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web design

KNOW What A Responsive
WebSITE is
A fluid layout and flexible images adapted
with media queries



A fluid grid layout

Multiple fixed width

Additional changes
applied with Media

Layout changes at set
(with Media Queries)

Recommended for you

How to use CSS3 in WordPress
How to use CSS3 in WordPressHow to use CSS3 in WordPress
How to use CSS3 in WordPress

The document provides an overview of how to use CSS3 in WordPress. It introduces the presenter and their goal to teach the audience at least one new thing. It then covers CSS/CSS3 basics, terminology, syntax, properties, specificity, inspecting CSS, new CSS3 modules like colors, gradients, border radius, and how to add CSS in WordPress through themes, plugins or inline styles. Resources for further learning CSS are also provided, followed by time for questions.

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...
Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework...

Bootstrap 3 - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap.

Creating Dynamic Landing Pages for Drupal with Panels - Webinar
Creating Dynamic Landing Pages for Drupal with Panels - WebinarCreating Dynamic Landing Pages for Drupal with Panels - Webinar
Creating Dynamic Landing Pages for Drupal with Panels - Webinar

Have you ever wanted to create a stand-alone campaign page on your website? Or prototype a new homepage layout just to see how it would look? The Panels module gives us the tools to build all kinds of landing pages in Drupal. Panels also has lots of other functionality, allowing you to create layouts and take control of how content is organized and displayed. All this, without having to write custom code. In this webinar, we'll walk through some of the top use cases for Panels. We'll also talk about some best practices and things to avoid to make sure that you're using Panels effectively on your website. - See more at:

site buildingwebinardrupal
Mobile users are not just “on the go”
Many people have mobile devices as their
primary internet access
The lines between mobile/tablet/desktop
are becoming blurred
Alternative to native mobile apps
Prioritize Content
Do a content audit and prioritization before
any layout or design
Think “mobile first”
... but you don’t HAVE to develop mobile first

If it isn’t needed on mobile, is it even
needed on desktop???
USE HTML wireframes


Recommended for you

Wordpress Workshop: Session One
Wordpress Workshop: Session OneWordpress Workshop: Session One
Wordpress Workshop: Session One

This document summarizes the first session of a WordPress workshop. It covered an overview of WordPress, the dashboard, themes, and multisite functionality. The presenter explained that WordPress has evolved from a blogging platform to a full content management system. The dashboard, themes, and plugins were demonstrated. Using child themes allows customizing third-party themes without losing upgrades. Multisite enables centralized management of multiple sites from one WordPress install, useful for clients. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions and provided with resources to learn more about WordPress.

Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3
Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3
Refreshing Your UI with HTML5, Bootstrap and CSS3

Many startups and open source projects have the luxury of starting greenfield projects. Unfortunately, the corporate world rarely works this way. It's more maintenance coding and a few new features every now and then. This session covers how you can use three of the hottest technologies (HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap) to spruce up a legacy application. It describes a real-world situation where a redesign was implemented in a few short weeks, making an old site look brand new. It also does a deep dive into Bootstrap, explains LESS, and shows pitfalls with older browsers. After this session, you'll be motivated to integrate Bootstrap into your applications and turn that legacy UI into something sexy! See blog post about this presentation at

Should You Wordpress?
Should You Wordpress?Should You Wordpress?
Should You Wordpress?

Wordpress is a popular and powerful blogging and information publishing system. It is available in three forms: hosted, host it yourself, and multiuser. Which, if any of these, is the best choice.

expect pixel-perfect
matching code
Design with dev in mind
Pay attention to order and flow
Limit large or complex graphics
Know what CSS can do
Create a style Guide

Show available design elements


Code modular HTML/CSS building blocks


Include baseline typography, UI elements
(buttons, form constructs, etc)


Easier to test and improve workflow between
multiple team members
Front end styleguide collection:

Recommended for you

Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Fronteers 2012)
Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Fronteers 2012)Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Fronteers 2012)
Style Guides Are The New Photoshop (Fronteers 2012)

A slightly modified version of the talk I first presented at Smashing Conference, now presented at Fronteers 2012. ( Use of image editors for creating web design mockups has worked until now, but responsive design is forcing us to find alternatives, as we can't simply create more mockups as we design for more screens. Have no fear, there is at least one method of replacing Photoshop for web design. Let's take a look at one of the most important aspects of this method: the creation of clear, semi-automated, self-updating style guides.

responsive designstyle guidesphotoshop
Wordpress 101 Training
Wordpress 101 TrainingWordpress 101 Training
Wordpress 101 Training

The document provides an overview of Google's Marketing Bootcamp on using WordPress. It covers topics like why to use WordPress, basic concepts like posts and pages, hosting options, the WordPress admin panel, adding and managing content, using plugins and themes to extend WordPress functionality, and how to create your own WordPress theme. The bootcamp aims to teach marketers the fundamentals of using the popular WordPress content management platform.

wordpresscustomizationdeveloper plugins
WordPress: After The Install
WordPress: After The InstallWordPress: After The Install
WordPress: After The Install

Congratulations! You’ve installed WordPress! Now what? Installing WordPress is just the beginning. Adjust your settings, choose a theme, and decide which plugins to run. At this month’s meetup four of our long-time meetup members are going to help you navigate WordPress after you install it.

Use a fluid grid
<div class=”row”>
<div id="ContentPane" runat="server"
class=”col two-third” />
<div id="SmallRightPane" runat="server"
class=”col third” />
<div class=”row”>
<div id="LeftPane" runat="server"
class=”col half” />
<div id="RightPane" runat="server"
class=”col half” />
Use a fluid grid
.half {
.third {
.two-third {
.fourth {
.fifth {
.two-fifth {
.three-fifth {
.four-fifth {
.col {

width: 50%; }
width: 33.333333333333%;}
width: 66.66666666667%;}
width: 25%; }
width: 75%; }
width: 20%; }
width: 40%; }
width: 60%; }
width: 80%; }
padding: 10px;
float: left;
box-sizing: border-box; }
Use the new box model
Standard box model:

New box model:

Padding & border
added on to the

Padding & border
subtracted from



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Dreamweaver & Me PPT
Dreamweaver & Me PPTDreamweaver & Me PPT
Dreamweaver & Me PPT

The document provides instructions for setting up a website using Dreamweaver CS4. It tells the reader to organize their files by making folders in their Statler account and saving them in the correct location. It then has the reader create a web page and check that they have made the necessary folders and asked for help if needed. Finally, it provides some reading recommendations and website links for additional resources on web design.

Webnet Presentation
Webnet PresentationWebnet Presentation
Webnet Presentation
wordpresshigher educationcms websites
Web Development
Web DevelopmentWeb Development
Web Development

This presentation was developed for the seminar at Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology. The seminar was conducted by Mozilla.

Set fixed-width spacing
#LeftColumn {
padding: 10px 20px;!
box-sizing:border-box; }
#RightColumn {
padding: 10px;!
border: 1px solid #627A7E; }
IE Polyfill: (Natively supported in IE8+)
DO a lot of math
Widths set with percentage are relative to
their container element
Keep it simple
#ContentLeft {
  float: left;
width: 60%;
padding-right: 40px;
box-sizing: border-box; }
#ContentRight {
   float: left;
width: 40%;
box-sizing: border-box; }
use media queries
Media queries serve different CSS based on
your browser size or type.
In your Skin CSS file, define regular (desktop)
styles, then:






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Display Suite: A Themers Perspective
Display Suite: A Themers PerspectiveDisplay Suite: A Themers Perspective
Display Suite: A Themers Perspective

Display Suite is a Drupal module that allows users to take full control over how content is displayed using a drag and drop interface without having to work with template files. It provides predefined layouts and allows users to create custom layouts and view modes. Display Suite also features code fields to add custom variables and styles to control field formatting. The module is actively maintained and widely used with thousands of active sites.

drupalthemedisplay suite
Getting the Most out of
Getting the Most out of WordPress.comGetting the Most out of
Getting the Most out of

No coding experience? No problem! With, you can have a great looking site up and running in just a couple minutes. We’ll go through the basics of using WordPress itself, and what specifically can offer you as a beginning blogger or site builder. Presented at WordCamp Chicago 2014

wordpress.comwordcamp chicago 2014wordpress
Web Standards And Protocols
Web Standards And ProtocolsWeb Standards And Protocols
Web Standards And Protocols

The document discusses web standards and protocols as well as tips for good website design. It provides lists of "dos" and "don'ts" for website design. The "dos" include testing pages in multiple browsers, keeping layouts simple, writing clearly and concisely, and providing alternatives to images. The "don'ts" include linking to irrelevant material, overusing emphasis, and splitting topics across multiple pages.

use media queries
Or, go “mobile first”:
• @media (min-width: 480px) {
• @media (min-width: 720px) {
• Etc…
Better for performance!

USE pre-determined,
Specific breakpoints
Set breakpoints when you need them!
use browser fallbacks
@media only works in IE 9 +
• Javascript polyfill for IE 8 and below:
– Adds support for media queries set with

• For wider media query support:

��� Or use conditional comments to link to IE CSS
set font sizes with rem’s
• html { font-size: 62.5%; }
• body { font-size:
{ font-size:
• h1

1.4rem; }
2.4rem; }

• Can change body size % in @media to
adjust all site fonts

Recommended for you

Making Your Own CSS Framework
Making Your Own CSS FrameworkMaking Your Own CSS Framework
Making Your Own CSS Framework

The document discusses making your own CSS framework to manage multiple websites with limited resources. It recommends starting with a CSS reset, basic structural elements, and columns for layout. Future-proof the framework to match HTML5. Keep colors, images, and styling out of the framework. Build reusable widgets and allow for design freedom and individuality across sites. The initial version may be too constricting without flexibility. Add optional "flare" like boxes and slideshows once the basics are established. The framework should be easily upgradable and accessible across managed sites.

a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers
a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developersa11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers
a11yTO - Web Accessibility for Developers

This document provides a summary of a presentation on web accessibility for developers. It discusses: 1) An introduction to key concepts of accessibility including standards like WCAG 2.0 and how accessibility improves usability for all users. 2) Techniques developers can implement to make their sites more accessible, such as following keyboard navigation best practices, ensuring visual elements have adequate color contrast, and properly labeling form fields. 3) An introduction to screen readers and how they interact with web content, emphasizing the importance of semantic HTML and best practices like ARIA roles, states and properties for custom interactive elements.

Responsive Web Design: From Mobile To Desktop, And Beyond (updated for MobiDe...
Responsive Web Design: From Mobile To Desktop, And Beyond (updated for MobiDe...Responsive Web Design: From Mobile To Desktop, And Beyond (updated for MobiDe...
Responsive Web Design: From Mobile To Desktop, And Beyond (updated for MobiDe...

The document discusses responsive web design. It begins by asking what responsive design is, why it should be used, and how to create a responsive layout. It then provides details on some basic components of responsive design like using a flexible grid layout, flexible images, and media queries. The document outlines several responsive menu options including flowing the menu onto two lines, switching to a vertical or expandable button menu, or using a dropdown select menu on small screens. It emphasizes using fluid images, videos, and fonts as well as media queries to make layout adjustments at different breakpoints.

create scalable headlines for text headlines that dynamically
fit the width of its surrounding element.
Always crisp, no pixelization or multiple
image sizes needed
Easily change size, color, and shadows
using CSS

Set media max-widths
Ensure media does not break outside of set
• img, object, embed, iframe, video
{ max-width:100%; }
set inline media sizes
Do not set height or width of images or
media in the DNN editor
Do not upload media larger than the
maximum size that you want it to display

Recommended for you

Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design displays content clearly across all screen sizes using a consistent theme. It uses techniques like fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries to automatically adapt the layout depending on screen size. The benefits are that content is accessible on any device, it improves SEO by having one optimized site, and only needs to be designed once. Common technologies used are CSS media queries and JavaScript. The process involves designing mobile-first and scaling up, avoiding multiple scroll bars, and keeping a consistent look and feel across devices.

responsive web design
Building Responsive Websites with Drupal
Building Responsive Websites with DrupalBuilding Responsive Websites with Drupal
Building Responsive Websites with Drupal

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This webinar will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to a Drupal website and will include the following topics: * Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme * Challenges when designing a responsive layout * Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt * CSS techniques for responsive design * Responsive Drupal base themes

drupalresponsive designweb design
WordPress Navigation in Responsive Design
WordPress Navigation in Responsive DesignWordPress Navigation in Responsive Design
WordPress Navigation in Responsive Design

I gave this presentation at WordCamp Atlanta 2013. It covers one of the biggest challenges in responsive design - navigation. Specifically, it covers a few tips on how to leverage your WordPress theme's navigation to make it more responsive. I also cover some popular patterns in navigation that are best formatted for responsive designs - specifically mobile viewports.

responsive designwordpresswordcamp
create scalable video for fluid width video embeds
OVERuse display:none
• Hide unnecessary content for mobile
• Add mobile only content with
display:none in the regular CSS
Use Sparingly!

Don’t limit content
OVERuse display:none
Important Note:
display:none hides content but
(generally) does not improve performance!
Hiding images:
Setting parent element to display:none
will prevent the image from being loaded.
Use menus that use
unordered lists
Menu modules that use unordered lists can be made
<li><a href="/”>Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/About.aspx">About</a>
<li><a href=”/About/Bio.aspx”>Bio</a></li>
<li><a href="/Speaking.aspx">Speaking</a></li>
<li><a href="/Contact.aspx">Contact</a></li>

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Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3

This document provides an overview of how to create responsive website designs using Bootstrap 3. It discusses how Bootstrap is a popular framework for responsive, mobile-first projects. It then covers the basics of getting started with Bootstrap, including downloading Bootstrap, including the necessary files, and using Bootstrap's grid system and other components to create responsive designs.

website designmobilemobile apps
Reboot-Typography.pptx reboot typography to help you in research
Reboot-Typography.pptx reboot typography to help you in researchReboot-Typography.pptx reboot typography to help you in research
Reboot-Typography.pptx reboot typography to help you in research

reboot typography to help you in research

Responsive Web Design for Universal Access: 2019
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access: 2019Responsive Web Design for Universal Access: 2019
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access: 2019

Responsive web design allows a single website to be accessed from any device by adjusting the layout depending on screen size. It uses fluid grids, media queries, and scalable images to automatically adjust content for different devices. The key goals are to identify the main tasks users want to complete and design multiple views that optimize the experience for each context from mobile to desktop. Elements are adjusted via CSS rules that apply different styles based on screen width breakpoints. This allows a single responsive site to replace separate mobile and desktop sites.

uxdaccessibilityresponsive web
Choose responsive menu
strategy carefully
Resize & Reposition
Switch Horizontal to Vertical
Dropdown (Select) Menu
Toggle Menu Button
Left Slideout Menu
1. RESIZE & REposition (aka “do NOTHING”)
1. RESIZE & REposition
What a horizontal unordered list will naturally
Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible
• nav ul li ul { display:none; }
Use media queries to shrink fonts and
margins before, or to avoid, breaking to
multiple lines
1. RESIZE & REposition

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Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile DevicesOptimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices

Slides for my Adobe MAX 2011 presentation on Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices. In this hands-on lab, I explore the concept of developing a mobile strategy that approaches mobile as an equal partner in the design process, and explores techniques to help site content deploy across devices and contexts.

media queriesmobileoptimizing
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016

You can improve how well your website works and looks across different devices using responsive web design techniques. But did you know you can also improve access for all users, including those with disabilities, by applying responsive techniques? Learn how.

responsive webweb designmobile
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013

Presented with Christian Ståhl Everyone is talking about responsive design. But are you really ready to bring SharePoint to mobile and tablets? While you may have an idea of what your site will look like when finished, there are many basic concepts and pitfalls that aren’t always outlined in the “How To’s”. In this session, we will go through foundational steps to planning a responsive SharePoint site including how to handle a hybrid content scenario that uses publishing and team sites. You will learn what tools and templates can make your life easier during design, build and testing. If you are excited about the capability of bringing SharePoint to any device but not sure where to start, check out this session to get the foundational understanding of the concept, best practices and examples to get you started.

responsive designrwdmicrosoft sharepoint
1. RESIZE & REposition
When to use it?
Submenus don’t need to be accessed
Items will fit on one or two lines
Items not expected to change often
A solution without Javascript is desired
Minimal effort desired
2. Switch horizontal to vertical
2. Switch horizontal to vertical
Regular CSS:
• nav ul li { float:left; }
Mobile-size CSS:
• @media (max-width: 480px) {
nav ul li { float:none; !!
width:100%; }

Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible
• nav ul li ul { display:none; }
2. Switch horizontal to vertical
Tutorial to include dropdown submenus:

• Based on Suckerfish dropdowns
• Uses :hover to expand submenus

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Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

This document provides an overview of responsive web design. It defines responsive web design as an approach that aims to provide optimal viewing experiences across different devices. It discusses the history and alternatives to responsive design. The key aspects of responsive design are then explained, including fluid grids, flexible images, CSS media queries, and using the viewport meta tag. Tools for responsive design like Bootstrap and techniques like fluid layouts are also covered. Finally, resources for further learning about responsive web design are provided.

rwdresponsive web design
Designing for Everybody Workshop
Designing for Everybody WorkshopDesigning for Everybody Workshop
Designing for Everybody Workshop

The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on accessible, responsive, and universal design in Drupal. The workshop will cover introductions, standards and requirements for accessibility, using Drupal to meet accessibility standards, visual design considerations for accessibility, and creating accessible content. It provides details on the topics that will be discussed in each part of the workshop, including introductions, priorities and interests of attendees, definitions of key concepts like accessible first and universal design principles, and specific techniques and modules in Drupal.

Great Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web DesignGreat Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web Design

With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

responsive designresponsive web designmedia queries
2. Switch horizontal to vertical
When to use it?
Few main menu items
Longer page names
Can choose whether to include submenus
A solution without Javascript is desired
Minimal effort desired
3. dropdown (select) menu
3. dropdown (select) menu
Uses efficient native mobile controls
Use jQuery to dynamically swap:
<li><a href=“#”>…</a></li>
<option value=“#”>…</option>

Responsive & Responsible Web Design in DNN

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HTML5 apps for iOS (and probably beyond)
HTML5 apps for iOS (and probably beyond)HTML5 apps for iOS (and probably beyond)
HTML5 apps for iOS (and probably beyond)

The document discusses building HTML5 apps for iOS devices. Key points include: - HTML5 apps can be installed on devices, are cross-platform, and can be built and deployed quickly using familiar web techniques. - The document provides an example of an HTML5 notecard app called UNFLappABLE that stores user data locally for offline use. - Design considerations for touch interfaces, responsive layouts, and high-resolution graphics are discussed. Techniques like media queries, app caching, and local storage are also covered.

Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?
Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?
Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?

The document discusses whether a "one web" approach can accommodate diverse mobile users, including those with disabilities. It argues that while the same information may not be available across all devices, the web should provide reasonable access. Key points include: - Web standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can help create an accessible experience across devices when combined with guidelines like WCAG and MWBP. - Emerging technologies like CSS media queries, HTML5 and WAI-ARIA have the potential to further improve accessibility on mobile. - Developers should use progressive enhancement and set an accessible baseline first before advanced features to ensure an inclusive web.

html5cssmedia queries
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st CenturyWeb Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century

You know it's important for your web project to be accessible to people who use all kinds of assistive technology to access the internet. But all the guidelines for web accessibility you can find don't go much beyond "make sure all your images have alt text", and all the resources you can find treat "accessibility" as a synonym for "making your site work in a screen reader". You know there are other things you should be doing and other forms of assistive technology you should be accomodating, but all the best practices documents are a complicated morass of contradicting information (if you can find best practices documents at all.) Have no fear! This tutorial gives you a number of concrete steps to take to make things more accessible. This presentation has downloadable notes and exercises available at . Video of the talk should be available later.

3. dropdown (select) menu
Similar options that switch <ul> to <select>:
• TinyNav.js:
– Uses jQuery, small file size

• Responsive Menu:
– Uses jQuery, supports submenus, lots of settings

• SelectNav.js:
– Inspired by TinyNav, Independent (no jQuery),
supports submenus
3. dropdown (select) menu
When to use it?
Want mobile menu to fit in a small area
Want native controls for the mobile menu
More menu items and/or longer page names
Want submenus included
Ok with Javascript solution
4. Toggle menu button
4. Toggle menu button
Similar to switching a horizontal menu
to vertical, with the addition of hiding
the menu until clicked/touched
The markup:
<nav>! !
<a href="#" class=”
show-mobile">Main Menu</a>!

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HTML and Responsive Design
HTML and Responsive Design HTML and Responsive Design
HTML and Responsive Design

An introduction to responsive design and Web frameworks -- for journalism students. Shows various examples. Includes links to resources. Updated February 2014.

The future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web designThe future of BYU web design
The future of BYU web design

The document discusses redesigning the BYU website to be more responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes. It notes that the current layout is outdated since it was designed in 2007 for 1024x768 screens. Modern browsers come in a variety of sizes from mobile to desktop and beyond. The document recommends a mobile-first approach using responsive web design techniques like flexible grids, fluid images, and media queries to dynamically serve optimized layouts depending on screen width. It also advocates progressive enhancement and polyfills to gracefully support older browsers.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2

This is the same workshop from August, but about 40 new slides, mostly at the end. A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on September 11, 2012.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
4. Toggle menu button
Regular CSS:
.show-mobile { display: none; }
CSS to show the button and hide the menu for mobile:
@media (max-width: 768px) {! !
nav .show-mobile {
display: block; }
nav ul {!
display: none; }
jQuery for the menu toggle:
<script>! !
jQuery(".show-mobile").click(function () {
jQuery("nav ul").toggle("fast");!
4. Toggle menu button
An in-depth, mobile-first menu tutorial:
• Uses a mobile menu button toggle, and
includes submenus expanding on click
4. Toggle menu button
When to use it?
Want mobile menu to fit in a small area
Want a highly stylable, flexible option
More menu items and/or longer page names
Can choose whether to include submenus
Ok with Javascript solution
5. Left slideout Menu

Recommended for you

Going responsive
Going responsiveGoing responsive
Going responsive

Users are dropping their desktops/laptops in favor of their phone or tablet at an impressive rate. If these platforms make our site difficult to use it will create a negative impression on our users, ultimately costing our companies business. To survive this trend we must go responsive. This session will discuss the basic principals of a responsive site: Flexible Images, Media Queries, and Fluid Grids. Without the assistance of a framework we will face lift a non-responsive site. Lastly, we will compare and contrast several of the simple and complete responsive frameworks that are available today: Bootstrap, Foundation, and Responsive Grid System. #codemash

going responsivebootstrapresponsive web design

A visual identity is the heart and soul of a place, embodying its unique character and heritage. By carefully preserving this essence, we can ensure that new elements blend seamlessly, honoring the past while embracing the future.

Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe
Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ��꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model SafePaharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe
Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe

Paharganj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe

5. Left slideout Menu
• jPanelMenu - jQuery plugin:
• PageSlide - jQuery plugin:
• CSS-only solution:
5. Left slideout Menu
When to use it?
Want mobile menu to fit in a small area
Want a sleek mobile menu option
More menu items and/or longer page names
Ok with more advanced coding
Ok with Javascript (or CSS with limited browser support)
remember the viewport
Ensure mobile browsers will scale to view
your site correctly
Include in the <head> :
<meta name="viewport"
CHoose modules wisely
Choose modules that are have template
systems and easy-to-modify layouts.
Download demos and test
Avoid modules that use table layouts, inline
styling, and lack stylable classes and IDs
Expect to customize module layouts and
allow time for testing

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Professional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement EditingProfessional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement Editing
Professional Document Editing Services / Bank Statement Editing

Need to modify any document? Look no further! I offer expert editing services for all types of documents, ensuring accuracy and confidentiality. Whether you need adjustments for bank statements, certificates, bills, pay stubs, or any other documents, I can help. Contact me now for prompt and reliable editing services! Services Offered: • PDF Editing: Professional edits for all types of PDF documents. • Bank Statement Editing: Accurate and detailed edits for any bank statement. • Document Editing: Comprehensive edits for all kinds of documents. • Certificate Correction: Correct and improve certificates for clarity and accuracy. • Bill Editing: Modify and correct any bill details as needed. • Pay Stub Editing: Accurate editing of pay stubs for personal or professional use. • Anything You Want to Edit: Custom editing services tailored to your needs. #EditBankStatement #BankStatementEditing #Bank #StatementEdit #BankStatementEdit #BankStatementEditing #EditPaystubs #FinancialServices #Paystubs #CheckStubs #CheckStubService #BankServices #USA #Canada #Texas #California #America #UK #London #EditPDF #BankFiles #BankFinance #Statements #BankStatement #BankStatements #BankStatementLoan #EditBankStatementPhotoshop #EditBankStatementsFree #ExplorePage #Top #ForYou #FYP #Instagram #Documents #Edits #Photoshop #GraphicDesign #Illustrator #Illustration #Creative #Design #Designer #EditDrivingLicense #EditPaystubs #EditBankStatement #EditAnyDocument #Editing #Paystubs #PaystubServices #PaystubsNeeded #PaystubService #PaystubService #EditPDFOnlineFree #PDFToWord #PDFEditorFree #PDFEditorOnline #HowToEditABankStatement #FakeBankStatement #HowToEditBankStatementPDF #PDFEditor

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Product Showcase Presentation |slides sample.pptx
Product Showcase Presentation |slides sample.pptxProduct Showcase Presentation |slides sample.pptx
Product Showcase Presentation |slides sample.pptx

This PowerPoint presentation demonstrates my beginner skills in creating product showcases. It provides an overview of a specific product, showing my ability to gather key information and present it clearly. The presentation highlights my efforts to organize content logically and use basic visual aids effectively.

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Responsive & Responsible Web Design in DNN

  • 3. KNOW What A Responsive WebSITE is A fluid layout and flexible images adapted with media queries
  • 4. MISUSe the TERM Responsive vs. Adaptive A fluid grid layout Multiple fixed width layouts Additional changes applied with Media Queries Layout changes at set breakpoints (with Media Queries)
  • 5. LIMIT MOBILE CONTENT Mobile users are not just “on the go” Many people have mobile devices as their primary internet access The lines between mobile/tablet/desktop are becoming blurred Alternative to native mobile apps
  • 6. Prioritize Content Do a content audit and prioritization before any layout or design
  • 7. Think “mobile first” ... but you don’t HAVE to develop mobile first Consider: If it isn’t needed on mobile, is it even needed on desktop???
  • 11. Design with dev in mind Pay attention to order and flow Limit large or complex graphics Know what CSS can do
  • 12. Create a style Guide • Show available design elements • Code modular HTML/CSS building blocks • Include baseline typography, UI elements (buttons, form constructs, etc) • Easier to test and improve workflow between multiple team members Front end styleguide collection:
  • 14. Use a fluid grid <div class=”row”> <div id="ContentPane" runat="server" class=”col two-third” /> <div id="SmallRightPane" runat="server" class=”col third” /> </div> <div class=”row”> <div id="LeftPane" runat="server" class=”col half” /> <div id="RightPane" runat="server" class=”col half” /> </div>
  • 15. Use a fluid grid .half { .third { .two-third { .fourth { .three-fourth{ .fifth { .two-fifth { .three-fifth { .four-fifth { .col { width: 50%; } width: 33.333333333333%;} width: 66.66666666667%;} width: 25%; } width: 75%; } width: 20%; } width: 40%; } width: 60%; } width: 80%; } padding: 10px; float: left; box-sizing: border-box; }
  • 16. Use the new box model Standard box model: New box model: Padding & border added on to the width/height Padding & border subtracted from width/height box-sizing: border-box box-sizing: border-box
  • 17. Set fixed-width spacing #LeftColumn { padding: 10px 20px;! -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box;! box-sizing:border-box; } #RightColumn { padding: 10px;! -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box;! box-sizing:border-box; border: 1px solid #627A7E; } IE Polyfill: (Natively supported in IE8+)
  • 18. DO a lot of math Widths set with percentage are relative to their container element
  • 19. Keep it simple #ContentLeft {   float: left; width: 60%; padding-right: 40px; box-sizing: border-box; } #ContentRight {    float: left; width: 40%; box-sizing: border-box; }
  • 20. use media queries Media queries serve different CSS based on your browser size or type. In your Skin CSS file, define regular (desktop) styles, then: • • • • @media @media @media @media (max-width: (max-width: (max-width: (max-width: 900px) 720px) 480px) 320px) { { { { } } } }
  • 21. use media queries Or, go “mobile first”: • @media (min-width: 480px) { • @media (min-width: 720px) { • Etc… Better for performance! } }
  • 22. USE pre-determined, Specific breakpoints Set breakpoints when you need them!
  • 23. use browser fallbacks @media only works in IE 9 + • Javascript polyfill for IE 8 and below: – – Adds support for media queries set with min-width/max-width • For wider media query support: – • Or use conditional comments to link to IE CSS
  • 24. set font sizes with rem’s • html { font-size: 62.5%; } • body { font-size: font-size: { font-size: • h1 font-size: 14px; 1.4rem; } 24px; 2.4rem; } • Can change body size % in @media to adjust all site fonts
  • 25. create scalable headlines for text headlines that dynamically fit the width of its surrounding element.
  • 26. USE ICON FONTS Always crisp, no pixelization or multiple image sizes needed Easily change size, color, and shadows using CSS MORE (
  • 27. Set media max-widths Ensure media does not break outside of set container: • img, object, embed, iframe, video { max-width:100%; }
  • 28. set inline media sizes Do not set height or width of images or media in the DNN editor Do not upload media larger than the maximum size that you want it to display
  • 29. create scalable video for fluid width video embeds
  • 30. OVERuse display:none display:none • Hide unnecessary content for mobile • Add mobile only content with display:none in the regular CSS Use Sparingly! Don’t limit content
  • 31. OVERuse display:none Important Note: display:none hides content but (generally) does not improve performance! Hiding images: Setting parent element to display:none will prevent the image from being loaded.
  • 32. Use menus that use unordered lists Menu modules that use unordered lists can be made responsive <nav> <ul> <li><a href="/”>Home</a></li> <li><a href="/About.aspx">About</a> <ul> <li><a href=”/About/Bio.aspx”>Bio</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/Speaking.aspx">Speaking</a></li> <li><a href="/Contact.aspx">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>
  • 33. Choose responsive menu strategy carefully OPTIONS: Resize & Reposition Switch Horizontal to Vertical Dropdown (Select) Menu Toggle Menu Button Left Slideout Menu
  • 34. 1. RESIZE & REposition (aka “do NOTHING”)
  • 35. 1. RESIZE & REposition What a horizontal unordered list will naturally do Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible elsewhere) • nav ul li ul { display:none; } Use media queries to shrink fonts and margins before, or to avoid, breaking to multiple lines
  • 36. 1. RESIZE & REposition Tutorial: code-a-responsive-navigation-menu
  • 37. 1. RESIZE & REposition When to use it? Submenus don’t need to be accessed Items will fit on one or two lines Items not expected to change often A solution without Javascript is desired Minimal effort desired
  • 38. 2. Switch horizontal to vertical
  • 39. 2. Switch horizontal to vertical Regular CSS: • nav ul li { float:left; } Mobile-size CSS: • @media (max-width: 480px) { nav ul li { float:none; !! ! width:100%; } } Can hide submenu dropdowns (If accessible elsewhere) • nav ul li ul { display:none; }
  • 40. 2. Switch horizontal to vertical Tutorial to include dropdown submenus: • Based on Suckerfish dropdowns • Uses :hover to expand submenus
  • 41. 2. Switch horizontal to vertical When to use it? Few main menu items Longer page names Can choose whether to include submenus A solution without Javascript is desired Minimal effort desired
  • 43. 3. dropdown (select) menu Uses efficient native mobile controls Use jQuery to dynamically swap: <nav> <ul> <li><a href=“#”>…</a></li> </ul> </nav> -to<nav> <select> <option value=“#”>…</option> </select> </nav> From:
  • 45. 3. dropdown (select) menu Similar options that switch <ul> to <select>: • TinyNav.js: – Uses jQuery, small file size – • Responsive Menu: – Uses jQuery, supports submenus, lots of settings – • SelectNav.js: – Inspired by TinyNav, Independent (no jQuery), supports submenus –
  • 46. 3. dropdown (select) menu When to use it? Want mobile menu to fit in a small area Want native controls for the mobile menu More menu items and/or longer page names Want submenus included Ok with Javascript solution
  • 47. 4. Toggle menu button
  • 48. 4. Toggle menu button Similar to switching a horizontal menu to vertical, with the addition of hiding the menu until clicked/touched The markup: <nav>! ! ! <a href="#" class=” show-mobile">Main Menu</a>! <ul><li>…</li></ul>! </nav>
  • 49. 4. Toggle menu button Regular CSS: .show-mobile { display: none; } CSS to show the button and hide the menu for mobile: @media (max-width: 768px) {! ! nav .show-mobile { display: block; } nav ul {! display: none; } } jQuery for the menu toggle: <script>! ! jQuery(".show-mobile").click(function () { jQuery("nav ul").toggle("fast");! }); <script>
  • 50. 4. Toggle menu button An in-depth, mobile-first menu tutorial: • responsive-mobile-first-navigation-menu • Uses a mobile menu button toggle, and includes submenus expanding on click
  • 51. 4. Toggle menu button When to use it? Want mobile menu to fit in a small area Want a highly stylable, flexible option More menu items and/or longer page names Can choose whether to include submenus Ok with Javascript solution
  • 53. 5. Left slideout Menu Tutorials: • jPanelMenu - jQuery plugin: • PageSlide - jQuery plugin: • CSS-only solution:
  • 54. 5. Left slideout Menu When to use it? Want mobile menu to fit in a small area Want a sleek mobile menu option More menu items and/or longer page names Ok with more advanced coding Ok with Javascript (or CSS with limited browser support)
  • 55. remember the viewport Ensure mobile browsers will scale to view your site correctly Include in the <head> : <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width”>
  • 56. CHoose modules wisely Choose modules that are have template systems and easy-to-modify layouts. Download demos and test Avoid modules that use table layouts, inline styling, and lack stylable classes and IDs Expect to customize module layouts and allow time for testing
  • 57. Resources • Responsive Web Design (A Book Apart 4): Ethan Marcotte • Implementing Responsive Design: Tim Kadlec • This is Responsive: Patterns, resources, news • •
  • 58. Questions? Amelia Marschall-Miller Gravity Works Design + Development Partner & Creative Director @MimiAmelia