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WSO2 EMEA Summit 23/09/2020
Jean-Marc Dagorne
Product Manager
(Branch of Services, Parcel and
Letter Delivery)
APIM Platform
A Reactive and Service Oriented Architecture using an API
Manager and Kafka bus in order to :
✔ Reduce Integration cost
✔ Accelerate Time To Market
✔ Help Agility
✔ Improve QoS and résilience
✔ Facilitate interoperability between La Poste Branches, La
Poste subsdiaries, Providers and Partners
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
A digital transformation based on an API-First Information System
A platform addressing different functional domains
• Customer Relation (Notification, CRM, Client Support, …)
• Industrial (sorting and tracking)
• Human Ressources
• Services (online Payment, Delivery, Notifications, …)
• More than de 280 APIs and 500 subscribers
• Between 3 and 5 millions requests per day
• Spike at 500 req/s at 9 am
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
A high availability and scalable architecture
based on API Manager 2.6
On the PAAS OpenShift
4 GW (A/A)+/-
2 KM (A/A)+/-
2 TM (A/A)
On the IAAS
1 SGBD Main MySQL (A/P)
2 Worker Analytics (A/A)
1 SGBD Analytics MySQL
• 3 tenants (Internal APIs, Partners APIs, Corporate APIs) to address different integration
• One single elastic platform rather than separated platforms per domain
• One platform that needs to support the whole activity load 24/7
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform

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[WSO2 Summit Americas 2020] Creating Smart Endpoints Using Integration Micros...[WSO2 Summit Americas 2020] Creating Smart Endpoints Using Integration Micros...
[WSO2 Summit Americas 2020] Creating Smart Endpoints Using Integration Micros...

As microservices-based applications are inherently distributed, the integration of microservices is becoming one of the hardest things when realizing microservices architecture. Rather than using a conventional centralized ESB for integrating services, microservices are integrated based on the smart-endpoints terminology, where all the smarts live at the endpoints while they are interconnected via a lightweight messaging infrastructure. These smart endpoints are often built as integration microservices on top of cloud-native integration technologies. In this deck, Kasun will explore some key integration patterns for building integration microservices.

by WSO2
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[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Experiencing the Benefits of API Driven Open Banking
[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Experiencing the Benefits of API Driven Open Banking[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Experiencing the Benefits of API Driven Open Banking
[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Experiencing the Benefits of API Driven Open Banking

This document discusses digital supply chains in banking enabled by APIs and open banking. It introduces open banking and how APIs act as connectors within a bank's ecosystem of consumers, product owners, regulators, and other partners. The digital lifecycle from discovery to experience is described. The document then discusses Intellect Design Arena's partnership with WSO2 to deliver an open banking solution for a UK bank client, including implementing PSD2, security architecture, and certifications achieved.

by WSO2
[Workshop] API Management in Microservices Architecture
[Workshop] API Management in Microservices Architecture[Workshop] API Management in Microservices Architecture
[Workshop] API Management in Microservices Architecture

This deck on WSO2 API Management focuses on the latest microgateway offering. The session will discuss features, benefits of using microgateway and patterns of usage. Check out our upcoming workshops:

by WSO2
south africaapi managementwso2 api manager
Offer for the Service provider and subscriber
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
• Connexion patterns for the front and the back
• To secure access to the IS
• With custom pattern/Connectors
• Intégration process and interfaces
• To urbanize and reference the APIs
• To help, control and follow service provider and
subscriber accosting our platform
Technical and functional Supervision
Technical use
Kibana for log analysis Grafana for system monitoring
Statistics and Reporting
WSO2 Analytics Custom HMI or API
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
Devsecops organization
• Pipeline, automatic non regression testing and supervision tools to be able to make change
every 2 weeks on the platform
• 10 people team to manage the BUILD and the RUN in an agile organisation (Scrum and Safe)
• A support contract with a french WSO2 partner (Smile)
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
Main benefits for our business
• A fast intégration of La Poste delivery and tracking new services
for Information System of new e-commerce partners
• A secure architecture that accelerate the developpement of the
multichanel model of our customers
• A capability of monitoring the trafic for the business teams
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
Success Stories in B to C and C to C
• CDiscount
• Leboncoin
• Vinted

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[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Enabling Data-Driven Scania Through Integration Trans...

Scania is transitioning from an application-centric to a data-centric mindset by allowing for better discoverability and sharing of data. WSO2 API Manager is a step towards enabling this within the organization across different functional domains, as well as with third party developers. This presentation explores the vision and challenges around the API-first approach, implementation of WSO2 API Manager, and the potential future roadmap. Watch the session on-demand here:

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[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Fintech Ecosystems & Consumer Experiences: The Next G...

The next generation of banking revolves around consumer experiences, with success hinging on the ability to offer consumers personalised value in their moment of need. Collaborating with a diverse ecosystem of partners is essential for banks to consistently deliver this experience at scale. However, traditional banking, built on complex internalised processes, was not built for this. As a solution, Dassana will introduce “the Banking Experience Canvas”, a technical framework built on unbundled banking services made available via APIs on a service mesh. He will demonstrate how this enables deeper collaboration with agile service providers, further empowering consumers to stitch together highly relevant financial services experiences from the bank and a rich fintech ecosystem. Watch the session on-demand here:

by WSO2
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API Management for GraphQL
API Management for GraphQLAPI Management for GraphQL
API Management for GraphQL

This document discusses API management for GraphQL APIs. It begins with an introduction to GraphQL and then covers how API management platforms can support GraphQL APIs, including developer portals, enforcing security and policies at the gateway, and analytics. Key capabilities for GraphQL API management include importing GraphQL schemas, analyzing query complexity, enforcing rate limits on operations, and providing insights into usage patterns and latency from analytics. The document emphasizes that GraphQL is a good fit for some problems but API management is still needed to maximize benefits for both GraphQL API providers and consumers.

by WSO2
graphqlgqlapi management
Some points to share
• Ability to support a high load after tuning some points of the infrastructure
and trafic management
• Capabilities to make custom connexion patterns and custom logs
• A trafic management efficient
• A store that could be more customer oriented
• An Analytics module and a tenant configuration that are tricky to set up
• A very good support level from WSO2 team for Query, Incident and
Architecture issues
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
• Architecture Multi DC
• To adress resilience and new domains
• Store customisation
• To develop APIs visibility
• Intégration Workflow interfaces
• To lower integration costs
La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
11La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
Projet Manager of La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
06 79 65 98 12
Direction du Système d’Information et des Offres (DSI-O)
10 rue de l’Ile Mabon – BP 86334
Thank you for your attention

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[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] Unified Endpoint Management APIs for Enterprise Devices
[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] Unified Endpoint Management APIs for Enterprise Devices[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] Unified Endpoint Management APIs for Enterprise Devices
[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] Unified Endpoint Management APIs for Enterprise Devices

Enterprises are increasingly adopting different types of devices into their business operations every day. Some of these are standard mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops, while other categories of devices such as sensors, PLCs, communication gateways, edge computing devices, CCTV cameras, etc. are also heavily used to monitor and control various areas that impact the business supply/consumption chain. When using these types of devices, business processes must be changed to enable seamless communications while adhering to the rest of the enterprise application development paradigms. This is when a unified set of API endpoints (UEM) representing complete enterprise device deployment becomes a game-changer. This deck discusses how the Entgra IoT Platform offers a standardized set of APIs for making enterprise device onboarding simpler, be it standard mobile devices traditionally managed through MDMs or IoTtype of devices. The Entgra IoT Platform was formerly known as the WSO2 IoT Platform and it is now developed and supported by the same team that nurtured in at WSO2 under Entgra brand. Watch the session on-demand here:

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[WSO2 Summit Americas 2020] Building an Interactive API Marketplace
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[WSO2 Summit Americas 2020] Building an Interactive API Marketplace

In an API-driven world, consumers want to discover APIs while producers seek to list their APIs and API products in a thriving API ecosystem. The primary goal of an API marketplace is to create a platform that supports this high-intensive interaction seamlessly while also transforming the technical definition of a consumer and a producer into a natural business experience, which happens between a buyer and a seller. This deck will present the capabilities of an API marketplace, how it can be used for all APIs at different levels in an organization, and how it easily falls into place in an Integrated API Supply Chain.

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This webinar discusses hybrid integration and an API-driven integration approach. Hybrid integration involves connecting both on-premise and cloud applications and data sources using a single integration platform. An API-driven approach focuses on designing APIs first before considering integration needs. The webinar also covers microservices integration architectures and how container technologies like Docker can be used for integration deployments in modern cloud-native environments.

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[WSO2 Summit EMEA 2020] Accelerate and Secure Services Integration with WSO2 API Manager

  • 1. WSO2 EMEA Summit 23/09/2020 Jean-Marc Dagorne Product Manager LA POSTE BSCC (Branch of Services, Parcel and Letter Delivery) APIM Platform LA POSTE/BSCC DIRECTION TECHNIQUE / DSI-O / SIIC 1
  • 2. A Reactive and Service Oriented Architecture using an API Manager and Kafka bus in order to : ✔ Reduce Integration cost ✔ Accelerate Time To Market ✔ Help Agility ✔ Improve QoS and résilience ✔ Facilitate interoperability between La Poste Branches, La Poste subsdiaries, Providers and Partners La Poste BSCC APIM Platform A digital transformation based on an API-First Information System
  • 3. A platform addressing different functional domains • Customer Relation (Notification, CRM, Client Support, …) • Industrial (sorting and tracking) • Human Ressources • Services (online Payment, Delivery, Notifications, …) • More than de 280 APIs and 500 subscribers • Between 3 and 5 millions requests per day • Spike at 500 req/s at 9 am La Poste BSCC APIM Platform With
  • 4. A high availability and scalable architecture based on API Manager 2.6 On the PAAS OpenShift 4 GW (A/A)+/- 2 KM (A/A)+/- 2 TM (A/A) 1 PUB 1 STORE On the IAAS 1 SGBD Main MySQL (A/P) 2 Worker Analytics (A/A) 1 SGBD Analytics MySQL • 3 tenants (Internal APIs, Partners APIs, Corporate APIs) to address different integration processes • One single elastic platform rather than separated platforms per domain • One platform that needs to support the whole activity load 24/7 La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
  • 5. Offer for the Service provider and subscriber La Poste BSCC APIM Platform • Connexion patterns for the front and the back • To secure access to the IS • With custom pattern/Connectors • Intégration process and interfaces • To urbanize and reference the APIs • To help, control and follow service provider and subscriber accosting our platform
  • 6. Technical and functional Supervision Technical use Kibana for log analysis Grafana for system monitoring Statistics and Reporting WSO2 Analytics Custom HMI or API La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
  • 7. Devsecops organization 7 • Pipeline, automatic non regression testing and supervision tools to be able to make change every 2 weeks on the platform • 10 people team to manage the BUILD and the RUN in an agile organisation (Scrum and Safe) • A support contract with a french WSO2 partner (Smile) La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
  • 8. Main benefits for our business 8 • A fast intégration of La Poste delivery and tracking new services for Information System of new e-commerce partners • A secure architecture that accelerate the developpement of the multichanel model of our customers • A capability of monitoring the trafic for the business teams La Poste BSCC APIM Platform Success Stories in B to C and C to C • CDiscount • Leboncoin • Vinted
  • 9. Some points to share 9 • Ability to support a high load after tuning some points of the infrastructure and trafic management • Capabilities to make custom connexion patterns and custom logs • A trafic management efficient • A store that could be more customer oriented • An Analytics module and a tenant configuration that are tricky to set up • A very good support level from WSO2 team for Query, Incident and Architecture issues La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
  • 10. Roadmap 10 • Architecture Multi DC • To adress resilience and new domains • Store customisation • To develop APIs visibility • Intégration Workflow interfaces • To lower integration costs La Poste BSCC APIM Platform
  • 11. Contact 11La Poste BSCC APIM Platform Jean-Marc DAGORNE Projet Manager of La Poste BSCC APIM Platform 06 79 65 98 12 DIRECTION TECHNIQUE - BRANCHE SERVICES-COURRIER-COLIS Direction du Système d’Information et des Offres (DSI-O) 10 rue de l’Ile Mabon – BP 86334 44263 NANTES CEDEX 2 FRANCE
  • 12. Thank you for your attention Jean-Marc DAGORNE LA POSTE / DT – DSIO 12Road map