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Register to Vote

The general election is fast approaching and in Bristol, students hold voting power. On Thursday 4 July, you can vote for who your local MP is.

It is vital that the students of Bristol register and get out to vote, to ensure your voice is heard.

Parliamentary candidates have a say on issues that affect us directly, like housing, higher education funding, funding to health services - the list goes on. We need to make sure they represent students' best interests.

turn up to vote

Manifesto For Our Future

NUS has surveyed students across the UK and put together a manifesto to take to election candidates.

The priorities include:

  • Matching maintenance loans with inflation
  • Capping rents in line with student income
  • Removing the need for rental guarantors
  • Scrapping the NHS surcharge for international students
  • & much more - you can see the whole manifesto here

You now need voter ID to vote in the UK

The Electoral Commission has a comprehensive list of accepted Voter ID. You can still use any photo ID, even if it is out of date, it just needs to look like you and have the same name that you used to register to vote!

NUS is also giving away free voter ID from Citizen Card - just use code 'NUS' at the checkout. You can find out more information about the initiative here. You have until Thursday 20th June to secure your voter ID ahead of voting day.


I've just moved house, can I vote with my old address?

If you've missed the Register to Vote deadline, then you can vote under your old address (as long as you were registered to vote there). For example, if you've moved to a new address but you are listed on the Electoral Register with your old address, then you can vote under that old address.

It's important that you do try and Register to Vote at your new address before the deadline, on the 18 June.

I’m an international student – can I vote?

Possibly – there are lots of different countries that have eligibility to vote in various elections in the UK. To register to vote, you must be:

  • a UK or Irish citizen
  • a qualifying Commonwealth citizen living in the UK
  • an EU citizen living in the UK
  • aged 16 or over (but you can’t vote until you’re 18 years old)

You can find a full list of qualifying countries on this page, but it includes Zimbabwe, Fiji, Cyprus and Malta and former residents of Hong Kong. You can also quickly check your eligibility for the specific election on this handy website:

I’m on my year abroad and not in the UK – can I vote?

If you’re usually eligible to vote, yes. You’ll need to organise a proxy or postal vote though. This webpage has detailed and helpful information.

Why should I register to vote in the election?

Students are a big part of the electorate in Bristol and have the power to influence the priorities of local and national politics. But to do this, students need to register to vote and then exercise their right to vote!

It’s actually a legal requirement to be on the electoral register. It can also help you with getting a credit score.

I’m already registered to vote at my home address, do I still have to register at uni?

If you are a student not living at home you should click yes to the option ‘I’m a student with a home and term time address’.

Students can be registered at both your home address (if you have one) and your university term time address. You can only vote at one of these addresses, but you don’t need to tell anyone in advance where you will be voting - just remember your Voter ID. [source]

Can I be registered to vote at two locations?

You can be registered at a home address and a uni address!

You can only vote at one of these addresses, but you don’t need to tell anyone in advance where you will be voting - just remember your Voter ID.[source]

How do I tell election candidates about student priorities?

NUS have created the Manifesto for our Future, which is a culmination of feedback from students across the UK about how their lives could be made better. You can email your MP and candidates and support NUS’ campaign here.

We are also hoping to create a resource so it is easy for you to see what the election candidates in Bristol Central will do for students – more information to come!

What is my national insurance number?

When you turn 16 in the UK, you get sent a letter with your national insurance number. You can find it on payslips or letters about tax or benefits as well. If you’ve lost your number, this website can help and there is also a national insurance helpline.

Telephone: 0300 200 3500

Textphone: 0300 200 3519

What elections are happening and when?

A General Election has been announced on Thursday 4th July.

The last day to register to vote in this election is Tuesday 18th June at 11.59pm.

Because of the timing, you may need to organise a proxy or postal vote. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is Wednesday 19th June at 5pm and the deadline to apply for a proxy vote is Wednesday 26th June.

How do I vote?

If you’re voting in person, you’ll receive a polling card with the location of your polling station. If you’ve lost it, you can find your polling station here! Just remember to bring your Voter ID.

You can also arrange to vote by post or proxy when you are registering to vote. If you’re already registered, you just need to fill in a form and send it to your local Electoral Services Office – you can find more information here.

What is valid Voter ID and do I already have it?

The Elections Act 2022 means you now need to bring ID with you to vote.

You can use a passport, drivers/provisional licence, a PASS card, the full list of eligible ID is here. The ID can be out of date, as long as it is the original document and the photo still looks like you.

NUS offer students free Voter ID from Citizen Card, you just need to enter the discount code ‘NUS’ at the checkout. You can find all the details here. To get this ahead of voting day on Thursday 4th July, make sure you apply before Thursday 20th June.