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Kirsten Jones, Technical Leader – Cisco Systems
   Cloud computing is the new black
   Getting started can be daunting
   Get a working stack in less than a half hour
   Cloud providers with Facebook quick start
     Heroku
     PHPFog
   “Polyglot” cloud provider supporting multiple
   Tight integration with Facebook
   Additional PHP support is limited
   Visit

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Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

PhoneGap (aka Cordova) is a cross-platform framework for developing mobile apps using standard web development tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Join Troy Miles to learn how to create mobile apps with PhoneGap by building a simple but full-featured app during this hands-on class. Troy explores PhoneGap’s important capabilities, including GPS, camera, and audio recordings. Because JavaScript has a reputation as a somewhat difficult language, Troy teaches techniques for keeping your code robust and clean. To give your app the appropriate look and feel for the device on which it is running, the class will use the open source Chocolate Chip UI framework for testing. Troy shares ways to debug the code by running it as a web app, using browser development tools, or as a phone app, using the Chrome browser’s remote debugging features. Leave with the basics you need to start building your own cross-platform mobile apps.

Google app engine
Google app engineGoogle app engine
Google app engine

Google App Engine allows users to develop and host web applications on Google's servers. It provides an integrated development environment called Eclipse to write applications using Java, Python or other languages. The application code and files are packaged and deployed to Google's servers. When requests come in, the web.xml file maps URLs to servlet classes which handle the requests. The appengine-web.xml file provides configuration details like the application ID. Applications can be tested locally and then deployed to the cloud with a single click from within Eclipse. Once deployed, applications are accessible via a URL based on the registered application ID.

Learn to build real world desktop apps
Learn to build real world desktop appsLearn to build real world desktop apps
Learn to build real world desktop apps

This course teaches students how to build desktop applications using Electron, an open-source framework that allows using web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Students will learn to configure main and renderer processes, integrate React and Bootstrap frameworks, and package applications. The course contains 5 hands-on projects, including a pomodoro clock, tic-tac-toe game, weather app, currency converter, and BMI calculator. It is suitable for all experience levels and requires basic JavaScript knowledge. The course contains 44 lectures and 5 hours of video content.

Facebook appsincloud
Social integration is a little boring until you log in…
Log In with Facebook to make it fly
The default application has
examples from the Facebook



            and Likes

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How to start ui automation in 15 mins with Puppeteer

Puppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium. The document discusses how to get started with UI automation using Puppeteer in 15 minutes. It demonstrates how to install Puppeteer, launch a browser instance, navigate to a page, interact with elements by typing, clicking, and more. It also covers using Jest to structure tests and features like emulation, intercepting requests/responses, and more. The goal is to get started with basic automation quickly without over-engineering tests initially.

JS Fest 2018. Тимофей Лавренюк. Делаем веб приложение лучше с помощью совреме...
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JS Fest 2018. Тимофей Лавренюк. Делаем веб приложение лучше с помощью совреме...

This document discusses how to make mobile web apps better using modern Browser APIs. It provides an overview of several APIs including App Install Banners, Service Workers, Push Notifications, Network Information, Storage Estimation, Device Orientation, Media Session, Web Share, Credentials Management, and Workbox. It compares features of progressive web apps to native mobile apps, noting advantages and disadvantages of each. While progressive web apps cannot fully replace native apps, they provide many similar capabilities and could serve as a "lite version" of a native app through the web.

Flutter workshop @ bang saen 2020
Flutter workshop @ bang saen 2020Flutter workshop @ bang saen 2020
Flutter workshop @ bang saen 2020

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single codebase. It allows creating mobile, web, and desktop apps. The document provides an overview of getting started with Flutter and common widgets like text, buttons, lists, and more. It also describes data management using Moor and shared preferences as well as connecting to REST APIs with packages like Retrofit and Dio.

Check your email

                   Pick a password
   Use ‘heroku’ or ‘cmd.exe’ on Windows
   On initial login, you may need to set up an
    SSH key

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Building data driven mobile apps with phone gap and webapi
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Building data driven mobile apps with phone gap and webapi

This document discusses building mobile apps with PhoneGap and ASP.NET Web API. It describes the architecture of using HTML, CSS, jQuery Mobile, and Web API with a data access layer and data store. It covers topics like implementing RESTful endpoints, enabling CORS and token-based authentication on the Web API, and accessing device features through PhoneGap plugins. It also mentions some common issues like CORS, emulator networking, and provides additional resources for learning PhoneGap.

asp.netmobile application developmentphonegap

This document discusses how to build a website using open source PHP and contribute to the codebase. It recommends starting with a basic starter application on GitHub, then outlines steps for setting up hosting, configuring the domain, and beginning development. The document provides tips for coding, debugging, testing, and deploying the site, and proposes future features like integrating with Meetup API and adding user authentication.

20150423 Android Taipei : 祖克伯F8的奇幻之旅
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20150423 Android Taipei : 祖克伯F8的奇幻之旅

This document discusses Facebook's efforts to build better developer tools and platforms. It mentions that Facebook has 40 apps that received VIP treatment in Taiwan, with Messenger being the only one from Taiwan. It also discusses Facebook's Messenger SDK and platform, Parse for IoT, Oculus VR, open source projects like React Native and Fresco, improved security through Graph API updates, fun new areas like VR and Messenger, and the goal of connecting more users through initiatives like The document outlines Facebook's focus on building better SDKs and platforms, releasing more open source code, increasing security, adding new features, and bringing more users online.

% git clone<application_id>.git -o heroku

% ls <application_id>
   Loads the Facebook PHP SDK and examples
   Index.php has the magic juice
   Grabs the current authenticated user
   Provides code examples for graph calls

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The document discusses ways to modify and extend the Flex SDK framework through source code hacking. It explains that the Flex SDK source code is available online and outlines some examples of hacks people have done, such as improving compiler performance or adding new functionality. Developers are encouraged to submit significant changes to the official SDK to have them integrated and benefit future users.

Introduction to Adobe Shadow
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Introduction to Adobe Shadow

The document discusses Adobe Shadow, an innovative solution that streamlines website development for mobile devices. Adobe Shadow allows developers to connect mobile devices to a computer and browse websites synchronously. It also enables inspecting DOM, CSS, and JavaScript across devices. The solution works by installing apps on the computer and connected mobile devices, which then synchronize browsing over WiFi. Adobe Shadow is currently free and available for download in beta.

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PHP Development for Google Glass using Phass
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PHP Development for Google Glass using Phass

My talk given at OSCON 2014 on developing Google Glass applications in PHP using Phass -- a free open source platform for Google Glass.

zend framework 2google glassphp
   $likes = idx($facebook->
         'data', array());
   You can use your local web server to serve the
    Facebook application
   You need to create a “development” version
    of the application on Facebook with your
    localhost URL
   Configure your key and secret in the .env file
   Free to get started
   Not strong PHP Cloud provider
   Facebook integration extremely easy
   Examples from Facebook SDK make it easy
    to get started
   PHP dedicated cloud service
   Supports PHP applications and frameworks
    such as
    WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Zend, Cake and
   Tuned for PHP performance, scaling
   Facebook Jumpstart

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This document outlines a series of lectures on integrating Firebase authentication and Google Play games services into a Unity project. It discusses setting up a Firebase project with the necessary configuration files and plugins. It also covers creating a login button using the Firebase authentication API, testing with logcat, and viewing authenticated users on the Firebase console. The document advertises additional lectures on using the Firebase database and implementing achievements with Google Play games services.

Android app development hybrid approach for beginners - Tools Installations ...
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Android app development hybrid approach for beginners - Installation, Settings & Deployment in Windows 8 (Hybrid approach using HTML5, jQuery, Apache Cordova and Android SDK) Khirulnizam Abd Rahman Hybrid Approach – consists of - HTML + jQuery (JavaScript, CSS) - Apache Cordova (HTML to Android Project) - Android Studio– to generate APK What are tools needed to develop Android App Hybrid? - HTML knowledge - jQuery (JavaScript + CSS framework) - PHP&MySQL (Online DB) - NodeJS - Apache Ant - Apache Cordova - Latest JDK - Android Studio - Android SDK

Pdx Se Intro To Se
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Pdx Se Intro To Se

The document introduces test automation using Selenium. It discusses the different flavors of Selenium including Selenium 1, Selenium 2 WebDriver, and Selenium IDE. It demonstrates how to record and export tests in Selenium IDE and how to write test scripts in Java. The document also covers advanced topics like page object modeling, test frameworks like JUnit and TestNG, and distributed testing using Selenium Grid and Sauce Labs. It provides examples of testing mobile web apps and native mobile apps.

   ... or just sign in
Application ID and Secret
Facebook appsincloud

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WordPress is the leading CMS but how can it stand as a back office for mobile applications? This presentation has been done at WordCamp Paris 2015.

Cordova training : Day 5 - UI development using Framework7
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This document provides an overview of using the Framework7 framework to build user interfaces for mobile apps. Framework7 allows developing hybrid mobile apps with native iOS and Android look and feel. It includes many pre-built user interface widgets like forms, text areas, lists, tabs and more. The document outlines how to set up the basic app layout and include the Framework7 CSS and JS files to add these UI components to apps using only HTML.

hybrid application developmentapache cordovacordova
Design Patterns avec PHP 5.3, Symfony et Pimple
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Design Patterns avec PHP 5.3, Symfony et Pimple

Cette conférence présente deux grands motifs de conception : l'observateur et l'injection de dépendance. Ce sujet allie à la fois théorie et pratique. Le composant autonome EventDispatcher de Symfony ainsi que le conteneur d'injection de dépendance Pimple sont mis à l'honneur avec des exemples pratiques d'usage. Ces cas pratiques combinent du code de l'ORM Propel ainsi que le composant autonome Zend\Search\Lucene du Zend Framework 2

Facebook appsincloud
Facebook appsincloud
   Hey, that looks familiar – let’s log in
Facebook appsincloud

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Api 101
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Api 101

The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 50 photos in total with credits and license information provided for each one. The photos cover a variety of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers.

restkin laneapi
Speed up your developments with Symfony2
Speed up your developments with Symfony2Speed up your developments with Symfony2
Speed up your developments with Symfony2

Symfony2 is a PHP full-stack framework that provides tools and components to speed up web development. It emphasizes separation of concerns, standards compliance, and best practices. Symfony2 allows developers to create Request-Response applications using its routing, templating, validation, forms, database abstraction, and other features in a decoupled and reusable way. It also provides debugging tools, code generators, and other utilities to improve developer productivity.

Monitor the quality of your Symfony projects
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Monitor the quality of your Symfony projects

Ensuring an application source code quality is not an easy task. This is especially true with the PHP language, which is still compared to a non-professional programming language nowadays. In fact, the PHP language has plenty of professional tools for monitoring the quality of PHP projects. These tools are also standard enough to be coupled and to communicate with other professional tools in Java for example. In this session, we will introduce some of the Symfony2 best practices to adopt to write clean and maintainable code. Then, we will look at the best PHP quality tools to setup to monitor a Symfony2 project on a day-to-day development. The conference will especially focus on the Jenkins continuous integration platform, automated tests (unit and functional testing) and how to get and interpret metrics on the code.

Follow the
instructions for
   your O/S
   Git based
   Toolkit available ‘pf’ for macintosh
   Other O/Ss use git directly
   “Source Code” link on the dashboard to get
   PHPFog also uses Facebook SDK example
    source code
   Apps are portable between systems – copy
    the code over to use a different system
   The Facebook SDK can be downloaded
    locally and deployed to any cloud provider –
    Engineyard, PHPCloud
   Creating the application and tying the URLs
    together needs to be done manually
   Engineyard has a webcast covering this
    process (creating the app locally then

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This stuff is cool, but...HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?
This stuff is cool, but...HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?This stuff is cool, but...HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?
This stuff is cool, but...HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?

We go to conferences & get excited about things that could revolutionize our development & change our organization! Then, we go home...and hit the wall. If you've ever asked yourself, "This stuff is cool, but HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT??!", this is the session for you. Learn from an experienced software developer (who also happens to have an MBA) how to make your case to leadership.

npvbusiness caseroi
Designing for developers
Designing for developersDesigning for developers
Designing for developers

Kirsten Jones is a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems who focuses on building APIs that developers love. Her tips include understanding business goals, starting with clear use cases, communicating guidelines, providing tutorials, examples, and task-based documentation, addressing common pain points like authentication, and teaching developers skills to be successful.

Symfony2 - Un Framework PHP 5 Performant
Symfony2 - Un Framework PHP 5 PerformantSymfony2 - Un Framework PHP 5 Performant
Symfony2 - Un Framework PHP 5 Performant

L’arrivée de PHP 5.3 en milieu d’année 2009 a bouleversé la manière de développer des applications web. En effet, cette nouvelle version a apporté de nouveaux outils au langage tels que les espaces de nommage qui favorisent la réutilisabilité du code lorsqu’ils sont employés à bon escient. Les nouveaux frameworks de développement rapide ont aussi suivi le mouvement et reposent sur la base de PHP 5.3. C’est le cas de Symfony2 dont la version stable est prévue prochainement. Cette présentation offre un tour d’horizon de la nouvelle architecture du framework qui s’articule autour de “bundles”, de librairies externes et de nombreux composants indépendants tels que le conteneur d’injection de dépendances. Nous dresserons un panorama des principales fonctionnalités offertes par le framework telles que la couche d’ORM Doctrine 2, le moteur de templating Twig et la gestion des formulaires. Nous nous intéresserons également à la gestion du cache HTTP, à la couche de sécurité ainsi qu’aux outils de débogage destinés à améliorer la productivité du développeur et la maintenance de l’application.

   Free startup
   Try multiple providers to see what works best
   PHP-only developers may find PHPFog a
    better choice
   Polyglots can work on Heroku
   Other PHP cloud providers to check out:
    EngineYard (Orchestra) and PHPCloud (Zend)
Facebook appsincloud

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  • 1. Kirsten Jones, Technical Leader – Cisco Systems
  • 2. Cloud computing is the new black  Getting started can be daunting  Get a working stack in less than a half hour  Cloud providers with Facebook quick start  Heroku  PHPFog
  • 3. “Polyglot” cloud provider supporting multiple languages  ok  Tight integration with Facebook  Additional PHP support is limited
  • 4. Visit Prove you’re a human with the captcha…
  • 6. Social integration is a little boring until you log in…
  • 7. Log In with Facebook to make it fly
  • 8. The default application has examples from the Facebook PHP SDK Profile Information Friends Photos and Likes
  • 9. Check your email Pick a password
  • 10.
  • 11. Use ‘heroku’ or ‘cmd.exe’ on Windows  On initial login, you may need to set up an SSH key
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. % git clone<application_id>.git -o heroku % ls <application_id>
  • 16. Loads the Facebook PHP SDK and examples  Index.php has the magic juice  Grabs the current authenticated user  Provides code examples for graph calls
  • 17. $likes = idx($facebook-> api('/me/likes?limit=4'), 'data', array());
  • 18. You can use your local web server to serve the Facebook application  You need to create a “development” version of the application on Facebook with your localhost URL  Configure your key and secret in the .env file
  • 19. Free to get started  Not strong PHP Cloud provider  Facebook integration extremely easy  Examples from Facebook SDK make it easy to get started
  • 20. PHP dedicated cloud service  Supports PHP applications and frameworks such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Zend, Cake and Kohana  Tuned for PHP performance, scaling  Facebook Jumpstart  look-at-the-php-fog-facebook-jumpstart/
  • 21. ... or just sign in
  • 22.
  • 23. Application ID and Secret
  • 27. Hey, that looks familiar – let’s log in
  • 30. Git based  Toolkit available ‘pf’ for macintosh  Other O/Ss use git directly  “Source Code” link on the dashboard to get started
  • 31. PHPFog also uses Facebook SDK example source code  Apps are portable between systems – copy the code over to use a different system
  • 32. The Facebook SDK can be downloaded locally and deployed to any cloud provider – Engineyard, PHPCloud  Creating the application and tying the URLs together needs to be done manually  Engineyard has a webcast covering this process (creating the app locally then deploying)
  • 33. Free startup  Try multiple providers to see what works best  PHP-only developers may find PHPFog a better choice  Polyglots can work on Heroku  Other PHP cloud providers to check out: EngineYard (Orchestra) and PHPCloud (Zend)

Editor's Notes

  1. Kirsten Jones, Technical Leader at Cisco SystemsWorking with APIs, creating mashups for longer than I care to admitFascinated with taking different web services and combining them to give users a new way to interact with their information and networksOne challenge of creating prototypes or applications is getting them onto a public server – cloud providers have made that a lot easierRecently they’ve started adding frameworks to speed application development even moreFacebook has a great SDK for PHP development, and combining that with a cloud provider who sets it up for you means you can get right to the meat of your application.I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to my talk on this, I’m going to take just a minute to give you an overview of what I’m going to cover so you can decide if it’s useful for you.
  2. One of the things I’ve learned in talking to developers… very talented and skilled developers who have made really cool shit… is that they’re intimidated by the thought of learning “yet another framework” to add cloud development into their toolbox. I’m here to tell you, and show you, that it’s actually really easy. The cloud providers I’m going to cover here – Heroku and PHPFog – both have excellent toolkits based around the source code management tool git. So you develop locally on your own system, then push your changes to the cloud. It’s really no different than any other release process you might be familiar with – and the other end is set up for you, your own system. Both of these cloud providers are free to get started with, and they both include the Facebook SDK, which means that whatever you write is portable to other cloud providers, or to your own hosted system when you’re ready for that. I’m going to start with Heroku.
  3. Heroku is a cloud provider that was originally designed as a Ruby on Rails cloud provider, but recently they’ve branched out to a very large list of languages and frameworks – Python, Java, Scala, Clojure… and PHP. Most of their PHP support is around Facebook applications, but you can use the same setup, really, for any PHP application. For today I’m going to walk through their tutorial so you can understand how easy it is to get started using their system. I know it’s a little annoying to I’ve created a cheat sheet for this talk which is available on my website at – from there you can get to the links I mention in the talk.
  4. The default application is a little… boring.
  5. Talk about authentication model, supported by the Facebook SDK, good to specify the pieces you want. Facebook may get a lot of shit for bad privacy practices, but they do make it easy for developers to communicate to their users exactly which pieces of the facebook pie their application is going to touch.
  6. *describe page*Wow, that’s really cool! Now there’s an application… somewhere… with code that’s making this page. I guess that’s pretty cool, but it seems kind of abstract since you don’t really have a way to touch, see and edit the code. Let’s think of this as the “front end”, or UI of your application, and figure out how to get at the bits that are making it go. The first thing you’ll need to do is get set up with Heroku.
  7. If you already have a Heroku account, you can just log in to continue here. If not, they’ll have sent you an email with a link to get started, which is pretty much the standard stuff. Pick a password, log in, and you’re ready to get started on the backend side of your application
  8. Once you’ve logged in, you can jump to the toolbelt to get your system set up to work with Heroku. As I mentioned before, Heroku started as a RoR cloud provider, and their toolkit is based on Ruby. You’ll need to have ruby on your system in order to make this go. It comes standard on most unix based systems (like OSX and Ubuntu) but for Windows you may end up installing a larger set of files to get your application going.
  9. Once thetoolbelt is set up, you need to login to heroku from the toolbelt so it knows who you are and has the necessary credentials for getting to the repository with your source code. The first time you log in you’ll need to set up an SSH key so you don’t need to enter your credentials every time – if you don’t already have one set up on your system the Heroku tutorial has instructions for getting one generated.Now that you’ve got your toolkit set up, you need to find out where Heroku has stashed the code for you.
  10. While the integration between Facebook and Heroku is pretty slick, figuring out how to identify your repository takes a bit of work. On the Facebook application information page, your “Site Domain” will be set up with your heroku-assigned domain. This is a haiku-based name with a random number on the end, and this is your application’s home in the Heroku cloud. This is also how you identify your repository when interacting with your code on Heroku.
  11. Once you’ve logged in and have the toolkit, you can see all of the applications associated with your login. As you can see, I have a lot of Heroku instances because it’s really easy to make one whenever I have an idea I want to try out. From the list of your applications you can view the general information for the instance or set up resources – if you want to change the scale, or add a plugin, or add scaling or database resources. For now, we’ll just check out the general information. As you can see, my Facebook application is listed here, with the memorable name/URL floating-sunset-9217
  12. Here it is, in all its glory. Your instance information. Name, URL, collaborator. You can add other heroku users as collaborators on your repo so you can, you know, collaborate. The git repo information is listed here, although it’s relatively easy to build once you have the name for your application. The repo will always be reached as It’s nice to have it here, though, for reference and copy-and-pasting, so you don’t have to remember the right information to build it later.All right, we’ve got the information we need to actually get the source code now. Awesome 
  13. PHPFog! These guys are great, and they’re a cloud provider dedicated to PHP. All of their systems are designed to optimize PHP performance. If you’re a PHP developer looking to deploy multiple different types of applications to the cloud, they’re probably your guys. As you can see, they provide a wide range of PHP frameworks.Their Facebook integration is a little more work than Heroku, but it’s still quick to get set up and running.
  14. Again, if you’ve got a PHPFog account already you’re one step ahead. Otherwise you’ll need to sign up for a free PHPFog account to get started.
  15. You’re going to start out in the same place this time, but you’ll need to do a little more work to get everything set up how you want. Set up your application, but this time don’t click the Heroku button.
  16. Pick a unique application identifier for your application to be used as part of the PHPFog domain. You need to input that domain into the “App Domains” section of the page. You’ll also want to open the “Website with Facebook Login” section and input it as your site URL, so the Facebook system knows where to send the users after they’ve authenticated – these pieces were set up for you magically with the Heroku version, but as you can see it’s really not difficult to get it working manually.You’ll need your app ID and secret for the PHPFog configuration side, so copy those somewhere, or just keep this browser window open while you set up the PHPFog end of your application.
  17. Now that you’ve set up the Facebook side, you need to actually create the application on PHPFog so that it’ll actually do something. Click “New App” to get started, and select “Facebook” as the application type you want.
  18. Here’s where you need to put in your application key and secret from the facebook application. You’ll also put in that unique application ID you created so that the domain Facebook expects is where phpfog puts the application. Click “Create app”
  19. Once your application is created PHPFog will present you with a dashboard of information. Like Heroku, the startup/default configuration is free, but this is where you can add more storage, plugins, or other goodies for your site. Additionally, there’s a wealth of analytical and configuration management tools on the dashboard. We’ll come back here in a minute, but for now let’s go ahead and view the application, since we’ve set up both sides and they should be ready to go.
  20. Yep, pretty much exactly the same thing. The Facebook SDK examples are a great place to work from. I’ve already covered how the code works (at the end if you want I can show you more, but really it’s best to poke around yourself.