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Training Agenda for HTML, CSS, JavaScript & jQuery
        Day 1
                 Session 1:
                        Web Terminologies
                        HTML Basics
                        Lab: Our First HTML Page
                 Session 2:
                        CSS Basics
                        Lab: Creating a 3 Column Layout Page
        Day 2:
                 Session 1:
                        HTML Forms
                        Working with a Server Side Technology (ASP.NET)
                        Lab: Creating a User Registration Form
                 Session 2:
                        Background Images, Pseudo Classes, Sprites
                        Lab: Styling the User Registration Form

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 3:
                 Session 1:
                        CSS Menus, Lists and Rounded Corners
                        Lab: Adding a rounded cornered Drop Down menu to the User Registration
                 Session 2:
                        Browser Inconsistencies and how to handle them
                        Lab: The Complete User Registration Process
                        Mobile Web Design Overview
        Day 4:
                 Session 1:
                        JavaScript Overview
                        Lab: JavaScript Programming Basics
                 Session 2:
                        DOM, HTML Forms and JavaScript
                        Lab: User Registration Form Validation

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 5:
                 Session 1:
                        Events and Event Handlers
                        Error Handling and Debugging JavaScript
                        Lab: Creating a JavaScript Modal Dialog
                 Session 2:
                        AJAX Overview
                        Lab: Loading a remote file asynchronously
        Day 6
                 Session 1:
                        jQuery Overview
                        Lab: Alternate Row Styling
                 Session 2:
                        More jQuery
                        Lab: Building a CSS Style Switcher

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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Seminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer
Seminar: Become a Reliable Web ProgrammerSeminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer
Seminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer

Materi Seminar dengan tema "Become a Reliable Web Programmer" yang diselenggarakan di AMIK BSI Tangerang pada Tanggal 17-18 April 2018.

seminarweb programmerweb developer
Sai Sharan_UI_Resume
Sai Sharan_UI_ResumeSai Sharan_UI_Resume
Sai Sharan_UI_Resume

Sai Madisetty has over 7 years of experience as a front-end UI developer. He is proficient in HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, and responsive design. Some of Sai's responsibilities include developing user interfaces, APIs, style guides, and wireframes. He has worked on projects for clients such as Nomura America Securities, JP Morgan Chase, and United Health Care. Sai also has expertise in cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, and agile methodologies.

Introduction to HTML5/CSS3 In Drupal 7
Introduction to HTML5/CSS3 In Drupal 7Introduction to HTML5/CSS3 In Drupal 7
Introduction to HTML5/CSS3 In Drupal 7

HTML5 is here and it has many improvements over its predecessors, offering a full range of new features previously unavailable without complex JavaScript coding. Now it is possible to offer intuitive rich user interfaces using baked-in techniques and supported by more and more modern browsers. If you have ever wondered about the next emerging technology on the web or need a quick crash course in HTML5 and CSS3 this program is right for you. We will answer the following questions: What is HTML5? How does HTML 4.01/ XHTML 1.0 compare with the new HTML5? What are the new HTML5 structural elements? What do you need to do to build a Drupal 7 theme in HTML5? What is CSS3? What are the new CSS3 properties and techniques? What CSS3 techniques should be used in Drupal? What are some advanced CSS3 techniques? About our speaker: Dante Taylor, Creative Director at Mediacurrent. Dante has his Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from Savannah College of Art and Design, and has worked as a designer for over ten years, starting with the version 4.7 release.

Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 7:
                 Session 1:
                        XML, JSON and JSONP
                        AJAX in jQuery
                        Lab: Ajaxifying the user registration form
                 Session 2:
                        Authoring Plugins
                        Lab: Creating a Shadow Plugin`
                        Performance Enhancement Techniques in Web Development
                        Accessibility Guidelines and W3C Standards
                        A note about SEO, Caching and Cookies

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Training Agenda for Advanced JavaScript & jQuery
        Day 1 : JavaScript Basics
                 Session 1:
                        Anatomy of a Web Page
                        JavaScript Basics
                        Types & Special Objects in JavaScript
                        Lab: Basics of JavaScript Programming
                        DOM Access & Manipulation
                 Session 2:
                        Lab: DOM Access & Manipulation
                        JavaScript Events and Event Handlers
                        JavaScript and Forms
                        Errors and Debugging Techniques in JavaScript
                        Lab: A User Registration Form

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 2: JavaScript Advanced
                 Session 1:
                        Object Oriented JavaScript
                        Functions as First Class Objects
                        Scopes & Closures
                        Objects & JSON
                        Lab: Objects in JavaScript
                 Session 2:
                        JS Prototype Syntax
                        Coding Standards & Design patterns
                                 Unobtrusive Programming
                                 Namespacing effectively
                                 Configuration Objects
                                 Private & Public
                                 Singleton pattern
                                 Module pattern
                                 Factory Pattern
                        Lab: Events Unobtrusively, Object Members, Implementing Patterns, Adding
                        methods to existing objects
© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 3: JavaScript & Ajax
                 Session 1:
                        Ajax overview
                        Ajax using JavaScript
                        Content Types & Mime Types Overview
                        Lab: The Ajax Dictionary
                 Session 2:
                        Accessibility & Fallback Techniques
                        Performance & Security Considerations
                        Browser Considerations
                        Lab: Design for Accessibility

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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Doris Chen is a senior developer evangelist at Microsoft who focuses on web technologies like JavaScript and HTML5. Her presentation covers optimizing Cordova app performance, including measuring startup cost and memory usage, using CSS for gradients instead of images, animating with translate3d instead of left/top, and handling events through bubbling instead of individual listeners. She provides tips like keeping the DOM simple, batching layout changes, and cleaning up unused objects to prevent memory leaks.

Great Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web DesignGreat Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web Design

With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

responsive designresponsive web designmedia queries
Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile!
Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile!Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile!
Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile!

Angular or Backbone, which one you will use in your mobile app? How could you develop a mobile app across iOS, Android or windows devices? This talk will take an intimate look at two of today’s most popular frameworks, Angular and Backbone and explore their differences. We’ll show how Apache Cordova opens the world of mobile app development to web developers. In the session, we will demonstrate a “To Do” app using Angular and Backbone, with access to native device capabilities. We’ll compare the frameworks when transported to the world of mobile app development. Along the way, you'll also learn what kind of apps are best-suited for the hybrid architecture and when to make the switch from web app to mobile app.

Training Agenda Contd..
        Day 4: jQuery
                 Session 1:
                        jQuery Overview
                        Selectors in jQuery
                        The jQuery Context & the jQuery Object
                        Lab: Page Load, Selectors & Basic Effects
                 Session 2:
                        Binding Events
                        Ajax using jQuery
                        Lab: Ajax enabled Accordion
                        Post Assessment

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Components of the Web
        Computer Networks
        Network Addresses
        Browsers and Web Servers
        Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
        Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
        Web Applications

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Web Applications

                                 Static Page

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Web Applications

                                 Dymamic Page

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development
WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to DevelopmentWordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development
WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development

Crash course introduction to web development for WordPress covering acronyms, buzzwords and concepts that often leave outsiders mystified. Overview of primary development processes and what software and tools are needed to play the game. We’ll cover what you need to go from zero to developer and hopefully how to have fun on the way. WordPress development tools explained for beginners: ftp, git, svn, php, html, css, sass, js, jquery, IDEs, themes, child themes, the Loop, hooks, APIs, CLI, agile, bootstrap, slack, linting, sniffing … etc.

wordpresswordcampwordcamp greenville
Web Components v1
Web Components v1Web Components v1
Web Components v1

This document discusses JavaScript frameworks and web components. It provides examples of code for Dojo, Ember, Angular, React, and jQuery. It also discusses the benefits of web components, including that they are part of the DOM, future-proof, and modular. Web components include custom elements, shadow DOM, templates, and HTML imports. Browser support is improving but not yet universal. Polyfills exist to provide support in older browsers. The web components specification has changed from version 0 to version 1 to support ES6 classes.

custom elementsweb componentshtml5
Intro to mobile web application development
Intro to mobile web application developmentIntro to mobile web application development
Intro to mobile web application development

Learn all the basics of web app development including bootstrap, handlebars templates, jquery and angularjs, as well as using hybrid app deployment on a phone.

The Structure of a HTML Document
   <?xml ?>

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
!DOCTYPE                            <?xml version="1.0"
   <?xml version="1.0"                 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-
     encoding="UTF-8"?>                  //W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
   <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-              Transitional//EN"
     //W3C//DTD HTML 4.01                "
     Transitional//EN"                   DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
   <html>                                9/xhtml" xml:lang="en"
     <head>                              lang="en">
           <title></title>               <head>
      </head>                                  <title></title>
     <body                               </head>
     </body>                             <body>
   </html>                               </body>
© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
The Rules of HTML / XHTML
        HTML Is Not Case Sensitive, XHTML Is
        HTML/XHTML Attribute Values May Be Case Sensitive
        HTML/XHTML Is Sensitive to a Single White Space Character
        XHTML/HTML Follows a Content Model
        Elements Should Have Close Tags Unless Empty
        Unused Elements May Minimize
        Elements Should Nest In Correct Order
        Attribute Values Should Be Quoted
        Browsers Ignore Unknown Attributes and Elements

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Core Elements
        ID, class, title
        BR, HR, P, SPAN, DIV
        Blockquote, Pre
        Lists – OL, UL

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps
HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile appsHTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps
HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps

This document provides an overview of HTML5 and CSS3 concepts for building web applications. It begins with defining what a web app is and its basic anatomy. It then covers new HTML5 structural tags, forms, multimedia capabilities like audio and video, offline data storage, geolocation, and canvas/SVG graphics. For CSS3, it discusses new selectors, the box model, positioning, fonts, visual effects, and media queries. Key topics are presented at a high level with examples to illustrate the main capabilities and uses of HTML5 and CSS3 for mobile web development.

mobile application developmentmobile apps
Web Standards
Web StandardsWeb Standards
Web Standards

What are Web Standards and why were they established? Why should web developers use web standards? Originally presented on 08/02/2010 by Chris Fagg.

web standards
HTML5 & CSS3 in Drupal (on the Bayou)
HTML5 & CSS3 in Drupal (on the Bayou)HTML5 & CSS3 in Drupal (on the Bayou)
HTML5 & CSS3 in Drupal (on the Bayou)

HTML5 and CSS3 are a part of the new Web 3.0 toolbox! This session will walk you through easy ways to use some of the more advanced features in HTML5. We will explain the uses for HTML5 and CSS3 that will enhance your design and create a better user experience for your audience. If you are familiar with the basics, but want to know the best practices for integrating HTML5 features into your Drupal site now, this is the session for you. Who’s this for: Themers who are familiar with basic CSS3 concepts and want to take it to the next level Practical uses of both HTML5 and CSS3 for intermediate developers What you’ll learn: Real Life applications to start using CSS3 and HTML5 today Tactics to bring older browsers up to speed and enhance compatibility Use HTML5 and CSS3 to Enhance UX How HTML5 and CSS3 can help you design for mobile HTML5 Microformats, Form API, Semantic captions for images How to Enhance Adaptive Theme (D7 theme that uses HTML5) HTML5 Themes and Modules CSS3 Text in Columns Transitions (& animation?) CSS only Backgrounds Using SVG The Future of CSS

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
        Pseudo Classes
        Pseudo Elements

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
The Three Layers

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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HTML5: the new frontier of the web
HTML5: the new frontier of the webHTML5: the new frontier of the web
HTML5: the new frontier of the web

The document discusses various technologies for building web applications, including HTML5. It begins by explaining the anatomy of a web app, including the server-side components and use of backend services. It then covers different types of apps - native, web, and hybrid. A large portion of the document focuses on HTML5, describing new structural elements, forms, multimedia capabilities like audio and video, local storage options, and geolocation. It concludes by mentioning technologies like PhoneGap/Cordova for building cross-platform apps and WebSockets for real-time connections.

html5mobile application developmentgoogle chrome
A Work Day Of A Web Developer
A Work Day Of A Web DeveloperA Work Day Of A Web Developer
A Work Day Of A Web Developer

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

web development
Web Standards And Protocols
Web Standards And ProtocolsWeb Standards And Protocols
Web Standards And Protocols

The document discusses web standards and protocols as well as tips for good website design. It provides lists of "dos" and "don'ts" for website design. The "dos" include testing pages in multiple browsers, keeping layouts simple, writing clearly and concisely, and providing alternatives to images. The "don'ts" include linking to irrelevant material, overusing emphasis, and splitting topics across multiple pages.

JavaScript Data
        Data Types – Number, String, Boolean
        Arrays, Associative Arrays
        If Statement
        Loops – While, Do-While, For
        Scope of Variables
        Regular Expressions

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Lab 1: JavaScript Basics
        Write a program in which you specify a date and the program outputs
        the number of days, months, years and weeks between the specified
        date and today.

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
DOM Access & Manipulation

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
        Event Handlers
        Event Listeners
        The event Object - Prevent Default
        Event Propagation – Capturing & Bubbling

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]

End-users are shallow and vein when it comes to applications. Whether you are selling apps in the marketplace, or trying to engage business users, without a sexy user experience, it can be hard to get people interested. HTML5, although very practical and functional as a platform, can do wonders when it comes to making sexy software. In this session, we will take a deeper dive into the HTML5 tools that can make your application a looker and really look good. We will learn how to take a regular HTML5 application and turn it into a rich user experience that stands out in the crown in HTML5 application using features like SVG, Canvas, and Audio/Video.

Understand front end developer
Understand front end developerUnderstand front end developer
Understand front end developer

The document discusses front end development and the skills required. It begins by addressing misunderstandings about front end work, noting the complexity involved. It outlines the steps taken in front end projects, including communication, layout analysis, component identification, and integration. The document discusses reasons one may or may not want to pursue front end development, noting it requires skills like aesthetics, curiosity, and communication. Hard skills mentioned include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, performance, and responsiveness. Throughout, it emphasizes that front end work requires constant learning as technologies evolve rapidly.

front end developerui engineer
Introduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/jsIntroduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/js

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and JavaScript can be used to program behaviors and interactions in web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

DOM 0 Event Handler     W3C DOM Event Listener
  onblur                 blur
  onfocus                focus
  onchange               change
  onmouseover            mouseover
  onmouseout             mouseout
  onmousemove            mousemove
  onmousedown            mousedown
  onmouseup              mouseup
  onclick                click
  ondblclick             dblclick
  onkeydown              keydown
  onkeyup                keyup
  onkeypress             keypress
  onsubmit               submit
  onload                 load
© onunload B, 2011
  Copyright SREENATH H   unload                   25
Debugging and Error Handling
        How to Debug?
        Tools at hand – Firebug!
        JavaScript Debugger now supported in IE 8 onwards.
        Error Handling with Try-Catch

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Object Oriented JavaScript
        Why objects?
        Creating Object Definitions
        Reusing Objects
        JSON Overview

   Advanced Concepts
        Passing Parameters to Event Handlers/Listeners
        Functions accepting arbitrary number of parameters
        JavaScript Closures

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

Recommended for you

HTML CSS & Javascript
HTML CSS & JavascriptHTML CSS & Javascript
HTML CSS & Javascript

- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are becoming the new standard for building applications and interactive experiences on the web. - Best practices include using semantic HTML, clean CSS with a focus on maintainability, and JavaScript performance optimizations. - Key techniques discussed are image sprites, progressive enhancement, and jQuery selector chaining to reduce DOM lookups.

HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScriptHTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

HTML5 and CSS3 have arrived and they are redefining rich, standards-based web development. Features previously the exclusive domain of browser plug-ins can now be added to web applications as easily as images. Understanding the new power that these standards define, as well as the rapidly increasing power and speed of JavaScript in modern browsers and devices is essential. These slides accompany a full-day workshop, where attendees are guided through the new features in HTML5 and CSS3, with special attention to how these technologies can be used today in new and old browsers.

Introducción a HTML - CSS - JS
Introducción a HTML - CSS - JS Introducción a HTML - CSS - JS
Introducción a HTML - CSS - JS

Este documento presenta una introducción a HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Incluye definiciones de cada tecnología, explicaciones de su sintaxis y características clave. También muestra ejemplos de código para ilustrar conceptos como etiquetas HTML, selectores y propiedades CSS, y variables, funciones y eventos en JavaScript. El documento proporciona una visión general concisa pero completa de estas tres tecnologías web fundamentales.

htmlcssweb development
        IE 5 & 6 – new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
        Open(Type, Url)
        XMLHttpRequest object is non-reusable
        responseXML and responseText

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
jQuery Overview
        What is jQuery actually?
        How browsers see HTML
        JSON Overview
        Downloading jQuery
        Including jQuery in your pages
        Hello World

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Selectors – The Heart of jQuery
        Element Selector
        ID Selector
        Class Selector
        Ancestor Descendant
         $(“E F”)
        Parent Child
         $(“E > F”)
        Siblings – Adjacent & General
         Adjacent Sibling : $(“E + F”)
         General Siblings : $(“E ~ F”);
        Multiple Selectors
         $(“E, F, G”)

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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Technical seminar report on
Technical seminar report onTechnical seminar report on
Technical seminar report on

The document provides an overview of the Windows Phone 7 operating system. It discusses key features like the Metro user interface, hubs for combining local and online content, and multitouch technology. It also covers advantages such as a fast and stable experience, battery savings, and support for SharePoint documents. The document compares Windows Phone 7 to other platforms and concludes that it provides a best-in-class user interface and can help meet corporate security needs, especially with the recent acquisition of Skype.

An Overview of HTML, CSS & Java Script
An Overview of HTML, CSS & Java ScriptAn Overview of HTML, CSS & Java Script
An Overview of HTML, CSS & Java Script

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. It uses tags like <h1> and <p> to mark headings and paragraphs. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, using selectors, declarations, and properties to change things like colors and positioning. JavaScript can be added to HTML pages with <script> tags and is used to add interactive elements and dynamic behavior by manipulating HTML and responding to user input. It has data types like strings and numbers and control structures like if/else statements.

html learninghtmlcss learning
Computer science seminar topics
Computer science seminar topicsComputer science seminar topics
Computer science seminar topics

1. The document lists over 100 potential seminar topics in computer science and information technology, ranging from elastic quotas to 3D internet. 2. Some examples include extreme programming, face recognition technology, honeypots, IP spoofing, digital light processing, and cloud computing. 3. The topics cover a wide range of areas including networking, security, hardware, software, interfaces, and applications.

project ideascomputer scienceseminar topics
Selectors Contd..
        :first-child, :last:child, :only-child :nth-child(n)
        Attribute Selectors
         Has Attribute: $(“img[alt]”);
         Begins With: $(“a[href^=mailto:]”);
         Ends With: $(“a[href$=.pdf]”);
         Contains: $(“a[href*=microsoft]”);
         Equals: $(“:checkbox[checked=true]”)
        :not(s), :empty, :eq(n), :contains(s)
        :even, :odd

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
jQuery Tid-Bits
        The jQuery Object
        Looping with each();
        Accessing DOM Objects
                 Array Subscript – Unsafe
        Making peace with other libraries – noConflict()
        Caching for performance

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
DOM Traversal
        .parent(), .children(), .parents()
        .next(), .nextAll(), .prev(), .prevAll(), .andSelf()

   Manipulating Styles
        .css(“height”, “35px”)

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
        Unobtrusive Programming
        Capturing vs. Bubbling; StopPropagation, preventDefault
        The Universal Page Load
        Binding Events to Elements, Triggering Events via Code
                 Blur, focus, select
                 Click, Dblclick
                 Mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mouseout, mousemove
                 Keyup, keydown, keypress
        Event Handler Context
        Passing additional parameters to events
        Compound Events
                 Toggle, Hover
        Live, Die & Delegate!
© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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Html JavaScript and CSS
Html JavaScript and CSSHtml JavaScript and CSS
Html JavaScript and CSS

The document provides background information on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and their relationships. It discusses how SGML led to the creation of HTML by Tim Berners-Lee as a subset of SGML. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) were later created to separate document structure from presentation. Extensible Markup Language (XML) further separated content from style. The document also covers the evolution of HTML versions and the creation of XHTML.

Best topics for seminar
Best topics for seminarBest topics for seminar
Best topics for seminar

This document provides a list of over 200 seminar topics related to computer science, electronics, IT, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, applied electronics, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, and MBA projects. The topics are divided into categories such as computer science projects, electronics projects, IT projects, and so on. Each topic includes a brief 1-2 sentence description. Contact information is provided at the bottom for requesting full reports on any of the topics.

State of the Word 2011
State of the Word 2011State of the Word 2011
State of the Word 2011

The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The document recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to gain these benefits.

Effects & Animations
        Hide, Show
        fadeIn, fadeOut
        slideUp, slideDown

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
Working with Forms
        Form Selectors

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
DOM Manipulation
        .append(), prepend()
        .attr(), .removeAttr()
        addClass(), removeClass()
        Creating DOM Nodes
        insertAfter, after, insertBefore, before
        prependTo, appendTo

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
                                 dataType: “html”,
                                 success: function(data){
                                 error: function(xhr){

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

Recommended for you

2015 advanced-web-programming
2015 advanced-web-programming2015 advanced-web-programming
2015 advanced-web-programming

This document contains notes from a 2015 course on advanced web programming. It covers various topics taught in the course including JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Node.js, and TypeScript. The introduction section provides an overview of the course objectives, topics, assignments, and guidelines for solving problems. Subsequent sections go into more detail on key JavaScript concepts such as data types, objects, functions, and the browser environment.

00 JavaScript Part 1 Course - Introduction
00 JavaScript Part 1 Course - Introduction00 JavaScript Part 1 Course - Introduction
00 JavaScript Part 1 Course - Introduction

This document provides an overview of the JavaScript Part 1 course, including the course program, evaluation criteria, exams, trainers, and resources. The course will cover fundamental JavaScript concepts like variables, operators, conditional statements, loops, arrays, functions, and objects. Students will be evaluated based on a practical exam, homework, homework reviews, attendance, and can earn bonuses for forum participation and helping other students.

QA Automation Testing Online Training in India
QA Automation Testing Online Training in IndiaQA Automation Testing Online Training in India
QA Automation Testing Online Training in India

QA Automation Testing Online Training in India,QA Automation Testing Online Training in USA,QA Automation Testing Online Training in UK

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Authoring Plugins
      $.fn.myPlugin = function(options){
            var defaults = { };
            options = $.extend(defaults, options);

                    return this.each(function(){
                             //My Code for selected elements


© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
jQuery Best Practices – Tips & Tricks
        Select directly using an ID selector where possible
        Cache objects if using repeatedly
        Chain as long as possible
        Reduce Direct DOM Manipulation
        Be wary of selectors in loops or each()
        Leverage Event Delegation where possible
        Defer loading to window.load
        Don’t use jQuery where its not needed!
        Conditionally loading jQuery locally

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
OOJ – Object Oriented JavaScript
        JavaScript is a Prototype based Language
        Extending Native Objects
        Arrays & Objects – Library -> Books -> Authors

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
        Create a class for Cartesian Co-Ordinate System of Points. A Point
        has 2 properties, Latitude and Longitude. Create 2 point objects, set
        their co-ordinates using their constructors and provide a member
        function to find the simple X & Y distance between them.
        Distance can be represented as another Point object.
        X distance = x1.Longitude – x2.Longitude
        Y distance = x1.Latitude – x1.Latitude
        User interactivity is a bonus.

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

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QA Automation testing online training
QA Automation testing online trainingQA Automation testing online training
QA Automation testing online training

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QA Automation Testing Online Training in Hyderabad
QA Automation Testing Online Training in HyderabadQA Automation Testing Online Training in Hyderabad
QA Automation Testing Online Training in Hyderabad

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   var myJSONObject = {
           {“Name": “Tom", “Age": “25", “Email": “"},
           {“Name": “Dick", “Age": “24", “Email": “"},
           {“Name": “Harry", “Age": “26", “Email": “"}

   var myObject = JSON.parse(myJSONtext);

   var myJSONText = JSON.stringify(myObject, replacer);

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011

© Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
        IE 5 & 6 – new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
        Open(Type, Url)
        XMLHttpRequest object is non-reusable
        responseXML and responseText

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The document provides information about Tech Mentro, a leading training institute in Noida, India that provides training in technologies like Java, .NET, PHP, C, C++, and frameworks. It aims to fill the skills gap between what industry requires and what students possess. The institute is managed by experienced professionals and provides both conceptual and applied training. Its goal is to become the top IT training institute in the country through focusing on students and professionals. It offers flexible course enrollment and additional services for students.

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The document provides an introduction to JBoss Seam by discussing the history of Java web applications and where Seam fits within that evolution. It notes that early Java web apps used JSP/Servlet models, which were improved by MVC frameworks like Struts, but these frameworks required many configuration files and the front-end and back-end were unaware of each other. Meanwhile, other languages like PHP and Ruby on Rails made deployment and testing easier through conventions over configuration and features like scaffolding. JBoss Seam aims to address these issues and provide a richer experience for modern web applications.

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HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Training

  • 1. Sreenath H B +91 988 646 5897 © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011
  • 2. Training Agenda for HTML, CSS, JavaScript & jQuery Day 1 Session 1: Web Terminologies HTML Basics Lab: Our First HTML Page Session 2: CSS Basics Lab: Creating a 3 Column Layout Page Day 2: Session 1: HTML Forms Working with a Server Side Technology (ASP.NET) Lab: Creating a User Registration Form Session 2: Background Images, Pseudo Classes, Sprites Lab: Styling the User Registration Form © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 2
  • 3. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 3: Session 1: CSS Menus, Lists and Rounded Corners Lab: Adding a rounded cornered Drop Down menu to the User Registration Form Session 2: Browser Inconsistencies and how to handle them Lab: The Complete User Registration Process Mobile Web Design Overview Day 4: Session 1: JavaScript Overview Lab: JavaScript Programming Basics Session 2: DOM, HTML Forms and JavaScript Lab: User Registration Form Validation © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 3
  • 4. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 5: Session 1: Events and Event Handlers Error Handling and Debugging JavaScript Lab: Creating a JavaScript Modal Dialog Session 2: AJAX Overview Lab: Loading a remote file asynchronously Day 6 Session 1: jQuery Overview Lab: Alternate Row Styling Session 2: More jQuery Lab: Building a CSS Style Switcher © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 4
  • 5. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 7: Session 1: XML, JSON and JSONP AJAX in jQuery Lab: Ajaxifying the user registration form Session 2: Authoring Plugins Lab: Creating a Shadow Plugin` Performance Enhancement Techniques in Web Development Accessibility Guidelines and W3C Standards A note about SEO, Caching and Cookies © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 5
  • 6. Training Agenda for Advanced JavaScript & jQuery Day 1 : JavaScript Basics Session 1: Anatomy of a Web Page JavaScript Basics Types & Special Objects in JavaScript Lab: Basics of JavaScript Programming DOM Access & Manipulation Session 2: Lab: DOM Access & Manipulation JavaScript Events and Event Handlers JavaScript and Forms Errors and Debugging Techniques in JavaScript Lab: A User Registration Form © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 6
  • 7. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 2: JavaScript Advanced Session 1: Object Oriented JavaScript Functions as First Class Objects Scopes & Closures Objects & JSON Lab: Objects in JavaScript Session 2: JS Prototype Syntax Coding Standards & Design patterns Unobtrusive Programming Namespacing effectively Configuration Objects Private & Public Singleton pattern Module pattern Factory Pattern Lab: Events Unobtrusively, Object Members, Implementing Patterns, Adding methods to existing objects © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 7
  • 8. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 3: JavaScript & Ajax Session 1: Ajax overview Ajax using JavaScript Content Types & Mime Types Overview Lab: The Ajax Dictionary Session 2: Accessibility & Fallback Techniques Performance & Security Considerations Browser Considerations Lab: Design for Accessibility © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 8
  • 9. Training Agenda Contd.. Day 4: jQuery Session 1: jQuery Overview Selectors in jQuery The jQuery Context & the jQuery Object Each Lab: Page Load, Selectors & Basic Effects Session 2: Binding Events Ajax using jQuery Lab: Ajax enabled Accordion Post Assessment © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 9
  • 10. Components of the Web Computer Networks Network Addresses Browsers and Web Servers Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Web Applications © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 10
  • 11. Web Applications Static Page Request © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 11
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  • 13. The Structure of a HTML Document <?xml ?> <!DOCTYPE/> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY></BODY> </HTML> © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 13
  • 14. !DOCTYPE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- encoding="UTF-8"?> //W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- Transitional//EN" //W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 " Transitional//EN" DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> " se.dtd"> <html xmlns=" <html> 9/xhtml" xml:lang="en" <head> lang="en"> <title></title> <head> </head> <title></title> <body </head> </body> <body> </html> </body> © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 </html> 14
  • 15. The Rules of HTML / XHTML HTML Is Not Case Sensitive, XHTML Is HTML/XHTML Attribute Values May Be Case Sensitive HTML/XHTML Is Sensitive to a Single White Space Character XHTML/HTML Follows a Content Model Elements Should Have Close Tags Unless Empty Unused Elements May Minimize Elements Should Nest In Correct Order Attribute Values Should Be Quoted Browsers Ignore Unknown Attributes and Elements © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 15
  • 16. Core Elements Headings ID, class, title BR, HR, P, SPAN, DIV Blockquote, Pre Lists – OL, UL © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 16
  • 18. CSS Positioning Display Pseudo Classes Pseudo Elements © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 18
  • 20. The Three Layers © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 20
  • 21. JavaScript Data Data Types – Number, String, Boolean Date Arrays, Associative Arrays If Statement Loops – While, Do-While, For Functions Scope of Variables Objects Regular Expressions © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 21
  • 22. Lab 1: JavaScript Basics Write a program in which you specify a date and the program outputs the number of days, months, years and weeks between the specified date and today. © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 22
  • 23. DOM Access & Manipulation getElementById getElementsByTagName © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 23
  • 24. Events Event Handlers this Event Listeners The event Object - Prevent Default Event Propagation – Capturing & Bubbling © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 24
  • 25. DOM 0 Event Handler W3C DOM Event Listener onblur blur onfocus focus onchange change onmouseover mouseover onmouseout mouseout onmousemove mousemove onmousedown mousedown onmouseup mouseup onclick click ondblclick dblclick onkeydown keydown onkeyup keyup onkeypress keypress onsubmit submit onload load © onunload B, 2011 Copyright SREENATH H unload 25
  • 26. Debugging and Error Handling How to Debug? Tools at hand – Firebug! JavaScript Debugger now supported in IE 8 onwards. Error Handling with Try-Catch © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 26
  • 27. Object Oriented JavaScript Why objects? Creating Object Definitions Reusing Objects JSON Overview Advanced Concepts Passing Parameters to Event Handlers/Listeners Functions accepting arbitrary number of parameters JavaScript Closures © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 27
  • 29. XMLHttpRequest IE 5 & 6 – new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”); Open(Type, Url) Send(data) XMLHttpRequest object is non-reusable responseXML and responseText © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 29
  • 31. jQuery Overview What is jQuery actually? How browsers see HTML JSON Overview Downloading jQuery Including jQuery in your pages Hello World © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 31
  • 32. Selectors – The Heart of jQuery Element Selector $(“element”) ID Selector $(“#id”) Class Selector $(“.classname”) Ancestor Descendant $(“E F”) Parent Child $(“E > F”) Siblings – Adjacent & General Adjacent Sibling : $(“E + F”) General Siblings : $(“E ~ F”); Multiple Selectors $(“E, F, G”) © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 32
  • 33. Selectors Contd.. :first-child, :last:child, :only-child :nth-child(n) $(“li:first-child”); $(“tr:last-child”); $(“img:only-child”); $(“tr:nth-child(2n)”); Attribute Selectors Has Attribute: $(“img[alt]”); Begins With: $(“a[href^=mailto:]”); Ends With: $(“a[href$=.pdf]”); Contains: $(“a[href*=microsoft]”); Equals: $(“:checkbox[checked=true]”) :not(s), :empty, :eq(n), :contains(s) :even, :odd © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 33
  • 34. jQuery Tid-Bits The jQuery Object Looping with each(); this Chaining Closures Accessing DOM Objects Array Subscript – Unsafe .get(n) Making peace with other libraries – noConflict() Caching for performance © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 34
  • 35. DOM Traversal .filter() .siblings() .parent(), .children(), .parents() .next(), .nextAll(), .prev(), .prevAll(), .andSelf() .find() Manipulating Styles .addClass() .removeClass() .css(“height”, “35px”) © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 35
  • 36. Events Unobtrusive Programming Capturing vs. Bubbling; StopPropagation, preventDefault The Universal Page Load Binding Events to Elements, Triggering Events via Code Shorthands Blur, focus, select Change Click, Dblclick Mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mouseout, mousemove Keyup, keydown, keypress Select Event Handler Context Passing additional parameters to events Compound Events Toggle, Hover Live, Die & Delegate! © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 36
  • 37. Effects & Animations Hide, Show fadeIn, fadeOut Toggle slideUp, slideDown slideToggle .animate() © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 37
  • 38. Working with Forms Form Selectors :text :checkbox :radio :image :submit :reset :password :file :input :button :enabled :disabled :checked :selected © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 38
  • 39. DOM Manipulation .text() .html() .val() .append(), prepend() .remove() .empty() .attr(), .removeAttr() addClass(), removeClass() Creating DOM Nodes insertAfter, after, insertBefore, before prependTo, appendTo .wrap() © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 39
  • 40. AJAX .load(“a.html”) .getJSON(“b.json”); .get(“c.xml”); .post(“d.php”); .ajax({ url:””, type:”GET”, dataType: “html”, success: function(data){ }, error: function(xhr){ } }) © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 40
  • 41. Authoring Plugins (function($){ $.fn.myPlugin = function(options){ var defaults = { }; options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function(){ //My Code for selected elements }); } })(jQuery); //Calling $(“selector”).myPlugin({options}) © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 41
  • 42. jQuery Best Practices – Tips & Tricks Select directly using an ID selector where possible Cache objects if using repeatedly Chain as long as possible Reduce Direct DOM Manipulation Be wary of selectors in loops or each() Leverage Event Delegation where possible Defer loading to window.load Don’t use jQuery where its not needed! Conditionally loading jQuery locally © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 42
  • 43. OOJ – Object Oriented JavaScript JavaScript is a Prototype based Language Closures JSON Extending Native Objects Getter/Setter Arrays & Objects – Library -> Books -> Authors © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 43
  • 44. Lab Create a class for Cartesian Co-Ordinate System of Points. A Point has 2 properties, Latitude and Longitude. Create 2 point objects, set their co-ordinates using their constructors and provide a member function to find the simple X & Y distance between them. Distance can be represented as another Point object. X distance = x1.Longitude – x2.Longitude Y distance = x1.Latitude – x1.Latitude User interactivity is a bonus. © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 44
  • 45. JSON var myJSONObject = { “People": [ {“Name": “Tom", “Age": “25", “Email": “"}, {“Name": “Dick", “Age": “24", “Email": “"}, {“Name": “Harry", “Age": “26", “Email": “"} ] }; var myObject = JSON.parse(myJSONtext); var myJSONText = JSON.stringify(myObject, replacer); © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 45
  • 47. XMLHttpRequest IE 5 & 6 – new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”); Open(Type, Url) Send(data) XMLHttpRequest object is non-reusable responseXML and responseText © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 47
  • 48. Design Patterns in JavaScript Singleton Module Module Syntax Accesing Globals Module Export Factory © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 48
  • 49. References Dive Into Accessibility Dive into HTML5 Books Pro JavaScript Design Patterns by Dustin Diaz Object Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov Advanced JavaScript 3rd Ed by Chuck Easttom Learning jQuery 1.3 © Copyright SREENATH H B, 2011 50