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Nicole Antoine

Undergraduate Education Officer

About me

Hey, I'm Nicole (pronouns she/her), your current Undergraduate Education Officer!

Before beginning this role I was extremely active in several societies as well as being on various committees, being the Vice-President of Music Theatre Bristol and the Wellbeing and Equalities officer for the Gymnastics society last year. Additionally, I was also involved in volunteering with the Make a Smile society and have had experience being the course rep for my course.

I completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology in Education at Bristol and have just finished my Masters in Neuroscience and Education, with my research focus being neurodivergence, particularly autism, learning, memory and child development. I am especially interested in widening participation and have done a lot of work with the university as being one of their ambassadors.

As your Undergraduate Education Officer, I represent undergraduate students on academic and welfare matters and ensure undergraduate students are represented at every level of Bristol SU and the University. 

My Priorities

Increase Access to Study Spaces

  • Throughout the year increase the awareness of already existing study spaces to students, by creating platforms of information awareness, such as an online ‘study map’, which is shared in a centralised way, so it is easily accessible for students.
  • Lobbying the university to extend the opening times of one study space to students during peak exam times by assessment period 2.

Improve Student Satisfaction with the Academic Assessment Process

  • Ensuring marking criteria of assessments are clear through local examination of talking to reps, academics and students for their feedback and relaying that information back to the relevant spaces and committees.
  • Ensuring feedback is delivered in set times frames, as well as examining the discrepancies amongst schools and faculties, by checking in with students in the first around of assessments and then in the second to compare any change done from departments.
  • Working with the relevant staff to ensure the feedback provided to students is useful, meaningful and clear.
  • Chosen as an area of focus as per the 'Your Priorities' survey conducted in 2023 62% of students selected assessments are their number 1 priority and 47% selected teaching & learning quality as their second choice.
  • Additionally, providing general support around assessments through promotion of SU and university academic support already in place, whilst also promoting spaces of relaxation and non-academic focused activity encouraging down-time between assessment periods.

Ensuring Student Choice is Essential to University Decision-Making

  • Using feedback from several sources such as the National Student Survey (NSS) and Big Bristol SU survey to inform and feed into institutional decisions, as well as providing a feedback loop to those students involved demonstrating the importance of their input into the completion of such feedback measures.
  • Using avenues such as focus groups and regular drop-in sessions to gather feedback and up-to-date insight of student’s opinions and experiences, feeding them back to important stakeholders and university decision-making bodies.
  • Working with our current student representative systems, such as course reps, faculty reps and academic societies to ensure an effective way of working with each other ensuring student representation is reflective consistently at all levels.
  • Through my attendance of the University Academic Quality & Standards Committee ensure that student feedback is considered in relation to discussions about quality and standards.

What I've Been Working On

With the help of some of our fab SU colleagues, I ran an exam breakfast for students where they could come and take free breakfast items such as pastries, porridge, tea and coffee. Tash, our wellbeing coordinator also ran a wellbeing corner for students to chat and play games with her. We saw over 250 students in under an hour!
I helped run the Reparative Futures event, the universities new £10 million pound programme aimed at targeting anti-racism in Bristol. The event was free for students and staff to attend and involved discussions, networking finishing with free food.
The finder page! The new study spaces finder tool is now up and running for students to use, to make their lives that bit easier when trying to find a desk to work from.

What have I done so far?

September 2022
  • I finalised out new collective priorities with rest of the officer team
  • I welcomed new Undergraduates and congratulated those who received their results on the Officer Instagram account
  • I introduced and launched our officer Instagram account for this year
  • I answered questions from students via an Instagram Undergraduate Q&A session
  • I started to mapping out welcome events and preparation
  • I met with Bristol SU staff to discuss continuing support for the Bristol Champions and a plan of action for the year
  • I sat on my first University Academic Quality and Standards Committee with the  university, discussing important changes for the academic year
  • I helped prepare for and organise the Black Students Mingle that took place during Welcome week
  • I attended Student Leadership residential, meeting the other important student leaders such as some of the Network Chairs and Faculty Representatives
  • Throughout welcome week I spoke at several subject and accommodation welcome talks, introducing myself and Bristol SU. 
  • I helped run The Black Students Network Mingle which happened during welcome week. 
  • I attended various other events, mingles and Give-it-a-go sessions during welcome, getting the opportunity to meet students.
  • I attended the university staff liaison group, discussing important plans for the academic year ahead. 
  • My highlight of Welcome was the Welcome Fair - getting to see all the amazing societies and what they have to offer for members, as well as meeting everyone in person!
October 2022
  • I sat on the University Education Committee ensuring the student voice was imbedded in crucial university plans.
  • I spoke and gave a presentation on the SU and our priorities at the Life Sciences Assembly.
  • I began to contribute towards the roadmap of decolonising work in the library and curriculum.
  • I met with the library services and study skills team and began to plan support surrounding academic and assessment help. 
November 2022
  • I began to create a plan for my research into academic student services and support.
  • I fed in student voice during discussions of assessment planning and design with the university.
  • I began to create a plan for continued decolonising work with the university, in the curriculum and library.
  • This year Bristol is re-applying for its TEF award through the scheme, and I have been working closely with the University on their submission as well as leading on the accompanying student submission 
  • I spoke at graduation ceremonies, sharing an inspirational speech which I wrote myself! It was scary but so fun!
  • I have been planning my research on study skills and library support around the university, getting plans into place to implement this research.
  • I have organised a drop-in taking place on the 9 December at 13:00-15:00 in the SU Living Room in Senate House! Students can come and speak to me about anything in-person. It’s also a focused opportunity to relay any feedback relating to my research surrounding study skills and library support.
  • I gave a speech about belonging at the Temple Quarter Inclusive Campus workshop
December 2022
  • I ran an officer drop-in session open to all students who wanted to chat or ask any questions, with a specific focus on education services at the Uni - there were also tonnes of snacks ;)!
  • I have been working with the Black Students Network committee on their plans for the year and how we can work in partnership with the University to achieve the best possible outcomes for students.
  • I helped facilitate a forum with the Black Students Network, discussing topics of unity across campus, decolonisation of the curriculum and anti-racism progress.
  • Alongside the rest of the officer team, I met with the University of Bristol’s Vice Chancellor, Evelyn Welch, and updated her on what we have been working on over TB1 and plans for TB2.
  • I sat on the Education Network Committee with other part-time officers such as course reps and network chairs and updated them on my current projects.
  • I went to Exeter and met other sabbatical officer teams from the Southwest and discussed how we could collectively help each other on major issues such as cost of living and the housing crisis.
  • I went to my first university court where I was able to contribute towards discussions of educational disadvantage in the city, as well as network with other university staff related to my remit.
  • I have been helping to support students who have been affected by strikes, signposting appropriate information where I can.
  • I attended Senate, which is an important meeting with senior staff at the university, to discuss several topics. During this meeting I accounted for student representation and consideration.
  • I have been working with the SU and university staff on strike support and organisation, ensuring students have all the necessary support and information.
  • I have begun planning the creation of a Study Skills video, which will be recorded and rolled over the next couple of months. 
  • I have been working closely with the university and Black Students Network on decolonising work and collaboration for a roadmap of the year ahead.
  • I have been assessing decolonisation work in the library and further steps the University can take in this area, as well increased student voice and representation in these decision processes. 
  • I have been working with the university on their Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) submission as well as being the student lead on the student submission for the TEF.
  • I have begun to plan and assess Mental Health Support around assessments and will be having continued discussions and planning in TB2.
  • I have been working with the Head of Study Skills about their services and promotion of the work they have been doing for students, as well as planning a video on promotion of their services which will be rolled out in TB2. 
  • With the help of SU staff, I ran a mini consolation on hidden course costs, in alignment with our officer priorities surrounding the cost-of-living crisis. 
  • The rest of the officer team and I met with the VC to update her on our work and priorities. 
  • I have been having discussions with other officers from the southwest on buses and transport in Bristol and what we can do to put in effective and affordable measures for students.
January 2023
  • I met with the rest of the officer team to discuss sustainability plans for Climate Day of Action and Sustainability Month.
  • I met with the University’s widening participation co-ordinator for plans on commuter students and facilitating social events for commuter and Bristol-based students. 
  • I have been regularly attending meetings with the University on student support for strikes and how we can work together to mitigate the circumstances for students in the best possible way. 
  • I met with the officer team to discuss plans about wellbeing and wellbeing month.
  • I spoke at the Biological Sciences Assembly, sharing information about the SU, my role and priorities for TB2.
    We met as an officer team to discuss cost of living plans for TB2, I had a particular focus on hidden course costs. 
  • I took part in the Give it a Go! sessions during the Give it a Go! Takeover Day, which was so much fun! I took part in pole, aerial hoop, traditional Indian dancing, henna and so much more :)
  • I attended the Student Experience Committee and fed into discussions, ensuring there was a focus on student voice. 
  • I attended the Careers/DARO workshop and participated in discussions surrounding the partnership and collaboration of the SU and Careers Service, and how we can ensure student voice is at the heart of big decisions. 
  • I attended the Refreshers Fair and helped facilitate discussions of democracy and motion/manifesto ideas.
  • I sat on the interview panel for a new member of staff. 
  • I attended Standing Committee which met with some of the part-time officers to deliver updates to each other.
  • I met with the Vice Chancellor Evelyn Welch, alongside library and study skills staff in the Arts and Social Sciences library (ASSL), discussing the roadmap ahead for the library and academic support offered to students and what this will look like going forward.
  • Alongside the officers we discussed plans for our wellbeing campaign and what that will look like.
  • I helped finalise and review the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) process and submission, which has now been sent off for review and we will find out how we did and what we scored in late summer of 2023.
  • I attended University Learning and Teaching Committee (ULTC) away day lunch, with university staff discussing areas such as restructuring of the academic year and the new study skills services which will be rolled out this upcoming academic year.
  • As part of my trustee duties I attended the People, Culture and Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, and contributed to discussions surrounding these subject areas.
  • I attended the Student Experience Committee (SEC), ensuring the university had a student focus when discussing important matters regarding the future of the university.
  • I met with SU staff regarding the universities future plans for attendance tracking and how this will plan out in the next academic year. 
February 2023
  • I met with the new faculty head of Arts to discuss future plans of NSS and student satisfaction in the faculty, and how this can be improved and worked on to ensure students have a better quality of learning and teaching as well as experience.
  • I attended the Industrial Action Task Force group with the university and discussed the current updates surrounding strikes.
  • I attended the student communications meeting.
  • I attended the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) alongside the officer team, SU staff and our reps.
  • I spoke at the graduations which was super exciting and an amazing experience to be part of!
  • Alongside Saranya, I fed into discussions surrounding the Black Students Network Wellbeing Week event.
  • I was part of a recruitment panel for a senior finance position at the university.
  • I ran several student focus advisory groups on student’s opinions/ of the academic, library and disability support at the university, which involved student participants who were paid for their time and the findings were written up into a report and disseminated around professional services and academic staff.
  • I attended standing committee.
  • The officer team met with Evelyn Welch to discuss our updates and progress with our current projects.
  • I met with the chief finance co-ordinator of the university, discussing matters of financial transparency and budget at the university. 
  • Alongside the help of our social media and marketing team, I put together and recorded a study skills video which has been distributed on various platforms and I will continue to disseminate especially during key exam and assessment periods. This video can be found just above, or on our Bristol SU study page!
  • I have been working with other Sabbatical officers in the Southwest on lobbying the government regarding the buses and the cost and availability of them – met with the metro mayor.
March 2023
  • I attended the Applicant and Student Information Oversight Group (ASIOG) and discussed revisions to the student agreement and what that will look like coming out of post-covid times and re-structuring of the academic year.
  • I met with the universities widening and participation team discussing their Access and Participation plan and how the SU can feed into that.
  • More discussions were had surrounding our wellbeing campaign from which I contributed to.
  • I attended the Student Experience Committee (SEC).
  • I ran in the Bristol SU Elections and spent a week campaigning and sharing my plans for a second term in post.
  • I was fortunate enough to be re-elected as your Undergraduate Education Officer in the Bristol SU elections for 2023-2024 – I am so looking forward to continuing to work on projects of impact and change and getting to work with the fab new officer team!! :)
  • A large amount of my time has been spent on the strikes, working with the university to ensure students are being supported and given the correct, appropriate information during industrial action. With special focus surrounding those hoping to graduate and complete their degree to their next steps, ensuring clarity surrounding the process and next steps.
  • I attended SU-Uni liaison group, where SU and university staff come together to touch base on current plans and projects we are currently working on.
  • I took some time to unwind on holiday post-election madness and was fortunate enough to go Fuerteventura with my family and Skiing with my friends! 
April 2023
  • I met with Saranya and SU staff on the Black Students Network forum planning and how we can help facilitate events for the network, specifically surrounding their upcoming forum where we aim to achieve as much student engagement and traction as possible.
  • I had a meeting with the university surrounding Artificial Intelligence and the Turnitin Tool and how this will affect assessments, as well as examining the future of this on a national level for UK universities.
  • I met with the Widening Participation team at the university and fed into future discussion of their new Access and Participation plan and revisions to be made due to new government educational policy.
  • I sat on the University Education Committee (EDC).
  • I attended Standing committee alongside the officer team and our reps, sharing our current projects and updates, as well as feeding into the voting process for reps and officers to bid for money for projects they are working on.
  • The officer team met to catch up and update each other on what we are working on, addressing any overlap or alignment. 
  • I attended Senate which happens every six weeks, standing as an SU and student representative from which various agenda items were discussed and approved by senior members of staff including the Vice Chancellor and Deans and Head of Faculties.
  • I attended the Industrial Action Task Force (IATF) alongside other university staff and discussed current areas of importance such as student and staff communications surrounding the strikes and how the university and SU can work together in order to help reduce any worries or concerns.
  • I sat on the Student Experience Committee (SEC).
  • I attended the Education Network Committee (ENC), alongside our SU academic staff and amazing part-time reps from which we all updated each other on our projects and progress this term.
May 2023
  • I ran a focus group in the careers service looking at students feedback of the Bristol Skills Framework and how this service can be improved. There were lots of free pizza, snacks and drinks and even a raffle where students one gift vouchers! Was such a brilliant event and I really valued the students feedback and insight into improving and growing the service.
  • I sat on a panel as part of an interview process stage for the hiring of the new Executive Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing - this was a really exciting and interesting day and I really valued being part of the process.
  • I went to Student Council alongside SU staff, the officer team, our reps and students - people submitted some great motions and there were lots of free pizza!
  • I helped plan the Renaming Student Consultation Event with the Black Students Network.
  • I met with the Vice-Chancellor and discussed our current projects and plans this term alongside the other officers.
  • I started to plan and begin my NSS and student satisfaction project with SU and University staff, looking at how we engage students to attend focus groups to gain their feedback.
  • I competed at my first ever competition in Leicester with the Gymnastics Society - scary but so much fun! :)
August 2023
  • I have been regularly meeting with the university, passing on feedback and concerns from the students regarding the strikes, marking and assessment boycott and graduations. In addition to this, I have been putting pressure on the university to ensure students receive the most up-to-date, relevant information, as well as being proving with appropriate links to support if they want to action things further. 
  • I am starting some work looking into the usage of study spaces and libraries on campus, looking at what effective measures can be taken to ensure all students have adequate space to study and work especially during peak assessment periods.
  • I've been organising my drop-in sessions which will be happening on a monthly basis. These will be an opportunity to chat informally and query anything you would like me to take further or investigate to senior university staff for example - there will also be free snacks :) This relates to my individual priority of ensuring that student choice in university decision-making and quality assurance process, by feeding back anything I'm told from students.
  • Myself and Bakhtawar, our International Students Officer, went to Cardiff alongside 23 other Russell Group students union sabbatical officers. We discussed areas of importance and pitched our Bristol SU collective priorities to the other officers, from which as a group we will be working on the areas of fees, funding and industrial relations, international students and cost of living.
  • This month's big win was getting our Bristol SU priorities on the map at the Russell Group Students Union meeting in Cardiff - there was some push back by some unions but we fought hard for our areas of importance that we want to work on at a national level.
September 2023
  • I am working on lobbying the university to extend the open hours of a study centre on campus, to increase the access and usage for students during peak exam and assessment periods. I believe this is something which can holistically benefit students for a number of reasons providing them a safe, warm space, allowing them to build community and socialise, as well as usage of free WI-FI and electronic facilities, and lastly of course a space to prepare for exams and assessments!
  • As an officer team we have managed to secure for another year the cheap meal options which will be rolled out on campus for students and staff to enjoy. You can read more about it on our Cost of Living page.
  • I am helping our sustainability team on the launch of the SU Book Swap initiative, which aims to provide a place for students to swap and share works of fiction and academic materials for free! Join us in the Bristol SU Living Rooms for the launch of our Book Swap on Wednesday 11 October from 12:30 until 14:00! Come take a book for free, and when you're done with it, bring it back or replace it with something different :)
  • I attended the Industrial action task force meeting with the university which discusses industrial action, this meeting had a focus for us around creating communications for students with information about the strikes.
  • I had a meeting with Library services, discussing ways of embedding more student voice in library executive university decisions, as well as how we can work together on my priorities this year.
  • I did an Instagram take over for welcoming new students on the Bristol SU instagram answering your questions and welcome those new students to Bristol and welcoming back those returning 🙂
  • I attended several different talks and events during Welcome Week, such as introductory subject talks and society taster sessions and the welcome fair on Friday, taking part in these events was such a nice way to get to meet students and welcome them to Bristol, as well as letting them know about the officers and what we do. 
October 2023
  • I was part of the Sustainability Champions recruitment process, getting the opportunity to interviews loads of incredible applicants for the role of embedding sustainability in the curriculum of their schools and faculties.
  • I secured more seats in a University Library Decolonisation Working Group for our student reps to be part of and attend, as currently I am the only student voice in the working group, which consists of myself, library staff, senior lecturers and tutors. This group discusses ways in which the university are working on decolonisation in relation to the library, as well as sharing best practice and problem-solving.
  • I presented an item at a University Executive Board (UEB) meeting to senior university stakeholders, specially around student experience and satisfaction, in relation to our recent University of Bristol TEF 2023 result (Teaching Excellence Framework) and National Student Survey (NSS) scores. 
January 2024
  • Myself and the Postgraduate Education Officer Timber, met with the University to discuss the Bristol Teaching Awards (BTA) happening this summer, we discussed how we could involve more students and modes of promotion and sharing the event for more coverage as we both will be presenting awards for the event this year which I am very excited about!
  • I met with the University to discuss the new Bristol Skills Profile, formerly known as the Bristol Skills Framework, and how this would be communities to students and embedded in the curriculum university wide.
  • For promotion of the new Structure of the academic year, Myself and Timber filmed an information video, so students are aware of the changes which will impact them from September 2024. 
  • As part of my campaign in supporting students with their wellbeing around assessment period, I helped organise having dogs come to campus for students to me, and collaborated with our Academic Advice and wellbeing team to facilitate exam breakfasts for students to come and have some free breakfast, as well as the chance to speak to members of staff about their assessments and if they needed any support  - there were lots of free sweet treats, breakfast bits, teas and coffees :)!
  • I met with the University to discuss National Student Survey (NSS) planning and how we can both work together on areas needed for improvement in the NSS, such as assessment and feedback. We will be running workshops with students, and staff to troubleshoot and share modes of best practice.
  • As part of the restructuring and rethinking of the Personal Tutoring system, I met with the university to discuss how we would approach this particularly focussing on schools which have good feedback from students on the system adopting these models university wide.
  • I am currently working on a live tracker and finder webpage for study space usage, so I met with the University this month to discuss that and continue to plan the roadmap for when the website can become live! This will make things much easier for students to find available study space on campus.
  • After 6 months of lobbying the University, they have now agreed to extend the closing times for Senate House on the weekends during the January assessment and exam period, to ensure as many students as possible are able to access student spaces on campus especially during this critical period.
  • I attended and took part in our Refreshers fair, which showcases our amazing services and societies, as well as external organisations all highlighting their offers to students.
  • Saranya and I had our first Access and Participation advisory group meeting, a collaboration project with the SU and University Widening Participation team looking to explore barriers of access to higher education and assessing risk factors.
  • I attended the Codes Executive meeting and contributed to discussions of the new structure of the academic year SAY and how it will play out in practice, as well as the implications for current students.
  • Myself and the rest for the officer team sat on a focus group panel for the role of Pro Vice Chancellor of Global Engagement, from which we interviewed candidates and contributed to the final decision-making process, carefully considering which candidate would be best for students.
April 2024
  • I sat on a shortlisting panel for personal tutors nominated for outstanding personal tutoring for the Bristol Teaching Awards happening the 5th of June! It was really inspiring hearing about the amazing work some personal tutors have been doing to improve the holistic academic experience for students at Bristol.
  • I met with some SU colleagues to discuss my wellbeing around assessments campaign, which will involve a program of different events aimed at encouraging rest and recovery during the very busy academic period. Additionally, it will be promoting other services available to students to help during this time, such as library and study skills. Keep an eye out on the socials and website for information! This will be happening from the 13 - 30 May.
  • I am now part of the Learning Campus Strategy Group, which looks at not only the way the libraries on campus are run now, but also looking at Temple Quarter and the future of study spaces. This group involves senior staff from the University who help map out the logistics of study and library spaces on campus, and I help keep the group student-focused and constantly considering the academic experience of our current student body.
  • I have been working with the university on a tool which allows you to see live study space availability on campus, as well as allowing you the option to book rooms. The link is now live for students to use.