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Intramural Sport

Intramural Sport: Fun, Social, Team Sport.

Postgraduate Summer League

Please click the below link for more information on our Postgraduate Intramural Sport league which is running this summer (June - Aug 2024)!

Postgraduate Summer League Information


​​Click here to view LEAGUE TABLES / FIXTURES for 2023-24 season


What is Intramural Sport?

Intramural Sport is a fun, social, multi-sport programme for students who just want to turn up and play! Intramural Sport allows you to compete for your University course team, society, halls of residence or just as a group of friends. 'Intramural' means 'inside the university', with league matches taking place every week in Bristol.

The 2023/24 Intramural Sport programme will offer the following range of sports:

Click on the above links for further info on each sport, such as when and where matches will take place.

All of the above sports are mixed-gender and are played to mixed abilities, so absolutely everyone is welcome to play, from near-beginners to more advanced players!

Create a Team

To create a team to play in an Intramural Sport league, please complete the team registration form via the link below:

Register a team here

Sign Up / Join a Team

Players can sign up to play for a registered team by following the link below. Please do NOT join a registered team unless the team captain has invited you to play for their team. If you do not have a team but would like to play, please scroll down this page to view how you can join a team.

Sign-up to play Intramural Sport here


All sports cost either £36 or £40 as a one-off payment; this covers the whole academic year. This means that most sports work out at around just £2 per match!

Intramural Sport offers great value for money, significantly beating local alternatives on price. However, as payment for the season needs to be made in advance, we recognise joining fees can be prohibitively expensive for some students. If you feel that your financial circumstances prohibit you from participating in Intramural Sport, please consider applying for support via the Bristol SU Activity Hardship Fund. 

Halls of Residence Teams

If you are staying in University Accommodation this year, then you can automatically sign-up to play for your Halls of Residence Team! Simply follow the Sign-up to play link, select your chosen sport[s] and select your Halls of Residence in the list of teams. If your Halls of Residence does not get enough players for a team, you will be merged with other teams from the same residential village; this is a great way of meeting new people in neighbouring halls!

Don't Have a Team?

Many of our teams have space for extra players, so if you don't already have a team to join, take a look at the table below. Teams who are currently looking for new players have written a little about themselves. Just get in touch with the captain of the team[s] you would like to join; once the captain has confirmed they are happy for you to join, follow the Sign-up to play link and enter their team's name.

OPEN TEAM: Alternatively, if you don’t mind what team you play for, and are happy to be randomly allocated to an existing team still looking for players, or merged with other players to create a new team, then click the Sign-up to play link and select to join the OPEN TEAM in your chosen sport[s].