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A Word from Our CEO

Our Vision is to make a real difference to the lives of all students at Bristol.

This has always been important, but it is needed now more than ever. Students’ lives aren’t getting easier and our students, quite rightly, have high expectations of us. This report sets out where we are meeting those expectations and the real difference we are making.

Our excellent staff teams work closely with our full-time officers, our partners across the University and with thousands of student leader volunteers. We are a union where everyone can feel they belong. We create student communities. We provide supportive spaces. Regardless of background, interests, or characteristics, we are a union for all, and this is what we have achieved together this year.

Two years into our strategy and we're continuing to make good progress towards our vision to becoming a Union for All Students.

We've relocated the majority of our staff team, and our student facing services, to the 5th floor of Senate House, bringing us closer and making us more accessible to students on the Clifton campus. We've had record levels of engagement with our events programme, and our intramural sport programme. We've also refined our approach to tracking engagement, using data to inform our decision-making and our representation work, cementing our position as experts in student engagement. 

We’ve made great progress in 2023-24, we're excited by the plans that we have for the future and we're determined to realise our vision.

Ben Piling CEO




students engaged in one or more Union activity


students feel Bristol SU acts in their best interests*


students are satisfied with Bristol SU*

of student group members say being part of a group helped them feel part of a student community

Top 15 university for clubs and societies
StudentCrowd Awards 2024

ever elections turnout

student group memberships

Over 75,000 visits to our Bristol SU Living Rooms

Intramural sport participants

Over 50,000 attendees at Bristol SU events

*Data taken from the Big Bristol SU Survey 2024



The Full Report