for using Linksys SR11/41/81 and their other routers with FastAccess:
    (Stay tuned, major revision to the FAQ is coming, thanks, FROSTY)

    Default Router setup page:
    Default login: password = admin (no username required)

    Menu Structure:

    Password -> Enable / Disable UPnP services (Windows XP Internet Gateway)
    DHCP Server

    Forwarding -> Port Triggering -> UPnP Forwarding
    Dynamic Routing
    Static Routing
    DMZ Host
    QoS (SR81 and others)
    MAC Address Clone

    To obtain the latest firmware, goto the Linksys download page and select your product from the list:

    Known stable firmware releases:
    BEFSR41/11 (v1/v2) - firmware 1.40.2, 1.42.7, 1.44.2, 1.46.2
    BEFSR81 (v1/v2) - firmware 2.40.2,, 2.44.2, 2.45.10

    Other 'B' routers - Revision levels similar to the above work well, except for newer v3 devices. Firmware revision numbers and the page layouts are different.
    Other 'W' routers - Totally different firmware base and revision numbers. The setup pages are similar to the structure above, yet the layout is different.

    Goto the Linksys forum for more info on devices and firmware not listed:

    The x.44.2 is a proven revision, very solid. The x.40.2 is a stable firmware too, yet certain vulnerabilities exist in this revision. The x.42.7 and higher revisions include ALG and UPnP support. Plus some fixes for XP and certain NICs. The ALG is used by FTP server software, MSN Messenger v4, and other special requirement applications. Messenger v5 uses UPnP exclusively. Because Messenger uses UPnP, no ports need to be forwarded to make file transfers, voice, and audio features work.

    Past revisions and other various downloads can be located on the Linksys FTP site. The following are the two most common locations for firmware and drivers for all their products:


    BEFSR11/41 (v1/v2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 1402.zip (1.40.2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 1427.zip (1.42.7)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 442z.zip (1.44.2 Zone Alarm support)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 1442.zip (1.44.2 No Zone Alarm support)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· code.bin (1.46.2)

    TFTP firmware loader (BEFSR41 v2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· Tftp.exe

    BEFSR41 (v3)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· code.bin (1.05)

    TFTP firmware loader (BEFSR41 v3)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· Tftp.exe

    BEFSR81 (v1/v2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 2402.zip (2.40.2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 4271.zip (
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 442z.zip (2.44.2 Zone Alarm support)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befs ··· 2442.zip (2.44.2 No Zone Alarm support)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· code.bin (2.45.10)

    TFTP firmware loader (BEFSR81 v2)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· Tftp.exe

    BEFSR81 (v3)
    »www.bellsouthpwp.net/b/l ··· 2455.ZIP (2.45.5 - Not on Linksys FTP)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· code.bin (2.50.2 - Bug warning)

    TFTP firmware loader (BEFSR81 v3)
    »ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/netw ··· Tftp.exe

    A note about 2.50.2, it has bugs. UDP streaming fails with games such as CounterStrike. Some users experience slow throughput with this firmware due to an internal MTU issue. If problems arise with 2.50.2, go back to 2.45.5 until a newer firmware is released.

    General firmware upgrade notes
    Be sure to make notes of all the settings in the router prior to upgrading the firmware or changing options. When upgrading the firmware, it is recommended to disconnect from the Internet and power off your modem. Resetting the router to factory defaults before the firmware loading procedure ensures a clean firmware upgrade or downgrade. After the process has fully completed, remove power from the router, wait 30 seconds, then restore power. Proceed to reconfigure the router prior to powering on the modem and attempting to access the Internet.

    In the event of a firmware loading failure, refer to these FAQs from the Linksys forum:
    »Linksys FAQ »Help! My router is dead after I upgraded firmware!
    »Linksys FAQ »The Loooooooong Reset to the rescue

    When using the router's PPPoE support, make sure no PPPoE client software, such as Enternet 300 or RASPPPOE is installed. For XP PPPoE, simply disable that particular profile in Network Connections and Internet Explorer. On the main setup page in the router, leave the Host and Domain name fields empty. For the username field, be sure to enter username@bellsouth.net

    Connection Timers:
    If the Connect on Demand timer is used, set the value to at least 15 minutes, preferably 30 minutes or higher. If using the Keep Alive timer to maintain the connection 24/7, set the value to 180 seconds. If the Keep Alive timer is set low, for example 30, the router can cause a login failure or even a hung PPPoE session. At this point, remove power from the router and modem, wait five minutes, then restore power to the modem. Wait for sync then restore power to the router. If still unable to connect, call the Fastaccess helpdesk and ask them to reset your line.

    When the PPPoE connection is configured for Connect on Demand, any attempt to access the Internet will trigger the login process. From the Status web page, the connection can be monitored, disconnected, and connected. In Keep Alive mode, the router will automatically attempt to connect after initialization. Plus it will attempt to connect after quickly pressing the reset button, a settings change that rebooted the router, or restoring power.

    Reset button:
    Quick press and release = Reboot Press and hold for 3 to 5 seconds = Reset to defaults

    There is a hidden log setup page with extra options:

    In rare cases, when logging is enabled and the log IP set to 255 (use internal log only), the router may lockup. Disabling the logging, or setting up a PC to receive the log solves this problem.

    Security advice:
    Change the router's default password from admin on the Password page. Disable the Remote Management and Remote Upgrade options on the Filters page. Leave Block WAN Requests (BWR) enabled to block incoming ping. This option also changes how the routers respond to port scans. Disabled usually reports closed, while enabled usually reports stealthed. The SPI option on the Filters page found in older firmware and some newer routers will render the router practically invisible to the Internet. Old firmware with SPI has its drawbacks, port forwarding is shutdown and the WAN IP cannot be pinged even if Block WAN Requests is disabled. Some claim a 'dummy IP' for the DMZ increases security, in reality it can cause problems. In the most recent firmware releases, there are a few new options on the Filters tab. The Ident port 113 filter stealths the commonly reported open port 113. The NAT redirection filter stealths ports that have been forwarded on the port forwarding, UPnP forwarding, and port triggering pages.

    With x.40.2 firmware and up, the router will automatically use a WAN MTU of 1492 when the WAN connection type is set to PPPoE. For PCs, there is usually no need to change the MTU of network cards to 1492. In some cases, the NIC MTU night need to be changed for VPN clients. A RWIN set to 36300 works well in most cases for the Lite, Ultra, and Extreme FastAccess DSL plans.

    SPI and Block Wan Requests from the Filters page will need to be disabled for certain games and applications. Same applies to the NAT redirection filter. If games and applications fail to work properly, even when ports are forwarded or triggered, try disabling NAT redirection filtering, SPI, and Block WAN Requests one at a time in that order. IRC should work with the Ident port 113 filter enabled, yet if problems arise disable the Ident port filtering.

    Port Triggering:
    Try to use port triggering instead of port forwarding when possible. The ports are only forwarded when needed and do not require Static LAN IP addressing. Some suggest using the UPnP forwarding, this is a user preference. If UPnP services are disable on the password page, don't use UPnP forwarding.

    Steps to finding which port(s) can be used for the trigger(s):
    Reboot PC.
    Open a command prompt, type: netstat -a
    Make notes of which ports are in use.
    Now, leaving the command prompt open, run the application or game.
    Switch back to the command prompt and type: netstat -a again.
    New ports in the foreign address column could be used as the triggers for port triggering.

    Create an auto login shortcut to the router:
    »Tip: login without password

    The phishing patch for Windows released in early 2004 breaks the auto login from a shortcut. A registry change is required after this patch has been applied to restore this functionality of Windows:
    »What patch broke this?

    To access a modem connected to the WAN port of a Linksys:
    »Linksys FAQ »How do I access a modem that is connected to the WAN port of a Linksys Router?

    by FROSTY See Profile
    last modified: 2006-04-10 18:26:24

    Important Note: Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Although this FAQ uses the Linksys BEFSR41 router as an example, the procedures and processes are the same for almost all of the Linksys router product line. Only the firmware file names will be different.

    Step 1
    Go to the Linksys Download Website. Use the pull down to select your specific router.

    Step 2
    Select your Operating System from the OS pull down menu.

    Step 3
    Click on the Firmware link.

    Step 4
    You will be taken to a page with several links about the firmware including the firmware itself, release notes, upgrade instructions, and the upgrade utility (sometimes name setup wizard). Download the firmware and the upgrade utility files and save them on your PC. Open the upgrade utility file (which is an .exe). This will initiate a pop-up window which starts the wizard.

    Step 5
    Type "admin" (without quotes) in the Password field. Important Note: If you previously set a different administrator password please use that password. Select the location of the firmware you downloaded in the file field. Click Upgrade.

    Step 6
    The firmware will now be uploaded to your Linksys. Do not stop or cancel the upgrade process. After the upgrade is complete a confirmation pop-up window will appear. Click OK

    Congratulations, you have successfully updated your Linksys router. You may have to reestablish customs settings to the router configuration after the firmware update.

    Andy Houtz

    by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2005-07-26 11:27:29

    Maybe. If you're experiencing connectivity problems you should confirm the following before you change the default IP address:
    1. Make sure the Westell and Linksys set up correctly as per the FAQ shown here for wired routers and here for wireless.
    2. Make sure you are running the newest firmware from the Linksys Download Website.

    If you are still experiencing problems change the default IP from the standard to and save the settings. You may want/have to restart the Westell and PCs after the changes.

    Reminder: Access the Linksys interface after the change will be via (not

    Andy Houtz

    by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2006-06-09 19:43:48

    If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors when using a Linksys router it may be the MTU setting. Some Linksys models have an "Auto" MTU capability that does not function correctly and you must enable the "Manual MTU" function and manually enter 1492 (or less). To isolate whether the Linksys is causing the issue you should remove the it from the network and retest after connecting your computer directly the the modem.

    Very Important Notes:
    •Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.
    •When you set your MTU you must make sure the MTU is identical on all PC NICs and your router.
    •The preferred method of utilizing a Linksys router in conjunction with another DSL Modem/Router is to configure the DSL Modem/Router for "bridged ethernet" mode and let the Linksys handle the PPPoE connection and higher routing functions.

    Step 1
    Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be different, however the steps and configurations are the same. Open a browser session and enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter "admin" (without quotes) in the Password Field.

    Step 2
    Click on the Advanced tab from the menu.

    Step 3
    Select the Filters tab and find MTU. Select "Enable" or "Manual" (depending on model) and enter your MTU in the text field. Click Apply. The router will restart with the new settings. Two common model menus (BEFSR41 and WRT54G) and are shown below. Remember, your menu may be slightly different, but the overall process is the same. Do not leave it on Auto (even if 1492 is shown in the number field).

    BEFSR41 Menu Example

    WRT54G Menu Example

    Step 4
    When you receive the confirmation pop-up click on Continue.

    Andy Houtz

    Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
    • At my parents for Christmas and they have continual problems with their connection. I couldn't take it anymore. Pulled this page up on my phone and it was a total life saver ! Thanks.

      2010-12-26 09:00:24

    • I have done everything down to the crossing the I's and dotting the T's still get zero connection on westell 6100 and linksys wrt54gs. set manual at 1492. I will have one bit of question though I went through a program on the computer (I do not remember how I got there though), and saw the computer MTU set at 1500 or 15.00 not sure which way I am thinking the latter. r/ Gary (mrwrenchhead@yahoo.com)

      2009-12-24 22:46:30

    by FAQFixer See Profile
    last modified: 2009-10-11 22:19:23

    See the Linksys FAQ for additional help and information.

    by Andy Houtz See Profile
    last modified: 2003-06-10 08:33:30