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Using JHipster 4 for generating
Angular/Spring Boot apps
Yakov Fain
Farata Systems

About myself
• Work for Farata Systems
• Java Champion
• Latest book:

“Angular Development with TypeScript”
Good frameworks make
you write less code
• Part 1 

- Create a Spring Boot REST service

- Create a Web client with Angular CLI

- Deploy the Angular app under Spring Boot
• Part 2 

- Generate an Angular/Spring Boot app with JHipster

- Monolithic vs Microservices

- Generating entities 

- Internationalization

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Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016

YouTube of this presentation's JHipster Demo: Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and Browsersync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or JWT authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry and Heroku.

Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JavaLand 2017)
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!  (from JavaLand 2017)Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience!  (from JavaLand 2017)
Building a Spring Boot Application - Ask the Audience! (from JavaLand 2017)

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone Spring-based application that you can 'just run'. It uses a 'convention over configuration' approach to get you up and running in no-time, while offering all Spring features that you have grown fond of in the past years. In this session this is demonstrated by live-coding a Spring Boot application that will ‘just work’. But audience beware, this is not your standard ‘live-coding session'. Attendees will have a vital say in the session's content by defining the application’s requ irements. Should it be an app to track your kitchen cupboard contents or do you want a simple task planner? It's up to you! Should it use MongoDB or Couchbase? You decide! Do you want an AngularJS front-end with a RESTful backend or do you prefer a classic web app with Thymeleaf templates? It's your call! Seriously. During the session you get to make these decisions by participating in an online vote. And you will discover that Spring Boot is up to the task no matter what choices you make. So what are you waiting for? Bring your own device, help shape the application that we're building and learn lots about Spring Boot in the process. This session is intended for Java software engineers with an interest in Spring Boot. Some Spring experience could come in handy, but is not strictly necessary. After this session, you will know enough to start your own Spring Boot project.

React JS
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React JS

React is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Jordan Walke at Facebook in 2011 and is now maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of developers. Major companies like Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, Khan Academy, and PayPal use React to build their interfaces. React uses a virtual DOM for faster rendering and makes components that manage their own state. It uses JSX syntax and a one-way data flow that is declarative and composable.

What’s Spring Boot?
An opinionated framework that generates 

pre-configured bootable Java/Spring projects
Our Spring Boot Controller


public class ProductController {

Product products[] = new Product[3];


products[0] = new Product(0,"First product", 59.99);

products[1] = new Product(1,"Second product", 12.50);

products[2] = new Product(2,"Third product", 14.40);



method = RequestMethod.GET,


public Product[] getProducts(){

return products;


• Create a new Spring Boot App called server
• Declare a REST endpoint for products
What’s Angular?
A platform for developing of the front end for Web apps

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SpringBoot is a framework that makes it easy to create Spring-based applications and services. It provides starter dependencies, centralized configuration, production-ready features, and good testing capabilities out of the box. While static content serving and mixing Jersey and Spring MVC can be issues, overall SpringBoot simplifies development. Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that uses enterprise integration patterns to provide a library of pre-built components for connecting applications together. It has many components but documentation is limited, creating a learning curve.

Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications that you can "just run". It allows you to create stand-alone applications, embed Tomcat/Jetty directly with no need to deploy WAR files, and provides starter POMs to simplify configuration. Spring Boot applications are run by adding a spring-boot-gradle-plugin and can then be run as an executable JAR. Features include REST endpoints, security, external configuration, and production monitoring via Actuators.

microservicesrestspring framework
Spring boot
Spring bootSpring boot
Spring boot

Spring Boot allows creating standalone Spring applications with minimal configuration. It makes assumptions about dependencies and provides default configurations. It aims to provide a faster development experience for Spring. Some key Spring Boot components include auto-configuration, core functionality, CLI, actuator for monitoring, and starters for common dependencies. To use Spring Boot, create a project with the Spring Initializr, add code and configurations, then build a jar file that can be run standalone.

What’s Angular CLI?
An opinionated tool that generates and builds Angular
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<h1>All Products</h1>
<li *ngFor="let product of products">
export class AppComponent {
products: Array<string> = [];
theDataSource: Observable<string>;
constructor(private http: Http) {
this.theDataSource = this.http.get('/api/products')
.map(res => res.json());
this.theDataSource.subscribe( // Get the data from the REST server
data => this.products=data,
err => console.log(“Got and error. Code: %s, URL: %s ", err.status, err.url));
Our Angular Client

Generating a new Angular project called client to display products
scripts": {

"build": "ng build -prod",

"postbuild": "npm run deploy",

"predeploy": "rimraf ../server/src/main/resources/static &&
mkdirp ../server/src/main/resources/static",

"deploy": "copyfiles -f dist/** ../server/src/main/
Automating deployment with npm scripts


Boot app

Angular app

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Grails Spring Boot
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Grails Spring Boot

This tutorial is about Spring Boot. The tutorial includes an introduction to Spring Boot, key features of Spring Boot, prototyping using CLI, managing profiles aka environment in Grails, using GORM and using GSP. The tutorial begins with a section which is an introduction to Spring Boot. It includes an introduction to Spring Boot, the benefits of using Spring Boot. Following is a features section which includes the key features of Spring Boot like embedded servers, security, metrics etc. Next is a section about prototyping. It includes prototyping using CLI, getting started, the things that happen during prototyping, starter POMs and a demo, building Gradle, using plugin and adding dependencies, and hot reloading. Consecutively there is a section about managing profiles. It includes managing profiles aka managing environment in Grails like binding properties and its examples, using spring data to add dependency. Moreover, there's also a section which includes using GORM for next level persistence and also includes server side view template libraries like JSP, velocity, tiles, GSP etc. The last section of this tutorial is about GSP. It includes using GSP with Spring Boot as it has limited tags, adds dependency and helps in packaging executable JAR and WAR files.

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E2E testing Single Page Apps and APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer
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This document discusses end-to-end testing of single page applications and APIs using Cucumber.js and Puppeteer. It explains that E2E testing an SPA needs to handle loading the SPA, API, databases, and test data. An effective strategy must coordinate setup and teardown across components and be flexible to changes. The document then provides a 7 step process for using Cucumber.js to describe features, run automated tests, and provide living documentation. It also discusses using Puppeteer to control the browser from Node.js. Finally, it provides an example of using these tools together to test the Dashku application, which loads the SPA and API as modules, manages test data in MongoDB, and abstract

End to end testing Single Page Apps & APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer (Em...
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End to end testing Single Page Apps & APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer (Em...

Here are the slides from my talk at Ember London meetup June 2018 on End-to-end testing Single Page Apps & APIs with Cucumber.js and Puppeteer

Adding packages for deployment
to package.json
"copyfiles": "^1.0.0",
"mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
"rimraf": "^2.5.4"

Our Angular app deployed in Spring Boot
When I was young...
I just needed to learn a couple of tools
Do you know all these?
• Yeoman
• npm
• Yarn
• Gradle
• Docker
• My SQL
• H2
• Liquibase
• JDL Studio
• Webpack
• SwaggerUI
• Angular
• Java
• JavaScript
• TypeScript
• Spring
• RESTFul Web services

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JHipster is an application generator that allows you to create monoliths or microservices, based on Spring Boot and Angular. It leverages Spring Cloud for microservices and contains best-of-breed JavaScript and CSS libraries for creating your UI. In this session, you’ll learn about what’s new in JHipster. Topics include Angular 4, Progressive Web Apps, HTTP/2, JUnit 5 and Spring 5. Monolith Demo: Microservices Demo:

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This document provides an overview of automated testing in AngularJS, including unit testing, end-to-end testing, and acceptance testing using tools like Protractor and CucumberJS. It discusses the benefits of automated testing such as enabling safe refactoring and reducing bugs. It then demonstrates how to set up testing frameworks like Protractor and Karma and write tests using page objects and test-driven development. The document also covers acceptance testing with CucumberJS by writing step definitions and features in Gherkin and linking them to tests.

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Migrating 25K lines of Ant scripting to Gradle

Most developers prefer to spend their time writing code instead of performing build script maintenance. Build scripting may be an essential part of the software development process, but it often lacks maintainability which makes applying and deploying changes a tedious job. So it’s important to make sure your build system encourages simplicity and that changes can be made in a fast and straightforward way. Industry standards Ant and Maven are not quite up to the task; Gradle is a better alternative. This presentation introduces Gradle – a modern build system that supports all JVM Languages – and shares the result of the Ant-to-Gradle migration that was performed at NS (Dutch Railways). The session will focus on the challenges we faced while trying to replace Ant scripting with the Gradle equivalent and how we handled them. After attending this session, you will have a good understanding of Gradle and its pros and cons compared to Ant and Maven. On top of that, you will be able to migrate your own project to Gradle, even if your project has a huge code base or relies on ancient technologies. The lessons we learnt at NS could be very helpful to your own situation.

What’s Yeoman?
An opinionated tool for kickstarting new Web projects
and generating things
What’s JHipster?
• An opinionated Yeoman generator to generate, 

develop, and deploy Spring Boot + Angular projects
• Docs:
• 500K downloads, 7K stars on GitHub, 330 contributors
JHipster pros
• Generates a working Angular/Spring Boot in minutes
• Automates the manual work
• Shows best practices
• Simplifies cloud deployment
JHipster cons
• You have to be a full stack developer to understand the tooling
• The generated app may have more features than you need

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Spring boot
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Spring boot

This document provides an overview of Spring Boot, including: - Comparisons between Spring Boot, Spring, and Spring MVC. - The advantages of Spring Boot like auto-configuration and ease of use. - How to get started with Spring Boot using and key annotations. - How Spring Boot handles dependencies, logging, exceptions, and databases. - References additional resources on Spring Boot.

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The document discusses Spring Cloud services. It describes how to implement a configuration server, service registry, and circuit breaker dashboard locally using Spring Cloud. It then explains how these same patterns and services can be provided on Pivotal Cloud Foundry as managed services, including how to create and bind the services in Cloud Foundry.

Getting started
• Download and install node.js from
• Install the Yarn package manager

npm install yarn -g
• Install the Yeoman generator

npm install yo -g
• Install the JHipster generator

npm install -g generator-jhipster
• Create a new folder and cd to it
• Run JHipster and answer the questions


JHipster can generate
• A monolithic app (Angular inside the WAR)
• Microservices app (Angular outside the WAR)
Monolithic architecture
An Angular app is packaged in a WAR file

Spring Boot

Using JHipster 4 for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps

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Front End Development for Back End Developers - UberConf 2017
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Are you a backend developer that’s being pushed into front end development? Are you frustrated with all JavaScript frameworks and build tools you have to learn to be a good UI developer? If so, this session is for you! We’ll explore the tools of the trade for frontend development (npm, yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Yeoman) and learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This presentation dives into the intricacies of Bootstrap, Material Design, ES6, and TypeScript. Finally, after getting you up to speed with all this new tech, I'll show how it can all be found and integrated through the fine and dandy JHipster project.

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To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your Angular app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your Angular app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This workshop shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, Angular 4, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, Spring Data REST, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an Angular app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover microservices, security/authentication, continuous integration, and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Prerequisites: Java 8, Maven 3.5.0, Node.js 6.9.5, Chrome (higher versions ok) Install Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli Optional: Yarn instead of npm Tutorial used for workshop:

Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps
Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot AppsUsing Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps
Using Jhipster 4 for Generating Angular/Spring Boot Apps

YAKOV FAIN SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT, FARATA SYSTEMS JHipster 4 is an open-source code generator that allows you to automate creation and configuration of a Web project that uses the Angular framework on the front and Spring Boot on the back. We'll start with a simple example where an Angular app consumes the REST service from Spring Boot. After that, we'll use JHipster to generate a complete Angular/Spring Boot project.

Running the app
• Spring Boot app with the deployed Angular app: 



• Webpack server for the client and Spring Boot as REST API:

yarn start


Generating a WAR file
• To package the app in a prod WAR file:

./mvnw -Pprod package
• You’ll get one executable WAR and another for an app server:



<h1 class="display-4" jhiTranslate="home.title">Welcome, Java Hipster!</h1>
<p class="lead" jhiTranslate="home.subtitle">This is your homepage</p>

generating a monolith app

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JHipster microservices infrastructure
This diagram is taken from

with proxies



NGINX Web Server




Would be nice to have
Adding entities with JDL-Studio

to a file
A sample diagram from
Importing entities
• Importing a model created in the JDL studio:

yo jhipster:import-jdl ~/Downloads/jhipster-blog.jh 

• Adding an entity interactively:

yo jhipster:entity blog

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generating entities
Deployment options
• Heroku
• CloudFoundry
• Kubernetes
• Docker
• OpenShift
• Rancher
• A simple Spring Boot app serving 3
• Using Angular with JHipster (docs):
• Our company:
• My blog:

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Using JHipster 4 for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps

  • 1. Using JHipster 4 for generating Angular/Spring Boot apps Yakov Fain Farata Systems
  • 2. About myself • Work for Farata Systems • Java Champion • Latest book:
 “Angular Development with TypeScript”
  • 3. Good frameworks make you write less code
  • 4. Agenda • Part 1 
 - Create a Spring Boot REST service
 - Create a Web client with Angular CLI
 - Deploy the Angular app under Spring Boot • Part 2 
 - Generate an Angular/Spring Boot app with JHipster
 - Monolithic vs Microservices
 - Generating entities 
 - Internationalization
  • 5. What’s Spring Boot? An opinionated framework that generates 
 pre-configured bootable Java/Spring projects
  • 6. Our Spring Boot Controller @RestController
 public class ProductController {
 Product products[] = new Product[3];
 products[0] = new Product(0,"First product", 59.99);
 products[1] = new Product(1,"Second product", 12.50);
 products[2] = new Product(2,"Third product", 14.40);
 method = RequestMethod.GET,
 produces= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
 public Product[] getProducts(){
 return products;
  • 7. Demo • Create a new Spring Boot App called server • Declare a REST endpoint for products
  • 8. What’s Angular? A platform for developing of the front end for Web apps
  • 9. What’s Angular CLI? An opinionated tool that generates and builds Angular projects
  • 10. @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: `<h1>All Products</h1> <ul> <li *ngFor="let product of products"> {{product.title}} </li> </ul> `}) export class AppComponent { products: Array<string> = []; theDataSource: Observable<string>; constructor(private http: Http) { this.theDataSource = this.http.get('/api/products') .map(res => res.json()); } ngOnInit(){ this.theDataSource.subscribe( // Get the data from the REST server data => this.products=data, err => console.log(“Got and error. Code: %s, URL: %s ", err.status, err.url)); } } Our Angular Client Server
  • 11. Demo Generating a new Angular project called client to display products
  • 12. scripts": {
 "build": "ng build -prod",
 "postbuild": "npm run deploy",
 "predeploy": "rimraf ../server/src/main/resources/static && mkdirp ../server/src/main/resources/static",
 "deploy": "copyfiles -f dist/** ../server/src/main/ resources/static" } Automating deployment with npm scripts static
 resources Spring
 Boot app Bundled 
 Angular app
  • 13. Adding packages for deployment to package.json "copyfiles": "^1.0.0", "mkdirp": "^0.5.1", "rimraf": "^2.5.4"
  • 14. Demo
 Our Angular app deployed in Spring Boot Java Angular
  • 15. When I was young... I just needed to learn a couple of tools
  • 16. Do you know all these? • Yeoman • npm • Yarn • Gradle • Docker • My SQL • H2 • Liquibase • JDL Studio • Webpack • SwaggerUI • Angular • Java • JavaScript • TypeScript • Spring • JWT • RESTFul Web services • JSON • HTML
  • 17. What’s Yeoman? An opinionated tool for kickstarting new Web projects and generating things
  • 18. What’s JHipster? • An opinionated Yeoman generator to generate, 
 develop, and deploy Spring Boot + Angular projects • Docs: • 500K downloads, 7K stars on GitHub, 330 contributors
  • 19. JHipster pros • Generates a working Angular/Spring Boot in minutes • Automates the manual work • Shows best practices • Simplifies cloud deployment
  • 20. JHipster cons • You have to be a full stack developer to understand the tooling • The generated app may have more features than you need
  • 21. Getting started • Download and install node.js from • Install the Yarn package manager
 npm install yarn -g • Install the Yeoman generator
 npm install yo -g • Install the JHipster generator
 npm install -g generator-jhipster • Create a new folder and cd to it • Run JHipster and answer the questions

  • 22. JHipster can generate • A monolithic app (Angular inside the WAR) • Microservices app (Angular outside the WAR)
  • 23. Monolithic architecture An Angular app is packaged in a WAR file Angular
 app User Spring Boot
  • 25. Running the app • Spring Boot app with the deployed Angular app: 
 • Webpack server for the client and Spring Boot as REST API:
 yarn start

  • 26. Generating a WAR file • To package the app in a prod WAR file:
 ./mvnw -Pprod package • You’ll get one executable WAR and another for an app server:
  • 27. Internationalization
 ng2-translate <h1 class="display-4" jhiTranslate="home.title">Welcome, Java Hipster!</h1> <p class="lead" jhiTranslate="home.subtitle">This is your homepage</p> webapp/app/shared/language
  • 29. JHipster microservices infrastructure This diagram is taken from
  • 30. nginx.conf
 with proxies Angular
 app Google
 APIs User NGINX Web Server Spring Boot
 Would be nice to have
  • 31. Adding entities with JDL-Studio 1.Define 2.Download
 to a file A sample diagram from
  • 32. Importing entities • Importing a model created in the JDL studio:
 yo jhipster:import-jdl ~/Downloads/jhipster-blog.jh 
 • Adding an entity interactively:
 yo jhipster:entity blog
  • 34. Deployment options • Heroku • AWS • CloudFoundry • Kubernetes • Docker • OpenShift • Rancher
  • 35. Links • A simple Spring Boot app serving 3 products: • Using Angular with JHipster (docs): • Our company: • My blog: