SlideShare a Scribd company logo
the API is an interface that needs to be designed
twitter really is the best way to reach me…
❖ What is a media block?	

❖ Why use ReactJS	

❖ Making a media block in ReactJS
let’s look at an example from Facebook

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Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013
Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013
Atomic Design - BDConf Nashville, 2013

This document discusses Atomic Design, a methodology for building design systems. It begins by explaining that interfaces are made of systems of components, not just pages. It then discusses frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap, as well as their potential pitfalls. The document introduces Atomic Design and its principles of separating interfaces into abstract and concrete levels. It explains Pattern Lab as a tool for building design systems and provides examples of existing style guides. Overall, the document advocates for a systematic approach to design to improve collaboration and build reusable and scalable components.

pattern libraryfrontend style guidestyle guide
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)
Brad frost: Atomic design (Webdagene 2014)

The document discusses the concept of atomic design for building interfaces and design systems. It provides examples of existing style guides and pattern libraries. It also describes how atomic design breaks interfaces down into basic elements called atoms, and combines them into larger components called molecules, organisms and templates. Real content can then be piped into the templates.

webdagene 2014webdagene
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San DiegoAtomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego
Atomic Design - An Event Apart San Diego

Design systems, not pages. This is an introduction to atomic design (, a methodology for crafting an effective interface design system. It also introduces Pattern Lab (, a tool for implementing atomic design systems and pattern libraries.

atomic designrwdpattern lab
❖ Can be nested	

❖ Optional right button	

❖ Must clearfix
❖ Allows top, middle, or
bottom alignment

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Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive DesignBeyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design

Responsive web design has hit the scene like a bomb, and now designers everywhere are showing off to their bosses and peers by resizing their browser windows. "Look! The site is squishy!" While creating flexible layouts is important, there's a whole lot more that goes into truly exceptional adaptive web experiences. This session will introduce the Principles of Adaptive Design: ubiquity, flexibility, performance, enhancement and future-friendliness. We need go beyond media queries in order to preserve the web's ubiquity and move it in a future-friendly direction.

adaptive web designresponsive web designffly
The Death of Lorem Ipsum & Pixel Perfect Content
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The Death of Lorem Ipsum & Pixel Perfect Content

A designer has been asked to mock up a student profile page in Photoshop. It’s beautiful. The student’s name fits perfectly under the profile image. Their bio is split into two columns that perfectly line up. Unfortunately, all of this perfectly laid-out content is an unrealistic best-case scenario. Our content never fits this perfectly. Names are longer than the eleven characters used in the mock-up. Bios naturally vary in length from person to person. The reality is that we will have large variation in our content. Rather than addressing these variations after we’ve received approvals and started building a website, we should stress-test our designs with real content from the start of our process. To deliver the best possible product, we need to design for the best-case, worst-case, and every-case-in-between when it comes to possible content. * Learn how systems and patterns can help us build reusable and shareable components for our websites * Discover the benefits of taking the design process out of Photoshop and moving it to the browser. * Learn how content specialists can engage with the design process from the beginning and be advocates for realistic content. * Explore how real and varied content, not lorem ipsum, can be used to test a design and how it might work. * Discover how developers can also be involved in this process to ease integration of a design with a CMS or a custom solution.

responsive web designpatternsresponsive design
Adventures in Atomic Design
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Adventures in Atomic Design

Slides for my talk at CSS Summit 2016 about the approach of atomic design in creating componentized, reusable design systems for sites and apps.

atomic designuiux
❖ Image width and decoration vary	

❖ Right content is unknown	

❖ Width unknown
<div class="media attribution">	
<a href="" class="img">	
<img src="mini.jpg" alt="Stubbornella" />	
<div class="bd">@Stubbornella 14 minutes ago</div>	
Building the Media Block in ReactJS

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Use atomic design ftw
Use atomic design ftwUse atomic design ftw
Use atomic design ftw

The document discusses atomic design principles and best practices for CSS architecture and code. It explains the different levels of atomic design including atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages. It provides examples of how to implement atomic design using CSS extensions, mixins, variables and imports. It also outlines recommendations for CSS practices such as managing specificity, using semantic selectors, separating concerns of paint and layout, avoiding magic numbers, and more.

atomic designfront endsass
The Server Side of Responsive Web Design
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Responsive web design has become an important tool for front-end developers as they develop mobile-optimized solutions for clients. Browser-detection has been an important tool for server-side developers for the same task for much longer. Unfortunately, both techniques have certain limitations. Depending on project requirements, team make-up and deployment environment combining these two techniques might lead to intriguing solutions for your organization. We'll discuss when it makes sense to take this extra step and we'll explore techniques for combining server-side technology, like server-side feature-detection, with your responsive web designs to deliver the most flexible solutions possible.

responsive designhigher educationhighered
Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012
Responsive Design Workflow: Mobilism 2012

Almost exactly the same slides as for BDConf, but some might appreciate having the actual slides from this event.

responsive designweb designmobilism
❖ html consistency (modal debugging)	

❖ smaller api (fewer breaking changes)	

❖ don’t need to go everywhere a component
was used to update the dom if it changes	

❖ lightning fast dom updates when data

❖ not managing those updates manually	

❖ simpler APIs (tabs example)
So do Ryan Florence’s
APIs are an interface that needs to be designed
❖ Elements	

❖ Attributes 	

❖ Nested children	

❖ Data
Sounds a lot like html, right?

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The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)
The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)
The Death of Lorem Ipsum and Pixel-Perfect Content (MinneWebCon version)

A designer has been asked to mock up an example student profile page in Photoshop. It’s beautiful. The student’s name fits perfectly under the profile image. Their bio is split into two perfectly aligned columns. The design just feels… right. Approvals are given and the production of a website with many different profiles is started. As more profiles are added the design no longer seems to work. It’s starting to seem like the website itself will no longer work. The cold, hard reality of varied and inconsistent web content has hit the project hard. Do we make large design changes or just live with it? To head off this question we should utilize real content as we develop mock-ups. But it shouldn’t just be one set of real content. Delivering the best possible and most robust websites requires us to design using the best-case, worst-case, and every-case-in-between content. By combining the skills of content specialists, designers, and even developers designs will be that much stronger.

responsive web designlorem ipsumresponsive design
Responsive webdesign
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Responsive webdesign

This document discusses responsive web design. It begins by outlining the failures of separate mobile websites and native apps. Responsive design is identified as the key approach because it allows for one website with a layout that adapts to any screen size. The document then covers various aspects of responsive design such as thinking mobile first, information architecture considerations, designing in the browser versus Photoshop, using a fluid or fixed grid, and making design decisions beyond just visual design.

Beginning WordPress Plugin Development
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Beginning WordPress Plugin Development

Presented at WordCamp Malaysia 2010. Slideshare also does not resize my cropped images properly, thus resulting in squished images. This is noticeable on my squished code.

in React
var Media = React.createClass({
It’s kind of like HTML, it’s called jsx
My very first React component!
the Media component, so it can be used in other files
module.exports = {
Media: Media
This tells the browser what HTML to render.
var Media = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
just render a paragraph, for now
tell React where to
render children

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The session was originally titled "Managing Complex Projects with Design Components”, but the training I took to become a certified ScrumMaster blew my mind. Integrating agile development with web development is actually very simple. It's called Styleguide-Driven Development. In this session, we will discuss the two requirements for Style Guide Driven Development: component-based design and automated style guides.

sassstyle guidescss
Plugins at WordCamp Phoenix
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The document discusses the history and features of plugins in WordPress. It defines what a plugin is and explains that plugins can enhance WordPress functionality by adding features like SEO, spam filtering, backups, and more. The document notes there are over 18,000 plugins available and provides tips for installing, troubleshooting, and removing plugins. It recommends several popular plugins including Akismet, Jetpack, backup plugins, caching plugins, SEO plugins, and others.

Don't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the PoolDon't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the Pool

This document provides an overview of common poor coding practices in WordPress development that can negatively impact compatibility and user experience. It discusses examples like directly modifying core WordPress scripts, directly printing scripts and stylesheets rather than using the enqueue system, and encourages developers to avoid these practices to prevent breaking other plugins, themes or WordPress itself. The presentation aims to make developers aware of these issues and how to develop code that is more considerate of other code on the site.

Sweet, this is gonna be rad.
This text is our component’s children!
This text is our component’s children!
Sweet, this is gonna be rad.
This text is our component’s children!
This text is our component’s children!
When React renders that
component we get this html
Sweet, this is gonna be rad.
This text is our component’s children!
This text is our component’s children!
When React renders that
component we get this html

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This document describes how to build a Jabber bot that can process Twitter messages serialized as XMPP messages. It provides instructions on setting up the necessary Ruby gems, creating a daemon to serialize tweets, writing specs to test the bot's behavior, and implementing the bot client to apply rules to messages. Sample Twitter messages in XMPP format are also included. The goal is to allow others to build their own bot armies that can process tweets and perform actions.

Facebook Social Plugins
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The document discusses how to make a website social using Facebook social plugins. It describes various Facebook social plugins like the login button, registration button, like button, and comments that can be easily integrated into a website with one or two lines of code. Integrating these plugins allows users to login, register, like content, and comment using their Facebook profiles. This increases user engagement and grows the social features of the site. [/SUMMARY]

social pluginsfacebook
Object Oriented CSS
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Object Oriented CSS

How do you scale CSS for millions of visitors or thousands of pages? The slides from Nicole's presentation at Web Directions North in Denver will show you how to use Object Oriented CSS to write fast, maintainable, standards-based front end code. Adds much needed predictability to CSS so that even beginners can participate in writing beautiful, standards-compliant, fast websites.

You'd never use react to render a simple paragraph because it
already understands <p> tags, you can just use them!
Step 1:Add the left image
What could go wrong? ;)

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Our Best Practices Are Killing Us
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Our Best Practices Are Killing Us

We keep thinking we can write better CSS if we just try harder, that the next site will be clean and stay that way. This presentation shows that in fact, messy CSS is the direct result of our worst best-practices. We need to reexamine those assumptions with an eye to practicality and scalability as well as accessibility, standards, and fabulous design.

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Creating Living Style Guides to Improve Performance
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Why are you here?
Why are you here?Why are you here?
Why are you here?

A reflection on career and community. A call to follow your heart rather than some abstract notion of success.
We’ll use it in our render function to set the src of the image
<Media leftImageSource=''>
Media block content
React props are a
lot like HTML
Media block content
Our render function will
make this into a link
wrapper (if it is set)

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CSS Bloat!
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CSS Bloat!

Your website has out-of-control CSS bloat. You know your performance is being impacted, but how do you move from organic CSS with no particular architecture to something lighter, more logical, and easier to maintain? In this session, Nicole Sullivan and Stoyan Stefanov will show you how they improved the CSS at Facebook and Yahoo! Search. After this session you will know how to: 1. Use lint tools to automate and evaluate the efficiency of your CSS 2. Avoid the top 5 causes of CSS bloat, and 3. Speed up your site by making the UI code an order of magnitude smaller.

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Don't feed the trolls
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Don't feed the trolls

The JavaScript community is one of the most vibrant and fun groups I've ever been lucky enough to be a part of. Like any vibrant community, sometimes people don't play nicely. In this session, I will discuss what it has been like to be shy *and* be on twitter, mailing lists, and open source. I'll talk about my experiences consulting on massive CSS overhauls, and ways to defeat trolls -- including your own inner troll! I'll also share a timing attack for your brain that might just surprise you.

The Cascade, Grids, Headings, and Selectors from an OOCSS Perspective, Ajax ...
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The cascade is a poker game, but we've been playing our cards all wrong. Here Nicole suggests we stop trying to play to win to prevent code bloat, and simplify the cascade, using the order of the rulesets to allow overrides.

Media block content
vertical alignment, could be
top, middle or bottom
leftImageAlt="profile photo">
Media block content
Our render function will make
this into an alt attribute on the
<img> tag

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5 Mistakes of Massive CSS
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5 Mistakes of Massive CSS

Nicole Sullivan and Stoyan Stefanov discuss their work optimizing CSS at Facebook and Yahoo!, As well as the state of CSS optimizations in the Alexa Top 1000 websites. What a mess! From Velocity Conference and Texas-Javascript.

css performance optimization facebook yahoo veloci
Why I choosed Ruby
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Why I choosed Ruby

The document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language, discussing how everything in Ruby is an object, Ruby's dynamic typing, how classes are objects and class names are constants, modules and mixins, functional support through blocks and variables, and how procs and lambdas allow for deferred evaluation.

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Taming CSS Selectors
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Taming CSS Selectors

From Nicole's presentation at the CSS Summit. This is brand new research regarding efficient CSS selector design. Practicing the rules outlined here will make your CSS lean, your site fast, and your maintenance minimal. A beautiful combination for people concerned with building performance into their sites.

leftImageAlt="profile photo"
Media block content
Explicit height and width
allow the browser to do a
single rendering/painting
with the spacing attribute
leftImageAlt="profile photo"
Media block content
For when the 10px default
spacing isn’t right, like a tiny
icon with text
rather than its images
via the stacksize (breakpoint) attribute
leftImageAlt="profile photo"
Media block content
stack size puts the image
above the text at the

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CSS Wish List @JSConf
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CSS Wish List @JSConf

From Nicole's talk at where she presented her wish list for the future of CSS. She presents a brand-new expanded syntax which allows for prototypes, mixins, and variables and explains how a preprocessor can be used today to achieve a richer language in older browsers.

css specification prototype mixin variable oocss j
Spring Web Views
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Spring Web Views

This document discusses view resolution in Spring MVC. It describes several view resolvers included with Spring, including InternalResourceViewResolver, BeanNameViewResolver, and ResourceBundleViewResolver. It also covers configuring multiple view resolvers, binding form data, rendering messages, displaying errors, integrating Jakarta Tiles to layout pages, and creating Tiles controllers.

CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design
CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive DesignCSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design
CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design

This document discusses responsive web design using CSS3 media queries. It begins with an introduction to media queries and their syntax for modifying CSS based on screen width. It then covers examples of adapting layouts, images, and other design elements for different screen sizes. Finally, it addresses techniques for supporting older browsers that do not support media queries, such as using conditional comments or JavaScript libraries.

web designmedia queriesresponsive web design
But we forgot something, the media block can have a right
This is out of control, we are going the wrong way!
leftImageAlt="profile photo"
rightImageAlt="profile photo"
Media block content
right image
❖ It’s very explicit, we know
what each thing does
What works?
❖ We're basically recreating
html in React, yuck! (we
shouldn’t make a new
different alt attribute!	

❖ We have image properties
and media properties all
mixed up	

❖ We have too many
What doesn’t work?

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CSS3 Media Queries
CSS3 Media QueriesCSS3 Media Queries
CSS3 Media Queries

Media queries allow CSS styles to be applied conditionally based on characteristics of the device viewing the content, like screen width. They provide a way to target specific devices and change layouts without changing the HTML. The document discusses the syntax of media queries, including using media types, features, expressions, and keywords. It provides examples of using media queries to load different style sheets or apply different CSS rules for different screen widths.

cssmedia queriescss3
Efficient, maintainable CSS
Efficient, maintainable CSSEfficient, maintainable CSS
Efficient, maintainable CSS

Many web sites have moved away from table based layouts to CSS. But what about the longer term? Is you CSS efficient, maintainable and modular? Find out about taking your CSS to the next level.

A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring
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A Modern Approach to Performance Monitoring

Akamai Edge 14 - Discussion on RUM, Synthetic and setting realistic and meaningful performance goals.

kinda weird, but it might work…
var images = [
"src": "",
"href": "",
"alignment": "middle",
"alt": "profile photo",
"height": "50px",
"width": "50px"
"src": "",
"href": "",
"alignment": "middle",
"alt": "profile photo",
"height": "50px",
"width": "50px"
passed in as another property
Media block content
passed in as another property
Media block content
{curly braces} mean it’s a JavaScript
variable rather than a string

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Milano Chatbots Meetup - Vittorio Banfi - Bot Design - Codemotion Milan 2016
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Milano Chatbots Meetup - Vittorio Banfi - Bot Design - Codemotion Milan 2016

Disegnare un bot? Si deve disegnare un bot così come si deve disegnare una pagina web. E i colori? E i bottoni? Vi diremo tutto.

codemotion milan 2016
SC5 Style Guide Generator
SC5 Style Guide GeneratorSC5 Style Guide Generator
SC5 Style Guide Generator

This document introduces the SC5 Styleguide, a tool for living styleguides that represents UI components with the exact same styles used in a project. It advocates an approach called Styleguide Driven Development where the styleguide is the focal point for front-end development. Key features include supporting CSS/SCSS/LESS, related variables, live editing, Angular directives, and easy integration. The styleguide allows for quick testing, building out new pages, and easier collaboration between designers and developers.

Web Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSSWeb Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSS

Given at CSS Dev Conf 2014 in New Orleans on October 14, 2014. This full presentation written with Web Components can be viewed with Chrome 36+ online at The source of the presentation is available on GitHub:

cssweb componentsjs
passed in as another property
Media block content
json goes into the
images attribute
{curly braces} mean it’s a JavaScript
variable rather than a string
What works? What doesn’t work?
❖ abstraction of passing in
JSON means all the code
isn't in the same place	

❖ weird to have JSON in the
middle of what looks like

❖ still reinventing html
attributes of an <img> tag
❖ cleaner separation of
concerns (media takes care
of media stuff, rather than
the properties of its
We decided to try including the images as children

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Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...
Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...
Universal JS Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemotion Rome ...

This document outlines a presentation about building universal JavaScript web applications with React. It discusses: 1. The term "universal" in relation to JavaScript and some advantages it provides like maintainability and faster load times. 2. Building a frontend single page application with React and then making it universal by rendering on the server as well with React and Express. 3. Key aspects of universal apps like module sharing, routing, data retrieval and state management that work across client and server. 4. An example of building a universal JavaScript app with React called "Judo Heroes" that shows athlete data and profiles, using components, routing, data and building tools like Babel and Webpack.

Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...
Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...
Universal JavaScript Web Applications with React - Luciano Mammino - Codemoti...

Since we started to see JS on the server side, the dream of developers has been to reduce the gap and the cost of switch between frontend/backend. Today with Node.js, React and a whole ecosystem of tools, this dream is becoming true! In this talk I am going to discuss about Universal (a.k.a. Isomorphic) JS and present some practical example regarding the major patterns related to routing, data retrieval and rendering. I will use Node, React, Webpack, Babel and React Router and give you a series of example to get you started easily with this new technology trend.

codemotion rome 2017
Let's react - Meetup
Let's react - MeetupLet's react - Meetup
Let's react - Meetup

Presentations includes following topics :- Introduction of ReactJS. Component workflow. State management and useful life-cycles. React hooks. Server Side Rendering.

better, everything is normal html! But, it has a few drawbacks
<img src=''
href='' alignment='middle'
alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px" >
<p>My media content</p>
<img src=''
href='' alignment='middle'
alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px" >
What works? What doesn’t work?
❖ The images and body
content need to be in a very
particular order, it seems
weird to expose that to the

❖ Violates the "build
components you can use
without understanding CSS”
❖ Normal HTML	

❖ Facebook does it this way
❖ We could loop over children and reorder them, but how do
we tell the difference between content images and media

❖ We were still discovering React, and didn't know how to loop
over children yet	

❖ React provides handy error messages and property validations.
We would lose out on that if we made the images children	

❖ Facebook's images aren't optional, so it's a different case

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The document discusses trends toward browser-based, client-side development and simpler yet more powerful products. It describes building a web-based document viewer using the Accusoft Pegasus ASP.NET Imaging SDK. The application allows searching a document library and viewing documents. Code examples show creating search and view pages, loading a document into the viewer, and JavaScript for viewer controls.

jquery tutorial

The document discusses trends toward browser-based, client-side development and simpler yet more powerful products. It describes building a web-based document viewer using the Accusoft Pegasus ASP.NET Imaging SDK. The application allows searching a document library and viewing documents. Code examples show creating search and view pages, loading a document into the viewer, and JavaScript for viewer controls.

jquery tutorial
Building Universal Web Apps with React ForwardJS 2017
Building Universal Web Apps with React ForwardJS 2017Building Universal Web Apps with React ForwardJS 2017
Building Universal Web Apps with React ForwardJS 2017

Use React with Node, webpack, Redux and React Router to build an app with isomorphic architecture. ForwardJS 2017.

In react, everything is a component.
var leftImage = <img src='
50x50' href=''
alignment='middle' alt="profile photo"
height="50px" width="50px">;
var rightImage = <img src='
50x50' href=''
alignment='middle' alt="profile photo"
height="50px" width=“50px">;
this looks similar to the JSON example
Media block content
this looks similar to the JSON example
Media block content
left and right images are
passed into attributes

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Selectionwidgetwhitepaper 140907120000-phpapp02
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The document summarizes the FotoWeb 8.0 Selection Widget and Export functionality. The Selection Widget is an HTML widget that allows users to browse, search, and select assets from a FotoWeb DAM system within a third-party application without leaving that application. Selected assets can then be programmatically exported from FotoWeb at specified sizes using preset configurations. The widget and export processes involve embedding IFRAMEs, subscribing to selection and export events, and making API calls to retrieve assets and generate exported files.

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About using Polymer ( to achieve better structure of the frontend code than with other tools. Part of the Dublin GDG Dev Fest.

gdg devfest polymer web
WordPress Admin UI - Future Proofing Your Admin Pages
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The document provides instructions for future-proofing WordPress admin pages by following best practices for creating, styling, and extending them. It demonstrates how to create an admin menu item and page callback function, add basic HTML markup and form elements, display tabular data using list tables, and customize the page icon. The document recommends using the Settings API to build settings pages and enqueueing custom styles to add styling and high-DPI icons.

wordpressdashboardwordcamp san diego
like this if you really want to
leftImage={<img src=''
href='' alignment='middle'
alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px">}
Media block content
image component directly in
the attribute property
What works? What doesn’t work?
❖ HTML inside an attribute (in
the latter example) is a bit
odd, though it does have
❖ React passes default html
attributes in to the resulting
img tag, so we don't have to
do anything special with
height, width, src, aria and alt.	

❖ We separate concerns and
the image takes care of it's
own properties	

❖ No need to parse content
❖ href will be passed through. So our image will have an href
attribute. I like clean html, and that feels weird to me!
<div class="media">
<a href="">
<img href="" />
but decided we should make our own <img> wrapper
<Media leftImageHref="">
to property or not to property?

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Talk given at Five Pound App at The Skiff in Brighton on the 15th July 2009:

google mapsxmlplacemarks
Bem methodology
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Bem methodology

This document provides an overview of the BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology for organizing CSS code. It discusses the concepts of blocks, elements, and modifiers. It also covers advantages like namespacing and shared UI language. Finally, it discusses tools and frameworks for BEM including BEMHTML, CSSO, Emmet, and inuit.css.

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And another component was born…
but won't pass through attributes 	

that don't make sense like href
var Image = React.createClass({

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Angular server side rendering - Strategies & Technics Angular server side rendering - Strategies & Technics
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Server Side Rendering (SSR) involves running and serving an Angular application from the server. This provides benefits like fast initial loading, SEO/crawlability since search engines can't run JavaScript. The document discusses SSR strategies like partial rendering and avoiding duplicate requests. It also covers challenges like unsupported features and outlines steps to implement SSR like generating a Universal module and rendering on the server with Express. SSR can improve performance but requires more complex setup and deployment.

angularangular 2server side rendering

This document is the HTML code for the upload page on the SlideShare website. It includes metadata, scripts, and styling to display the page content which encourages users to discover, share and present presentations, infographics and videos on the largest professional content sharing community. The page code provides options for users to upload, login or sign up for an account.

Fullstack JS Workshop
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Fullstack JS Workshop

This document summarizes a workshop on React JS that covered topics like what React is, how to build components, manage state and data flow, and the component lifecycle. It began with introductions and an overview of React and its benefits like being declarative, component-based, and able to learn once and write anywhere. Key aspects of React like JSX, embedding expressions, specifying attributes and children were explained. Different types of components like class and functional were discussed. Examples were provided to illustrate props, state, and data flow. The document concluded by outlining what would be built in the workshop - a chatbot application - and next steps to explore like React router, Redux, and testing.

the same way we did the Media component
module.exports = {Image};
and render an image
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
and render an image
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
get the properties we need
and render an image
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
get the properties we need
build the image from our properties

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Rits Brown Bag - Salesforce Lightning
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Rits Brown Bag - Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce Lightning is Salesforce's next-generation development framework for building applications. It uses a component-based approach where reusable UI components can be developed using JavaScript on the client-side and Apex on the server-side. Key advantages of the Lightning framework include its focus on components, improved performance through JSON data exchange, and an event-driven architecture. Developers can also leverage many pre-built Lightning components and tools for visual development to more quickly build apps.

Engineering the New LinkedIn Profile
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Engineering the New LinkedIn Profile

Overview of the new frontend architecture used for the New Profile at LinkedIn. Blog version of this slidedeck:

fizzyprofilesoftware development
Academy PRO: React native - building first scenes
Academy PRO: React native - building first scenesAcademy PRO: React native - building first scenes
Academy PRO: React native - building first scenes

This document provides an overview of building initial scenes in React Native, including setting up components, styles, state, props, file structure, and networking. It discusses common React Native components like View, Text, Image, ScrollView, ListView, and interaction components. It also covers more advanced topics such as maps, dates pickers, geolocation, cameras, and working with native iOS and Android modules.

and render an image
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
get the properties we need
build the image from our properties
if we have a link, wrap the image in an <a> tag
by handling the responsive boolean
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
by handling the responsive boolean
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var image = <img {...other} src={src}>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
get the responsive property
and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;

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M02 un07 p02
M02 un07 p02M02 un07 p02
M02 un07 p02

This document discusses adding images to web pages in different ways: 1) Image maps allow different parts of an image to act as hyperlinks using the <IMG>, <MAP>, and <AREA> tags. 2) Images can be added as the background of a web page using the BACKGROUND attribute of the <BODY> tag. 3) Hands-on activities guide the creation of web pages that demonstrate image maps and background images.

Create president quotes web part using share point rest api and bootstrap
Create president quotes web part using share point rest api and bootstrapCreate president quotes web part using share point rest api and bootstrap
Create president quotes web part using share point rest api and bootstrap

This document provides steps to create a President Quotes web part in SharePoint using the REST API and Bootstrap: 1. Create a list in SharePoint called "PresidentMessage" with columns to store description, image, and author details. 2. Add a Script Editor web part to a SharePoint page and include jQuery and Bootstrap scripts/styles. 3. Use the REST API and jQuery to retrieve the list data and dynamically build the UI within the centered div, displaying the image, description, and author for each item.

sharepointoffice 365sharepoint online
CSS Power Tools
CSS Power ToolsCSS Power Tools
CSS Power Tools

Let’s admit it, the tools for writing CSS aren’t very advanced. For the most part, the people who write tools don’t know about CSS and the people who know about CSS don’t write tools. Quite a conundrum! In this session, you’ll learn about good tools that can make development faster and maintenance easier. We’ll also talk a bit about where we can go from here. What tools do we need as sites are becoming more and more complex? We need to get beyond tools whose primary goal is to avoid hand-coding and realize that, as our techniques for writing CSS become more powerful, our tools can too! Session will include: * Validators * Preprocessors * Finding dead rules * Linting * CSS3 gradient tools * Performance measurement tools * Unit testing

image optimizationcompassblueprint
and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
add this class
if this evaluates
to true
and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true
var Image = React.createClass({
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
add this class
if this evaluates
to true
then, put the class
on the image
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
responsive has to
be true or false

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The Fast And The Fabulous
The Fast And The FabulousThe Fast And The Fabulous
The Fast And The Fabulous

You've got a sneaking suspicion that design impacts performance. What next? Your engineers know nothing about design and your designers know nothing about performance. How can you get everyone on the same page? Which design flaws must you absolutely avoid? How do engineers slow designs with poor CSS? This presentation covers the best practices in design and OO CSS for fast, maintainable sites. * Abstraction * Flexibility * Grids * Location dependent styles Velocity Conference, 2009

What is Object Oriented CSS?
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What is Object Oriented CSS?

This document discusses object-oriented CSS (OOCSS) as an evolution of CSS that makes it more powerful. OOCSS involves creating reusable CSS objects rather than page-specific rules, setting good global defaults, abstracting reusable elements, separating container and content, and using multiple classes to simulate inheritance. This allows for more scalable, maintainable and performant CSS code. Some best practices of OOCSS include creating semantic object classes like .heading rather than styling specific elements directly. The document provides examples of OOCSS principles and their benefits.

Pourquoi la performance?
Pourquoi la performance?Pourquoi la performance?
Pourquoi la performance?

Quantifier et améliorer la performance de tout produit Yahoo! mondial avec Éric Daspet pour ParisWeb 2008

var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
the href is a string
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
src is a string and

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Design Fast Websites
Design Fast WebsitesDesign Fast Websites
Design Fast Websites

Nicole Sullivan gives a presentation on designing fast websites. She discusses why performance matters, how websites have grown more complex over time, and how poor performance can negatively impact businesses. She provides several best practices for optimizing websites, such as creating reusable components, using consistent styles, making modules transparent, optimizing images through sprites and compression, avoiding non-standard fonts and using columns instead of rows.

7 Habits of Exceptional Performance
7 Habits of Exceptional Performance7 Habits of Exceptional Performance
7 Habits of Exceptional Performance

The 7 Habits of Exceptional Performance discusses techniques for optimizing website performance. It recommends flushing the buffer early, using GET requests for AJAX, preloading components, avoiding filters, measuring performance metrics, and balancing new features with performance improvements. High performance should be baked into the development process from the start. Key metrics to track include page weight, response time, and HTTP requests.

After YSlow "A"
After YSlow "A"After YSlow "A"
After YSlow "A"

The document discusses 20 additional best practices for improving web performance beyond the original 14 recommendations from YSlow. It covers techniques like flushing the buffer early, splitting components for post-loading, preloading necessary assets, reducing unnecessary DOM elements, optimizing images through techniques like converting to smaller file formats and using CSS sprites, and designing for mobile performance. The document provides examples and case studies to illustrate the recommendations and cites additional resources on web performance.

var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
var Image = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
responsive: types.bool,
href: types.string,
src: types.string.isRequired
render() {
var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props;
var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className);
var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>;
return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image;
Users are still needing to specify too many things to get this
component to work, they might as well just write html!

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

we can simplify our interface further
❖ Traditional media with everything top aligned	

❖ “Flag” component a la Harry Roberts middle aligns
❖ We changed the media component to default to top
alignment if nothing else was specified.	

❖ We created the <flag> component
<Flag leftImage={refreshImage}>
What works? What doesn’t work?
❖ engineers don't always know
what the flag object is,
documentation and teaching
❖ with Flag and Media, we no
longer need to specify
alignment unless we want
something weird

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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

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insider securitycybersecurity threatsenterprise security
No, absolutely not.
loop over children
Building the Media Block in ReactJS
var sortableCols = [
name: 'name',
title: 'Name',
sortable: true
name: 'instances',
title: 'Instances',
sortable: true,
align: 'center'
name: 'cpu',
title: 'CPU',
sortable: true,
align: 'right'
name: 'synergy',
title: 'Synergy',
align: 'left'

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<div role="tabpanel">

<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" class=“active">
<a href="#home" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle=“tab">Home</a>
<li role=“presentation">
<a href="#profile" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle=“tab”>

<div class="tab-content">
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home">...</div>
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="profile">...</div>
<SimpleTabs defaultActiveKey={1}>
<Tab eventKey={1} tab="Home">
<Tab eventKey={2} tab="Profile">
each component is different
change the interface until it works well

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❖ Many drawers -Tom O	

❖ Set good defaults	

❖ User shouldn’t need to understand CSS to use it	

❖ Make tiny components with one job (same as CSS)	

❖ Allow flexibility	

❖ Prefer a complex implementation over a complex interface
what has worked for us
component creators and maintainers, contributors, developers
building features, actual product users
❖ Elements (built in and custom)	

❖ Attributes (simple and objects)	


❖ Children
Building the Media Block in ReactJS

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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Please do give us feedback 	



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Building the Media Block in ReactJS

  • 1. BUILDING THE MEDIA BLOCK IN REACTJS the API is an interface that needs to be designed fqJRqv-4NMHx7-7fUPoM-cNu2W-8etirE-o7PZA-wsB4L-7ABatu-8LyEF5-7iEjwY-3faCd1-9Gn1fF-4qYRms-JUKbE-7B97bb-69Uer5-5DQMzG-f4ZgsG-7TvUJp-5zyhEh-65naZh-nBkNs-5eCcAF-sErjv-4ePHGY-6kV1Q4- nxWYX-dpGR5-55vgqd-5scyot-5t7uJJ-nLQn5y-9Njbu-79B4aw
  • 2. @STUBBORNELLA twitter really is the best way to reach me…
  • 3. WHAT WILL WE COVER? ❖ What is a media block? ❖ Why use ReactJS ❖ Making a media block in ReactJS
  • 4. WHAT IS THE MEDIA BLOCK? let’s look at an example from Facebook
  • 7. WHAT DO WE KNOW? ! ❖ Can be nested ❖ Optional right button ❖ Must clearfix
  • 8. WHAT DO WE KNOW? ! ❖ Allows top, middle, or bottom alignment
  • 9. WHAT DON’T WE KNOW? ❖ Image width and decoration vary ❖ Right content is unknown ❖ Width unknown
  • 10. A FEW LINES OF HTML... <div class="media attribution"> <a href="" class="img"> <img src="mini.jpg" alt="Stubbornella" /> </a> <div class="bd">@Stubbornella 14 minutes ago</div> </div>
  • 11. 4 LINES OF CSS... _
  • 13. I <3 HTML, WHY USE REACT? ❖ html consistency (modal debugging) ❖ smaller api (fewer breaking changes) ❖ don’t need to go everywhere a component was used to update the dom if it changes ❖ lightning fast dom updates when data changes ❖ not managing those updates manually ❖ simpler APIs (tabs example)
  • 14. I CAN’T COVER EVERYTHING So do Ryan Florence’s tutorials: ryanflorence/react-training/
  • 16. WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF A REACT INTERFACE ❖ Elements ❖ Attributes ❖ Nested children ❖ Data Sounds a lot like html, right?
  • 17. HOW DO YOU MAKE A MEDIA COMPONENT? in React Code var Media = React.createClass({ ! });
  • 18. SO THEN, HOW WOULD YOU USE IT? It’s kind of like HTML, it’s called jsx <Media> My very first React component! </Media>
  • 19. BUT, WE NEED TO EXPORT the Media component, so it can be used in other files module.exports = { Media: Media };
  • 20. DESCRIBE IT WITH A RENDER FUNCTION This tells the browser what HTML to render. var Media = React.createClass({ render: function () { return ( <p> {this.props.children} </p> ); } }); just render a paragraph, for now tell React where to render children
  • 22. LET’S TRY IT! Sweet, this is gonna be rad. <Media> This text is our component’s children! </Media> ! ! ! ! <p> This text is our component’s children! </p>
  • 23. LET’S TRY IT! Sweet, this is gonna be rad. <Media> This text is our component’s children! </Media> ! ! ! ! <p> This text is our component’s children! </p> When React renders that component we get this html
  • 24. LET’S TRY IT! Sweet, this is gonna be rad. <Media> This text is our component’s children! </Media> ! ! ! ! <p> This text is our component’s children! </p> {this.props.children} When React renders that component we get this html
  • 25. NOT VERY USEFUL, RIGHT? You'd never use react to render a simple paragraph because it already understands <p> tags, you can just use them!
  • 26. LET’S BUILD AN ACTUAL MEDIA BLOCK Step 1:Add the left image
  • 27. SO, WHAT DID WE TRY FIRST? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 28. TONS OF ATTRIBUTES What could go wrong? ;) b6LSWT-bKfSon-kxWCNt-b6LNN8-b8Vpk6-ehScwd-c5CMgq-qKJcqw-r3iaXK-pMieGe-9ZUFNi-aD4zaE-fDwLBF-9Vv1CF-kzarYi-9ovVLy-rVLApS-fDwKki-b5sxAg-fskG7P-bUUme1-bKgdD6-c5CMiW-a1wsSP-4u7U5a-dtv95k-dtvKP6- dtBtwJ-dtvrRR-dtBm2s-abcAqR
  • 29. CREATE A SOURCE ATTRIBUTE We’ll use it in our render function to set the src of the image <Media leftImageSource=''> Media block content </Media> React props are a lot like HTML attributes
  • 30. BUT WAIT, THE IMAGE CAN BE A LINK Sometimes…
  • 31. SO, LET’S ADD AN HREF ATTRIBUTE <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref=''> Media block content </Media> Our render function will make this into a link wrapper (if it is set)
  • 35. WE NEED AN ALT ATTRIBUTE <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref='' leftImageAlignment='middle' leftImageAlt="profile photo"> Media block content </Media> Our render function will make this into an alt attribute on the <img> tag
  • 37. WE NEED A HEIGHT AND WIDTH <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref='' leftImageAlignment='middle' leftImageAlt="profile photo" leftImageHeight="50px" leftImageWidth="50px"> Media block content </Media> Explicit height and width allow the browser to do a single rendering/painting pass
  • 38. SET THE GUTTER BETWEEN IMAGE AND CONTENT with the spacing attribute <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref='' leftImageAlignment='middle' leftImageAlt="profile photo" leftImageHeight="50px" leftImageWidth="50px" leftImageSpacing="medium"> Media block content </Media> For when the 10px default spacing isn’t right, like a tiny icon with text
  • 39. PROPERTIES OF THE MEDIA rather than its images
  • 40. FOR EXAMPLE, IT’S RESPONSIVE via the stacksize (breakpoint) attribute <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref='' leftImageAlignment='middle' leftImageAlt="profile photo" leftImageHeight="50px" leftImageWidth="50px" leftImageSpacing="medium" stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> stack size puts the image above the text at the breakpoint
  • 41. THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND! But we forgot something, the media block can have a right image
  • 42. ADD THE RIGHT IMAGE PROPERTIES This is out of control, we are going the wrong way! <Media leftImageSource='' leftImageHref='' leftImageAlignment='middle' leftImageAlt="profile photo" leftImageHeight="50px" leftImageWidth="50px" rightImageSource='' rightImageHref='' rightImageAlignment='middle' rightImageAlt="profile photo" rightImageHeight="50px" rightImageWidth="50px" rightImageSpacing="medium" bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> right image props
  • 43. PROS/CONS ❖ It’s very explicit, we know what each thing does What works? ❖ We're basically recreating html in React, yuck! (we shouldn’t make a new different alt attribute! ❖ We have image properties and media properties all mixed up ❖ We have too many properties What doesn’t work?
  • 44. SO, WHAT DID WE TRY NEXT? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 45. JSON ALL THE THINGS BhrJ9-5zHQ7E-bobveq-DmrMg-3qvNs-5HPW1P-qtLJmp-5ZCPcW-9QuNBj-5HUdgS-9thCcq-6FmTKV-7QgAua-6DZyzu-gkukag-apwsgp-8hWccC-4U7EX6-pfaKPb-hvM3q-asXuSH-at18RL-asXuDV-asXuC4-9ys6M7-phFVSp- dkdPkb-86toqn-dzVg-zVaLA-cDsK7N
  • 46. OUR IMAGES AS JSON kinda weird, but it might work… var images = [ { "src": "", "href": "", "alignment": "middle", "alt": "profile photo", "height": "50px", "width": "50px" }, { "src": "", "href": "", "alignment": "middle", "alt": "profile photo", "height": "50px", "width": "50px" } ];
  • 47. JSON IN THE MEDIA passed in as another property <Media images={images} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media>
  • 48. JSON IN THE MEDIA passed in as another property <Media images={images} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> {curly braces} mean it’s a JavaScript variable rather than a string
  • 49. JSON IN THE MEDIA passed in as another property <Media images={images} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> json goes into the images attribute {curly braces} mean it’s a JavaScript variable rather than a string
  • 50. What works? What doesn’t work? PROS/CONS ❖ abstraction of passing in JSON means all the code isn't in the same place ❖ weird to have JSON in the middle of what looks like markup ❖ still reinventing html attributes of an <img> tag ❖ cleaner separation of concerns (media takes care of media stuff, rather than the properties of its children)
  • 51. WHAT DID WE DO NEXT? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 52. PARSING CHILDREN We decided to try including the images as children f9tdxa-oMiWTE-b6LMzz-rcTY6S-dYq12b-qUh6hV-f6oFCx-pmwC9Z-hNLucH-moYnBt-6uGwja-aRrBm4-mPGGDB-igp6YC-f8b3QR-igpkXB-igoY3C-o62zzh-iC3JNn-9217QQ-D3JPG-pcHyUy-pprMfU-igoJAg-hgRxSL-pqomg9- ahQDpD-4LkbKg-hNLcDy-igoJb8-9STs34
  • 53. PARSING CHILDREN better, everything is normal html! But, it has a few drawbacks <Media> <img src='' href='' alignment='middle' alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px" > <p>My media content</p> <img src='' href='' alignment='middle' alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px" > </Media>
  • 54. What works? What doesn’t work? PROS/CONS ❖ The images and body content need to be in a very particular order, it seems weird to expose that to the user ❖ Violates the "build components you can use without understanding CSS” principle ❖ Normal HTML ❖ Facebook does it this way
  • 55. WHAT *ELSE* DOESN’T WORK? ❖ We could loop over children and reorder them, but how do we tell the difference between content images and media images? ❖ We were still discovering React, and didn't know how to loop over children yet ❖ React provides handy error messages and property validations. We would lose out on that if we made the images children ❖ Facebook's images aren't optional, so it's a different case
  • 56. SO, WHAT DID WE TRY NEXT? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 57. REACT BUILT-IN <IMG> COMPONENT In react, everything is a component.
  • 58. FIRST, WE MAKE OUR IMAGES var leftImage = <img src=' 50x50' href='' alignment='middle' alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px">; ! var rightImage = <img src=' 50x50' href='' alignment='middle' alt="profile photo" height="50px" width=“50px">;
  • 59. NEXT, WE MAKE OUR MEDIA OBJECT this looks similar to the JSON example <Media leftImage={leftImage} rightImage={rightImage} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media>
  • 60. NEXT, WE MAKE OUR MEDIA OBJECT this looks similar to the JSON example <Media leftImage={leftImage} rightImage={rightImage} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> left and right images are passed into attributes
  • 61. YOU CAN EVEN WRITE IT like this if you really want to <Media leftImage={<img src='' href='' alignment='middle' alt="profile photo" height="50px" width="50px">} bodyAlignment='middle' stackSize='medium'> Media block content </Media> image component directly in the attribute property
  • 62. What works? What doesn’t work? PROS/CONS ❖ HTML inside an attribute (in the latter example) is a bit odd, though it does have advantages. ❖ React passes default html attributes in to the resulting img tag, so we don't have to do anything special with height, width, src, aria and alt. ❖ We separate concerns and the image takes care of it's own properties ❖ No need to parse content
  • 63. WHAT *ELSE* DOESN’T WORK? ❖ href will be passed through. So our image will have an href attribute. I like clean html, and that feels weird to me! <div class="media"> <a href=""> <img href="" /> ... Yuck!
  • 64. WE CONSIDERED GOING BACK TO PROPERTIES… but decided we should make our own <img> wrapper <Media leftImageHref=""> to property or not to property?
  • 65. SO, WHAT DID WE TRY NEXT? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 66. CUSTOM IMAGE COMPONENT And another component was born… nEMWpG-oQkVQ4-qR9xvi-gSVfC5-oUurRb-9jGTJD-nWUZza-e5NeHJ-aTYLCT-dTTRha-rp3zLC-qn7i8t-hQxDrG-9qcih5-sn5TTi-9aQfXm-nsgfeC-niFxPL-dRxjy7-9Ry7C3-p8VRa4-noA5cx-oovJdV-kLSLxL-dpgFWM-rhZ9Ri- dRxkm3-9qResk-kGDeJb-bprRNw-oCC5tt-oCX7iY
  • 67. GOAL: OUTPUTS A SIMPLE <IMG> TAG but won't pass through attributes that don't make sense like href
  • 68. STEP 1: CREATE THE IMAGE COMPONENT var Image = React.createClass({ ! });
  • 69. STEP 2: EXPORT THE IMAGE the same way we did the Media component module.exports = {Image};
  • 70. STEP 3: GET ITS PROPERTIES and render an image var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>; ! return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 71. STEP 3: GET ITS PROPERTIES and render an image var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>; ! return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); get the properties we need
  • 72. STEP 3: GET ITS PROPERTIES and render an image var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>; ! return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); get the properties we need build the image from our properties
  • 73. STEP 3: GET ITS PROPERTIES and render an image var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>; ! return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); get the properties we need build the image from our properties if we have a link, wrap the image in an <a> tag
  • 74. STEP 4: MAKE IT RESPONSIVE by handling the responsive boolean var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src}>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 75. STEP 4: MAKE IT RESPONSIVE by handling the responsive boolean var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var image = <img {...other} src={src}>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); get the responsive property
  • 76. STEP 4: MAKE IT RESPONSIVE and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! ! ! ! ! ! ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 77. STEP 4: MAKE IT RESPONSIVE and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! ! ! ! ! ! ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); add this class if this evaluates to true
  • 78. STEP 4: MAKE IT RESPONSIVE and setting the img-responsive class if the boolean is true var Image = React.createClass({ render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; ! var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! ! ! ! ! ! ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); add this class if this evaluates to true then, put the class on the image
  • 79. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 80. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); responsive has to be true or false
  • 81. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 82. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); the href is a string
  • 83. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 84. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } }); src is a string and required
  • 85. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 86. STEP 5: VALIDATE PROPERTIES var Image = React.createClass({ propTypes: { responsive: types.bool, href: types.string, src: types.string.isRequired }, ! render() { var {responsive, href, src, children, className, ...other} = this.props; var classes = classnames({'img-responsive': responsive}, className); ! var image = <img {...other} src={src} className={classes}>{children}</img>; return href ? <a {...{href}}>{image}</a> : image; } });
  • 87. OUR “AH-HA” MOMENT Users are still needing to specify too many things to get this component to work, they might as well just write html!
  • 88. SO, WHAT DID WE DO NEXT? amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji amKvge-61TfaY-61PcSp-61nGEd-86FasK-qrz8VS-4bGoKp-77DPsN-7NeZKn-botCkn-8vpoEE-oTAKWV-5Sz1Fv-a5oF29-86Hf14-aS9vmZ-a8M5q6-a8Mh8k-7AKzoA-86HcPz-61HM17-7AFRcK-a8LXht-5c5LvE-a8LZXX-61Hb8A- fJgHuw-86LhDq-86Lmch-3jzdZ-5mYENE-8UMWoM-bx1iUr-p9jsSa-a865Ji
  • 89. ELEMENTS FTW we can simplify our interface further mZEx1J-5iV12q-39v9f8-bqt2rx-7zvWs-9eyamJ-7JKZAh-hiwiDa-poG8fx-ehZRGj-684GeT-pPeQGL-efRP9f-icXKJY-aNxWqT-9niyKk-ouarpw-bmC5SK-7s5DNV-bqt3F8-bqsZ24-mZCLWp-86YqXk-e6ERub-bqtEL8-8K3pJf- kik4tg-8yYivi-8fi3Ep-dVohpu-fzmggH mZEx1J-5iV12q-39v9f8-bqt2rx-7zvWs-9eyamJ-7JKZAh-hiwiDa-poG8fx-ehZRGj-684GeT-pPeQGL-efRP9f-icXKJY-aNxWqT-9niyKk-ouarpw-bmC5SK-7s5DNV-bqt3F8-bqsZ24-mZCLWp-86YqXk-e6ERub-bqtEL8-8K3pJf- kik4tg-8yYivi-8fi3Ep-dVohpu-fzmggH
  • 90. DESIGNERS ONLY USE 2 KINDS OF ALIGNMENT ❖ Traditional media with everything top aligned ! ! ! ❖ “Flag” component a la Harry Roberts middle aligns
  • 91. WE MADE THESE TWO USE CASES DEAD SIMPLE ❖ We changed the media component to default to top alignment if nothing else was specified. ❖ We created the <flag> component <Flag leftImage={refreshImage}> refresh </Flag>
  • 92. What works? What doesn’t work? PROS/CONS ❖ engineers don't always know what the flag object is, documentation and teaching help ❖ with Flag and Media, we no longer need to specify alignment unless we want something weird
  • 93. ARE ANY OF THESE WRONG? No, absolutely not.
  • 96. var sortableCols = [ { name: 'name', title: 'Name', sortable: true }, { name: 'instances', title: 'Instances', sortable: true, align: 'center' }, { name: 'cpu', title: 'CPU', sortable: true, align: 'right' }, { name: 'synergy', title: 'Synergy', align: 'left' } ]
  • 97. TABS IN BOOTSTRAP <div role="tabpanel"> ! <!-- Nav tabs --> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class=“active"> <a href="#home" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle=“tab">Home</a> </li> <li role=“presentation"> <a href="#profile" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle=“tab”> Profile</a> </li> </ul> ! <!-- Tab panes --> <div class="tab-content"> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home">...</div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="profile">...</div> </div> ! </div>
  • 98. TABS IN REACT <SimpleTabs defaultActiveKey={1}> <Tab eventKey={1} tab="Home"> ... </Tab> <Tab eventKey={2} tab="Profile"> ... </Tab> </SimpleTabs>
  • 100. KEEP LOOPING BACK change the interface until it works well
  • 101. GOOD DESIGN PRINCIPLES ❖ Many drawers -Tom O ❖ Set good defaults ❖ User shouldn’t need to understand CSS to use it ❖ Make tiny components with one job (same as CSS) ❖ Allow flexibility ❖ Prefer a complex implementation over a complex interface what has worked for us
  • 102. WHO ARE YOUR USERS? component creators and maintainers, contributors, developers building features, actual product users ctHbf5-g5QFS-naVVhZ-cFgo6s-akEb2Q-qUQi3c-aGJ83i-627cGv-aRFFNx-nSyXpr-dyXFU7-aupkvk-buYgB2-nj7Xyv-jHSXR5-9eAqzK-eNqYdm-a4GaUk-qiFrdF-dy1QsG-bPqzrk-9dEUm7-n7cmgE-gJNeKz-nigszh-mi4QjT-s76Yxa-
  • 103. USE ALL THE TOOLS IN YOUR TOOLBOX ❖ Elements (built in and custom) ❖ Attributes (simple and objects) ❖ JSON ❖ Children
  • 106. WE OPEN SOURCED EVERYTHING Please do give us feedback npm: github: