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Stacy Kvernmo
Picture: “I should have known better….” patries71, Flickr
Picture: Genesis Theme for WordPress

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CTO vs. VP of Engineering
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My talk presented with @jasonh at #monkigras. Update: video is at

Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted
Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghostedSwipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted
Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted

Creating engaging content is a tricky thing, and even if your work is perfectly targeted to your audience, with all the SEO research to back it up, it doesn’t guarantee engagement. In this talk, Eleni will showcase some of the mistakes she’s made and seen first-hand, explain why this isn’t getting engagement, and reveal how to fix it. From making content more accessible and inclusive, to key research methods that are often ignored, this talk will show you how to turn content that’s being ghosted and ignored, into something that creates meaningful connections.

SXSW 2016: The Need To Knows
SXSW 2016: The Need To KnowsSXSW 2016: The Need To Knows
SXSW 2016: The Need To Knows

SXSW Interactive is amazing this year! I’m talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance. SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, it’s the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year. In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.

artificial intelligencesocial@ogilvysxsw
Picture: Hasan Baglar/Sony World Photography Awards 2014
Picture: Screenshot from The Simpsons, Matt Groening
it well enough
you don't
If you can't explain it,
Picture: “President Obama does the Hour of Code”, YouTube

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How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...

This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

seomachine learningmarketing
How to create content that generates leads -- not just traffic.pptx
How to create content that generates leads -- not just traffic.pptxHow to create content that generates leads -- not just traffic.pptx
How to create content that generates leads -- not just traffic.pptx

The document discusses how to create content that generates leads rather than just traffic. It emphasizes focusing content on customers' needs through a solid content strategy, deep understanding of the target audience, expertise-driven content, and analytics tracking. Specific tips include researching common customer questions, identifying their best potential customers, and addressing popular search queries with in-depth answers from subject experts. The goal is to solve customers' problems and generate leads through helpful, targeted content.

Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigital
Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigitalMobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigital
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How to target your SEO process to a reality of more people searching on mobile devices than desktop and an upcoming mobile first Google index? Check it out.

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Picture: “LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 7 : Computer Programmer” wiredforlego, Flickr
Picture: “I totally gave up!” Jay, Flickr
Any Text Editor
… and so many more

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You deleted how many pages? 130M and heres why - brightonSEO Autumn 2021

In this talk David will tell the story of Trainline’s multi-year crawlability project code named Black Widow. Find out why millions and millions of pages were deleted, the results that followed and what we learnt along the way.

learn what React JS is & why we should use React JS .
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What is React js? A better introduction to React. React (also known as ReactJs) is a JavaScript library.

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The document discusses using RxJS in Angular applications. It provides examples of using RxJS operators like interval, map, async pipe, filter, switchMap, exhaustMap, tap, scan, and reduce. Common use cases include handling events, making HTTP requests, managing application state, and manipulating data. RxJS can be used in components, directives, services, routing, forms, and more throughout an Angular application.

Picture: “Network”, Ivan Emelianov, Flickr
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This document introduces two statistical packages, Prophet and Causal Impact, that can help SEO recommendations get implemented by proving their value. Prophet uses an additive model to forecast performance based on past seasonal trends. Causal Impact infers the impact of interventions by comparing actual results to a synthetic control. The document provides an example of how these packages could be used to get signoff for an SEO proposal and then prove the value of changes after implementation. They help place SEO in a market context, quantify commercial ROI, and clearly show impact to gain developer buy-in for future work.

Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
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Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf

This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

Don't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibalDon't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibal

The document discusses keyword cannibalization, which occurs when multiple pages on a website contain the same or similar keywords. This can hurt a website's search engine rankings, traffic from search engines, and conversions. The document provides tips on how to identify cannibalization issues, such as by monitoring keyword rankings and traffic share over time. It also gives recommendations for avoiding cannibalization, such as by regularly auditing content for duplicates and setting policies for user-generated content.

Why didn’t you
do X,
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do X,

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Extreme Makeover: Site Architecture Edition
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Extreme Makeover: Site Architecture Edition

Website architecture is a vital component of search marketing that's often overlooked, either because it's not recognized as an issue, it's considered a "dev problem," or it's just too scary to tackle. But implementing a simplified navigational structure and intuitive internal linking gives users a more delightful experience and ensures comprehensive crawling of your site, no matter its size. I'll walk you through the process that Corporate Finance Institute used to audit, restructure, and significantly prune an aging resource library of more than 6,000 URLs, and how I used the project as an opportunity to educate and earn buy-in from internal teams. This is a repeatable strategy with practical takeaways for SEOs as well as content marketers, developers, writers, and marketing executives with resources to allocate. Presented at brightonSEO in April 2023.

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"Links. For those of us who aren’t PR pros, link building in today’s landscape can be a daunting task. And while creative content and PR activity is a great way to build links, it’s easy to overlook more simple tactics that can help you scale quality and naturally acquired links. Image link building is one of those tactics In this talk, I'll be sharing a step-by-step process for creating images for the sole purpose of link building. From finding which images to produce to actually creating them and turning them into link building assets, I'll be sharing some practical tips on how you can use image link building as a semi-passive link building strategy that will continue to generate links in the long term, even on the smallest of budgets."

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The Worst Technical SEO Nightmares and How to Avoid Them
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Learn about the worst technical SEO issues and how to avoid them from happening on your Website: Validations, test and tools to use in SEO!

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C O D E P E N . I O / S TA C Y

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Do you like and value yourself? Do you show yourself kindness and forgiveness? Do you feel strong and energised? You might not be able to answer yes to all those questions all the time – it’s at those moments that you are lacking self-esteem. And when you’re lacking in self-esteem, how can you possibly achieve your full potential? In this session Lou is going to take a look at the importance of believing in yourself and share some tools and tips she’s picked up that will help you understand a bit more about who you are, why you are the way you are, and things you can do build confidence in yourself and your team. It’s these practices which have helped Lou improve as an individual AND as a colleague and leader, so even if you don't think this talk is right for you RIGHT NOW, it could help you help your co-workers and your future self. Lou isn’t a qualified counsellor or therapist, so she’ll approach this talk as an ex-patient. Someone who’s been there, had the therapy, got the t-shirt and wants to share it all with you with a goal of helping the entire industry be better and feel better about themselves.

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In this webinar international bestselling author, Andrew Griffiths, talks with leading productivity authority, Sam Harrop, to share 101 simple but highly effective productivity hacks. Nothing is off limits in this presentation - and if you want to see the video recording of the actual webinar - please visit

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2016 A-Z Culture Glossary

Last year, we presented the top, must-know, culturally relevant trends for 2015 and our predictions were 83% accurate! To help the “curious class” stay relevant in 2016, we’ve assembled an A-Z glossary of what trends we predict to be 100 must-know terms and concepts of 2016. We hope this cultural crib sheet will help prepare you for the year ahead!

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How to build a great coding culture

Imagine a culture where the input of the whole organization turns an individual idea into a user story in just a couple of hours, where everybody's goal is to make the customer’s job easier and more effective, and where you work on projects you love instead of projects you loathe. A great coding culture concentrates on making developers productive and happy by removing unnecessary overhead, bringing autonomous teams together, helping the individual programmer to innovate, and raising awareness among developers about how to create better code. I will talk about how to establish and foster a strong engineering-focused culture that scales from a small team to a huge organization with hundreds of developers. I'll give lots of examples from our experience at Atlassian to show that once you're working in a great coding culture, you won't want to work anywhere else.

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Have you ever felt trapped in a bad PowerPoint presentation? Ever listen to a speaker drone on like a zombie? Do boring uninspiring slides leave you feeling like the walking dead? Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie! Here are 6 tips to avoid Death by Powerpoint!

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Design has become a game changer in Silicon Valley. This #DesignInTech Report highlights the rising importance of design in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The report covers trends ranging from the record amounts of funding flowing into design-led startups to M&A activity with major tech corporations. Beyond designers and technologists, this report will appeal to a broad audience. For all of us who use a computer or mobile device, great design is changing how we live and work. This study helps explain why.

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Final venture outlook 2016
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Final venture outlook 2016

1) The venture capital outlook document discusses signs that private tech markets are overvalued due to an influx of new capital sources investing with less pricing discipline. 2) Late-stage valuations, median revenue multiples, and e-commerce multiples are much higher for private companies compared to historical levels and public market comparables. 3) Over 2/3 of mid-late stage deals now include non-VC investors like corporations, hedge funds, and mutual funds, and round sizes have increased with less consideration for price. 4) While some overpricing may occur, the document concludes that technology innovation will continue growing as a proportion of the economy, leading to returns for top venture capital firms.

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State of Startups 2015

This is First Round's effort to provide an in-depth snapshot of what founders across the entire tech ecosystem are thinking and doing, what they're excited about and worried about, and how they're seeing the market. We surveyed venture-backed founders from everywhere — less than 25% from the First Round community — and received over 500 responses, volunteering their experience and opinions.

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How can you maintain your reputation on social media and create a personal brand that will help you get a job?

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On Dec. 13, 2015, SpringOwl shared the attached 99 page presentation which had been sent to the Yahoo board. In it, we argue for why change is needed from the status quo at Yahoo, why selling the core business now at the lows isn't attractive for long-term shareholders and our 9 point plan for turning around the company.

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Why do some startups get funded? What makes for the best pitch? How does the process work? DocSend recently teamed up with Professor Tom Eisenmann from Harvard Business School. Together, we conducted research that gave us the answers to those questions. We studied the fundraising of 200 startup companies as they went through their Series Seed and Series A rounds. Altogether, these companies raised more than $360 million. Why this data is awesome: Fundraising is a historically opaque endeavor. There’s very little data available and most advice tends to be anecdotal. DocSend is in the unique position of being able to quantitatively analyze the interaction between founders and investors, and tie that to fundraising outcomes in a statistically meaningful way. Why we built this report: DocSend aims to help companies share documents in a smarter, safer, and more impactful way. We believe this research is in service of that mission and can help push the startup ecosystem forward as a whole. Background on DocSend: DocSend helps sales people track and control documents they send to clients. We’ve also become very popular amongst founders in the fundraising process. Hundreds of startups have used our platform to circulate pitch decks to investors. Ready to ditch email attachments and put your pitch materials to work for you? Sign up for a free plan at

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Activate Tech and Media Outlook 2016
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The document discusses trends in consumer tech and media from 2015-2020. It predicts that the industry will grow by over $500 billion in that time period, with the average American spending more time on tech and media than on work or sleep. It also notes that messaging platforms will surpass social networks as the dominant media activity and that the next big winners in streaming audio are already gaining popularity quietly.

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Work Rules!
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We spend more time working than doing anything else in life. Yet for too many people, the experience of work is demotivating and dehumanizing. I don’t think it has to be this way, and I’m willing to bet you don’t either. At Google, we’ve learned a ton about what makes for an enjoyable and productive workplace. We’re not alone – lots of other companies, ranging from grocers (e.g., Wegmans) to textile companies (e.g., the Brandix Group) to Brooklyn delis (e.g., Russ & Daughters), as well as academics and scientists, have learned the same simple truth: there are straightforward things we can do to make work better. My new book, "Work Rules!", is an attempt to bring this together and offer you practical tools to improve work, no matter what you do. Check out this visual preview of the book and visit if you’d like to pick up a copy or learn more!

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