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General Information

•Two distinctly different STHs (K model or G model) are supported by BellSouth and their firmware can not be interchanged. If you are unsure which model you have you can download both firmware versions or click here to determine which model you have.

Download SpeedTouch Home G Model Firmware
Download SpeedTouch Home K Model Firmware

•The update process will require you to 'Remove' the passive version, 'Upload' the new version, then 'Switch' the firmware.
•If you are unable to access the STH make sure your NIC is properly configured and PC is connected directly to the modem via a straight thru ethernet cable. Click here for more information.

Standard Upgrade Procedure

Step 1
Disconnect from the Internet and unplug the DSL phone line going into the modem.

Step 2
Log into the modem by entering » in the browser address field. Click on Upgrade. (If you are unable to access the STH make sure your NIC and PC are properly configured as stated above).

Step 3
Take notice of the Active software version entry as it determines which firmware is appropriate for your modem. If it starts with K use the KHDSDA3.270, if it starts with G, use the GV8BAD3.270. Click Remove Passive from the top menu.

Step 4
Confirm that the Passive software version is now empty. Click Browse and locate the appropriate firmware. Click Upload.

Step 5
Confirm that the firmware just uploaded is now the Passive software version. Click Switch Over and wait. Don't turn off the modem. The passive firmware will be uploaded and replace the current active firmware and it may take up to 2 to 3 minutes. In some cases, all lights on the modem will go off for a minute or two. Eventually the modem will act like it was just 'powered on' going through the normal solid red, blink red, solid orange, then green sequence for the power led.

Firmware Upload Failure Procedure

If by chance the modem refuses to upload the firmware, then there is another procedure that must be done via the telnet interface to get the modem to accept the new firmware:
  • Log into the modem via telnet

  • At the User: prompt press enter

  • At the [Password :] prompt press enter if no password has been defined via the STH webpage interface

  • At the => prompt type software (enter)

  • =>software (enter)

  • [software]=>deletepassive (enter)

  • [software]=>cleanup (enter)

  • [software]=>exit (enter)

  • => (press CTRL+C to close the telnet session)

Now you should be able to upgrade the firmware normally. Follow the procedures as shown in Steps 4 and 5 above.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Firmware is now accessible on http://ftp.bellsouth.net/archive/firmware/ instead of the provided link.

    2011-08-29 20:31:19

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by FROSTY See Profile
last modified: 2004-12-02 16:19:58