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  1. Install the NIC.

  2. Load the NIC drivers. (from floppy, cd, etc.).

  3. Reboot if prompted.

  4. On your open the Network Properties dialog box. (from Control Panel select Network or right click Network Neighborhood on your desktop and select Properties)

  5. Select the TCP/IP that's connected to your network card and click Properties.

  6. Select the "IP Address" tab and select "Specify an IP address" and insert "" for "IP Address" and "" for "Subnet Mask".

  7. Select the "WINS Configuration" tab and select "Disable WINS Resolution".

  8. Select the "Gateway" tab and remove any gateways installed.

  9. Select the "DNS Configuration" tab and select "Disable DNS".

  10. Select the "Advanced" tab and check "Set this protocol to be the default protocol".

  11. Select the "Bindings" tab and uncheck "File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks" as well as "Client for Microsoft Networks". You will need "Microsoft Family Login" or something else to bind to TCP/IP; otherwise you'll get an error. For file and print sharing use the NetBEUI protocol.

  12. The remaining tab "NetBIOS" does not matter here.

  13. Click "OK" and "OK" again and Windows will prompt you to reboot. Reboot.

  14. From the NTS CD... Go to the Windows directory and double click PPPoE. Otherwise double click PPPoE from the directory you downloaded it to.

  15. Take all default selections. (Keep hitting enter)

  16. Reboot.

  17. Go to the EnterNet 300 folder on the desktop.

  18. Double Click the icon.

  19. Enter a name such as "BellSouth Fast Access".

  20. Enter your ID and Password.

  21. Select the NIC. (If asked)

  22. Once youre back in the EnterNet 300 folder. Click on settings and select the top two items. (Optional)

  23. Drag the Fast Access icon to the desktop. (Optional)

  24. Start Internet Explorer and select Tools and then Internet Options. Or go to the Control Panel and select Internet Options.

  25. On the Connections tab select "Never Dial A Connection".

  26. Click the LAN Settings button and Uncheck the "Automatically detect settings" box.

  27. Surf!

  28. AOL Option: Change connection to LAN - TCP/IP.

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by tomsprat See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2003-04-13 09:19:42