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If you are using an Alcatel SpeedTouch Home (without a router), a PPPoE client such as NTS, WinPoet, or RASPPPoE, and are experiencing stalls and freezes while surfing or connected, it may be that your NIC is not configured correctly. You must set a Static IP on your NIC. If you have it incorrectly set for "Obtain IP automatically" it will be looking for a DHCP server that does not exist. During the time the NIC is searching for the DHCP server you will experience stalls and freezes. An incorrect NIC settings will also cause the PC to take a longer time to boot up.

This FAQ has two sections:
Section 1 - NIC Properties for Windows95/98/ME
Section 2 - NIC Properties for Windows2000/XP

Section 1 - NIC Properties for Windows95/98/ME

Step 1
Click on Start ->Settings ->Control Panel ->Network

Step 2
Once at the Network Window scroll down and look for the first entry in the box marked Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) that is associated with your hardware ethernet card (ignore dialup, AOL, and VPN type bindings). Select the correct Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) entry and click PROPERTIES.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 3
Select the IP ADDRESS tab. Select Use the following IP address and enter and into IP address and subnet mask fields respectively. Do not click on OK yet.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 4
Select the GATEWAY tab. Enter into New Gateway field and click on Add. Click OK.

Step 5
Close all windows and restart the PC.

Section 2 - NIC Properties for Winows2000/XP

Step 1
Click on START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL -> NETWORK CONNECTIONS. Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties

Step 2
On the General tab highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click PROPERTIES.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 3
Select the GENERAL tab. Select Use the following IP address and enter,, and into IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway fields respectively. Click OK.

Actual screen shots may vary

Step 4
Close all windows and restart the PC.

Andy Houtz

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • 585 v6

    2009-03-31 00:46:23

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by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-11-26 08:43:51