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Enterprise Integration
     Made easy with
WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus
            Ruwan Linton
     Product Manager – WSO2 ESB
Introducing Mattson ...
                          Mattson here..
Heard about a webinar
      from WSO2           I am an
On making it easy to do   Enterprise architect
 Enterprise Integration

Have a few Questions
     though :-(

Story of an Enterprise Architect
• What is Enterprise Integration?
    – A two minute definition
• When do you need it?
    – Importance of an ESB in a nutshell
• Why WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)?
    – Features & Functionalities in detail
• Who can use WSO2 ESB?
    – Simplicity and the usability
• Where should I look for more?
    – Resources & References
What is
Enterprise Integration?

Enterprise Integration

      the alignment of strategies, business
         processes, information systems,
          technologies, and data across
       organizational boundaries to provide
              competitive advantage


How do you achieve EI?

It is possible to achieve by a good SOA design,
                but it is impractical,
 because we need to inter-operate with legacy
        systems which cannot be redesigned

      Can be achieved by using an ESB

Well, I heard about ESB
                 But not so clear about it

  So What is
    Hey Mattson, it is
“Enterprise Service Bus”

Let's define it...

       Any to any data connectivity and
    transformation (including Web Services)
      built on an advanced, proven, reliable
             middleware infrastructure

Note:- Just for the sake of a definition :-)

When do you need
    an ESB?

WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)?

  What is so special about
       WSO2 ESB?

WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus
   A fast, Light weight, easy-to-use Enterprise
    Service Bus product
   Open source product with commercial support
    (if required)
    Released with business friendly Apache License
   Based on Apache Synapse & WSO2 Carbon
   Customizable to match the needs of your
What is Apache Synapse?
How is it related to
WSO2 ESB? and Carbon??

Apache Synapse & WSO2 ESB
   Leading project developed by Apache
   Most of the key committers with in WSO2
   WSO2 ESB is built on top of Apache Synapse
    Synapse provides the core mediation
    WSO2 ESB uses Synapse's configuration

WSO2 Carbon
• The Middleware framework
  on top of which the SOA
  stack is developed on
• Based on OSGi standards to
  achieve modularity
• Internationalized UI
• Shareable functional

Tell me some of the
main features of WSO2 ESB

WSO2 ESB Features
   Message Routing
    Message Transformation & Mapping
    Scheduled Tasks
    Protocol Switching
    Transaction Support
   Rule Based Mediation
Message Routing
   Act as a simple Proxy

Message Transformation & Mapping
   XSLT

Message Transformation & Mapping
   XQuery

Message Transformation & Mapping
   E4X

Message Transformation & Mapping
   Support for different file formats
        – EDI
        – flat files
        – CSV
        – COBOL/Record

    Allow the ESB to initiate work on a timed basis
    Cron/simple interval
    Write your own tasks

   Split

   Aggregate

   Callout

   If/Then/Else

   BPEL Feature plug-in
      –   Adds BPS capabilities into ESB

Protocol Switching

FIX to HTTP transport
   File, (S)FTP, HTTP(S), REST, Hessian, JSON
      –    MQSeries, AMQP/ Apache Qpid,Apache
      –    Transactional support
    Email, XMPP, FIX, TCP

Rule based Mediation
   Drools


Many more features ...
   Load balancing
   Fail-over handling
    Caching / Throttling
    Registry based Clustering
    WS-Reliable Messaging
   CEP (Complex Event Processing)
    and many more....
What if I want more?
Can I extend WSO2 ESB?

Yes.. you can..
Just write a mediator..

  Class implementing the Mediator interface

    Using Command pattern with a POJO

            Scripting inside ESB

             Spring initialization

   Completely asynchronous architecture internally
   Streaming support for messages
   100% error free and zero memory leaks under heavy
   Up to 4500tps out-of-the-box for proxying
      –   Intel(R) Xeon(TM) 3.20GHz 2MB Cache
      –   Dual Core - 2 CPU system
      –   2GB RAM
      –   1Gb Ethernet

Non-Blocking IO
       Incoming req

                                     Thread1   processing     Outgoing req

                                                            Socket open
                       Socket open

                                                             Incoming resp
                                     Thread2   processing
       Outgoing resp

       This model means:
       1. Synapse threads never blocked during normal processing
       2. Number of sockets open >> number of threads

Who can use

Almost all, who knows what they
            want to do...

           WSO2 ESB is; Simple to use
           Easy to learn and configure

             So, any body who knows
             What he want, can use it

Who knows the truth, lets find out our selves...

Sample Usage scenarios
   Link legacy files to messaging based systems
    Transform CSV or EDI formats to XML
    Act as a high-performance XML Gateway
    Content-based routing and creating virtual
    Integrate FIX based trading systems with XML
    and non-XML backends
    Log, trace and audit live systems
That's lot of information...
Now I would like to try these out
myself. How do I get started?

How to get started?
   Download binary distribution from
   Latest is v2.1.0
   Unzip
• Run bin/ (on Unix) or
  bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows)
• Management console
        – https://localhost:9443/carbon
        – admin/admin
Help.. I messed it up...

How to get help?
   Online forum
    Active community of external users
    Ample free documentation on
    If needed, we provided commercial support on
        – Getting started
        – Deployment
        – Custom development
        – Production

Where should I look for

Here are the resources...
WSO2 Oxygen Tank for Web Service Developers
WSO2 ESB project page
WSO2 ESB 2.1.0 Documentation
Performance testing
Apache Synapse

  Here is what
Mattson understood

• What is Enterprise Integration?
    – Integrating the organizational Information Systems
• When do you need it?
    – Well, it is required for a carefully designed SOA
• Why WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)?
    – Mediation, Routing, Transformation, Protocols, Eventing....
    – It is feature rich yet very simple
• Who can use WSO2 ESB?
    – Should be any one who has the need to use an ESB
• Where should I look for more?
    – Got a good set of references, like
WSO2 Product Platform

Thank you
(Product Manager - WSO2 ESB)


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WSO2 ESB Webinar 01 Sept 2009

  • 1. Enterprise Integration Made easy with WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus Ruwan Linton Product Manager – WSO2 ESB
  • 2. Introducing Mattson ... Hi.. Mattson here.. Heard about a webinar from WSO2 I am an On making it easy to do Enterprise architect Enterprise Integration Have a few Questions though :-( 2
  • 3. Story of an Enterprise Architect • What is Enterprise Integration? – A two minute definition • When do you need it? – Importance of an ESB in a nutshell • Why WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)? – Features & Functionalities in detail • Who can use WSO2 ESB? – Simplicity and the usability • Where should I look for more? – Resources & References 3
  • 5. Enterprise Integration the alignment of strategies, business processes, information systems, technologies, and data across organizational boundaries to provide competitive advantage Definition:- 5
  • 6. How do you achieve EI? It is possible to achieve by a good SOA design, but it is impractical, because we need to inter-operate with legacy systems which cannot be redesigned Can be achieved by using an ESB 6
  • 7. Well, I heard about ESB Before But not so clear about it So What is ESB? Hey Mattson, it is “Enterprise Service Bus” 7
  • 8. Let's define it... Any to any data connectivity and transformation (including Web Services) built on an advanced, proven, reliable middleware infrastructure Note:- Just for the sake of a definition :-) 8
  • 9. When do you need an ESB? 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. Busbar 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Why WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)? What is so special about WSO2 ESB? 17
  • 18. WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus  A fast, Light weight, easy-to-use Enterprise Service Bus product  Open source product with commercial support (if required)  Released with business friendly Apache License 2.0  Based on Apache Synapse & WSO2 Carbon  Customizable to match the needs of your Enterprise 18
  • 19. wait.. What is Apache Synapse? How is it related to WSO2 ESB? and Carbon?? 19
  • 20. Apache Synapse & WSO2 ESB  Leading project developed by Apache community  Most of the key committers with in WSO2  WSO2 ESB is built on top of Apache Synapse  Synapse provides the core mediation capabilities  WSO2 ESB uses Synapse's configuration language 20
  • 21. WSO2 Carbon • The Middleware framework on top of which the SOA stack is developed on • Based on OSGi standards to achieve modularity • Internationalized UI framework • Shareable functional components 21
  • 22. Tell me some of the main features of WSO2 ESB 22
  • 23. WSO2 ESB Features  Message Routing  Message Transformation & Mapping  Scheduled Tasks  Orchestration  Protocol Switching  Transaction Support  Rule Based Mediation  Eventing 23
  • 24. Message Routing  Act as a simple Proxy 24
  • 25. Message Transformation & Mapping  XSLT 25
  • 26. Message Transformation & Mapping  XQuery 26
  • 27. Message Transformation & Mapping  E4X 27
  • 28. Message Transformation & Mapping  Support for different file formats – EDI – flat files – CSV – COBOL/Record 28
  • 29. Tasks  Allow the ESB to initiate work on a timed basis  Cron/simple interval  Write your own tasks 29
  • 30. Orchestration  Split 30
  • 31. Orchestration  Aggregate 31
  • 32. Orchestration  Callout 32
  • 33. Orchestration  If/Then/Else 33
  • 34. Orchestration  BPEL Feature plug-in – Adds BPS capabilities into ESB 34
  • 36. FIX to HTTP transport 36
  • 37. Protocols  File, (S)FTP, HTTP(S), REST, Hessian, JSON  SOAP  JMS – MQSeries, AMQP/ Apache Qpid,Apache ActiveMQ – Transactional support  Email, XMPP, FIX, TCP 37
  • 39. Eventing 39
  • 40. Many more features ...  Load balancing  Fail-over handling  Caching / Throttling  Registry based Clustering  WS-Reliable Messaging  FIX  CEP (Complex Event Processing)  and many more.... 40
  • 41. What if I want more? Can I extend WSO2 ESB? Yes.. you can.. Just write a mediator.. 41
  • 42. Extendibility Class implementing the Mediator interface Using Command pattern with a POJO Scripting inside ESB Spring initialization 42
  • 43. Performance  Completely asynchronous architecture internally  Streaming support for messages  100% error free and zero memory leaks under heavy load  Up to 4500tps out-of-the-box for proxying – Intel(R) Xeon(TM) 3.20GHz 2MB Cache – Dual Core - 2 CPU system – 2GB RAM – 1Gb Ethernet  43
  • 44. Performance  44
  • 45. Non-Blocking IO Synapse Incoming req Request Thread1 processing Outgoing req Socket open Socket open TIME TIME TIME TIME Incoming resp Response Thread2 processing Outgoing resp This model means: 1. Synapse threads never blocked during normal processing 2. Number of sockets open >> number of threads 45
  • 46. Who can use WSO2 ESB? 46
  • 47. Almost all, who knows what they want to do... WSO2 ESB is; Simple to use Easy to learn and configure So, any body who knows What he want, can use it Who knows the truth, lets find out our selves... 47
  • 48. Sample Usage scenarios  Link legacy files to messaging based systems  Transform CSV or EDI formats to XML  Act as a high-performance XML Gateway  Content-based routing and creating virtual services  Integrate FIX based trading systems with XML and non-XML backends  Log, trace and audit live systems 48
  • 49. That's lot of information... Now I would like to try these out myself. How do I get started? 49
  • 50. How to get started?  Download binary distribution from  Latest is v2.1.0  Unzip • Run bin/ (on Unix) or bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows) • Management console – https://localhost:9443/carbon – admin/admin 50
  • 51. Help.. I messed it up... 51
  • 52. How to get help?  Online forum  Active community of external users  Ample free documentation on  If needed, we provided commercial support on – Getting started – Deployment – Custom development – Production 52
  • 53. Where should I look for more? 53
  • 54. Here are the resources... WSO2 Oxygen Tank for Web Service Developers – WSO2 ESB project page – WSO2 ESB 2.1.0 Documentation – Performance testing – – – Apache Synapse – 54
  • 55. interesting... Here is what Mattson understood 55
  • 56. Summery • What is Enterprise Integration? – Integrating the organizational Information Systems • When do you need it? – Well, it is required for a carefully designed SOA • Why WSO2 ESB (2.1.0)? – Mediation, Routing, Transformation, Protocols, Eventing.... – It is feature rich yet very simple • Who can use WSO2 ESB? – Should be any one who has the need to use an ESB • Where should I look for more? – Got a good set of references, like 56
  • 58. Thank you (Product Manager - WSO2 ESB) 58