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#InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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1	Foreword
3	 How it was created
4	Emergence
5	Evolution
6	Relevance
7	 Bandwidth forecast
8	 Regional view
9	 Industry view
10	 Enterprise use cases
11	 Service Provider use cases
12	Firmographics
13	 Maturity model
14	 Global Interconnection Index 2020 forecast
15	 United States bandwidth forecast
16	 Europe bandwidth forecast
17	 Asia-Pacific bandwidth forecast
18	 Latin America bandwidth forecast
19	Methodology
1 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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An industry-first look at how
Interconnection Bandwidth is
shaping and scaling the global
digital economy.
As business models become increasingly distributed and dependent on the real-time engagement
of many more users, partners and service providers, a company’s ability to transform into a digital
business has become a matter of survival.
Organizations must take swift and decisive action to scale their digital platforms or risk extinction.
And the only way to do that is through dynamic, on-demand, anytime, anywhere Interconnection.
This means deploying IT traffic exchange points and provisioning Interconnection Bandwidth
to integrate direct private connections between counterparties and providers. These traffic
exchange points are hosted in carrier-neutral data center campuses with distributed, colocated IT
components. Without this vital fuel, digital business falters.
Interconnection’s role as an essential building block of the global digital economy permeates the
world around us. Interconnection scaled the internet, the web, and thriving digital ecosystems
like financial securities trading. In 2014 alone, Interconnection enabled cross-border data flows
that added $2.8 trillion to the world’s GDP, per McKinsey. And now it is enabling the rapid growth
of multicloud, giving rise to new ecosystems like the Internet of Things and propelling digital
business to outgrow the overall economy by 3X.
As crucial as Interconnection is to how digital business is conducted, it’s never been quantified.
The Global Interconnection Index, published by Equinix, changes this with industry-first
projections of how Interconnection growth and access will unfold through 2020. This in-depth
view arms businesses with the data-driven insight they need to consider their own Interconnection
strategy for digital business success.
The Index’s new global baseline tracks, measures and forecasts the growth of Interconnection
Bandwidth, a measure of the capacity to transfer traffic via direct, private Interconnection with a
diverse set of counterparties at distributed exchange points. For the first time, organizations can
see multidimensional projections of Interconnection Bandwidth requirements by region, industry,
use cases, firmographics and maturity model.
The worldwide reliance on Interconnection Bandwidth is growing rapidly as businesses competing
within this evolving landscape mature from exchanging traffic over a few connections through a
single network carrier as the intermediary, to activating multiple direct Interconnection exchange
points among a global ecosystem of providers and counterparties.
Continued on next page
2 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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The Index projects that by the year 2020, the Interconnection Bandwidth used to conduct
scalable digital business will grow to over 5,000 Tbps, outpacing the growth of overall global IP
traffic, the internet and MPLS, today’s leading private network model.
To put this into context, consider what would be possible with this robust level of Interconnection.
You could:
•	 Transfer the entire printed content in the U.S. Library of Congress 3X in a single second
•	 Process nearly 550,000 electronic payments per minute–assuming the average value is $50,
that’s $27.5M per minute or $1.6B per hour
•	 Analyze and exchange the DNA sequence of the entire human population in 2.5 hours, unlocking
the possibility for new medical treatments and breakthroughs
The right Interconnection strategy has the power to make even the boldest business ambitions
a reality. But without it, organizations will lack the scale, agility, capacity, security and quality of
service they need to successfully conduct digital business around the globe.
The Global Interconnection Index provides important insight into this fundamental measure of
how digital business is conducted and equips companies with the forward-looking data they
need to measure, predict and stay ahead of their own Interconnection needs in an increasingly
connected future.
Interconnection fuels digital transformation by:
•	 Unlocking the ability to scale multicloud to its fullest potential
•	 Providing proximity to digital services to reduce latency and accelerate business interactions
•	 Empowering businesses to establish operational control over centralized and distributed digital
•	 Reducing cybersecurity risk by bypassing the internet and activating local security perimeters
Interconnection Bandwidth
is outpacing traditional
connectivity approaches
as it grows:
•	Nearly 2X faster and 6X larger
than global IP traffic
•	10X faster than MPLS networks

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All around the world, Interconnection is changing the face of digital infrastructure and enabling businesses to serve customers in unprecedented ways. To succeed in today’s rapidly transforming economy, every business must understand—and leverage—Interconnection. Every business can and should leverage Interconnection to stay competitive in the digital age. Start with the Global Interconnection Index, a new global baseline to track, measure and forecast Interconnection Bandwidth. See all the detailed trends, insights and implications of Interconnection among your peers and around the world—and then take the next step. Download the Global Interconnection Index today

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3 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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The Global Interconnection
is the emergence of
a new global baseline.
Its goal is to track, measure and forecast
the growth in bandwidth required for direct
traffic exchanges which enable private
Interconnections among companies
supporting digital business.
This report contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that
may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates or the results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements.
Utilized technology market intelligence from data sources including Forrester, IDC, 451 Research and Synergy Research Group
1 2 3 4CREATED
Analyzed the
adoption profile
of thousands of
colocation data
center providers
and participants
globally across
every region and
major metro2
Assessed local
and regional
market conditions,
including macro
economic trends,
market demo-
and industry
Identified key
demand drivers
of digital business
that force the
distribution and
of IT components
within proximity
of users
Built a predictive
model to forecast
Bandwidth growth
by region, use
case and market
Created a
stratified market
baseline across
regions and
company size
Developed a
set of indicators
and local market
condition filters
to assist in
producing tailored
Produced a
weighted demand
multiplier to assist
in predicting
growth to factor
the impact of
digital business
Utilized market
baseline, applied
local market
condition filters
and factored
demand drivers
to derive forecast
4 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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People  Locations
Interconnection emerged from the challenge to globally scale the internet.
This required the industry to solve how to exchange and transfer traffic among different
provider networks across different regions and countries.
Physical infrastructure meeting places, called Internet Exchanges, were created and hosted
inside carrier-neutral colocation data center campuses. The voluntary exchange of traffic
among providers became known as peering.
Over time, peering in carrier-neutral data center campuses evolved to become IT traffic exchange
points for all types of machine-to-machine traffic by integrating direct private connections of
counterparties with distributed IT components colocated. This is known as Interconnection.
Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and
directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed
IT exchange points.
Enterprise HeadquartersPhysical IT Traffic Exchange Point
Clouds Data
Carrier-neutral Data CentersNetwork Carriers
Constrained point-to-point connectivity, backhauling user traffic to central data center 2 
Optimized, multipoint connectivity via direct private traffic exchange points between users and local services
Network Endpoint
5 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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The power of Interconnection has proven extensible, helping
to create the building blocks of the digital economy.
Interconnection enabled the web to scale. It solves performance and integration barriers, creating
the global electronic trading ecosystem; and provides an on-ramp to securely scale into the cloud.
Today, for companies in all industries, Interconnection helps integrate digital services with providers
and partners so they can interact in real time to consume and provide services digitally.
Networks directly
connected to other
networks to privately
exchange data traffic,
solve for regional
proximity and scale
the internet
Content and e-commerce
platforms directly
connected to networks
to privately exchange
data and content traffic,
place copies of websites
and content inside
exchange points and
scale the web
Buy-Side and Sell-Side
Exchange platforms
directly connected to
each other to privately
exchange market data
and trade traffic, place
trading engines inside
the exchange points and
scale the electronic
trading ecosystem
Cloud infrastructure
providers are enabling
direct connection access
to privately exchange
data and workload traffic,
solve for access proximi-
ty and scale the cloud-
enterprise ecosystem
Enterprises across all
industry segments are
beginning to directly
connect to each other
to privately exchange
traffic, create new
ecosystems and scale
digital business
Networks E-commerce  Content Exchanges Clouds Enterprises Traffic Exchange Connection
6 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Digital technology use
can create $1.36 trillion
in additional economic
output in the world’s top
10 economies in 2020 1
Digital technologies
force the need to support
real-time interactions
which enable digital
value capture
Real-time interactions
require the Interconnec-
tion of people, locations,
clouds and data
Urbanization Approximately two
billion people are expected
to migrate to major cities
by 2030, creating as many
as 50 urban metro hubs 2
Urbanization is transform-
ing global demographics,
creating a proximity need
for digital services
Supporting urban density
requires the Interconnec-
tion of applications, data,
content and networking
colocated in metro hubs
More than 18 major
countries globally block
the transfer of data related
to accounting, tax and
financial information 3
Compliance with data
regulations requires the
need to maintain data
locally while being used
Managing compliance
requires the Intercon-
nection of data storage,
analytics and networking
colocated in business
regions that require
By 2020, 60% of digital
businesses will suffer ma-
jor service failures, due to
the inability of IT security
teams to manage digital
risk 4
Cybersecurity risk
permeates across the
physical and digital
platforms of the business
Managing cybersecurity
risk requires the Intercon-
nection of applications,
data, networking and
security controls colocat-
ed across regions to cre-
ate necessary safeguards
Global Trade
of Digitally
Trade in digitally
deliverable services has
more than doubled over
the past decade, compris-
ing approximately 50% of
total services exports 5
Digital trade flows are
creating global business
and data processes
involving customers,
partners and employees
Solving the shift to digital
flows requires an inter-
connected mesh of metro
hubs and colocated digital
capabilities where trade
flows. This is critical to
participation in a digital
As digital business
transformation increasingly
becomes a mandate for
survival in the digital era,
Interconnection grows
particularly relevant.
Key macro, technology and regulatory
trends are changing the interaction
between businesses, consumers and
physical infrastructure.
The world is rapidly going digital,
and Interconnection is a critical
building block for success.
1 Accenture Digital Density Index 2
Connectography (Parag Khanna) 3
ITIF Cross Border Data Flows Report
Gartner, Special Report: Cybersecurity at the Speed of Digital Business, 30 August 2016 5
McKinsey Digital Globalization Report

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Equinix's 7 Bold Predictions for the Connected Enterprise in 2017

Read details of each prediction from the official Equinix blog: We can’t predict the future of the entire IT industry, but we sit at an unusually good vantage point at Equinix to make an educated, data-driven forecast about what we see coming. That’s because we have the capability to look at what’s trending with more than 8,000 customers across 21 markets within ecosystems that sit at the center of cloud, IoT and analytics growth. And the patterns we are seeing show a massive digital transformation under way. Digital has disrupted business as usual, and new revenue models and ways of competing are taking hold. To successfully make the shift to digital business, organizations are realizing they need transform IT by “flipping” their architectures from siloed and fixed to integrated and dynamic. This shift requires an interconnection-first strategy that enables enterprises and service providers to directly and securely connect their partners, customers and end users to anything, anywhere, on any device. Digital businesses simply can’t compete without an integrated and dynamic strategy to make that happen. As things change quickly, we're taking advantage of our special perspective at the center of it all to predict what you can expect in “7 Bold Predictions for the Connected Enterprise.” We’ll be exploring these predictions in more detail in the coming days, but these previews will get us started.

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The story the Global Interconnection Index (GXI) Volume 2 tells about the United States is one of a country with an unmatched history in the development and expansion of Interconnection, but with plenty of growth and innovation still ahead. The U.S. is the most mature region in the world for digital business, according to the GXI, which analyzes global Interconnection – the direct and private traffic exchange between businesses. The annual report by Equinix estimates that by 2021, the U.S. will contribute 40% of the global installed Interconnection Bandwidth – the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of participants at distributed IT exchange points. That’s by far the highest share of worldwide Interconnection Bandwidth, an essential enabler of digital business expansion.

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7 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps
Service Provider** Use Case
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps
Industry Segment
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps
Enterprise* Use Case 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps
2020Financial Service Providers
Supply Chain Partners
Content Providers
Cloud and IT Providers
Network Providers
Service Providers
Financial Service Providers
Supply Chain Partners
Content Providers
Cloud and IT Providers
Network Providers
Interconnecting to...
Interconnecting to...
Interconnection Bandwidth
is defined as the total capacity
provisioned to privately and
directly exchange traffic with
a diverse set of counterparties
and providers at distributed
IT exchange points.
By 2020, Installed Interconnection
Bandwidth capacity is expected to
reach 5000 Tbps, a fourfold increase
from 2016, with double-digit growth
across all industries and use cases.
* Enterprises are defined as companies with a primary business purpose
including Banking and Insurance, Manufacturing, Securities  Trading,
Business  Professional Services, Energy  Utility, Retail, Healthcare and
** Service Providers are defined as companies with a
primary business purpose including Telecommunications,
Cloud and IT, along with Content and Digital Media
8 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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2017 2020201920182016
CAGR: +45% 2016
500 1000 1500 2000
626 (+62%)
1451 (+44%)
1795 (+40%)
1120 (+46%)
2016 2020
United States is expected to grow 40% per annum to reach 1,800 Tbps of installed capacity
by 2020, contributing more than a third (36%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally.
Europe is expected to grow 44% per annum to reach 1,450+ Tbps by 2020, contributing
more than a quarter (29%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally.
Asia-Pacific is expected to grow 46% per annum to reach 1,120 Tbps of installed capacity,
approaching nearly a quarter (22%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally.
Latin America is expected to grow 62% per annum to reach 620+ Tbps of installed capacity,
contributing 13% of Interconnection Bandwidth globally.
A radical reinvention of
enterprise IT is underway.
Interconnection Bandwidth is expected
to grow at a rapid pace over the next
four years with growth across all
regions predicted to grow 40%
per annum or greater.
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately
and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at
distributed IT exchange points.
9 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Banking and Insurance is expected to grow 61% per annum and reach 955+ Tbps of
Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020.
Telecommunications is expected to grow 27% per annum and reach 825+ Tbps of
Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020.
Cloud and IT is expected to grow 39% per annum and reach 820 Tbps of Interconnection
Bandwidth capacity by 2020.
Manufacturing is expected to grow 54% per annum to 540 Tbps of Interconnection
Bandwidth capacity by 2020.
Emerging High-growth Segments include Business  Professional Services, Energy,
Retail and Healthcare, and are expected to grow their use of Interconnection Bandwidth
capacity by more than 66% by 2020.
200 400 600 800 1000
Banking  Insurance 61% 19%
Telecommuncations 27% 17%
Cloud  IT Services 39% 16%
Manufacturing 54% 11%
Securities  Trading 41% 10%
Content  Digital Media 36% 8%
Business  Prof. Services 64% 6%
Energy  Utility 73% 4%
Wholesale  Retail 62% 4%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 68% 2%
Government  Education 62% 0.5%
Other 68% 2.5%
Installed Capacity (Tbps)
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately
and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at
distributed IT exchange points.
Digital is disrupting all industries,
forcing companies to transform
their business and IT infrastruc-
ture strategies to compete.
Interconnection is emerging pervasively
to scale digital business transformation
with growth projected across all major
10 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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2016 2020
•	 All use cases are projecting strong
double-digit growth by 2020
•	 Enterprises Interconnecting to Clouds use
case is projected to grow the fastest at 160%
CAGR, becoming the second-largest use case
share of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020
•	 Enterprises Interconnecting to Financial
Service Providers is projected to grow
38% per annum, reaching 300+ Tbps of
Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 as
digitization of the industry evolves from
trading to including banking, insurance
and wealth management
Enterprise Interconnection Use Cases:
•	 Interconnecting to Network Providers:
to rewire network topology for digital
•	 Interconnecting to Cloud and IT Providers:
to deliver digital services on demand
•	 Interconnecting to Financial Service
Providers: to transact or exchange
payments digitally
•	 Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners: to
collaborate digitally with business partners
•	 Interconnecting to Content Providers:
to enable rich digital experiences for
their users
100 200 300 400 500 600 CAGR
52% 68%
Cloud  IT
160% 19%
Financial Service
38% 11%
Chain Partners
73% 2%
48% 1%
Installed Capacity (Tbps)
Enterprises in these business
categories are all striving
to digitize their business
through individual use cases.
For purposes of this index, Enterprise
use cases are defined as enterprises
with common purposes in these areas:
Banking and Insurance, Manufacturing,
Securities and Trading, Business and
Professional Services, Energy and Utility,
Retail, Healthcare and Government.
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
See page 14 for more information implementing Interconnection use cases

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Steve Smith, CEO and president, delivered a keynote speech on growth projections for network and cloud services on Tuesday, January 21 at 9:30 AM HST. The keynote, entitled “Mapping the Future of Networks and Clouds Inside Equinix,” utilized data based on connectivity patterns within the company’s set of 95+ global data centers to provide a unique perspective on the trends that map the future of network and cloud service providers.

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This document discusses trends transforming digital connectivity and interconnection strategies. It summarizes research finding that interconnection bandwidth is expected to outpace internet and MPLS traffic growth. Interconnection enables organizations to more easily work together across networks, financial services, cloud computing, and content/digital media. The document then discusses how Equinix's interconnection services like ECX Fabric can help enterprises securely connect to multiple cloud services either locally or remotely. It also discusses how these services can help enterprises connect their own distributed infrastructure and ensure business continuity. Finally, it discusses how these services provide advantages to service providers by allowing them to access customers, connect to clouds in more metros, and leverage the largest interconnected ecosystem.

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5 IT Predictions for Digital Business in 2019

Read our blog on the 5 IT Predictions for Digital Business in 2019: While digital transformation has the potential to dramatically accelerate long-term business performance, the truth is that we are deep into the digital awkward years. Though the promise of digital is full of new possibilities, most companies are currently experiencing the growing pains of hybrid IT complexity. Today’s businesses see digital technologies that need to be seamlessly integrated with legacy IT infrastructures to optimize business processes, agility and scale. They anticipate an increasing number of connected-devices at the edge generating mountains of data that will expand their organization’s threat landscape, while data security and compliance requirements continue to increase. We are working with our customers around the globe to build the data center of the future, blazing the trail for next-generation interconnection and innovation, including emerging security, data and application infrastructure services. And as business and technology leaders move closer to another year of high stakes digital transformations and the big IT decisions that power them, we’re taking a closer look at the technologies that will make the biggest digital business impact in 2019.

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11 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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100 200 300 400 500 600 CAGR
28% 71%
Cloud  IT
70% 12%
Financial Service
34% 7%
Chain Partners
33% 2%
49% 8%
Installed Capacity (Tbps)
2016 2020
•	 All use cases are projecting strong
double-digit growth by 2020
•	 Service Providers Interconnecting to
Clouds use case is projected to grow
the fastest at 70% CAGR, becoming the
second-largest use case share of
Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020
•	 Service Providers Interconnecting to ontent
 Digital Media use case is projected to
grow 49% per annum, reaching 170 Tbps
of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 as
digitization is transforming the content
production and distribution value chain
Service Provider Interconnection Use Cases:
•	 Interconnecting to Network Providers: to
extend network coverage and scale for digital
•	 Interconnecting to Cloud and IT Providers:
to provide cloud-native digital services
•	 Interconnecting to Financial Service
Providers: to transact or exchange
payments digitally
•	 Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners: to
collaborate digitally with business partners
•	 Interconnecting to Content Providers:
to enable rich digital experiences for
their customers
See page 14 for more information implementing Interconnection use cases
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
Service Providers in these
business categories are all
striving to digitize their business
through individual use cases.
For the purposes of this index, Service
Provider use cases are defined as those
with common purposes in these areas:
Telecommunications, Cloud and IT, and
Content and Digital Media.
12 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps
Number of Countries
1-2 3-4 5-10 11+
1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 21+
Number of Sites
10 12 14
Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps
$50M $50M-$1B $1B-$10B $10B
Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps
1-50 51-100 101-500 501-1000 1000+
Number of Employees
1-2 3-5 6-10 11-14 15+
Number of SaaS Providers
Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps
1k 1k 5k 20k 50k 100k 500k
Technology Spend
Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps1400
Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps
Average Interconnection
Bandwidth by Revenue and
Number of Employees 2
Average Interconnection
Bandwidth by Geographical
Presence 3
Average Interconnection
Bandwidth by Number of
Distributed IT Services
Firmographic profiling shows a direct correlation of Interconnection
Bandwidth adoption by enterprises based on three categories—Size,
Geographical Presence and Use of Distributed IT Services.
•	 The larger the company, the greater the number of Interconnections
used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth
•	 The broader a business’ physical presence, the greater the number of Interconnections
used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth
•	 The more extensively a firm employs distributed IT services, the greater the number of
Interconnections used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth
** Hosting—third-party hosting of application and infrastructure; DDos/
WAF—Distributed Denial of Service  Web Application Firewall;
GTM—Global Traffic Management; DNS—Domain Naming Service;
CDN—Content Distribution Network
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned
to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counter-
parties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
13 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Density 1 10’s +/- 100’s +/- 1000’s +/-
Shorten distance
between users
and services
localize traffic
via single
exchange point
deploy critical
security and
data services
Create a meeting
place to collaborate
with customers,
partners and
user experience
Reduce cost
and time to
New business
New business
Interconnection Bandwidth
growth of an individual firm
can be projected based on
its maturity of adoption.
As described on page 5 of the Index,
the evolution of Interconnection began
with the private exchange of traffic over
a single Interconnection and progressed
to multiple Interconnections, duplicating
across multiple locations and finally matur-
ing to global ecosystem Interconnections.
Using the Interconnection Maturity Model,
any company can start to plan for its
Interconnection Bandwidth needs.
First, a firm must identify:
•	 # of counterparties in initial location
•	 # of counterparties in each location
of business presence
Second, a firm must determine:
•	 Need for Interconnection
•	 Purpose of Interconnection
•	 Value of Interconnection
Finally, a firm must confirm which
IT deployment patterns need to be
implemented in each location adjacent
to the point of Interconnection. See for further guidance.
Cluster of
Ecosystem of
Interconnection Capability
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
14 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Total Interconnection
Bandwidth is expected to
grow 45% per annum by 2020.
A radical reinvention of Enterprise IT is
underway, with Interconnection Bandwidth
between companies, industries, business
partners and service providers set to grow
at a rapid pace over the next four years.
By 2020, Interconnection Bandwidth is
projected to grow more than fourfold
from 2016, translating into 5,000 Tbps
of installed bandwidth capacity, with
double-digit growth across all
industries and use cases.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR
By Industry
Banking  Insurance 144 230 367 590 958 61%
Telecommunications 319 409 523 662 826 27%
Cloud  IT Services 221 314 445 607 820 39%
Manufacturing 96 147 226 348 540 54%
Securities  Trading 119 160 224 322 474 41%
Content  Digital Media 121 170 235 316 420 36%
Business  Professional Services 41 66 108 179 297 64%
Energy  Utility 24 43 74 128 218 73%
Wholesale  Retail Trade 27 44 71 115 189 62%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 13 21 35 59 100 68%
Government  Education 3 5 9 14 23 62%
Other 16 27 46 76 127 68%
Total Industry 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45%
By Use Cases
Enterprise Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 372 571 880 1,341 1,986 52%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 12 31 80 209 547 160%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 88 122 168 232 320 38%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 5 9 17 29 45 73%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 6 9 14 21 28 48%
Total Enterprise Use Cases 483 743 1,159 1,833 2,926 57%
Service Provider Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 537 703 913 1,167 1,459 28%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 30 50 85 145 248 70%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 35 52 79 117 170 49%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 46 61 81 109 148 34%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 13 26 45 46 40 33%
Total Service Provider Use Cases 660 893 1,203 1,584 2,065 33%
Total Use Cases* 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45%
US 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40%
EU 335 473 681 987 1,451 44%
AP 246 355 519 759 1,120 46%
LATAM 92 154 249 395 626 62%
Total Region 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45%
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.

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15 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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The United States is expected to
grow 40% per annum to reach 1,800
Tbps of installed capacity by 2020,
contributing more than a third (36%)
of Interconnection Bandwidth globally.
The United States is the largest and most advanced
region. The market had an early head start in terms
of Interconnection adoption, with places like Ash-
burn in Northern Virginia hosting the largest con-
centration of network participants and becoming
a hotbed for most of the world’s internet traffic.
Despite being an early adopter of Interconnec-
tion, growth in the US is expected to further
accelerate by 300 basis points to 40% by 2020.
•	 US Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to
reach 1,795 Tbps at 40% CAGR by 2020, driven
by strong anticipated growth in Chicago (42%
CAGR) and New York (40% CAGR)
•	 Banking and Insurance is expected to
be the largest industry segment driving
Interconnection growth in the US, accounting
for approximately 22% of the overall market
by 2020, overtaking Telecommunications
•	 The Enterprise vertical is expected to account for
55% of total Interconnection, up from 41% in 2016
•	 Over 82% of Enterprises’ bandwidth is
expected to be dedicated to two use cases:
Interconnecting to Network and to Cloud
by 2020
•	 The four largest metros of provisioned
Interconnection Bandwidth capacity—New York,
Chicago, Washington, D.C., Silicon Valley—
currently make up more than 70% of the total
market in North America and are expected to
sustain growth around 40% annually until the
end of the forecast period
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR
By Industry
Banking  Insurance 68 106 164 252 386 54%
Telecommunications 133 172 222 282 354 28%
Cloud  IT Services 84 115 156 206 268 34%
Manufacturing 45 66 100 153 240 52%
Content  Digital Media 63 85 114 147 187 31%
Securities  Trading 44 56 75 103 140 34%
Business  Professional Services 13 19 29 47 78 58%
Wholesale  Retail Trade 11 17 26 41 68 59%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 3 5 9 14 24 62%
Energy  Utility 2 4 6 9 16 59%
Government  Education 1 1 2 3 5 53%
Other 5 7 11 17 28 57%
Total Industry 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40%
By Use Cases
Enterprise Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 136 200 294 431 609 45%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 5 13 32 80 203 152%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 47 64 86 116 154 35%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 3 5 8 12 69%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 3 4 6 8 44%
Total Enterprise Use Cases 191 282 421 641 986 51%
Service Provider Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 238 306 390 488 596 26%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 13 21 36 60 101 67%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 12 18 27 39 55 47%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 14 19 26 34 46 34%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 4 8 14 14 12 33%
Total Service Provider Use Cases 280 372 492 635 809 30%
Total Use Cases* 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40%
By Metro
New York 103 141 195 274 391 40%
Chicago 83 116 166 236 339 42%
Washington, D.C. 87 121 166 231 323 39%
Silicon Valley 68 94 131 183 255 39%
Total Metro** 341 472 658 924 1,308 40%
** These are the top metros and not
inclusive of all metros.
16 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
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Europe is expected to grow 44%
per annum to reach 1,450+ Tbps
by 2020, contributing more than
a quarter (29%) of Interconnection
Bandwidth globally.
Europe’s growth will be driven by a number
of factors, including data sovereignty and the
need for European businesses to exchange
information with other businesses in-region;
the evolution of the European public peering
model, including more private direct connections
among organizations; and the rapid economic
development in the Middle East and Africa.
•	 EU’s Interconnection Bandwidth is expected
to quadruple in size, at 44% CAGR
•	 While London is expected to remain the
largest Interconnection market in Europe,
Frankfurt is expected to overtake Amsterdam
as the second-largest Interconnection
market in Europe, benefitting from
strong enterprise demand
•	 Banking and Insurance is expected to
add 200+ Tbps of bandwidth by 2020,
a greater than sixfold increase, catapulting
it ahead of Cloud and IT Services, with
Telecommunications narrowly retaining
the lead
•	 Of all the regions, the Enterprise segments
are expected to capture the highest
bandwidth share by 2020, reaching 63%
total bandwidth share in the EU
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR
By Industry
Telecommunications 102 130 165 209 260 26%
Banking  Insurance 42 63 98 157 259 58%
Cloud  IT Services 59 82 115 153 203 36%
Securities  Trading 40 54 77 114 174 45%
Business  Professional Services 16 27 44 73 120 64%
Manufacturing 16 25 39 60 92 54%
Energy  Utility 12 20 33 54 89 65%
Wholesale  Retail Trade 10 17 28 45 74 64%
Content  Digital Media 24 32 42 54 69 30%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 6 11 18 30 51 67%
Government  Education 2 3 5 8 13 64%
Other 5 9 16 28 47 75%
Total Industry 335 473 681 987 1,451 44%
By Use Cases
Enterprise Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 114 174 271 420 641 54%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 3 7 18 49 132 165%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 30 42 59 83 118 40%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 2 3 6 10 17 79%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 3 5 7 10 52%
Total Enterprise Use Cases 150 229 359 570 918 57%
Service Provider Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 150 194 246 308 378 26%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 10 15 23 34 50 49%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 6 10 17 28 47 67%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 14 18 24 32 45 33%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 4 8 13 14 12 33%
Total Service Provider Use Cases 185 244 322 417 532 30%
Total Use Cases* 335 473 681 987 1,451 44%
By Metro
London 114 159 227 330 486 44%
Frankfurt 51 74 110 165 252 49%
Amsterdam 59 83 118 168 242 42%
Paris 30 42 59 84 120 41%
Total Metro** 254 357 514 747 1,100 44%
** These are the top metros and not
inclusive of all metros.
17 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217
Asia-Pacific is expected to
grow 46% per annum to reach
1,120 Tbps of installed capacity,
approaching nearly a quarter
(22%) of Interconnection
Bandwidth globally.
Asia-Pacific region is expected to overtake
the US and EU as the largest regional economy.
This is consistent with the Index forecast for
Interconnection Bandwidth, as the region is
predicted to outpace both US and EU by 2020.
•	 AP’s Interconnection Bandwidth is expected
to grow more than fourfold with 46% CAGR
through 2020 to 1,120 Tbps
•	 Cloud and IT services providers is expected
to overtake Telecommunications providers
as the largest users of Interconnection
Bandwidth by 2018
•	 Banking  Insurance, growing at 71% CAGR,
is expected to share 13% of the total
Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020,
compared to only 7% in 2016, making it the
third-largest industry overall by 2020
•	 Energy  Utility is expected to grow the
fastest (82% CAGR), resulting in a market
share increase from 3% in 2016, to 8% in 2020.
Manufacturing’s Interconnection Bandwidth is
expected to grow by more than 5X by 2020,
positioning it as the second-largest Enterprise
industry behind Banking
•	 Global Interconnection Index analysis predicts
metros from China are likely grow into top
metros in future years
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR
By Industry
Cloud  IT Services 57 82 120 166 227 42%
Telecommunications 68 86 108 135 166 25%
Banking  Insurance 17 29 50 85 143 71%
Manufacturing 26 39 60 91 140 52%
Securities  Trading 29 40 58 85 127 44%
Energy  Utility 9 16 29 53 93 82%
Business  Professional Services 9 16 26 44 74 68%
Content  Digital Media 21 29 40 52 68 34%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 2 4 6 11 19 74%
Wholesale  Retail Trade 3 5 8 12 19 59%
Government  Education 1 1 2 3 5 69%
Other 5 8 14 22 37 65%
Total Industry 246 355 519 759 1,120 46%
By Use Cases
Enterprise Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 87 135 209 318 468 52%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 3 8 21 56 145 159%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 7 10 14 20 27 40%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 2 4 7 11 71%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 2 4 5 7 46%
Total Enterprise Use Cases 101 158 252 406 659 60%
Service Provider Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 112 147 192 245 305 29%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 8 13 23 38 65 68%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 9 13 20 29 42 48%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 13 16 21 28 38 32%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 3 7 12 12 10 32%
Total Service Provider Use Cases 145 197 267 353 461 34%
Total Use Cases* 246 355 519 759 1,120 46%
By Metro
Singapore 60 85 122 176 256 43%
Sydney 40 58 83 119 173 44%
Hong Kong 29 43 65 97 149 51%
Tokyo 30 43 62 90 132 45%
Total Metro** 159 229 332 482 710 46%
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
** These are the top metros and not
inclusive of all metros.
18 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217
Latin America is expected
to reach 626 Tbps of installed
capacity, achieving 13% of
Interconnection Bandwidth
globally by 2020.
Latin America is the smallest region in
terms of Interconnection Bandwidth but is
growing the fastest, as more infrastructure
gets built (data centers, submarine cables)
and in-region policy becomes more busi-
•	 LATAM is expected to be the
fastest-growing region in terms of
Interconnection Bandwidth, growing
at a 62% CAGR through 2020
•	 All industry verticals are expected to
witness a high double-digit (50%)
CAGR except Telecommunications, which
started at a high base. Energy  Utility is
expected to lead all segments, growing
by 21X from 2016 through 2020
•	 Banking  Insurance is expected to
overtake Cloud and IT Services as the
largest segment, accounting for 27%
of LATAM Interconnection Bandwidth
in 2020
•	 Consistently across both Enterprise
and Service Providers, the primary use
case for Interconnection Bandwidth
is to connect to Cloud and IT
Service Providers		
* Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange
traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
** These are the top metros and not
inclusive of all metros.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR
By Industry
Banking  Insurance 17 31 55 96 169 78%
Cloud  IT Services 21 35 54 82 121 55%
Content  Digital Media 13 24 39 62 96 65%
Manufacturing 9 16 27 43 67 66%
Telecommunications 17 22 28 36 46 29%
Securities  Trading 6 9 14 21 32 50%
Wholesale  Retail Trade 3 6 10 17 27 73%
Business  Professional Services 2 5 8 15 25 82%
Energy  Utility 1 3 6 12 21 97%
Healthcare  Life Sciences 0.46 0.98 2 3 6 89%
Government  Education 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.27 0.46 83%
Other 1 3 5 9 15 79%
Total Industry 92 154 249 395 626 62%
By Use Cases
Enterprise Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 35 63 106 172 269 66%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 1 3 9 24 67 181%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 4 6 9 13 20 52%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 1 2 3 5 72%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 1 1 2 3 3 46%
Total Enterprise Use Cases 41 74 127 216 363 73%
Service Provider Use Cases
Interconnecting to Network Providers 37 57 86 126 180 48%
Interconnecting to Cloud  IT Providers 3 5 9 18 35 91%
Interconnecting to Content Providers 4 7 10 15 23 55%
Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 5 8 11 14 20 39%
Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 3 6 6 5 38%
Total Service Provider Use Cases 51 80 122 180 263 51%
Total Use Cases* 92 154 249 395 626 62%
By Metro
São Paulo 27 49 82 133 213 68%
Rio de Janeiro 14 25 42 66 102 65%
Mexico City 14 23 35 55 87 58%
Buenos Aires 10 16 25 40 63 60%
Total Metro** 65 112 185 295 466 62%

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WBS Connect is a global technology services company that experienced over 1000% revenue growth between 2005-2007, making it the fastest growing private company in Denver. It provides a full suite of data and networking solutions including IP transit, data center colocation, cloud computing, video conferencing, and engineering services. With over 60 points of presence worldwide and partnerships with major carriers and data centers, WBS Connect offers scalable, reliable connectivity globally.

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19 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217
METHODOLOGY This initiative analyzes trends in colocation subscriber
growth, rates of Interconnection and the average bandwidth
used across Interconnections.
The methodology for sizing the global Interconnection market commenced with an analysis of thousands
of colocation ecosystem participants worldwide, across every region and major metropolitan area. The
research sample was additionally stratified across industries and company size segments, providing a
comprehensive breakdown of colocation subscribers, and their Interconnections, by company type.
Average Interconnections per company were applied to global counts of colocation participants to identify
the current volume of Interconnections worldwide. A variety of primary and secondary data sources were
used to accurately determine the size and future growth of global Interconnection. Research from several
technology market intelligence firms (Forrester, IDC, 451 Research and Synergy Research Group) were
used as inputs into the Global Interconnection Index.
Research data on a variety of technology markets, such as Software as a Service, public and hosted private
cloud services, cloud IT infrastructure and hybrid cloud investments, was analyzed to identify strong correla-
tions with investments in colocation and Interconnection. Predictive models were used to forecast growth
in company Interconnection Bandwidth by region and metropolitan area, driven by analyst projections of
growth in enterprise spending on key technologies such as cloud products, data and infrastructure services.
The methodology used to estimate provisioned peak capacity builds upon the current and forecasted
growth in Interconnection Bandwidth worldwide. The peak capacity, measured in gigabit per second, was
identified for each of the connections used by the companies in this study’s research sample. The estimated
provisioned peak capacity, measured in gigabit per second, was identified for each Interconnection use by the
companies in this study’s research sample. Additionally, an increase in the estimated provisioned peak ca-
pacity to support projected growing Interconnection to counterparties and providers was projected for this
analysis. The Index applied average provisioned peak capacity by estimated Interconnection to counterpar-
ties and providers worldwide to estimate the provisioned peak capacity by use case.
20 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc.
EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217
Every business can and should leverage Interconnection to stay competitive in the digital
age. Start with the Global Interconnection Index, a new global baseline to track, measure and
forecast in Interconnection Bandwidth. See all the detailed trends, insights and implications of
Interconnection among your peers and around the world—and then take the next step.

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The Global Interconnection Index - Measuring Growth of the Digital Economy

  • 2. #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 GLOBAL INTERCONNECTION INDEX 1 Foreword 3 How it was created 4 Emergence 5 Evolution 6 Relevance 7 Bandwidth forecast 8 Regional view 9 Industry view 10 Enterprise use cases 11 Service Provider use cases 12 Firmographics 13 Maturity model 14 Global Interconnection Index 2020 forecast 15 United States bandwidth forecast 16 Europe bandwidth forecast 17 Asia-Pacific bandwidth forecast 18 Latin America bandwidth forecast 19 Methodology
  • 3. 1 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 FOREWORD An industry-first look at how Interconnection Bandwidth is shaping and scaling the global digital economy. As business models become increasingly distributed and dependent on the real-time engagement of many more users, partners and service providers, a company’s ability to transform into a digital business has become a matter of survival. Organizations must take swift and decisive action to scale their digital platforms or risk extinction. And the only way to do that is through dynamic, on-demand, anytime, anywhere Interconnection. This means deploying IT traffic exchange points and provisioning Interconnection Bandwidth to integrate direct private connections between counterparties and providers. These traffic exchange points are hosted in carrier-neutral data center campuses with distributed, colocated IT components. Without this vital fuel, digital business falters. Interconnection’s role as an essential building block of the global digital economy permeates the world around us. Interconnection scaled the internet, the web, and thriving digital ecosystems like financial securities trading. In 2014 alone, Interconnection enabled cross-border data flows that added $2.8 trillion to the world’s GDP, per McKinsey. And now it is enabling the rapid growth of multicloud, giving rise to new ecosystems like the Internet of Things and propelling digital business to outgrow the overall economy by 3X. As crucial as Interconnection is to how digital business is conducted, it’s never been quantified. The Global Interconnection Index, published by Equinix, changes this with industry-first projections of how Interconnection growth and access will unfold through 2020. This in-depth view arms businesses with the data-driven insight they need to consider their own Interconnection strategy for digital business success. The Index’s new global baseline tracks, measures and forecasts the growth of Interconnection Bandwidth, a measure of the capacity to transfer traffic via direct, private Interconnection with a diverse set of counterparties at distributed exchange points. For the first time, organizations can see multidimensional projections of Interconnection Bandwidth requirements by region, industry, use cases, firmographics and maturity model. The worldwide reliance on Interconnection Bandwidth is growing rapidly as businesses competing within this evolving landscape mature from exchanging traffic over a few connections through a single network carrier as the intermediary, to activating multiple direct Interconnection exchange points among a global ecosystem of providers and counterparties. Continued on next page IT’S SCALE OR FAIL IN THE GLOBAL DIGITAL ECONOMY
  • 4. 2 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 FOREWORD CONTINUED The Index projects that by the year 2020, the Interconnection Bandwidth used to conduct scalable digital business will grow to over 5,000 Tbps, outpacing the growth of overall global IP traffic, the internet and MPLS, today’s leading private network model. To put this into context, consider what would be possible with this robust level of Interconnection. You could: • Transfer the entire printed content in the U.S. Library of Congress 3X in a single second • Process nearly 550,000 electronic payments per minute–assuming the average value is $50, that’s $27.5M per minute or $1.6B per hour • Analyze and exchange the DNA sequence of the entire human population in 2.5 hours, unlocking the possibility for new medical treatments and breakthroughs The right Interconnection strategy has the power to make even the boldest business ambitions a reality. But without it, organizations will lack the scale, agility, capacity, security and quality of service they need to successfully conduct digital business around the globe. The Global Interconnection Index provides important insight into this fundamental measure of how digital business is conducted and equips companies with the forward-looking data they need to measure, predict and stay ahead of their own Interconnection needs in an increasingly connected future. Interconnection fuels digital transformation by: • Unlocking the ability to scale multicloud to its fullest potential • Providing proximity to digital services to reduce latency and accelerate business interactions • Empowering businesses to establish operational control over centralized and distributed digital platforms • Reducing cybersecurity risk by bypassing the internet and activating local security perimeters Interconnection Bandwidth is outpacing traditional connectivity approaches as it grows: • Nearly 2X faster and 6X larger than global IP traffic • 10X faster than MPLS networks
  • 5. 3 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 The Global Interconnection Index1 is the emergence of a new global baseline. Its goal is to track, measure and forecast the growth in bandwidth required for direct traffic exchanges which enable private Interconnections among companies supporting digital business. HOW THE GLOBAL INTERCONNECTION INDEX WAS CREATED INAUGURAL EDITION OUR PROCESS 1 This report contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates or the results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements. 2 Utilized technology market intelligence from data sources including Forrester, IDC, 451 Research and Synergy Research Group 1 2 3 4CREATED MARKET BASELINE ASSESSED MARKET CONDITIONS CORRELATED DEMAND DRIVERS BUILT PREDICTIVE MODEL Analyzed the adoption profile of thousands of carrier-neutral colocation data center providers and participants globally across every region and major metro2 Assessed local and regional market conditions, including macro economic trends, market demo- graphics and industry concentrations Identified key demand drivers of digital business that force the distribution and Interconnection of IT components within proximity of users Built a predictive model to forecast Interconnection Bandwidth growth by region, use case and market segment Created a stratified market baseline across industries, regions and company size segmentation Developed a set of indicators and local market condition filters to assist in producing tailored predictions Produced a weighted demand multiplier to assist in predicting growth to factor the impact of digital business transformation Utilized market baseline, applied local market condition filters and factored demand drivers to derive forecast
  • 6. 4 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 People Locations EMERGENCE OVERVIEW OF INTERCONNECTION Interconnection emerged from the challenge to globally scale the internet. This required the industry to solve how to exchange and transfer traffic among different provider networks across different regions and countries. Physical infrastructure meeting places, called Internet Exchanges, were created and hosted inside carrier-neutral colocation data center campuses. The voluntary exchange of traffic among providers became known as peering. Over time, peering in carrier-neutral data center campuses evolved to become IT traffic exchange points for all types of machine-to-machine traffic by integrating direct private connections of counterparties with distributed IT components colocated. This is known as Interconnection. Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. BEFORE INTERCONNECTION 1 WITH INTERCONNECTION 2 Enterprise HeadquartersPhysical IT Traffic Exchange Point Network Carrier Clouds Data Carrier-neutral Data CentersNetwork Carriers 1 Constrained point-to-point connectivity, backhauling user traffic to central data center 2 Optimized, multipoint connectivity via direct private traffic exchange points between users and local services Network Endpoint
  • 7. 5 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 EVOLUTION HISTORY OF INTERCONNECTION The power of Interconnection has proven extensible, helping to create the building blocks of the digital economy. Interconnection enabled the web to scale. It solves performance and integration barriers, creating the global electronic trading ecosystem; and provides an on-ramp to securely scale into the cloud. Today, for companies in all industries, Interconnection helps integrate digital services with providers and partners so they can interact in real time to consume and provide services digitally. Networks directly connected to other networks to privately exchange data traffic, solve for regional proximity and scale the internet Content and e-commerce platforms directly connected to networks to privately exchange data and content traffic, place copies of websites and content inside exchange points and scale the web Buy-Side and Sell-Side Exchange platforms directly connected to each other to privately exchange market data and trade traffic, place trading engines inside the exchange points and scale the electronic trading ecosystem Cloud infrastructure providers are enabling direct connection access to privately exchange data and workload traffic, solve for access proximi- ty and scale the cloud- enterprise ecosystem Enterprises across all industry segments are beginning to directly connect to each other to privately exchange traffic, create new ecosystems and scale digital business INTERNET WEB ELECTRONIC TRADING CLOUD DIGITAL BUSINESS Networks E-commerce Content Exchanges Clouds Enterprises Traffic Exchange Connection
  • 8. 6 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 TREND INSIGHT IMPLICATION NEED Digital Technology Use Digital technology use can create $1.36 trillion in additional economic output in the world’s top 10 economies in 2020 1 Digital technologies force the need to support real-time interactions which enable digital value capture Real-time interactions require the Interconnec- tion of people, locations, clouds and data Urbanization Approximately two billion people are expected to migrate to major cities by 2030, creating as many as 50 urban metro hubs 2 Urbanization is transform- ing global demographics, creating a proximity need for digital services Supporting urban density requires the Interconnec- tion of applications, data, content and networking colocated in metro hubs Data Sovereignty More than 18 major countries globally block the transfer of data related to accounting, tax and financial information 3 Compliance with data regulations requires the need to maintain data locally while being used globally Managing compliance requires the Intercon- nection of data storage, analytics and networking colocated in business regions that require compliance Cybersecurity Risk By 2020, 60% of digital businesses will suffer ma- jor service failures, due to the inability of IT security teams to manage digital risk 4 Cybersecurity risk permeates across the physical and digital platforms of the business Managing cybersecurity risk requires the Intercon- nection of applications, data, networking and security controls colocat- ed across regions to cre- ate necessary safeguards Global Trade of Digitally Deliverable Services Trade in digitally deliverable services has more than doubled over the past decade, compris- ing approximately 50% of total services exports 5 Digital trade flows are creating global business and data processes involving customers, partners and employees Solving the shift to digital flows requires an inter- connected mesh of metro hubs and colocated digital capabilities where trade flows. This is critical to participation in a digital ecosystem As digital business transformation increasingly becomes a mandate for survival in the digital era, Interconnection grows particularly relevant. Key macro, technology and regulatory trends are changing the interaction between businesses, consumers and physical infrastructure. The world is rapidly going digital, and Interconnection is a critical building block for success. RELEVANCE INDUSTRY TRENDS PRIORITIZING NEED FOR INTERCONNECTION INDUSTRY TRENDS 1 Accenture Digital Density Index 2 Connectography (Parag Khanna) 3 ITIF Cross Border Data Flows Report 4 Gartner, Special Report: Cybersecurity at the Speed of Digital Business, 30 August 2016 5 McKinsey Digital Globalization Report
  • 9. 7 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps 2016 2020 Service Provider** Use Case 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps 2016 2020 Industry Segment 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps 2016 2020 Region Enterprise* Use Case 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Tbps 2016 2020Financial Service Providers Supply Chain Partners Content Providers Cloud and IT Providers Network Providers Enterprise Service Providers US EU AP LATAM Financial Service Providers Supply Chain Partners Content Providers Cloud and IT Providers Network Providers Interconnecting to... Interconnecting to... Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. By 2020, Installed Interconnection Bandwidth capacity is expected to reach 5000 Tbps, a fourfold increase from 2016, with double-digit growth across all industries and use cases. BANDWIDTH FORECAST 2020 FORECAST INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH HIGHLIGHTS * Enterprises are defined as companies with a primary business purpose including Banking and Insurance, Manufacturing, Securities Trading, Business Professional Services, Energy Utility, Retail, Healthcare and Government ** Service Providers are defined as companies with a primary business purpose including Telecommunications, Cloud and IT, along with Content and Digital Media
  • 10. 8 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2017 2020201920182016 CAGR: +45% 2016 2020 500 1000 1500 2000 92 626 (+62%) 335 1451 (+44%) 472 1795 (+40%) Tbps 246 1120 (+46%) 29% 8% 22% 41% 13% 22% 29% 36% 2016 2020 2016 2020 2016 2020 2016 2020 Tbps REGIONAL VIEW INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 United States is expected to grow 40% per annum to reach 1,800 Tbps of installed capacity by 2020, contributing more than a third (36%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. Europe is expected to grow 44% per annum to reach 1,450+ Tbps by 2020, contributing more than a quarter (29%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. Asia-Pacific is expected to grow 46% per annum to reach 1,120 Tbps of installed capacity, approaching nearly a quarter (22%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. Latin America is expected to grow 62% per annum to reach 620+ Tbps of installed capacity, contributing 13% of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. WORLDWIDE GROWTH REGIONAL GROWTH REGIONAL MIX EU AP LATAMUS A radical reinvention of enterprise IT is underway. Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the next four years with growth across all regions predicted to grow 40% per annum or greater. * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
  • 11. 9 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 Banking and Insurance is expected to grow 61% per annum and reach 955+ Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020. Telecommunications is expected to grow 27% per annum and reach 825+ Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020. Cloud and IT is expected to grow 39% per annum and reach 820 Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020. Manufacturing is expected to grow 54% per annum to 540 Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by 2020. Emerging High-growth Segments include Business Professional Services, Energy, Retail and Healthcare, and are expected to grow their use of Interconnection Bandwidth capacity by more than 66% by 2020. INDUSTRY VIEW INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 SERVICE PROVIDERS CONNECTING TO INDUSTRY TYPE 200 400 600 800 1000 Banking Insurance 61% 19% Telecommuncations 27% 17% Cloud IT Services 39% 16% Manufacturing 54% 11% Securities Trading 41% 10% Content Digital Media 36% 8% Business Prof. Services 64% 6% Energy Utility 73% 4% Wholesale Retail 62% 4% Healthcare Life Sciences 68% 2% Government Education 62% 0.5% Other 68% 2.5% Installed Capacity (Tbps) 2020 MIX CAGR 16-20 826 820 540 474 420 958 297 218 189 100 23 127 * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. LATAMEU APUS Digital is disrupting all industries, forcing companies to transform their business and IT infrastruc- ture strategies to compete. Interconnection is emerging pervasively to scale digital business transformation with growth projected across all major industries.
  • 12. 10 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 ENTERPRISE USE CASES INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 2016 2020 Highlights: • All use cases are projecting strong double-digit growth by 2020 • Enterprises Interconnecting to Clouds use case is projected to grow the fastest at 160% CAGR, becoming the second-largest use case share of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 • Enterprises Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers is projected to grow 38% per annum, reaching 300+ Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 as digitization of the industry evolves from trading to including banking, insurance and wealth management Enterprise Interconnection Use Cases: • Interconnecting to Network Providers: to rewire network topology for digital • Interconnecting to Cloud and IT Providers: to deliver digital services on demand • Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers: to transact or exchange payments digitally • Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners: to collaborate digitally with business partners • Interconnecting to Content Providers: to enable rich digital experiences for their users USE CASES: ENTERPRISES INTERCONNECTING TO... 100 200 300 400 500 600 CAGR Network Providers 52% 68% Cloud IT Providers 160% 19% Financial Service Providers 38% 11% Supply Chain Partners 73% 2% Content Providers 48% 1% 88 320 5 45 6 28 1986 372 12 2020 MIX 547 Installed Capacity (Tbps) Enterprises in these business categories are all striving to digitize their business through individual use cases. For purposes of this index, Enterprise use cases are defined as enterprises with common purposes in these areas: Banking and Insurance, Manufacturing, Securities and Trading, Business and Professional Services, Energy and Utility, Retail, Healthcare and Government. * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. See page 14 for more information implementing Interconnection use cases
  • 13. 11 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 SERVICE PROVIDER USE CASES INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 100 200 300 400 500 600 CAGR Network Providers 28% 71% Cloud IT Providers 70% 12% Financial Service Providers 34% 7% Supply Chain Partners 33% 2% Content Providers 49% 8% 46 148 13 40 35 170 1459 537 30 248 Installed Capacity (Tbps) 2020 MIX 2016 2020 Highlights: • All use cases are projecting strong double-digit growth by 2020 • Service Providers Interconnecting to Clouds use case is projected to grow the fastest at 70% CAGR, becoming the second-largest use case share of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 • Service Providers Interconnecting to ontent Digital Media use case is projected to grow 49% per annum, reaching 170 Tbps of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020 as digitization is transforming the content production and distribution value chain Service Provider Interconnection Use Cases: • Interconnecting to Network Providers: to extend network coverage and scale for digital • Interconnecting to Cloud and IT Providers: to provide cloud-native digital services • Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers: to transact or exchange payments digitally • Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners: to collaborate digitally with business partners • Interconnecting to Content Providers: to enable rich digital experiences for their customers USE CASES: SERVICE PROVIDERS INTERCONNECTING TO... See page 14 for more information implementing Interconnection use cases * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. Service Providers in these business categories are all striving to digitize their business through individual use cases. For the purposes of this index, Service Provider use cases are defined as those with common purposes in these areas: Telecommunications, Cloud and IT, and Content and Digital Media.
  • 14. 12 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 250 150 50 Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps Number of Countries 1-2 3-4 5-10 11+ 37 75 147 213 REGIONAL MIX 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 21+ 30 20 10 Number of Sites 10 12 14 17 23 Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps REGIONAL MIX $50M $50M-$1B $1B-$10B $10B 400 300 200 100 Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps Revenue 29 71 149 323 REGIONAL MIX 1-50 51-100 101-500 501-1000 1000+ 200 150 100 50 Number of Employees 27 41 52 104 180 REGIONAL MIX 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-14 15+ Number of SaaS Providers 59 200 150 100 50 Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps REGIONAL MIX 123 178 64 32 REGIONAL MIX 1k 1k 5k 20k 50k 100k 500k Technology Spend Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Hosting DDoS/WAF CDN DNSGTM Interconnection Bandwidth Gbps 3290 1 USERS Average Interconnection Bandwidth by Revenue and Number of Employees 2 LOCATIONS Average Interconnection Bandwidth by Geographical Presence 3 USE OF DISTRIBUTED IT SERVICES Average Interconnection Bandwidth by Number of Distributed IT Services FIRMOGRAPHICS INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 Firmographic profiling shows a direct correlation of Interconnection Bandwidth adoption by enterprises based on three categories—Size, Geographical Presence and Use of Distributed IT Services. • The larger the company, the greater the number of Interconnections used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth • The broader a business’ physical presence, the greater the number of Interconnections used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth • The more extensively a firm employs distributed IT services, the greater the number of Interconnections used, and there is a requirement for more Interconnection Bandwidth ** Hosting—third-party hosting of application and infrastructure; DDos/ WAF—Distributed Denial of Service Web Application Firewall; GTM—Global Traffic Management; DNS—Domain Naming Service; CDN—Content Distribution Network ** * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counter- parties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
  • 15. 13 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 Density 1 10’s +/- 100’s +/- 1000’s +/- Need Solve latency Solve complexity Solve scale Solve integration Purpose Shorten distance between users and services Segment localize traffic via single exchange point Adjacently deploy critical security and data services Create a meeting place to collaborate with customers, partners and providers Value Enhance user experience Reduce cost and time to connect New business capabilities New business opportunities Interconnection Bandwidth growth of an individual firm can be projected based on its maturity of adoption. As described on page 5 of the Index, the evolution of Interconnection began with the private exchange of traffic over a single Interconnection and progressed to multiple Interconnections, duplicating across multiple locations and finally matur- ing to global ecosystem Interconnections. Using the Interconnection Maturity Model, any company can start to plan for its Interconnection Bandwidth needs. First, a firm must identify: • # of counterparties in initial location • # of counterparties in each location of business presence Second, a firm must determine: • Need for Interconnection • Purpose of Interconnection • Value of Interconnection Finally, a firm must confirm which IT deployment patterns need to be implemented in each location adjacent to the point of Interconnection. See for further guidance. ENTERPRISE ADOPTION BY COUNTERPARTY INTERCONNECTION GROWTH BY PROFILE INTERCONNECTION MATURITY MODEL Interconnection Node Cluster of Interconnection Nodes Ecosystem of Interconnection Nodes InterconnectionDensity Interconnection Capability Individual Interconnection * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
  • 16. 14 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 Total Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to grow 45% per annum by 2020. A radical reinvention of Enterprise IT is underway, with Interconnection Bandwidth between companies, industries, business partners and service providers set to grow at a rapid pace over the next four years. By 2020, Interconnection Bandwidth is projected to grow more than fourfold from 2016, translating into 5,000 Tbps of installed bandwidth capacity, with double-digit growth across all industries and use cases. 2020 FORECAST GLOBAL INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH* GROWTH BY 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR By Industry Banking Insurance 144 230 367 590 958 61% Telecommunications 319 409 523 662 826 27% Cloud IT Services 221 314 445 607 820 39% Manufacturing 96 147 226 348 540 54% Securities Trading 119 160 224 322 474 41% Content Digital Media 121 170 235 316 420 36% Business Professional Services 41 66 108 179 297 64% Energy Utility 24 43 74 128 218 73% Wholesale Retail Trade 27 44 71 115 189 62% Healthcare Life Sciences 13 21 35 59 100 68% Government Education 3 5 9 14 23 62% Other 16 27 46 76 127 68% Total Industry 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45% By Use Cases Enterprise Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 372 571 880 1,341 1,986 52% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 12 31 80 209 547 160% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 88 122 168 232 320 38% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 5 9 17 29 45 73% Interconnecting to Content Providers 6 9 14 21 28 48% Total Enterprise Use Cases 483 743 1,159 1,833 2,926 57% Service Provider Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 537 703 913 1,167 1,459 28% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 30 50 85 145 248 70% Interconnecting to Content Providers 35 52 79 117 170 49% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 46 61 81 109 148 34% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 13 26 45 46 40 33% Total Service Provider Use Cases 660 893 1,203 1,584 2,065 33% Total Use Cases* 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45% Region US 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40% EU 335 473 681 987 1,451 44% AP 246 355 519 759 1,120 46% LATAM 92 154 249 395 626 62% Total Region 1,144 1,636 2,363 3,417 4,991 45% INTERCONNECTION INSTALLED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY (TBPS) * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points.
  • 17. 15 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 UNITED STATES (US) NEW YORK | CHICAGO | WASHINGTON, D.C. | SILICON VALLEY INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH GROWTH* 2020 The United States is expected to grow 40% per annum to reach 1,800 Tbps of installed capacity by 2020, contributing more than a third (36%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. The United States is the largest and most advanced region. The market had an early head start in terms of Interconnection adoption, with places like Ash- burn in Northern Virginia hosting the largest con- centration of network participants and becoming a hotbed for most of the world’s internet traffic. Despite being an early adopter of Interconnec- tion, growth in the US is expected to further accelerate by 300 basis points to 40% by 2020. • US Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to reach 1,795 Tbps at 40% CAGR by 2020, driven by strong anticipated growth in Chicago (42% CAGR) and New York (40% CAGR) • Banking and Insurance is expected to be the largest industry segment driving Interconnection growth in the US, accounting for approximately 22% of the overall market by 2020, overtaking Telecommunications • The Enterprise vertical is expected to account for 55% of total Interconnection, up from 41% in 2016 • Over 82% of Enterprises’ bandwidth is expected to be dedicated to two use cases: Interconnecting to Network and to Cloud by 2020 • The four largest metros of provisioned Interconnection Bandwidth capacity—New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Silicon Valley— currently make up more than 70% of the total market in North America and are expected to sustain growth around 40% annually until the end of the forecast period * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR By Industry Banking Insurance 68 106 164 252 386 54% Telecommunications 133 172 222 282 354 28% Cloud IT Services 84 115 156 206 268 34% Manufacturing 45 66 100 153 240 52% Content Digital Media 63 85 114 147 187 31% Securities Trading 44 56 75 103 140 34% Business Professional Services 13 19 29 47 78 58% Wholesale Retail Trade 11 17 26 41 68 59% Healthcare Life Sciences 3 5 9 14 24 62% Energy Utility 2 4 6 9 16 59% Government Education 1 1 2 3 5 53% Other 5 7 11 17 28 57% Total Industry 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40% By Use Cases Enterprise Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 136 200 294 431 609 45% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 5 13 32 80 203 152% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 47 64 86 116 154 35% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 3 5 8 12 69% Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 3 4 6 8 44% Total Enterprise Use Cases 191 282 421 641 986 51% Service Provider Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 238 306 390 488 596 26% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 13 21 36 60 101 67% Interconnecting to Content Providers 12 18 27 39 55 47% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 14 19 26 34 46 34% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 4 8 14 14 12 33% Total Service Provider Use Cases 280 372 492 635 809 30% Total Use Cases* 472 654 913 1,275 1,795 40% By Metro New York 103 141 195 274 391 40% Chicago 83 116 166 236 339 42% Washington, D.C. 87 121 166 231 323 39% Silicon Valley 68 94 131 183 255 39% Total Metro** 341 472 658 924 1,308 40% INTERCONNECTION INSTALLED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY (TBPS) ** These are the top metros and not inclusive of all metros.
  • 18. 16 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 EUROPE (EU) LONDON | FRANKFURT | AMSTERDAM | PARIS INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH GROWTH* 2020 Europe is expected to grow 44% per annum to reach 1,450+ Tbps by 2020, contributing more than a quarter (29%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. Europe’s growth will be driven by a number of factors, including data sovereignty and the need for European businesses to exchange information with other businesses in-region; the evolution of the European public peering model, including more private direct connections among organizations; and the rapid economic development in the Middle East and Africa. • EU’s Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to quadruple in size, at 44% CAGR • While London is expected to remain the largest Interconnection market in Europe, Frankfurt is expected to overtake Amsterdam as the second-largest Interconnection market in Europe, benefitting from strong enterprise demand • Banking and Insurance is expected to add 200+ Tbps of bandwidth by 2020, a greater than sixfold increase, catapulting it ahead of Cloud and IT Services, with Telecommunications narrowly retaining the lead • Of all the regions, the Enterprise segments are expected to capture the highest bandwidth share by 2020, reaching 63% total bandwidth share in the EU * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR By Industry Telecommunications 102 130 165 209 260 26% Banking Insurance 42 63 98 157 259 58% Cloud IT Services 59 82 115 153 203 36% Securities Trading 40 54 77 114 174 45% Business Professional Services 16 27 44 73 120 64% Manufacturing 16 25 39 60 92 54% Energy Utility 12 20 33 54 89 65% Wholesale Retail Trade 10 17 28 45 74 64% Content Digital Media 24 32 42 54 69 30% Healthcare Life Sciences 6 11 18 30 51 67% Government Education 2 3 5 8 13 64% Other 5 9 16 28 47 75% Total Industry 335 473 681 987 1,451 44% By Use Cases Enterprise Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 114 174 271 420 641 54% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 3 7 18 49 132 165% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 30 42 59 83 118 40% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 2 3 6 10 17 79% Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 3 5 7 10 52% Total Enterprise Use Cases 150 229 359 570 918 57% Service Provider Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 150 194 246 308 378 26% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 10 15 23 34 50 49% Interconnecting to Content Providers 6 10 17 28 47 67% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 14 18 24 32 45 33% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 4 8 13 14 12 33% Total Service Provider Use Cases 185 244 322 417 532 30% Total Use Cases* 335 473 681 987 1,451 44% By Metro London 114 159 227 330 486 44% Frankfurt 51 74 110 165 252 49% Amsterdam 59 83 118 168 242 42% Paris 30 42 59 84 120 41% Total Metro** 254 357 514 747 1,100 44% INTERCONNECTION INSTALLED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY (TBPS) ** These are the top metros and not inclusive of all metros.
  • 19. 17 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 ASIA-PACIFIC (AP) SINGAPORE | SYDNEY | HONG KONG | TOKYO INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH GROWTH* 2020 Asia-Pacific is expected to grow 46% per annum to reach 1,120 Tbps of installed capacity, approaching nearly a quarter (22%) of Interconnection Bandwidth globally. Asia-Pacific region is expected to overtake the US and EU as the largest regional economy. This is consistent with the Index forecast for Interconnection Bandwidth, as the region is predicted to outpace both US and EU by 2020. • AP’s Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to grow more than fourfold with 46% CAGR through 2020 to 1,120 Tbps • Cloud and IT services providers is expected to overtake Telecommunications providers as the largest users of Interconnection Bandwidth by 2018 • Banking Insurance, growing at 71% CAGR, is expected to share 13% of the total Interconnection Bandwidth by 2020, compared to only 7% in 2016, making it the third-largest industry overall by 2020 • Energy Utility is expected to grow the fastest (82% CAGR), resulting in a market share increase from 3% in 2016, to 8% in 2020. Manufacturing’s Interconnection Bandwidth is expected to grow by more than 5X by 2020, positioning it as the second-largest Enterprise industry behind Banking • Global Interconnection Index analysis predicts metros from China are likely grow into top metros in future years 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR By Industry Cloud IT Services 57 82 120 166 227 42% Telecommunications 68 86 108 135 166 25% Banking Insurance 17 29 50 85 143 71% Manufacturing 26 39 60 91 140 52% Securities Trading 29 40 58 85 127 44% Energy Utility 9 16 29 53 93 82% Business Professional Services 9 16 26 44 74 68% Content Digital Media 21 29 40 52 68 34% Healthcare Life Sciences 2 4 6 11 19 74% Wholesale Retail Trade 3 5 8 12 19 59% Government Education 1 1 2 3 5 69% Other 5 8 14 22 37 65% Total Industry 246 355 519 759 1,120 46% By Use Cases Enterprise Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 87 135 209 318 468 52% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 3 8 21 56 145 159% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 7 10 14 20 27 40% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 2 4 7 11 71% Interconnecting to Content Providers 2 2 4 5 7 46% Total Enterprise Use Cases 101 158 252 406 659 60% Service Provider Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 112 147 192 245 305 29% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 8 13 23 38 65 68% Interconnecting to Content Providers 9 13 20 29 42 48% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 13 16 21 28 38 32% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 3 7 12 12 10 32% Total Service Provider Use Cases 145 197 267 353 461 34% Total Use Cases* 246 355 519 759 1,120 46% By Metro Singapore 60 85 122 176 256 43% Sydney 40 58 83 119 173 44% Hong Kong 29 43 65 97 149 51% Tokyo 30 43 62 90 132 45% Total Metro** 159 229 332 482 710 46% * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. INTERCONNECTION INSTALLED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY (TBPS) ** These are the top metros and not inclusive of all metros.
  • 20. 18 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 LATIN AMERICA (LATAM) SÃO PAULO | RIO DE JANEIRO | MEXICO CITY | BUENOS AIRES INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH GROWTH* 2020 Latin America is expected to reach 626 Tbps of installed capacity, achieving 13% of Interconnection Bandwidth globally by 2020. Latin America is the smallest region in terms of Interconnection Bandwidth but is growing the fastest, as more infrastructure gets built (data centers, submarine cables) and in-region policy becomes more busi- ness-friendly. • LATAM is expected to be the fastest-growing region in terms of Interconnection Bandwidth, growing at a 62% CAGR through 2020 • All industry verticals are expected to witness a high double-digit (50%) CAGR except Telecommunications, which started at a high base. Energy Utility is expected to lead all segments, growing by 21X from 2016 through 2020 • Banking Insurance is expected to overtake Cloud and IT Services as the largest segment, accounting for 27% of LATAM Interconnection Bandwidth in 2020 • Consistently across both Enterprise and Service Providers, the primary use case for Interconnection Bandwidth is to connect to Cloud and IT Service Providers * Interconnection Bandwidth is defined as the total capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic with a diverse set of counterparties and providers at distributed IT exchange points. ** These are the top metros and not inclusive of all metros. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR By Industry Banking Insurance 17 31 55 96 169 78% Cloud IT Services 21 35 54 82 121 55% Content Digital Media 13 24 39 62 96 65% Manufacturing 9 16 27 43 67 66% Telecommunications 17 22 28 36 46 29% Securities Trading 6 9 14 21 32 50% Wholesale Retail Trade 3 6 10 17 27 73% Business Professional Services 2 5 8 15 25 82% Energy Utility 1 3 6 12 21 97% Healthcare Life Sciences 0.46 0.98 2 3 6 89% Government Education 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.27 0.46 83% Other 1 3 5 9 15 79% Total Industry 92 154 249 395 626 62% By Use Cases Enterprise Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 35 63 106 172 269 66% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 1 3 9 24 67 181% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 4 6 9 13 20 52% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 1 2 3 5 72% Interconnecting to Content Providers 1 1 2 3 3 46% Total Enterprise Use Cases 41 74 127 216 363 73% Service Provider Use Cases Interconnecting to Network Providers 37 57 86 126 180 48% Interconnecting to Cloud IT Providers 3 5 9 18 35 91% Interconnecting to Content Providers 4 7 10 15 23 55% Interconnecting to Financial Service Providers 5 8 11 14 20 39% Interconnecting to Supply Chain Partners 1 3 6 6 5 38% Total Service Provider Use Cases 51 80 122 180 263 51% Total Use Cases* 92 154 249 395 626 62% By Metro São Paulo 27 49 82 133 213 68% Rio de Janeiro 14 25 42 66 102 65% Mexico City 14 23 35 55 87 58% Buenos Aires 10 16 25 40 63 60% Total Metro** 65 112 185 295 466 62% INTERCONNECTION INSTALLED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY (TBPS)
  • 21. 19 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 NUMBER OF COLOCATION CUSTOMERS X AVERAGE # OF PRIVATE CONNECTIONS / CUSTOMER X PROVISIONED BANDWIDTH CAPACITY/ INTERCONNECTION = ESTIMATED TOTAL PROVISIONED INTERCONNECTION BANDWIDTH METHODOLOGY This initiative analyzes trends in colocation subscriber growth, rates of Interconnection and the average bandwidth used across Interconnections. The methodology for sizing the global Interconnection market commenced with an analysis of thousands of colocation ecosystem participants worldwide, across every region and major metropolitan area. The research sample was additionally stratified across industries and company size segments, providing a comprehensive breakdown of colocation subscribers, and their Interconnections, by company type. Average Interconnections per company were applied to global counts of colocation participants to identify the current volume of Interconnections worldwide. A variety of primary and secondary data sources were used to accurately determine the size and future growth of global Interconnection. Research from several technology market intelligence firms (Forrester, IDC, 451 Research and Synergy Research Group) were used as inputs into the Global Interconnection Index. Research data on a variety of technology markets, such as Software as a Service, public and hosted private cloud services, cloud IT infrastructure and hybrid cloud investments, was analyzed to identify strong correla- tions with investments in colocation and Interconnection. Predictive models were used to forecast growth in company Interconnection Bandwidth by region and metropolitan area, driven by analyst projections of growth in enterprise spending on key technologies such as cloud products, data and infrastructure services. The methodology used to estimate provisioned peak capacity builds upon the current and forecasted growth in Interconnection Bandwidth worldwide. The peak capacity, measured in gigabit per second, was identified for each of the connections used by the companies in this study’s research sample. The estimated provisioned peak capacity, measured in gigabit per second, was identified for each Interconnection use by the companies in this study’s research sample. Additionally, an increase in the estimated provisioned peak ca- pacity to support projected growing Interconnection to counterparties and providers was projected for this analysis. The Index applied average provisioned peak capacity by estimated Interconnection to counterpar- ties and providers worldwide to estimate the provisioned peak capacity by use case.
  • 22. 20 #InterconnectionIndex | | © 2017 Equinix, Inc. EQIX-Index-SlideShare-USEN-14AUG17 | 129472 | vAugust 14, 2017 3:16 PM | 070617 | Q217 Every business can and should leverage Interconnection to stay competitive in the digital age. Start with the Global Interconnection Index, a new global baseline to track, measure and forecast in Interconnection Bandwidth. See all the detailed trends, insights and implications of Interconnection among your peers and around the world—and then take the next step. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE