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Introduction to Apache Kafka
❏ Introduction
❏ First use case: Linkedin
❏ Architecture
❏ Main components
❏ Kafka protocol
❏ Kafka ecosystem
❏ Kafka Connect
❏ Schema Registry
❏ Installation/Configuration
❏ Datalab Use Cases
❏ Demo
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Maslow Hierarchy of human needs

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Kafka Streams: Revisiting the decisions of the past (How I could have made it...
Kafka Streams: Revisiting the decisions of the past (How I could have made it...Kafka Streams: Revisiting the decisions of the past (How I could have made it...
Kafka Streams: Revisiting the decisions of the past (How I could have made it...

Kafka Streams: Revisiting the decisions of the past (How I could have made it better), Jason Bell, Kafka DevOps Engineer @

apache kafkakafka streamsopen source
Beyond the Brokers | Emma Humber and Andrew Borley, IBM
Beyond the Brokers | Emma Humber and Andrew Borley, IBMBeyond the Brokers | Emma Humber and Andrew Borley, IBM
Beyond the Brokers | Emma Humber and Andrew Borley, IBM

While Kafka has guarantees around the number of server failures a cluster can tolerate, to avoid service interruptions, or even data loss, it is prudent to have infrastructure in place for when an environment becomes unavailable during a planned or unplanned outage. This talk describes the architectures available to you when planning for an outage. We will examine configurations including active/passive and active/active as well as availability zones and debate the benefits and limitations of each. We will also cover how to set up each configuration using the tools in Kafka. Whether downtime while you fail over clients to a backup is acceptable or you require your Kafka clusters to be highly available, this talk will give you an understanding of the options available to mitigate the impact of the loss of an environment.

kafka summitapache kafkabrokers
Building Retry Architectures in Kafka with Compacted Topics | Matthew Zhou, V...
Building Retry Architectures in Kafka with Compacted Topics | Matthew Zhou, V...Building Retry Architectures in Kafka with Compacted Topics | Matthew Zhou, V...
Building Retry Architectures in Kafka with Compacted Topics | Matthew Zhou, V...

In this talk, we'll discuss how VillageMD is able to use Kafka topic compaction for rapidly scaling our reprocessing pipelines to encompass hundreds of feeds. Within healthcare data ecosystems, privacy and data minimalism are key design priorities. Being able to handle data deletion in a reliable, timely manner within event-driven architectures is becoming more and more necessary with key governance frameworks like the GDPR and HIPAA. We'll be giving an overview of the building and governance of dead-letter queues for streaming data processing. We'll discuss: 1. How to architect a data sink for failed records. 2. How topic compaction can reduce duplicate data and enable idempotency. 3. Building a tombstoning system for removing successfully reprocessed records from the queues. 4. Considerations for monitoring a reprocessing system in production -- what metrics, dataops, and SLAs are useful?

apache kafkakafka summit
Data hierarchy of needs
Data Science
Data Infrastructure
Data Access
Introduction - Data Sources
Introduction - Data Ingestion
script to
read data
Tweet fetch
script to
read data
api rest
script to
read data
Introduction - Data Ingestion
script to
read data
Tweet fetch
script to
read data
api rest
script to
read data

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Kafka Tiered Storage | Satish Duggana and Sriharsha Chintalapani, Uber
Kafka Tiered Storage | Satish Duggana and Sriharsha Chintalapani, UberKafka Tiered Storage | Satish Duggana and Sriharsha Chintalapani, Uber
Kafka Tiered Storage | Satish Duggana and Sriharsha Chintalapani, Uber

Kafka is a vital part of data infrastructure in many organizations. When the Kafka cluster grows and more data is stored in Kafka for a longer duration, several issues related to scalability, efficiency, and operations become important to address. Kafka cluster storage is typically scaled by adding more broker nodes to the cluster. But this also adds needless memory and CPUs to the cluster making overall storage cost less efficient compared to storing the older data in external storage. Tiered storage is introduced to extend Kafka's storage beyond the local storage available on the Kafka cluster by retaining the older data in cheaper stores, such as HDFS, S3, Azure or GCS with minimal impact on the internals of Kafka. We will talk about - How tiered storage addresses the above problems and also brings several other advantages. - High level architecture of tiered storage - Future work planned as part of tiered storage.

apache kafkakafka summit
Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...
Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...
Performance Tuning RocksDB for Kafka Streams' State Stores (Dhruba Borthakur,...

RocksDB is the default state store for Kafka Streams. In this talk, we will discuss how to improve single node performance of the state store by tuning RocksDB and how to efficiently identify issues in the setup. We start with a short description of the RocksDB architecture. We discuss how Kafka Streams restores the state stores from Kafka by leveraging RocksDB features for bulk loading of data. We give examples of hand-tuning the RocksDB state stores based on Kafka Streams metrics and RocksDB’s metrics. At the end, we dive into a few RocksDB command line utilities that allow you to debug your setup and dump data from a state store. We illustrate the usage of the utilities with a few real-life use cases. The key takeaway from the session is the ability to understand the internal details of the default state store in Kafka Streams so that engineers can fine-tune their performance for different varieties of workloads and operate the state stores in a more robust manner.

kafka streamsmicroservicesintermediate
Not Your Mother's Kafka - Deep Dive into Confluent Cloud Infrastructure | Gwe...
Not Your Mother's Kafka - Deep Dive into Confluent Cloud Infrastructure | Gwe...Not Your Mother's Kafka - Deep Dive into Confluent Cloud Infrastructure | Gwe...
Not Your Mother's Kafka - Deep Dive into Confluent Cloud Infrastructure | Gwe...

Confluent Cloud runs a modified version of Apache Kafka - redesigned to be cloud-native and deliver a serverless user experience. In this talk, we will discuss key improvements we've made to Kafka and how they contribute to Confluent Cloud availability, elasticity, and multi-tenancy. You'll learn about innovations that you can use on-prem, and everything you need to make the most of Confluent Cloud.

kafka summitapache kafkaconfluent cloud
Introduction - Data Ingestion
Take something in
Absorb something
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Linkedin data pipeline problem
They had a lot of data
● User activity tracking
● Server logs and metrics
● Messaging
● Analytics
They Build products on data
● Newsfeed
● Recommendation
● Search
● Metrics and monitoring
How to integrate this variety of data
and make it available to all their
Frontend Server
Metrics Server
Inter-process communication channel
Linkedin data pipeline problem

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Distributed Crypto-Currency Trading with Apache Pulsar
Distributed Crypto-Currency Trading with Apache PulsarDistributed Crypto-Currency Trading with Apache Pulsar
Distributed Crypto-Currency Trading with Apache Pulsar

Apache Pulsar was developed to address several shortcomings of existing messaging systems including geo-replication, message durability, and lower message latency. We will implement a multi-currency quoting application that feeds pricing information to a crypto-currency trading platform that is deployed around the globe. Given the volatility of the crypto-currency prices, sub-second message latency is critical to traders. Equally important is ensuring consistent quotes are available to all geographical locations, i.e the price of Bitcoin shown to a user in the USA should be the same as it to a trader in Hong Kong. We will highlight the advantages of Apache Pulsar over traditional messaging systems and show how its low latency and replication across multiple geographies make it ideally suited for globally distributed, real-time applications.

PortoTechHub - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends
PortoTechHub  - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and FriendsPortoTechHub  - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends
PortoTechHub - Hail Hydrate! From Stream to Lake with Apache Pulsar and Friends

This document provides an overview and summary of Apache Pulsar, a distributed streaming and messaging platform. It discusses Pulsar's benefits like data durability, scalability, geo-replication and multi-tenancy. It outlines key use cases like message queuing and data streaming. The document also summarizes Pulsar's architecture, subscriptions modes, connectors, and integration with other technologies like Apache Flink, Apache NiFi and MQTT. It highlights real-world customer implementations and provides demos of ingesting IoT data via Pulsar.

apache pulsarapache nifiapache flink
RedisConf18 - Implementing a New Data Structure for Redis
RedisConf18 - Implementing a New Data Structure for Redis  RedisConf18 - Implementing a New Data Structure for Redis
RedisConf18 - Implementing a New Data Structure for Redis

1. The document discusses implementing a new data structure, Cuckoo filters, as a Redis module. It describes the presenter's experience level in C programming and goals for the project. 2. Probabilistic data structures like Bloom filters and Cuckoo filters are described as space-efficient alternatives to sets for membership testing with some error. The presenter explains why Cuckoo filters were chosen over Bloom filters for the ability to delete items. 3. Advice is given on starting a new Redis module, including using existing code as examples and writing tests at different speeds. Good API design, leveraging existing work, and thorough testing are emphasized.

Many publisher using direct connections
Frontend Server
Frontend Server
Database Server
Chat Server
Metrics Analysis
Metrics UI Database MonitorActive Monitoring
Backend server
Linkedin data pipeline problem
Publish/subscribe system
Frontend Server
Frontend Server
Database Server
Chat Server
Metrics Analysis
Metrics UI Database MonitorActive Monitoring
Backend server
Metrics pub/sub
Linkedin data pipeline problem
Publisher Publisher Publisher
Pattern Protocol Technology
implements implements
Log Search
Multiple publish/subscribe systems
Frontend Server
Frontend Server
Database Server
Chat Server
Metrics Analysis
Metrics UI Database Monitor
Active Monitoring
Backend server
Metrics pub/sub
Log Search
Offline processing
Logging pub/sub Tracking pub/sub
Linkedin data pipeline problem

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Data Pipeline with Kafka
Data Pipeline with KafkaData Pipeline with Kafka
Data Pipeline with Kafka

Data Pipeline with Kafka, This slide include Kafka Introduction, Topic / Partitions, Produce / Consumer, Quick Start, Offset Monitoring, Example Code, Camus

Utilizing Kafka Connect to Integrate Classic Monoliths into Modern Microservi...
Utilizing Kafka Connect to Integrate Classic Monoliths into Modern Microservi...Utilizing Kafka Connect to Integrate Classic Monoliths into Modern Microservi...
Utilizing Kafka Connect to Integrate Classic Monoliths into Modern Microservi...

Having started with classic monolith applications in the late 90s and adopting a new microservice architecture in 2015, our organization needed a convenient, reliable, and low-cost way to push changes back and forth between them. One that preferably utilized technology already on hand and could exchange information between multiple data stores. In this session we will explore how Kafka Connect and its various connectors satisfied this need. We will review the two disparate tech stacks we needed to integrate, and the strategies and connectors we used to exchange information. Finally, we will cover some enhancements we made to our own processes including integrating Kafka Connect and its connectors into our CI/CD pipeline and writing tools to monitor connectors in our production environment.

apache kafkakafka summit
Kafka Summit SF 2017 - Query the Application, Not a Database: “Interactive Qu...
Kafka Summit SF 2017 - Query the Application, Not a Database: “Interactive Qu...Kafka Summit SF 2017 - Query the Application, Not a Database: “Interactive Qu...
Kafka Summit SF 2017 - Query the Application, Not a Database: “Interactive Qu...

Interactive Queries in Apache Kafka's Streams API allows users to query the local state of a Kafka Streams application without accessing an external database. It treats the Kafka Streams application as an embedded, lightweight database. The local state is fault-tolerant and can be sharded across tasks to scale horizontally. Users can discover other application instances and their state to perform queries on remote state if needed. Interactive Queries simplifies stateful stream processing by reducing moving parts compared to using an external database.

Log Search
Linkedin data pipeline problem
Custom infrastructure for the data pipeline
Frontend Server
Frontend Server
Database Server
Chat Server
Metrics Analysis
Metrics UI Database Monitor
Active Monitoring
Backend server
Metrics pub/sub
Log Search
Offline processing
Logging pub/sub Tracking pub/sub
Log Search
Frontend ServerFrontend Server
Database Server Chat Server
Metrics Analysis
Metrics UI Database Monitor
Backend server
Log Search
Offline processing
● Decouple data pipelines
● Provide persistence for
message data to allow
multiple consumers
● Optimize for high
throughput of messages
● Allow for horizontal scaling
of the system to grow as the
data stream grow
Linkedin data pipeline problem - Kafka Goals
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Log Search
Kafka Architecture - Elements
Frontend ServerFrontend Server
Producer Producer
Metrics Analysis
Consumer Consumer
Log Search
Kafka Cluster
Kafka → distributed, replicated commit log
Broker Partition X / Topic Y

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How Zillow Unlocked Kafka to 50 Teams in 8 months | Shahar Cizer Kobrinsky, Z...
How Zillow Unlocked Kafka to 50 Teams in 8 months | Shahar Cizer Kobrinsky, Z...How Zillow Unlocked Kafka to 50 Teams in 8 months | Shahar Cizer Kobrinsky, Z...
How Zillow Unlocked Kafka to 50 Teams in 8 months | Shahar Cizer Kobrinsky, Z...

1. Zillow transitioned from using multiple messaging systems and data pipelines to using Kafka as their single streaming platform to unify their data infrastructure. 2. They took a bottom-up approach to gain trust from teams by publishing service level objectives, onboarding non-critical streams quickly, and meeting developers where they were with tools like Terraform. 3. An important lesson was to treat the platform as a product by providing documentation, libraries, and blog posts to make it easy for developers to use.

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Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE
Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINEKafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE
Kafka Multi-Tenancy - 160 Billion Daily Messages on One Shared Cluster at LINE

This document summarizes a presentation about Kafka multi-tenancy at LINE Corporation. The presentation discusses how LINE runs a single shared Kafka cluster to handle over 100 billion messages per day from many independent services. It describes the hardware used, requirements for multi-tenancy like protecting against abusive workloads and providing isolation. It then discusses specific issues identified like slow response times caused by disk reads, and the solutions implemented like request quotas, metrics, and pre-loading data into memory to avoid blocking. The presentation concludes that after addressing these issues, their shared Kafka hosting model works efficiently while maintaining a single data hub.

A Practical Guide to Selecting a Stream Processing Technology
A Practical Guide to Selecting a Stream Processing Technology A Practical Guide to Selecting a Stream Processing Technology
A Practical Guide to Selecting a Stream Processing Technology

Presented by Michael Noll, Product Manager, Confluent. Why are there so many stream processing frameworks that each define their own terminology? Are the components of each comparable? Why do you need to know about spouts or DStreams just to process a simple sequence of records? Depending on your application’s requirements, you may not need a full framework at all. Processing and understanding your data to create business value is the ultimate goal of a stream data platform. In this talk we will survey the stream processing landscape, the dimensions along which to evaluate stream processing technologies, and how they integrate with Apache Kafka. Particularly, we will learn how Kafka Streams, the built-in stream processing engine of Apache Kafka, compares to other stream processing systems that require a separate processing infrastructure.

stream processingapache kafka
commit log
Kafka Architecture - Broker
Consumer 1Consumer 2
Read at
Read at
Kafka Cluster
Kafka Architecture - Broker
Broker 1
Broker 2
Broker 3
Partition 0 / Topic B
Partition 0 / Topic C
Partition 0 / Topic A
Partition 0 / Topic B
Partition 1 / Topic A
Kafka Architecture - Producer/Consumer
Log Search
Frontend Server
Kafka Cluster
Basic Concepts
● Latency
● Throughput
● Quality of service:
at most once, at least once, exactly once
Use Case Requirements
o Quality of service / Latency
o Throughput / Latency
Producer/Consumer Technology
o Ingestion Technologies
o Kafka Client API
o Kafka Connect
Kafka Architecture - Producer / Consumer

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Inside Kafka Streams—Monitoring Comcast’s Outside Plant
Inside Kafka Streams—Monitoring Comcast’s Outside Plant Inside Kafka Streams—Monitoring Comcast’s Outside Plant
Inside Kafka Streams—Monitoring Comcast’s Outside Plant

(Mike Graham + Dan Carroll, Comcast) Kafka Summit SF 2018 Comcast manages over 2 million miles of fiber and coax, and over 40 million in home devices. This “outside plant” is subject to adverse conditions from severe weather to power grid outages to construction-related disruptions. Maintaining the health of this large and important infrastructure requires a distributed, scalable, reliable and fast information system capable of real-time processing and rapid analysis and response. Using Apache Kafka and the Kafka Streams Processor API, Comcast built an innovative new system for monitoring, problem analysis, metrics reporting and action response for the outside plant. In this talk, you’ll learn how topic partitions, state stores, key mapping, source and sink topics and processors from the Kafka Streams Processor API work together to build a powerful dynamic system. We will dive into the details about the inner workings of the state store—how it is backed by a Kafka “changelog” topic, how it is scaled horizontally by partition and how the instances are rebuilt on startup or on processor failure. We will discuss how these state stores essentially become like materialized views in a SQL database but are updated incrementally as data flows through the system, and how this allows the developers to maintain the data in the optimal structures for performing the processing. The best part is that the data is readily available when needed by the processors. You will see how a REST API using Kafka Streams “interactive queries” can be used to retrieve the data in the state stores. We will explore the deployment and monitoring mechanisms used to deliver this system as a set of independently deployed components.

Introducción a Stream Processing utilizando Kafka Streams
Introducción a Stream Processing utilizando Kafka StreamsIntroducción a Stream Processing utilizando Kafka Streams
Introducción a Stream Processing utilizando Kafka Streams

Matías Cascallares, Confluent, Customer Success Architect Streams es uno de los keywords de moda! En esta presentación, veremos cómo implementar stream processing con Kafka Streams, que consideraciones tenemos que tener en cuenta, y un pequeño tour por ksqlDB como herramienta.

apache kafkakafka streamsksqldb
Netflix Data Pipeline With Kafka
Netflix Data Pipeline With KafkaNetflix Data Pipeline With Kafka
Netflix Data Pipeline With Kafka

This document summarizes Netflix's use of Kafka in their data pipeline. It discusses the evolution of Netflix's data pipeline to incorporate Kafka to handle 400 billion events per day. It describes how Netflix uses Kafka clusters with different priorities and configurations. It also outlines some of the challenges of using Kafka at Netflix's scale, such as Zookeeper client issues and cluster scaling, and the solutions Netflix developed to address these challenges.

netflixkafkadata pipeline
Kafka Architecture - Producer/Consumer API
Log Search
Frontend Server
Kafka Cluster
Kafka Protocol
Kafka Producer
Kafka Protocol - Producer
Producer Record
Broker Partition 0 / Topic A
Producer.send (record)
Productor Kafka
Topic / Partition Buffer Sender Thread
Producer Record
Topic A / Partition 0
Batch 0
Batch 1
Batch 0 / Topic A /
Partition 0
Batch 0 / Topic B /
Partition 0
Batch 0 / Topic B /
Partition 1
Batch 1 / Topic B /
Partition 0
Topic Part. Offset
Kafka Protocol - Producer

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Netflix Data Pipeline With Kafka
Netflix Data Pipeline With KafkaNetflix Data Pipeline With Kafka
Netflix Data Pipeline With Kafka

This document summarizes Netflix's use of Kafka in their data pipeline. It discusses how Netflix evolved from using S3 and EMR to introducing Kafka and Kafka producers and consumers to handle 400 billion events per day. It covers challenges of scaling Kafka clusters and tuning Kafka clients and brokers. Finally, it outlines Netflix's roadmap which includes contributing to open source projects like Kafka and testing failure resilience.

awskafkadata pipeline
Kafka Connect by Datio
Kafka Connect by DatioKafka Connect by Datio
Kafka Connect by Datio

Kafka Connect allows data ingestion into Kafka from external systems by using connectors. It provides scalability, fault tolerance, and exactly-once semantics. Connectors are run as tasks within workers that can run in either standalone or distributed mode. The Schema Registry works with Kafka Connect to handle schema validation and evolution.

kafka connectdata ingestiondatio
Set your Data in Motion with Confluent & Apache Kafka Tech Talk Series LME
Set your Data in Motion with Confluent & Apache Kafka Tech Talk Series LMESet your Data in Motion with Confluent & Apache Kafka Tech Talk Series LME
Set your Data in Motion with Confluent & Apache Kafka Tech Talk Series LME

Confluent Platform is supporting London Metal Exchange’s Kafka Centre of Excellence across a number of projects with the main objective to provide a reliable, resilient, scalable and overall efficient Kafka as a Service model to the teams across the entire London Metal Exchange estate.

91 2 4 5 6 7 83
Partition 0
Kafka Protocol - Consumer
● Subscribe (topic) & poll
● Reads topic-partition-offset
● Order is guaranteed only within a partition
● Data is kept only for a limited time (configurable)
● Numbers represents offsets not messages
● Deserialize data
Topic A
Broker Kafka Consumer Group
91 2 4 5 6 7 83
1 3 4 5 6 72
1 2 3 5 64
1 2 3 4 6 7 85
Consumer 2
Consumer 1
Consumer 0
Partition 0
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Kafka Protocol - Consumer
Topic A
Topic Consumer
Partition 0 Consumer 0
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Consumer 3
Topic Consumer
Partition 0 Consumer 0
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Consumer 1
Topic Consumer
Partition 0 Consumer 0
Partition 1 Consumer 1
Consumer 2
Consumer 3
Kafka Protocol - Consumer
Consumer Group
Kafka Protocol - Consumer
google places 2
google places
google places 1
Consumer Consumer
Consumer Group
Consumer Consumer
● Consumes topic
● High throughput scenario
● Consumes queue
● Low latency scenario

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bigdata 2022_ FLiP Into Pulsar Apps
bigdata 2022_ FLiP Into Pulsar Appsbigdata 2022_ FLiP Into Pulsar Apps
bigdata 2022_ FLiP Into Pulsar Apps

Timothy will introduce Apache Pulsar, an open-source distributed messaging and streaming platform. He will discuss how to build real-time applications using Pulsar with various libraries, schemas, languages, frameworks and tools. The presentation will cover what Pulsar is, its functions and components, how it compares to other technologies like Apache Kafka, its advantages, and how to integrate it with tools like Apache Flink, Apache Spark, Apache NiFi and more. A demo and Q&A will follow.

apache pulsarapache nifiapache flink
Devfest uk & ireland using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-r...
Devfest uk & ireland  using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-r...Devfest uk & ireland  using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-r...
Devfest uk & ireland using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-r...

Devfest uk & ireland using apache nifi with apache pulsar for fast data on-ramp 2022 As the Pulsar communities grows, more and more connectors will be added. To enhance the availability of sources and sinks and to make use of the greater Apache Streaming community, joining forces between Apache NiFi and Apache Pulsar is a perfect fit. Apache NiFi also adds the benefits of ELT, ETL, data crunching, transformation, validation and batch data processing. Once data is ready to be an event, NiFi can launch it into Pulsar at light speed. I will walk through how to get started, some use cases and demos and answer questions.

apache nifiapache sparkapache pulsar
Timothy Spann: Apache Pulsar for ML
Timothy Spann: Apache Pulsar for MLTimothy Spann: Apache Pulsar for ML
Timothy Spann: Apache Pulsar for ML

Timothy Spann: Apache Pulsar for ML Data Science Online Camp 2023 Winter Website: Youtube: FB:

data science
Kafka Ecosystem
Kafka Connect
Make it easy to add new systems to your
scalable and secure stream data pipelines
Kafka Connect is a framework included in
Apache Kafka that integrates Kafka with other
Kafka Connect
Standalone Distributed
Schema Registry
Source record
Source record
Source record
Producer recordProducer record
Producer record
Producer recordProducer record
Consumer record
Sink record
Sink record
Sink record

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Capital One Delivers Risk Insights in Real Time with Stream Processing
Capital One Delivers Risk Insights in Real Time with Stream ProcessingCapital One Delivers Risk Insights in Real Time with Stream Processing
Capital One Delivers Risk Insights in Real Time with Stream Processing

Speakers: Ravi Dubey, Senior Manager, Software Engineering, Capital One + Jeff Sharpe, Software Engineer, Capital One Capital One supports interactions with real-time streaming transactional data using Apache Kafka®. Kafka helps deliver information to internal operation teams and bank tellers to assist with assessing risk and protect customers in a myriad of ways. Inside the bank, Kafka allows Capital One to build a real-time system that takes advantage of modern data and cloud technologies without exposing customers to unnecessary data breaches, or violating privacy regulations. These examples demonstrate how a streaming platform enables Capital One to act on their visions faster and in a more scalable way through the Kafka solution, helping establish Capital One as an innovator in the banking space. Join us for this online talk on lessons learned, best practices and technical patterns of Capital One’s deployment of Apache Kafka. -Find out how Kafka delivers on a 5-second service-level agreement (SLA) for inside branch tellers. -Learn how to combine and host data in-memory and prevent personally identifiable information (PII) violations of in-flight transactions. -Understand how Capital One manages Kafka Docker containers using Kubernetes. Watch the recording:

apache kafkafinancial servicesstreaming platform
Stream Data Processing at Big Data Landscape by Oleksandr Fedirko
Stream Data Processing at Big Data Landscape by Oleksandr Fedirko Stream Data Processing at Big Data Landscape by Oleksandr Fedirko
Stream Data Processing at Big Data Landscape by Oleksandr Fedirko

This document provides an overview of stream data processing and common stream processing tools. It discusses streaming basics like stateful and stateless operations. It also covers microbatch vs realtime streaming and compositional vs declarative stream processing engines. Typical stream processing architectures and use cases are presented. Main considerations for projects using stream processing are outlined. An overview of popular stream processing tools like Apache Spark, Storm, Flink, and cloud services from AWS, GCP and Azure is provided. The document concludes with a case study example and questions for discussion.

Westpac Bank Tech Talk 1: Dive into Apache Kafka
Westpac Bank Tech Talk 1: Dive into Apache KafkaWestpac Bank Tech Talk 1: Dive into Apache Kafka
Westpac Bank Tech Talk 1: Dive into Apache Kafka

Watch the webcast here: Speaker: Brett Randall

apache kafkaevent streaming platform
Kafka Server
Kafka Connect
Kafka rest
Single Broker - Single Instance
Schema Registry

Recommended for you 2022 - Apache Pulsar Development 101 with Java 2022 - Apache Pulsar Development 101 with 2022 - Apache Pulsar Development 101 with Java 2022 - Apache Pulsar Development 101 with Java 2022 - Apache Pulsar Development 101 with Java In this session I will get you started with real-time cloud native streaming programming with Java. We will start off with a gentle introduction to Apache Pulsar and setting up your first easy standalone cluster. We will then l show you how to produce and consume message to Pulsar using several different Java libraries including native Java client, AMQP/RabbitMQ, MQTT and even Kafka. After this session you will building real-time streaming and messaging applications with Java. We will also touch on Apache Spark and Apache Flink. Timothy Spann Tim Spann is a Developer Advocate @ StreamNative where he works with Apache Pulsar, Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, Apache Spark, big data, the IoT, machine learning, and deep learning. Tim has over a decade of experience with the IoT, big data, distributed computing, streaming technologies, and Java programming. Previously, he was a Principal Field Engineer at Cloudera, a Senior Solutions Architect at AirisData and a senior field engineer at Pivotal. He blogs for DZone, where he is the Big Data Zone leader, and runs a popular meetup in Princeton on big data, the IoT, deep learning, streaming, NiFi, the blockchain, and Spark. Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences such as IoT Fusion, Strata, ApacheCon, Data Works Summit Berlin, DataWorks Summit Sydney, and Oracle Code NYC. He holds a BS and MS in computer science.

apache pulsarapache flinkjava
Music city data Hail Hydrate! from stream to lake
Music city data Hail Hydrate! from stream to lakeMusic city data Hail Hydrate! from stream to lake
Music city data Hail Hydrate! from stream to lake

Music city data Hail Hydrate! from stream to lake with apache pulsar, apache flink, apache nifi, datalake, cloud, streaming data, IoT.

apache pulsarapache flinkapache nifi
Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !
Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !
Apache Kafka - Scalable Message-Processing and more !

ndependent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. How can me make sure that all these event are accepted and forwarded in an efficient and reliable way? This is where Apache Kafaka comes into play, a distirbuted, highly-scalable messaging broker, build for exchanging huge amount of messages between a source and a target. This session will start with an introduction into Apache and presents the role of Apache Kafka in a modern data / information architecture and the advantages it brings to the table. Additionally the Kafka ecosystem will be covered as well as the integration of Kafka in the Oracle Stack, with products such as Golden Gate, Service Bus and Oracle Stream Analytics all being able to act as a Kafka consumer or producer.


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Introduction to Apache Kafka

  • 2. ❏ Introduction ❏ First use case: Linkedin ❏ Architecture ❏ Main components ❏ Kafka protocol ❏ Kafka ecosystem ❏ Kafka Connect ❏ Schema Registry ❏ Installation/Configuration ❏ Datalab Use Cases ❏ Demo Contents
  • 5. Introduction Data hierarchy of needs Vision mission Products Data Science Data Infrastructure Data Access
  • 7. Introduction - Data Ingestion script to read data aggregation script aggregation script Tweet fetch script script to read data api rest script script to read data
  • 8. Introduction - Data Ingestion script to read data aggregation script aggregation script Tweet fetch script script to read data api rest script script to read data
  • 9. Introduction - Data Ingestion Take something in Absorb something
  • 11. Linkedin data pipeline problem They had a lot of data ● User activity tracking ● Server logs and metrics ● Messaging ● Analytics They Build products on data ● Newsfeed ● Recommendation ● Search ● Metrics and monitoring Problem How to integrate this variety of data and make it available to all their products?
  • 12. Frontend Server Metrics Server Inter-process communication channel Linkedin data pipeline problem
  • 13. Many publisher using direct connections Frontend Server Frontend Server Database Server Chat Server Metrics Analysis Metrics UI Database MonitorActive Monitoring Backend server Linkedin data pipeline problem
  • 14. Publish/subscribe system Frontend Server Frontend Server Database Server Chat Server Metrics Analysis Metrics UI Database MonitorActive Monitoring Backend server Metrics pub/sub Linkedin data pipeline problem
  • 16. Log Search Multiple publish/subscribe systems Frontend Server Frontend Server Database Server Chat Server Metrics Analysis Metrics UI Database Monitor Active Monitoring Backend server Metrics pub/sub Log Search Offline processing Logging pub/sub Tracking pub/sub Linkedin data pipeline problem
  • 17. Log Search Linkedin data pipeline problem Custom infrastructure for the data pipeline Frontend Server Frontend Server Database Server Chat Server Metrics Analysis Metrics UI Database Monitor Active Monitoring Backend server Metrics pub/sub Log Search Offline processing Logging pub/sub Tracking pub/sub
  • 18. Log Search Frontend ServerFrontend Server Database Server Chat Server Metrics Analysis Metrics UI Database Monitor Backend server Log Search Offline processing ● Decouple data pipelines ● Provide persistence for message data to allow multiple consumers ● Optimize for high throughput of messages ● Allow for horizontal scaling of the system to grow as the data stream grow Linkedin data pipeline problem - Kafka Goals
  • 20. Log Search Kafka Architecture - Elements Frontend ServerFrontend Server Producer Producer Metrics Analysis Consumer Consumer Producer Log Search Consumer Kafka Cluster Kafka → distributed, replicated commit log Broker Partition X / Topic Y
  • 21. commit log Kafka Architecture - Broker Producer Consumer 1Consumer 2 Read at offset Read at offset
  • 22. Kafka Cluster Kafka Architecture - Broker Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 Partition 0 / Topic B Partition 0 / Topic C Partition 0 / Topic A Partition 0 / Topic B Partition 1 / Topic A distributed replicated
  • 23. Kafka Architecture - Producer/Consumer Log Search Frontend Server Producer Consumer Kafka Cluster Basic Concepts ● Latency ● Throughput ● Quality of service: at most once, at least once, exactly once Use Case Requirements o Quality of service / Latency o Throughput / Latency Producer/Consumer Technology o Ingestion Technologies o Kafka Client API o Kafka Connect
  • 24. Kafka Architecture - Producer / Consumer
  • 25. Kafka Architecture - Producer/Consumer API Log Search Frontend Server Producer Consumer Kafka Cluster
  • 27. Kafka Producer Kafka Protocol - Producer Producer Record Topic [Partition] [Key] Value Broker Partition 0 / Topic A Producer.send (record) exception/metadata
  • 28. Productor Kafka Topic / Partition Buffer Sender Thread Producer Record Topic [Partition] [Key] Value Serializer Partitioner Topic A / Partition 0 Batch 0 Batch 1 Batch 0 / Topic A / Partition 0 Batch 0 / Topic B / Partition 0 Batch 0 / Topic B / Partition 1 Batch 1 / Topic B / Partition 0 Retry Fail Yes Yes No NoException Metadata Topic Partition X Partition Commit Metadata Topic Part. Offset Send Kafka Protocol - Producer
  • 29. Broker 91 2 4 5 6 7 83 Consumer Partition 0 Kafka Protocol - Consumer ● Subscribe (topic) & poll ● Reads topic-partition-offset ● Order is guaranteed only within a partition ● Data is kept only for a limited time (configurable) ● Numbers represents offsets not messages ● Deserialize data Topic A
  • 30. Broker Kafka Consumer Group 91 2 4 5 6 7 83 1 3 4 5 6 72 1 2 3 5 64 1 2 3 4 6 7 85 Consumer 2 Consumer 1 Consumer 0 Partition 0 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Kafka Protocol - Consumer Topic A
  • 31. Topic Consumer Group Partition 0 Consumer 0 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 3 Topic Consumer Group Partition 0 Consumer 0 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Consumer 1 Topic Consumer Group Partition 0 Consumer 0 Partition 1 Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 3 Kafka Protocol - Consumer
  • 32. Consumer Group Kafka Protocol - Consumer Producer Producer Broker aemet Producer Producer Server aemet google places 2 Exchange google places google places 1 Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Group Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer AMQP Kafka ● Consumes topic ● High throughput scenario ● Consumes queue ● Low latency scenario
  • 34. Kafka Connect Make it easy to add new systems to your scalable and secure stream data pipelines Kafka Connect is a framework included in Apache Kafka that integrates Kafka with other systems KafkaSourceConnect KafkaSinkConnect
  • 36. Schema Registry Task stream stream stream Worker Conector Source record Source record Source record sendRecords() Task Worker Schema Registry Converter Producer recordProducer record Producer record schema id Converter id schema Subject topic schema version Subject topic schema version Subject topic schema version Producer recordProducer record Consumer record pollConsumer() Sink record Sink record Sink record Connector
  • 38. Configuration ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Zookeeper Kafka Server Kafka Connect Schema Registry Kafka rest
  • 39. Demo
  • 40. Demo Fuentes Kafka Producer Single Broker - Single Instance Kafka Connect Schema Registry