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Writing code
that lasts.
Rafael Dohms

Writing code 

you won’t hate tomorrow.
Rafael Dohms

Let me
you to
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

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오픈드론맵 한국어 사용자 지침서
오픈드론맵 한국어 사용자 지침서오픈드론맵 한국어 사용자 지침서
오픈드론맵 한국어 사용자 지침서

Getting Started with OpenDroneMap

drone opendronemap foss4g
Introduction to Cassandra
Introduction to CassandraIntroduction to Cassandra
Introduction to Cassandra

This document introduces Apache Cassandra, a distributed column-oriented NoSQL database. It discusses Cassandra's architecture, data model, query language (CQL), and how to install and run Cassandra. Key points covered include Cassandra's linear scalability, high availability and fault tolerance. The document also demonstrates how to use the nodetool utility and provides guidance on backing up and restoring Cassandra data.

How People Really Hold and Touch (their Phones)
How People Really Hold and Touch (their Phones)How People Really Hold and Touch (their Phones)
How People Really Hold and Touch (their Phones)

The document discusses design guidelines for touchscreen interfaces based on research into how people actually hold and interact with mobile devices. It provides data on finger sizes, common grips, touch targets, and notes that touch interaction is not just about finger size and pinpoint accuracy. The guidelines include making targets visible and tappable, designing for different screen sizes, leaving space for scrolling, and testing interfaces at scale.

“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
No Tests.
Wrote his own framework.
500 line methods.
Used Singletons!
shhh.. don’t tell Grumpy.
.. and used it.
.. and every other anti-pattern out there.
… not even methods, they were functions
photo: Rob Allen (@akrabat)
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

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SlideShare Experts - 7 Experts Reveal Their Presentation Design Secrets

We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing

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signmesh snapshot - the best of sustainability
signmesh snapshot - the best of sustainabilitysignmesh snapshot - the best of sustainability
signmesh snapshot - the best of sustainability

Explore best practices around sustainability. Consumer expect brands to do more and stand for more. Check how sustainability is driving business, social and environmental innovation.

The Headless Block Editor
The Headless Block EditorThe Headless Block Editor
The Headless Block Editor

The document discusses the challenges and opportunities of using the WordPress Block Editor for headless projects. It outlines how previous headless and Block Editor options had limitations but that new solutions are emerging that make it easier to bridge content between the Block Editor and headless applications. These include the React-Gutenberg Bridge, WPGraphQL Content Blocks plugin, and the VIP Block Data API which allow blocks and their data to be exposed via APIs and consumed by headless apps. While progress has been made, challenges still remain regarding the editorial experience, dynamic blocks, and SEO capabilities.

image: hyperboleandahalf
Real Developers,
photo: Glyn Lowe Photoworks
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

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A Scalable Real-Time Many-Shadowed-Light Rendering System
A Scalable Real-Time Many-Shadowed-Light Rendering SystemA Scalable Real-Time Many-Shadowed-Light Rendering System
A Scalable Real-Time Many-Shadowed-Light Rendering System

This document describes a scalable real-time many-shadowed light rendering system. It discusses using a multi-resolution shadow map pool with GPU shadow map compression to minimize size and maximize performance. A conservative dynamic mask is used to separate static and dynamic shadows for efficiency. Tiled-deferred shading with bindless shadow maps and selective light culling improves occupancy. Vector quantization compresses deferred shadow masks from 128MB to 12MB with minimal quality loss. The system achieves over 250 shadowed lights at 60fps on PS4.

Introduction to Wardley Maps
Introduction to Wardley MapsIntroduction to Wardley Maps
Introduction to Wardley Maps

This introduction to Strategy with Wardley Maps covers: * What is Wardley Mapping? * The Problem & Value of Mapping * Elements of a Map * Overview of the Strategy Cycle * A couple of Climatic Patterns * Several examples First run @ Wardley Maps London September 2020 as a talk + workshop. Recording will be posted soon. It is released CC-by-SA, and is based on Simon Wardley's work available on

wardley mapsstrategyleadership
BIM Execution Plan (BXP)- What, Why, When and How
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BIM Execution Plan (BXP)- What, Why, When and How

The most important element of BIM (Building Information Modeling) is “Information”. The objective of developing a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is to facilitate the management of the information in a BIM project. It can be defined as the plan prepared to streamline how the “Information Modeling” part of a project will be executed.

“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
How do we find
photo: Kalexanderson
Code has an
expiration date
photo: CarbonNYC
Code is
perishable, it rots.
photo by: massdistraction

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The Future of Trade: Special Gaming Edition
The Future of Trade: Special Gaming Edition The Future of Trade: Special Gaming Edition
The Future of Trade: Special Gaming Edition

This publication serves as the first in-depth DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre) thought leadership report on the global and local gaming and esports ecosystem. It gathers contributions from key opinion leaders to share their views on where the gaming and esports industry is heading and places emphasis on the drivers of gaming and esports from a technology, culture and business perspective.

Storyboarding csa2013 - Simple sketching for UX, user research & content stra...
Storyboarding csa2013 - Simple sketching for UX, user research & content stra...Storyboarding csa2013 - Simple sketching for UX, user research & content stra...
Storyboarding csa2013 - Simple sketching for UX, user research & content stra...

This document discusses how sketching and storyboarding can be used for collaboration, research, and content strategy. It describes how drawing pictures can communicate ideas quickly and help focus on user needs. The document provides examples of how sketching can help with various aspects of content strategy like brainstorming ideas, refining concepts, and testing concepts. It emphasizes that anyone can draw basic shapes and sketches. Finally, it outlines a 5 step process for creating storyboards, including brainstorming, writing a script, drawing rough sketches, getting feedback, and adapting the artwork.

drawinguser experiencecontent strategy
Let's do some thinking about data visualisation thinking
Let's do some thinking about data visualisation thinkingLet's do some thinking about data visualisation thinking
Let's do some thinking about data visualisation thinking

"Let's do some thinking about data visualisation thinking" talk given by Andy Kirk at the 'Data Visualization Group in the Bay Area' Meetup at the University of San Francisco, on Thursday 23rd October 2014 (

data visualizationdes
Code Evolves
photo by: kevin dooley
Languages evolve.
photo by: raneko
You evolve.
photo by: Kaptain Kobold

photo: osbornb

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이펙트 쉐이더 1강 - Shader 기초 개념
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이펙트 쉐이더를 다루기 위한 유니티 Vertex & Fragment 쉐이더 기초 개념 발표 자료입니다. 쉐이더가 무엇인지 어떤식으로 다루는 개념 위주의 내용이기에 생략된 부분이 많습니다.

Hadoop tools with Examples
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Hadoop tools with Examples

Slides for talk presented at Boulder Java User's Group on 9/10/2013, updated and improved for presentation at DOSUG, 3/4/2014 Code is available at

Top Rumors About Apple March 21 Big Event
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Top Rumors About Apple March 21 Big Event

Apple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California. We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.

iphone app development servicesios application development servicesiphone app developers india
Bad Design
photo: miskan
Bad specs
source: Urban dictionary
photo by: John 'K'
| nɒt ɪnˈventɪd hɪə |

Not Invented Here —The German art of humiliating any technology,
agricultural product, or (medical) scientific work that has not been
invented or produced in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria.
source: Urban dictionary
photo by: John 'K'

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Getting started with AsyncAPI: how to describe your Kafka cluster | Salma Sae...
Getting started with AsyncAPI: how to describe your Kafka cluster | Salma Sae...Getting started with AsyncAPI: how to describe your Kafka cluster | Salma Sae...
Getting started with AsyncAPI: how to describe your Kafka cluster | Salma Sae...

"Many teams are now using schemas and schema registries to bring structure to their Kafka records, but how do you get clients connected in a consistent way? AsyncAPI is an open source initiative that makes working with event-driven architectures as easy as working with REST APIs. From API documentation to code generation, and from discovery to event management, this open source initiative provides a language and tooling to describe your asynchronous APIs. This talk will be an introduction to help developers get started with using AsyncAPI. It will cover how to describe your Kafka cluster and define how clients should connect. Come along to learn about how AsyncAPI complements and extends existing use of schema formats like Apache Avro and why you should start using it today as part of your event-driven architecture."

kafka summitapache kafkaasyncapi
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Typography rules to help improve your layouts. A crash course in design for the aspiring typographer. 10 typography rules to help you rule type.

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Startup Technology: Cheatsheet for Non-Techies
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Startup Technology: Cheatsheet for Non-Techies

Everybody and his mom wants to create an app today. But not everybody is a hacker. That shouldn't be a problem! Still it might be helpful to know some basics about the technology, which is used to build your startup. This Infographic will give you a brief overview.

The Solution™
photo: Ian Sane
Improve code
Improve code
make it easier to comprehend
Improve code
make it easier to comprehend
make it flexible

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Five Tips To Help You Tackle Programming
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Five Tips To Help You Tackle Programming

Renowned programming author, Cay Horstmann, provides you with five great tips for being successful in the art of programming.

Build Features, Not Apps
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Build Features, Not Apps

Presented at Tokyo iOS Meetup Video here:

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Sass Code Reviews - How one code review changed my life #SassConf2015
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Sass Code Reviews - How one code review changed my life #SassConf2015

After writing CSS for over 10 years you'd think you would know everything there is to know, right? I couldn't be more wrong and I found out the hard way. While my first formal code review session was painfully embarrassing it was also the most important lesson I have learned throughout my career. Code reviews force you to communicate on a different level which ultimately leads to more thoughtful coding practices. When writing Sass and other pre-processed languages it is even more important that you review your code continually, which even the more seasoned front end developers may neglect at times. Bottom line: Code reviews will make you better.

sassfront end developmentpull request
Improve code
make it easier to comprehend
make it flexible
make it tested
Improve code
make it easier to comprehend
make it flexible
make it tested
make it easier to replace, refactor
Improve code
make it easier to comprehend
make it flexible
make it tested
make it easier to replace, refactor
make it not exist
photo by: jeffkrause

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Visualising Data with Code
Visualising Data with CodeVisualising Data with Code
Visualising Data with Code

This document discusses visualizing data with code and provides information on tools and techniques for data visualization. It lists relevant fields like information design, data science, and cartography. It also lists example visualization tools and techniques like D3, Processing, network graphs, and mapping. Finally, it outlines a process for developing data visualizations that involves looking at the data, creating initial visualizations, asking questions, getting inspiration, refining ideas, and publishing visualizations.

Introduction to Go programming
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Introduction to Go programming

This presentation covers the inception of Go, its differences with conventional programming languages and some language features.

Montreal Girl Geeks: Building the Modern Web
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Montreal Girl Geeks: Building the Modern Web

The document discusses Rachel Andrew's experience building the modern web. It summarizes that Rachel found community and a new career through learning HTML and sharing her knowledge of building websites. Over time, the web became more standardized and accessible, though complexity has also increased with various frameworks abstracting the core technologies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Rachel advocates for developing strong fundamental skills in the core technologies rather than relying too heavily on frameworks.

webweb standardsweb design
Good Design
Single Responsibility

Open and Close

Liskov substitution

Interface Segregation

Dependency Inversion
photo by j_regan
photo by lofink

Tight Coupling


Premature Optimization

Indescriptive Naming

Design Patterns
photo by halloweenstock

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Example Simple NodeJS Application for Docker demo - Video -

Keeping software development ecosystem healthy
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Keeping software development ecosystem healthy

In today’s agile and rapidly changing environment we may overlook important attributes of software development process. Design of the software and surrounding infrastructure are one of those things that usually do not get enough attention. Quality of design directly impacts quality of software and should follow development process all the way from the initial idea till the product end-of-life. In this presentation I'm sharing what works for us to keep software ecosystem healthy, what challenges we are facing and how we are surviving them.

designagile software developmentsoftware development
Agile Product Management
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Agile Product Management

My presentation for MageTitans on Nov 7th, 2015 in Manchester, England about create great Magento products with Agile Development Methodologies

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HTTP client for RESTful API clients
photo by j_regan
A flexible CommandBus implementation

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"Migration from Swing to JavaFX" Material for 2015 Dec. 4

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Protocol-Oriented MVVM
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Protocol-Oriented MVVM

This document discusses using protocols and view models to configure table view cells in Swift. It presents a problem with directly configuring cells and proposes using protocols to define cell configuration. Protocol extensions are used to provide default values. View models conform to these protocols to provide the data and behavior for configuring cells. This allows separating data, UI, and logic concerns to make the code more reusable, testable and maintainable.

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QA in Agile World
QA in Agile WorldQA in Agile World
QA in Agile World

This document discusses quality assurance (QA) in agile software development. It explains that in agile, QA is a continuous process integrated throughout the project lifecycle. Each iteration aims to produce potentially shippable code through practices like test-driven development, refactoring, and continuous integration which help build quality in from the start. The agile lifecycle is broken into short iterative cycles in contrast to the traditional waterfall model where testing occurs in distinct phases after coding is complete.

testingqualityagile software development
photo: Morgenland
photo: Trossachs Photography
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

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How to Make Great Software Estimates
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How to Make Great Software Estimates

A brief walk-through on how developers can create Great Software Estimates that define how long it will take to code, develop and ship.

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Bridging the Gap Between Data Science & Engineer: Building High-Performance T...

Data scientists, data engineers, and data businesspeople are critical to leveraging data in any organization. A common complaint from data science managers is that data scientists invest time prototyping algorithms, and throw them over a proverbial fence to engineers to implement, only to find the algorithms must be rebuilt from scratch to scale. This is a symptom of a broader ailment -- that data teams are often designed as functional silos without proper communication and planning. This talk outlines a framework to build and organize a data team that produces better results, minimizes wasted effort among team members, and ships great data products.

data sciencesoftware engineeringgalvanize
Testing at Spotify
Testing at SpotifyTesting at Spotify
Testing at Spotify

Quality is everyone's responsibility at Spotify and testing should be automated for routine tasks to improve efficiency. While testing is important, the overall goal is for it to be a fun process that goes beyond just finding bugs.

test automationtestingquality
R&D Team for MIH/Naspers
São PauloCape Town
photo by: boston_public_library
Calisthenics are a form of dynamic exercise consisting of a variety of
simple, often rhythmical, movements, generally using minimal
equipment or apparatus.
photo by: boston_public_library
Its about perception,
not rules or standards photo by: david_a_l

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Introduction to Development for the Internet
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Introduction to Development for the Internet

Brief introduction into developing for the internet. A short history of how pages communicate with a server and a look a different web stacks that can be used in web development

html5web stackcss
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars
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Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars

We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether they’re using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating – and in many cases, surprising. This SlideShare explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology – and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If you’re marketing a tech brand – or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience – then these are insights you won’t want to miss.

automotivesocial media marketinglinkedin marketing solutions
Hype vs. Reality: The AI Explainer
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Hype vs. Reality: The AI Explainer

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, promising self-driving cars, medical breakthroughs, and new ways of working. But how do you separate hype from reality? How can your company apply AI to solve real business problems? Here’s what AI learnings your business should keep in mind for 2017.

virtual realitychatbotbig data
Only one
indentation level
per method.
photo by: justinliew
Do not 

use else
photo by: justinliew
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

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TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work
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TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work

TEDx Manchester talk on artificial intelligence (AI) and how the ascent of AI and robotics impacts our future work environments. The video of the talk is now also available here:

“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

The document discusses techniques for writing sustainable code over time, including testing code, following design principles like SOLID, using package managers, prioritizing readability, practicing object calisthenics, improving code through refactoring, and continually learning. The goal is to write code that is easy to comprehend, flexible, tested, and replaceable as needs change over time.

object calisthenicsphpphpbnl16
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow. - #PHPSRB16
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow. - #PHPSRB16“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow. - #PHPSRB16
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow. - #PHPSRB16

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

object calisthenicsphpsrb16php
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
Wrap primitive
types, if they
contain behavior
photo by: justinliew
Only one 

-> per line
photo by: justinliew
Do not
photo by: justinliew

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Writing code you won't hate tomorrow
Writing code you won't hate tomorrowWriting code you won't hate tomorrow
Writing code you won't hate tomorrow

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

object calisthenicsphpcode quality
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

phpobject calisthenicsdomcode
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.
“Writing code that lasts” … or writing code you won’t hate tomorrow.

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

object calisthenics
Keep your
classes small.
photo by: justinliew
Limit your
instance variables
to less then 5
photo by: justinliew
Use first class
photo by: justinliew
Use getters
and setters.
photo by: justinliew

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Writing code you won't hate tomorrow
Writing code you won't hate tomorrowWriting code you won't hate tomorrow
Writing code you won't hate tomorrow

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

object calisthenicsstupidcode
Writing code that lasts - JAB14
Writing code that lasts - JAB14Writing code that lasts - JAB14
Writing code that lasts - JAB14

This document discusses techniques for writing code that lasts over time. It recommends improving code by making it more comprehensible, flexible, tested, and easier to refactor or replace. Specific techniques mentioned include following principles like SOLID design and avoiding antipatterns like singletons. Object calisthenics are presented as a way to write simple code through constraints on things like indentation levels and number of instance variables. The overall message is that code quality can be improved through practices like writing tests, refactoring regularly, and learning from others' code.

code qualitysolidobject calisthenics
Writing Code That Lasts - #Magento2Seminar, Utrecht
Writing Code That Lasts - #Magento2Seminar, UtrechtWriting Code That Lasts - #Magento2Seminar, Utrecht
Writing Code That Lasts - #Magento2Seminar, Utrecht

As developers we write code everyday, only to frown at it a week after that. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

object calisthenicscode qualityobject orientation
your code.
photo by: justinliew
Your turn.
Read lots of

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Dynamic Linking On GNU/Linux
Dynamic Linking On GNU/LinuxDynamic Linking On GNU/Linux
Dynamic Linking On GNU/Linux

Dynamic linking is a valuable tool to share code between multiple applications and to load code at runtime. It is heavily used in GNU/Linux systems. Modern build tools make it very easy to use existing shared objects or to build and install new ones. But what exactly is inside a shared object? How is it loaded at runtime? And what is the Dynamic linking can be used without knowing the answer to any of these questions. But a deeper understanding of dynamic linking can be very valuable when one has to debug problems with shared objects. Knowing how the linker works is also important when one wants to build an embedded linux distribution or needs a dynamic plugin system for an application.

Clean Code I - Design Patterns and Best Practices at SoCal Code Camp San Dieg...
Clean Code I - Design Patterns and Best Practices at SoCal Code Camp San Dieg...Clean Code I - Design Patterns and Best Practices at SoCal Code Camp San Dieg...
Clean Code I - Design Patterns and Best Practices at SoCal Code Camp San Dieg...

All 3 Clean Code presentations provide great value by themselves, but taken together are designed to offer a holistic approach to successful software creation. This first session creates the foundation for the 2nd Clean Code presentation on Dependency Injection, as it explains expected base knowledge. Why writing Clean Code makes us more efficient Over the lifetime of a product, maintaining the product is actually one - if not the most - expensive area(s) of the overall product costs. Writing clean code can significantly lower these costs. However, writing clean code also makes you more efficient during the initial development time and results in more stable code. You will be presented design patterns and best practices which will make you write better and more easily maintainable code, seeing code in a holistic way. You will learn how to apply them by using an existing implementation as the starting point of the presentation. Finally, patterns & practices benefits are explained. This presentation is based on C# and Visual Studio 2012. However, the demonstrated patterns and practice can be applied to every other programming language too.

clean codedesign patternsbest practices
Evolving DevOps in the Age of Cloud Native
Evolving DevOps in the Age of Cloud NativeEvolving DevOps in the Age of Cloud Native
Evolving DevOps in the Age of Cloud Native

DevOps Loop at VMworld Session Title: Evolving DevOps in the Age of Cloud Native Speaker: Joe Beda, Principal Engineer, VMware

kubernetescloud nativedevops
Write simple
Try Object Calisthenics
for a month.
Use someone
else’s code.
Share bite size

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Stanko introduces GraphQL as an alternative to REST for building APIs. Some key problems with REST include over-fetching of data and lack of standardized documentation. GraphQL addresses these by allowing clients to specify exactly which attributes they need in a query. The response then matches the structure of the query. GraphQL also provides automatic documentation of available queries and mutations through an introspection system. Overall, GraphQL provides a more flexible way to retrieve resources from an API compared to REST.

REPL Driven Mobile Development with Clojure(script)
REPL Driven Mobile Development with Clojure(script)REPL Driven Mobile Development with Clojure(script)
REPL Driven Mobile Development with Clojure(script)

This document discusses REPL driven mobile development using ClojureScript. It begins by introducing REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) as an interactive programming environment. The document then discusses ClojureScript and how it compiles Clojure code to JavaScript, enabling mobile development. Key benefits of the REPL driven approach using ClojureScript discussed are immediate feedback, incremental development, and better debuggability. CLJSrn is introduced as a framework for building native mobile apps using ClojureScript and React. Examples are provided of REPL driven development in ClojureScript.

BRV CTO Summit Deep Learning Talk
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BRV CTO Summit Deep Learning Talk

This document outlines an agenda for a CTO summit on machine learning and deep learning topics. It includes discussions on CNN and RNN architectures, word embeddings, entity embeddings, reinforcement learning, and tips for training deep neural networks. Specific applications mentioned include self-driving cars, image captioning, language modeling, and modeling store sales. It also includes summaries of papers and links to code examples.

deep learning machine learning cnn rnn
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