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Rudi Benkovič
While True, d.o.o.
A very simple read-only MVC application.
As per ASP.NET MVC.NET’s guidelines:
     Also MVCFutures – official addons for MVC
    SQL Server
ASP.NET MVC Performance
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ASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC Performance
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ASP.NET MVC Performance
ASP.NET MVC Performance
Wow! IntelliSense!
ASP.NET MVC Performance
We’re testing response time, not overall
throughput – just one concurrent connection.
IIS7             ApacheBench
       ab.exe –n 100 –c 1 http://.../
Response time   Requests / second
        500ms               2
        250ms               4
        100ms               10
         50ms               20
         25ms               40
         15ms              66.6
         10ms              100
         5ms               200

Place your bets!
(Core2 Duo 2.5GHz, 4GB RAM, Win2008 64bit) 8 requests / second

A better “user experience”: responsive web application
     System can respond to many concurrent
     We can do more things in a single requests:
     richer web applications
JetBrains dotTrace
     Run as Administrator
     IIS worker process: set CPU affinity to a single
Expression links
Route itself

Name                  Default values
Expression link
    Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<AccountController>(a => a.UserHome(username))

    Name the action and the controller
    Url.Action(quot;UserHomequot;, quot;Accountquot;, new {username = username})

    Name the route
    Url.RouteUrl(quot;Userquot;, new { username = quot;joeuserquot; })

    Brute force
    string.Format(quot;User/{0}quot;, Url.Encode(username))
Time [ms for 200 links]
      390,0 (!)
     Expression            Action           Route
Why are variables that much slower?
Different code path for non-constants. We have to compile (!) the expression!
Simple syntax. But, how do we read data from such
Reading data from an anonymous class into
 RouteValueData (required). Overhead!
Passing multiple parameters can yield a
 significant overhead.
Pass data in a RouteValueDictionary!

Syntax isn’t nearly as nice, but is it worth it?
Time for 200 links [ms]
          390,0 (!)
 12                                         9.8
  6                                                                     3.8
        Expression ction, anonymous Action, dictionary anonymous object dictionary
                 A                  class        Route,           Route,

As speed increases, so does the syntax and maintenance overhead!
8 requests / second => 25.5 requests / second

Replace anonymous classes with

25.5 requests / second => 27 requests / second
query calls
BuildQuery, which
seems to be time
consuming. Why?
Deffered evaluation
    The expression gets transformed into SQL only
    when we call such a method that demands data for
    its work.

    These transformations get cached inside the
    DBContext. Web applications can’t share
    contexts, so there is no effective caching
    getting done.
ToList() triggers the compilation of the query
Compile the expression tree into an SQL
    query and mapping methods. Store them as a
    function that is thread-safe and accepts a
    DBContext and query parameters.
Non-compiled LINQ-SQL query.
Static delegate that
                                              stores the compiled
It’s simple, really...

                         Static DLO

                                                   Return value

                         The original query
Usage: call the static function with the
    current DBContext
Additional feature: join more queries into one!
A lot of overhead source code. Uncompiled
    LINQ-SQL queries are terse, these just aren’t.
    Black magic – the original query won’t always
    work as-is. Exceptions from within LINQ-SQL
    that you can’t really debug.
    A compiled query has to always be called with
    the same instance of
    DataLoadOptions, otherwise it fails!
Simple generic, lambda syntax for queries
    parameters: only for up to three parameters!
    Otherwise you’ll need to declare a class for
25 requests / second => 52 requests / second

The difference isn’t as big as in real-world
 projects: we don’t have a lot of parameters
 for queries and the expressions are simple.
RenderPartial gets called 41 times from the Index
  view! Let’s optimize that by passing the
  enumeration to the view itself.

Somewhat defeats partial view’s intended usage, but...
41 calls to RenderPartial => three calls.

52 requests / second => 61.5 requests / second
URLs for MVC applications are typically
    static: they don’t change depending on the

    Let’s cache them!

    We wrote our own caching API that uses
    ASP.NET’s builtin memory cache.
Extend ASP.NET MVC’s UrlHelper into UrlHelperCached, add
  new cached methods for Action links.

Join all of data for a single link (action, controller, data) into a
   string and use that as the cache key.
UrlHelper doesn’t implement an interface and it’s methods
  aren’t virtual. We’ll add our own UrlHelperCached as a new
  UrlCached property by extending MVC’s classes:
  MasterPage, ViewPage, ViewUserControl.
Usage: inherit our View class in view’s definition
 and replace Url with UrlCached. That’s all!
61.5 requests / second => 76 requests / second

Real-world: as routing table gets longer and
 more parameters get passed around, the
 difference is even greater!
We can cache site statistics.

Here’s our little caching API that uses lambda
 syntax for cached values. A lot less code!
Cache stats and top voted news of all time:
76 requests/ second => 153 requests/ second.

Let’s also cache the main news display:
153 requests/ second => 400 requests / second.

Caching all DB data foregoes any SQL-LINQ or SQL
  connection initialization. Even less overhead with
  much faster response times.
Core2 Duo 2.53GHz, 4GB RAM, IIS7        Optimization only   Data caching
 450                                                                400
             Requests per second
 200                                                        153
 100                               52
  50     8
Each of these optimization methods is in
 production: fast URL generation, compiled
 queries, URL caching, data caching.
                           The first alpha version
                           without any optimizations
                           ran at ~3 requests / second.
                           Today, the index page can
                           withstand ~800
                           requests/second on a
                           development webserver with
                           real world DB data. HTTP
                           concurrency = 8.
After a few uncomfortable moments of silence...

Ideas for ASP.NET MVC developers:
     Smarter view compiling. Let’s inline partial code
      for views. Or let’s write a new view engine.
     RenderPartials() method that accepts an
      enumeration and can also use a spacer view – like
     Builtin URL caching – why not? Or at least make
      interfaces for HTML and URL helpers.
Thanks to Simone Chiaretta for discovering a gross oversight
  on my part: I’ve done my benchmarks with ASP’s debug
  mode turned on. With regards to ASP.NET MVC 1.0, this
  disables its view engine’s internal cache for resolved paths to
  views. This makes specifying full paths to view irrelevant as
  far as performance is considered.

So, the following change won’t yield any performance yield
  with the debug attribute set to false
  (Web.config, compilation section).
All of the benchmarks have been re-run with debug turned
  off, the change before any optimizations have taken
  place is significant (6 req/s to 8 req/s). Any other
  changes to the performance due to the release mode
  other than view path resolving were basically non-
  existing or within the margin of error.

You can read Simone’s post at

And, of course, run your production websites in
  release mode. :)

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ASP.NET MVC Performance

  • 1. Rudi Benkovič While True, d.o.o.
  • 2. A very simple read-only MVC application.
  • 3. As per ASP.NET MVC.NET’s guidelines:  ASP.NET MVC 1.0  Also MVCFutures – official addons for MVC LINQ-SQL  IIS7  SQL Server 
  • 16. We’re testing response time, not overall throughput – just one concurrent connection.
  • 17. IIS7 ApacheBench ab.exe –n 100 –c 1 http://.../
  • 18. Response time Requests / second 500ms 2 250ms 4 100ms 10 50ms 20 25ms 40 15ms 66.6 10ms 100 5ms 200 Place your bets!
  • 19. (Core2 Duo 2.5GHz, 4GB RAM, Win2008 64bit) 8 requests / second Oops
  • 20. A better “user experience”: responsive web application 1. System can respond to many concurrent 2. requests We can do more things in a single requests: 3. richer web applications
  • 21. JetBrains dotTrace   Run as Administrator  IIS worker process: set CPU affinity to a single CPU
  • 23. Route itself Name Default values
  • 24. Expression link  Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<AccountController>(a => a.UserHome(username)) Name the action and the controller  Url.Action(quot;UserHomequot;, quot;Accountquot;, new {username = username}) Name the route  Url.RouteUrl(quot;Userquot;, new { username = quot;joeuserquot; }) Brute force  string.Format(quot;User/{0}quot;, Url.Encode(username))
  • 25. Time [ms for 200 links] 390,0 (!) 20 18 16 13.6 14 12 10 7.2 8 6 4 2 0 Expression Action Route
  • 26. Why are variables that much slower?
  • 27. Different code path for non-constants. We have to compile (!) the expression!
  • 28. Simple syntax. But, how do we read data from such objects?
  • 29. Reading data from an anonymous class into RouteValueData (required). Overhead!
  • 30. Passing multiple parameters can yield a significant overhead.
  • 31. Pass data in a RouteValueDictionary! Syntax isn’t nearly as nice, but is it worth it?
  • 32. Time for 200 links [ms] 390,0 (!) 20 18 16 13.6 14 12 9.8 10 7.2 8 6 3.8 4 2 0 Expression ction, anonymous Action, dictionary anonymous object dictionary A class Route, Route, As speed increases, so does the syntax and maintenance overhead!
  • 33. Results: 8 requests / second => 25.5 requests / second Replace anonymous classes with RouteValueDictionaries: 25.5 requests / second => 27 requests / second
  • 34. Each LINQ-SQL query calls BuildQuery, which seems to be time consuming. Why?
  • 35. Deffered evaluation  The expression gets transformed into SQL only when we call such a method that demands data for its work. These transformations get cached inside the  DBContext. Web applications can’t share contexts, so there is no effective caching getting done.
  • 36. ToList() triggers the compilation of the query
  • 37. Compile the expression tree into an SQL  query and mapping methods. Store them as a function that is thread-safe and accepts a DBContext and query parameters.
  • 39. Static delegate that stores the compiled query It’s simple, really... Static DLO Return value The original query
  • 40. Usage: call the static function with the  current DBContext
  • 41. Additional feature: join more queries into one!
  • 42. A lot of overhead source code. Uncompiled  LINQ-SQL queries are terse, these just aren’t. Black magic – the original query won’t always  work as-is. Exceptions from within LINQ-SQL that you can’t really debug. A compiled query has to always be called with  the same instance of DataLoadOptions, otherwise it fails!
  • 43. Simple generic, lambda syntax for queries  parameters: only for up to three parameters! Otherwise you’ll need to declare a class for parameters.
  • 44. Results: 25 requests / second => 52 requests / second The difference isn’t as big as in real-world projects: we don’t have a lot of parameters for queries and the expressions are simple.
  • 45. RenderPartial gets called 41 times from the Index view! Let’s optimize that by passing the enumeration to the view itself. Somewhat defeats partial view’s intended usage, but...
  • 46. 41 calls to RenderPartial => three calls. Results: 52 requests / second => 61.5 requests / second
  • 47. URLs for MVC applications are typically  static: they don’t change depending on the user/session/request. Let’s cache them!  We wrote our own caching API that uses  ASP.NET’s builtin memory cache.
  • 48. Extend ASP.NET MVC’s UrlHelper into UrlHelperCached, add new cached methods for Action links. Join all of data for a single link (action, controller, data) into a string and use that as the cache key.
  • 49. UrlHelper doesn’t implement an interface and it’s methods aren’t virtual. We’ll add our own UrlHelperCached as a new UrlCached property by extending MVC’s classes: MasterPage, ViewPage, ViewUserControl.
  • 50. Usage: inherit our View class in view’s definition and replace Url with UrlCached. That’s all!
  • 51. Results: 61.5 requests / second => 76 requests / second Real-world: as routing table gets longer and more parameters get passed around, the difference is even greater!
  • 52. We can cache site statistics. Here’s our little caching API that uses lambda syntax for cached values. A lot less code!
  • 53. Cache stats and top voted news of all time: 76 requests/ second => 153 requests/ second. Let’s also cache the main news display: 153 requests/ second => 400 requests / second. Caching all DB data foregoes any SQL-LINQ or SQL connection initialization. Even less overhead with much faster response times.
  • 54. Core2 Duo 2.53GHz, 4GB RAM, IIS7 Optimization only Data caching 450 400 Requests per second 400 350 300 250 200 153 150 76 61.5 100 52 27 25.5 50 8 0
  • 55. Each of these optimization methods is in production: fast URL generation, compiled queries, URL caching, data caching. The first alpha version without any optimizations ran at ~3 requests / second. Today, the index page can withstand ~800 requests/second on a development webserver with real world DB data. HTTP concurrency = 8.
  • 56. After a few uncomfortable moments of silence... Questions?
  • 57. Ideas for ASP.NET MVC developers:   Smarter view compiling. Let’s inline partial code for views. Or let’s write a new view engine.  RenderPartials() method that accepts an enumeration and can also use a spacer view – like RoR.  Builtin URL caching – why not? Or at least make interfaces for HTML and URL helpers.
  • 58. Thanks to Simone Chiaretta for discovering a gross oversight on my part: I’ve done my benchmarks with ASP’s debug mode turned on. With regards to ASP.NET MVC 1.0, this disables its view engine’s internal cache for resolved paths to views. This makes specifying full paths to view irrelevant as far as performance is considered. So, the following change won’t yield any performance yield with the debug attribute set to false (Web.config, compilation section).
  • 59. All of the benchmarks have been re-run with debug turned off, the change before any optimizations have taken place is significant (6 req/s to 8 req/s). Any other changes to the performance due to the release mode other than view path resolving were basically non- existing or within the margin of error. You can read Simone’s post at htmlhelper.renderpartial-performances-donrsquot-run-in-debug-mode.aspx And, of course, run your production websites in release mode. :)