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Tips and Tricks For Faster ASP.NET and
MVC Web Applications
By Sarvesh Kushwaha
1. Static Resources should be Cacheable ;)
Above code cache all static resources for 365 days.
2. Bundling and Minification
Reduce the amount of data (CSS & JavaScript) sent across the
network using Bundling and Minification in ASP.NET 4.5 .
Bundling is merging all CSS files into one and same for JavaScripts file
.This Reduce the number of requests to server.
Minification is removing blank space b/w words and lines and
more then that ;) .
3.Use View State when its necessary
Every control has ViewState in Asp.Net and ViewState is turned on in
ASP.NET by default.
ViewState is an unnecessary overhead for pages that do not need it. As
the ViewState grows larger, it affects the performance of garbage
collection. ViewState gets store in hidden field too many field can make
a web page heavier and will cause rendering problem.
So Disable ViewState for every control, untill you need it (have to keep
data on post backs of a page).
1. You know you don't need ViewState for a textbox control and similar control untill
you are performing textchange_event. So disable it by using EnableViewState=
“false” for each one.
2. Disable ViewState at page level add in page : <%@ Page EnableViewState="false"
%> .
3. Disable ViewState at Application level add in web.config : <pages
enableViewState="false" />.

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The Glory of Rest

The document discusses REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural styles and best practices for designing web services. It covers topics like RESTful principles of using URIs and HTTP methods to manipulate resources, statelessness, hypermedia as the engine of application state, and JSON and XML media types for representing resources. It also discusses REST maturity levels, security, versioning, and error handling in RESTful web services.

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The document provides an overview of the Aerospike architecture, including the client, cluster, storage, primary and secondary indexes, RAM, flash storage, and cross datacenter replication (XDR). The Aerospike architecture aims to handle extremely high read/write rates over persistent data at low latency while ensuring consistency and scalability across datacenters with no downtime.

4. Use Effecting Paging
• Bring small set of data at once ,show them using paging to render the page quickly.
• Large set of data use stored procedure for page index data and filtering .
5. URL Compression
Now with IIS 7 we can do HTTP compression of data being send over the
network . Add following Xml snippets in the web.config file under
<system.webserver> node :
<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="true" doStaticCompression="true"
• doDynamicCompression tells IIS whether it should compress dynamically
generated content, i.e. content generated by your scripts (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP
• doStaticCompression tells IIS whether to compress static files (PDF, JPEG …)
,those actually exist on the file system.
• dynamicCompressionBeforeCache attribute specifies whether IIS will
dynamically compress content that has not been cached.
6. Use Sprite Images
use sprite images instead of using several images so at one download you can
use several small images .
Now we can make sprite images very easily using Some NUGET packages.
Below are some :
7. Image Optimization
• Normally images take largest percentage (size) in a web page. image
optimization help us to increase performance . Using Nuget we can
optimize images :
• Allocate space for image using <height/> and <width/> , it will let page
rendering more quickly .

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O documento discute o mercado na base da pirâmide econômica, composto por cerca de 4 bilhões de pessoas com renda diária inferior a US$ 2. Apresenta a lógica dominante entre executivos de que esse mercado não é lucrativo, e argumenta que é possível inovar para atender as necessidades desse público de forma sustentável e lucrativa para as empresas. Também fornece exemplos de soluções desenvolvidas por empresas para atuar nesse mercado no Brasil e na Índia.

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8. Always Deploy in Release Mode
• At the time of deploying our main concern is performance , Debug Mode
creates .pdb file and take some info generated by JIT to code address mapping
• Code is more optimized in Release Mode.
• Less memory is used by the source code at run time in Release Mode.
• Set debug=“false” in web.config for release mode.
9. Use client Side Validation
At max one should use client side validation for application as it gives user a friendly experience
and reduce the over head of post back to the server.Where secuirty is priority use server side
validation .
10. Remove Unnecessary HTTP Headers
The X-AspNet-Version, X-AspNetMvc-Version, X-Powered-By, and Server HTTP headers
provide no direct benefit and unnecessarily used a small amount of bandwidth.
• Removing X-AspNet-Version : Under <System.web> add this <httpRuntime
• Removing X-AspNetMvc-Version : Add this in file
MvcHandler.DisableMvcResponseHeader = true;
• Remove Server HTTP Header : LINK HOW TO DO IT
• Remove or Edit X-Powered-By : IIS7 Manager > HTTP Response Header > Edit or Remove
11. Pipeline Optimization
• There are many default HttpModule which sit in request pipeline and intercept each and every request.
• Example If you are not using window authentication you don’t need window authentication HttpModule.
Add following code in web.config :

<remove name="Session" />
<remove name="WindowsAuthentication" />
<remove name="PassportAuthentication" />
<remove name="AnonymousIdentification" />
<remove name="UrlAuthorization" />
<remove name="FileAuthorization" />

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High performance Redis is popular among developers for its incredible performance, versatility and simplicity. The powerful combination of low cost memory and high performance Redis brings to life new next generation analytic uses - such as simultaneous real time transaction and analytics processing. With Redis Labs' RLEC Flash on AWS SSD instances, you can get fantastic performance at up to 70% lower costs. Join this session to learn how next generation Flash from leading memory provider Intel has made significant strides in performance while retaining its cost advantage to memory. Using a combination of AWS' powerful SSD instances, and Redis Labs' RLEC Flash, you can achieve up to 3M ops/sec at sub millisecond latencies, with a combination of RAM and Flash. The session will also feature customer use cases from a large university, a large customer engagement company and a pioneer of online Flash sales. Session sponsored by Redis Labs.

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Este documento fornece uma introdução ao módulo sobre história e abordagem inicial de logística empresarial. Apresenta conceitos básicos de logística e sua evolução histórica, desde os exércitos antigos até os modelos atuais. Também discute desafios da logística moderna, como a necessidade de visibilidade do fluxo logístico e de gerenciamento sistêmico.

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Scaling websites to millions of users
Scaling websites to millions of usersScaling websites to millions of users
Scaling websites to millions of users

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing ASP.NET applications to scale from thousands to millions of users. It covers topics such as preventing denial of service attacks, optimizing the ASP.NET process model and pipeline, reducing the size of ASP.NET cookies on static content, improving settings, optimizing queries to ASP.NET membership providers, issues with LINQ to SQL, using transaction isolation levels to prevent deadlocks, and employing a content delivery network. The overall message is that ASP.NET requires various "hacks" at the code, database, and configuration levels to scale to support millions of hits.
12. Use Content Delivery Network
• Better if you download things from nearest server from your palace .its like
travelling things from one country to another which takes times. If application
has large number of images, CSS, JavaScript sending request for each of them
and downloading them across the world will take significant time.
• Content Delivery Network deal with static cacheable Content .
• Bootsrap Used CDN for his latest release ;)
13. Dispose Objects Manually
• Although Objects will be cleaned up when they are no longer being
used and when the garbage collector sees fit. Always dispose an
object which implements IDisposable ,to do so Use a USING
statement to automatically dispose of an object once your program
leaves the scope of the using statement.
using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(commandString, cn))
14. Effective use of Jquery AJAX in
• Use ajax to download data asynchronously, which are not needed
immediately like content of Accordion (Collapsed Panel) and tabs.
• Don’t make too much ajax requests
• Use ajax when its needed to load more data when user scrolls,
when user is not scrolling there is no benefit to bring all the data at
15. Do use magic of Asynchronous
If your page needs to access multiple data sources , then use
asynchronous methods to parallelize access to those sources .

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1) ASP.NET requires optimizations at the code, database, and configuration levels to scale to millions of hits out of the box. Common optimizations include tweaking process model settings, removing unnecessary pipeline components, and using compiled Linq queries. 2) Issues like application-level DOS attacks, slow profile provider stored procedures, and Linq to SQL performance problems can be addressed to improve scalability. Using a CDN can also help offload static content delivery. 3) Database queries must consider index usage and transaction isolation levels to prevent timeouts and deadlocks under high load.

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1. The document discusses various optimizations that can be made to an ASP.NET MVC application to improve performance, including compiled LINQ queries, URL caching, and data caching. 2. Benchmark results show that optimizing partial view rendering, LINQ queries, and URL generation improved performance from 8 requests/second to 61.5 requests/second. Additional caching of URLs, statistics, and content improved performance to over 400 requests/second. 3. Turning off ASP.NET debug mode also provided a significant performance boost, showing the importance of running production sites in release mode.

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Learn how to improve performance and scalability with object caching, session state caching, view state caching and output caching.

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16. Turn off Tracing unless until its required because its keep track
of the application's trace and the sequences. Under <system.web>
node write following code:
<trace enabled="false" pageOutput="false" />
<trace enabled="false" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="false"
traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true"/>
17. Instead of Respons.Redirect() use Server.Transfer() when we
want to transfer current page request to another .aspx page on the
same server. it helps to reduce server requests. And optionally give
us value of preserve query string and form controls values .
18. String Management :
• Use += operator or String.Concat() when the number of appends is know and short .
• Use StringBuilder object when number of appends is unknown.
19. Asp .NET literal and label are different
• Literal just show that text they don’t add the extra markup.
• Label add the extra markup <label><label/>.
20. Remove Blank Space and lines from HTML
• Using Regular Expressions in VS2012 remove blank lines from .aspx and HTML
• Use CodeMaid tool to remove spaces and more.
21. Use Performance Tools
Correct code makes good performance
• Backend performance Tools : DotNetMemoryProfiler,
• Performance Tools :
• Static analysis tool : Yslow
• Run Time Profiler : Speed tracer for chrome, Firebug for firefox, IE
Developer tools
• Others : WebPageTest , Page-analyzer , Pingdom
• Monitoring Tool : Fiddler
Developer Checklist
Client Side Validation
Use ViewState if needed
Dispose Objects ManuallyCDN
Remove Unneccesary HTTP Headers
Effective Paging URL Compression
Pipeline Optimization
Release Mode
Images Optimization & Sprite Images
Bundling and Minification
Jquery Ajax Async and Await Turn Tracing Off

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1. The document discusses strategies for scaling web applications, including scaling the client, web/application, and database tiers. 2. It covers techniques like load balancing, domain sharding, caching, and database partitioning to distribute load across servers. 3. Scaling the database tier involves strategies such as replication, indexing, and moving to NoSQL databases which sacrifice some consistency for improved scalability.

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The document discusses techniques for optimizing server performance, including reducing server load through HTTP caching, efficient content types, batching requests, and pushing content streams. It also discusses measuring performance metrics like response time and throughput, and tools for performance profiling like ASP.NET counters and load testing software. Specific techniques presented include using ETags, setting cache control headers, throttling requests, and choosing efficient data serialization formats and protocols.

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OWASP Top 10 threats to web applications and how to conunter the threats using mitigations, first shown at #DDDNorth, contains bonus slides for DDOS and social engineering

Sarvesh Kushwaha | | | | | |

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Tips and Tricks For Faster Asp.NET and MVC Applications

  • 1. Tips and Tricks For Faster ASP.NET and MVC Web Applications By Sarvesh Kushwaha
  • 2. 1. Static Resources should be Cacheable ;) Above code cache all static resources for 365 days.
  • 3. 2. Bundling and Minification Reduce the amount of data (CSS & JavaScript) sent across the network using Bundling and Minification in ASP.NET 4.5 . Bundling is merging all CSS files into one and same for JavaScripts file .This Reduce the number of requests to server. Minification is removing blank space b/w words and lines and more then that ;) . LINK : HOW TO DO IT
  • 4. 3.Use View State when its necessary Every control has ViewState in Asp.Net and ViewState is turned on in ASP.NET by default. ViewState is an unnecessary overhead for pages that do not need it. As the ViewState grows larger, it affects the performance of garbage collection. ViewState gets store in hidden field too many field can make a web page heavier and will cause rendering problem. So Disable ViewState for every control, untill you need it (have to keep data on post backs of a page). 1. You know you don't need ViewState for a textbox control and similar control untill you are performing textchange_event. So disable it by using EnableViewState= “false” for each one. 2. Disable ViewState at page level add in page : <%@ Page EnableViewState="false" %> . 3. Disable ViewState at Application level add in web.config : <pages enableViewState="false" />.
  • 5. 4. Use Effecting Paging • Bring small set of data at once ,show them using paging to render the page quickly. • Large set of data use stored procedure for page index data and filtering . LINK: HOW TO DO IT
  • 6. 5. URL Compression Now with IIS 7 we can do HTTP compression of data being send over the network . Add following Xml snippets in the web.config file under <system.webserver> node : <urlCompression doDynamicCompression="true" doStaticCompression="true" dynamicCompressionBeforeCache="true"/> • doDynamicCompression tells IIS whether it should compress dynamically generated content, i.e. content generated by your scripts (ASP, ASP.NET, PHP …). • doStaticCompression tells IIS whether to compress static files (PDF, JPEG …) ,those actually exist on the file system. • dynamicCompressionBeforeCache attribute specifies whether IIS will dynamically compress content that has not been cached.
  • 7. 6. Use Sprite Images use sprite images instead of using several images so at one download you can use several small images . Now we can make sprite images very easily using Some NUGET packages. Below are some :
  • 8. 7. Image Optimization • Normally images take largest percentage (size) in a web page. image optimization help us to increase performance . Using Nuget we can optimize images : • Allocate space for image using <height/> and <width/> , it will let page rendering more quickly .
  • 9. 8. Always Deploy in Release Mode • At the time of deploying our main concern is performance , Debug Mode creates .pdb file and take some info generated by JIT to code address mapping . • Code is more optimized in Release Mode. • Less memory is used by the source code at run time in Release Mode. • Set debug=“false” in web.config for release mode.
  • 10. 9. Use client Side Validation At max one should use client side validation for application as it gives user a friendly experience and reduce the over head of post back to the server.Where secuirty is priority use server side validation .
  • 11. 10. Remove Unnecessary HTTP Headers The X-AspNet-Version, X-AspNetMvc-Version, X-Powered-By, and Server HTTP headers provide no direct benefit and unnecessarily used a small amount of bandwidth. • Removing X-AspNet-Version : Under <System.web> add this <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false"/> • Removing X-AspNetMvc-Version : Add this in file MvcHandler.DisableMvcResponseHeader = true; • Remove Server HTTP Header : LINK HOW TO DO IT • Remove or Edit X-Powered-By : IIS7 Manager > HTTP Response Header > Edit or Remove
  • 12. 11. Pipeline Optimization • There are many default HttpModule which sit in request pipeline and intercept each and every request. • Example If you are not using window authentication you don’t need window authentication HttpModule. Add following code in web.config : <httpModules> <!-- Remove unnecessary Http Modules for faster pipeline --> <remove name="Session" /> <remove name="WindowsAuthentication" /> <remove name="PassportAuthentication" /> <remove name="AnonymousIdentification" /> <remove name="UrlAuthorization" /> <remove name="FileAuthorization" /> </httpModules>
  • 13. 12. Use Content Delivery Network • Better if you download things from nearest server from your palace .its like travelling things from one country to another which takes times. If application has large number of images, CSS, JavaScript sending request for each of them and downloading them across the world will take significant time. • Content Delivery Network deal with static cacheable Content . • Bootsrap Used CDN for his latest release ;)
  • 14. 13. Dispose Objects Manually • Although Objects will be cleaned up when they are no longer being used and when the garbage collector sees fit. Always dispose an object which implements IDisposable ,to do so Use a USING statement to automatically dispose of an object once your program leaves the scope of the using statement. using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { using (SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(commandString, cn)) { cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
  • 15. 14. Effective use of Jquery AJAX in • Use ajax to download data asynchronously, which are not needed immediately like content of Accordion (Collapsed Panel) and tabs. • Don’t make too much ajax requests • Use ajax when its needed to load more data when user scrolls, when user is not scrolling there is no benefit to bring all the data at once.
  • 16. 15. Do use magic of Asynchronous Methods If your page needs to access multiple data sources , then use asynchronous methods to parallelize access to those sources . LINK : HOW TO DO IT
  • 17. 16. Turn off Tracing unless until its required because its keep track of the application's trace and the sequences. Under <system.web> node write following code: <trace enabled="false" pageOutput="false" /> <trace enabled="false" requestLimit="10" pageOutput="false" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true"/> 17. Instead of Respons.Redirect() use Server.Transfer() when we want to transfer current page request to another .aspx page on the same server. it helps to reduce server requests. And optionally give us value of preserve query string and form controls values .
  • 18. 18. String Management : • Use += operator or String.Concat() when the number of appends is know and short . • Use StringBuilder object when number of appends is unknown. 19. Asp .NET literal and label are different • Literal just show that text they don’t add the extra markup. • Label add the extra markup <label><label/>. 20. Remove Blank Space and lines from HTML • Using Regular Expressions in VS2012 remove blank lines from .aspx and HTML ^(?([^rn])s)*r?$r?n • Use CodeMaid tool to remove spaces and more.
  • 19. 21. Use Performance Tools Correct code makes good performance • Backend performance Tools : DotNetMemoryProfiler, SQLServerProfiler • Performance Tools : • Static analysis tool : Yslow • Run Time Profiler : Speed tracer for chrome, Firebug for firefox, IE Developer tools • Others : WebPageTest , Page-analyzer , Pingdom • Monitoring Tool : Fiddler
  • 20. Developer Checklist Caching Client Side Validation Use ViewState if needed Dispose Objects ManuallyCDN Remove Unneccesary HTTP Headers Effective Paging URL Compression Pipeline Optimization Release Mode Images Optimization & Sprite Images Bundling and Minification Jquery Ajax Async and Await Turn Tracing Off
  • 21. Sarvesh Kushwaha | | | | | |