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Note: It should not be necessary to configure the modem if it was purchased directly from BellSouth.

This installation guide will assume that the modem is set to the factory default IP address of If that is not the case or you are unsure, you will need to perform the "Ping-of-Line" procedure outlined in section 6.1.1 of the SpeedTouch Home Users Manual to reset the IP address to the factory Default, before continuing with these instructions.

You will also need to insure that the modem is connected to the network card in your PC and powered on. See Chapter 3 in the SpeedTouch Home Users Manual for more details.

  1. Make sure that the network card in your PC that the modem is connected to is assigned an IP address in the 10.0.0.x range with a subnet mask of Please refer to the SpeedTouch Home NIC Configuration FAQ if you are unsure how to accomplish this task.

  2. Open your browser and point it to the IP address of the Modem (

    You should see the modem configuration Welcome to the World of ADSL page.

  3. Before adding the new configuration entries, the old entries must be deleted. First, click the "Bridge" button in the menu on the left hand side of the page.

    On the Bridging Ports configuration page, if an entry is present for "Br1", click the "Delete" button for that entry to remove it.

    Next, click the "Phonebook" menu button on the left side of the page.

    If an entry is present on the Phonebook page for "Br1", click the associated "Delete" button for that entry to remove it.

  4. Add a new Phonebook entry for "Br1". Enter the appropriate values in the fields at the bottom of the Phonebook table and click the "Add" button.

    • Name - Br1
    • VPI - 8
    • VCI - 35
    • Type - Bridge

  5. Return to the Bridging Ports Page by clicking the "Bridge" button in the menu on the left side of the page.

  6. Add an entry for "Br1" to the Bridging Ports page. Enter the appropriate values in the fields at the bottom of the Bridging Ports table and click the "Add" button.

    • Bridge Port - Br1
    • Encap - LLC/SNAP
    • FCS - NO

  7. Ensure that the Bridging Ports entry for "Br1" is set to "Forwarding.

  8. Click the "Save All" button in the menu on the left side of the page.

  9. Reboot the modem by turning it off and then back on.
The modem is now configured properly for use with the BellSouth FastAccess DSL service. You must now either install a PPPoE client like Enternet or RASPPPOE on your PC to connect with BellSouth or attach the modem to a properly configured broadband router.

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by leevis See Profile edited by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-06-09 09:35:31