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Three Perspectives on
Measuring Latency
Geoffrey Beausire
SRE at Criteo
Measuring Latency
■ Focusing on measuring latency for monitoring
■ Service Level Indicators (SLI) and Objectives (SLO)
■ You can also check out How to Measure Latency by Heinrich Hartmann
A Practical Example
What we do:
● AdTech
● Auction based (Real-time bidding)
● Highest bidder gets to display an ad
● Participate in 10M auctions per second
● Need a lot of data to bid the right price
● Low response time (<100ms P99)

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Continuous Performance Testing

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The End of a Myth: Ultra-Scalable Transactional Management
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Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, PhD, researcher and founder of LeanXcale, explains how his latest invention allows linear scale of relational databases.

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Resilient Predictive Data Pipelines (QCon London 2016)
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This document discusses building resilient predictive data pipelines. It begins by distinguishing between ETL and predictive data pipelines, noting that predictive pipelines require high availability with downtimes of less than an hour. The document then outlines design goals for resilient data pipelines, including being scalable, available, instrumented/monitored/alert-enabled, and quickly recoverable. It proposes using AWS services like SQS, SNS, S3, and Auto Scaling Groups to build such pipelines. The document also recommends using Apache Airflow for workflow automation and scheduling to reliably manage pipelines as directed acyclic graphs. It presents an architecture using these techniques and assesses how well it meets the outlined design goals.

airflowcloud computingdata pipelines
What’s a Key/value store:
■ Allow to retrieve a value with a key
■ Trade features (scan/relational) for scalability and performance
■ Commonly used for cache
At Criteo:
■ 217 clusters spread in 7 data centers
■ 250M QPS
■ SLO: 99% of request <1ms
■ 1 trillions records
■ Powered by Memcached and Aerospike
■ 3500 servers (Bare metal Kubernetes)
Criteo’s Key/Value Store Infrastructure
The Challenges
Key/Value Store (KVS) - Challenges
■ On the critical path of every request
■ Used by many teams and many applications
■ Many servers = more incidents (hardware, network, …)
Key/Value Store (KVS) - Monitoring goals
■ Alerted when there is an issue on our service
● Avoid false positives or non actionable alerts
■ Troubleshoot root causes quickly and efficiently (client, server, in-between)
■ Expose SLI that our users can trust
■ Help users resolve issues autonomously

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Chronix is a time series database designed specifically for anomaly detection in operational data. It offers several advantages over general purpose time series databases: 1) Chronix uses domain specific optimizations like optional timestamp compression, custom data records, and compression techniques tailored to the repetitive patterns in operational data. 2) It provides a programming interface to pre-compute representations of time series data and add domain-specific columns to speed up anomaly detection queries. 3) Chronix supports exploratory and correlating analyses through its multi-dimensional storage and ability to query on any combination of attributes. It also offers high-level domain-specific analysis functions evaluated server-side.

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Get the most out of your AWS Redshift investment while keeping cost down
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Key/Value Store (KVS) - Monitoring goals
■ Alerted when there is an issue on our service
● Avoid false positives or non actionable alerts
■ Troubleshoot root causes quickly and efficiently (client, server, in-between)
■ Expose SLI that our users can trust
■ Help users resolve issues autonomously
To achieve this we need high quality latency measurements!
Where to Measure Latency?
The Key/Value Store Infrastructure
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
Server Side Monitoring
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster

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Latency measurements

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Latency measurements
Service A
Service B
Service C

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BlazingMQ is a new open source* distributed message queuing system developed at and published by Bloomberg. It provides highly-performant queues to applications for asynchronous, efficient, and reliable communication. This system has been used at scale at Bloomberg for eight years, where it moves terabytes of data and billions of messages across tens of thousands of queues in production every day. BlazingMQ provides highly-available, fault-tolerant queues courtesy of replication based on the Raft consensus algorithm. In addition, it provides a rich set of enterprise message routing strategies, enabling users to implement a variety of scenarios for message processing. Written in C++ from the ground up, BlazingMQ has been architected with low latency as one of its core requirements. This has resulted in some unique design and implementation choices at all levels of the system, such as its lock-free threading model, custom memory allocators, compact wire protocol, multi-hop network topology, and more. This talk will provide an overview of BlazingMQ. We will then delve into the system’s core design principles, architecture, and implementation details in order to explore the crucial role they play in its performance and reliability. *BlazingMQ will be released as open source between now and P99 (exact timing is still TBD)

Service A
Service B
Service C
Latency measurements
Server Side Monitoring - Summary
■ Paramount to understand the behavior of the system aka why it is slow
■ Service time should be measured as close as possible from the client
■ Troubleshooting performance is easier knowing the latency of dependencies:
● Latency with storage
● Latency with other servers
■ Metrics need to be high precision: average is not enough, at least p99!
Server Side - Downsides
■ Doesn’t take into account what is between the user and the server (network,
load balancer, API gateways, kernel, etc..)
■ Might not exist or be limited/low resolution
■ Might be impacted directly by user workloads (heavy queries)
This can make it hard to depend on them for SLx (and alerting)
Client Server

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Cassandra Tools and Distributed Administration (Jeffrey Berger, Knewton) | C*...
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At Knewton we operate across five different VPCs a total of 29 clusters, each ranging from 3 nodes to 24 nodes. For a team of three to maintain this is not herculean, however good tools to diagnose issues and gather information in a distributed manner are vital to moving quickly and minimizing engineering time spent. The database team at Knewton has been successfully using a combination of Ansible and custom open sourced tools to maintain and improve the Cassandra deployment at Knewton. I will be talking about several of these tools and giving examples of how we are using them. Specifically I will discuss the cassandra-tracing tool, which analyzes the contents of the system_traces keyspace, and the cassandra-stat tool, which gives real-time output of the operations of a cassandra cluster. Distributed administration with ad-hoc Ansible will also be covered and I will walk through examples of using these commands to identify and remediate clusterwide issues. About the Speaker Jeffrey Berger Lead Database Engineer, Knewton Dr. Jeffrey Berger is currently the lead database engineer at Knewton, an education tech startup in NYC. He joined the tech scene in NYC in 2013 and spent two years working with MongoDB, becoming a certified MongoDB administrator and a MongoDB Master. He received his Cassandra Administrator certification at Cassandra Summit 2015. He holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Penn State and spent several years working on high energy nuclear interactions.

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In this presentation, we explore how standard profiling and monitoring methods may fall short in identifying bottlenecks in low-latency data ingestion workflows. Instead, we showcase the power of simple yet clever methods that can uncover hidden performance limitations. Attendees will discover unconventional techniques, including clever logging, targeted instrumentation, and specialized metrics, to pinpoint bottlenecks accurately. Real-world use cases will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with alternative approaches to identify bottlenecks and optimize their low-latency data ingestion workflows for high throughput.

Client Server
Client Server
Client Server
Load Balancer/
API gateway
Client side monitoring
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster

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Noisy Real User Monitoring (RUM) data can ruin your P99! We introduce a fresh concept called ""Human Visible Navigations"" (HVN) to tackle this risk; we focus on the experiences you actually care about when talking about the speed of our sites: - Human: We exclude noise coming from bots and synthetic measurements. - Visible: We remove any partial or fully hidden experiences. These tend to be very slow but users don’t see this slowness. - Navigations: We ignore lightning fast back-forward navigations which usually have few optimisation opportunities. Adopting Human Visible Navigations provides you with these key benefits: - Fewer changes staying below the radar - Fewer data fluctuations - Fewer blindspots when finding bottlenecks - Better correlation with business metrics This is supported by plenty of real world examples coming from the world's largest scale modeling site (6M Monthly visits) in combination with aggregated data from the brand new (open source) After attending this session; your P99 and other percentiles will become less noisy and easier to tune!

Client Side Monitoring - Summary
■ End to end view of the service: actual response time
■ Might require standardized clients
■ Precision requires a lot of metrics (histograms)
■ Impacted by other factors (latency will increase if the application is starved
for CPU, GC pauses…)
How Can We Improve?
Blackbox Monitoring
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
KVS Cluster
Probe (fake client)
Blackbox Monitoring
Goals of the probe:
■ Simulate the behavior of clients
■ Repeatable and stable over time
■ Highly isolated (avoid interference)

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■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users)
● Write (Create/Update)
● Read
● Delete
■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster
■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …)
■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage)
Implementation You can also measure:
■ Availability: can be derived from
latency operations
■ Durability: check that no data
was lost
■ Cross datacenter replication
■ …
■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users)
● Write (Create/Update)
● Read
● Delete
■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster
■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …)
■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage)
Implementation You can also measure:
■ Availability: can be derived from
latency operations
■ Durability: check that no data
was lost
■ Cross datacenter replication
■ …
■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users)
● Write (Create/Update)
● Read
● Delete
■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster
■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …)
■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage)
The resulting metrics can be used as Service Level Indicators (SLI)!
In Practice
Internally blackbox monitoring is used actively on many tech:
■ Key/Value stores: Memcached, Aerospike
■ Kafka
■ Metrics (Graphite, Prometheus, VictoriaMetrics)
■ Logs (ELK)
■ Other databases: Ceph, ScyllaDB, Elasticsearch
We open-sourced:

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Trying to figure out why your application is responding late can be difficult, especially if it is because of interference from the operating system. This talk will briefly go over how to write a C program that can analyze what in the Linux system is interfering with your application. It will use trace-cmd to enable kernel trace events as well as tracing lock functions, and it will then go over a quick tutorial on how to use libtracecmd to read the created trace.dat file to uncover what is the cause of interference to you application.

Reducing P99 Latencies with Generational ZGC
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With the low-latency garbage collector ZGC, GC pause times are no longer a big problem in Java. With sub-millisecond pause times there are instead other things in the GC and JVM that can cause application threads to experience unexpected latencies. This talk will dig into a specific use where the GC pauses are no longer the cause of unexpected latencies and look at how adding generations to ZGC help lower the p99 application latencies.

5 Hours to 7.7 Seconds: How Database Tricks Sped up Rust Linting Over 2000X
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Linters are a type of database! They are a collection of lint rules — queries that look for rule violations to report — plus a way to execute those queries over a source code dataset. This is a case study about using database ideas to build a linter that looks for breaking changes in Rust library APIs. Maintainability and performance are key: new Rust releases tend to have mutually-incompatible ways of representing API information, and we cannot afford to reimplement and optimize dozens of rules for each Rust version separately. Fortunately, databases don't require rewriting queries when the underlying storage format or query plan changes! This allows us to ship massive optimizations and support multiple Rust versions without making any changes to the queries that describe lint rules. Ship now, optimize later"" can be a sustainable development practice after all — join us to see how!

Blackbox Monitoring - Summary
■ End to end view of the service
■ Reliable over time
■ Precise
■ Easy to create
■ Artificial
■ Each approaches have trade-offs:
● Server side: precise but lacks the big picture
● Client side: end-to-end but noisy
● Blackbox: end-to-end and reliable but synthetic
■ Measure everything!
■ Use all of them
Brought to you by
Geoffrey Beausire
is hiring:

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Three Perspectives on Measuring Latency

  • 1. Brought to you by Three Perspectives on Measuring Latency Geoffrey Beausire SRE at Criteo
  • 2. Measuring Latency ■ Focusing on measuring latency for monitoring ■ Service Level Indicators (SLI) and Objectives (SLO) ● ■ You can also check out How to Measure Latency by Heinrich Hartmann ●
  • 4. What we do: ● AdTech ● Auction based (Real-time bidding) ● Highest bidder gets to display an ad ● Participate in 10M auctions per second Challenges: ● Need a lot of data to bid the right price ● Low response time (<100ms P99)
  • 5. What’s a Key/value store: ■ Allow to retrieve a value with a key ■ Trade features (scan/relational) for scalability and performance ■ Commonly used for cache At Criteo: ■ 217 clusters spread in 7 data centers ■ 250M QPS ■ SLO: 99% of request <1ms ■ 1 trillions records ■ Powered by Memcached and Aerospike ■ 3500 servers (Bare metal Kubernetes) Criteo’s Key/Value Store Infrastructure
  • 7. Key/Value Store (KVS) - Challenges ■ On the critical path of every request ■ Used by many teams and many applications ■ Many servers = more incidents (hardware, network, …)
  • 8. Key/Value Store (KVS) - Monitoring goals ■ Alerted when there is an issue on our service ● Avoid false positives or non actionable alerts ■ Troubleshoot root causes quickly and efficiently (client, server, in-between) ■ Expose SLI that our users can trust ■ Help users resolve issues autonomously
  • 9. Key/Value Store (KVS) - Monitoring goals ■ Alerted when there is an issue on our service ● Avoid false positives or non actionable alerts ■ Troubleshoot root causes quickly and efficiently (client, server, in-between) ■ Expose SLI that our users can trust ■ Help users resolve issues autonomously To achieve this we need high quality latency measurements!
  • 10. Where to Measure Latency?
  • 11. The Key/Value Store Infrastructure KVS Cluster Client KVS Cluster KVS Cluster Client
  • 12. Server Side Monitoring KVS Cluster Client KVS Cluster KVS Cluster Client
  • 21. Client Service A Service B Service C Latency measurements
  • 22. Server Side Monitoring - Summary ■ Paramount to understand the behavior of the system aka why it is slow ■ Service time should be measured as close as possible from the client ■ Troubleshooting performance is easier knowing the latency of dependencies: ● Latency with storage ● Latency with other servers ■ Metrics need to be high precision: average is not enough, at least p99!
  • 23. Server Side - Downsides ■ Doesn’t take into account what is between the user and the server (network, load balancer, API gateways, kernel, etc..) ■ Might not exist or be limited/low resolution ■ Might be impacted directly by user workloads (heavy queries) This can make it hard to depend on them for SLx (and alerting)
  • 28. Client side monitoring KVS Cluster Client KVS Cluster KVS Cluster Client
  • 29. Client Side Monitoring - Summary Advantages: ■ End to end view of the service: actual response time Downsides: ■ Might require standardized clients ■ Precision requires a lot of metrics (histograms) ■ Impacted by other factors (latency will increase if the application is starved for CPU, GC pauses…)
  • 30. How Can We Improve?
  • 31. Blackbox Monitoring KVS Cluster Client KVS Cluster KVS Cluster Client Probe (fake client)
  • 32. Blackbox Monitoring Goals of the probe: ■ Simulate the behavior of clients ■ Repeatable and stable over time ■ Highly isolated (avoid interference)
  • 33. ■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users) ● Write (Create/Update) ● Read ● Delete ■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster ■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …) ■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage) Implementation
  • 34. Implementation You can also measure: ■ Availability: can be derived from latency operations ■ Durability: check that no data was lost ■ Cross datacenter replication ■ … ■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users) ● Write (Create/Update) ● Read ● Delete ■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster ■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …) ■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage)
  • 35. Implementation You can also measure: ■ Availability: can be derived from latency operations ■ Durability: check that no data was lost ■ Cross datacenter replication ■ … ■ Select a number of operations (they should reflect the behavior of users) ● Write (Create/Update) ● Read ● Delete ■ Schedule these operations at repeated interval on every cluster ■ Add a lot of observability (high resolution histograms, logs, tracing, …) ■ Optimize for latency (not throughput or cpu usage) The resulting metrics can be used as Service Level Indicators (SLI)!
  • 36. In Practice Internally blackbox monitoring is used actively on many tech: ■ Key/Value stores: Memcached, Aerospike ■ Kafka ■ Metrics (Graphite, Prometheus, VictoriaMetrics) ■ Logs (ELK) ■ Other databases: Ceph, ScyllaDB, Elasticsearch We open-sourced:
  • 37. Blackbox Monitoring - Summary Advantages: ■ End to end view of the service ■ Reliable over time ■ Precise ■ Easy to create Downsides: ■ Artificial
  • 38. Conclusion ■ Each approaches have trade-offs: ● Server side: precise but lacks the big picture ● Client side: end-to-end but noisy ● Blackbox: end-to-end and reliable but synthetic ■ Measure everything! ■ Use all of them
  • 39. Brought to you by Geoffrey Beausire @geobeau is hiring: