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Web Server A software program or server computer equipped to offer World Wide Web access. Web servers allow you to serve content  over the Internet using the Hyper Text  Markup Language (HTML). The Web server accepts requests from browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer and then returns the appropriate HTML documents.
Web Server A web server is a computer with special software to host web pages and web applications. A computer that provides Web services and pages to intranet and Internet users. A web server serves web pages to clients across the Internet or an Intranet. The web server hosts the pages, scripts, programs, and multimedia files and serves them using HTTP, a protocol designed to send files to web browsers and other protocols.
Web Server Cont... A number of server-side technologies can be used to increase the power of the server beyond its ability to deliver standard HTML pages These include CGI scripts, server-side includes, SSL security, and Active Server Pages(ASPs)
How Web servers Work - Overview

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Web Tech

Web technologies allow access to resources on the World Wide Web and facilitate communication and information sharing. Core web technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and standards for document identification and display that enable linking and sharing of documents. Emerging technologies like AJAX, Ruby on Rails, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 have led to advances in web development, online communities, and business.

Web Fundamentals
Web FundamentalsWeb Fundamentals
Web Fundamentals

The document discusses various topics related to the internet and web fundamentals: - The internet is a global network of interconnected smaller networks owned by no single entity, while the web refers specifically to the collection of hyperlinked documents accessible via HTTP. - HTTP is the application layer protocol for transferring data on the web. Other topics discussed include DNS, cookies, sessions, forms, error codes, and common web/application server architectures. - Questions are also addressed regarding URLs, domains, and the differences between IP addresses and domain names in web requests.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is the application-layer protocol for transmitting hypertext documents across the internet. It works by establishing a TCP connection between an HTTP client, like a web browser, and an HTTP server. The client sends a request to the server using methods like GET or POST. The server responds with a status code and the requested resource. HTTP is stateless, meaning each request is independent and servers do not remember past client interactions. Cookies and caching are techniques used to maintain some state and improve performance.

pipeliningcachehow http works
How Web servers Work - Overview Cont... Perhaps the most important expansion on this was the concept of dynamic content (i.e., Web pages created in response to a user's input, whether directly or indirectly). The oldest and most used standard for doing this is Common Gateway Interface (CGI) It basically defines how a Web server should run programs locally and transmit their output through the Web server to the user's Web browser that is requesting the dynamic content.
How Web servers Work - Overview Cont...
Web Server and Browser Interaction   A Web Browser acts as an interface between the user and the Web server The browser carries out the following on behalf of the user Contacts a web server  Sends a request for information  Receives the information and  Displays it on the user's computer
How Does a Web Server Accept Connections? Accept network connections from browsers Retrieve content from disk Run local CGI programs Transmit data back to clients  Be as fast as possible  Support multi-threading and multi-processing

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Server Side VS Client Side
Server Side VS Client SideServer Side VS Client Side
Server Side VS Client Side

Client-side and server-side, what are they and what are their differences? This guide will answer the age-old question -

6. Web Publishing
6. Web Publishing6. Web Publishing
6. Web Publishing

Web publishing involves creating and uploading websites, webpages, blogs, and other content to the internet. It requires web development software, an internet connection, and a web server. Content is uploaded to the web server via the internet connection. Web servers can be shared, hosting multiple sites, or dedicated to a single site. Domain names provide the address for websites and must be purchased separately from web hosting. Nameservers help connect domain names to server IP addresses through the domain name system.

web publishingcsshtml
Tcpip services and applications
Tcpip services and applicationsTcpip services and applications
Tcpip services and applications

The document discusses several TCP/IP protocols used for communication over the internet including SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, NNTP, SNMP, POP, IMAP, and Telnet. It describes the basic functions and workflows of each protocol.

How Do You Organize Web Servers for Performance? Dynamic content typically relies on heavy database usage or processing of  other program code, which takes up many server-side resources. Web site that has grown popular beyond its immediate means of serving content and  ways to spread this load out
Load Balancing DNS balancing (round-robin type)  Hardware load balancing  Software load balancing  Reverse proxying  Content spreading across hosts  Content spreading across outsourced providers
Load Balancing Cont...
How Does Web Server Security Work? Security of the data stream itself so that it may not be viewed or modified by a malicious third party Security of the content itself -- the authentication and authorization of people to view and change that content

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Web servers
Web serversWeb servers
Web servers

A web server is software that responds to requests from web browsers to serve web pages. It is part of a multi-tier architecture with an information tier (database), middle tier (application logic), and client tier (user interface). The most common protocol for communication between clients and servers is HTTP, with the server responding to GET and POST requests with web pages or other responses. Popular web server software includes Apache, IIS, and Tomcat.

web servers
Web search Technologies
Web search TechnologiesWeb search Technologies
Web search Technologies

This document discusses different types of web search engines. It explains that search engines use keywords to search websites and return results ordered by relevance. Some key types are crawler-based engines like Google that use spiders to index websites, directories that are maintained by people, and hybrid engines combining crawling and directories. Meta search engines submit queries to multiple other search engines and summarize the results. Search engines are important because they help filter the vast amount of information on the billions of web pages to quickly find specific needed information.

Configuring the Apache Web Server
Configuring the Apache Web ServerConfiguring the Apache Web Server
Configuring the Apache Web Server

The document provides instructions for configuring the Apache web server. It discusses: - Apache processes requests by translating URLs, parsing headers, checking access controls and MIME types, invoking handlers, and logging requests. - Apache is configured by editing the httpd.conf file, which contains directives defining the configuration, including global settings, site configuration, access controls, virtual hosting, and logging. - Virtual hosting allows multiple websites to run on the same server using different domain names or IP addresses. Name-based virtual hosts use the same IP but different names, while IP-based hosts use different IPs.

Server Version Operating System Price Range AOLserver 3.1 Digital UNIX, SCO, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, FreeBSD, Windows 98, IRIX, Solaris Free Allegro  RomPager 3.6 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, BSDI, AIX, OS/2, Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Novell NetWare, Macintosh, Be OS, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows CE, MS-DOS, VM/CMS, MVS,VMS, QNX, S/400, Windows 95, FreeBSD, Windows 98, IRIX, Solaris, Amiga Contact  Sales@ allegrosoft .com AnalogX SimpleServer :WWW 1.05 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 Free Apache 1.3.17 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, AIX, OS/2, Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Novell NetWare, Macintosh, Be OS,  Windows NT, Linux, VMS, AS/400, Windows 95, FreeBSD, IRIX, Solaris Free Baikonur  Web App Server 1.9 Windows NT, Windows 95 $995 Commerce Server/400 1.0D AS/400 $4995 (suggested  retail) EMWAC HTTP Server 0.991 Windows NT Free EmWeb  Embedded Web Server R5_2_1 HPUX, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, Windows 98, Solaris Call Agranat Systems Enterprise Server 3.0 Novell NetWare $1,295 GoAhead WebServer 2.1 HPUX, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows CE, QNX, Windows 95, Windows 98, IRIX Free, embedded web  Server Internet Information Server 4.0 Windows NT Free with NT 4.0  option pack Java Server 1.1 OS/2, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, IRIX, Solaris $295
Server Version Operating System Price Range Lotus Domino Go    Webserver 4.6.1 Digital UNIX, AIX, OS/2, HPUX, Windows NT, Windows 95, IRIX, Solaris $495; free demo Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 Digital UNIX, AIX, HPUX, Windows NT, IRIX $1,295 Oracle Web Application Server 3.01 HPUX, Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris call Oracle Spinnaker 3.0 Windows NT, Windows 95 $249 Viking 1.06 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 $100 for 90-day trial WebBase 4.5 Windows 3.x, Windows 95 $695 WebSite  Professional 2.5.8 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 $799 Xitami 2.4d8 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, BSDI, AIX, OS/2,  Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, VMS, QNX, Windows 95, FreeBSD, IRIX, Solaris Xitami: free:  Xitami/Pro: $99

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Apache is an open source web server that is very popular, secure, fast, and reliable. It implements many features including CGI, SSL, virtual domains, and plug-in modules for extensibility. Apache uses simple text configuration files like httpd.conf to configure settings and is run from the command line using scripts like apachectl to start, stop, and restart the server.

Http Protocol
Http ProtocolHttp Protocol
Http Protocol

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring files between clients and servers on the World Wide Web. Communication occurs through HTTP requests from clients to servers and HTTP responses from servers to clients. A typical request/response cycle involves a browser requesting an HTML page from a server, which returns the page, and then the browser requesting and receiving additional files like stylesheets, images, and JavaScript code referenced in the HTML. An example is provided of an HTTP request from a browser to a server for a youtube.html page and the corresponding response.

httphttp protocol
Java Servlets
Java ServletsJava Servlets
Java Servlets

This document provides an overview of Java servlets technology, including: 1. What Java servlets are and their main purposes and advantages such as portability, power, and integration with server APIs. 2. Key aspects of servlet architecture like the servlet lifecycle, the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects, and how different HTTP methods map to servlet methods. 3. Examples of simple servlets that process parameters, maintain a session counter, and examples of deploying servlets in Eclipse IDE.

java servlets
Personal Web Server Microsoft's Personal Web Server (PWS) is a scaled-down version of the commercial Information Internet Server (IIS) included with the Server edition of Microsoft Windows NT. Designed for Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT Workstation users. PWS is a great entry-level Web server that makes it easy to publish personal home pages, serve small Web sites, and share documents via a local intranet.  PWS is one of the best servers available for helping to get you up and running quickly.
Personal Web Server Cont… Wizards are included to guide you through the process of setting up home pages and sharing files, and the PWS administrator reduces the complexity of actually running the Web server itself. One of the best uses for PWS is as a platform for testing out Web sites on your Windows 95/Windows NT Workstation computers before hosting them on the Internet This allows you to check the validity of links, scripts, and applications as well as to ensure that the overall organization of the site is functioning correctly
Personal Web Server Cont… The server does include support for Active Server Pages (ASP), script debugging PWS presents the ability to develop  transactional Web applications using the Microsoft Transaction Server No UNIX version, Lacks some of the more advanced features included with IIS, Only runs on Windows 95/98/ME Windows NT Workstation, Slower than IIS
H/W Requirements For Intel-based Windows95/98/ME, Windows NT 4.0 Workstations Intel 486 33 MHz minimum /Pentium 133 MHz recommended 16 MB RAM minimum / 32 MB RAM recommended 40 MB of free HDD Space for installation

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Hypertext transfer protocol (http)
Hypertext transfer protocol (http)Hypertext transfer protocol (http)
Hypertext transfer protocol (http)

HTTP is a request-response protocol for transferring data over the internet. It was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. The client submits an HTTP request to the server, which responds with status information and requested content. HTTP uses TCP for network connectivity and relies on DNS to connect clients to servers. HTTP 1.0 defined GET, POST, and HEAD methods, while HTTP 1.1 added PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS, and CONNECT. Persistent connections allow multiple requests/responses over a single TCP connection, improving efficiency versus non-persistent connections requiring separate TCP for each transaction.

Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScriptWeb Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

introduction to Web system
introduction to Web systemintroduction to Web system
introduction to Web system

This document provides an overview of distributed web-based systems and the World Wide Web. It discusses traditional client-server web architectures as well as more advanced multi-tiered architectures. Key aspects of the web covered include HTTP, web servers, caching, and content distribution networks. The document is attributed to multiple authors and universities and has been modified by the presenting author.

Personal Web Server Installation Down load PWS from the site Run setup program and follow the instructions
Apache Web Server Apache remains the king of Web servers despite intense efforts by Microsoft and Netscape to gain dominance in the market Its cross-platform support, protocol support (HTTP/1.1), modularity (API), security, logging, and overall performance and robustness Apache runs on Windows (95/98/NT), OS/2,  and all the major variants of Unix

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Web servers – features, installation and configuration

  • 1. Web Server A software program or server computer equipped to offer World Wide Web access. Web servers allow you to serve content over the Internet using the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). The Web server accepts requests from browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer and then returns the appropriate HTML documents.
  • 2. Web Server A web server is a computer with special software to host web pages and web applications. A computer that provides Web services and pages to intranet and Internet users. A web server serves web pages to clients across the Internet or an Intranet. The web server hosts the pages, scripts, programs, and multimedia files and serves them using HTTP, a protocol designed to send files to web browsers and other protocols.
  • 3. Web Server Cont... A number of server-side technologies can be used to increase the power of the server beyond its ability to deliver standard HTML pages These include CGI scripts, server-side includes, SSL security, and Active Server Pages(ASPs)
  • 4. How Web servers Work - Overview
  • 5. How Web servers Work - Overview Cont... Perhaps the most important expansion on this was the concept of dynamic content (i.e., Web pages created in response to a user's input, whether directly or indirectly). The oldest and most used standard for doing this is Common Gateway Interface (CGI) It basically defines how a Web server should run programs locally and transmit their output through the Web server to the user's Web browser that is requesting the dynamic content.
  • 6. How Web servers Work - Overview Cont...
  • 7. Web Server and Browser Interaction A Web Browser acts as an interface between the user and the Web server The browser carries out the following on behalf of the user Contacts a web server Sends a request for information Receives the information and Displays it on the user's computer
  • 8. How Does a Web Server Accept Connections? Accept network connections from browsers Retrieve content from disk Run local CGI programs Transmit data back to clients Be as fast as possible Support multi-threading and multi-processing
  • 9. How Do You Organize Web Servers for Performance? Dynamic content typically relies on heavy database usage or processing of other program code, which takes up many server-side resources. Web site that has grown popular beyond its immediate means of serving content and ways to spread this load out
  • 10. Load Balancing DNS balancing (round-robin type) Hardware load balancing Software load balancing Reverse proxying Content spreading across hosts Content spreading across outsourced providers
  • 12. How Does Web Server Security Work? Security of the data stream itself so that it may not be viewed or modified by a malicious third party Security of the content itself -- the authentication and authorization of people to view and change that content
  • 13.  
  • 14. Server Version Operating System Price Range AOLserver 3.1 Digital UNIX, SCO, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, FreeBSD, Windows 98, IRIX, Solaris Free Allegro RomPager 3.6 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, BSDI, AIX, OS/2, Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Novell NetWare, Macintosh, Be OS, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows CE, MS-DOS, VM/CMS, MVS,VMS, QNX, S/400, Windows 95, FreeBSD, Windows 98, IRIX, Solaris, Amiga Contact Sales@ allegrosoft .com AnalogX SimpleServer :WWW 1.05 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 Free Apache 1.3.17 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, AIX, OS/2, Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Novell NetWare, Macintosh, Be OS, Windows NT, Linux, VMS, AS/400, Windows 95, FreeBSD, IRIX, Solaris Free Baikonur Web App Server 1.9 Windows NT, Windows 95 $995 Commerce Server/400 1.0D AS/400 $4995 (suggested retail) EMWAC HTTP Server 0.991 Windows NT Free EmWeb Embedded Web Server R5_2_1 HPUX, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, Windows 98, Solaris Call Agranat Systems Enterprise Server 3.0 Novell NetWare $1,295 GoAhead WebServer 2.1 HPUX, Embedded, Windows NT, Linux, Windows CE, QNX, Windows 95, Windows 98, IRIX Free, embedded web Server Internet Information Server 4.0 Windows NT Free with NT 4.0 option pack Java Server 1.1 OS/2, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, Windows 95, IRIX, Solaris $295
  • 15. Server Version Operating System Price Range Lotus Domino Go Webserver 4.6.1 Digital UNIX, AIX, OS/2, HPUX, Windows NT, Windows 95, IRIX, Solaris $495; free demo Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 Digital UNIX, AIX, HPUX, Windows NT, IRIX $1,295 Oracle Web Application Server 3.01 HPUX, Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris call Oracle Spinnaker 3.0 Windows NT, Windows 95 $249 Viking 1.06 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 $100 for 90-day trial WebBase 4.5 Windows 3.x, Windows 95 $695 WebSite Professional 2.5.8 Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98 $799 Xitami 2.4d8 NetBSD, Digital UNIX, BSDI, AIX, OS/2, Windows 3.x, SCO, HPUX, Windows NT, Linux, VMS, QNX, Windows 95, FreeBSD, IRIX, Solaris Xitami: free: Xitami/Pro: $99
  • 16.  
  • 17. Personal Web Server Microsoft's Personal Web Server (PWS) is a scaled-down version of the commercial Information Internet Server (IIS) included with the Server edition of Microsoft Windows NT. Designed for Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT Workstation users. PWS is a great entry-level Web server that makes it easy to publish personal home pages, serve small Web sites, and share documents via a local intranet. PWS is one of the best servers available for helping to get you up and running quickly.
  • 18. Personal Web Server Cont… Wizards are included to guide you through the process of setting up home pages and sharing files, and the PWS administrator reduces the complexity of actually running the Web server itself. One of the best uses for PWS is as a platform for testing out Web sites on your Windows 95/Windows NT Workstation computers before hosting them on the Internet This allows you to check the validity of links, scripts, and applications as well as to ensure that the overall organization of the site is functioning correctly
  • 19. Personal Web Server Cont… The server does include support for Active Server Pages (ASP), script debugging PWS presents the ability to develop transactional Web applications using the Microsoft Transaction Server No UNIX version, Lacks some of the more advanced features included with IIS, Only runs on Windows 95/98/ME Windows NT Workstation, Slower than IIS
  • 20. H/W Requirements For Intel-based Windows95/98/ME, Windows NT 4.0 Workstations Intel 486 33 MHz minimum /Pentium 133 MHz recommended 16 MB RAM minimum / 32 MB RAM recommended 40 MB of free HDD Space for installation
  • 21. Personal Web Server Installation Down load PWS from the site Run setup program and follow the instructions
  • 22.  
  • 23. Apache Web Server Apache remains the king of Web servers despite intense efforts by Microsoft and Netscape to gain dominance in the market Its cross-platform support, protocol support (HTTP/1.1), modularity (API), security, logging, and overall performance and robustness Apache runs on Windows (95/98/NT), OS/2, and all the major variants of Unix