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Izzy Russell

Student Living Officer

About me

Hi I’m Izzy! I studied Philosophy and Politics at uni, and am involved in lots of student groups (Vegsoc, Pole and Aerial Arts, Sustainability Society, the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Support). I was also the JCR president of Manor Hall in first year. I have always been involved in activism for students’ and housing rights, climate and global justice; I look forward to carrying on this into my work in the SU and the university.

My Priorities

Making practical and measurable climate action

  • Writing an ethical and sustainable careers policy
  • Set up a sustainability hub in senate house (with the zero waste shop and the community larder)
  • Ensure that all university and SU merch is sustainable
  • Push for more sustainable food

Activism in Bristol

  • Write a policy for students arrested in activism
  • Re-assess security and police presence and powers on campus
  • Ensure that all students are empowered to engage in local politics

Ensure that housing is accessible for all students

  • Publicly reject and boycott the unsustainable expansion
  • Launch the in-house guarantor scheme
  • Lead a research survey into Bristol students’ housing

Finalise University Guarantor Scheme

  • Continue work built on from last year on the University Housing Guarantor Scheme.
  • Develop a pilot in the short-term to enable a long-term provision.

What I've Been Working On


My housing research which I am so excited to share! Read Bristol SU's Housing Research.


I have been writing a proposal for a housing advisor to be employed in the SU! This is something I have been lobbying for for 2 years, and the results of my housing survey have shown how needed this is. We are currently in talks with the university around the funding for this, to hopefully employ someone next year.


We secured £540k for student support! See how this is being allocated: FTO's Secure £540k Cost of Living Support for Students.

What have I done so far?

September 2022
  • I went to the NUS cost of living campaign day and met SU officers from around the UK, working together to find solutions to the current crisis 
  • I went to the Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) ethical and sustainable finance training, looking at how university banking, investments and pensions can be done better 
  • I attended Bristol City Council Advisory Board sessions, as an SU representative, to talk about cost of living, the housing crisis, transport and sustainability 
  • I did an arms off campus campaign day with Save the Children, working for universities to have more ethical careers and investments  
  • I also had a lot of meetings with University and SU staff!  
  • Went on student leader residential! Team bonding with the other officers, SU staff, network chairs and faculty reps. We had workshops, trainings and an escape room!!
  • Prepping for welcome week - talks, club nights, mingles, workshops and lots of exciting things!!
  • Had a meeting with other sabbs from universities/ SUs in the South, to talk about how we can collectively tackle the cost of living crisis
  • I had my 21st birthday!
  • With the rest of the officer team I went to the University Executive Board Residential and presented our priorities to key stakeholders. We networked and planned to work together for the year.
  • I went to the Alumni Awards dinner and met the amazing ex-students who have achieved amazing things for the community. We talked about how we could work together for the current students.
  • I met with staff members and student reps to discuss how to support students through the housing and cost of living crisis.
  • I attended lots of welcome week events, meeting new students at mingles, club nights and GIAGs.
  • I went to the welcome fair and had an amazing day in the sun, meeting student groups and the new Vice Chancellor, talking about our goals for the year and how we can work together. 
October 2022
  • We met with Thangham Debbonaire (the local MP) to see how we can work together through the issues affecting students, her constituents.
  • I met with Carla Denyer, leader of the Green Party, to discuss our aims for the year and sustainability.
  • I met with dED_ucation, to speak about demilitarising universities and our plans nationally.
  • I've been planning upcoming campaigns, including sustainability month and renters' rights.
  • I attended the Elizabeth Blackwell institute board meeting, to discuss mental health at the university and city-wide, particularly how covid will have long-lasting effects.
  • I met with societies who are working alongside our priorities, for example BUST and SASS.
  • I went to Wills Hall formal and met the new JCR there.
  • Helped to coordinate the harm reduction outreach session on Halloween at North Village, giving students advice, assistance and harm reduction tools
  • I met with the Bristol councillors to discuss the housing crisis, and to see how we can engage students in local government
  • I have secured funding for sustainable period products which are coming soon!
  • I have been having important discussions around Cost of Living, affordable food and mutual aid
  • I have been planning for our upcoming My Rent My Rights campaign - watch this space!
  • I met with the shadow Universities minister and spoke about how Cost of Living, housing and mental health are currently affecting students.
  • I had training in antisemitism awareness from UJS
  • I attended meetings with local government, community boards, UWE and Bristol Waste to think about how students can be integrated into the Bristol community
  • I met with Thangham Debbonaire (the local MP) and held a forum with student leaders, speaking about the important issues that students are facing, and how she could help us
  • I went to the sustainability strategy talk which was very insightful into what the university is doing. It inspired conversations to continue between us, BUST, the network and students.
  • Outside of work I really enjoyed the Halloween celebrations I was involved in!
November 2022
  • I gave officer updates and shared our upcoming campaigns at Student Council; I also took part in this democratic event through motion discussions and voting (and free pizza!)
  • I went to the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute art show, which presented pieces made by young people to reflect their mental health, particularly through the pandemic
  • I joined a Wonkhe policy forum with other community and welfare sabbs nationally, to discuss how the year is going and the issues that are affecting us all
  • I was interviewed by Bristol Post around what the SU and University of Bristol are doing for the Cost-of-Living crisis, and how we could do better
  • I attended a 'Students on the Move' conference with important stakeholders from the university, UWE, Bristol Waste and the council. We talked about sustainability and how to reduce student waste, particularly in the moving out/ moving in period.
  • For the My Rent My Rights campaign, I hosted a 'Find a flatmate' event, have been helping around the release of SU lettings properties and organised an advice drop in to help students during the housing crisis (with key stakeholders Shelter, SU lettings, Bristol Waste, the student housing co-op, local councillors and Housing Hand)
  • I meet with the Vice-Chancellor, as we do monthly. This time, we discussed strikes and cost of living
  • While University strikes were happening, I supported and spoke at teach outs organised by activist groups. I spoke on disability in the university system, and students in the housing crisis. I also attended multiple other talks, including one from PG reps from UCU, and another around what the policing bill means for us
  • I helped with recruiting sustainability champions, who I will be working with!
  • I meet with SOS-UK around divesting from unethical and unsustainable organisations
  • I chaired the JCR forum and spoke to Presidents of halls, about a variety of topics. We also heard from University, Resilife and SU staff and are having meetings to follow up on any issues
  • I met with the City Council housing advisory board to discuss the housing crisis, solutions and potential rent caps in the city.
  • I went to the student accommodation group with a statement of our stance on halls. We lobbied for affordable rent and better conditions. 
  • I met the President of Birmingham University College, to speak about priorities and ideas
  • I went to the University Vision and Strategy launch; met University staff, Councillors, key people from Bristol and talked about how we will work together to create the best and most sustainable Uni and city
  • I have been attending Climate Action Planning meetings for different faculties
  • I have been working on Sexual Violence Awareness, filming a video with university staff. I also helped make banners and attending the Reclaim the Night march.
  • I went to Student Experience Committee, where we discussed Cost of Living and what else the University can do to help students
  • The officer team also did some team building activities which gave us time to decompress in this very busy stressful time!
December 2022
  • I attended the Sustainable Food Forum for the University, carrying on conversations around affordable, ethical and sustainable food.
  • I attended University Court, discussing civic and university issues with key stakeholders in the city
  • I am part of the Libraries' Climate Action Planning Group, and we have met to discuss how they could be more sustainable 
  • I've been meeting with different groups working towards sustainability (BUST, sustainability network, the university sustainability team, local and national activist groups and other SUs). We've been planning for Sustainability Month (in Feb!)
  • I have had catch-ups with the catering team around affordable options
  • I caught up with Wonkhe, to talk about the national issues affecting students, and how we can work collectively 
  • We met with Evelyn (VC of the University of Bristol) as an officer team, to discuss our updates and how we can help each other
  • I had a catch-up with SOS-UK around sustainable and ethical investments, holding the university accountable to their promises and reviewing our policies
  • I sat on the university mental health and wellbeing steering group, hearing updates from all key staff, and pushing as always for support to be better 
  • I went to the Badock Hall Winter Ball at the SS Great Britain!
  • I worked with Bristol City Council, UWE and many other stakeholders in the launch of the new harm reduction approach scheme. This is the first like this in the world! I filmed for some news programs and a film around drug harm reduction
  • I've been working more towards the zero-waste shop, also meeting with activist groups such as the free food campaign, to see how we can embed sustainability and mutual aid into our lives
January 2023
  • I sit on the Fairtrade steering group, and have been working with staff, catering and student groups to ensure that all food at the University of Bristol is ethical and sustainable
  • I have met with engineering lecturers about fossil fuel and arms trade on campus, working together to make careers and research more ethical and sustainable. We have active policy to be working on this, and it has been good to have support from national and local groups, as well as University staff and lecturers!
  • I have been working with the university team planning around sexual violence awareness week in Feb, planning consent workshops, a video to go out, and testing
  • We are planning an intersectional wellbeing week, so I have been continuing to work around harm reduction and sexual health
  • I have met with some of the SU Team and Bristol Drugs Project, to plan a harm reduction training for society committees
  • I completed the Bristol Nights training, on sexual harassment and drink spiking (which are free and available for anyone to complete!)
  • I had a meeting with some people from Chew Valley Community Farm to speak about volunteering opportunities and sustainable farming. This is just down the road from my house, so it was really nice to connect student life with something close to my heart!
  • I went to the leaving coffee morning for Martin Wiles - the head of sustainability at the University, who has always been very supportive and helpful for myself and previous officers. We will miss him a lot!
  • I have met with the SU campaigns team and student groups around a motion we are planning on putting forward at AMM!
  • I helped University staff to review their code of conduct and reporting procedures
  • I met with student groups in preparation for upcoming campaigns
  • I had meetings around sustainable and ethical investments
  • I filmed with UBTV and SU lettings, around the student renting crisis (will be out soon!)
  • I met with the University Students' Law Clinic, to see how they can help other students, particularly with legal rights around housing
  • I have been helping to write a motion to take to AMM (be there!)
  • I helped Bristol City Council to survey on rent caps in the city
  • I attended SU trustee meetings for both EDI and finance
  • I attended Student Experience Committee, where I spoke about current rent setting 
  • I met with the Consent Collective and spoke about how we can work together, and how the University of Bristol can be a safer place for all
  • I spent an evening at Stoke Bishop, along with Resilife and Bristol Drugs Project. We helped first years to have a good and safe night
  • I attended the Bristol Student Community Partnership meeting, as I do monthly, and spoke to local councillors, the Vice Chancellor and other local stakeholders around working together as a community
  • I met with senior staff at the University, to talk about accountability and implementation of sustainability targets and promises
  • The officers have met and talked about our active policies and what we are doing to work on them
  • I sat on the Accommodation Group, talking around rent setting and how the cost-of-living crisis will affect student accommodation
  • I helped in the hiring and interviewing of the new finance administrator
February 2023
  • I have been working with JCRs to connect with first years, and recently chaired the second JCR forum of the year. With Resilife, Source and University staff we discussed issues in halls and how we can work together.
  • I spoke to The News Movement, Channel 4 news and The Times - all about the renting and housing crisis, and what we are doing about it
  • I went to the University Executive Board, to speak to uni execs about the increasing rent prices in halls. We showed the statement that I have written, and discussed possible solutions.
  • I attended the Resilife and Wellbeing service's Time To Talk event, chatting about mental health, with snacks and origami!
  • We planned future events and campaigns for upcoming Be The Change themes with the university sustainability team
  • I went to Bedminster community workshops, to work together with citywide stakeholders against citywide problems
  • I attended the Tea Time with Officers event with Adam, chatting to potential candidates for the upcoming elections. We talked through our roles and how to get involved in SU democracy.
  • I went to a sustainability month volunteering opportunity, at Eastville park, and we built a bench!
  • I attended the 'drugs including alcohol' working group with university and city stakeholders, where we spoke about harm reduction
  • We had a meeting of sabbs from around the SouthWest, and talked about a variety of issues including the housing crisis, government support and elections
  • We met up with Wonkhe, to talk about the issues that are facing students nationally.
  • I traveled up to Lincoln uni and SU, where the 2023 SOS-UK climate conference happened! We talked about the issues that we are tackling nationally, including arms and fossil fuels off campus, the housing and energy crisis, and engaging students. It was great to work with SOS and deducation, and other sabbatical officers from all over the UK.
  • I have met with SOS-UK, Deducation and People and Planet, to plan how Bristol could be ethical and sustainable - with its careers, research and investments
  • I have been helping to review Climate Action plans, and got involved with my own school SPAIS. We have lots of plans of how this department can be more sustainable
  • I have been meeting with stakeholders in mental health, planning towards our upcoming campaign. This has included BDP, VitaMinds, SWEDA, BEAT and more!
  • I joined Green Cotham with other volunteers, gardening and helping the local community garden
  • I hosted a second 'Find a Flatmate' event which went really well!
  • We attended the Annual Members Meeting - where I proposed the renewal of supporting climate strikes, seconded arms off campus and a plant based SU. This unfortunately overran so we didn't manage to discuss what we wanted, but a lot of effort and campaigning led up to this!
  • I have attended strike pickets and the rally, helping with the organisation of teach outs, and wore a UCU solidarity sash on stage for the graduations
  • We have been writing our SU's response to the MPs' Cost of Living Consultation
  • I have taken part in several students' dissertation projects
  • I attended graduations and celebrated with my friends!
  • I helped the Bedminster Highstreet Task Force to shape the way that the city will look in the next few years. I am also helping them to navigate student accommodation blocks being built in the area, and student expansion there.
  • I did some filming to raise awareness of our harm reduction approach and what we're doing around it.
  • I met with the student housing co-op and University executives to work together on this community project.
  • February was the university and SU sustainability month!
  • Volunteering week had a focus on sustainability within the community, and we ran/ attended many events across the city.
  • I ran a sustainable sellers fair! We invited small businesses and artists to sell, and also spoke about the importance of buying local.
  • We also had a focus on plant based food, being sold by local small companies.
  • Emily Herbert came in to run a climate poetry workshop, which helped us with our climate anxieties.
  • I met with Dan Norris, the WECA and transport mayor. We spoke with other local sabbs about buses, student engagement, and we look forward to speaking again soon. 
  • We helped to run sustainability talks on a variety of subjects: the running of societies, paleontology, careers,
  • I attended the South West Transport Council meeting, and fed in from the perspective of a local and a student. 
March 2023
  • To end Sustainability Month, we had careers panels and a careers fair
  • I went to the Bristol Green Capital Partnership mingle with our sustainability coordinator
  • Elections week! It was intense but I campaigned hard and was re-elected for next year!
  • I went to the Cabot Institute sustainability mingle with relevant students and staff, planning for the next year
  • I attended the University Sustainability Monitoring and Implementation Group, and we started making big plans around ethical careers, and the University's pollution from flying.
  • I filmed some comms around harm reduction to raise awareness of what it is, and handed out freebies.
  • I hosted the SU campaign, Project Wellbeing! 
  • I handed out lots of free food and crafts with Residential Life, to get students through deadline season.
  • I ran a 'climate art therapy' session where we talked about our climate anxieties and put it into our art.
  • I ran a Sexual Assault Survivors therapeutic art session.
  • We ran a wellbeing fair, where we were joined by Bristol Drugs Project, talking about harm reduction, SWEDA, help for eating disorders and the SU Academic Advice service. We raised awareness of these services and spoke to lots of students, giving out lots of freebies.
  • I worked with the library to launch their climate action plan
  • I met with relevant SU and University careers staff to talk about who we partner with, and whether they are ethical and sustainable.
April 2023
  • I took a big chunk of annual leave over the Easter holiday! I interrailed around the Netherlands and Germany.
  • I attended the NUS Liberation Conference as the lead delegate, taking a group of representatives to Blackpool. We engaged in some really interesting and useful conversations, around international, disabled and trans students. We voted on motions which are now in place in the NUS.
  • I then got the train to Leeds and attended the SOS UK Drug and Alcohol conference. This was really interesting, and I learnt a lot about harm reduction at other universities. We were also given legal advice from expert.
  • I met with staff at the SU and University around Pride, and what we are going to do during June for Bristol Pride. We spoke specifically around how to support trans and non-binary students and staff, particularly in the current crisis.
  • I met with DEducation around the arms trade and spoke about are plans and activism around this for the next year.
  • I worked on the SU response to the Office For Students consultation on sexual harassment. I also attended meetings with OFS and advised them on it.
  • I attended 'The Big One' in London - a peaceful protest as a collaboration of different organisations, charities and activist groups. I protested for climate action, refugee support, and animal welfare.
  • I attended the Cost of Living Working Group and argued for the current measures in place to be continued into next year. I also spoke to this in my meeting with Evelyn Welch.
  • I caught up with VegSoc around our plant-based motion, we campaigned and spread awareness of the cause.
  • I spoke with University of Bristol staff and to the Student Experience Committee about the possibilities of students being placed in other cities again, and how we can support them. Also, how to support those living in private accommodation, as there is currently nothing in place.
  • I went on a tour of the Avonmouth recycling centre! This is where all the recycling from the University of Bristol and Bristol SU recycling goes. We spoke about reducing waste and encouraging students to recycle. I have filmed some comms to go out around this.
  • I went to the SPAIS decolonisation meeting and have been working with them on their plan.
  • I have helped to make a workshop for university staff around climate anxiety and supporting students suffering from this.
  • I met with Resilife and JCRs around the restructuring and have facilitated conversations.
  • I went to the final City Council Living Rent Commission meeting, and we finalised our report and recommendations. 
  • I met with Just Stop Oil and UWE, around hosting an event. We spoke about growing student support and collaborating more.
May 2023
  • I met with senior University staff around how to reduce business travel, specifically flying as this is not sustainable. We have discussed some options of rules to be put in place.
  • I met with the sustainability team around continuing the funding of sustainability champions.
  • I met with the SU academic advice team to discuss how we as an organisation support students with housing, and how this impacts them academically. 
  • I met with Evelyn, AWERB and representatives from Vegsoc, around the Forced Swim Test. We spoke about next steps and will be meeting again soon.
  • I attended the Drugs including Alcohol Working Group. We spoke about the upcoming UUK report release, and how this will impact us and our harm reduction approach. We have lots planned for the next year!
  • I attend the Carbon Scope 3 meetings, and discuss the reduction of the University's emissions, to meet our net zero goal of 2030.
August 2023
  • I recorded a webinar in collaboration with UWE and Bristol City Council, to advise incoming international students on housing in Bristol and scams. This went out to all relevant students.
  • I filmed some comms around harm reduction with the University and Bristol Drugs Project - what it is, what it means for us in Bristol. This will be coming out from the Uni soon.
  • The officer team finalised our priorities for the year, and have presented them to key stakeholders including university executives, SU staff and trustees.
September 2023
  • Sustainability Month is coming up in November! And we have lots of plans for it...
  • I went to the NUS campaign day and we planned around the general and local elections coming up, a student manifesto.
  • My campaign, Donate Your Plate/ Take a Plate, launched! It was really exciting seeing this come to reality after a year of planning, and it got attention on BBC News and Breakfast radio. We helped so many students to cut down their waste, and moving-in costs.
October 2023
  • Sustainability Month! Coming up in November. We have a range of events you will soon be able to find on our calendar and the campaign page.
  • Presenting to the Executive Leadership Team on how they can aid student living. I pushed for cheaper food, rent and other important issues.
  • Launch of the swap shelves (in Senate House, as part of Sustainability Month).
  • I presented my priorities to the Campus Division Executive Leadership Team meeting, and spoke about how they can aid the improvement of student living. I suggested a range of ideas, such as plant based catering, cheaper rent, and protection for student activists.
  • I met with the new JCR presidents! Being a JCR president was how I ended up in this role, so it was really important for me to work with them.
  • I met with the University's civic team, to speak about how we can work together on student engagement in the city and community, and how we measure this.
  • November is Sustainability Month! We have a massive lineup of 35+ events which promote climate action and global justice - with a range of volunteering opportunities, political engagement, and activism. I have put in loads of work to make this month great, and I'm so excited for it! Please check it out!
  • My highlight for the month is the Swap Shop Launch - an initiative for reducing costs and waste for students and staff, creating a circular economy.
  • I met with the University's Chief Financial Officer, to talk about ethical finances. Coming out of this (very productive) meeting, we have set up more meetings with Barclays and Triodos Bank. In preparation for this I have also been working with SOS uk, and their connections to other SUs with similar campaigns.
  • We packed up harm reduction bags which have gone out into halls of residences. These included free condoms, lube, drug advice and more. This will support first year students, and also raise awareness of our harm reduction approach. If you want to find out more about our harm reduction approach, visit our webpage on drugs and alcohol.
November 2023
  • I was part of a panel with the Westminster Social Policy Forum! The conference was around the Renters' Reform Bill, and I spoke to the student experience and how it will impact the student housing market.
  • I organised and led a climate art workshop, as part of Sustainability Month! This was a really nice and relaxing way to express our climate anxieties and talk to likeminded people.
  • Student Council was well attended and there were good debates! The gender justice motion (which I seconded) passed!
  • We launched the swap shop! It is a place for donations, and free food, clothes and books in Bristol SU Living Room 1. I have been pushing for the SU to implement this for a year and a half now, so it is great to see that some of my work is having practical and useful outcomes! This is now open as a permanent fixture which will promote sustainability, circular economy and being a cost of living initiative.
  • I went to Birmingham for the Unipol conference on student housing, where I spoke on two panels! I spoke about the student housing crisis, increasing rents and unsustainable university expansion.  I reflected on the '10 cities' research piece, and how we in Bristol are in such a desperate situation, needing support from the university in the form of: affordable beds, guarantor schemes, and private housing advisors. The recordings for this are all available on YouTube.
  • With Peter (the Uni Chief Financial Officer) I went to Triodos Bank, to discuss sustainable and ethical finances. We spoke about potential collaborations, and how the university can be more ethical with its finances.
December 2023
  • I have been lobbying the university to support students in Newport, particularly after receiving many complaints about the experience there and the feasibility of commuting to Bristol. This has recently resulted in giving every student there a £1000 travel fund.
  • I attended University Court, and asked questions to the board around the renting crisis and what the university are doing about it.
  • With Adam and Pat, we filmed the next installment of our Cost of Living cooking series! This time we made a budget Christmas dinner.
  • I was on the interviewing panel for the new Head of Sustainability at the University.
  • I attended the finishing workshop for the City Council Living Rent Commission.
  • We ran another rights workshop, as part of our activist training series! This was on workers' rights and unions, with the TUC.
  • With Peter (the Uni Chief Financial Officer) I went to Triodos Bank, to discuss sustainable and ethical finances. We spoke about potential collaborations, and how the university can be more ethical with its finances.
  • Sitting on the Finance and Risk committee for the SU Board of Trustees, I recommended Rathbones Greenbank as ethical investors. They gave a presentation and were chosen to be our impact investors!
January 2024
  • I have been meeting with the University Financial Officer and finance team, and linking them up with SOS-UK, along with campaigns for sustainable and ethical financing. I have also been meeting with Extinction Rebellion and Make My Money Matter, organising upcoming workshops, and encouraging relationships between staff members and these activist groups
  • Sexual Violence Awareness Week (SVAW) is coming up (starting 5 Feb) and I have been helping to raise awareness of this. I am chairing a SVAW Panel Discussion with some amazing people who work to make Bristol a better place. There is also a consent training workshop (also as part of my rights workshop series). And we have co-signed a statement of commitment with the university and SUs at UWE, Bath Spa and University of Bath. I have filmed a video with Evelyn the VC which will be coming out soon as well.
  • I spent a day with the Reclaim our Buses campaigners, creating art and planning questions. This is for an upcoming WECA meeting with Dan Norris, where we plan on asking him the questions that he has been avoiding!
  • At All Members' Meeting, I spoke and gave my updates! I also helped put forward 3 motions that were successfully renewed, as well as a new motion around voter registration (which also passed!)
February 2024
  • Bristol SU's Housing Survey (now closed)! I am lobbying the University to better support students through the renting crisis, but I need your help! Please fill in this survey and share around, for a chance to win £25! This is my main priority for the year and will dictate a lot of important work going forwards.
  • Fossil Free Careers - is an active policy, and I have been working on this with the newly relaunched campaign (follow @fossilfreecareers.uob on Instagram). We have recently been endorsed by the Co-Leader of the UK Green Party - Carla Denyer. She was instrumental in the movement away from unsustainable finances, so hopefully with her backing we can finally kick out the unethical careers that the University actively promotes!
  • Shelter are hosting an online renters' rights workshop! If you have any queries, problems, or just want to know more; please come along! Feb 28 18:00-19:00.
March 2024
  • I went on annual leave, to sunny Cyprus! I took the hard decision to take a flight, for the first time in 5 years. I campaign against airlines and against university business travel, but I don't think that it's the worst thing in the world to have an occasional visit to see family :)
  • As part of Transport Month, I have organised a Reclaim our Buses Talk workshop with Reclaim Our Buses - a group lobbying for buses to be taken back into public control, rather than being run by first bus! Come and see how public transport can be better.
  • I have been meeting with Palestine activist groups, staff and student working groups, and the student occupation. I am trying to protect their rights and lobby the University to be better, through talking to the Vice Chancellor and relevant staff.
  • Elections happened! I am happy to say that the candidate running for my role that I had endorsed has won! Congrats to Lucy and I can't wait to see you carry on my work next year