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Building the modern web
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks, February 2016
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Dancers do not need to use
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present...Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present...
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present...

During this webinar, Anand Bagmar demonstrates how AI tools such as ChatGPT can be applied to various stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC) using an eCommerce application case study. Find the on-demand recording and more info at Key takeaways: • Learn how to use ChatGPT to add AI power to your testing and test automation • Understand the limitations of the technology and where human expertise is crucial • Gain insight into different AI-based tools • Adopt AI-based tools to stay relevant and optimize work for developers and testers * ChatGPT and OpenAI belong to OpenAI, L.L.C.

ai automationai testingchatgpt
Learn react-js
Learn react-jsLearn react-js
Learn react-js

The document provides an introduction to ReactJS, including: - ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. - It uses virtual DOM for rendering UI components efficiently. Only updated components are re-rendered. - Components are the basic building blocks of React apps. They accept input and return React elements to describe what should appear on the screen. - The main steps to set up a React app are installing React and ReactDOM libraries, adding JSX syntax, and rendering components onto the DOM using ReactDOM.render().

Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowaniaPrompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania
Prompting is an art / Sztuka promptowania

The document discusses advances in large language models from GPT-1 to the potential capabilities of GPT-4, including its ability to simulate human behavior, demonstrate sparks of artificial general intelligence, and generate virtual identities. It also provides tips on how to effectively prompt ChatGPT through techniques like prompt engineering, giving context and examples, and different response formats.

The web gave me a
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
“Knowing HTML” was a
marketable skill
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Learning something one
day - teaching it to
someone else the next
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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5 Storytelling Lessons From Superhero Stories
5 Storytelling Lessons From Superhero Stories5 Storytelling Lessons From Superhero Stories
5 Storytelling Lessons From Superhero Stories

Love reading comics? You're not the only one. What about these stories about super-beings keep our eyes glued to the pages and our minds salivating for more? We explore in this deck how comic writers use these storytelling techniques and how you can apply it in your presentation.

duartecorporate presentationpresentation
50 Essential Content Marketing Hacks (Content Marketing World)
50 Essential Content Marketing Hacks (Content Marketing World)50 Essential Content Marketing Hacks (Content Marketing World)
50 Essential Content Marketing Hacks (Content Marketing World)

This document outlines 50 essential content marketing hacks presented by Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing Inc. at CMWorld. It provides an agenda for the presentation and covers topics such as content planning, measurement, formats, distribution, influencer engagement, repurposing content, and getting sales teams to leverage content. The goal is to provide new tools, tricks and best practices to help convert readers into customers through effective content marketing.

demand generationcontent marketingb2b marketing
ChatGPT Evaluation for NLP
ChatGPT Evaluation for NLPChatGPT Evaluation for NLP
ChatGPT Evaluation for NLP

Here are the key steps in the ChatIE framework: 1. The user provides a text document and specifies the information extraction task (e.g. entity extraction, relation extraction) through natural language. 2. ChatGPT understands the task and responds with the extracted information by highlighting the relevant entities/relations in the text. 3. The user can interactively give feedback to ChatGPT to refine its understanding of the task and extraction. 4. ChatGPT learns from the feedback to improve its extraction for future conversations. The framework aims to leverage ChatGPT's strengths in natural language understanding and generation for zero-shot information extraction via human-AI collaboration. The interactive feedback also helps address Chat

The web gave me a new
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The web was accessible, and had
a culture of sharing knowledge.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Font tags and nested tables
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
<script type="text/javascript">

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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2016 Digital predictions for marketing, tech, pop culture and everything in b...
2016 Digital predictions for marketing, tech, pop culture and everything in b...2016 Digital predictions for marketing, tech, pop culture and everything in b...
2016 Digital predictions for marketing, tech, pop culture and everything in b...

Another light-hearted look at what we think the zeitgeist of 2016 will be for marketing, tech, pop culture and everything in-between. Many of our previous predictions are still in play and while we like to be right we'd rather make you smile with these less predictable trends. Follow us for more updates.

australiapredictionssocial media marketing
Publishing Production: From the Desktop to the Cloud
Publishing Production: From the Desktop to the CloudPublishing Production: From the Desktop to the Cloud
Publishing Production: From the Desktop to the Cloud

The publishing landscape is evolving from a format-driven industry to a content-focussed one. As such our processes and technology solutions should adapt to meet these changing needs. This presentation looks at moving from a static desktop-based workflow to that of a collaborative cloud-based one.

Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.

As every B2B brand turns to content marketing, we're about to be hit by a deluge of... crap. Here's what you can do about it.

b2bmarketingb2b marketing agencyb2b
The “Netscape Resize Fix”
If the user resized their browser window positioned
elements lost their positioning values.
The “fix” was to reload the browser window on resize.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf
20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf
20 prompts for chatGPT that make life easier for developers.pdf

ChatGPT is a highly advanced language model developed by OpenAI. Its ability to understand and respond to natural language input can be a valuable tool for mobile application developers looking to streamline their workflow and improve their app development process.

ChatGPT 顛覆傳統的科技創新 - 不僅文字工作者會被AI取代?
ChatGPT 顛覆傳統的科技創新 - 不僅文字工作者會被AI取代?ChatGPT 顛覆傳統的科技創新 - 不僅文字工作者會被AI取代?
ChatGPT 顛覆傳統的科技創新 - 不僅文字工作者會被AI取代?

This document discusses various types of AI, including text-to-text, text-to-image, text-to-speech, and text-to-video. It provides biographical information about Ivan So and his experience in SEO, WordPress, and organizing events. The document also lists client services such as consulting and training. It includes sections on what AI is and examples of different AI applications. Generative AI and parameters in AI are explained. Popular AI models like GPT-3 and techniques like GANs are mentioned.

The Physical Interface
The Physical InterfaceThe Physical Interface
The Physical Interface

We suddenly live in a strange and wonderful nexus of digital and physical. Touchscreens let us hold information in our hands, and we touch, stretch, crumple, drag, and flick data itself. Our sensor-packed phones even reach beyond the screen to interact directly with the world around us. While these digital interfaces are becoming physical, the physical world is becoming digital, too. Objects, places, and even our bodies are lighting up with with sensors and connectivity. We’re not just clicking links anymore; we’re creating physical interfaces to digital systems. This requires new perspective and technique for web and product designers. The good news: it’s all within your reach. With a rich trove of examples, Designing for Touch author Josh Clark explores the practical, meaningful design opportunities for the web’s newly physical interfaces.

iothardwareinternet of things
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
… basic support of existing W3C
standards has been sacrificed in
the name of such innovation,
needlessly fragmenting the Web
and helping no one.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Our goal is to support these core
standards and encourage browser
makers to do the same, thereby
ensuring simple, affordable
access to Web technologies for
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Domain Driven Design Introduction
Domain Driven Design IntroductionDomain Driven Design Introduction
Domain Driven Design Introduction

This document discusses Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and provides guidance on its implementation. It explains that DDD focuses on understanding and modeling the core domain of a business to manage complexity. It recommends dividing a domain into subdomains and identifying the core domain. It also discusses building models through collaboration and ensuring the code model aligns with the conceptual model. The document provides an overview of key DDD concepts like bounded contexts, aggregates, domain events, and tactical patterns to structure the solution space.

Shifting to an Experimental Mindset
Shifting to an Experimental MindsetShifting to an Experimental Mindset
Shifting to an Experimental Mindset

It's easy to talk about the concepts related to the Lean Startup and customer development. It's much harder to do in practice. This presentation walks through why you should put in the effort and ends with some tips on how to get started.

An Introduction to Generative AI
An Introduction  to Generative AIAn Introduction  to Generative AI
An Introduction to Generative AI

For this plenary talk at the Charlotte AI Institute for Smarter Learning, Dr. Cori Faklaris introduces her fellow college educators to the exciting world of generative AI tools. She gives a high-level overview of the generative AI landscape and how these tools use machine learning algorithms to generate creative content such as music, art, and text. She then shares some examples of generative AI tools and demonstrate how she has used some of these tools to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom and to boost her productivity in other areas of academic life.

artificial intelligencegenerative aimachine learning
Encouraging designers to
care about web standards
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The IE6 years
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Front-end developer 2005?
Browser bugs expert
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Thanks to the hard work of
countless WaSP members and
supporters (like you), Tim
Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as
an open, accessible, and universal
community is largely the reality.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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ChatGPT (Chat Generative pre-defined transformer) is OpenAI's application that performs human like interactions. GitHub Copilot uses the OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor. Deck contains more details about ChatGPT, AI, AGI, CoPilot, OpenAI API, and use case scenarios.

How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPTHow People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT

In the US, people are already implementing the use of converstaionl AI, ChatGPT in everydy mundane tasks. Implementation is not only limited to that. Various industries are also using this revolutionary technology for maintaining a superior customer experience. People are also criticizing ChatGPT for creating employment threats and also being unethical in it's answers. The technology is being widely applauded but everything has certain pain points associated with it.

Game Based Learning for Language Learners
Game Based Learning for Language LearnersGame Based Learning for Language Learners
Game Based Learning for Language Learners

My books- Learning to Go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers Resources at

early childhood educationgamesenglish as a foreign or second language
Browser vendors are
implementing standard
things in a standard way
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Innovation happens
through the standards
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Show stopping browser
bugs when doing
straightforward things in
modern browsers are rare
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Is it all easy now?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Are Traditional Teaching Methods Right for Today's Students
Are Traditional Teaching Methods Right for Today's StudentsAre Traditional Teaching Methods Right for Today's Students
Are Traditional Teaching Methods Right for Today's Students

Learn about the different domains of competency that influence student success in the classroom and provides them with the necessary skills for the 21st century workplace.

learningskillshigher education
Enterprise 2.0 @ Sun Microsystems
Enterprise 2.0 @ Sun MicrosystemsEnterprise 2.0 @ Sun Microsystems
Enterprise 2.0 @ Sun Microsystems

Web 2.0 implementation white paper from Sun Microsystems Inc. Explains what Sun is doing with blogging,wikies, RSS feed, social networking etc.

The Human Body in the IoT. Tim Cannon + Ryan O'Shea
The Human Body in the IoT. Tim Cannon + Ryan O'SheaThe Human Body in the IoT. Tim Cannon + Ryan O'Shea
The Human Body in the IoT. Tim Cannon + Ryan O'Shea

Making the most of our data and the human body in the internet of things. The document discusses biohacking and implantable devices that can send biometric data wirelessly from the body to a phone. It also discusses the history of citizen science and how innovations in accessibility can empower citizens. The future possibilities discussed include active and passive control of digital systems using feedback from the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Studies show that a todo list is
the most complex JavaScript app
you can create before a newer,
better framework is invented.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
We’re creating complexity
Hiding the simple languages of
the web behind tooling and
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
<div class="header">
<h1>My website</h1>
<div class="nav">
<div class="article"></div>
<div class="sidebar"></div>
<div class="footer"></div>
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Net neutrality: The Basics
Net neutrality: The BasicsNet neutrality: The Basics
Net neutrality: The Basics

The council of Europe recently approved and published strong net neutrality guidelines following a meeting in Strasbourg.

strasbourgnet neutralityinternet
Innovation Enablers: Culture, Community & Code
Innovation Enablers: Culture, Community & Code Innovation Enablers: Culture, Community & Code
Innovation Enablers: Culture, Community & Code

1) Innovation requires infusing a culture of innovation through disruptive technologies like cloud, mobile, IoT, data and analytics, and cognitive computing. 2) Successful digital transformation leaders challenge traditional approaches, cut through bureaucracy, and prioritize developing leaders to drive strategic change. 3) To innovate, organizations must learn to lead by empowering cross-discipline teams as passionate explorers, identifying how developers want to lead and be led, and enabling the right technology to adapt to change in positive ways.

Business optimization | building your first million is easy
Business optimization | building your first million is easyBusiness optimization | building your first million is easy
Business optimization | building your first million is easy

Making your first million is easier with the help of these a few steps. you'll find that making millions in a few short years is not that much difficult as you think before.

<h1>My website</h1>
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT)
00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606
This is the first subtitle.
00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074
This is the second.
00:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Kuala Lumpur CTO Summit - How to fire employees
Kuala Lumpur CTO Summit - How to fire employeesKuala Lumpur CTO Summit - How to fire employees
Kuala Lumpur CTO Summit - How to fire employees

This is the supporting deck for a 40-minute talk at the KL CTO Summit on how great entrepreneurs fire employees!

entrepreneurhuman resourceshr
Vers une architecture de l'information
Vers une architecture de l'informationVers une architecture de l'information
Vers une architecture de l'information

Closing keynote at the 25e Colloque Jacques Cartier at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon. Audio will be added in the coming days.

information architecturemodernpostmodern
Brennpunkt2015 Neuburger
Brennpunkt2015 NeuburgerBrennpunkt2015 Neuburger
Brennpunkt2015 Neuburger

Augmented reality (AR) enhances real-world environments with digital information through technology like smartphones. The document discusses how AR can be used in tourism to provide additional information to visitors through their devices without needing expensive hardware. It presents a case study of the Dommuseum in Salzburg, Austria, which implemented an AR tour to enhance visitors' experiences. An experiment showed that the AR tour significantly improved visitors' entertainment, education, escapism, engagement, knowledge, emotional connection, and overall experience compared to a control group without AR. Therefore, AR enhances museum visitors' experiences.

Time-dimensional pseudo-classes
:current(p, li, dt, dd) {
background: yellow;
:past(p, li, dt, dd) {
background: transparent;
color: #999999;
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
CSS Grid Layout
<div class="wrapper">
<header class="header">Header</header>
<aside class="sidebar">Sidebar</aside>
<article class="content">Content</article>
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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TEDxSanFrancisco – Review
TEDxSanFrancisco – ReviewTEDxSanFrancisco – Review
TEDxSanFrancisco – Review

The document summarizes a TEDx event held in San Francisco on October 29, 2015. Over 1,500 people from around the world attended the event at Pier 70, where 24 speakers shared their passions and visions. 20 farmers and food startups operated a pop-up market, and 30 artists transformed the site. Attendees provided positive feedback, praising the inspiring talks, venue, food, and feeling of community. The event was deemed a success in bringing people together and sharing new ideas.

Rethinking Transformational Change
Rethinking Transformational ChangeRethinking Transformational Change
Rethinking Transformational Change

As a society, we're in the age of transformation, yet we're applying old metaphors and running our transformations like software projects. Let's start to consider transformational change as a series of social movements.

organizational changelean change managementchange management
ADP ReThink 2016: Evolution of Work
ADP ReThink 2016: Evolution of WorkADP ReThink 2016: Evolution of Work
ADP ReThink 2016: Evolution of Work

The latest study from the ADP Research Institute® presents key considerations for leaders to keep pace with the rapidly changing needs of a global workforce.

.sidebar {
grid-area: sidebar;
.content {
grid-area: content;
.header {
grid-area: header;
.wrapper {
display: grid;
120px 10px 120px 10px 120px;
grid-template-rows: auto;
"header header header header header"
"sidebar . content content content";
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
“I’ll take a look if you create a
Sass Mixin …”
— via my inbox
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Facebook, LinkedIN & Beyond - or how the new media changed how sales people d...
Facebook, LinkedIN & Beyond - or how the new media changed how sales people d...Facebook, LinkedIN & Beyond - or how the new media changed how sales people d...
Facebook, LinkedIN & Beyond - or how the new media changed how sales people d...

A lot of industries have changed drastically since the arrival of the internet. Think of the music business. The Internet comes with threats and great opportunities, if you set the proper objectives and strategy. In this presentation, we present insights in how sales managers and new bizz people can use tools like Facebook and LinkedIN to their benefit. Especially LinkedIN requires a completely different approach, since authority is only gained by participating fully. And having your sales manager be very active on a platform like LinkedIN makes them easier to find for your competitors. But not having them participate, is a threat as well... At AdNerds - part of Proximity BBDO - we give advice on how to behave, how to set the proper objectives and how to define your strategy.

Offline is the new online - Le futur d'internet n'est plus derrière un écran
Offline is the new online - Le futur d'internet n'est plus derrière un écranOffline is the new online - Le futur d'internet n'est plus derrière un écran
Offline is the new online - Le futur d'internet n'est plus derrière un écran

Une présentation faite lors du Web2day à Nantes.

collaborative economystartupsonline and offline
31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline
31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline
31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline

Over the past year I have used hundreds of tools while building Pixc. It’s now time I list them for everyone.

by Pixc
lean startupinternet marketingecommerce
Emerging specifications
like Grid remove the need
for a lot of the
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
.ag1 {
@include span(2 of 10);
.ag2 {
@include span(6 of 10);
@include clearfix;
.ag3 {
@include span(2 of 10 last);
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Infographic: Cloud Security Superhero
Infographic: Cloud Security SuperheroInfographic: Cloud Security Superhero
Infographic: Cloud Security Superhero

You don’t need to be born with super-human strength or have mutant abilities. IBM Cloud Security Enforcer can give you the powers you need to be a Cloud Security Superhero.

securitycloud security enforceribm
Facebook et la présidentielle 2012
Facebook et la présidentielle 2012Facebook et la présidentielle 2012
Facebook et la présidentielle 2012

La présente étude a pour vocation de proposer un regard quantitatif sur les rapports de force entre candidats et partis sur Facebook dans le cadre de la campagne présidentielle française. Pour élaborer cette analyse, Publicis consultants Net Intelligenz s’est associé à Pikko Software pour mettre en oeuvre une méthodologie propriétaire basée sur la collecte, l’analyse et la cartographie de dizaines de milliers d’interactions sur les pages Facebook officielles des candidats et partis représentés dans la campagne. En résulte une mise en lumière de la dynamique «sociale» des différents bords politiques.

Innovating supply chains in Asia
Innovating supply chains in AsiaInnovating supply chains in Asia
Innovating supply chains in Asia

Cathay Pacific collaborates with suppliers like Rolls Royce and Fulcrum BioEnergy to innovate its supply chain and business model. With Fulcrum, Cathay was the first airline to invest in biofuel development, gaining a stake in the company and long-term fuel supply. Alibaba partners with Payscout to expand globally by providing secure payment processing across markets. Payscout spent years establishing trust in China before partnering with Alibaba, and now works closely with Alibaba teams to rapidly deploy new markets. Both partnerships required aligning goals and building trust over time for successful collaboration and innovation.

asiasupply chainbusiness
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
/* declare a grid and set up a 10 column grid with gutters */
.container {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: [col] 4.25fr repeat(9, [gutter] 1fr [col] 4.25fr ) [gutter];
grid-template-rows: auto repeat(5, 100px);
/* boxes positioned like so */
/* heading in row 1 full width */
h1 {
grid-column: col / span col 10;
grid-row: 1 / 2;
/* left hand sidebar */
.ag1 {
grid-column: col / span gutter 2;
grid-row: 2 / 3;
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
We should be all over a spec
like grid. This is the
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Securing the Cloud
Securing the CloudSecuring the Cloud
Securing the Cloud

GGV Managing Partner Glenn Solomon reviews the current state of cybersecurity, the key targets and threats, and how the landscape is evolving.

cybersecuritycyber crimecyber security
Looking Back to Move Forward: Building the Modern Web
Looking Back to Move Forward: Building the Modern WebLooking Back to Move Forward: Building the Modern Web
Looking Back to Move Forward: Building the Modern Web

The document discusses Rachel Andrew's experience building the modern web. It describes how the web gave her a community and career through accessible sharing of knowledge. Standards efforts helped address browser inconsistencies. While tools now make development easier, there is a risk of over-reliance obscuring core web technologies. The document advocates for progressive enhancement, contributing to standards, and helping others to develop timeless skills and ensure the web remains open and accessible.

htmlcss gridcss
The DiSo Project and the Open Web
The DiSo Project and the Open WebThe DiSo Project and the Open Web
The DiSo Project and the Open Web

This document discusses the DiSo Project and the open web. It proposes using open standards like OAuth and XRDS to enable cross-site social networking and manage user identity across different sites and services. Portable Contacts (PoCo) is presented as a way to bring friends across sites using vCards and invite friends safely using OAuth. Drupal is suggested to use these open standards to advertise user services and enable cross-site social functionality.

By leaning on frameworks,
are we masking the issues?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Only by working with the
specifications can we be
part of improving them
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Sheer frustration drove
much of the Web Standards
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
My fear is that our reliance
on frameworks will stop us
pushing for better solutions
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Business of Front-end Web Development
Business of Front-end Web DevelopmentBusiness of Front-end Web Development
Business of Front-end Web Development

1) Rachel Andrew discusses considerations when choosing tools and frameworks for front-end development projects, emphasizing progressive enhancement and ensuring the core experience works for all. 2) She argues against over-reliance on frameworks, which can mask issues and prevent learning core skills. Frameworks should be used lightly and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 3) Andrew talks about the importance of standards-based development and contributing to emerging specifications like CSS Grid Layout, rather than depending entirely on pre-processors. Her goal is to encourage continued progress of the open web.

Knowing it all
Knowing it allKnowing it all
Knowing it all

This document summarizes the key topics covered in a CSSDevConf 2016 presentation titled "Knowing it all" by Rachel Andrew. It discusses how the role of front-end developers has evolved over time from basic HTML and CSS skills to now encompassing a wide range of technologies and best practices. The presenter emphasizes that it is impossible to know everything and that front-end developers should focus on mastering core skills before diving into new tools and techniques, and should contribute back to the open web platform by engaging with standards bodies and browser vendors.

web standardscsslearning
Contribution & Confidence, All Things Open Keynote
Contribution & Confidence, All Things Open KeynoteContribution & Confidence, All Things Open Keynote
Contribution & Confidence, All Things Open Keynote

The document discusses Rachel Andrew's career journey from dancer to front-end developer and her contributions to advancing web standards. She encourages attendees to contribute to specifications, raise browser bugs, and help others to strengthen the open web platform. Contributing back helps future-proof one's skills and gives back to the community.

web standardsopen sourceweb platform
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
There are always
compromises. They
shouldn’t be the same for
every project.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Standardising on tools
should not be at the
expense of learning HTML,
CSS and JavaScript
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Use your tools and
frameworks lightly
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Contribution & Confidence
Contribution & ConfidenceContribution & Confidence
Contribution & Confidence

The document discusses Rachel Andrew's career journey from dancer to front-end developer and her contributions to advancing web standards. She encourages attendees to contribute to specifications, raise browser bugs, and help others to strengthen the open web platform. Contributing back helps future-proof one's skills and gives back to the community.

all things openopen sourceato2016
Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera IndonesiaBruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia

Bruce Lawson of Opera toured Indonesian Universities discussing web standards, HTML5, CSS Media Queries and cross-device development.

web standardshtml5css
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017

This document contains the transcript of a presentation by Chris Heilmann on web development. Some of the key points discussed include: - The benefits of progressive enhancement and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to build robust and accessible websites. - How limitations in early design can foster creativity. - The importance of error handling and defensive coding practices. - Embracing new technologies like Service Workers and Manifests to build Progressive Web Apps. - Rethinking the idea that JavaScript is unreliable and should not be depended on, as modern browsers have made it a capable tool.

Be ready to put them aside
when they don’t suit a
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Don’t become an expert in
one brand of hammer.
Become a master carpenter.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Develop timeless skills
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
It is HTML, CSS, JavaScript
How you get there is just
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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2015 Pharo Prague Lambda Meetup
2015 Pharo Prague Lambda Meetup2015 Pharo Prague Lambda Meetup
2015 Pharo Prague Lambda Meetup

This document provides an overview of Pharo, an open-source Smalltalk-based programming language and environment: - Pharo is a pure object-oriented language where everything is an object, including classes. It has a simple syntax that fits on a postcard and a complete but elegant object model. - Pharo has a large community of developers and is used for a wide range of projects including web frameworks, databases, tools, and games. It has an active developer community on sites like Twitter and YouTube. - The document outlines some of Pharo's key features like its live, interactive development environment; single inheritance; public methods and protected attributes; and use of messages, blocks, and keywords for

pharodynamic languageobjects
Finding harmony in web development
Finding harmony in web developmentFinding harmony in web development
Finding harmony in web development

A presentation questioning why we keep fighting the same fights as web developers when there are a lot more important things to worry about.

Progressive web and the problem of JavaScript
Progressive web and the problem of JavaScriptProgressive web and the problem of JavaScript
Progressive web and the problem of JavaScript

1. The document discusses the debate around relying on JavaScript for web applications and progressive enhancement. 2. It argues that while JavaScript can break, the web has evolved to focus more on capable client-side devices rather than availability of JavaScript. 3. It suggests embracing new paradigms like components and functional programming to build high quality, error-handling code rather than avoiding JavaScript.

The “space junk” of the web
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Will we be still using
frameworks to abstract
away layout hacks, long
after there is any need for
the hacks?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Best practices can become anti-patterns
HTTP/2 will see many of our best practices become bad
— Image Sprites
— Domain Sharding
— Concatenating CSS and JavaScript
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Whose time are we saving?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Graduating to Grid
Graduating to GridGraduating to Grid
Graduating to Grid

Grid layout has now landed in all of the mainstream desktop browsers. It's exciting but how do we start to move to using grid layout, and why should we?

csscss gridweb design
Why NodeJS
Why NodeJSWhy NodeJS
Why NodeJS

Penjelasan tentang platform NodeJS yang memungkinkan kita menulis code JavaScript di sisi server. Materi dibawakan di meetup Programming Wars Software Architect Indonesia Community tanggal 26 Agustus 2017 di Microsoft Indonesia

Drupal Security for Coders and Themers - XSS and CSRF
Drupal Security for Coders and Themers - XSS and CSRF Drupal Security for Coders and Themers - XSS and CSRF
Drupal Security for Coders and Themers - XSS and CSRF

The document discusses security vulnerabilities in Drupal sites and provides recommendations to address them. It notes that sites are vulnerable to issues like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks that could allow altering or stealing data. It recommends steps for developers and themers to check for vulnerabilities, including reviewing code for unsafe variables, validating user inputs, and using tokens for requests. Resources are also listed for learning more about Drupal security best practices.

We write code once.
It runs 100s of 1000s of times in
the browsers of our visitors.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
“When I look around, I see our community spending a
lot of time coming up with new tools and techniques to
make our jobs easier. To ship faster. And it’s not that
I’m against efficiency, but I think we need to consider
the implications of our decisions. And if one of those
implications is making our users suffer—or potentially
suffer��in order to make our lives easier, I think we need
to consider their needs above our own.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The myth of temporary
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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There is something about JavaScript - Choose Forum 2014
There is something about JavaScript - Choose Forum 2014There is something about JavaScript - Choose Forum 2014
There is something about JavaScript - Choose Forum 2014

JavaScript has evolved from being seen as a joke to becoming a serious programming language used to build large web applications. It started as a scripting language for web browsers but is now used widely on both the client-side and server-side. The JavaScript ecosystem is very active with many libraries, frameworks, and tools available to help developers build and test applications.

WAPWG Clark defining capturing_web-based_if
WAPWG Clark defining capturing_web-based_ifWAPWG Clark defining capturing_web-based_if
WAPWG Clark defining capturing_web-based_if

This document discusses a project to identify and collect web-based interactive fiction led by Dr. Lynda Clark. The project aims to (1) identify UK-authored interactive narratives, (2) categorize the works, (3) collect and analyze a sample of 294 works, and (4) create an original interactive fiction work. The works are categorized into genres like hypertext, parser-based, choice-based, and multi-modal. Challenges in collection include the lack of standardization and works hosted across different platforms. The analysis found the top genres were slice of life, fantasy, and science fiction.

Google Devfest Singapore - OpenSocial
Google Devfest Singapore - OpenSocialGoogle Devfest Singapore - OpenSocial
Google Devfest Singapore - OpenSocial

This document summarizes a presentation about OpenSocial, which is a standard for building social applications that can run across multiple social networking sites. The presentation covers how to build OpenSocial applications, hosting applications, monetizing applications, and becoming an OpenSocial container. It also provides examples of successful OpenSocial applications and discusses best practices for development.

The web is inherently
accessible. We choose to
protect that, or to break it.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
I believe progressive
enhancement is still the
best approach we have
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
“a robust site or application in the
more traditional sense minimises
its dependencies. The minimum
dependency for a web site should
be an internet connection and the
ability to parse HTML.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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[drupalday2017] - Speed-up your Drupal instance!
[drupalday2017] - Speed-up your Drupal instance![drupalday2017] - Speed-up your Drupal instance!
[drupalday2017] - Speed-up your Drupal instance!

Perchè la tua istanza Drupal non performa e cosa puoi fare per invertire la rotta. D'altronde è una questione complessa: i moduli, la qualità del codice, l'uso delle cache, ma anche la versione di PHP, il proxy-cacher, il tuo hosting e, in ultimo, le cavallette... di Daniele Piaggesi

drupal day romadrupaldday2017
Speed up your Drupal instance!!
Speed up your Drupal instance!!Speed up your Drupal instance!!
Speed up your Drupal instance!!

This document provides tips and tricks for speeding up a Drupal website. It discusses the importance of web performance and how page load times can impact business metrics like revenue and traffic. Faster sites are especially important as mobile usage increases. The document then gives several recommendations for optimizing Drupal performance through software changes like updating modules, enabling caching, and using a CDN. It also provides server-level optimizations such as using PHP 7, Nginx web server, and caching databases like Memcache/Redis. The overall message is that following these best practices can help websites load faster and provide a better experience for users.

PrairieDevCon 2014 - Web Doesn't Mean Slow
PrairieDevCon 2014 -  Web Doesn't Mean SlowPrairieDevCon 2014 -  Web Doesn't Mean Slow
PrairieDevCon 2014 - Web Doesn't Mean Slow

Web sites can be fast and responsive once you understand the process web browsers use to load and run web pages. We'll look at using tools like WebPageTest to analyze and optimize web pages.

web developmentweb performance
Start with the core
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
What is the minimum that I
need to ship?
How can I ensure as I iterate I
protect the core experience for
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
We Ship. We Iterate.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
How should we integrate
third party code?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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All Day Hey! Unlocking The Power of CSS Grid Layout
All Day Hey! Unlocking The Power of CSS Grid LayoutAll Day Hey! Unlocking The Power of CSS Grid Layout
All Day Hey! Unlocking The Power of CSS Grid Layout

- The document provides an overview and examples of CSS Grid Layout features such as grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, grid-gap, grid-column, grid-row, and more. - It demonstrates how to size grid tracks using fixed, intrinsic, and flexible sizing functions like fr units, minmax(), auto, fit-content(), and others. - Examples are given for aligning and aligning content within grids using properties like justify-content, align-content, justify-items, align-items and more.

SmashingConf SF: Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout
SmashingConf SF: Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid LayoutSmashingConf SF: Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout
SmashingConf SF: Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout

UNLOCKING THE POWER OF CSS GRID LAYOUT Once you have grasped the basics of CSS Grid, you quickly discover how it enables many existing design patterns in a streamlined, elegant way. However, we shouldn’t see Grid in isolation. Understanding how other parts of CSS work together with Grid is key, in order to get the most out of our new abilities. In this talk Rachel will be concentrating on a couple of these areas, CSS Box Alignment and CSS Sizing. Rachel will show you practical ways in which a little bit of knowledge in these areas can unlock the full potential of the Grid Specification. You’ll learn how to create useful components and to start thinking of ways in which you can solve design and interface problems in more creative ways.

cssweb designweb development
Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout
Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid LayoutUnlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout
Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout

The document provides a summary of a WordPress Meetup on CSS Grid Layout. It discusses various grid sizing techniques like intrinsic sizing with auto, min-content, max-content, and fit-content. It also covers flexible sizing with fr units and minimum and maximum sizing with minmax(). Other topics include alignment of tracks with align-content and justify-content, alignment of items with align-items and justify-items, and writing modes. Throughout it provides code examples and links to further resources.

csscss gridweb design
Not Invented Here
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
“Are you afraid to write code? Does the
thought linger in your brain that
somewhere out there somebody has already
done this? Do you find yourself trapped in
an analysis cycle where nothing is getting
done? Is your product mutating to
accommodate third party components? If
yes, then perhaps you are suffering from
invented-here syndrome.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Avoid turning shortcuts and
third party code into
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Dependency Inversion
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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The Creative New World of CSS
The Creative New World of CSSThe Creative New World of CSS
The Creative New World of CSS

A talk demonstrating some of the new things in CSS, from layout to variable fonts, blend modes and animations.

cssweb platformweb design
Into the Weeds of CSS Layout
Into the Weeds of CSS LayoutInto the Weeds of CSS Layout
Into the Weeds of CSS Layout

The document provides a summary of Rachel Andrew's presentation on CSS layout at Smashing Conf London. It includes links to various CSS specifications and code examples demonstrating different CSS layout techniques like grid sizing, intrinsic sizing, flexible lengths with fr units, minimum and maximum sizing, and responsive design patterns using media queries and feature queries.

csscss gridweb design
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - DevFest17
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - DevFest17Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - DevFest17
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - DevFest17

This document summarizes Rachel Andrew's presentation on solving layout problems with CSS Grid and friends. It discusses how CSS Grid creates an actual grid structure, unlike float-based or flexbox grids which only mimic a grid. Key features of CSS Grid like grid-template-columns, repeat, minmax, and fr units for column sizing are explained. The document also covers using features like float or flexbox as fallbacks for older browsers, and potential future additions to grid like subgrids and masonry layouts.

csscss grid layoutflexbox
“High level modules should not depend upon low-
level modules. Both should depend upon
Abstractions should never depend upon details. Details
should depend upon abstractions.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Progressively enhanced UI
— JavaScript implementation based on the regular
HTML5 Video element
— Static maps that become draggable and zoomable -
avoiding creating a dependency on one maps
provider or library
— Ordering items via a form input - that become drag
and drop if the user has JavaScript
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
You can’t do everything
You can do something
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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View Source London: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends
View Source London: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & FriendsView Source London: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends
View Source London: Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends

This document provides an overview of solving layout problems with CSS Grid and related technologies. It discusses when to use Flexbox versus Grid, how Grid works from the container out compared to other frameworks, tracks sizing with fractions and minmax, nested grids, new sizing keywords, and dealing with older browsers. It also covers subgrids and potential future directions like masonry layouts.

csscss gridflexbox
DevFest Nantes - Start Using CSS Grid Layout today
DevFest Nantes - Start Using CSS Grid Layout todayDevFest Nantes - Start Using CSS Grid Layout today
DevFest Nantes - Start Using CSS Grid Layout today

The document discusses using CSS Grid Layout for page layout. It provides examples of how to create a grid with multiple equal columns using grid-template-columns, position elements within the grid using grid-column and grid-row, and make the layout responsive by redefining grid placements in media queries. It also addresses backwards compatibility by providing flexbox fallbacks and using feature queries.

csscss gridweb design
Start Using CSS Grid Layout Today - RuhrJS
Start Using CSS Grid Layout Today - RuhrJSStart Using CSS Grid Layout Today - RuhrJS
Start Using CSS Grid Layout Today - RuhrJS

This document provides an introduction and overview of CSS Grid Layout. It explains the differences between Grid and other layout methods like Flexbox. It provides examples of how to implement common layout patterns using Grid and addresses concerns about browser support and fallbacks. Key topics covered include grid template areas, responsive design with Grid, and ways for developers to get involved in advancing browser support for new CSS features.

csscss gridflexbox
“A 100% pure progressively-enhanced
website may not be practical on every
single project you will ever encounter.
While that sort of purity can exist, it’s
unlikely in many business scenarios.
Budgets, timelines: these things exist.
Progressive enhancement isn’t a zero sum
game; it’s a continuum, just like the Web.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
If your site doesn’t load who
misses out? What do they lose?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Giving back
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Where does our next
generation of web
professionals come from?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

Recommended for you Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends

Rachel Andrew presented on solving layout problems with CSS Grid and friends. CSS Grid allows for two-dimensional page layouts directly in the markup, without needing additional wrapper elements. Grid items can be placed into rows and columns precisely without needing to set widths. Older techniques like floats and flexbox can be used as fallbacks for browsers without Grid support. Subgrids and masonry layouts may be added to Grid in the future. Grid is a native part of CSS with good browser support.

csscsswgcss grid
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - WEBU17
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - WEBU17Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - WEBU17
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - WEBU17

In my talk at FITC Web Unleashed I explain some of the features of CSS Grid Layout, and some of the things that might come soon.

csscss gridweb design
Laying out the future with grid & flexbox - Smashing Conf Freiburg
Laying out the future with grid & flexbox - Smashing Conf FreiburgLaying out the future with grid & flexbox - Smashing Conf Freiburg
Laying out the future with grid & flexbox - Smashing Conf Freiburg

Practical advice for using grid and flexbox in production, supporting older browsers and helping to improve the web.

css gridflexboxweb design
If you have been doing this
for a year, there is someone
6 months in who you are
ideally placed to help.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
You will learn by teaching
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Contribute to the standards
that make up the web
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
What do authors think?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - NordicJS
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - NordicJSSolving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - NordicJS
Solving Layout Problems with CSS Grid & Friends - NordicJS

I explain some of the common layout problems that CSS Grid and related specifications attempt to solve - while answering some of the common questions I am asked about Grid Layout.

csscss gridflexbox
Google Developers Experts Summit 2017 - CSS Layout
Google Developers Experts Summit 2017 - CSS Layout Google Developers Experts Summit 2017 - CSS Layout
Google Developers Experts Summit 2017 - CSS Layout

My presentation for the GDE Summit - about various interesting things I learned about layout while working with CSS Grid.

cssweb developmentcss wg
Web Summer Camp Keynote
Web Summer Camp KeynoteWeb Summer Camp Keynote
Web Summer Camp Keynote

This document discusses the evolving nature of front-end development over time. It notes that in the past, skills like knowing HTML and CSS were highly marketable on their own. However, the field has grown increasingly complex with many new techniques and tools. The document encourages focusing on core fundamentals first before jumping to new tools, and stresses the importance of contributing to standards and open web platforms through techniques like filing issues to improve interoperability.

web developmentweb designcss
Learn how the modern
standards process works
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
If authors do not offer feedback,
the final specification will reflect
our needs as understood by
people who do not build
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
To make an impact on a specification you need to do so
while it is still a draft
There is no point complaining about something that is
finished. You have your chance to make your case
during the open standards process.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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New CSS Layout Meets the Real World
New CSS Layout Meets the Real WorldNew CSS Layout Meets the Real World
New CSS Layout Meets the Real World

The document discusses using CSS grid layout to create magazine-style page layouts and fancy headers. It provides examples of creating a flexible "media object" with images and text that can stack on mobile. It also demonstrates making a "half-border box" and positioning elements in a "magazine-style layout" with multiple images and a caption. Finally, it shows how to style a run header with the distance in a circular shape and background image.

csscss gridweb design
An Event Apart DC - New CSS Layout meets the Real World
An Event Apart DC - New CSS Layout meets the Real WorldAn Event Apart DC - New CSS Layout meets the Real World
An Event Apart DC - New CSS Layout meets the Real World

The document discusses using CSS Grid Layout and other modern CSS techniques to create magazine-style layouts and interfaces. Some key points: - The Media Object pattern is demonstrated using CSS Grid Layout, with images and text arranged in columns and rows. - Flexbox and minmax() are used to create flexible layouts with auto-sizing elements. - Feature queries allow applying styles conditionally based on browser support for CSS features. - Techniques like shape-outside and grid areas are used to create magazine-style layouts with images, captions, and floating elements. Fancy headers with circular elements are also demonstrated.

web designcssgridflexbox
Perch, Patterns and Old Browsers
Perch, Patterns and Old BrowsersPerch, Patterns and Old Browsers
Perch, Patterns and Old Browsers

A talk for Patterns Day in Brighton about rebuilding the Perch UI using Fractal as the pattern library.

csspattern librariescss grid
Grid Layout and “gutters”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
.wrapper {
display: grid;
120px 10px 120px 10px 120px;
grid-template-rows: auto;
"header header header header header"
"sidebar . content content content";
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
.wrapper {
display: grid;
repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter];
auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px);
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
I believed the grid needed
column and row gaps much like
multi-column layout has the
column-gap property
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Evergreen websites for Evergreen browsers
Evergreen websites for Evergreen browsersEvergreen websites for Evergreen browsers
Evergreen websites for Evergreen browsers

Grid is for two-dimensional layout, while flexbox is for one-dimensional layout. Grid allows control of layout from the parent container by defining column and row tracks on the container, rather than adding properties to child items. This allows child items to be positioned and overlap in the grid space without adding widths or heights to them directly. Feature queries can be used to provide an enhanced grid-based layout for supporting browsers while avoiding conflicts with non-supporting browsers.

cssflexboxweb design
What I discovered about layout vis CSS Grid
What I discovered about layout vis CSS GridWhat I discovered about layout vis CSS Grid
What I discovered about layout vis CSS Grid

The document summarizes key concepts the author learned about CSS Grid layout. Some key points include: - CSS Grid handles box alignment and positioning in a logical way based on writing direction rather than physical positioning. - The display property controls how elements generate boxes and formatting contexts for child elements. Grid items are always blockified. - Features like subgrid, display: contents, and logical properties give more control over layout. - Understanding how CSS Grid handles boxes and positioning provides tools to build flexible and accessible layouts.

css layoutweb designcssgrid
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS InfrastructureRecent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure

Recent advancements in the NIST-JARVIS infrastructure: JARVIS-Overview, JARVIS-DFT, AtomGPT, ALIGNN, JARVIS-Leaderboard

.wrapper {
display: grid;
repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter];
auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px);
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
.wrapper {
display: grid;
grid-column-gap: 1em;
grid-row-gap: 1em;
grid-template-columns: repeat(12, [col] 4fr );
grid-template-rows: auto;
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Solving the gutter problem
— Post to the CSS WG list about the issue
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Put together use cases.
Show issues clearly.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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How Social Media Hackers Help You to See Your Wife's Message.pdf

In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Look for the issues already listed in draft specifications
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
I am hopeful that
contributing to standards is
going to get easier
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The CSS Working Group
may move to GitHub for
issues in 2016
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The Web Incubator Community Group
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

apache airflowdbtdbt-core
20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024
20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 202420240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024
20240702 QFM021 Machine Intelligence Reading List June 2024

Everything that I found interesting about machines behaving intelligently during June 2024

Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
“Their goal is to take the lessons
learned during the RICG’s
responsive images slog and adapt
web standards to match.”
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
The Specification Forum
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Keep an eye on CSS Houdini
A task force working on drafts that seek to explain and
expose different parts of CSS. This should ultimately
make it easier to polyfill, innovate, experiment and
create entire new features.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Browsers vendors and the CSS WG alike are looking for
“signals” from authors
— are people talking about this spec?
— are they writing about it, speaking at conferences?
— are they directly requesting the features?
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Make a noise so that
browser vendors hear what
we want implemented
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Adopt an emerging
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Some final thoughts
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Everything that I found interesting last month about the irresponsible use of machine intelligence

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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly DetectionAdvanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
Things are changing fast.
Solid understanding of core
web technologies has
proved timeless.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Ensuring maximum
accessibility should be at
the heart of all you do.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Find ways to contribute
Your voice & the voice of the
people you build sites for is
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
Thank you.
Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks

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Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Montreal Girl Geeks: Building the Modern Web

  • 1. Building the modern web Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks, February 2016 Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 3. Dancers do not need to use computers Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 5. The web gave me a community Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 7. “Knowing HTML” was a marketable skill Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 8. Learning something one day - teaching it to someone else the next Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 9. The web gave me a new career. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 10. The web was accessible, and had a culture of sharing knowledge. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 11. Font tags and nested tables Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 12. <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_reloadPage(init) { if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); } MM_reloadPage(true); //--> </script> Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 13. The “Netscape Resize Fix” If the user resized their browser window positioned elements lost their positioning values. The “fix” was to reload the browser window on resize. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 18. … basic support of existing W3C standards has been sacrificed in the name of such innovation, needlessly fragmenting the Web and helping no one. — Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 19. Our goal is to support these core standards and encourage browser makers to do the same, thereby ensuring simple, affordable access to Web technologies for all. — Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 21. Encouraging designers to care about web standards Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 22. The IE6 years Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 23. Front-end developer 2005? Browser bugs expert Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 24. Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality. — here-is-done/ Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 25. Browser vendors are implementing standard things in a standard way Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 26. Innovation happens through the standards process Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 27. Show stopping browser bugs when doing straightforward things in modern browsers are rare Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 28. Is it all easy now? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 29. Studies show that a todo list is the most complex JavaScript app you can create before a newer, better framework is invented. — framework-fatigue/ Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 30. We’re creating complexity Hiding the simple languages of the web behind tooling and process Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 32. <div class="header"> <h1>My website</h1> <div class="nav"> </div> </div> <div class="article"></div> <div class="sidebar"></div> <div class="footer"></div> Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 34. Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) WEBVTT 1 00:00:22.230 --> 00:00:24.606 This is the first subtitle. 2 00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:34.074 This is the second. 3 00:00:34.159 --> 00:00:35.743 Third Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 37. Time-dimensional pseudo-classes :current :past :future :current(p, li, dt, dd) { background: yellow; } :past(p, li, dt, dd) { background: transparent; color: #999999; } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 40. CSS Grid Layout <div class="wrapper"> <header class="header">Header</header> <aside class="sidebar">Sidebar</aside> <article class="content">Content</article> </div> Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 41. .sidebar { grid-area: sidebar; } .content { grid-area: content; } .header { grid-area: header; } .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 120px 10px 120px 10px 120px; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-template-areas: "header header header header header" "sidebar . content content content"; } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 44. “I’ll take a look if you create a Sass Mixin …” — via my inbox Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 45. Emerging specifications like Grid remove the need for a lot of the preprocessing Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 48. .ag1 { @include span(2 of 10); } .ag2 { @include span(6 of 10); @include clearfix; } .ag3 { @include span(2 of 10 last); } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 50. /* declare a grid and set up a 10 column grid with gutters */ .container { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; display: grid; grid-template-columns: [col] 4.25fr repeat(9, [gutter] 1fr [col] 4.25fr ) [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(5, 100px); } /* boxes positioned like so */ /* heading in row 1 full width */ h1 { grid-column: col / span col 10; grid-row: 1 / 2; } /* left hand sidebar */ .ag1 { grid-column: col / span gutter 2; grid-row: 2 / 3; } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 51. We should be all over a spec like grid. This is the future. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 53. By leaning on frameworks, are we masking the issues? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 54. Only by working with the specifications can we be part of improving them Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 55. Sheer frustration drove much of the Web Standards movement Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 56. My fear is that our reliance on frameworks will stop us pushing for better solutions Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 58. There are always compromises. They shouldn’t be the same for every project. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 59. Standardising on tools should not be at the expense of learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 60. Use your tools and frameworks lightly Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 61. Be ready to put them aside when they don’t suit a project Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 62. Don’t become an expert in one brand of hammer. Become a master carpenter. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 63. Develop timeless skills Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 64. It is HTML, CSS, JavaScript How you get there is just process. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 65. The “space junk” of the web Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 66. Will we be still using frameworks to abstract away layout hacks, long after there is any need for the hacks? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 67. Best practices can become anti-patterns HTTP/2 will see many of our best practices become bad practices. — Image Sprites — Domain Sharding — Concatenating CSS and JavaScript ready-for-http2/ Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 68. Whose time are we saving? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 69. We write code once. It runs 100s of 1000s of times in the browsers of our visitors. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 70. “When I look around, I see our community spending a lot of time coming up with new tools and techniques to make our jobs easier. To ship faster. And it’s not that I’m against efficiency, but I think we need to consider the implications of our decisions. And if one of those implications is making our users suffer—or potentially suffer—in order to make our lives easier, I think we need to consider their needs above our own.” — pay/ Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 72. The myth of temporary Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 73. The web is inherently accessible. We choose to protect that, or to break it. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 75. I believe progressive enhancement is still the best approach we have Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 76. “a robust site or application in the more traditional sense minimises its dependencies. The minimum dependency for a web site should be an internet connection and the ability to parse HTML.” — accessibility/html/progressive-enhancement.shtml Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 77. Start with the core experience Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 78. What is the minimum that I need to ship? How can I ensure as I iterate I protect the core experience for everyone? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 79. We Ship. We Iterate. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 80. How should we integrate third party code? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 81. Not Invented Here Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 82. “Are you afraid to write code? Does the thought linger in your brain that somewhere out there somebody has already done this? Do you find yourself trapped in an analysis cycle where nothing is getting done? Is your product mutating to accommodate third party components? If yes, then perhaps you are suffering from invented-here syndrome.” — Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 83. Avoid turning shortcuts and third party code into dependencies Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 84. Dependency Inversion Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 85. “High level modules should not depend upon low- level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions. Abstractions should never depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.” — dip.pdf Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 87. Progressively enhanced UI — JavaScript implementation based on the regular HTML5 Video element — Static maps that become draggable and zoomable - avoiding creating a dependency on one maps provider or library — Ordering items via a form input - that become drag and drop if the user has JavaScript Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 88. You can’t do everything You can do something Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 89. “A 100% pure progressively-enhanced website may not be practical on every single project you will ever encounter. While that sort of purity can exist, it’s unlikely in many business scenarios. Budgets, timelines: these things exist. Progressive enhancement isn’t a zero sum game; it’s a continuum, just like the Web.” — enhancement Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 90. If your site doesn’t load who misses out? What do they lose? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 91. Giving back Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 92. Where does our next generation of web professionals come from? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 93. If you have been doing this for a year, there is someone 6 months in who you are ideally placed to help. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 94. You will learn by teaching Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 95. Contribute to the standards that make up the web Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 96. What do authors think? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 97. Learn how the modern standards process works Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 99. If authors do not offer feedback, the final specification will reflect our needs as understood by people who do not build websites. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 100. To make an impact on a specification you need to do so while it is still a draft There is no point complaining about something that is finished. You have your chance to make your case during the open standards process. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 101. Grid Layout and “gutters” Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 102. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 120px 10px 120px 10px 120px; grid-template-rows: auto; grid-template-areas: "header header header header header" "sidebar . content content content"; } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 103. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px); } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 104. I believed the grid needed column and row gaps much like multi-column layout has the column-gap property Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 105. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(11, [col] 4fr [gutter] 3.5fr ) [col] 4fr [gutter]; grid-template-rows: auto repeat(4, [row] auto [gutter] 15px); } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 106. .wrapper { display: grid; grid-column-gap: 1em; grid-row-gap: 1em; grid-template-columns: repeat(12, [col] 4fr ); grid-template-rows: auto; } Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 107. Solving the gutter problem — grid-layout-solving-the-gutter-problem/ — Post to the CSS WG list about the issue Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 108. Put together use cases. Show issues clearly. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 109. Look for the issues already listed in draft specifications Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 110. I am hopeful that contributing to standards is going to get easier Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 111. The CSS Working Group may move to GitHub for issues in 2016 Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 112. The Web Incubator Community Group — Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 113. “Their goal is to take the lessons learned during the RICG’s responsive images slog and adapt web standards to match.” — wicg/ Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 115. Keep an eye on CSS Houdini A task force working on drafts that seek to explain and expose different parts of CSS. This should ultimately make it easier to polyfill, innovate, experiment and create entire new features. — — Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 116. Browsers vendors and the CSS WG alike are looking for “signals” from authors — are people talking about this spec? — are they writing about it, speaking at conferences? — are they directly requesting the features? Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 117. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 118. Make a noise so that browser vendors hear what we want implemented Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 119. Adopt an emerging specification! Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 120. Some final thoughts Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 121. Things are changing fast. Solid understanding of core web technologies has proved timeless. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 122. Ensuring maximum accessibility should be at the heart of all you do. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks
  • 123. Find ways to contribute Your voice & the voice of the people you build sites for is important. Rachel Andrew, Montreal Girl Geeks