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This FAQ is for configuring your NIC to automatically obtain an IP. In most situations, NICs should be set to automatically obtain an IP address when using a router with DHCP functionality. This FAQ has two sections:

Section 1 - NIC Properties for Windows95/98/ME
Section 2 - NIC Properties for Windows2000/XP

Section 1 - NIC Properties for Windows95/98/ME

Step 1
Click on Start ->Settings ->Control Panel ->Network

Step 2
Right click on desired Local Area Connection and select Properties. Scroll down and look for the first entry marked Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) that is associated with your ethernet port (ignore dialup, AOL, and VPN type bindings). Select the correct Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) entry and click on PROPERTIES.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 3
Click on the IP ADDRESS tab and select Obtain an IP address automatically. Click OK.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 4
Close all windows and restart the PC.

Section 2 - NIC Properties for Winows2000/XP

Step 1
Click on START -> SETTINGS -> NETWORK CONNECTIONS. Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.

Step 2
On the General tab highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click PROPERTIES.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 3
On the General tab select Obtain an IP address automatically. Click OK.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 4
Close all windows and restart the PC.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • what about for vista?

    2009-11-12 21:52:13

Expand got feedback?

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-05-20 11:01:10