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ATOMIC DESIGN @brad_frost
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Atomic design React Nova Presentation
Atomic design React Nova PresentationAtomic design React Nova Presentation
Atomic design React Nova Presentation

This is a presentation I gave at the React Nova Meetup on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at the The Goal in Reston, VA.

react atomic design
Atomic Design
Atomic Design Atomic Design
Atomic Design

From a lecture for product designers, describing the Atomic Design Approach in theory and practice: the idea of approach and how it was used in production.

designweb designatomic design
Data science for infrastructure dev week 2022
Data science for infrastructure   dev week 2022Data science for infrastructure   dev week 2022
Data science for infrastructure dev week 2022

The document discusses using data science and automation for infrastructure monitoring. It introduces Pixie, a tool that allows users to collect raw data, transform it into signals, and then take actions based on those signals. Two examples are provided: 1) detecting SQL injections from application logs and sending Slack alerts, and 2) automatically scaling a deployment based on HTTP request throughput metrics. Pixie uses an embedded domain-specific language called PxL to define logical data workflows and queries.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Building the Media Block in ReactJS
Building the Media Block in ReactJS Building the Media Block in ReactJS
Building the Media Block in ReactJS

the API is an interface that needs to be designed.

reactan event apartan event apart - san diego 2015
Voorhoede - Front-end architecture
Voorhoede - Front-end architectureVoorhoede - Front-end architecture
Voorhoede - Front-end architecture

Presented during Javascript MVC Amsterdam meetup, 29 Jan 2014: At De Voorhoede ( I'm responsible for setting up new front-end projects in such a way that it's easy for teams to work with. This presentation explains how we structure these projects. The presentation includes some tips on structuring larger AngularJS projects.

front-endfrontendbest practice
The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)
The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)
The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)

A designer has been asked to mock up an example student profile page in Photoshop. It’s beautiful. The student’s name fits perfectly under the profile image. Their bio is split into two perfectly aligned columns. The design just feels… right. Approvals are given and the production of a website with many different profiles is started. As more profiles are added the design no longer seems to work. It’s starting to seem like the website itself will no longer work. The cold, hard reality of varied and inconsistent web content has hit the project hard. Do we make large design changes or just live with it? To head off this question we should utilize real content as we develop mock-ups. But it shouldn’t just be one set of real content. Delivering the best possible and most robust websites requires us to design using the best-case, worst-case, and every-case-in-between content. By combining the skills of content specialists, designers, and even developers designs will be that much stronger.

responsive web designlorem ipsumresponsive design
Design systems, not pages. 
-Andy Clarke

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Documenting an Atomic Design System with Jekyll
Documenting an Atomic Design System with JekyllDocumenting an Atomic Design System with Jekyll
Documenting an Atomic Design System with Jekyll

This document discusses using Jekyll to document an atomic design system. It introduces atomic design and common documentation issues around formatting, navigation, usability, and versioning. It then explains how Jekyll is a static site generator that uses Markdown files and templates to generate static HTML and CSS pages. The rest of the document outlines how Jekyll was used to structure, edit, host, and improve the design system documentation through processes like Omnigraffle, InVision, Basecamp, commits and pull requests. Future plans are also mentioned.

Adventures in Atomic Design
Adventures in Atomic DesignAdventures in Atomic Design
Adventures in Atomic Design

Slides for my talk at CSS Summit 2016 about the approach of atomic design in creating componentized, reusable design systems for sites and apps.

atomic designuiux
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive DesignBeyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design

Responsive web design has hit the scene like a bomb, and now designers everywhere are showing off to their bosses and peers by resizing their browser windows. "Look! The site is squishy!" While creating flexible layouts is important, there's a whole lot more that goes into truly exceptional adaptive web experiences. This session will introduce the Principles of Adaptive Design: ubiquity, flexibility, performance, enhancement and future-friendliness. We need go beyond media queries in order to preserve the web's ubiquity and move it in a future-friendly direction.

adaptive web designresponsive web designffly
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
๏ One-size-fits-all 
๏ Lookalike issues 
๏ Potential for bloat/unneeded stuff 
๏ Might not do everything you need 
๏ Compatibility with existing sites 
๏ Subscribe to someone else’s structure, naming, style
Tiny Bootstraps, for every client. 
-Dave Rupert
Responsive deliverables should look 
a lot like fully-functioning Twitter 
Bootstrap-style systems custom 
tailored for your clients’ needs. 
-Dave Rupert

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The Server Side of Responsive Web Design
The Server Side of Responsive Web DesignThe Server Side of Responsive Web Design
The Server Side of Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design has become an important tool for front-end developers as they develop mobile-optimized solutions for clients. Browser-detection has been an important tool for server-side developers for the same task for much longer. Unfortunately, both techniques have certain limitations. Depending on project requirements, team make-up and deployment environment combining these two techniques might lead to intriguing solutions for your organization. We'll discuss when it makes sense to take this extra step and we'll explore techniques for combining server-side technology, like server-side feature-detection, with your responsive web designs to deliver the most flexible solutions possible.

responsive designhigher educationhighered
Use atomic design ftw
Use atomic design ftwUse atomic design ftw
Use atomic design ftw

The document discusses atomic design principles and best practices for CSS architecture and code. It explains the different levels of atomic design including atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages. It provides examples of how to implement atomic design using CSS extensions, mixins, variables and imports. It also outlines recommendations for CSS practices such as managing specificity, using semantic selectors, separating concerns of paint and layout, avoiding magic numbers, and more.

atomic designfront endsass
Creating Living Style Guides to Improve Performance
Creating Living Style Guides to Improve PerformanceCreating Living Style Guides to Improve Performance
Creating Living Style Guides to Improve Performance

Refactoring Trulia’s UI with SASS, OOCSS, and handlebars. My slides from jsconf 2013. Lot's of yummy details about the performance improvements we were able to make.

sassoocssstyle guides
๏ Promotes consistency and cohesion 
๏ Easier to test 
๏ Better workflow 
๏ Creates a shared vocabulary 
๏ Useful reference

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Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012

Almost exactly the same slides as for BDConf, but some might appreciate having the actual slides from this event.

responsive designweb designmobilism
Responsive Design Workflow
Responsive Design WorkflowResponsive Design Workflow
Responsive Design Workflow

In this presentation, Intergen's Mark Delaney (Interactive Designer, Portals and Content) talks about mobile content strategy, context, device experience and gives advice on how to start your journey on creating a responsive website.

mobile uxresponsive web designpresentation
Responsive Design Workflow (Breaking Development Conference 2012 Orlando)
Responsive Design Workflow (Breaking Development Conference 2012 Orlando)Responsive Design Workflow (Breaking Development Conference 2012 Orlando)
Responsive Design Workflow (Breaking Development Conference 2012 Orlando)

Slides from my presentation at Breaking Development 2012 in Orlando. This deck is not intended to be standalone, and probably made more sense in combination with my talk. At least, I hope so. I understand that video of the talk will be available in the near future on the Breaking Development website.

responsive designweb design and developmentweb
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Responsive Design Workflow: Webshaped 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Webshaped 2012Responsive Design Workflow: Webshaped 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Webshaped 2012

Almost exactly the same slides as for BDConf and Mobilism 2012, but some might appreciate having the actual slides from this event.

responsive designweb design
Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Smashing Conference 2012)
Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Smashing Conference 2012)Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Smashing Conference 2012)
Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Smashing Conference 2012)

The document discusses replacing Photoshop comps with web-based comps and style guides for responsive design mockups. It outlines problems with using Photoshop, such as design changes being time-consuming and the inability to represent responsive designs. The document then presents the benefits of using web-based comps and style guides, such as allowing for realistic rendering and representation of responsive designs. It also describes a workflow for creating web-based style guides using tools like Markdown, Jinja templates, PhantomJS, CasperJS, and Dexy.

responsive designstyle guidesphotoshop
Style Guides in the Wild
Style Guides in the WildStyle Guides in the Wild
Style Guides in the Wild

Matt Bee is a freelance developer based in the UK who has worked on websites for organizations like the National Theatre and Brighton Fringe. He discusses how traditional style guides focused only on print and lacked guidance for online design. Living style guides address this by styling base elements, building modular components to handle different content, and documenting each part. This allows for focused design, less messy code, and quicker integration. Bee then provides examples of tools and resources for building living style guides and discusses his successful experience creating one for the Brighton Fringe 2016 website.

web designstyle guidefront end development
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Design Pattern Craftsmanship
Design Pattern CraftsmanshipDesign Pattern Craftsmanship
Design Pattern Craftsmanship

Slides from a presentation I gave at Front-End Design Conference and ForgeConf in 2014. My first Design Pattern Craftsmanship talk in 2012 was presented at Etsy's Code as Craft series and I talked about MailChimp's original UI Pattern Library. Since then, we've redesigned and rebuilt our pattern library, so V2 of the talk covers the history, challenges, and benefits of our exploration of front-end patterns.

patternsstyleguidespattern library
Uso de las tics en la formación ddes
Uso de las tics en la formación  ddesUso de las tics en la formación  ddes
Uso de las tics en la formación ddes

El documento describe la importancia de incluir las TIC en la formación docente para proveer a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para el siglo XXI. También discute cómo las TIC transforman los métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje permitiendo un mayor acceso al conocimiento. Finalmente, enumera varias herramientas de la Web 2.0 como wikis, blogs y aplicaciones de redes sociales que pueden usarse para generar contenido y fomentar la colaboración entre estudiantes.

educación superior
The Why and What of Pattern Lab
The Why and What of Pattern LabThe Why and What of Pattern Lab
The Why and What of Pattern Lab

Responsive design is forcing us to reevaluate our design and development practices. It's also forcing us to rethink how we communicate with our clients and what a project's deliverables might be. Pattern Lab helps bridge the gap by providing one tool that allows for the creation of modular systems as well as gives clients the tool review the work in the place it's going to be used: the browser. This talk is a deep dive into how Pattern Lab is organized and how to take advantage of it.

responsive designresponsive web designpattern lab
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
๏ Time consuming to create 
๏ Treated as a auxiliary project 
๏ Often too abstract 
๏ Seen only as a designer/developer tool 
๏ Often created after a project launches 
๏ Often incomplete/only serving present cases 
๏ Lacking a clear methodology

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How UI Framework improves design process
How UI Framework improves design processHow UI Framework improves design process
How UI Framework improves design process

Learn how UI Framework improves design processn and why it is helpful for building web software products and encouraging rapid prototyping in Agile software enviroments

Design Pattern Libraries
Design Pattern LibrariesDesign Pattern Libraries
Design Pattern Libraries

Design Pattern Libraries explores the process of creating, maintaining, and evolving a design language using a pattern library. This talk explains how to identify, document, share and iterate design patterns, build consensus throughout large organizations, and create a uniform user experience in the process. Pattern libraries are living, breathing systems, and this presentation shows how to evolve patterns and create a library that keeps pace with product release cycles as well as changes in technology and an organization's brand.

pattern librarystyle guide
How UI Framework improves design process - 2015 (Dribbble meetup)
How UI Framework improves design process - 2015  (Dribbble meetup)How UI Framework improves design process - 2015  (Dribbble meetup)
How UI Framework improves design process - 2015 (Dribbble meetup)

This document outlines how a UI framework can improve the design process. It discusses some common problems like miscommunication between teams and inconsistent design. It then introduces a UI framework as a living library of patterns, standards, and behaviors that provides benefits like allowing reuse of assets, rapid prototyping, and standardized elements. It covers the framework's foundation including colors, grids, typography. It also covers components, patterns, and additional resources that are part of the framework.

2H2 + O2 → 2H20 
C + O2 → CO2 
CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O 
C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H20 
C2H6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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The Mobile Frontier
The Mobile FrontierThe Mobile Frontier
The Mobile Frontier

Mobile user experience is a new frontier. Untethered from a keyboard and mouse, this rich design space is lush with opportunity to invent new and more human ways for people to interact with information. Invention requires casting off many anchors and conventions inherited from the last 50 years of computer science and traditional design and jumping head first into a new and unfamiliar design space. In this talk, Rachel will provide: Insight into how designers and UX professionals can navigate the unfamiliar and fast-changing mobile landscape with grace and solid thinking. In-depth information on advanced mobile design topics UX professionals will spend the next 10+ years pioneering Tools and frameworks necessary to begin tackling mobile UX problems in this rapidly changing design space.

ipadmulti-device designmobile user experience
Future Visualization with Children
Future Visualization with ChildrenFuture Visualization with Children
Future Visualization with Children

As part of Institute of Customer Experience, we are constantly on the look out for opportunities that give us an insight into the future of things. We wanted to explore the concept of “beginner’s mind” which is said to be an attitude of openness, eagerness and lack of preconceptions and realized that it was the mind of a child that we wanted a peek into. We ideated and devised a unique way of getting children to give us their insights about what they think will happen in the future. The result was a board game called “The Trip to the Future” which we used to conduct “playshops”. This method got us very exciting responses. We would love to take you through the journey.

futuresustainable futurestechnology
Human-Machine Relationships Insight Chart
Human-Machine Relationships Insight ChartHuman-Machine Relationships Insight Chart
Human-Machine Relationships Insight Chart

A summary of our Jan 2015 curated pieces on UXTrendspotting (

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Gender futures
Gender futuresGender futures
Gender futures

In this chart, we look at trends in gender to forecast the future in the context of gender roles, gender diversity, and gender fluidity.

gender futuresgender equalitygender fluidity
Reputation Currencies
Reputation CurrenciesReputation Currencies
Reputation Currencies

The first in a series on the Future of Money. Sponsored by The Institute of Customer Experience (ICE). Today’s world increasingly challenges us to think differently about value and money. Almost everyone agrees that reputation is important. But how important is it? Does it have an impact on your finances? What is the currency of reputation and is it transferable or exchangeable? Link -

futurealternative currencymoney
Survey for International Longevity Day
Survey for International Longevity DaySurvey for International Longevity Day
Survey for International Longevity Day

Survey conducted on International Longevity Day, October 1st, 2015 with responses of ~30 participants across the world.

surveyinstitute of customer experiencelongevity
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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World as a shopping interface
World as a shopping interfaceWorld as a shopping interface
World as a shopping interface

This month, at the Institute of Customer Experience, we explore trends that are converting the world into a shopping interface. Here are the top six trend categories covered in this report. 1. Immersive Experiences: Take a closer look at how VR and AR are changing the shopping experience. 2. Intelligence Explosion with Human Touch: Explore examples of artificial intelligence in assisting our purchases. 3. Data Sync: Check out how research about customers’ previous shopping data enhances anticipatory shopping. 4. Fluidity Among Channels: View examples of seamless integration of social media, QVC, live shows and online shopping. 5. Post-Money Economy: As shopping enters the post-money economy see how cashless, cardless purchases and even staffless retail stores are trending. 6. Automated Consumerism: Check out technologies that are enabling restocking and various ways of looking for the best deals on products.

user experiencevirtual realityomnichannel
Future of water insight chart
Future of water insight chartFuture of water insight chart
Future of water insight chart

Will we stop packing a water bottle and collect air on-the-go? Will personal straws be the next big thing to ensure we get access to drinking water? Will ancient desalination techniques be our saving grace and enable us to engineer the future of water? Or will the ocean start cleaning itself?

water bottlestrawdrinking water
Sustainable Lifestyles: The Trendsetters
Sustainable Lifestyles: The TrendsettersSustainable Lifestyles: The Trendsetters
Sustainable Lifestyles: The Trendsetters

Is our current materialistic lifestyle sustainable for our planet? How long can we continue to do things that make us feel good, but that are harmful and not sustainable for our environment? We need to start seeing our interests and nature’s interest as one and the same. At, HFI’s Institute of Customer Experience (ICE) we believe that there is hope to turn things around from leading a materialistic lifestyle that is indifferent to the planet to leading a sustainable lifestyle; and we have that hope in people. So we went out searching for people from around the world who do live a sustainable lifestyle, and it shows in their work and in their personal lives each day. They are ordinary people, but with a refreshing new mindset, which makes them extraordinary. They are cleaning up our planet, making it a better place to live in, and empathizing with nature all along the way. They mobilize others into action and have drawn many to their work. We at ICE believe that these people are the “Trendsetters for Sustainable Lifestyles”. Through the eight photobooks that follow we want to showcase their work to the world for the simple and elegant ways in which they have made a difference to the planet as individuals. They are doing their bit and as a result have positively affected communities and the environment around them. We hope they inspire our readers the way that they have inspired us. If we can learn from sustainability being their state of mind and from their work, we can make changes in our lives and fields of work to start living in a manner that will keep Earth a beautiful and habitable place for us for a very long time to come.

sustainable developmentsustainable energysustainable futures
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Robonity: Humanized Robots and Robotic Humans
Robonity: Humanized Robots and Robotic HumansRobonity: Humanized Robots and Robotic Humans
Robonity: Humanized Robots and Robotic Humans

We come across dozens of design breakthroughs and technological innovations daily--so many that it's easy to miss important trends emerging in the chaos all around us and not connect the dots to see the BIG picture. Here at The Institute for Customer Experience (ICE), we understand the business and design value of capturing the right trend insights at the right moment. We observe and analyse trends in design, technology, and business, and keep our fingers on the pulse of the global zeitgeist. In this series of trendbriefs, we bring you alerts on what's trending in our world and their possible impact on our future. Subscription to ICE Breakers -

Food future
Food futureFood future
Food future

How will food and everything related to food will look like in future? What role will technology and innovation play in making people more conscious about what they eat? What will be the food ecosystem of the future? The current generation is getting health conscious and the same has been started reflecting in all the new age innovations. In this report by the Institute of Customer Experience (ICE), we explore how the ecosystem around food will evolve and what are the key signals around this ecosystem.

dietagicultural districtshealth
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)

Chrome 4+ IE9+ Opera 10.5+ Safari 3.1+ (H.264 video requires QuickTime) Mobile Safari 3.2+ Android 2.2+ BlackBerry 7+ Opera Mobile 10.1+ Firefox Mobile 4+ Chrome for Android 18+ Internet Explorer Mobile 10+ 61 HTML5 VIDEO 62 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML5 Video Demo</title> </head> <body> <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design

The document discusses new elements and syntax in HTML5 for building web pages. It covers using the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, specifying character encodings and languages, including <script> and <style> elements, and bringing back semantic HTML tags like <b>, <i>, and <abbr>. It also discusses new structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>. Finally, it covers other new features in HTML5 like figures, details, drag and drop, and microformats.

[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop

This document provides an agenda for an HTML5 workshop. The agenda includes discussions of differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 syntax like DOCTYPEs and character sets, and features like audio/video, geolocation, forms, and accessibility. It also outlines exercises for validating HTML5 markup and exploring new HTML5 elements.

[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover

This document provides an agenda and overview for an HTML5 and CSS3 workshop. The agenda includes explaining differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>, bringing back semantic HTML tags, figures and captions, editable elements, drag and drop, HTML5 metadata like microformats, and page structure. It discusses syntax changes in HTML5 and introducing new elements and attributes to improve semantics and accessibility.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Atomic design con pattern lab
Atomic design con pattern labAtomic design con pattern lab
Atomic design con pattern lab

UX Nights Vol. LIV Sistemas de Diseño / Design Systems Ciudad de México En esta presentación se habla sobre cómo funciona el sistema de Atomic Design para crear sistemas de diseño personalizados y una introducción para su implementación con PatternLab.

uxuiuser experience
Slow kinda sucks
Slow kinda sucksSlow kinda sucks
Slow kinda sucks

This document provides an overview of Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS), HTML5, and web performance. It discusses what OOCSS is, how to implement it, and why it is useful. It also briefly covers some HTML5 forms and communication features. Finally, it examines how to improve website speed. The goal is to look at these topics and discuss elegant and lean CSS as opposed to "fat sack of crap" code.

[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design
[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design
[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design

Even though the specification is still being written, HTML5 can be implemented for your website today. In this workshop presented by Christopher Schmitt focused on real world solutions, attendees will learn about the new HTML elements and their semantics, HTML5 form elements, incorporate audio and video without Flash, new JavaScript API like geolocation, and more.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
You can create good experiences without 
knowing the content. What you can’t do is 
create good experiences without knowing 
your content structure. What is your content 
made from, not what your content is. 
-Mark Boulton
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Scalable front-end architecture with Bootstrap 3 + Atomic CSS
Scalable front-end architecture with Bootstrap 3 + Atomic CSSScalable front-end architecture with Bootstrap 3 + Atomic CSS
Scalable front-end architecture with Bootstrap 3 + Atomic CSS

I was invited back by the Coder Factory to give another talk on "how to convert design to code properly" for their new cohort of students.

Diseño de Sistemas de Diseño con Atomic Design y Pattern Lab
Diseño de Sistemas de Diseño con Atomic Design y Pattern LabDiseño de Sistemas de Diseño con Atomic Design y Pattern Lab
Diseño de Sistemas de Diseño con Atomic Design y Pattern Lab

Una introducción a la creación de sistemas de diseño personalizados utilizando Atomic Design con PatternLab, con ejemplos.

designsystematomic design
AD105 - OneUI.. really? Is that because you don't know about Twitter Bootstrap?
AD105 - OneUI.. really? Is that because you don't know about Twitter Bootstrap?AD105 - OneUI.. really? Is that because you don't know about Twitter Bootstrap?
AD105 - OneUI.. really? Is that because you don't know about Twitter Bootstrap?

Did you know that Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular GitHub project? It's more popular than even rails and jQuery. If you don't know what it can do then you probably should and here is your chance. In this session I will discuss: - Building sexy web applications by leveraging the Twitter Bootstrap community - Why Twitter Bootstrap might be a better choice then IBM's OneUI - Rapid prototyping with Twitter Bootstrap - XPages specific resources to get you rolling - XPages time savers to generating valid Twitter Bootstrap markup

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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CSS framework By Palash
CSS framework By PalashCSS framework By Palash
CSS framework By Palash

All about CSS and its framework. This covered the most important CSS frameworks with their sample code and working.

Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2

This is the same workshop from August, but about 40 new slides, mostly at the end. A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on September 11, 2012.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
Turku loves-storybook-styleguidist-styled-components
Turku loves-storybook-styleguidist-styled-componentsTurku loves-storybook-styleguidist-styled-components
Turku loves-storybook-styleguidist-styled-components

The document discusses different tools for building design systems in React, including Storybook, Styleguidist, and Styled Components. It explains that Storybook is focused on component development and testing ("the workshop"), while Styleguidist generates documentation and is meant to share the design system externally ("the storefront"). Styled Components is presented as a good option for managing CSS in React projects. Examples are provided for each tool to illustrate how they can be used.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Web Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX DesignersWeb Development for UX Designers
Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

user experience designhtml5web development
Intro to html5 Boilerplate
Intro to html5 BoilerplateIntro to html5 Boilerplate
Intro to html5 Boilerplate

Introduction to Paul Irish and Divya Manian's HTML5 Boilerplate project. HTML5 Boilerplate helps you to quickly get up and running with front-end web project.

html5 boilerplatehtml5media queries
So…What Do I Make? (Dan Mall)
So…What Do I Make? (Dan Mall)So…What Do I Make? (Dan Mall)
So…What Do I Make? (Dan Mall)

Taken from Future of Web Design (#FOWD), London 2015 Conference. Reports are in from Twitter, Medium, and the like; we can’t make full comps, use Photoshop, or even utter the phrase 'visual design' anymore. What’s a designer to do? Has our role evaporated? Fear not! Dan Mall will help redefine the tasks of the modern day designer in light of the multi -device world that snuck up on us.

designerweb design and developmentdesign challenges
๏ A design system builder 
๏ Your comprehensive custom component library 
๏ A pattern starter kit 
๏ A design toolkit (viewport resizer and other tools)
๏ A UI framework 
๏ Language, library, style, workflow dependent 
๏ Incredibly rigid 
๏ “Just” a pattern library, but also not a production-ready 
static site generator
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Rapid and Responsive - UX to Prototype with Bootstrap
Rapid and Responsive - UX to Prototype with BootstrapRapid and Responsive - UX to Prototype with Bootstrap
Rapid and Responsive - UX to Prototype with Bootstrap

The document discusses how to rapidly prototype user interfaces using Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework. It outlines the benefits of prototyping with Bootstrap over traditional wireframing or jumping straight to development. Prototyping with Bootstrap allows building interactive prototypes quickly in hours using responsive design principles. The prototypes can then be used as the basis for the final site design rather than being discarded. The document introduces key concepts like responsive design, prototyping, and frameworks. It also provides an overview of features in Bootstrap like grids, components, and how they can be combined for prototyping.

prototypeweb design and developmentresponsive
TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單
TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單
TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單

The document discusses new features in HTML5 including semantic elements, form elements, and microdata. Some key points: 1. HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, and <section> to define different parts of a page and improve semantics and accessibility. 2. New form input types are added like email, url, tel, number, date to support validation and new UI widgets. Attributes like placeholder, autofocus, and autocomplete improve the form experience. 3. Microdata builds on microformats to embed structured data using attributes like itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop to identify items, properties and values for search engines and APIs

html5semantic web
Death of a Themer
Death of a ThemerDeath of a Themer
Death of a Themer

Video at Large Drupal projects will generally have a themer or five working alongside the developers, site builders and designers. Themers are the magicians who transform what Drupal wants to do into what the designer wants it to do. Smaller projects also usually need someone on the team who can make sense of Drupal's output, knows more CSS and JS than anyone else and can configure Views with their eyes closed. The thing is — and whisper this, if possible redundancy concerns you — we can bypass the themer entirely. With some simple configuration, a site builder can get Drupal to output exactly the semantic, lightweight markup that any modern front-end designer would be proud of. The designer can be left alone to write the most appropriate HTML, CSS and JS, while the site builder need only choose a couple of options when putting together content types, views and panels to make Drupal behave. A friendly developer may have to lend a hand every now and then, but that’s it. You can get rid of the themer altogether.

drupaltheme"drupalcamp london"
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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This document discusses how Stencil can help solve problems with creating custom web components. Stencil is a compiler that generates standard-compliant web components from components written with features like JSX and TypeScript. It addresses issues like verbose syntax and lack of framework features by generating code that includes capabilities like virtual DOM and reactivity. Stencil works at build time so generated components can be used by any framework and are suitable for building reusable infrastructure components.

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Samfunnsoppdrag på sosialt vis

Mia Kolbeinsen og Cecilie Cottis Østreng

webdagene 2017
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
c!ode block 
<div class="block block-post"> 
<a href="{{ url }}"> 
<div class="b-img"> 
{{> atoms-thumb }} 
<h3 class="b-title">{{ headline }}</h3> 
<p class="b-excerpt">{{ excerpt }}</p> 

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Building bridges on diversity: What the fight for civil rights can teach us a...
Building bridges on diversity: What the fight for civil rights can teach us a...Building bridges on diversity: What the fight for civil rights can teach us a...
Building bridges on diversity: What the fight for civil rights can teach us a...

Data + human stories makes a powerful combination when you’re trying to change the world.

webdagene 2017
The voice of the future (en) – med Cheryl Platz
The voice of the future (en) – med Cheryl PlatzThe voice of the future (en) – med Cheryl Platz
The voice of the future (en) – med Cheryl Platz

Cheryl Platz has been designing voice and multimodal interfaces since 2006. She discusses 3 opportunities for improving voice user interfaces: 1) Addressing bias in current systems through more inclusive training data, 2) Moving beyond siloed assistants to collaborative systems, and 3) Developing more conversational assistants through understanding of context and non-verbal cues. Platz envisions a future where voice interfaces amplify humanity by building trust over time and empowering users through enhanced productivity, adaptivity, and companionship.

webdagene 2017
Hvorfor personvern er viktig for kommunikasjon – med Eva Jarbekk
Hvorfor personvern er viktig for kommunikasjon – med Eva JarbekkHvorfor personvern er viktig for kommunikasjon – med Eva Jarbekk
Hvorfor personvern er viktig for kommunikasjon – med Eva Jarbekk

Lær mer om de nye personvernreglene som kommer i mai 2018.

webdagene 2017
code block !!!!! 
{{> molecules-block-post }} 
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
c!ode block 
<header class="header" role="banner"> 
{{> atoms-ad-leaderboard }} 
{{> atoms-logo }} 
{{> molecules-primary-nav }} 
{{> molecules-search }} 
{{> molecules-social-nav }} 

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Slik kommuniserer du til hele hjernen (sv) – med Erik Modig
Slik kommuniserer du til hele hjernen (sv) – med Erik ModigSlik kommuniserer du til hele hjernen (sv) – med Erik Modig
Slik kommuniserer du til hele hjernen (sv) – med Erik Modig

This document discusses how to communicate effectively to the whole brain. It suggests balancing social, professional, private, and political communication styles. It also recommends keeping messages short, focusing on effectiveness and emotional intelligence over stance-taking. The goal is to communicate in a way that engages both logical and emotional thinking. The document is signed by Erik Modig, a PhD researcher from the Stockholm School of Economics.

webdagene 2017
Digital innovasjon i praksis – med Klara Vatn
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Digital innovasjon i praksis – med Klara Vatn

Transformér innenifra!

webdagene 2017
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Hvordan bruke UX i design av hardware – med Marius Aabel

Hvordan bruke UX i design av hardware

webdagene 2017
c!ode block 
{{> organisms-header }}
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
c{o{d>e o rbglaonicskms-header }} 
<main role="main"> 
<div class="l-two-col"> 
<div class="l-main"> 
{{> organisms-article-body }} 
{{> molecules-social-share }} 
{{> organisms-comments }} 
<div class="l-sidebar"> 
{{> organisms-related-posts }} 
{{> organisms-recent-tweets }} 
{{> organisms-footer }}
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Om å bryte tabuer på Snapchat – med Tale Maria Krohn Engvik
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Om å bryte tabuer på Snapchat – med Tale Maria Krohn Engvik

Lær hvordan Helsesista bruker digitale kanaler til å bryte tabuer og hvordan det er å være Den Ene for så mange.

webdagene 2017
Enkel og effektiv brukertesting – med Ida Aalen
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Ida gir dere 7 enkle og effektive teknikker som du kan ta i bruk i morgen.

webdagene 2017
Ten realities of the internet of things – ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Ten realities of the internet of things –  ​Alexandra Deschamps-SonsinoTen realities of the internet of things –  ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Ten realities of the internet of things – ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino

The document discusses the need for an internet of things (IoT) certification mark to encourage ethical development of connected products and give consumers more choice, transparency, and protection. It would address issues like privacy, interoperability, openness, data governance, permissions, security, and product lifecycle/support. While developing such standards would be difficult, it could help the IoT industry adopt best practices and help consumers make more informed decisions about connected devices and services. The certification mark is presented as a way to champion good industry practices in a non-regulatory way and help both businesses and users navigate increasing regulation like GDPR.

webdagene 2017
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Internett. Hva nå? – med Jostein Magnussen

Stopp. Tenk. Hvor har dette internettet tatt oss? Hvor går vi fremover?

webdagene 2017
Nysgjerrighet som drivkraft – med Louise Fuchs
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Vi er bare mennesker, hvordan skal vi klare å lære oss nye ting hele tiden?

webdagene 2017
Scaling service design and the challenge of problem-caring – Sanjay Poyzer
Scaling service design and the challenge of problem-caring – Sanjay PoyzerScaling service design and the challenge of problem-caring – Sanjay Poyzer
Scaling service design and the challenge of problem-caring – Sanjay Poyzer

Director of Service Design at the UK Government Digital Service

webdagene 2017
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
c{o{d>e orbglaonciskms-header }} 
<main role="main"> 
{{# hero }} 
{{> molecules-hero-video }} 
{{/ hero }} 
<section class="section"> 
{{# experience }} 
{{> organisms-story-feature }} 
{{/ experience }} 
<section class="section"> 
{{# factoid-advertising }} 
{{> organisms-factoid }} 
{{/ factoid-advertising }} 
c{o de block 
"title" : "Time Inc.", 
"bodyClass": "home", 
"hero" : [ 
"headline": { 
"xs": "Moving People" 
"img": { 
"hero-full": { 
"src": "../../images/sample/ 
"alt": "Beyonce" 
c"oedxpee ribenlcoe"c k: { 
"heroClass" : "experience", 
"img" : { 
"hero-main": { 
"src": "../../images/sample/hero_skater.jpg", 
"alt": "Olympic Figure Skater" 
"eyebrow" : "Experiences", 
"headline" : { 
"short" : “Champions at the Olympics" 
"excerpt" : { 
"medium" : "Time Inc’s brands cover every aspect 
of the Sochi XXII Winter Olympic Games. From the best 
athletes to the best viewing parties." 

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5 grep for kundeorientering i en digital hverdag. – med Guro Røberg og Ove Dalen
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Guro og Ove gir deg konkrete verktøy for å komme nærmere kundene dine.

webdagene 2017
Ten realities of the internet of things - ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Ten realities of the internet of things -  ​Alexandra Deschamps-SonsinoTen realities of the internet of things -  ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Ten realities of the internet of things - ​Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino

The document discusses the risks associated with connecting physical devices to the internet. It notes that internet of things devices can be hacked at the hardware, firmware, or cloud level. Regulations like GDPR will help address some risks for devices sold in the EU, but physical safety issues, connectivity problems, and uncertified products also pose risks. Additionally, most internet of things companies have high failure rates due to the expenses of supporting both digital and physical components of devices. The document encourages considering these risks and challenges when planning for an interconnected world of internet of things technology.

webdagene 2017
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Hvordan menneskesentrisk teknologi endrer kundeopplevelsen

webdagene 2017
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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Understanding humans – Leah Reich

Leah Reich gave a presentation in Oslo, Norway in October 2017 about designing technology with empathy for human administrators and infrastructure. She argued that technology cannot replace bureaucracy and that organizations need human infrastructure to function, but it often sucks currently. Reich advocated for organizations to cultivate a culture where administrators feel supported and appreciated as a whole, rather than just as individuals.

webdagene 2017
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The internet is not for wimps! Get ready to dive into the world wide undergrounds of the web.

webdagene 2017
UX of Story: Designing the Future of Storytelling – Mandy Mandelstein
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The document discusses Mandy Mandelstein's interest in designing future storytelling mediums that incorporate technology. It describes how she realized user experience design principles from human-computer interaction could be applied, with the user being the viewer of a storytelling medium. The document also briefly outlines how storytelling mediums have changed over time, from filmmaking making stories less interactive than previous mediums like radio, to people now consuming stories in new places with new technologies. It quotes Janet H. Murray saying all successful storytelling mediums eventually become transparent, where the medium fades away and only the story itself remains.

webdagene 2017

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The buzz around the Linux kernel technology eBPF is growing quickly and it can be hard to know where to start or how to keep up with this technology that is reshaping our infrastructure stack. In this talk, Bill will trace how he got into eBPF, explore some of the applications leveraging eBPF today, and teach others how to dive into the hive of activity around eBPF. People just beginning with eBPF will learn how eBPF makes it possible to have efficient networking, observability without instrumentation, effortless tracing, and real-time security (among other things) without needing your own kernel team. Those already familiar with eBPF will get an overview of the eBPF landscape and learn about many new and expanding eBPF applications that allow them to harness the power without needing to dive into the bytecode. The audience will walk away with an understanding of the buzz around eBPF and knowledge of new tools that may solve some of their problems in networking, observability, and security.

Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
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The European Commission has clearly identified open source as a strategic tool for bringing some balance to an EU cloud market currently dominated by a handful of non-EU hyperscalers. Part of that commitment comes through a series of ambitious, multi-million EU projects like the SIMPL platform for Data Spaces and the multi-country “Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services” (IPCEI-CIS). For the first time in the history of the European Union, it is the EU industry who will be leading large-scale open source projects aimed at building European strategic technologies. In this talk we will explain in detail how specific European open source technologies are being brought together as part of some of those projects to start building Sovereign Multi-Cloud solutions that ensure interoperability and digital sovereignty for European users while preventing vendor lock-in in the cloud market, opening up competition in the emerging 5G/edge.

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In a world where Cloud gives us the ease and flexibility to deploy and scale your apps we often overlook security and control. The fact that resources in the cloud are still shared, the hardware is shared, the network is shared, there is not much insight into the infrastructure unless the logs are exposed by the cloud provider. Even an air gap environment in the cloud is truly not air gapped, it’s a pseudo-private network. Moreover, the general trend in the industry is shifting towards cloud repatriation, it’s a fancy term for bringing your apps and services from cloud back to on-prem, like old school how things were run before the cloud was even a thing. This shift has caused what I call a knowledge gap where engineers are only familiar with interacting with infrastructure via APIs but not the hardware or networks their application runs on. In this talk I aim to demystify on-prem environments and more importantly show engineers how easy and smooth it is to repatriate data from cloud to an on-prem air gap environment.

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In this presentation, I have shown major risks that are to face in a business investment. Also I have shown their classification and sources. This information have taken from my text book -" Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management ~chapter 2 Investment~ " For complete this Presentation I used Figma and Canva. My Role: a. Student Final year - Accounting b. Presentation Designer

by Home
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Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

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The abstract was published as a conference proceeding in a Newsletter after being presented as an e-posture and secured 2nd prize during the scientific proceedings of "National Conference on Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) to Enhance Decision Making for Global Health" held at Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER)- Autonomous in association with the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)-India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter during 4th& 5th August 2023. Nasir A. A study on drug utilization evaluation of bronchodilators using the DDD method. RIPER - PDIC Bulletin ISPOR India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter Newsletter [Internet]. 2023 Sep;11(51):14. Available from:

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This presentation deals with SEO Product Management. Topics like discovery, experimentation and prioritisation are covered.

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As an industry, we sell websites like 
paintings. Instead, we should be selling 
beautiful and easy access to content, 
agnostic of device, screen size, or context. 
-Dan Mall
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Destyney Duhon embodies a singular blend of creativity, resilience, and purpose that defines modern entrepreneurial spirit. As a visionary at the intersection of artistry and innovation, Destyney fearlessly navigates uncharted waters, sculpting her journey with a profound commitment to authenticity and impact.This Brand exploration power point is a great example of her dedication to her craft.

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๏ Document your interface 
๏ Promote consistency 
๏ Establish scope of work for translating to a responsive 
๏ Lay the groundwork for a future style guide/pattern library
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
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Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)