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There are three sections to this FAQ:
Section 1 Commands for accessing the STH line statistics
Section 2 Screen capture of required commands
Section 3 General line statistic information

To obtain line statistics from the Alcatel STH modem, a command-line interface (CLI) via telnet must be utilized. Important Note: If you are using a separate router in conjunction with your modem must connect the modem directly to a single PC in order to access the modem's interface. Additionally, to access the data the modem must be in Expert (Trace & Debug) mode. You must have the challenge code before you can proceed with this FAQ. Please reference the STH Expert Mode FAQ to obtain the challenge code or if you are unable to telnet into the STH.

If all the information and procedures listed above are too complicated or you simply don't want the hassle there is a third party program called Alcatool that provides a GUI alternative available here.

Section 1 - Commands for Access to Line Statistics

Important notes:
All command prompts are case sensitive!
Do not type the quotation marks with the commands!

Telnet procedures:
Open the Run Command by clicking on Start then Run.
Type cmd in the field.
A DOS window will open. Type telnet at the prompt.
You'll see the User prompt. Do not enter anything and simply hit Enter. If you see a password prompt, enter the system password you set.
You'll see a banner on the screen with a => prompt below the banner.
Depending on firmware version you will type in one of two commands to enter Expert mode.
  • Type "EXPERT" (upper case) at the prompt if you have firmwares .261 or below.
  • Type "td prompt" (lower case) at the prompt if you have firmwares .264 or above.
After you enter the proper command, you'll see a screen similar to this (varies by firmware):

Access to expert mode is intended for qualified personnel
only. Press ENTER to return to user mode.

'SpeedTouch (00-90-D0-12-34-56)'
Password :

'SpeedTouch (00-90-D0-12-34-56)' is the modem number used in the STH Expert Mode FAQ to obtain the challenge code.
Type in the challenge code at the Password: prompt.
Type "tdsl" at the prompt.
Type "golden on" at the tdsl> prompt.
The modem will restart. Do not continue until synch light stops flashing and is solid green.
Type "exit" at the tdsl> prompt.
Type "golden" at the prompt.
Type "operational_data" at the golden> prompt. This will bring up your line statistics that will look similar to the information shown below.

    Operational data report : near end (Downstream)
    Attainable line rate : 6628 kbit/sec
    Attainable Atm rate : 6176 kbit/sec
    Used line rate : 1764 kbit/sec
    Fast used Atm rate : 1472 kbit/sec
    Interleaved used Atm rate : 0 kbits/sec
    Rel. capacity occupation : 27
    Noise Margin : 21 dB
    Line attenuation : 35 dB
    Output Power : 7 dBm

    Operational data report : far end (Upstream)
    Attainable line rate : 864 kbit/sec
    Attainable Atm rate : 768 kbit/sec
    Used line rate : 348 kbit/sec
    Fast used Atm rate : 256 kbit/sec
    Interleaved used Atm rate : 0 kbits/sec
    Rel. capacity occupation : 41
    Noise Margin : 19 dB
    Line attenuation : 30 dB
    Output Power : 1 dBm

Type "exit" at the golden> prompt.
Type "tdsl" at the prompt.
Type "golden off" at the tdsl> prompt.
The modem will restart. Do not continue until synch light stops flashing and is solid green.
Type "exit" at the tdsl> prompt.
Type "NORMAL" (upper case) at the prompt.
Type "exit" at the prompt.
Use CTRL+C keys to close the telnet session with the STH.

Section 2 - Screen Capture of Required Commands

Important notes:
All command prompts are case sensitive.
Remove the quotation marks from entries that are typed.

Section 3 - General Line Statistic Information

Attainable Line Rate (AKA Synch Rate)
This is the maximum rate at which your modem can connect to the DSLAM if there was no service provisioning limiting the bandwidth. Anything over 2,000Kbps is considered good. The higher the number the better.

Used Line Rate
Your Used ATM Rate (actual service rate) plus bandwidth to cover the overhead and provisioning of the service.

Fast Used ATM Rate
Actual bandwidth at which your service has been provisioned. The actual number can vary a little depending how you are physically serviced. If there is a number here that also means your connection is "fastpathed".

Interleaved Used ATM Rate
Actual bandwidth at which your service has been provisioned. The actual number can vary a little depending how you are physically serviced. If there is a number here that also means your connection is "interleaved".

Relative Capacity Occupation
Percentage of your overall available bandwidth used to obtain your service ATM rate. For example; if your max line synch rate was 5888Kbps and you were provisioned on a 1472Kbps service you would be using 25% capacity. 1472/5888=25% capacity. The lower the relative capacity the better, but you can still get maximum speeds (although a less stable connection) even with a very high relative capacity. In other words you could be synching at 1472Kbps with 98% relative capacity and achieve maximum speeds, but you may experience more disconnects.

Noise Margin (AKA Signal to Noise Ratio)
Relative strength of the DSL signal to Noise ratio. 6dB is the lowest dB manufactures specify for modem to be able to synch. In some instances interleaving can help raise the noise margin to an acceptable level. The higher the number the better for this measurement.

Line Attenuation
Measure of how much the signal has degraded between the DSLAM and the modem. Maximum signal loss recommendation is usually about 60dB. The lower the dB the better for this measurement.

Output Power
How much power modem (upstream) or DSLAM (downstream) is using. Maximum recommended is about 15dB. The lower the power the better for this measurement.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • The password is supposed to be blank(default value), so I simply hit enter when prompted for password. Now I got "invalid username/password"). What I can do now?

    2008-04-09 12:16:39

Expand got feedback?

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2005-11-23 00:01:12