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Instructions for setting a BellSouth supplied Motorola/Netopia 2210-02-1006 with a popular Linksys (BEFSR41v.2) router. Other Linksys routers (including wireless routers) are very similar and can use the basic setup of this FAQ. This initial setup is all that is needed to configure and connect your Linksys based network for FastAccess DSL. Additional setup for features like DHCP IP ranges, port triggering, etc are out of the scope of this FAQ.
Important Linksys Note
Due to some operational issues it is VERY important that you have the latest firmware on your Linksys router. Please go to the Linksys Download Website and ensure you have the newest firmware.
Cool stuff before you begin
An online menu simulator for the 2210 is available here. The simulator recreates the user interface and provides the ability to navigate menus; just like the real modem interface. It is for simulation purposes only and will not make any changes to your actual modem.

This FAQ has 4 Major sections:
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 modem configuration
Section 3 - General router configuration information
Section 4 - Connections and power up

Section 1 - Overview

•The best configuration for networking a Linksys router(or any other external router) with the Motorola/Netopia 2210 is to set the 2210 to "Bridged Ethernet" mode and allow the Linksys to do the routing and DHCP functions. The Motorola/Netopia 2210 is also a router with full DHCP functions and may not function correctly when connected directly to another router. Not changing the modem to Bridged Ethernet may result in double NAT'ing, increased latency, possible IP conflicts, or possibly a network that doesn't work at all.
•Both the 2210 and Linksys router must be reset to default by pressing the reset button for approximately 30 seconds. Despite what the help desk tech (or anyone else) tells you, resetting the modem does not put it into Bridged Mode.
•The BellSouth Installation CD is not required (nor recommended) to enable this configuration.
•Since BellSouth assigns static IPs via your username the configurations shown are applicable to both dynamic and single static IP customers. Do not hard code a static IP in the router.
•You must connect the 2210 directly to the computer's NIC to make the necessary changes before you connect the router, because you will probably be unable to access the modem interface after you connect the router. The reason is that the modem interface is which is a local IP. By default, most routers do not have the capability to route a local IP out of their WAN port (where your 2210 is connected). Additionally, they may be on completely different subnets. After you have made the changes to the 2210 you can then connect the router and configure it for use with FastAccess. There are several alternative ways around this problem but they both have major liabilities. One method involves extra equipment (second NIC and a hub) and major configuration changes. The second method requires you to utilize the router as a simple switch and use the 2210's PPPoE and DHCP functions. Click here for more information.
•If you encounter any problems simply reset the 2210, connect it directly to your NIC, restart your computer, log into the 2210 interface, and start over again.
Cool stuff before you begin!
An online menu simulator for the 2210 is available here. The simulator recreates the user interface and provides the ability to navigate menus; just like the real modem interface. It is for simulation purposes only and will not make any changes to your actual modem.

Section 2 - Motorola/Netopia 2210 Configuration

Step 1
Verify that your NIC card is set to "Obtain IP Address Automatically". Completely power down the 2210 and the computer(s). Power up the modem and press the reset button on the back of the modem for 10 seconds. After the modem has fully reinitialized, connect the 2210 to the NIC and then power up the computer.

Step 2
Open a browser application and enter "" in the address field to access the 2210 User Interface .

Step 3
Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net" in the User ID field. Enter your BellSouth Password in the Password field. Re-enter your BellSouth Password in the Confirm Password field. Click on Next. Update the Auto Calender Update Configuration as desired and click Next. The modem will try to initiate a session and then return to the main menu.

Step 4
Once at the main menu, click on Broadband DSL Line from the top menu. Click on Configure Connection from the right menu. Select "Bridged Ethernet" from the Protocol pull down. Click on Save and restart the connection at the bottom. This will automatically restart the modem and the interface will return after the changes are saved. Note: functions like NAT, DHCP, IP Passthrough, and username and password will be disabled or irrelevant and can not be selected. After the modem has restarted, power down both the computer and the modem then physically disconnect the 2210.

Section 3 - Linksys Router Information

Step 5
When the computer is completely powered down, connect one of the router's LAN ports to the computer NIC and power up the router and then the computer. Reset the router to default by pressing the reset button for roughly 25 seconds (exact placement of the button differs per model).

Step 6
Important note: The following screen shots are based on a Linksys BEFSR41v.2 router and your screen shots may be slightly different, however the process and specific configurations are the same. The settings shown are the basic connectivity requirements for internet access. Open a browser session and enter in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. At the Username and Password prompt enter admin (without quotes) in the Password Field.

Step 7
On the Linksys Setup page select PPPoE from the WAN Connection Type pull down. Enter your BellSouth Username followed by "@bellsouth.net". Enter your BellSouth Password. Select Keep Alive and enter the recommended 180 seconds in the Redial Period field. Do not enter anything in the Host Name or Domain Name fields. Important Operational Note: If your model has the ability to manually enable MTU size you should select Enable or Manual and enter 1492 (or less) in the Size field. The MTU fields are not shown on the screenshot below and may be on a different menu tab. Click on Apply to save the changes. You will get a "Settings are successful" message, click on Continue (if required).

Section 4 - Connections and Power Up

Step 8
Power everything down and physically connect the 2210, the router, and any computer(s) as shown below.

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Step 9
Power up the network equipment in this order:
•Motorola/Netopia 2210 Modem (wait til the ready light is steady green)
•Linksys Router
•Open a browser session and try to surf. If you do not have a connection enter "" in the address field to access the Linksys Interface. Click on the Status tab from the menu then click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
•Go surfing!

Important Additional Information
<•The Linksys "Auto" MTU capability does not function correctly on some models/firmware. You must manually enable the MTU and adjust the size to 1492 (or less). If you are experiencing slow/erratic speeds, constant disconnects, or receive a "Can not obtain IP address from the server" or "PPPoE negotiation fail" errors click here.
•The Motorola/Netopia 2210 has an "Internet" light that is green whenever there is an active PPPoE session initiated by the 2210. Since you are using the Linksys to establish the PPPoE session the light will stay off. This is normal.
Do not change the Linksys Operating Mode from Gateway Mode (default setting) to Router Mode, or it will not function correctly.
•You should recheck your tweak settings in order to optimize your new network. Reminder: If you change your MTU, make sure that it is set identically on all equipment (PCs and routers) in the network.


Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • thank you sooo much been trying to rest wifi to this modem for 3 weeks couple tries but it worked thank you thank

    2016-10-22 22:06:00

  • Troy H.'s comment #2 about a bug in the Motorola firmware also seems to apply to the Motorola 3360 model. Only by following his steps did I get mine to work!

    2012-06-12 16:56:36

  • This was great info and a HUGE help! I had a Siemens DSL modem which kicked the bucket, so I had to buy a new DSL modem. It's a Motorola 3360. I set it up but none of my stuff could connect to the internet. I had to call ATT again and they said I had to set my Windows machine network connection to obtain a DHCP address. So I did that and I could get to the internet. I told them I need to use static IP addresses for some of my machines. Of course, they offered to sell me some static IP addresses, but I told them "No thanks!". And of course, they can't help you with any 3rd party stuff. I found this article, changed the PPP Location setting for my new modem from "modem", to "PC, router or gateway". I hooked my Win and Linux boxes back up to my Linksys router, cycled power on the modem and router and now everything is working the way it's supposed to. Thanks again for this info!!!

    2011-11-18 21:29:37

  • I'm using a motorola 2210 and a wrt54gs linksys router and I try to change the password on the router when it is in PPPoE as is supposed to be done, but everytime I hit the save settings the password I just typed in is replaced by this long bit of gobbledeegook that I can tell is not the password I typed in. Has anyone experienced this cause at&t tech support was baffled and told me to contact linksys.

    2011-09-15 22:23:43 (mockforce See Profile)

  • I can't thank you enough. I was banging my head against the wall until I found this FAQ.

    2011-09-04 11:33:49

  • thank you. you're awesome. our internet has been sucking for a minute now and i think it's all better.

    2011-06-13 19:55:53

  • Thanks! Just replaced an old Speedstream modem with the 2210. You would think they would tell you this!!! Thanks again!!!

    2011-06-05 21:38:05

  • THANK YOU!!! You made my life so much easier!! After over an hour of trying other people's directions I stumbled upon yours and it was SO easy!! Thanks again!!

    2011-06-04 00:37:40

  • I found that the problem was caused because the 2210 and my Linksys wrt54g were both routers. I switched the IP address of the Netopia 2210 from to and that solved the problem. (The Linksys is Now on the 2210, I have to log in using

    2011-05-14 19:06:24

  • YOUR THE MAN! Thank you for the insight on how the two routers interfaced. No one at tech support hinted that I might need to do more than use PPPoE and use host and Domain Names, which you said not to use. The bridged internet tip for the 2210 and the explict instructions were followed with instant results. I've been using computers since punch cards and DOS and by no means am a GEEK but I do have enough insight to understand what's going on. Your post is what I needed to make it happen. May the sun always shine for you. Thanks, Steerclr.

    2011-04-01 22:34:45

  • I am using DD-WRT on my Linksys with AT&T DSL from North Carolina. A lot of these FAQ's are somewhat out of date because there is new firmware on the Motorola modems coming from AT&T now. I couldn't even get help from the techs via phone on this because all of their notes are for the old firmware. I was the one doing the support for them on the call I had. I got my connection working last night on my own though and hopefully this will help newer customers out. 1. You need to goto "PPP Location" from the advanced menu of the Motorola and select "PPP on the computer/router". This is really bridged mode they just refer to it this way in the new modem firmware. 2. I think there is a bug in the firmware of the Motorola modem. Despite the fact that I had disconnected, selected "PPP on the router", and rebooted the modem a couple of times the modem would still reestablish the dsl connection using my saved username and password. This caused the authentication on the router to fail because you can't connect twice. I couldn't get my router to handle the authentication via PPPoE until I entered in a bogus username and password on the modem connection configuration so it would fail to connect. It wouldn't allow me to leave them blank. You need to enter in the bogus credentials and hit the disconnect button while "PPP on the modem" is selected (If you select "PPP on the router" you won't see the option to disconnect from DSL etc.). After you perform those steps switch back to "PPP on the router/computer", and then let the router handle the authentication through PPPoE. I would have figured this out earlier if DD-WRT Micro displayed a proper warning or error that it couldn't authenticate. Linksys might do a better job of this. -Troy H.

    2011-03-09 08:34:02

  • I performed the same on Linksys WNDR3700 and Motorola 2210-02-1022 The power cycle of both after enabling bridge mode and configuring PPPoE on the router was key. Thanks very much.

    2011-02-04 21:35:34

  • for the last 2 years i thought it's not possible. i had to use another modem. Till today!!! It works!!!!

    2011-01-24 20:00:57

  • Thank You sooooo much. I had to redo everything because my son reset both my dsl and my router and screwed everything up because he couldn't get on the Internet anymore. I changed my wireless password because I didn't want him to use the Internet anymore. So he thought he would fix the problem himself instead of coming to me first. I am pretty good at fixing this stuff myself but this time I was pulling my hair out. I called Linksys and they told me it would cost me $29.99 for them to help me out with one of their products that was no longer under warranty. Needless to say, I didn't give them my money. So thanks again for your help. If it wasn't for people like you we would all be up a creek.

    2011-01-12 11:03:19

  • Wow... you are the BEST! Hours and hours trying this and that... *Linksys tech support wouldn't help b/c my router is over a year old and AT&T wouldn't support a 3rd party router. Very clear w/ relevant tips and details - kudos :-)

    2011-01-04 23:37:58

  • Dear God, thank you. Just got the router (used) from a family member. Nothing in the setup indicated what REALLY needed to be done; DHCP was assumed. Once I had the router set to PPPoE, and the modem set to bridged, voila!. A million times, thank you! If only I had read this first, would've saved me almost two hours.

    2011-01-03 09:40:59

  • Thank you so much for this advice and the forum feedback. After having to drag my modem around, I finally was able to use my wireless router. To the user that mention that its the NETWORK PASSWORD, THANK YOU!! I had no idea what was going on until I read your comment!

    2010-11-03 21:09:10

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. I spent 2 hours on the phone with the Linksys people, and they were still unable to get the router to act as a router instead of a switch. This was very well explained and worked perfectly. Now I don't have to call them back!

    2010-09-26 09:19:34

  • The password that you use in the router needs to be something other than the password that you use as a login password. It is a "network password" that is provided to you when you use the CD to set up the modem. If you don't use that, then it does not work. And if you put it in wrong first and then try to change it, AT&T will recognize you but take you to a att.motive.com website to try to fix it. So I suggest that you use the CD to get the modem going first, and make sure that you are connecting to the internet via the modem. Then go into modem setup to do the bridge mode. And write down the network password when it is displayed on the screen. Then you put that network password in the PPPoE password field in the router setup.

    2010-09-16 14:55:09

  • guys,,, you just saved me $30. great was easy and very fast. Tanks so much

    2010-08-28 19:09:55

  • Hello, I just have to thank you for the very informative tutorial on this type of set up. Eventhough this is with the use of a Linksys router, this also worked for a Belkin Wireless G router that I'm currently using. Now I am able to open ports for the game that I am playing; again thanks for the awesome tutorial... and if you do need a version for the Belkin... I will be more than happy to provide it. My email is ryo_wildfire2000@yahoo.com

    2010-07-14 17:10:56

  • Thanks! Hours of tech support with experts didn't work, but your article did! Keep up the good work.

    2010-06-15 14:41:28

  • Not feedback, but thank you so much for writting this guide. The 2210 was a pain to configure.

    2010-03-07 21:17:57

  • After 1.5 hours of knowing what was wrong, but not how to fix it I found your site. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Well written, great screen shots, and perfect amount of detail. Very nicely done! You are a life saver!

    2010-02-05 07:48:32

  • This worked great! Thank you so much for posting it.

    2010-01-30 16:26:45

  • Thank you so much! After hours of fooling around and not getting anything right I stumbled across this FAQ which was word for word what I needed. Thank you again!

    2010-01-30 00:25:57

  • Why bother if the netopia had nat and sp1 it is the same exact thing as the linksys router

    2009-12-17 16:27:09

  • Oh, by the way, between step 5 & 6, I had to plug in the modem to the router and turn it on--couldn't access the router page without it. And for step 7, I had to figure out that I needed to leave my network settings at DHCP. Just so you know. Thanks again!

    2009-12-08 18:37:07 (graphoniac See Profile)

  • I know it's been said, but THANK YOU. I too spent hours on the phone with an Indian paper-reading tech support. I too fried a router with power cycling and resetting as per instructed. And I too got fed up. Thanks to google, I found this site, and thanks to Airwolf7 I found this article. 15 minutes later, I have my router working. And I didn't even need a migraine pill after! Thanks so much!!

    2009-12-08 18:35:37 (graphoniac See Profile)

  • Step 7, with my Linksys setup, I had to enter in the CONNECT USING field

    2009-11-11 20:46:56

  • Thank You SO MUCH!!! I spent over two hours on the phone with some Indian person from Linksys who I could not understand the other day. They told me the router (their product) was defective and to return it. I took it back and exchanged it. Same results, one more hour on the phone, and same feedback from another person I couldn't understand. Following your setup instructions I was up and running in 15 minutes. Thanks again. Tim McFarlin

    2009-09-13 14:44:42

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. For a geek to take 9 hours to do a fifteen minute job was unacceptable. Eight hours and fourty five minutes of cussing, yelling, wanting to choke the life out of someone, etc. Fifteen minutes to write down your instructions and set up the router. I really appreciate your "stick figures" explanation. I feel comfortable sending all but the most computer illiterate here, and will link to this on my blog. Thanks again, Frank Stroupe fstroupe.com Hardware Reviewer ThinkComputers.org OCIA.net

    2009-03-31 19:55:00

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by FAQFixer See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2011-02-11 09:48:01