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Leveraging Open Source Integration
   WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus
                 Sumedha Rubasinghe
     2009 Air Force Information Technology Conference
                    Montgomery, Atlanta
    The Need
    Important Concepts
    Use cases
    Getting started & Help

Introducing Mattson ...
                   Mattson here..
                   I am an architect

So.. What is WSO2 ESB?

WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus
    A fast,Light weight, easy-to-use Enterprise
    Service Bus product
    Open source product with commercial support
    (if required)
    Released with business friendly Apache License
    Based on Apache Synapse
    Customizable to match the needs of your
What is Apache Synapse?
How is it related to WSO2

Apache Synapse & WSO2 ESB
    Leading project developed by Apache
    Some of the key committers with in WSO2
    WSO2 ESB is built on top of Apache Synapse
    Synapse provides the core mediation
    WSO2 ESB uses Synapse's configuration


Screen shots

Screen shots

In what type of scenarios
Can I use WSO2 ESB?

Usage scenarios
    Link legacy files to messaging based systems
    Transform CSV or EDI formats to XML
    Act as a high-performance XML Gateway
    Content-based routing and creating virtual
    Integrate FIX based trading systems with XML
    and non-XML backends
    Log, trace and audit live systems
Tell me some of the
main features of WSO2 ESB

WSO2 ESB Features
    Message Routing
    Message Transformation & Mapping
    Scheduled Tasks
    Protocol Switching
    Transaction Support

Message Routing
    Act as a simple Proxy

Message Routing
    Content based routing

Message Transformation & Mapping

Message Transformation & Mapping

Message Transformation & Mapping

Message Transformation & Mapping
    Support for different file formats
        – EDI
        – flat files
        – CSV
        – COBOL/Record

    Allow the ESB to initiate work on a timed basis
    Cron/simple interval
    Write your own tasks





    BPEL Feature plug-in
      –   Adds BPS capabilities into ESB


Protocol Support

Protocol Support
    File, (S)FTP, HTTP(S), REST, Hessian, JSON
      –    MQSeries, AMQP/ Apache Qpid,Apache
      –    Transactional support
    Email, XMPP,FIX,TCP

Rule based Mediation

Many more features ...
    Load balancing
    Fail-over handling
    Caching / Throttling
    Registry based Clustering
    WS-Reliable Messaging
    CEP (Complex Event Processing)
    and many more....
What if I want more?
Can I extend WSO2 ESB?

Yes.. you can..
Just write a mediator..

Mediator ..!!
what is that?

Important concept - Mediator
• Basic component of ESB
• Mediates messages going through
• Core mediators
  –   Send, Drop, Log, Property
• Filter mediators
  –   Filter, Switch, Validate, Throttle, In, Out
• Transformation mediators
  –   XSLT, Header, Fault, XQuery
• Advanced mediators
  –   Clone, Cache, Aggregate, DBLookup, Callout
Important concept – Send Mediator
• Used to send out the messages
• Used in almost all the cases
• Wrapped an endpoint
  –   if no endpoint is specified, anonymous 'To'
      address will be taken as the EPR

Important concept – Sequence
• Special mediator
     –   List of mediators to be executed in an order
• Pipeline pattern
• Special sequences
     –   main
     –   fault

Important concept – operation modes
• Act as a proxy
• Main Sequence
      – If none of the proxy services matches the
        request pattern

I would like to have few
more mediator examples..

Extendibility – Java Mediator
• Class implementing the Mediator interface
  –   Or AbstractMediator class
  –   Custom mediator is executed through the
      ClassMediator in ESB
  –   Corresponding setter methods in the custom class
      will be set before executing the custom mediator
      if any properties are specified

Extendibility - POJOCommand
• Extends the mediation capabilities using the
  well known command pattern
      – Class implementing the Command interface or
        a POJO with a void execute() method
      – execute() method will be invoked using the
        Command interface or by using reflection
      – Sets the properties before execution and
        retrieves the properties after execution

Extendibility – Script Mediator
• Enables scripting for extending mediation
• Supports all the Apache BSF scripting languages
      – JRuby, Jython, Groovy, Java Script
• Embed the script inline or can be referred to a
  separate script file with the function name to
  be executed

Extendibility – Spring Mediator
• Spring configurations to extend the mediation
• Spring bean must implement the Mediator
• Refer to the spring application context using
  the key
• The Spring bean is managed by the spring
  context at mediation time

Extending WSO2 ESB
    Registry as a repository
        – Loading configuration from external registry
    New Transports

So how does all of these fit
What happens with-in WSO2




    Completely asynchronous architecture internally
    Streaming support for messages
    100% error free and zero memory leaks under heavy load
    Up to 4500tps out-of-the-box for proxying
      –   Intel(R) Xeon(TM) 3.20GHz 2MB Cache
      –   Dual Core - 2 CPU system
      –   2GB RAM
      –   1Gb Ethernet


Non-Blocking IO
       Incoming req

                                    Thread1   processing           Outgoing req

                                                           Socket open
                      Socket open

                                                                   Incoming resp
                                    Thread2   processing
       Outgoing resp

       This model means:
       1. Synapse threads never blocked during normal processing
       2. Number of sockets open >> number of threads

    Monitor System statistics
    Running logs
    Message Tracing
    Dynamically configurable Logger
    Exposes statistics via JMX
    Dashboard – Google Gadgets

I would like to see some
Use cases where all of
these are applied...

Use Case 1
• Problem
  – I want to send a notification email whenever there
    is a request to a particular service which satisfies a
    set of conditions over the request
• Solution
  – Filter the messages over the request and evaluate
    the conditions
  – If the conditions evaluate to true then clone the
  – Send the request to the desired endpoint while
    forwarding a copy (may be after transformation)      60
    through the mail transport
Use Case 1

Use Case 1 - configuration

Use Case 2
• Problem
  – I have a service exposed over HTTP transport and
    now I want the same service to be accessed through
• Solution
  – Expose a proxy service with JMS (and what ever
    transport) and switch the transport to HTTP (if not
  – Invoke the actual service with HTTP transport
  – Switch the transport back to JMS of the response
    message                                               63
Use Case 2

Use Case 2 - Configuration

Use Case 3
• Problem
  – I want the ESB to invoke several services of the
    same type for a request, evaluate all the responses
    and respond me with the best one
• Solution
  – Clone the message and send the requests to
    different endpoints
  – Get the responses from all services and aggregate
    the responses
  – Select the best out of the aggregated responses and
    respond to the client
Use Case 3

Use Case 3 - Configuration

Use Case 3 - Configuration

Use Case 3 - Configuration

Use Case 3 - Configuration

Use Case 3 - Configuration

Use Case 4
• Problem
  – I have a non secure service and now I want to
    expose this service with security
• Solution
  – Expose a proxy service
  – Add security to that proxy service and specify the
    policy on which you want to enforce security
  – Invoke the actual service without security by
    removing security headers in the request comes to
    the proxy
  – Add security for responses from the actual service   73
    to client
Use Case 4

Use Case 4 - Configuration

Use Case 5 - FIX to HTTP transport
Use Case 6 - Eventing

synapse-wso2esb                                                                77
Use Case 7

WSO2 Product Platform

That's lot of information...
Now I would like to try these out
myself. How do I get started?

How to get started?
    Download binary distribution from
    Latest is v2.1.0
• Run bin/ (on Unix) or
  bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows)
• Management console
        – https://localhost:9443/carbon
        – admin/admin
Help.. I messed it up...

How to get help?
    Online forum
    Active community of external users
    Ample free documentation on
    If needed, we provided commercial support on
        – Getting started
        – Deployment
        – Custom development
        – Production support
I would like to have some
URLs for reference.

Useful references
   WSO2 Oxygen Tank for Web Service Developers
    WSO2 ESB project page
    Performance testing
    Apache Synapse

•Hypothetical Enterprise
•Brief Introduction on WSO2 ESB
•Important concepts
   – Mediators
   – Sequence
•Use cases
•Getting started & Help

Thank you
(on behalf of WSO2 ESB team)


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Leveraging Open Source Integration with WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus

  • 1. Leveraging Open Source Integration with WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus Sumedha Rubasinghe 2009 Air Force Information Technology Conference Montgomery, Atlanta
  • 2. Agenda  The Need  Introduction  Features  Important Concepts  Extendibility  Performance  Use cases  Getting started & Help 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Busbar 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Introducing Mattson ... Hi.. Mattson here.. I am an architect 10
  • 11. So.. What is WSO2 ESB? 11
  • 12. WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus  A fast,Light weight, easy-to-use Enterprise Service Bus product  Open source product with commercial support (if required)  Released with business friendly Apache License 2.0  Based on Apache Synapse  Customizable to match the needs of your Enterprise 12
  • 13. wait.. What is Apache Synapse? How is it related to WSO2 ESB? 13
  • 14. Apache Synapse & WSO2 ESB  Leading project developed by Apache community  Some of the key committers with in WSO2  WSO2 ESB is built on top of Apache Synapse  Synapse provides the core mediation capabilities  WSO2 ESB uses Synapse's configuration language 14
  • 18. In what type of scenarios Can I use WSO2 ESB? 18
  • 19. Usage scenarios  Link legacy files to messaging based systems  Transform CSV or EDI formats to XML  Act as a high-performance XML Gateway  Content-based routing and creating virtual services  Integrate FIX based trading systems with XML and non-XML backends  Log, trace and audit live systems 19
  • 20. Tell me some of the main features of WSO2 ESB 20
  • 21. WSO2 ESB Features  Message Routing  Message Transformation & Mapping  Scheduled Tasks  Orchestration  Protocol Switching  Transaction Support  Eventing 21
  • 22. Message Routing  Act as a simple Proxy 22
  • 23. Message Routing  Content based routing 23
  • 24. Message Transformation & Mapping  XSLT 24
  • 25. Message Transformation & Mapping  XQuery 25
  • 26. Message Transformation & Mapping  E4X 26
  • 27. Message Transformation & Mapping  Support for different file formats – EDI – flat files – CSV – COBOL/Record 27
  • 28. Tasks  Allow the ESB to initiate work on a timed basis  Cron/simple interval  Write your own tasks 28
  • 29. Orchestration  Aggregate 29
  • 30. Orchestration  Disaggregate 30
  • 31. Orchestration  Callout 31
  • 32. Orchestration  If/Then/Else 32
  • 33. Orchestration  BPEL Feature plug-in – Adds BPS capabilities into ESB 33
  • 36. Protocol Support  File, (S)FTP, HTTP(S), REST, Hessian, JSON  SOAP  JMS – MQSeries, AMQP/ Apache Qpid,Apache ActiveMQ – Transactional support  Email, XMPP,FIX,TCP 36
  • 38. Many more features ...  Load balancing  Fail-over handling  Caching / Throttling  Registry based Clustering  WS-Reliable Messaging  FIX  CEP (Complex Event Processing)  and many more.... 38
  • 39. What if I want more? Can I extend WSO2 ESB? Yes.. you can.. Just write a mediator.. 39
  • 41. Important concept - Mediator • Basic component of ESB • Mediates messages going through • Core mediators – Send, Drop, Log, Property • Filter mediators – Filter, Switch, Validate, Throttle, In, Out • Transformation mediators – XSLT, Header, Fault, XQuery • Advanced mediators – Clone, Cache, Aggregate, DBLookup, Callout 41
  • 42. Important concept – Send Mediator • Used to send out the messages • Used in almost all the cases • Wrapped an endpoint – if no endpoint is specified, anonymous 'To' address will be taken as the EPR 42
  • 43. Important concept – Sequence • Special mediator – List of mediators to be executed in an order • Pipeline pattern • Special sequences – main – fault 43
  • 44. Important concept – operation modes • Act as a proxy • Main Sequence – If none of the proxy services matches the request pattern 44
  • 45. I would like to have few more mediator examples.. 45
  • 46. Extendibility – Java Mediator • Class implementing the Mediator interface – Or AbstractMediator class – Custom mediator is executed through the ClassMediator in ESB – Corresponding setter methods in the custom class will be set before executing the custom mediator if any properties are specified 46
  • 47. Extendibility - POJOCommand • Extends the mediation capabilities using the well known command pattern – Class implementing the Command interface or a POJO with a void execute() method – execute() method will be invoked using the Command interface or by using reflection – Sets the properties before execution and retrieves the properties after execution 47
  • 48. Extendibility – Script Mediator • Enables scripting for extending mediation • Supports all the Apache BSF scripting languages – JRuby, Jython, Groovy, Java Script • Embed the script inline or can be referred to a separate script file with the function name to be executed 48
  • 49. Extendibility – Spring Mediator • Spring configurations to extend the mediation • Spring bean must implement the Mediator interface • Refer to the spring application context using the key • The Spring bean is managed by the spring context at mediation time 49
  • 50. Extending WSO2 ESB  Registry as a repository – Loading configuration from external registry  New Transports 50
  • 51. So how does all of these fit together?... What happens with-in WSO2 ESB? 51
  • 53. Runtime 53
  • 55. Performance  Completely asynchronous architecture internally  Streaming support for messages  100% error free and zero memory leaks under heavy load  Up to 4500tps out-of-the-box for proxying – Intel(R) Xeon(TM) 3.20GHz 2MB Cache – Dual Core - 2 CPU system – 2GB RAM – 1Gb Ethernet  55
  • 56. Performance  56
  • 57. Non-Blocking IO Synapse Incoming req Request Thread1 processing Outgoing req Socket open Socket open TIME TIME TIME TIME Incoming resp Response Thread2 processing Outgoing resp This model means: 1. Synapse threads never blocked during normal processing 2. Number of sockets open >> number of threads 57
  • 58. Monitoring  Monitor System statistics  Running logs  Message Tracing  Dynamically configurable Logger  Exposes statistics via JMX  Dashboard – Google Gadgets 58
  • 59. I would like to see some Use cases where all of these are applied... 59
  • 60. Use Case 1 • Problem – I want to send a notification email whenever there is a request to a particular service which satisfies a set of conditions over the request • Solution – Filter the messages over the request and evaluate the conditions – If the conditions evaluate to true then clone the message – Send the request to the desired endpoint while forwarding a copy (may be after transformation) 60 through the mail transport
  • 62. Use Case 1 - configuration 62
  • 63. Use Case 2 • Problem – I have a service exposed over HTTP transport and now I want the same service to be accessed through JMS • Solution – Expose a proxy service with JMS (and what ever transport) and switch the transport to HTTP (if not http) – Invoke the actual service with HTTP transport – Switch the transport back to JMS of the response message 63
  • 65. Use Case 2 - Configuration 65
  • 66. Use Case 3 • Problem – I want the ESB to invoke several services of the same type for a request, evaluate all the responses and respond me with the best one • Solution – Clone the message and send the requests to different endpoints – Get the responses from all services and aggregate the responses – Select the best out of the aggregated responses and respond to the client 66
  • 68. Use Case 3 - Configuration 68
  • 69. Use Case 3 - Configuration 69
  • 70. Use Case 3 - Configuration 70
  • 71. Use Case 3 - Configuration 71
  • 72. Use Case 3 - Configuration 72
  • 73. Use Case 4 • Problem – I have a non secure service and now I want to expose this service with security • Solution – Expose a proxy service – Add security to that proxy service and specify the policy on which you want to enforce security – Invoke the actual service without security by removing security headers in the request comes to the proxy – Add security for responses from the actual service 73 to client
  • 75. Use Case 4 - Configuration 75
  • 76. Use Case 5 - FIX to HTTP transport 76
  • 77. Use Case 6 - Eventing • • synapse-wso2esb 77
  • 80. That's lot of information... Now I would like to try these out myself. How do I get started? 80
  • 81. How to get started?  Download binary distribution from  Latest is v2.1.0  Unzip • Run bin/ (on Unix) or bin/wso2server.bat (on Windows) • Management console – https://localhost:9443/carbon – admin/admin 81
  • 82. Help.. I messed it up... 82
  • 83. How to get help?  Online forum  Active community of external users  Ample free documentation on  If needed, we provided commercial support on – Getting started – Deployment – Custom development – Production support 83
  • 84. I would like to have some URLs for reference. 84
  • 85. Useful references  WSO2 Oxygen Tank for Web Service Developers –  WSO2 ESB project page –  Performance testing – – –  Apache Synapse – 85
  • 86. Summary •Hypothetical Enterprise •Brief Introduction on WSO2 ESB •Features •Important concepts – Mediators – Sequence •Extendibility •Use cases •Getting started & Help 86
  • 87. Thank you (on behalf of WSO2 ESB team) 87