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SEO is Evolving
Faster Than Ever
How to survive and take advantage
of all the recent changes
#WCHamont #SEOSanity
Paul Thompson
I’m a consultant doing SEO and web
marketing since 2002
People pay me to help turn their
websites into marketing platforms
WordPress since 2009
Find me:
Does it feel like keeping up
with SEO has been a wild ride
this year?
Struggling to decide which
things to pay attention to and
tackle next?
Out !
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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WordCamp ATL 2017 - SEO in 2017
WordCamp ATL 2017 - SEO in 2017WordCamp ATL 2017 - SEO in 2017
WordCamp ATL 2017 - SEO in 2017

As shared at WordCamp Atlanta 2017, discussing ongoing best practices and new trends for SEO in 2017.

search engine optimizationgoogleseo
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score
How To Get a 100% Lighthouse Performance Score

This talk walks you through what it takes get a 100% Lighthouse performance score for your website. It gives you real examples of the types of optimisation you need to do, and more importantly, what it will achieve. You will learn what earns you the most points and where to focus your efforts.

Killing the giants: how to beat big brands in search
Killing the giants: how to beat big brands in searchKilling the giants: how to beat big brands in search
Killing the giants: how to beat big brands in search

Winning organic market share in SERPs dominated by big brands with huge budgets may seem like a fairytale in today's modern organic landscape. However, that need not be the case. In this webinar, Ross Tavendale shows you blow for blow how he took a small business (less than 1m turnover) and grew their organic presence to beat out Tripadvisor's, HomeAway and Holiday Lettings for their core terms.

Don’t be this guy either
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Let’s understand the important
changes in SEO over the past year…
And build some plans for
how to benefit from them!
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Voice Search
Content Quality - Algo Changes
Changes to Essential Tools
Local Search

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Rankpocalypse! Can SEO Survive Without Rankings?
Rankpocalypse! Can SEO Survive Without Rankings?Rankpocalypse! Can SEO Survive Without Rankings?
Rankpocalypse! Can SEO Survive Without Rankings?

This document provides information from a webinar presentation on SEO. It discusses how SEO is evolving as search engines use more signals to determine results and as search queries become more conversational. It notes that keyword rankings are no longer the primary metric for SEO success. The document offers strategies for addressing pushback on this change, such as measuring organic traffic and key performance indicators over time rather than immediate keyword rankings. It emphasizes thinking beyond traditional tactics like link building and optimizing only for Google to consider other sites and platforms. The key takeaway is that SEO requires adapting to the changing search landscape and focusing on overall organic growth rather than keyword rankings alone.

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How to Reverse Engineer Content - Paddy Moogan
How to Reverse Engineer Content - Paddy MooganHow to Reverse Engineer Content - Paddy Moogan
How to Reverse Engineer Content - Paddy Moogan

A process from Paddy Moogan on how to reverse engineer successful content and learn what you can do to increase the chances of your own content being successful.

SEO In 2022: Google Discover and Microsite SERPs - (SEMrush Webinar)
SEO In 2022: Google Discover and Microsite SERPs - (SEMrush Webinar)SEO In 2022: Google Discover and Microsite SERPs - (SEMrush Webinar)
SEO In 2022: Google Discover and Microsite SERPs - (SEMrush Webinar)

My presentation for the SEMrush webinar with Aleyda Solis and Mordy Oberstein on the Biggest Developments in SEO in 2021 and what to do about them in 2022. I focused on Google Discover and Google's SERP 'Microsites'.

seogooglegoogle discover
Mobile First
In the past year, Google
has moved heavily
toward understanding
and assessing our sites
through the eyes of a
mobile user.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
How do I know if my site’s moved to the MFI?
● As of July 1 all new sites will be Mobile First indexed
● You’ll have a notification in your Google Search Console
● “Request Indexing” in GSC shows GoogleBot Smartphone
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Content on Mobile
Don’t hide it, design for it!
● Content before design. Make your design work for your
content, not the other way around.
● Create a mobile experience that’s fast, clearly laid out, and
easy to navigate.
● Content in simple accordions and tabs is now indexed.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Font Sizes and Touch Zones
Easy to read and navigate.
● 16px minimum font size on mobile. Larger is better.
● Anchor link touch zone should be 72px square.
● Keep in mind for all anchors, including social icons and
navigation elements.
● Mobile Usability in GSC assesses all pages. Spot check
using Mobile Friendly Test page.

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Single Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEO

SPAs & PWAs are challenging for SEO for a number of reasons, this checklist is what I’ve seen issues arise with- - Google Analytics - JavaScript History API & URLs - Soft 404s - JavaScript links - Heavy code & assets on first load - No metadata for Facebook Twitter and other sharing platforms. - Spider traps & loops - Duplicate Content - Tracking parameters causing issues - Fragments, or Hashbangs - No sitemap Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it is the main issues that crop up that aren’t expected, as with everything in SEO, the more that it can be tested, the more likely it is that issues are spotted earlier.

Content Marketing for B2B: Aligning Storytelling to Lead Generation
Content Marketing for B2B: Aligning Storytelling to Lead GenerationContent Marketing for B2B: Aligning Storytelling to Lead Generation
Content Marketing for B2B: Aligning Storytelling to Lead Generation

Explore effective content marketing strategy for B2B businesses. Gain insights from webinar on 'Content Marketing For B2B: Aligning Storytelling To Lead Generation' led by Bianca Ghose, Global Head – Content Marketing, HCL Technologies.

lead generationcontent marketingb2b content
Creating the blueprint for digital performance
Creating the blueprint for digital performanceCreating the blueprint for digital performance
Creating the blueprint for digital performance

How helping clients invest more in planning web builds has transformed results and enhanced digital performance. Agencies shouldn’t be afraid of asking for a greater percentage of a web project in research and planning – the results speak for themselves. This webinar acts as a guide to developing keyword research, user personas, wireframes and information architecture that clients understand, as well as how to prevent scope creep. Why an investment in planning phases makes financial sense Keyword Research – how to design & present actionable keyword research Information Architecture – how to create meaningful user journeys User Personas – how to understand your client’s customers Wireframes – building on your architecture Scope of Work – how to stop scope creep & provide a fixed price for design & development. Gareth Cartman Gareth is Director of Digital Marketing at CLD, a digital performance agency based in Berkshire, in the UK. He has over 12 years’ experience in online marketing, with a background in HR, technology and publishing. Steven Boyce Steve is the MD of CLD, the company he founded in 2006. With a background in graphic design, Steve is very much hands-on in all areas of the business, from design & development through to digital marketing.

digital marketingkeyword researchcustomer relationship management
Google now
measures speed
like a mobile
Yup, even for your desktop
Since July 2018
Speed still only a small
ranking factor
Only applies to some queries
MAJOR factor for ALL humans
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Page size / Bandwidth / Speed considerations
Not all mobile data is unlimited. Don’t be a punk.
● Optimise all your images. Resize and compress. Use lazy
loading. Use modern formats like .webp and .svg
● Dequeue, defer, async javascript files where possible.
● Enable gzip compression, browser caching, page caching.
● For non-developers, most easily handled with quality
caching plugins and/or host’s caching tools
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Google is getting
much more specific
about the kind of
speed it cares
PageSpeed Insights
& Lighthouse Audits
● the tools have completely changed to reflect
Google’s new focus
Hint: it’s not
total load time!
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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Syed ifraajamal final-deck-live

Many have predicted the death of guest posting, but Syed Irfan Ajmal joins SEMrush with an effective step by step process proving that guest posting is still affective, alive and kicking. Get ready to discover how he increased the monthly ROI of a client business to $200K using some good old fashion guest posting. He will walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have on implementing guest posting in your business. In this webinar we will cover: How to do keyword research so you can find the low hanging fruits (using SEMrush) Linkreator Research (finding the right people to send your emails to) Email outreach (how to construct your email using psychology principles for maximum impact) ​Precautions (you can't miss this if you want to ensure your outreach is a success)

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The Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever
The Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon ForeverThe Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever
The Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever

Bad SEO tactics are like a bunch of cockroaches invading your internet house. They. Just. Won’t. Die. Plus, they’re hard to find and easy to miss. When you finally spot one, it can scuttle out of sight before you know it. It’s no wonder that despite the evolution of Google and the internet, bad SEO content tactics still proliferate. They continue to haunt webpages, search rankings, traffic, and conversions. So, what are some of the craziest and most common “do nots” of SEO? Learn what to absolutely, always avoid doing when writing SEO content. In this presentation, we will cover: – The most common bad SEO content tactics that are still happening all over the web in 2019. – Which bad SEO content tactics Google really hates. – Smart solutions and replacements to help you avoid them for good.

content marketingseoseo content

The document provides tips and best practices for website design and optimization. It discusses establishing a clear purpose and content outline, using calls to action and limiting content to 300 words. Proper planning, testing on mobile, and tracking metrics with Google Analytics and Search Console are also recommended. The importance of follow up with leads is emphasized as the most neglected marketing principle.

Survive and Take Advantage of SEO Changes in 2019 - WordCamp Hamilton
Lighthouse Audits
Built directly into the
Chrome desktop
For best results, use
Mobile device mode
and Applied 3G.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Customise Google Analytics tracking to collect real-user data
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-3', 'auto', {'siteSpeedSampleRate': 100});
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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As Search Engines & Social Networks continually shift towards using personalised data and reduce organic results, this presentation runs through the latest structured data trends and how you can use markup, plugins and code that you can use to increase your earnt traffic & CTR from Organic & Social Channels.

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Top 8 SEO Trends to Watch Out in 2019
Top 8 SEO Trends to Watch Out in 2019Top 8 SEO Trends to Watch Out in 2019
Top 8 SEO Trends to Watch Out in 2019

Google's 2019 SEO trends focus on mobile-first indexing, voice search optimization, and high-quality content. Other trends include optimizing for first impressions through featured snippets and RankBrain, strengthening brand reputation through mentions and links, ensuring technical SEO standards around speed and security, and expanding optimization beyond Google to include Amazon and YouTube. The document provides an action plan for each trend, advising site owners to understand how the trend affects their industry, ideate ways to implement related optimizations, and monitor results.

backlinksbrand awarenessbrand reputation
Googles Latest Changes, WordCamp Atlanta 2019
Googles Latest Changes, WordCamp Atlanta 2019Googles Latest Changes, WordCamp Atlanta 2019
Googles Latest Changes, WordCamp Atlanta 2019

Google has made many tweaks and updates to its algorithms and guidelines over the past year that website owners should be aware of. Some of the key changes include Google placing more emphasis on mobile usability and page speed, understanding synonyms through neural matching, and continuing to value links as a major ranking factor. The document provides details on over 30 specific algorithm or guideline changes, emphasizing that website owners focus on overall site quality rather than individual ranking factors.

Voice Search &
Voice Results
The difference...
Voice Search:
Voice instead of keyboard
Returns list of search results
Already heavily used -
mostly on mobile
Voice results:
Responses from Amazon
Alexa, Google Home etc.
Dictates single search result!
Usage ramping up - stats
include personal info requests
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Voice Search - Answering questions!
● Longer, conversational queries
● How can we tell which organic traffic is from voice
We can’t (yet). GSC doesn’t report separately. Boooo
● Formating answers well with subheaders, tables,
bullet points and Schema helps Google understand
better - and can deliver Rich Snippets.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Voice Results - More questions!
● For Voice Results, most smaller sites will need to
develop a plan over this year, not immediately critical
● Schema plays a major part in Google understanding
and delivering the answers, especially for local
business (Ignore Voice Schema for now)
● Be careful of Voice Results data – usage includes
generic voice assistant inputs as well
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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A Survival Guide for the Overwhelmed Online Marketer
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A Survival Guide for the Overwhelmed Online Marketer

There is so much required to run a successful web marketing campaign, we often don't know where to start. A good web marketing strategy requires a P.L.A.N.: Priorities: Basic Survival Strategies Landscape: Web Marketing Facts and Fiction Action: Optimization Tools and Tactics Navigation: Maintaining a Healthy Web Presence Each section will provide tips, tools and techniques you need to be effective at online marketing without becoming overwhelmed.

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BERTology @ SEOkomm 2019 - Kai Spriestersbach - eology GmbH
BERTology @ SEOkomm 2019 - Kai Spriestersbach - eology GmbHBERTology @ SEOkomm 2019 - Kai Spriestersbach - eology GmbH
BERTology @ SEOkomm 2019 - Kai Spriestersbach - eology GmbH

1. BERT represents a major update from Google to improve natural language understanding in search using deep bidirectional transformers. 2. BERT will help Google better understand the meaning of words in context with all linguistic nuances. It is being applied to improve over 10% of searches. 3. Speakers discuss how BERT may impact SEO, with possibilities for optimization, and the need for search marketing strategies that satisfy user intent with valuable information through structures like FAQ pages.

Analytics in the Age of Mobile - 2017 MnSearch Summit
Analytics in the Age of Mobile - 2017 MnSearch SummitAnalytics in the Age of Mobile - 2017 MnSearch Summit
Analytics in the Age of Mobile - 2017 MnSearch Summit

Jenny Halasz, Founder of JLH Marketing, Inc. | @jennyhalasz Are we entering the Age of Mobile, or are we already there? Either way, you need to be looking at mobile analytics, including acquisition, demographic, and speed data. Join this session to learn why it’s so important to track mobile analytics, how easy it really is, and how to get started. You’ll get a custom dashboard template suitable for any Google Analytics account and learn how to use it to start making mobile-based decisions about your business.

mnsearch summitmnsummitmnsearch
Content Quality
Algorithm Changes
Recent major algo updates focus on Quality
For most of us, chasing the algo is pointless.
● Google now only announces algorithm updates when
there’s anything site owners can do about them.
● Best use is to get an overview of what Google focuses on.
● Risk is overreacting and making unnecessary changes.
○ E.g. meta description length, pagination
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Google Quality Raters’ Guidelines
“They don’t tell you how the algorithm is
ranking results, but they fundamentally show
what the algorithm should do.”
Ben Gomes, Google VP of Search
Updated May 16, 2019
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Survive and Take Advantage of SEO Changes in 2019 - WordCamp Hamilton

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SEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost Results
SEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost ResultsSEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost Results
SEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost Results

SEO in 2017 requires a mix of foundational best practices, following trends and updates, understanding the nuances for your industry, and making continuous improvements. Come to this workshop prepared with your keyword list, WordPress, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console (if you have it) account information handy.

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Making Sense of MUM
Making Sense of MUM Making Sense of MUM
Making Sense of MUM

MUM is the latest in Google’s suite of super-powerful algorithms, which help them to understand information in new and different ways. It runs alongside BERT, but it's actually much more powerful than BERT. MUM stands for “multitask unified model”, and not only does it process natural language, but it does so in over 75 languages — and counting. It's also able to process text and images with a similar quality, and is increasing its ability to process video and audio in the near future. This means we’re likely to see the impact of this in the SERPs, specifically what they look like, which is also likely to shape some of the targeted algorithm updates in the future. This shift in focus is a natural evolution of a mobile-first digital experience that allows users to engage with content dynamically using a mix of inputs, outputs, and tools, often simultaneously. Google’s push towards better understanding — and towards ranking media like image and video — will require SEOs to look at multimedia content with fresh eyes.

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From Optimiser to Consultant: How to Remain Relevant as an SEO Practitioner
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From Optimiser to Consultant: How to Remain Relevant as an SEO Practitioner

In today's ever-changing digital marketing environment with sheer amount of skills needed to succeed at modern SEO it's important to review your knowledge you need and bring disciplines such as SEO & PPC together to get better results. Author: Ben Wood, Strategy Director - Hallam Agency

seosearch engine optimizationgoogle
Update/Improve It
NoIndex It
Redirect It (careful!)
Nuke It
Specific types of pages to watch for
● Thin
● Out of date, no longer relevant
● Duplicate onsite or copied
● WordPress specific - tags, categories (maybe), events and
other taxonomies (e.g. date & author archives)
● Use your Analytics! Screaming Frog is terrific for this.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
How Do We
Improve It?
Navigational – they already know where they want to go
Informational – a question that needs an answer
Investigational – toward a more commercial outcome
Transactional – ready to buy or decide
● Look at the SERPs for type of result people are expecting.
○ E.g. “Best compact camera” doesn’t return product

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How to Master SEO in 2017
How to Master SEO in 2017How to Master SEO in 2017
How to Master SEO in 2017

Explore effective SEO 2017 Essentials. Gain insights from webinar on 'How to Master SEO In 2017' led by Navneet Kaushal, CEO – PageTraffic.

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Why to Embrace SEO During a Recession.pptx
Why to Embrace SEO During a Recession.pptxWhy to Embrace SEO During a Recession.pptx
Why to Embrace SEO During a Recession.pptx

With an economic downturn looming, digital marketing leaders often find budgets, and even team members, quickly cut. While discouraging, you’ll still have ambitious goals to reach for your business. For better or worse, the competition over keyword rankings (and the sales you earn from them) never rests even during hard times. However, SEO can rely far less on monetary spending than other marketing channels. Done right, your efforts here will compound. Now is a prime opportunity to embrace SEO! What you’ll learn in this presentation: - Why SEO can thrive, especially during a recession. - How to drive organic growth by improving existing assets. - Where new opportunities lie that are prevalent & often inexpensive. - Why you need someone to own your SEO-related KPIs, particularly to combat the “silo mentality” in digital marketing. - Why site redesigns, often performed during slow periods, will fail without proper SEO considerations. - How SEO brings real value: learn to calculate ROI through a few applicable examples.

seodigital marketing
SEJ Summit 2017: Analytics in the Mobile Age by Jenny Halasz
SEJ Summit 2017: Analytics in the Mobile Age by Jenny HalaszSEJ Summit 2017: Analytics in the Mobile Age by Jenny Halasz
SEJ Summit 2017: Analytics in the Mobile Age by Jenny Halasz

Presenter: Jenny Halasz of JLH Marketing, Inc. Description: Mobile now represents 65% of digital media time. How do you know if your site is successfully converting and serving your mobile customers? Jenny walks us through the reports that will tell you if your mobile game is measuring up.

A new approach
to content and
Not about keywords any more
Search engines are working
hard to understand content
like humans do.
Over 1/3 of Google search
queries are 4+ words long
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Sticking the
“right” words in
the “right places”
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
● Topics, solutions, answers
● Rankbrain/Machine Learning understand our content like a
human reader
● They understand and want to see thorough treatment of a
topic or concept
● Not just a “keyword” - synonyms, semantically-related terms
● A page can rank for many (100s!) of terms
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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Content Strategies For Lead Generation And SEO
Content Strategies For Lead Generation And SEOContent Strategies For Lead Generation And SEO
Content Strategies For Lead Generation And SEO

Content Strategies For Lead Generation And SEO - content multiplication strategy and tool - landing page concept - seo basic - google algorithm - content strategy - ctr (click through rate) optimization

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What is SEO ?
What is SEO ? What is SEO ?
What is SEO ?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of managing content that can be found through the organic search results of a search engine. The benefits of SEO are, it’s free and passive web traffic month after month. Get to know more about SEO in this presentation by Skew Infotech, Coimbatore.

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SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?

Woj takes you on a journey to demystify the art and science of Search Engine Optimisation. Explore the true facts about SEO, the history of Google and other search engines and what the current landscape looks like. Arm yourself with valuable tips on production & writing for search engines as well as Woj’s indispensable do-and-don’t best practice guide so you can leave the session ready to take action!

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Use the SERPS! *
*Search Engine Results Pages
Auto Complete
“People also ask…”
“People also search for…”

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Impression - What's new in SEO
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Impression - What's new in SEO

Edd Wilson from Impression SEO provides an overview of recent updates from Google in SEO and their focus for 2018. In Q4 2017, Google launched mobile first indexing and improvements to rendering Ajax pages. They also released an SEO starter guide. In 2018, Impression will focus on informational content with schema markup, long-form on-page content to target features snippets, and integrating SEO into PR strategies. Keeping up with changes to Google's algorithms will be important to stay ahead.

WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2019
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WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2019

This document contains the summary of a presentation on content strategies for lead generation and SEO. It discusses a 1-to-5 content multiplication strategy to leverage one source of content across multiple channels. It also covers lead generation concepts like creating landing pages and using free giveaways to attract users. Additionally, it discusses how to implement SEO techniques like on-page optimization, backlinks, and keyword research to improve search engine rankings.

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Exlendure - SEO Procedure
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Exlendure - SEO Procedure

The best SEO is strategy, and SEO strategies have to incorporate diverse components to be successful today.

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Keywords Everywhere
browser extension
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
By Page
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Answer The Public
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Answer The Public
1. It allows you to get to know your
audience and what keeps them up
at night
2. Keyword research for those
conversational queries!
3. The related questions and terms
contributing to content quality.
4. It helps you answer questions that
can get you into Google’s featured

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Social Media and SEO Tips to make your Business succeed

Learn the power of social media and the SEO 2014 in this simple step by step presentation to help enable you to derive more out of SEO and Social Media Marketing

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SEO in 2016 - Three Mega Trends
SEO in 2016 - Three Mega TrendsSEO in 2016 - Three Mega Trends
SEO in 2016 - Three Mega Trends

Review and resources to news and info regarding three biggest influences of search engine rankings for sites in 2016 and beyond.

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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization

This document summarizes the future of SEO and SEM. It discusses how SEO will focus more on speed, user experience, and using artificial intelligence to better understand user intent. SEM will utilize personalized content, innovative bidding engines, and big data. Overall, SEO and SEM will evolve to prioritize positive user experiences through tools like machine learning as search becomes more conversational.

WordPress SEO plugins are adapting
● Better real-language processing in Yoast SEO
● Content analysis in Yoast Pro version now
accounts for semantically-related terms
● Free version better understands synonyms,
similar phrases
● Much closer to how the SE’s behave, instead of
being encouraged to manipulate how you write to
score green lights
Site Architecture
the value of our
content to search
As sites get more complex,
search engines & visitors
need more help finding &
properly understanding the
value of our content.
And the relationships
between pages.
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
● flat - shows no relationship between pages
● Helps search engines and users understand
hierarchy/relationships between pages
● Use categories in your permalinks (yes, really)
Internal Linking!
● To create hubs, silos, topic areas
● Make related topics cooperate, not compete

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Get up to speed  getting to grips with seo wellsGet up to speed  getting to grips with seo wells
Get up to speed getting to grips with seo wells

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for improving website rankings. It discusses key SEO ranking factors like content, keywords, backlinks, local SEO, and mobile usability. Specific optimization strategies are outlined, such as choosing relevant keywords, writing in-depth content, building high-quality backlinks, claiming a Google My Business listing, and ensuring the site is mobile-friendly. The presentation emphasizes the importance of creating helpful content for users over keyword-focused content to achieve better SEO results.

Search Engine Optimization In 2017 with MadTown SEO founder Matt Nelson
Search Engine Optimization In 2017 with MadTown SEO founder Matt NelsonSearch Engine Optimization In 2017 with MadTown SEO founder Matt Nelson
Search Engine Optimization In 2017 with MadTown SEO founder Matt Nelson

Slides from a SEO presentation from 2017 here in Madison, WI covering the latest trends in SEO including Rank Brain, Google Penguin, AMP, and best practices for keyword research and on-site optimization. Please contact with questions. Thanks, Matt Nelson

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10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017
10 Digital Marketing Trends for 201710 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017
10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2017

The following was presented by Alex Ioanna, Tyler Brown, and Caitlin Boroden at the 2017 BlogPaws Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.

seoppcdigital marketing
& Indexing
3 Stages of getting organic traffic
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Google Search Console
New Google Search Console Coverage Report
● specifically for understanding which pages
are crawled and which worthy of indexing.
● remember, the tools changes are focusing
on what Google values!
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Crawled But Not Indexed

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6 steps to earning more leads using Local SEO

People search online every day for local services and products, but unless your link appears in the top spots on the results page, chances are they aren't finding you. Local SEO agency owner Eagan Heath will share the steps his agency Get Found Madison takes to make themselves and their clients appear at the top of Google searches. He'll cover these actions in his "Local SEO checklist," a phrase which often ranks on page 1 nationally itself! Leave with an action plan for getting your small business found.

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Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven
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Content Optimization Master Class - Matt Raven

Foundations in Content Optimization: How to Optimize Your Content to Fuel Organic Traffic Growth A highly tactical introduction to best practices in optimizing your owned content to drive sustainable (and converting) organic traffic. In this Master Class, we'll cover everything from identifying the right keywords to use to how to strategically apply them to your content strategy to generate ROI. Key Takeaways: - A breakdown of key content-related factors Google and other Search Engines use when ranking content. - Understand the basics of keyword research and where to begin. - Learn how to apply those keyword learnings to optimize your content strategy and owned assets to maximize their organic visibility. - Learn what to measure to articulate ROI and feed back into your strategy.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Schema Markup
Data that explains data
Product ID? Phone #? Price of a massive yacht?
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
Implementing Schema
Event, Recipe, Product, Rating, People, Business, Page structure, FAQ, How-To
● Easiest is to use JSON-LD but it’s ONLY for content that is
actually visible on the page! (You’ll get a penalty if it’s not.)
● Good plugins for specific types of content should also
generate the necessary Schema – recipes, event calendars,
ratings/reviews, FAQs
● SEO plugins like Yoast SEO & Rankmath starting to include
wide range of Schema capabilities
● Properly configured Local Business Schema is ESSENTIAL for
local businesses!
Structured Data Testing Tool
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul

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Rich Snippets
Local Search
Google My
For local businesses,
Google is pushing GMB to
become your
Proximity is everything in
Local ranking- “the 3-pack”
Especially on mobile
#WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
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The digital marketing industry is changing faster than ever and those who don’t adapt with the times are losing market share. Where should marketers be focusing their efforts? What strategies are the experts seeing get the best results? Get up-to-speed with the latest industry insights, trends and predictions for the future in this panel discussion with some leading digital marketing experts.

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Use All Elements of your GMB Profile
Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight!
● Set up your localBusiness Schema
● Description - use all 750 characters
● Posts/Events/Offers - critical SERP real estate
<sneaky>Format images to look like call-to-action buttons</sneaky>
● Reviews - you need a plan to solicit them
● Adjust your Service Area if you’re a Service Area Business
More GMB Profile Focus
Get that localBusiness Schema added to your website
● Questions and Answers - ask and answer your own!
<sneaky> Get friends to upvote the important ones </sneaky>
● Photos - keep a steady stream of new, relevant images
● Regularly build new citations and clean up existing ones
Your NAP (name, address, phone) must be consistent
● Continue to build content with local intent on your website
- case studies!
Action Plan
Switch to mobile-focused tools for testing and
analysing our sites
Optimise content and usability for mobile visitors
Get your TimetoContentfulFirstPaint to 2s or less

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Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

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How to Rethink the Way you use Instagram to Drive Sales and Customer Engagement If you’re using Instagram to build or grow your business this presentation is for you. Navigating Instagram campaigns doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the right strategies, you can turn engagement from a time-consuming task into a powerful tool for driving sales and a deeper understanding of your customers and fans. Key Takeaways: Running campaigns on Instagram can be and should be easy and effortless Every post is an opportunity to collect valuable information to empower you to make more strategic choices The power of giveaways on Instagram to drive engagement and first party data

digital marketingmarketingsales
Voice Search
Optimise for the longer, more conversational
questions voice searchers typically use
Use Schema and page headings structure to help
search engines understand your answers better
Content Quality
Use ideas from the Quality Raters’ Guidelines to
improve quality of new pages
Create a process for regularly improving/updating
or removing existing content - thin/duplicate etc.
Match the content to the INTENT of the visitor
Shift to researching concepts/topics not keywords
Site Architecture
Use directory structure and internal linking to
build clearly defined relationships between pages
- creating topic clusters or hubs
Use the GSC Coverage Report to discover pages
that need help getting indexed, or that should be
removed for the index
Start adding Schema markup to your page types
and structure - breadcrumbs, logos, articles etc.
Set up Schema for your specific content types
such as products, reviews, events, and the new
FAQ and How To options - and test it!
Fully configure your Organisation, localBusiness

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Top 7 PPC and SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions. Most companies already own the data, let's share the data and boost the performance of both channels. Key Takeaways: Why PPC and SEO teams should strategize together7 ways PPC and SEO can work together to drive even more conversions

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According to the report, among the top 10 sectors, services led with the highest share of advertising volumes, commanding 31% in early 2024.

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form iti

Local Search
Fully configure ALL the features of your GMB
Build a plan to ask for & respond to new reviews
Create regular Posts/Events/Photos content and
build out your top Questions and Answers
Regularly clean up and add new quality citations
Make sure you have a favicon! (as of this week)
Links to Resources
Google PageSpeed Insights
Chrome Lighthouse audits
Click F12 in Chrome browser, select Audit tab in
dev tools
Google Search Console
Google Quality Raters Guidelines
Screaming Frog Crawler (free for approx 100 pgs)
Keywords Everywhere Browser Extension
Answer the Public
Yoast SEO plugin
Rankmath SEO plugin
Structured Data Testing
Rich Snippet testing tool
Basic localBusiness Schema generator
Advanced generator
Don’t Freak Out!
Work the Plan
Online version of this presentation
SEO | Site Audits | Analytics | Conversion Optimisation | Web Marketing | Coaching
Paul Thompson
Buzzwords to Business
SEO & Web Marketing

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Survive and Take Advantage of SEO Changes in 2019 - WordCamp Hamilton

  • 1. SEO is Evolving Faster Than Ever How to survive and take advantage of all the recent changes #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 2. Paul Thompson I’m a consultant doing SEO and web marketing since 2002 People pay me to help turn their websites into marketing platforms WordPress since 2009 Find me: @thompsonpaul
  • 3. Does it feel like keeping up with SEO has been a wild ride this year? Struggling to decide which things to pay attention to and tackle next?
  • 5. Don’t be this guy either #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 6. Let’s understand the important changes in SEO over the past year… And build some plans for how to benefit from them! #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 7. Mobile Voice Search Content Quality - Algo Changes Changes to Essential Tools Schema Local Search
  • 9. Mobile First Index In the past year, Google has moved heavily toward understanding and assessing our sites through the eyes of a mobile user. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 10. How do I know if my site’s moved to the MFI? ● As of July 1 all new sites will be Mobile First indexed ● You’ll have a notification in your Google Search Console ● “Request Indexing” in GSC shows GoogleBot Smartphone #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 11. Content on Mobile Don’t hide it, design for it! ● Content before design. Make your design work for your content, not the other way around. ● Create a mobile experience that’s fast, clearly laid out, and easy to navigate. ● Content in simple accordions and tabs is now indexed. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 12. Font Sizes and Touch Zones Easy to read and navigate. ● 16px minimum font size on mobile. Larger is better. ● Anchor link touch zone should be 72px square. ● Keep in mind for all anchors, including social icons and navigation elements. ● Mobile Usability in GSC assesses all pages. Spot check using Mobile Friendly Test page.
  • 13. Google now measures speed like a mobile visitor Yup, even for your desktop Since July 2018 Speed still only a small ranking factor Only applies to some queries MAJOR factor for ALL humans #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 14. Page size / Bandwidth / Speed considerations Not all mobile data is unlimited. Don’t be a punk. ● Optimise all your images. Resize and compress. Use lazy loading. Use modern formats like .webp and .svg ● Dequeue, defer, async javascript files where possible. ● Enable gzip compression, browser caching, page caching. ● For non-developers, most easily handled with quality caching plugins and/or host’s caching tools #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 15. Google is getting much more specific about the kind of speed it cares about.
  • 16. PageSpeed Insights & Lighthouse Audits ● the tools have completely changed to reflect Google’s new focus Hint: it’s not total load time! #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 18. Lighthouse Audits Built directly into the Chrome desktop browser. For best results, use Mobile device mode and Applied 3G. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 19. Customise Google Analytics tracking to collect real-user data ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-3', 'auto', {'siteSpeedSampleRate': 100});
  • 22. The difference... Voice Search: Voice instead of keyboard Returns list of search results Already heavily used - mostly on mobile Voice results: Responses from Amazon Alexa, Google Home etc. Dictates single search result! Usage ramping up - stats include personal info requests #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 23. Voice Search - Answering questions! ● Longer, conversational queries ● How can we tell which organic traffic is from voice search? We can’t (yet). GSC doesn’t report separately. Boooo ● Formating answers well with subheaders, tables, bullet points and Schema helps Google understand better - and can deliver Rich Snippets. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 24. Voice Results - More questions! ● For Voice Results, most smaller sites will need to develop a plan over this year, not immediately critical ● Schema plays a major part in Google understanding and delivering the answers, especially for local business (Ignore Voice Schema for now) ● Be careful of Voice Results data – usage includes generic voice assistant inputs as well #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 26. Recent major algo updates focus on Quality For most of us, chasing the algo is pointless. ● Google now only announces algorithm updates when there’s anything site owners can do about them. ● Best use is to get an overview of what Google focuses on. ● Risk is overreacting and making unnecessary changes. ○ E.g. meta description length, pagination #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 27. Google Quality Raters’ Guidelines “They don’t tell you how the algorithm is ranking results, but they fundamentally show what the algorithm should do.” Ben Gomes, Google VP of Search Updated May 16, 2019 #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 29. Update/Improve It NoIndex It Redirect It (careful!) Nuke It
  • 30. Specific types of pages to watch for ● Thin ● Out of date, no longer relevant ● Duplicate onsite or copied ● WordPress specific - tags, categories (maybe), events and other taxonomies (e.g. date & author archives) ● Use your Analytics! Screaming Frog is terrific for this. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 32. Intent Navigational – they already know where they want to go Informational – a question that needs an answer Investigational – toward a more commercial outcome Transactional – ready to buy or decide ● Look at the SERPs for type of result people are expecting. ○ E.g. “Best compact camera” doesn’t return product pages!
  • 33. A new approach to content and keyword research Not about keywords any more Search engines are working hard to understand content like humans do. Over 1/3 of Google search queries are 4+ words long #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 34. Keywords Sticking the “right” words in the “right places” #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 35. Concepts ● Topics, solutions, answers ● Rankbrain/Machine Learning understand our content like a human reader ● They understand and want to see thorough treatment of a topic or concept ● Not just a “keyword” - synonyms, semantically-related terms ● A page can rank for many (100s!) of terms #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 37. Use the SERPS! * *Search Engine Results Pages
  • 43. Answer The Public #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 44. Answer The Public 1. It allows you to get to know your audience and what keeps them up at night 2. Keyword research for those conversational queries! 3. The related questions and terms contributing to content quality. 4. It helps you answer questions that can get you into Google’s featured snippets
  • 45. WordPress SEO plugins are adapting ● Better real-language processing in Yoast SEO ● Content analysis in Yoast Pro version now accounts for semantically-related terms ● Free version better understands synonyms, similar phrases ● Much closer to how the SE’s behave, instead of being encouraged to manipulate how you write to score green lights
  • 47. Communicating the value of our content to search engines As sites get more complex, search engines & visitors need more help finding & properly understanding the value of our content. And the relationships between pages. #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 48. ● flat - shows no relationship between pages name/ ● Helps search engines and users understand hierarchy/relationships between pages ● Use categories in your permalinks (yes, really) Internal Linking! ● To create hubs, silos, topic areas ● Make related topics cooperate, not compete
  • 50. 3 Stages of getting organic traffic Crawling Indexing Ranking #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 51. Google Search Console New Google Search Console Coverage Report ● specifically for understanding which pages are crawled and which worthy of indexing. ● remember, the tools changes are focusing on what Google values! #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 52. Crawled But Not Indexed
  • 53. Schema Markup Data that explains data
  • 54. 9055551212 Product ID? Phone #? Price of a massive yacht? #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 55. Implementing Schema Event, Recipe, Product, Rating, People, Business, Page structure, FAQ, How-To ● Easiest is to use JSON-LD but it’s ONLY for content that is actually visible on the page! (You’ll get a penalty if it’s not.) ● Good plugins for specific types of content should also generate the necessary Schema – recipes, event calendars, ratings/reviews, FAQs ● SEO plugins like Yoast SEO & Rankmath starting to include wide range of Schema capabilities ● Properly configured Local Business Schema is ESSENTIAL for local businesses!
  • 56. Structured Data Testing Tool #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 59. Google My Business For local businesses, Google is pushing GMB to become your homepage/showroom Proximity is everything in Local ranking- “the 3-pack” Especially on mobile #WCHamont #SEOSanity @thompsonpaul
  • 61. Use All Elements of your GMB Profile Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight! ● Set up your localBusiness Schema ● Description - use all 750 characters ● Posts/Events/Offers - critical SERP real estate <sneaky>Format images to look like call-to-action buttons</sneaky> ● Reviews - you need a plan to solicit them ● Adjust your Service Area if you’re a Service Area Business
  • 62. More GMB Profile Focus Get that localBusiness Schema added to your website ● Questions and Answers - ask and answer your own! <sneaky> Get friends to upvote the important ones </sneaky> ● Photos - keep a steady stream of new, relevant images ● Regularly build new citations and clean up existing ones Your NAP (name, address, phone) must be consistent ● Continue to build content with local intent on your website - case studies!
  • 64. Mobile Switch to mobile-focused tools for testing and analysing our sites Optimise content and usability for mobile visitors Get your TimetoContentfulFirstPaint to 2s or less
  • 65. Voice Search Optimise for the longer, more conversational questions voice searchers typically use Use Schema and page headings structure to help search engines understand your answers better
  • 66. Content Quality Use ideas from the Quality Raters’ Guidelines to improve quality of new pages Create a process for regularly improving/updating or removing existing content - thin/duplicate etc. Match the content to the INTENT of the visitor Shift to researching concepts/topics not keywords
  • 67. Site Architecture Use directory structure and internal linking to build clearly defined relationships between pages - creating topic clusters or hubs Use the GSC Coverage Report to discover pages that need help getting indexed, or that should be removed for the index
  • 68. Schema Start adding Schema markup to your page types and structure - breadcrumbs, logos, articles etc. Set up Schema for your specific content types such as products, reviews, events, and the new FAQ and How To options - and test it! Fully configure your Organisation, localBusiness
  • 69. Local Search Fully configure ALL the features of your GMB Build a plan to ask for & respond to new reviews Create regular Posts/Events/Photos content and build out your top Questions and Answers Regularly clean up and add new quality citations Make sure you have a favicon! (as of this week)
  • 70. Links to Resources Google PageSpeed Insights Chrome Lighthouse audits Click F12 in Chrome browser, select Audit tab in dev tools Webpagetest Google Search Console Google Quality Raters Guidelines Screaming Frog Crawler (free for approx 100 pgs) Keywords Everywhere Browser Extension Chrome Firefox Answer the Public Yoast SEO plugin Rankmath SEO plugin Structured Data Testing Rich Snippet testing tool Basic localBusiness Schema generator Advanced generator
  • 71. Don’t Freak Out! Work the Plan Online version of this presentation SEO | Site Audits | Analytics | Conversion Optimisation | Web Marketing | Coaching Paul Thompson Buzzwords to Business SEO & Web Marketing @thompsonpaul