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1. Introduction 4 
2. WEB 1.0 5 
3. WEB 2.0  6 
4. Information or Data is Money  7 
5. WEB 3.0 Revolution  8 
6. Advantages of WEB 3.0 11 
a. Ownership of Information or Data 
b. Access to Information 
c. Elimination of the Central Point of Control 
d. The Permissionless Blockchain 
e. Uninterrupted Service 
7. Conclusion  13 
About Author 
Rajashree Rao (Raj) is an Industry Thought Leader & Visionary for 
Next-Gen Transformation Technologies, - AI, Blockchain, Cloud 
Computing, IoT/IIoT/Smart Cities across Industry verticals, Digital 
Evangelist, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, and Entrepreneur. While Raj writes 
on a wide variety of subjects, her favorite topics are Next-Gen 
Technologies, Digital Transformation, Leadership, Women's 
Empowerment, and 'Self.'  
1 Introduction 
There has been a buzz around the Web 3.0 and the disruption it 
will bring to the Industry, but only a few know actually why it spawned 
and what is it about to transform. Let us travel back in time to 
understand and examine its predecessors - Web 1.0 and 2.0 
2 Web 1.0 
In early 90s' web 1.0 was the first generation of the 'World Wide 
Web' it was based primarily on the technology of HTTP which worked 
to link documents on different computers and make them accessible 
over the internet. HTML was then used to display these document so 
that any connected computer with a browser could access and read a 
web page.  
This first iteration of the web was all about information as it enabled us 
to exchange data much more efficiently and hence got the name 
information superhighway even though it was a revolution in 
information exchange.  
Content creators were few with the vast majority of users simply acting 
as consumers of content. It was very static and lacked interaction and 
terribly slow to streaming of music and videos or downloading of a song 
would take at least a day.  
3 Web 2.0 
The Web 2.0 websites allowed users to interact, collaborate and 
become the creators of the contents. With web 2.0 people not only 
could read from the web but also write to it and thus got the nickname 
the "ReadWrite-Publish Era" web.  
By the early 2000s new server-side scripting technologies such as PHP 
enabled developers to easily build applications where people could write 
information to a database with that information then being dynamically 
updated every time they refresh the page almost all of the websites that 
dominate the web today are based on this server-side scripting 
Web 2.0 gave the social networking, blogging, video sharing, eBay, 
YouTube, Facebook, and all the other large platforms where most 
people spend most of their time on the internet.  
4 Information or Data is Money 
With the increasing internet users, the United Nations estimated 
the growth from 738 million to 3.2 billion from 2000 to 2015 which is 
an unfathomable amount of data available. The large digital corporations 
realised that the personal information is the precious asset.  
Hence began the mass accumulation of data in the centralised servers 
with Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter being the biggest custodians of it. 
People sacrificed data privacy and security for these convenient 
services; whether they know it or not, their personal information such as 
browsing habits, identities, online shopping and search information is 
sold to the highest bidder. 
5 The Web 3.0 Revolution 
The idea of Web 3.0 has been around for a while, but it's only very 
recently with the development of blockchain that it is actually starting to 
become something real. Web 2.0 has evolved to become highly 
centralized around very large platforms running out of the ever-larger 
data centres creating many issues surrounding security, privacy, control 
and concentration of power in the hands of large enterprises. It is only 
today that these issues are starting to enter into mainstream discourse. 
Rather than to concentrate the data and power in the hands of large 
behemoths with questionable motives, it would be returned to the 
owners concerned.  
The industry and technologists have been making big claims about the 
potential of the blockchain technology to revolutionize the foundations 
of the socio-economic organization, but blockchain can only have such a 
possibility as a part of a broader ecosystem of technologies that are 
emerging as the next generation of the Internet's what may be called 
web 3.0 or the decentralised network. Today powerful technological 
changes are coalescing to take us into a new technology paradigm these 
include the rise of the advanced analytics coupled with datafication and 
the Internet of Things. 
Web 3.0 is set to disrupt this whole technology paradigm as the critical 
change that is coming about is the called Decentralisation of the web. 
The blockchain provides the protocols and cryptography for a globally 
distributed network of computers to collaborate on maintaining a secure 
public database, and with a virtual machine like Ethereum, we can run 
code on this creating a new set of distributed applications. 
These new technologies of the blockchain and distributed web enables 
us to reconfigure the internet into a distributed global computer so we 
are no longer dependent upon the web platforms and data centres of 
web 2.0 to run the internet but now can build and run applications on 
this shared global computing infrastructure. "It starts with the realisation 
that the internet we know today is only one possible interpretation of 
the original vision of an open peer-to-peer network independent of any 
centralised technology, commercial entity, or sovereign government, 
think of it as a first curve internet, one that is increasingly vulnerable to 
abuse and even collapses." 
To date, we've largely taken the infrastructure of the internet for 
granted. All of the innovation and action has been focussed on the 
application layer that sits on top of it on web applications like social 
networking or e-commerce. With the development of blockchain and 
particularly with this third generation we're starting to innovate on the 
low-level protocols asking not if we can build a better web application; 
but if we can build a better internet, the implications of the decentralised 
web are indeed radical.  
In that, it enables us to create automated services, disintermediate 
existing incumbents, and enable people to set up their own secure 
networks of exchange empowering them in new ways. The blockchain 
will be a core part of web 3.0, but the next-generation internet would 
also see the convergence of the Internet of Things and the big data 
analytics. The ongoing fundamental process of datafication will be a key 
aspect to this next-generation internet as we increase in the instrument 
our world's data will flow from all sources about everything.  
The next-generation internet will be much smarter in comparison to the 
web 1.0 which was static, and web 2.0 is dynamic, and web 3.0 will 
incorporate various aspects of machine learning and cognitive 
computing as a service as it becomes infused into almost all applications 
making the web truly adaptive, responsive, and personalized. Whereas 
web 1.0 and web 2.0 were largely about people exchanging 
In web 3.0 machines will come online, and the internet will become 
something much more physical as billions of devices and actuators 
connected to all sorts of things from tractors to watches to factories and 
drones enabling them to interact and coordinate machine to machine. 
The value of the Internet of Things (IoT) will not be in making one device 
or system smart, and it will be in enabling seamless processes across 
systems. This will require open networks that can communicate and 
coordinate components on-demand across domains, organizations and 
the systems. 
6 Advantages of Web 3.0 
The next big wave is the Web 3.0 or the Decentralised Web 
which is envisaged by the Industry. It will take a nostalgic turn to the 
vision of Web 1.0 and 2.0 with better privacy, data security and more 
human-like interaction.  
The vision of a more transparent Web dates back to 2006. However, the 
technologies and tools weren't available for it to materialise. Bitcoin was 
still three years away, bringing forward with it the niche concept of the 
distributed ledger, or blockchain technology for peer-to-peer digital 
storage. Decentralisation was the idea while blockchain the means. 
What we now have is the 'Human-Centered Internet. Let us understand 
the key benefits which the Web 3.0 offers. 
1. Ownership of Information or Data: 
The end-users will regain the complete ownership and control of 
their data and have the security of encryption. Information could 
then be shared on permission/need or case-by-case basis. 
Currently, the large organisations like Facebook and Amazon have 
en-number of servers storing personal information on income, 
interests, dietary preferences, credit cards, etc. These data are not 
collected merely to enhance their services, but the data is sold to 
the advertisers and marketers who pay billions of dollar every 
2. Access to Information: 
One of the most significant benefits of Web 3.0 is the 
transformation towards being able to access the data from 
anywhere and is mainly driven by the heavy usage of Smartphone 
and Cloud applications. The vision is to ensure the user can have 
access to information as much as possible from anywhere in the 
world. The technology aims to expand the idea in ways that allow 
devices to collect user data and letting smartphone to access data 
on your computer. 
3. Elimination of the Central Point of Control: 
The blockchains like Ethereum provide a trusted platform in which 
the data is fully encrypted, and the rules are unbreakable. Hence, 
the intermediaries are eliminated from the equation. Apple and 
Google will no longer be in control of the user data. No 
Government or entity will have the ability to kill services and sites, 
and no individual can control the identities of others.  
4. The Permissionless Blockchain: 
Anybody can create an address and interact with the blockchain 
network. The authority to access permissionless blockchains 
cannot be overstated. The users will be not be restricted on 
account of their income, geography, orientation, gender or a series 
of other demographical and sociological factors. The digital assets 
and wealth can be transferred efficiently, quickly, cross-border, 
anywhere globally. 
5. Uninterrupted Service: 
The suspension of account and denial of distributed services are 
reduced dramatically. Since there is no single point of failure, the 
service disruption will be a bare minimum. The data will be stored 
on the distributed nodes to ensure redundancy, and multiple 
backups will prevent seizure or server failure.  
7 Conclusion 
The Web 3.0 knowledge management should give rise to an exciting 
and a game-changing environment - the Social Semantic Web. 
However, still, the technology is in the early stages, but if you have used 
the Google search in the recent times know that the Google has used 
natural language to find the answer to your question. Hence you are 
already experiencing the revolutionary benefits of the next chapter in 
the story of the "World Wide Web (WWW)." 

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Web 3.0

  • 1.  
  • 2. Contents    1. Introduction 4  2. WEB 1.0 5  3. WEB 2.0  6  4. Information or Data is Money  7  5. WEB 3.0 Revolution  8  6. Advantages of WEB 3.0 11  a. Ownership of Information or Data  b. Access to Information  c. Elimination of the Central Point of Control  d. The Permissionless Blockchain  e. Uninterrupted Service  7. Conclusion  13                      2
  • 3. About Author    Rajashree Rao (Raj) is an Industry Thought Leader & Visionary for  Next-Gen Transformation Technologies, - AI, Blockchain, Cloud  Computing, IoT/IIoT/Smart Cities across Industry verticals, Digital  Evangelist, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, and Entrepreneur. While Raj writes  on a wide variety of subjects, her favorite topics are Next-Gen  Technologies, Digital Transformation, Leadership, Women's  Empowerment, and 'Self.'                           3
  • 4. 1 Introduction    There has been a buzz around the Web 3.0 and the disruption it  will bring to the Industry, but only a few know actually why it spawned  and what is it about to transform. Let us travel back in time to  understand and examine its predecessors - Web 1.0 and 2.0                      4
  • 5. 2 Web 1.0    In early 90s' web 1.0 was the first generation of the 'World Wide  Web' it was based primarily on the technology of HTTP which worked  to link documents on different computers and make them accessible  over the internet. HTML was then used to display these document so  that any connected computer with a browser could access and read a  web page.     This first iteration of the web was all about information as it enabled us  to exchange data much more efficiently and hence got the name  information superhighway even though it was a revolution in  information exchange.     Content creators were few with the vast majority of users simply acting  as consumers of content. It was very static and lacked interaction and  terribly slow to streaming of music and videos or downloading of a song  would take at least a day.               5
  • 6. 3 Web 2.0    The Web 2.0 websites allowed users to interact, collaborate and  become the creators of the contents. With web 2.0 people not only  could read from the web but also write to it and thus got the nickname  the "ReadWrite-Publish Era" web.     By the early 2000s new server-side scripting technologies such as PHP  enabled developers to easily build applications where people could write  information to a database with that information then being dynamically  updated every time they refresh the page almost all of the websites that  dominate the web today are based on this server-side scripting  technology.     Web 2.0 gave the social networking, blogging, video sharing, eBay,  YouTube, Facebook, and all the other large platforms where most  people spend most of their time on the internet.               6
  • 7. 4 Information or Data is Money    With the increasing internet users, the United Nations estimated  the growth from 738 million to 3.2 billion from 2000 to 2015 which is  an unfathomable amount of data available. The large digital corporations  realised that the personal information is the precious asset.     Hence began the mass accumulation of data in the centralised servers  with Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter being the biggest custodians of it.  People sacrificed data privacy and security for these convenient  services; whether they know it or not, their personal information such as  browsing habits, identities, online shopping and search information is  sold to the highest bidder.                7
  • 8. 5 The Web 3.0 Revolution    The idea of Web 3.0 has been around for a while, but it's only very  recently with the development of blockchain that it is actually starting to  become something real. Web 2.0 has evolved to become highly  centralized around very large platforms running out of the ever-larger  data centres creating many issues surrounding security, privacy, control  and concentration of power in the hands of large enterprises. It is only  today that these issues are starting to enter into mainstream discourse.  Rather than to concentrate the data and power in the hands of large  behemoths with questionable motives, it would be returned to the  owners concerned.     The industry and technologists have been making big claims about the  potential of the blockchain technology to revolutionize the foundations  of the socio-economic organization, but blockchain can only have such a  possibility as a part of a broader ecosystem of technologies that are  emerging as the next generation of the Internet's what may be called  web 3.0 or the decentralised network. Today powerful technological  changes are coalescing to take us into a new technology paradigm these  include the rise of the advanced analytics coupled with datafication and  the Internet of Things.    Web 3.0 is set to disrupt this whole technology paradigm as the critical  change that is coming about is the called Decentralisation of the web.  The blockchain provides the protocols and cryptography for a globally  distributed network of computers to collaborate on maintaining a secure  public database, and with a virtual machine like Ethereum, we can run  code on this creating a new set of distributed applications.    These new technologies of the blockchain and distributed web enables  us to reconfigure the internet into a distributed global computer so we  are no longer dependent upon the web platforms and data centres of  web 2.0 to run the internet but now can build and run applications on  8
  • 9. this shared global computing infrastructure. "It starts with the realisation  that the internet we know today is only one possible interpretation of  the original vision of an open peer-to-peer network independent of any  centralised technology, commercial entity, or sovereign government,  think of it as a first curve internet, one that is increasingly vulnerable to  abuse and even collapses."    To date, we've largely taken the infrastructure of the internet for  granted. All of the innovation and action has been focussed on the  application layer that sits on top of it on web applications like social  networking or e-commerce. With the development of blockchain and  particularly with this third generation we're starting to innovate on the  low-level protocols asking not if we can build a better web application;  but if we can build a better internet, the implications of the decentralised  web are indeed radical.     In that, it enables us to create automated services, disintermediate  existing incumbents, and enable people to set up their own secure  networks of exchange empowering them in new ways. The blockchain  will be a core part of web 3.0, but the next-generation internet would  also see the convergence of the Internet of Things and the big data  analytics. The ongoing fundamental process of datafication will be a key  aspect to this next-generation internet as we increase in the instrument  our world's data will flow from all sources about everything.     The next-generation internet will be much smarter in comparison to the  web 1.0 which was static, and web 2.0 is dynamic, and web 3.0 will  incorporate various aspects of machine learning and cognitive  computing as a service as it becomes infused into almost all applications  making the web truly adaptive, responsive, and personalized. Whereas  web 1.0 and web 2.0 were largely about people exchanging  information.     In web 3.0 machines will come online, and the internet will become  something much more physical as billions of devices and actuators  9
  • 10. connected to all sorts of things from tractors to watches to factories and  drones enabling them to interact and coordinate machine to machine.  The value of the Internet of Things (IoT) will not be in making one device  or system smart, and it will be in enabling seamless processes across  systems. This will require open networks that can communicate and  coordinate components on-demand across domains, organizations and  the systems.                                                      10
  • 11. 6 Advantages of Web 3.0    The next big wave is the Web 3.0 or the Decentralised Web  which is envisaged by the Industry. It will take a nostalgic turn to the  vision of Web 1.0 and 2.0 with better privacy, data security and more  human-like interaction.     The vision of a more transparent Web dates back to 2006. However, the  technologies and tools weren't available for it to materialise. Bitcoin was  still three years away, bringing forward with it the niche concept of the  distributed ledger, or blockchain technology for peer-to-peer digital  storage. Decentralisation was the idea while blockchain the means.  What we now have is the 'Human-Centered Internet. Let us understand  the key benefits which the Web 3.0 offers.  1. Ownership of Information or Data:  The end-users will regain the complete ownership and control of  their data and have the security of encryption. Information could  then be shared on permission/need or case-by-case basis.  Currently, the large organisations like Facebook and Amazon have  en-number of servers storing personal information on income,  interests, dietary preferences, credit cards, etc. These data are not  collected merely to enhance their services, but the data is sold to  the advertisers and marketers who pay billions of dollar every  year.  2. Access to Information:  One of the most significant benefits of Web 3.0 is the  transformation towards being able to access the data from  anywhere and is mainly driven by the heavy usage of Smartphone  and Cloud applications. The vision is to ensure the user can have  access to information as much as possible from anywhere in the  world. The technology aims to expand the idea in ways that allow  11
  • 12. devices to collect user data and letting smartphone to access data  on your computer.  3. Elimination of the Central Point of Control:  The blockchains like Ethereum provide a trusted platform in which  the data is fully encrypted, and the rules are unbreakable. Hence,  the intermediaries are eliminated from the equation. Apple and  Google will no longer be in control of the user data. No  Government or entity will have the ability to kill services and sites,  and no individual can control the identities of others.   4. The Permissionless Blockchain:  Anybody can create an address and interact with the blockchain  network. The authority to access permissionless blockchains  cannot be overstated. The users will be not be restricted on  account of their income, geography, orientation, gender or a series  of other demographical and sociological factors. The digital assets  and wealth can be transferred efficiently, quickly, cross-border,  anywhere globally.  5. Uninterrupted Service:  The suspension of account and denial of distributed services are  reduced dramatically. Since there is no single point of failure, the  service disruption will be a bare minimum. The data will be stored  on the distributed nodes to ensure redundancy, and multiple  backups will prevent seizure or server failure.               12
  • 13. 7 Conclusion    The Web 3.0 knowledge management should give rise to an exciting  and a game-changing environment - the Social Semantic Web.  However, still, the technology is in the early stages, but if you have used  the Google search in the recent times know that the Google has used  natural language to find the answer to your question. Hence you are  already experiencing the revolutionary benefits of the next chapter in  the story of the "World Wide Web (WWW)."    13