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WordPress Theme
Framework And Responsive
Who Am I?
 Damien Oh
 WordPress Developer
 A Blogger and Editor at Make Tech
  Easier ( -
  an online tech tutorial site
What Is a Theme
 A starter kit that enables the
  user/developer to quickly create a
 In WP, a theme framework can exist in
  different form:
    ◦ Drop-in code (useful for hardcore
    ◦ Parent theme (useful for users with a little
      coding knowledge)
    ◦ Complete theme with plenty of
      customisation option (useful for end-
Advantages of Using a Theme
 Shorten the theme development time.
 Can focus solely on the design.
 Update of the theme does not break
  the site.
 Can create a beautiful theme without
  any coding knowledge.

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This document introduces web standards and accessibility. It discusses how Jeffrey Zeldman and the Web Standards Project advocated for standards to make websites more accessible, compatible across browsers and devices, and sustainable over time. The document explains key standards like XHTML, CSS, and DOM that separate website structure, style and behavior. It also outlines why standards help with accessibility, device independence, performance and more. Finally, it provides an overview of different types of disabilities that standards aim to support, such as visual, motor and cognitive impairments.

Making Your Own CSS Framework
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Making Your Own CSS Framework

The document discusses making your own CSS framework to manage multiple websites with limited resources. It recommends starting with a CSS reset, basic structural elements, and columns for layout. Future-proof the framework to match HTML5. Keep colors, images, and styling out of the framework. Build reusable widgets and allow for design freedom and individuality across sites. The initial version may be too constricting without flexibility. Add optional "flare" like boxes and slideshows once the basics are established. The framework should be easily upgradable and accessible across managed sites.

Building a Moodle theme with bootstrap
Building a Moodle theme with bootstrapBuilding a Moodle theme with bootstrap
Building a Moodle theme with bootstrap

This document summarizes the history and development of the Bootstrap theme for Moodle. It discusses how the theme was originally developed during a Moodle conference by several developers. The Bootstrap theme was later adopted into the Moodle core as the "bootstrapbase" theme in version 2.5. The theme allows other themes like "Clean" to be built upon it. It provides templates and styles based on the Twitter Bootstrap framework to help developers create interfaces without design skills. Future development of the Bootstrap theme for Moodle includes improved styling for editors, accordion layouts, course progress indicators, and search functionality.

Disadvantages of Theme
 Learning curve.
 Some theme frameworks come with
  fixed functionalities, thus limiting your
 Some theme framework are resource-
  intensive and add unnecessary
  burden to your server.
 Most of the good one are not free.
  Some of the free one don’t provide
  support or good documentation
What Is Responsive Design?
   One design for all devices and screen
Technical How-to (Brief)
 A combination of CSS 3 @media
  query and javascript.
 Examples:
    ◦ @media screen and (max-
      width:480px) {css code}
    ◦ @media screen and (min-width:
      600px) and (max-width: 900px)
      {css code}
    ◦ @media only screen and (min-
      width: 1149px) {css code}
More Examples
 @media only screen and (min-
  device-pixel-ratio: 2){css code}
 @media screen and (device-
  aspect-ratio: 1280/720) {css
 @media screen and (orientation:
  portrait){css code}

   Responsive Web Design by Ethan

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DNN is an excellent platform for a responsive website, but its important to know the ''Do's'' and ''Don'ts'' when designing responsively. This presentation will cover all things responsive: from wireframes and mockups, to media queries and javascript snippets. Get valuable tips on how to create a responsive site following modern web standards, while harnessing the power of the DNN framework. Learn how to design and plan your site, develop layouts with a fluid grid, and test to ensure your site looks great on tons of devices!

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CMS 101: DUY Website in Minutes Using Drupal - by Jerry Ferguson. Session from Desert Code Camp 2007 in Phoenix, AZ

Bootstrap 3.1.1
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Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for responsive design that works across browsers and devices. Key features include its grid system, pre-built components, and mobile-first approach. The document outlines Bootstrap's overview, benefits, getting started instructions, grid system, CSS/JavaScript features, layouts, media queries, sample structures, and customization options.

bootstrap 3.1.1
Advantages of Responsive
 One theme to rule them all.
 Consistent layout.
 Best suited for SEO purpose.
  Recommended by Google
Disadvantages of Responsive
 It is complicated.
 Requires plenty of time to develop.
 May be more resource intensive on a
  mobile device.
 May not be suitable for all users.
Responsive + Theme
 Combining responsive design into
  theme framework.
 Enable users/developers to create
  responsive WP theme effortlessly.
Responsive Theme Framework
For WordPress (User)
 Gantry Framework (http://www.gantry-
 PressWork
 Catalyst (Premium theme -
 Ultimatum (Premium theme – USD$65
  - $170,

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Wordpress Underscores & foundation5
Wordpress Underscores & foundation5Wordpress Underscores & foundation5
Wordpress Underscores & foundation5

Underscores is a starter theme that can help build the next great WordPress theme without needing PHP or programming knowledge. Foundation 5 is a front-end framework that uses a mobile-first and responsive grid approach. It has new features like fast click, off canvas, GPU acceleration and interchange. Foundation 5 emphasizes building interfaces for mobile screens first before larger displays using a bottom-up approach.

CSS For Coders
CSS For CodersCSS For Coders
CSS For Coders

This document provides an introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for web developers. It discusses CSS terminology like selectors using id and class attributes. It also covers how to select and style groups of elements and descendants. The document gives examples of using CSS for colors, backgrounds, typography, layout using the box model, and print styles. It emphasizes clean separation of code and content and providing hooks for designers to easily style pages.

WordPress Theme Development Basics
WordPress Theme Development BasicsWordPress Theme Development Basics
WordPress Theme Development Basics

Learn the basics of building WordPress themes. This presentation is appropriate for people who are somewhat familiar with PHP and databases. To Learn More, check out

Responsive Theme Framework
For WordPress (Developer)
   Bones (
   Skeleton
   Roots (
   Reverie (
   Foundation
   Genesis ( -
Useful Tools
   FireSizer (Firefox Addon -
   Windows Resizer (Chrome Addon -
   User Agent Switcher (Firefox -
    US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/, Chrome
Useful Resources
 Media Queries -
 Responsinator -
   Modernizr -

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What Is WordPress and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?
What Is WordPress and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?What Is WordPress and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?
What Is WordPress and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

This workshop is perfect if you are a beginner or still on the fence. We'll look at the major issues you should consider before diving into the WordPress waters.

How to dominate a free theme WCTO 2014
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How to dominate a free theme WCTO 2014

Not everyone can afford to have a custom designed theme for their WordPress website. Often we have to resort to the themes that are available for free or cheap. But how do we avoid having the website look the same as everyone else’s who used the same theme? I will show you how to take the most common themes and turn them into the unique look you want. Google Chrome or Firefox recommended. No coding knowledge is required, but you will learn some basic CSS.

Display Suite: A Themers Perspective
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Display Suite: A Themers Perspective

Display Suite is a Drupal module that allows users to take full control over how content is displayed using a drag and drop interface without having to work with template files. It provides predefined layouts and allows users to create custom layouts and view modes. Display Suite also features code fields to add custom variables and styles to control field formatting. The module is actively maintained and widely used with thousands of active sites.

drupalthemedisplay suite
The End

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Wp responsive-theme-framework

  • 1. WordPress Theme Framework And Responsive Theme
  • 2. Who Am I?  Damien Oh  WordPress Developer  A Blogger and Editor at Make Tech Easier ( - an online tech tutorial site
  • 3. What Is a Theme Framework?  A starter kit that enables the user/developer to quickly create a theme  In WP, a theme framework can exist in different form: ◦ Drop-in code (useful for hardcore developers) ◦ Parent theme (useful for users with a little coding knowledge) ◦ Complete theme with plenty of customisation option (useful for end-
  • 4. Advantages of Using a Theme Framework  Shorten the theme development time.  Can focus solely on the design.  Update of the theme does not break the site.  Can create a beautiful theme without any coding knowledge.
  • 5. Disadvantages of Theme Framework  Learning curve.  Some theme frameworks come with fixed functionalities, thus limiting your choices  Some theme framework are resource- intensive and add unnecessary burden to your server.  Most of the good one are not free. Some of the free one don’t provide support or good documentation
  • 6. What Is Responsive Design?  One design for all devices and screen size.
  • 7. Technical How-to (Brief)  A combination of CSS 3 @media query and javascript.  Examples: ◦ @media screen and (max- width:480px) {css code} ◦ @media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px) {css code} ◦ @media only screen and (min- width: 1149px) {css code}
  • 8. More Examples  @media only screen and (min- device-pixel-ratio: 2){css code}  @media screen and (device- aspect-ratio: 1280/720) {css code}  @media screen and (orientation: portrait){css code}  Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte ( nsive-web-design)
  • 9. Advantages of Responsive Design  One theme to rule them all.  Consistent layout.  Best suited for SEO purpose. Recommended by Google ( /smartphone-sites/details)
  • 10. Disadvantages of Responsive Design  It is complicated.  Requires plenty of time to develop.  May be more resource intensive on a mobile device.  May not be suitable for all users.
  • 11. Responsive + Theme Framework  Combining responsive design into theme framework.  Enable users/developers to create responsive WP theme effortlessly.
  • 12. Responsive Theme Framework For WordPress (User)  Gantry Framework (http://www.gantry-  PressWork ( ork)  Catalyst (Premium theme - USD$127,  Ultimatum (Premium theme – USD$65 - $170,
  • 13. Responsive Theme Framework For WordPress (Developer)  Bones (  Skeleton ( n/)  Roots (  Reverie (  Foundation (  Genesis ( - USD$59.95
  • 14. Useful Tools  FireSizer (Firefox Addon - us/firefox/addon/firesizer/)  Windows Resizer (Chrome Addon - dow- resizer/kkelicaakdanhinjdeammmilcgefonfh)  User Agent Switcher (Firefox - US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/, Chrome - -agent-switcher-for- c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg)
  • 15. Useful Resources  Media Queries -  Responsinator -  Modernizr -

Editor's Notes

  1. Explain the differences between a free theme and a theme framework and why is it beneficial to both end users and developers