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The Agile (Scrum) Process [email_address]
Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
Activities in Agile   testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
Traditional Development   Requires knowing everything upfront Fixed requirements, estimated time and resources Freezing requirements and controlling changes from early stage Status measured at life cycle phases Working software delivered only at end of development cycle

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Let's explore what is agile testing, how agile testing is different than traditional testing. What practices team has to adopt to have parallel testing and how to create your own test automation framework. Test automation frameworks using cucumber, selenium, junit, nunit, rspec, coded UI etc.

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Testing strategy for agile projects updated

The document provides an overview of quality assurance and testing practices for agile projects. It discusses traditional and agile testing approaches, defines roles like testers and developers in agile teams, and outlines a test strategy including test planning, automation, and metrics. Key aspects of agile testing covered are testing throughout each sprint, the importance of collaboration, and ensuring quality is "baked in" through a whole team approach.

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Agile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing processAgile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing process

This document discusses adapting testing roles and processes to an agile development methodology. It notes that in agile, testers are full team members who participate in planning and requirements analysis from the start of each sprint. Testing activities occur throughout development rather than just at the end. Challenges in transitioning include changing traditional testing roles and resistance to change, while benefits include more transparent communication and continuous feedback between testers and developers. The document provides examples of agile testing practices and recommendations for improving testing efficiency such as increased test automation and planning.

Traditional Model Limitations Impossible to anticipate and estimate all tasks early in big projects Difficult to define requirements precisely without customers getting Hands On feel of product Changes later in the development cycle could be expensive to handle Different roles engaged in different phases thereby losing continuity across development cycle Working software delivered only at end of cycle
The Agile Manifesto Source: Process and tools Individuals and interactions over Following a plan Responding to change over Comprehensive documentation Working software over Contract negotiation Customer collaboration over
Popular Agile Methodologies Scrum Project Management framework Crystal Clear Focus on people and not processes or artifacts Extreme Programming Dev centric, focus on reducing cost of change Feature Driven Development Dev based on client valued functionality Lean Applying lean manufacturing practices to SW engg. We would explore Scrum in detail today

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Agile Testing Process
Agile Testing ProcessAgile Testing Process
Agile Testing Process

This document discusses agile testing processes. It outlines that agile is an iterative development methodology where requirements evolve through collaboration. It also discusses that testers should be fully integrated team members who participate in planning and requirements analysis. When adopting agile, testing activities like planning, automation, and providing feedback remain the same but are done iteratively in sprints with the whole team responsible for quality.

Manual testing
Manual testingManual testing
Manual testing

Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects by playing the role of an end user and using all features of the application to ensure correct behavior, following a written test plan. The document discusses various concepts related to manual testing including software quality assurance, verification, validation, software life cycles, testing techniques like black box testing and white box testing, unit testing, alpha testing, beta testing, system testing, volume testing, stress testing, and security testing. It provides brief definitions and purposes of these concepts.

Automation testing
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Automation testing

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on automation testing using IBM Rational Functional Tester. It discusses what automation testing is, why it is useful, and when it should be implemented. It also addresses common myths about automation testing and provides tips for successful automation. Finally, it covers features of IBM Rational Functional Tester, including how to set up a test environment and record scripts to automate testing.

Scrum Characteristics Product progresses in a series of month-long “sprints” Requirements are captured as items in a list of “product backlog” No specific engineering practices prescribed Uses generative rules to create an agile environment for delivering projects Self-organizing teams
Sprints Scrum projects make progress in a series of “sprints” Analogous to Extreme Programming iterations Typical duration is 2–4 weeks or a calendar month at most A constant duration leads to a better rhythm Product is designed, coded, and tested during the sprint
Scrum framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Events Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts
Scrum framework Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Ceremonies Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles

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Testing & Quality Assurance
Testing & Quality AssuranceTesting & Quality Assurance
Testing & Quality Assurance

This document discusses testing and quality assurance for ERP modules. It provides an overview of the testing process roadmap, including establishing requirements and project scope, test planning, case development, different types of testing like unit, integration and user acceptance testing. It also outlines the personnel involved in testing like QA managers, analysts, writers. Metrics for test development and execution are also covered.

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QA process Presentation

The Heuristic Test Strategy Model provides a framework for designing effective test strategies. It involves considering four key areas: 1) the project environment including resources, constraints, and other factors; 2) the product elements to be tested; 3) quality criteria such as functionality, usability, and security; and 4) appropriate test techniques to apply. Some common test techniques include functional testing, domain testing, stress testing, flow testing, and scenario testing.

Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile TesterAgile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester

This presentation provides an overview of the role of testers on agile teams. In essence, the differences between testers and developers should blur so that focus is the whole team completing stories and delivering value. Testers can add more value on agile teams by contributing earlier and moving from defect detection to defect prevention.

Roles Product Owner Defines features and release plans Prioritize features every iteration as needed Accept or reject work results Scrum Master Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions Team Cross-functional:Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. Members should be full-time Teams are self-organizing
Scrum   framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Events
Sprint planning meeting Sprint prioritization Analyze and evaluate product backlog Select sprint goal Sprint   planning Decide how to achieve sprint goal (design) Create sprint backlog (tasks) from product backlog items (user stories / features) Estimate sprint backlog in hours Sprint goal Sprint backlog Business conditions Team capacity Product backlog Technology Current product Sprint   planning
Sprint   Events Daily scrum meeting Daily review meeting for 10-15 mins Status review and not for problem solving All sprint team members participate Sprint review Demo of new features to customer/product owner Team presents work accomplished during the sprint All major stakeholders participate Sprint retrospective Periodic post mortem to review what's working and what's not Done after every sprint All major stakeholders participate

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Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile EnvironmentIntroducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment

This document discusses introducing quality assurance (QA) processes into an agile development environment. It describes some common challenges that can arise when development and testing are not well integrated, such as business stakeholders finding bugs late in the process. The author advocates for making QA practices and results visible and incorporating QA personnel into agile ceremonies like planning and demos. With collaboration, commitment to quality, and clear communication, the QA team was able to gain trust and find bugs earlier. Their approach evolved to take on more types of testing, and they worked with business to define different testing levels and work testing around releases.

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Manual testing concepts course 1

Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Testing in Agile Development
Testing in Agile DevelopmentTesting in Agile Development
Testing in Agile Development

Presented in BSPIN Conference ( on "Succeeding in SMAC World". Had great interactions and glad to see great interest on Agile Testing concepts with Participants.

Scrum   framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Ceremonies Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts
Product   backlog A list of all desired work on the project Ideally expressed such that each item has value to the users or customers of the product  Prioritized by the product owner Reprioritized at the start of each sprint This is the product backlog
A   sample   product   backlog Estimate
A   sprint   burndown   chart

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Automation Testing
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Automation Testing

The document discusses automation testing basics, including that automation testing is done using automated tools to write and execute test cases. It explains that automation testing should be used for tasks that are time-consuming, repeated, tedious, or involve high risk test cases. The document also lists some popular free and commercial automation testing tools.

Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle
Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle
Agile Testing – embedding testing into agile software development lifecycle

My presentation on Agile Testing, including a tuning concept and a case study of agile testing choices in a project, held 16 of June, 2014 at a customer internal seminar.

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Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile AppsAppium: Automation for Mobile Apps
Appium: Automation for Mobile Apps

The document discusses automation testing for mobile apps using Appium. Appium allows for cross-platform mobile app testing by using the same tests across iOS and Android platforms. It functions by proxying commands to the devices to run tests using technologies like UIAutomation for iOS and UiAutomator for Android. While useful for local testing, Appium has limitations for scaling tests in continuous integration environments, where services like Sauce Labs are better suited.

appiumbrowser testingsauce labs
Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile   development process
QA   Activities   in   Agile   Testing Provide effort estimates during release and sprint plan Collaborate with business analysts and developers in defining requirements and designs Prepare test conditions based on design discussions Just in time test cases only for current sprint and not entire project Execute test conditions and report issues Usually, test driven development Automate feature specific test cases Report status, impediments in daily standup meetings Participate in Sprint review meeting
Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile   development process
Changing role of tester Waterfall Agile Work in homogeneous team of testing pro ’ s  Work in cross functional team of biz analysts, developers, testers etc.  Role predominantly involves testing  Expanded role involves design def/review, write/review code and testing  Quality Cop: Last line of defense for Software Quality  Quality Partner: Quality responsibility of entire sprint team Test cases prepared from well documented req ’ s and designs  Test cases prepared from user stories, req & design discussions, minimal documentation. Clearly defined entry and exit criteria for testing phase  Testing is collaborative effort with other functions, no phase gates

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Agile Software Development Methodologies

This document provides an overview of agile methodologies and Scrum. It defines predictive and adaptive models, describing Waterfall as predictive and Agile as adaptive. It outlines key principles of Agile development, pros and cons, and describes common Agile methods like XP and Scrum. Scrum is described as considering both managerial and development aspects. Key Scrum roles, events, and artifacts like Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Increment are defined. Resources for learning more about Agile and Scrum are provided.

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Test Automation Strategies For Agile

What are the Key drivers for automation? What are the Challenges in Agile automation and How to deal with them? How to automate? Who will automate? Which tool to select? Commercial or open source? What to automate? Which features? Here is what our experience says

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How Does IBM Do Agile
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How Does IBM Do Agile

How Does IBM Do Agile presentation that I presented at the Software Development Conference in Wellington, New Zealand at 22 March 2011.

quality managertechnical managerrational
Changing   role   of   tester Agile Test execution after code complete for project, back loaded Iterative testing by feature and not entire project, evenly spread  Waterfall Testing essentially Top Down  –  Business flows, Integration points and then units Testing essentially Bottom Up  –  Units, Integration points and then flows  Minimal involvement in Unit testing  Active participation in unit testing  System level Automation test scripts, after code is stabilized Automation from unit testing level, as code is getting built  Report progress by testing phase  Report progress by Feature complete rather than testing completion
Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile   development process
Key   success   factors Comfort in incremental and Iterative development Test in small packages but do not lose sight of big picture Comfortable with speed and just in time delivery Design and Coding skills  At minimum, good analytical and review skills Handling Abstraction Requirements and designs are evolved rather than assumed to be an input
Key   success   factors Minimal reliance on documentary support Rely on meetings and interactions for requirements and design specifications rather than structured documents Interpersonal skills Ability to get things done in a group which is self organized Communication and Collaboration skills Focus on project deliverable and not phase deliverable

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Integrating agile into sdlc presentation pmi v2
Integrating agile into sdlc presentation   pmi v2Integrating agile into sdlc presentation   pmi v2
Integrating agile into sdlc presentation pmi v2

The document discusses integrating Agile practices into a company's software development lifecycle (SDLC). It outlines key Agile concepts like product backlogs, sprints, and daily standups. It provides examples of how sprints can align with the SDLC and what deliverables each sprint produces. Critical success factors and potential adoption risks are also covered.

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Close to agile

This document provides an overview of Agile and Scrum methodologies. It discusses why Agile approaches became popular, describing challenges with traditional waterfall methods. Key aspects of Scrum are outlined, including roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, ceremonies like sprint planning and daily standups, and artifacts like product and sprint backlogs. Benefits of Scrum like adaptability, visibility and increased productivity are highlighted. The document aims to introduce readers to Scrum processes and terminology at a high level.

CAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation
CAI - Agile Scrum Development PresentationCAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation
CAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation

The document discusses problems with traditional software development approaches and proposes an agile approach using Scrum. It outlines key principles of Scrum including short iterative development cycles, daily stand-ups, prioritized backlogs and frequent deliveries of working software. Scrum roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master and cross-functional team are defined along with common Scrum artifacts, meetings and metrics used. Challenges of adopting Scrum at an organizational level are also covered.

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Testing in Agile Projects

  • 1. The Agile (Scrum) Process [email_address]
  • 2. Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
  • 3. Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
  • 4. Traditional Development Requires knowing everything upfront Fixed requirements, estimated time and resources Freezing requirements and controlling changes from early stage Status measured at life cycle phases Working software delivered only at end of development cycle
  • 5. Traditional Model Limitations Impossible to anticipate and estimate all tasks early in big projects Difficult to define requirements precisely without customers getting Hands On feel of product Changes later in the development cycle could be expensive to handle Different roles engaged in different phases thereby losing continuity across development cycle Working software delivered only at end of cycle
  • 6. The Agile Manifesto Source: Process and tools Individuals and interactions over Following a plan Responding to change over Comprehensive documentation Working software over Contract negotiation Customer collaboration over
  • 7. Popular Agile Methodologies Scrum Project Management framework Crystal Clear Focus on people and not processes or artifacts Extreme Programming Dev centric, focus on reducing cost of change Feature Driven Development Dev based on client valued functionality Lean Applying lean manufacturing practices to SW engg. We would explore Scrum in detail today
  • 9. Scrum Characteristics Product progresses in a series of month-long “sprints” Requirements are captured as items in a list of “product backlog” No specific engineering practices prescribed Uses generative rules to create an agile environment for delivering projects Self-organizing teams
  • 10. Sprints Scrum projects make progress in a series of “sprints” Analogous to Extreme Programming iterations Typical duration is 2–4 weeks or a calendar month at most A constant duration leads to a better rhythm Product is designed, coded, and tested during the sprint
  • 11. Scrum framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Events Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts
  • 12. Scrum framework Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Ceremonies Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles
  • 13. Roles Product Owner Defines features and release plans Prioritize features every iteration as needed Accept or reject work results Scrum Master Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions Team Cross-functional:Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. Members should be full-time Teams are self-organizing
  • 14. Scrum framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Events
  • 15. Sprint planning meeting Sprint prioritization Analyze and evaluate product backlog Select sprint goal Sprint planning Decide how to achieve sprint goal (design) Create sprint backlog (tasks) from product backlog items (user stories / features) Estimate sprint backlog in hours Sprint goal Sprint backlog Business conditions Team capacity Product backlog Technology Current product Sprint planning
  • 16. Sprint Events Daily scrum meeting Daily review meeting for 10-15 mins Status review and not for problem solving All sprint team members participate Sprint review Demo of new features to customer/product owner Team presents work accomplished during the sprint All major stakeholders participate Sprint retrospective Periodic post mortem to review what's working and what's not Done after every sprint All major stakeholders participate
  • 17. Scrum framework Product owner ScrumMaster Team Roles Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Daily scrum meeting Ceremonies Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown charts Artifacts
  • 18. Product backlog A list of all desired work on the project Ideally expressed such that each item has value to the users or customers of the product Prioritized by the product owner Reprioritized at the start of each sprint This is the product backlog
  • 19. A sample product backlog Estimate
  • 20. A sprint burndown chart
  • 21. Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
  • 22. QA Activities in Agile Testing Provide effort estimates during release and sprint plan Collaborate with business analysts and developers in defining requirements and designs Prepare test conditions based on design discussions Just in time test cases only for current sprint and not entire project Execute test conditions and report issues Usually, test driven development Automate feature specific test cases Report status, impediments in daily standup meetings Participate in Sprint review meeting
  • 23. Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
  • 24. Changing role of tester Waterfall Agile Work in homogeneous team of testing pro ’ s Work in cross functional team of biz analysts, developers, testers etc. Role predominantly involves testing Expanded role involves design def/review, write/review code and testing Quality Cop: Last line of defense for Software Quality Quality Partner: Quality responsibility of entire sprint team Test cases prepared from well documented req ’ s and designs Test cases prepared from user stories, req & design discussions, minimal documentation. Clearly defined entry and exit criteria for testing phase Testing is collaborative effort with other functions, no phase gates
  • 25. Changing role of tester Agile Test execution after code complete for project, back loaded Iterative testing by feature and not entire project, evenly spread Waterfall Testing essentially Top Down – Business flows, Integration points and then units Testing essentially Bottom Up – Units, Integration points and then flows Minimal involvement in Unit testing Active participation in unit testing System level Automation test scripts, after code is stabilized Automation from unit testing level, as code is getting built Report progress by testing phase Report progress by Feature complete rather than testing completion
  • 26. Activities in Agile testing Changing role of tester Key success factors Q&A Agile development process
  • 27. Key success factors Comfort in incremental and Iterative development Test in small packages but do not lose sight of big picture Comfortable with speed and just in time delivery Design and Coding skills At minimum, good analytical and review skills Handling Abstraction Requirements and designs are evolved rather than assumed to be an input
  • 28. Key success factors Minimal reliance on documentary support Rely on meetings and interactions for requirements and design specifications rather than structured documents Interpersonal skills Ability to get things done in a group which is self organized Communication and Collaboration skills Focus on project deliverable and not phase deliverable