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What can you do with
Lambda in 2020?
Yan Cui, @theburningmonk
What do you mean by
What can you do with lambda in 2020

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How to build observability into a serverless application
How to build observability into a serverless applicationHow to build observability into a serverless application
How to build observability into a serverless application

Serverless introduces a number of challenges to existing tools for observability, we need to adapt our practices to fit this new paradigm. In this talk, we will discuss how we can build observability into a serverless application. We will see how you can implement log aggregation, distributed tracing and correlation IDs through both synchronous as well as asynchronous events.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Linuxtag 2012 - OpenNebula
Linuxtag 2012 - OpenNebula  Linuxtag 2012 - OpenNebula
Linuxtag 2012 - OpenNebula

This document provides an overview and summary of OpenNebula, an open-source solution for data center virtualization. It discusses OpenNebula from the perspectives of cloud consumers, providers and integrators. Key features highlighted include multi-tenancy, interoperability, flexibility, proven infrastructure agnostic capabilities. Examples are given of companies and research institutions using OpenNebula for hosting, cloud products, industry applications, and scientific research.

linux linuxtag opennebula virtualization vmware kv
Serverless Architecture
Serverless ArchitectureServerless Architecture
Serverless Architecture

The document discusses serverless architecture and function as a service (FaaS). It notes that serverless allows developers to deploy code as independent functions that are triggered by events and only charge when functions run, scaling automatically. Functions have no disk access and are stateless, running in ephemeral containers. Serverless fits well for static websites, data stream analysis, file processing, and actions users directly pay for on demand. The document outlines Amazon's serverless ecosystem and provides an example architecture and use cases. It also discusses benefits like lower costs and easier scaling but notes potential drawbacks around vendor lock-in and cold starts.

Gojko Adzic
It is serverless the same way
WiFi is wireless.
Serverless means…
don’t pay for it if no-one uses it
don’t need to worry about scaling
don’t need to provision and manage servers
in other words, it’s a lot like taking a cab
To get there!
Focus on
getting there!

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Building a PaaS with Docker and AWS
Building a PaaS with Docker and AWSBuilding a PaaS with Docker and AWS
Building a PaaS with Docker and AWS

Eric Holmes from Remind discussed building an internal Platform as a Service (PaaS) called Empire using Docker and Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS). Remind started on Heroku but encountered issues with scaling and visibility. Empire provides a management layer on top of ECS for deploying and scaling microservices. It implements a subset of the Heroku API and provides a single binary and CLI. Empire is running 15 of Remind's production services on ECS with improved performance over Heroku. A demo was shown of deploying a sample app with Empire.

cloud computingamazon web servicescloud
Introduction to Serverless
Introduction to ServerlessIntroduction to Serverless
Introduction to Serverless

Covers the concept behind serverless architectures, how Functions as a Service (FaaS) work and how to deploy such a serverless function.

serverlessaws lambdafaas
DevOps, Microservices and Serverless Architecture
DevOps, Microservices and Serverless ArchitectureDevOps, Microservices and Serverless Architecture
DevOps, Microservices and Serverless Architecture

This document provides an overview and summary of DevOps, microservices, and serverless architecture. It discusses key concepts like DevOps and how it relates to software delivery. Microservices and their rise in popularity for building loosely coupled services. Serverless architecture and how it abstracts away infrastructure management. It also summarizes different AWS services that can be used to build microservices and serverless applications, like ECS, Lambda, API Gateway, and provides examples of architectures using these services.

HW Ownership
Runtime & Scale
Focus on
getting there!
Containers Serverless
What can you do with lambda in 2020
API Gateway IOT Core SNS SQS S3
by demand

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Serverless Computing
Serverless Computing Serverless Computing
Serverless Computing

For Graduates Technical Seminars. and its a combination of all open source tools which is used to Serverless Computing, in this, I concluded

serverlessawsapache oen whisk
AWS CDK introduction
AWS CDK introductionAWS CDK introduction
AWS CDK introduction

This document provides an overview of a presentation about quick stack building using AWS CDK and infrastructure as code. The presentation introduces AWS CDK and infrastructure as code, discusses CloudFormation and CDK, and provides tips. Slides from the presentation will be made available online later.

API310 - How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps
API310 - How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 stepsAPI310 - How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps
API310 - How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps

Refactoring a monolith to serverless can be intimidating, but there are discrete steps that you can take to simplify the process. In this chalk talk, we outline eight steps for successfully refactoring your monolith and highlight key decision points such as language and tooling choices. Through real-world examples of successful migrations, we uncover common mistakes, useful techniques for identifying components for migration and service boundaries, and processes for migrating large amounts of data without downtime. Bring your refactoring challenges to this interactive session to see how these techniques can be applied in the context of your own application.

serverlessawsaws lambda
scales to zero
don’t pay
for idle
multi-AZ by
built-in load

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[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis
[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1]  Serverless  Real-Time Analysis[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1]  Serverless  Real-Time Analysis
[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis

This document discusses using serverless architecture for real-time analysis. It describes using API Gateway and Lambda functions to process streaming data from Kinesis and index it into Elasticsearch. The architecture provides real-time analysis at a low cost by automatically scaling Lambda as event volume increases and decreases. Key benefits of the serverless approach include flexible scaling, increased efficiency, simplified deployment and management, and focusing only on code.

Lambda and DynamoDB best practices
Lambda and DynamoDB best practicesLambda and DynamoDB best practices
Lambda and DynamoDB best practices

This document contains a summary of best practices for using Lambda and DynamoDB presented by Yan Cui. Some key recommendations include implementing observability from the start by using metrics and alerts to monitor performance, creating separate AWS accounts for each team and environment, loading secrets securely from SSM Parameter Store at runtime, following the principle of least privilege with IAM policies, parallelizing functions where possible, and various DynamoDB optimizations like using DocumentClient and PAY_PER_REQUEST billing. The document emphasizes that best practices depend on individual contexts and situations.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Serverless computing
Serverless computingServerless computing
Serverless computing

In this presentation we will discuss the evolution of IaaS, PaaS, CaaS, FaaS and how serverless computing is beneficial and what are the challenges we have faced so far

global tables
AWS user for 10 years
Yan Cui
Yan Cui

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Apply best parts of microservices to serverless
Apply best parts of microservices to serverlessApply best parts of microservices to serverless
Apply best parts of microservices to serverless

Whenever a new paradigm comes along, we often cast the previous incumbents as relics to be forgotten by history, only to then repeat the same mistakes as they once did. On the surface Serverless has revolutionised how we build and run software, but deep down we are still building microservices and face the same challenges. As more of us adopt Serverless and build increasingly complex systems using this new paradigm, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the lessons others have learnt about building microservices and how they can be applied to our Serverless applications.

serverlessawsaws lambda
What makes me to migrate entire VPC JAWS PANKRATION 2021
What makes me to migrate entire VPC JAWS PANKRATION 2021What makes me to migrate entire VPC JAWS PANKRATION 2021
What makes me to migrate entire VPC JAWS PANKRATION 2021

2021/11/21 JAWS PANKRATION 2021で発表した時の資料です。 日本語版の資料は以下です。

Communication tool & Environment for Remote Worker
Communication tool & Environment for Remote WorkerCommunication tool & Environment for Remote Worker
Communication tool & Environment for Remote Worker

Shotaro Sakamaki is a front-end engineer at PixelGrid.Inc, a company that develops JavaScript applications. He discusses the communication tools and development environment used by PixelGrid's remote workers. Key tools mentioned include Slack for chat, for documentation sharing, GitHub for source control, and ZenHub as a GitHub extension. Costs for these paid services range from $3.99 to $6.67 per user per month. While costs may seem high, the speaker argues they replace expenses from maintaining multiple free tools and reduce invisible maintenance costs.

Developer Advocate @
Yan Cui
What can you do with lambda in 2020
Yan Cui
Independent Consultant
advisetraining delivery

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Architectural changes with serverless
Architectural changes with serverlessArchitectural changes with serverless
Architectural changes with serverless

As we move into the world of Serverless, there are a few architectural changes that we are starting to see amongst the early adopters.

serverlessawsaws lambda
What's better than Microservices? Serverless Microservices
What's better than Microservices? Serverless MicroservicesWhat's better than Microservices? Serverless Microservices
What's better than Microservices? Serverless Microservices

Serverless isn't a fad, it's a real and viable architectural principle for developing and deploying microservices with very little operational overhead. Learn why and how to get started and be successful.

Serveless design patterns
Serveless design patternsServeless design patterns
Serveless design patterns

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your AWS account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with AWS Lambda, and learn how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Amongst the many patterns we'll explore, here are a few to whet your appetite : pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Learn GraphQL and AppSync by building a
Twitter clone with these technologies
API Gateway Lambda DynamoDB
API Gateway

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Running serverless at scale
Running serverless at scaleRunning serverless at scale
Running serverless at scale

In this talk, we will discuss some of the things to consider when running a serverless architecture at scale. How to think about and manage cold starts, and strategy for scaling out the app beyond the basic limits, and more.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Serverless Design Patterns
Serverless Design PatternsServerless Design Patterns
Serverless Design Patterns

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your AWS account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with AWS Lambda, and learn how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Amongst the many patterns we'll explore, here are a few to whet your appetite : pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Serverless Design Patterns
Serverless Design PatternsServerless Design Patterns
Serverless Design Patterns

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your AWS account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with AWS Lambda, and learn how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Amongst the many patterns we'll explore, here are a few to whet your appetite : pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
API Gateway
over 70% cheaper
1 LCU gives you
25 new connections per second
3000 active connections per minute
0.4 GB per hour for Lambda function targets
1000 rule evaluations per second
* averaged over an hour
1 TPS, 200ms avg latency, 1KB data processing / req
API Gateway
$2.5921 x 60s x 60m x 24hr x 30days
@ $1.00 per hour
24hr x 30days @ $0.0225 per hour
1 x 24hr x 30days @ $0.008 per hour
$9.0721 x 60s x 60m x 24hr x 30days
@ $3.50 per hour
1,000 TPS, 200ms avg latency, 1KB data processing / req
API Gateway
$25921000 x 60s x 60m x 24hr x 30days
@ $1.00 per hour
24hr x 30days @ $0.0225 per hour
40 x 24hr x 30days @ $0.008 per hour
$90721000 x 60s x 60m x 24hr x 30days
@ $3.50 per hour

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Serveless design patterns (VoxxedDays Luxembourg)
Serveless design patterns (VoxxedDays Luxembourg)Serveless design patterns (VoxxedDays Luxembourg)
Serveless design patterns (VoxxedDays Luxembourg)

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your AWS account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with AWS Lambda, and learn how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Amongst the many patterns we'll explore, here are a few to whet your appetite : pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
agile microservices @scaibo
agile microservices @scaiboagile microservices @scaibo
agile microservices @scaibo

The document discusses agile microservices and their advantages over monolithic architectures. It describes how to decompose a monolithic real estate management application into independent microservices for properties, facilities, and engineering. Microservices allow for improved independence, speed of development, automation, and use of different technologies. Inter-service communication can occur over REST, HTTP, or AMQP, while an API gateway pattern hides service complexity from clients. Cloud computing platforms like Docker and Convox can deploy and manage containerized microservices. The Internet of Things connects physical devices to these services over protocols like MQTT and WebSocket.

Serverless Architectural Patterns
Serverless Architectural PatternsServerless Architectural Patterns
Serverless Architectural Patterns

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with Lambda, and how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Here are a few patterns that we'll cover in the talk: pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
services that pay by uptime are orders-of-magnitude
cheaper when running at scale
“What about cold starts? I need predictable latency!”
first, try to optimize cold start duration so
they’re within acceptable latency range
then, consider using Provisioned Concurrency as a fallback

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Serverless Design Patterns (London Dev Community)
Serverless Design Patterns (London Dev Community)Serverless Design Patterns (London Dev Community)
Serverless Design Patterns (London Dev Community)

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your AWS account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with AWS Lambda, and learn how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Amongst the many patterns we'll explore, here are a few to whet your appetite : pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Serveless Design Patterns (Serverless Computing London)
Serveless Design Patterns (Serverless Computing London)Serveless Design Patterns (Serverless Computing London)
Serveless Design Patterns (Serverless Computing London)

Serverless technologies like AWS Lambda has drastically simplified the task of building reactive systems - drop a file into S3 and a Lambda function would be triggered to process it, push an event into a Kinesis stream and magically it'll be processed by a Lambda function in real-time, you can even use Lambda to automate the process of auditing and securing your account by automatically reacting to rule violations to your security policy. Join us in this talk to see some architectural design patterns that have emerged with Lambda, and how to pick the right event source based on the tradeoffs you want. Here are a few patterns that we'll cover in the talk: pub-sub, cron, push-pull, saga and decoupled invocation.

serverlessawsaws lambda
AWS March 2016 Webinar Series Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
AWS March 2016 Webinar Series   Getting Started with Serverless ArchitecturesAWS March 2016 Webinar Series   Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
AWS March 2016 Webinar Series Getting Started with Serverless Architectures

Serverless Architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage the infrastructure. With serverless architectures on AWS, your application still runs on servers, but all the server management is done by AWS. In this webinar, you will learn how to build applications and services using a serverless architecture. We will discuss how you can use AWS Lambda to run code for any type of application or backend service; use Amazon DynamoDB to store application data with high scalability and redundancy; and use Amazon API Gateway to create and manage secure API endpoints. We will also run through a demo setting up a web application using this architecture, and discuss best practices and patterns used by our customers to run serverless applications. Learning Objectives: • Understand the basics of serverless architectures • Learn how to use Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to run web applications Who Should Attend: • Developers, web developers

amazon web serviceslambdacloud computing
“What about websockets?”
API Gateway AppSync IoT Core
API Gateway AppSync IoT Core

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Getting Started with Serverless Architectures - August 2016 Monthly Webinar S...
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures - August 2016 Monthly Webinar S...Getting Started with Serverless Architectures - August 2016 Monthly Webinar S...
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures - August 2016 Monthly Webinar S...

Serverless architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage infrastructure. With serverless architectures, your application still runs on servers, but all the server management is done by AWS . In this webinar, you will learn how to build applications and services using a serverless architecture. We will discuss how you can use AWS Lambda to run code for any type of application or backend service; use Amazon DynamoDB to store application data with high scalability and redundancy; and use Amazon API Gateway to create and manage secure API endpoints. We will run through a demo setting up a web application using this architecture, and we will discuss best practices and patterns used by our customers to run serverless applications. Learning Objectives: • Understand the basics of serverless architectures • Learn how to use Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB to run web applications

awswebinarcloud computing
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless ArchitecturesGetting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures

Serverless architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage infrastructure. With serverless architectures, your application still runs on servers, but all the server management is done by AWS. In this session, you will learn how to build applications and services using a serverless architecture. We will discuss how you can use AWS Lambda to run code for any type of application or backend service; Amazon DynamoDB to store application data with high scalability and redundancy; and Amazon API Gateway to create and manage secure API endpoints. We will run through a demo setting up a web application using this architecture, and we will discuss best practices and patterns used by our customers to run serverless applications.

aws summit 2016andrew bairdaws
Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverless
Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverlessJourney to the cloud, the why and how of serverless
Journey to the cloud, the why and how of serverless

In this talk, we will look at the evolution from on-premise to the cloud with VMs and containers, and then to serverless.

serverlessawsaws lambda
API Gateway
API Gateway
OnConnect DynamoDB
API Gateway
OnConnect DynamoDB
API Gateway DynamoDBLambda

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Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless ArchitecturesGetting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures

The document discusses serverless architectures using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. It provides background on moving from monolithic to microservices architectures. It then covers AWS Lambda functions, event sources, and networking environments. Amazon API Gateway is presented as a way to build multi-tier serverless applications. Common serverless architecture patterns and best practices for AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and general serverless development are outlined. The document concludes with a demonstration of a simple CRUD backend using Lambda and DynamoDB with API Gateway.

awslambdaapi gateway
How to build and deploy serverless apps - AWS Summit Cape Town 2018
How to build and deploy serverless apps - AWS Summit Cape Town 2018How to build and deploy serverless apps - AWS Summit Cape Town 2018
How to build and deploy serverless apps - AWS Summit Cape Town 2018

This document provides an overview of serverless computing on AWS and how to build and deploy serverless applications. It discusses what serverless computing is, common use cases, serverless patterns using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway, examples of what customers are building, and how to do safe deployments of serverless apps using the AWS Serverless Application Model and AWS CodeDeploy.

awsamazon web servicesaws summit cape town 2018
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless ArchitecturesGetting Started with Serverless Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless Architectures

Learn about the benefits of serverless architectures and the basics of the serverless stack AWS provides.

amazon web servicesawschuck-meyer
API Gateway DynamoDBLambda
low-level construct where YOU have to
manage connection mapping
no support for broadcasts
(e.g. broadcasting to a million connected users equates to fetching 1M
items from DynamoDB and then make 1M API calls to API Gateway…)
API Gateway AppSync IoT Core

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Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing
Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Serverless ComputingGetting Started with AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing
Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing

by Rahul Sareen, Sr. IoT Consultant, AWS Professional Services Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications without the need for provisioning or managing servers. With serverless computing, you can build web, mobile, and IoT backends; run stream processing or big data workloads; run chatbots, and more. In this session, you’ll learn how to get started with serverless computing with AWS Lambda, which lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. We’ll introduce you to the basics of building with Lambda and how you can benefit from features such as continuous scaling, built-in high availability, integrations with AWS and third-party apps, and subsecond metering pricing. We’ll also introduce you to the broader portfolio of AWS services that help you build serverless applications with Lambda, including Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, and more.

awsamazon web servicescloud
Getting Started with AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud
Getting Started with AWS Lambda and the Serverless CloudGetting Started with AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud
Getting Started with AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud

This document summarizes a presentation given at the AWS London Summit in July 2016 about getting started with AWS Lambda and serverless computing. It discusses what serverless computing is and how it differs from virtual machines and containers. It also outlines some common use cases for AWS Lambda like data processing, backend services, and gluing systems together. The presentation covers topics like how to choose between Lambda, EC2, and ECS, recent updates to Lambda, best practices for using Lambda with VPC, and a customer case study from Parallax about building serverless applications.

Webinar: Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda and MongoDB Atlas
Webinar: Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda and MongoDB AtlasWebinar: Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda and MongoDB Atlas
Webinar: Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda and MongoDB Atlas

It’s easier than ever to power serverless architectures with our managed MongoDB as a service, MongoDB Atlas. In this session, we will explore the rise of serverless architectures and how they’ve rapidly integrated into public and private cloud offerings.

serverless architecturemongodb atlasaws
What can you do with lambda in 2020
What can you do with lambda in 2020
What can you do with lambda in 2020
scalable, easy to use, but requires GraphQL

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Primeros pasos con arquitecturas serverless
Primeros pasos con arquitecturas serverlessPrimeros pasos con arquitecturas serverless
Primeros pasos con arquitecturas serverless

This document provides an overview of serverless architectures using AWS Lambda. It discusses how serverless architectures address issues with monolithic applications by removing the need to manage servers. AWS Lambda allows running code without provisioning servers by executing functions in response to events. Other key services that enable serverless architectures like Amazon API Gateway and a variety of event sources are also covered. The document outlines several serverless architecture patterns and best practices for building applications using AWS Lambda. It concludes by sharing references to serverless reference architectures on GitHub.

2016madridsummitawsaws summit
How to win the game of trade-offs
How to win the game of trade-offsHow to win the game of trade-offs
How to win the game of trade-offs

Delivered at the Serverless Summit 2022. Learn how to design serverless systems and tip the balance of trade-offs in your favour. To learn how to build production-grade serverless applications, check out my upcoming workshops at and get 15% off with the code "serverlesssummit22".

awsaws lambdaserverless
How to choose the right messaging service
How to choose the right messaging serviceHow to choose the right messaging service
How to choose the right messaging service

At the heart of every event-driven architecture is a conduit for messages to flow through. AWS offers many services that can act as such conduit - EventBridge, SNS, SQS, Kinesis, DynamoDB streams, MSK, IOT Core and Amazon MQ just to name a few! These services have different characteristics and trade-offs around performance, scalability and cost. Picking the right service for your workload is not always easy. In this talk, let’s talk about how to pick the right messaging service to use in your event-driven architecture and play the game of trade-offs to your advantage.

API Gateway AppSync IoT Core
What can you do with lambda in 2020
requires sig v4 signing
(possibly using credentials obtained through Cognito Identity Pool)
messages are always MQTT messages

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How to choose the right messaging service for your workload
How to choose the right messaging service for your workloadHow to choose the right messaging service for your workload
How to choose the right messaging service for your workload

At the heart of every event-driven architecture is a conduit for messages to flow through. AWS offers many services that can act as such conduit - EventBridge, SNS, SQS, Kinesis, DynamoDB streams, MSK, IOT Core and Amazon MQ just to name a few! These services have different characteristics and trade-offs around performance, scalability and cost. Picking the right service for your workload is not always easy. In this talk, let’s talk about how to pick the right messaging service to use in your event-driven architecture and play the game of trade-offs to your advantage.

Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications.pdf
Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications.pdfPatterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications.pdf
Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications.pdf

Lambda gives you multi-AZ out-of-the-box, but still, things can go wrong in production. There are region-wide outages, and performance degradation in services your function depends on can cause it to time out or error. And what if you're dealing with downstream systems that just aren't as scalable and can't handle the load you put on them? The bottom line is many things can go wrong and they often do at the worst of times. The goal of building resilient systems is not to prevent failures, but to build systems that can withstand these failures. In this talk, we will look at a number of practices and architectural patterns that can help you build more resilient serverless applications. Such as multi-region, active-active, employing DLQs and surge queues. We'll also see how we can use chaos experiments to help us identify failure modes before they manifest in production.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Lessons from running AppSync in prod
Lessons from running AppSync in prodLessons from running AppSync in prod
Lessons from running AppSync in prod

This document provides lessons learned from running three AppSync projects in production over 18 months. It discusses preferences for using VTL over Lambda resolvers for CRUD operations due to VTL being faster, cheaper and simpler. It also recommends per-resolver caching over full request caching. Other tips include not leaving logging on full in production, handling user errors gracefully, planning for nested CloudFormation stacks for large projects, and modeling multi-tenancy using Cognito groups and attributes.

“What if I want to build a GraphQL API instead of REST?”
schema server data sources
AWS AppSync
scalable & multi-az out of the box

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Serverless observability - a hero's perspective
Serverless observability - a hero's perspectiveServerless observability - a hero's perspective
Serverless observability - a hero's perspective

Yan Cui, an AWS Serverless Hero, will talk about the learnings from using serverless at scale. He will cover the challenges for observability in serverless asynchronous workloads and the patterns to address those challenges, like using centralized logging, correlation IDs, tracing, lambda extensions.

awsserverlessaws lambda
How to ship customer value faster with step functions
How to ship customer value faster with step functionsHow to ship customer value faster with step functions
How to ship customer value faster with step functions

Learn all about AWS Step Functions and how to use them to model business workflows and ship customer values quickly. In this session, we will talk about what is Step Functions, how to model business workflows as state machines, real-world case studies, and design patterns. By the end of this webinar, you should have a good idea of where Step Functions fit into your application and why you should use them (and why not!) to model workflows instead of building a custom solution yourself.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Why your next serverless project should use AWS AppSync
Why your next serverless project should use AWS AppSyncWhy your next serverless project should use AWS AppSync
Why your next serverless project should use AWS AppSync

In this webinar, Yan Cui and Lumigo Software Engineer Guy Moses will discuss some of the power of GraphQL and AppSync and why AppSync + Lambda + DynamoDB should be your stack of choice in 2021 and beyond!

AWS AppSync
scalable & multi-az out of the box
pay as you use ($4.00 per Million)
AWS AppSync
scalable & multi-az out of the box
pay as you use ($4.00 per Million)
built-in caching (extra $)
AWS AppSync
scalable & multi-az out of the box
pay as you use ($4.00 per Million)
built-in caching (extra $)
built-in metrics through CloudWatch
built-in logging through CloudWatch Logs
AWS AppSync
scalable & multi-az out of the box
pay as you use ($4.00 per Million)
built-in caching (extra $)
built-in metrics through CloudWatch
built-in logging through CloudWatch Logs
no servers to manage

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Build social network in 4 weeks
Build social network in 4 weeksBuild social network in 4 weeks
Build social network in 4 weeks

Serverless technologies drastically simplify the task of building modern, scalable APIs in the cloud, and GraphQL makes it easy for frontend teams to consume these APIs and to iterate quickly on your product idea. Together, they are a perfect combination for a product-focused, full-stack team to deliver customer values quickly. In this talk, see how we built a new social network mobile app in under 4 weeks using Lambda, AppSync, DynamoDB and Algolia. How we approached CI/CD, testing, authentication and lessons we learnt along the way. Real-world serverless podcast: Learn Lambda best practices: Blog: Consulting services: Production-Ready Serverless workshop:

serverlessawsaws lambda
Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications
Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applicationsPatterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications
Patterns and practices for building resilient serverless applications

Lambda gives you multi-AZ out-of-the-box, but still, things can go wrong in production. There are region-wide outages, and performance degradation in services your function depends on can cause it to time out or error. And what if you're dealing with downstream systems that just aren't as scalable and can't handle the load you put on them? The bottom line is many things can go wrong and they often do at the worst of times. The goal of building resilient systems is not to prevent failures, but to build systems that can withstand these failures. In this talk, we will look at a number of practices and architectural patterns that can help you build more resilient serverless applications. Such as multi-region, active-active, employing DLQs and surge queues. We'll also see how we can use chaos experiments to help us identify failure modes before they manifest in production

serverlessawsaws lambda
How to bring chaos engineering to serverless
How to bring chaos engineering to serverlessHow to bring chaos engineering to serverless
How to bring chaos engineering to serverless

You might have heard about chaos engineering in the context of Netflix and Amazon, and how they kill EC2 servers in production at random to verify that their systems can stay up in the face of infrastructure failures. But did you know that the same ideas can be applied to serverless applications? Yes, despite not having access to the underlying servers, we can still apply principles of chaos engineering to uncover failure modes in our system (and there are plenty!) so we can build a defence against them and make our serverless applications more robust and more resilient!

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“Can I implement data pipelines with serverless?”
Kinesis Lambda

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Migrating existing monolith to serverless in 8 steps
Migrating existing monolith to serverless in 8 stepsMigrating existing monolith to serverless in 8 steps
Migrating existing monolith to serverless in 8 steps

The document discusses refactoring a monolithic application to a serverless architecture in 8 steps. It covers identifying service boundaries, organizing code into separate repositories for each service, choosing deployment tools, keeping functions simple and single-purpose, and migrating features to new services incrementally while maintaining compatibility with the existing monolith. The goal is to break the application into small, autonomous services that can be developed and deployed independently for improved scalability, resilience and development velocity.

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Building a social network in under 4 weeks with Serverless and GraphQL
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Building a social network in under 4 weeks with Serverless and GraphQL

This document discusses how a social network was built in under 4 weeks using serverless architecture and GraphQL. A small team including 1 full-time front-end developer for mobile, 1 full-time front-end developer for CMS, and 1 part-time back-end developer completed the project in approximately 7, 3, and 4 weeks respectively. AWS services like Cognito, AppSync, DynamoDB, Lambda, S3, and CloudFront were used to build the backend. An AWS organization structure was also implemented for production, staging, and development environments.

awsaws lambdaserverless
FinDev as a business advantage in the post covid19 economy
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FinDev as a business advantage in the post covid19 economy

The document discusses how businesses can gain a competitive advantage in the post-COVID economy through the use of serverless technologies on AWS. It notes that consumers and businesses will have less revenue due to the pandemic, requiring companies to become more efficient. Serverless computing allows companies to focus on business logic rather than infrastructure management and reduces costs since customers only pay for resources used. This creates an opportunity for new variable cost business models and more agile, competitive companies through the use of serverless technologies like AWS Lambda and API Gateway.

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Kinesis Lambda
Firehose S3 Athena
Kinesis Lambda
Firehose S3 Athena
Kinesis Analytics Lambda
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Firehose S3 Athena
Kinesis Analytics Firehose
Kinesis Lambda
Firehose S3 Athena
Kinesis Analytics Kinesis

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A chaos experiment a day, keeping the outage away
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A chaos experiment a day, keeping the outage away

Presented at ServerlessDays Warsaw Recording: You might have heard about chaos engineering in the context of Netflix and Amazon, and how they kill EC2 servers in production at random to verify that their systems can stay up in the face of infrastructure failures. But did you know that the same ideas can be applied to serverless applications? Yes, despite not having access to the underlying servers, we can still apply principles of chaos engineering to uncover failure modes in our system (and there are plenty!) so we can build defence against them and make our serverless applications more robust and more resilient!

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How to debug slow lambda response times
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How to debug slow lambda response times

One of the most common performance issues in serverless architectures is elevated latencies from external services, such as DynamoDB, ElasticSearch or Stripe. In this webinar, we will show you how to quickly identify and debug these problems, and some best practices for dealing with poor performing 3rd party services.

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What can you do with lambda in 2020
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What can you do with lambda in 2020

Hosted on CodeMotion. Recording: <coming soon> Real-world serverless podcast: Learn Lambda best practices: Blog: Consulting services: Production-Ready Serverless workshop:

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What can you do with lambda in 2020
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What can you do with lambda in 2020

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In this talk, I'm gonna tell you all about AWS Step Functions - how it works, when to use it, and some tips on how to accelerate app development so you can ship customer values faster. Recording: coming soon Real-world serverless podcast: Learn Lambda best practices: Blog: Consulting services: Production-Ready Serverless workshop:

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Debugging Lambda timeouts
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Debugging Lambda timeouts

When a Lambda function times out, it’s one of the trickier problems to debug, especially if the function performs multiple IO calls. What was it doing when it timed out? And how do I identify these timeout errors quickly when Lambda lumps them together with other unhandled exceptions? In this webinar, we will show you how to identify and debug timeout errors, and strategies for mitigating timeouts and degraded performance more gracefully when there are underlying issues.

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We'll look at some common mistakes JavaScript Developers make when they move to serverless and debunk misconceptions about Lambda performance and cold starts. We will also offer tips for optimizing your functions, and how best to test and deploy them using CI/CD best practices.

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CloudTrail EventBridge Lambda
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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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CIO Council Cal Poly Humboldt September 22, 2023

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

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{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
{ … }
[{ … }, { … } … ]
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Reduced processing time from ~20 mins
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But, sometimes, the infrastructure far outweighs staffing cost

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AdviseTraining Delivery
“Fundamentally, Yan has improved our team by increasing our
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Nick Blair
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