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What is Bristol SU?

The University of Bristol Students' Union is a membership organisation democratically led by students like you, supported by a staff team who run the day-to-day activities and services provided by the organisation.

We’re not-for-profit, which means any money we do make during the year goes straight back into improving your student experience. Let’s take a look at what we do…

We're a union for all students

Bristol SU is the world’s only charity focused solely on making the lives of University of Bristol students the best they can be.

We are a Union for all students, here to make sure every one of you has a great time in our incredible city, no matter who you are, or what you like. We take the lead on extra-curricular activity at Bristol – the FUN stuff that you can do alongside your course.

We’re the home of student groups, volunteering, intramural sport, academic advice, campaigns, lettings, student democracy, representation and events.

We support your academic achievement

One of the ways Bristol SU works for you is by representing your academic interests.

Our Academic Advice team is here to inform, advise and guide you on how to get the best outcome from University policies, processes and procedures. Our service is free, confidential and impartial. Whether you want to appeal a mark, need help applying for extenuating circumstances or are looking at making a complaint against the University, we’re here to help.

At Bristol we have and support over 900 student representatives who are here to represent your academic interests and make sure you’re getting the most from your education. They help create student-led change by attending meetings and providing feedback to the University to ensure you’re receiving the best possible academic experience on your course and in your faculty.

We’re the home of campaigning and student representation

Whether you’re a budding climate campaigner or passionate about equal rights we help empower you and your campaigns. From marching through the streets of Bristol against sexual harassment and gender-based violence to events on how to save the planet – no two campaigns look the same and we’re here to support you with yours.

We’re a democratic organisation. That means you elect the students who lead Bristol SU and represent you to the University.

We provide somewhere to relax and socialise on campus

Whether you're looking for a quiet spot to study in, a place to catch-up with a coffee between lectures or somewhere to host a student group event, we've got you covered.

The Richmond Building is our hub for events and activity spaces. Here you’ll find our SU Shop, study spaces, activity rooms, The Anson Rooms and much more. 

You'll find most of our other services over on the 5th floor of Senate House. This is where your elected officer team and Bristol SU’s permanent staff are based.You can also find the Bristol SU Living Room and Bristol SU Loft in Senate House. Come along to relax, unwind, take advantage of kitchen facilities and enjoy the amazing views.

We help you make friends and try new activities

Student groups are a huge part of the student experience, and we have over 350 for you to choose from at Bristol SU. Joining a society, sports club or volunteering project is a brilliant way to meet like-minded people and maintain an active social life whilst also developing new interests and skills. Whether you want to continue with an existing hobby, or find something new, we can help you with that.

Volunteering is a great way to get more involved in the local community. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer throughout the year whether you are able to commit regularly, or want to join a one-off project day. We enable 40,000 hours of student volunteering each year.