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Real time stream processing using
Apache Kafka
● What is Apache Kafka?
● Why do we need stream processing?
● Stream processing using Apache Kafka
● Kafka @ Hotstar
Feel free to stop me for questions
$ whoami
● Personalisation lead at Hotstar
● Led Data Infrastructure team at Grofers and TinyOwl
● Kafka fanboy
● Usually rant on twitter @jayeshsidhwani
What is Kafka?
● Kafka is a scalable,
fault-tolerant, distributed queue
● Producers and Consumers
● Uses
○ Asynchronous communication in
event-driven architectures
○ Message broadcast for database
Diagram credits:
● Brokers
○ Heart of Kafka
○ Stores data
○ Data stored into topics
● Zookeeper
○ Manages cluster state information
○ Leader election
Inside Kafka
● Topics are partitioned
○ A partition is a append-only
commit-log file
○ Achieves horizontal scalability
● Messages written in a
partitions are ordered
● Each message gets an
auto-incrementing offset #
○ {“user_id”: 1, “term”: “GoT”} is
a message in the topic searched
Inside a topic
6Diagram credits:
How do consumers read?
● Consumer subscribes to a topic
● Consumers read from the head
of the queue
● Multiple consumers can read
from a single topic
7Diagram credits:
Kafka consumer scales horizontally
● Consumers can be grouped
● Consumer Groups
○ Horizontally scalable
○ Fault tolerant
○ Delivery guaranteed
8Diagram credits:
Stream processing and its use-cases
Discrete data processing models
● Request / Response
processing mode
○ Processing time <1
○ Clients can use this
Discrete data processing models
● Request / Response
processing mode
○ Processing time <1
○ Clients can use this
● Batch processing
○ Processing time few
hours to a day
○ Analysts can use this
Discrete data processing models
● As the system grows, such
synchronous processing
model leads to a spaghetti
and unmaintainable design
Promise of stream processing
● Untangle movement of data
○ Single source of truth
○ No duplicate writes
○ Anyone can consume anything
○ Decouples data generation
from data computation
Promise of stream processing
● Untangle movement of data
○ Single source of truth
○ No duplicate writes
○ Anyone can consume anything
● Process, transform and react
on the data as it happens
○ Sub-second latencies
○ Anomaly detection on bad stream
○ Timely notification to users who
dropped off in a live match Intelligence
Anomaly Action
Stream processing using Kafka
Stream processing frameworks
● Write your own?
○ Windowing
○ State management
○ Fault tolerance
○ Scalability
● Use frameworks such as Apache Spark, Samza, Storm
○ Batteries attached
○ Cluster manager to coordinate resources
○ High memory / cpu footprint
Kafka Streams
● Kafka Streams is a simple, low-latency, framework
independent stream processing framework
● Simple DSL
● Same principles as Kafka consumer (minus operations
● No cluster manager! yay!
Writing Kafka Streams
● Define a processing topology
○ Source nodes
○ Processor nodes
■ One or more
■ Filtering, windowing, joins etc
○ Sink nodes
● Compile it and run like any other java
Simple Kafka Stream
Kafka Streams architecture and operations
● Kafka manages
○ Parallelism
○ Fault tolerance
○ Ordering
○ State Management
20Diagram credits:
Streaming joins and state-stores
● Beyond filtering and windowing
● Streaming joins are hard to scale
○ Kafka scales at 800k writes/sec*
○ How about your database?
● Solution: Cache a static stream
○ Join with running stream
○ Stream<>table duality
● Kafka supports in-memory cache OOB
○ RocksDB
○ In-memory hash
○ Persistent / Transient
21Diagram credits:
achieved using librdkafka c++ library
● Inputs:
○ Incoming stream of benchmark stream
quality from CDN provider
○ Incoming stream quality reported by
Hotstar clients
● Output:
○ Calculate the locations reporting bad
QoS in real-time
22Diagram credits:
achieved using librdkafka c++ library
● Inputs:
○ Incoming stream of benchmark stream
quality from CDN provider
○ Incoming stream quality reported by
Hotstar clients
● Output:
○ Calculate the locations reporting bad
QoS in real-time
23Diagram credits:
achieved using librdkafka c++ library
KSQL - Kafka Streams ++
Kafka @ Hotstar
Stream <> Table duality
● Heart of Kafka Stream
● A stream is a changelog of
27Diagram credits:
Stream <> Table duality
● Heart of Kafka Stream
● A stream is a changelog of
● A table is a compacted stream
28Diagram credits:

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Build real time stream processing applications using Apache Kafka

  • 1. Real time stream processing using Apache Kafka
  • 2. Agenda ● What is Apache Kafka? ● Why do we need stream processing? ● Stream processing using Apache Kafka ● Kafka @ Hotstar Feel free to stop me for questions 2
  • 3. $ whoami ● Personalisation lead at Hotstar ● Led Data Infrastructure team at Grofers and TinyOwl ● Kafka fanboy ● Usually rant on twitter @jayeshsidhwani 3
  • 4. What is Kafka? 4 ● Kafka is a scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed queue ● Producers and Consumers ● Uses ○ Asynchronous communication in event-driven architectures ○ Message broadcast for database replication Diagram credits:
  • 5. ● Brokers ○ Heart of Kafka ○ Stores data ○ Data stored into topics ● Zookeeper ○ Manages cluster state information ○ Leader election Inside Kafka 5 BROKER ZOOKEEPER BROKER BROKER ZOOKEEPER TOPIC TOPIC TOPIC P P P C C C
  • 6. ● Topics are partitioned ○ A partition is a append-only commit-log file ○ Achieves horizontal scalability ● Messages written in a partitions are ordered ● Each message gets an auto-incrementing offset # ○ {“user_id”: 1, “term”: “GoT”} is a message in the topic searched Inside a topic 6Diagram credits:
  • 7. How do consumers read? ● Consumer subscribes to a topic ● Consumers read from the head of the queue ● Multiple consumers can read from a single topic 7Diagram credits:
  • 8. Kafka consumer scales horizontally ● Consumers can be grouped ● Consumer Groups ○ Horizontally scalable ○ Fault tolerant ○ Delivery guaranteed 8Diagram credits:
  • 9. Stream processing and its use-cases 9
  • 10. Discrete data processing models 10 APP APP APP ● Request / Response processing mode ○ Processing time <1 second ○ Clients can use this data
  • 11. Discrete data processing models 11 APP APP APP ● Request / Response processing mode ○ Processing time <1 second ○ Clients can use this data DWH HADOOP ● Batch processing mode ○ Processing time few hours to a day ○ Analysts can use this data
  • 12. Discrete data processing models 12 ● As the system grows, such synchronous processing model leads to a spaghetti and unmaintainable design APP APP APPAPP SEARCH MONIT CACHE
  • 13. Promise of stream processing 13 ● Untangle movement of data ○ Single source of truth ○ No duplicate writes ○ Anyone can consume anything ○ Decouples data generation from data computation APPAPP APP APP SEARCH MONIT CACHE STREAM PROCESSING FRAMEWORK
  • 14. Promise of stream processing 14 ● Untangle movement of data ○ Single source of truth ○ No duplicate writes ○ Anyone can consume anything ● Process, transform and react on the data as it happens ○ Sub-second latencies ○ Anomaly detection on bad stream quality ○ Timely notification to users who dropped off in a live match Intelligence APPAPP APP APP STREAM PROCESSING FRAMEWORK Filter Window Join Anomaly Action
  • 16. Stream processing frameworks ● Write your own? ○ Windowing ○ State management ○ Fault tolerance ○ Scalability ● Use frameworks such as Apache Spark, Samza, Storm ○ Batteries attached ○ Cluster manager to coordinate resources ○ High memory / cpu footprint 16
  • 17. Kafka Streams ● Kafka Streams is a simple, low-latency, framework independent stream processing framework ● Simple DSL ● Same principles as Kafka consumer (minus operations overhead) ● No cluster manager! yay! 17
  • 18. Writing Kafka Streams ● Define a processing topology ○ Source nodes ○ Processor nodes ■ One or more ■ Filtering, windowing, joins etc ○ Sink nodes ● Compile it and run like any other java application 18
  • 20. Kafka Streams architecture and operations ● Kafka manages ○ Parallelism ○ Fault tolerance ○ Ordering ○ State Management 20Diagram credits:
  • 21. Streaming joins and state-stores ● Beyond filtering and windowing ● Streaming joins are hard to scale ○ Kafka scales at 800k writes/sec* ○ How about your database? ● Solution: Cache a static stream in-memory ○ Join with running stream ○ Stream<>table duality ● Kafka supports in-memory cache OOB ○ RocksDB ○ In-memory hash ○ Persistent / Transient 21Diagram credits: * achieved using librdkafka c++ library
  • 22. Demo ● Inputs: ○ Incoming stream of benchmark stream quality from CDN provider ○ Incoming stream quality reported by Hotstar clients ● Output: ○ Calculate the locations reporting bad QoS in real-time 22Diagram credits: * achieved using librdkafka c++ library
  • 23. Demo ● Inputs: ○ Incoming stream of benchmark stream quality from CDN provider ○ Incoming stream quality reported by Hotstar clients ● Output: ○ Calculate the locations reporting bad QoS in real-time 23Diagram credits: * achieved using librdkafka c++ library CDN benchmarks Client reports Alerts
  • 24. KSQL - Kafka Streams ++ 24
  • 26. 26
  • 27. Stream <> Table duality ● Heart of Kafka Stream ● A stream is a changelog of events 27Diagram credits:
  • 28. Stream <> Table duality ● Heart of Kafka Stream ● A stream is a changelog of events ● A table is a compacted stream 28Diagram credits: