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Test Automation Strategies   Sunil Deshmukh & Mukesh M Agile India 2010
Test Automation Strategies - Important Automation Strategies- Part 1 Introduction to Open Source Automation tool- Sahi Sahi tool Walkthrough- How to use it. Important Automation Strategies- Part 2
Test Automation process? What is your test automation approach?
Ten Questions: Six Choices and Four Trends Six Choices To automate or not to automate at all? The do or don’t choice To automate now or automate later?  The time choice To automate through this or that?  The tool choice To automate this or that? The test case choice Vertical Automation or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice Test data hard coded or Test data kept reusable?  The data design choice Four Trends Keyword or functional  decomposition? The combined trend Whether to automate and  execute early? The agile trend Whether to run in a  sequence or concurrently? The concurrent user trend 4.  Whether to offer scripts to  clients? The selling trend

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Test Automation in Agile
Test Automation in AgileTest Automation in Agile
Test Automation in Agile

The document discusses test automation in agile environments. It covers Capgemini's World Quality Report on automation, the evolution of business models and IT ecosystems, and challenges with agile automation. Key topics include testing being embedded within the Scrum process with no separate schedule for testing, the importance of test-driven development and behavior-driven development, achieving high levels of automation coverage, and using tools like Cucumber, JUnit, and Selenium to support test automation. The document emphasizes that automation is necessary to achieve faster time to market and increased productivity in agile.

Test Automation Framework Design |
Test Automation Framework Design | www.idexcel.comTest Automation Framework Design |
Test Automation Framework Design |

The document provides guidelines for designing a robust test automation framework. It discusses that a well-designed framework increases testing efficiency and reduces costs. The key aspects of framework design include defining objectives, selecting the appropriate framework type, managing data, ensuring reusability, integrating with other tools, and flexible execution and reporting. Idexcel's test automation framework was created following these best practices to provide a maintainable and reusable framework.

test automation framewrokautomation framework designsoftware test automation
Test automation proposal
Test automation proposalTest automation proposal
Test automation proposal

This document proposes an automated test architecture for the UI Builder application using REST API testing, UI testing, and integration testing. It recommends the Rest Assured library for API testing due to its ability to integrate with Jenkins and remove the need for manual HTTP calls. Protractor is proposed for UI testing as it allows testing Angular applications in JavaScript and integrates well with Selenium. Both test frameworks would be set up with their own Git repositories linked to Jenkins jobs. Integration testing would link the API and UI test repos. The test automation aims to provide faster feedback and reduce regressions as the application grows.

Q #1  To automate or not to automate? The do or don’t choice The do or don’t choice Knowing the key drivers behind test automation is important Different objectives would require different test automation strategies Clear understanding of “Why to automate” helps in reducing the expectation gap between management and test automation team
Q #1 : To automate or not to automate Common objectives of test automation Saves Time  2 hour regression suite Time to market increases Increases accuracy Reduced person dependency Reduces Cost   Better ROI Improves coverage Localization Reusability
Q #2 : To automate now or automate later? The time choice The time choice Key to successful test automation is knowing  when  to automate. Often overlooked and sometimes undervalued. Even the best of automation approaches could fail to give ROI if the timing of automation is wrong. This question is critical since test automation is Pointless  if it is at the fag end of a product lifecycle Painful  if the product is unstable Possible  even if the product is not ready (future trend)
Q #2 : To automate now or later? F actors to be considered before starting automation Quality of manual testing process Detailed test conditions and pre conditions Accurate test data and expected results Stability of module/application Core functionality and navigation flow is approved and accepted by end client No bug fix should impact major functionality No planned major enhancements in the functionality for minimum next 3 regression rounds

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Agile testing principles and practices - Anil Karade
Agile testing principles and practices - Anil KaradeAgile testing principles and practices - Anil Karade
Agile testing principles and practices - Anil Karade

Traditional test processes are not adaptive to extensive changes in software. Agile process emphasizes on ability to adapt to changing business needs, customer collaboration, integrated teams and frequent delivery of business values. Agile is an umbrella term that describes a variety of methods including XP and Scrum. The talk will discuss pitfalls of the traditional testing process. Traditional testing process happens very late in the SDLC Where as Agile process focuses on test-first approach. The talk will explain benefits of going agile. Principles and practices of agile process will be discussed and agile methodologies Scrum and Extreme Programming will be discussed in detail. Purpose of Scrum, its effectiveness, timings and managing the scrum will be discussed. Some of the practices for XP like Pair Programming, Test Driven Development will be discussed. The Talk will also cover the QA role in agile world. The talk will cover the implementation issues while shifting from traditional to agile process. Talk will also include an interactive game for illustration of concepts.

Agile QA presentation
Agile QA presentationAgile QA presentation
Agile QA presentation

The document discusses creating a high-performing QA function through continuous integration, delivery, and testing. It recommends that QA be integrated into development teams, with automated testing, defect tracking, and ensuring features align with business needs. This would reduce defects and costs while improving customer experience through more frequent releases. Key steps outlined are implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines, test-driven development, quality control gates, and measuring escaping defects to guide improvements.

software testingsoftware developmentqa
Introduction to Software Test Automation
Introduction to Software Test AutomationIntroduction to Software Test Automation
Introduction to Software Test Automation

This is my complete introductory course for Software Test Automation.If you need full training that includes different automation tools (Selenium, J-Meter, Burp, SOAP UI etc), feel free to contact me by email ( or by mobile (+201223600207).

Q #3 : To automate through this or that? The tool choice The tool choice Functionality Usability Maintainability Flexibility Affordability  Compatibility
Q #3 : To automate through this or that F actors to be considered for choosing a tool Compatibility  Is the tool compatible with the application? Does it identify all the objects in your application? Identify different classes of object in the application. (Standard controls & customized) Identify different possible events for each object (mouse over, mouse down, type, drag, etc)  Record and Playback for above Functionality Rate the application against the features list required for automation team (Evaluation Criterion)
Q #3 : To automate through this or that F actors to be considered for choosing a tool Usability  How easy it is to learn and adapt?  Availability of trainings. Maintainability (Support) How good is support by the company.  Online user community? Flexibility Licensing policy of the company (This points is here thanks to the rigid licensing policies of some companies Affordability €  O $ £ : After all.
Q #4 : To automate this or that  The test case choice The test case choice After knowing when to automate, its critical to know what to automate and what not to automate. Remember: Its not feasible to automate all the test cases. Decide a test selection criterion for automation to improve automation effectiveness.

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Automated Testing vs Manual Testing
Automated Testing vs Manual TestingAutomated Testing vs Manual Testing
Automated Testing vs Manual Testing

Manual testing takes more effort and cost than automated testing. It is more boring and provides limited visibility for stakeholders. Automated tests can test single units, are reusable, and provide a safety net for refactoring. They also ensure all tests are run, drive clean design, and do not create code clutter like manual tests. An initial learning curve and questions around organization and reuse may prevent developers from writing automated tests, but designating responsibility and learning tools can help overcome these issues.

Automation testing introduction for FujiNet
Automation testing introduction for FujiNetAutomation testing introduction for FujiNet
Automation testing introduction for FujiNet

This document discusses automation testing and provides an overview of manual vs automation testing. It covers why automation testing is important, including allowing repetitive tests to run across multiple builds and reducing human error. Common automation tools like QTP and Selenium are mentioned. The history of automation from record and playback to modern keyword-driven approaches is summarized. Examples of building automation frameworks for QTP and Selenium are provided. In conclusion, the document promotes automation testing as important for the future.

Test automation process
Test automation processTest automation process
Test automation process

The document discusses test automation process and framework. It provides details on what test automation means, benefits of automation, guidelines for identifying test cases to automate, challenges in automation, and components of an automation framework like data tables, libraries, object repositories, scripts, and results.

automation framework
Q #4 : To Automate this or that Test case selection criterion Is the test case repeatable? Does this test case require manual intervention? Has the test case passed manual verification? Are all the preconditions for the test case taken care-of? Are the execution steps very clear? Do we have test data for this test case? Is the expected result clear enough to decide the test case status (PASS & FAIL)? Will the test case survive the functional changes around it? Is the test case straightforward for automation? Can I trust this script to really test this part of the feature?
Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice The flow choice Automating End to End Flow where each test cases is independent of  each other such as Horizontal Automation Vertical Automation Vertical automation is executing test cases feature wise to save execution time. e.g. Create payment2 Create payment1 Reject  payment2 Approve  payment1 TC1&2:  Login(user1) Logout->Login(user2) Create payment1 Approve  payment1 Logout->Login(user2) TC1:  Login(user1) Create payment2 Reject  payment1 Logout->Login(user2) TC2:  Login(user1)
Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Test Automation Advantages of each Advantages of Horizontal Automation Flexibility in running any test case any where as each test case is independent of other. Easy to organize and automate. Less administration is required Test Execution progress can be ascertained at any point since every completed test case gets immediately logged Advantages of Vertical Automation Faster test execution as navigation is minimized, (such as login -logout) Effective when same functional flow is tested with different data sets
Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Test Automation How to automate whether vertically or otherwise Prioritize functionality   Test cases.(  Functionality with maximum depth usually gives higher ROI.) Based on Test cases, identify different business processes ( PIPE ) - Identify  Pass  and Fail criteria  - Identify  Input  criteria (Test Data) - Identify  Exceptions / user flows.  - Identify  Precondition 3. Identify the GUI objects. 4. Identify the global and local parameters. 5. Automate the Business Processes into User Defined Functions (UDFs) 6. Compile UDFs to create test case using Driver script. 7. Test the script.

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Introduction to Agile Testing
Introduction to Agile TestingIntroduction to Agile Testing
Introduction to Agile Testing

In this session, we would discuss what "Agile Testing" is, what are the well known methods and models of Agile Testing and what to expect on the future of Agile Testing.

agileagile testing
Top 20 best automation testing tools
Top 20 best automation testing toolsTop 20 best automation testing tools
Top 20 best automation testing tools

Today we need everything reliable and accelerated, so to attain prompt results we are using varied automation testing tools. An automation tool is a piece of software that is run by little human interaction. Different testing tools are used for automation/manual testing, unit testing, performance, web, mobile, etc., more to that we have some open source testing tools as well.

automation testingautomation testing toolsautomated testing
Test Automation
Test AutomationTest Automation
Test Automation

This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

test automationautomationqa automation
Q #6 : Test data hard coded or kept reusable  The data design choice The data design choice A good automation architect ensures that scripts are reusable. A great automation architect ensures that scripts and test data, both, are reusable.
Q #6 : Test data hard coded or kept reusable  Reusing test data Generally , there is more emphasis on reusing test script than reusing test data.  Generally one test set is used per test case.  For e.g. approve payment test case and reject payment test case may use same user (i.e. user1) but the test data sheet is stored within the test case and gets repeated again and again for each test case. On the other hand to keep the test data reusable: Store data screen wise and not test case wise Assign reference id to each test data. Pass reference id to each test case for accessing the test data.
Q#7 : Whether to automate early The early trend Agile Test Automation Principles by James Bach Consider thinking of test automation as …Any use of tools to support testing (James Bach) Test automation means tool support for all aspects of a test project, not just test execution.  Test automation progresses when supported by dedicated programmers (toolsmiths). Toolsmiths are directed by testers.  Test toolsmiths gather and apply a wide variety of tools to support testing. Test toolsmiths advocate for testability features and produce tools that exploit those features. Test automation is organized to fulfill short term goals. Long term test automation tasks are avoided in the absence of specific approval based on a compelling business case.
Q#7 : Whether to automate early The early trend The early trend Ideally  automation  should start once the application is stable but with good technical QA engineers one  can start much before the application is even ready  for manual testing. This can be achieved by Using abstract automation approach for building the automation flow and important components. Manually scripting application objects and user actions. There is high dependence on good requirements and screen layout. Traditional automation is mainly used by QA engineers for regression testing, but latest trends show that the automation suite can yield more returns when developers can use it for their unit testing.

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API Testing With Katalon Studio
API Testing With Katalon StudioAPI Testing With Katalon Studio
API Testing With Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a free and robust automation solution for API, Web, and Mobile testing. It integrates all necessary components with built-in keywords and project templates into a complete automation framework. Katalon Studio is easy to use for beginners but still offers advanced capabilities for experienced users. This solution is trusted by an active community of over 150K users from 150+ countries around the world. In this knolx, we’ll take a look at what is API Testing and how the katalon studio is helpful in API Testing.

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Test automation
Test automationTest automation
Test automation

This document provides an overview of test automation using Cucumber and Calabash. It discusses using Cucumber to write automated test specifications in plain language and Calabash to execute those tests on Android apps. It outlines the environments, tools, and basic steps needed to get started, including installing Ruby and DevKit, creating Cucumber feature files, and using Calabash APIs to automate user interactions like tapping, entering text, and scrolling. The document also explains how to run tests on an Android app and generate an HTML report of the results.

calabashcucumberandroid test
6 Traits of a Successful Test Automation Architecture
6 Traits of a Successful Test Automation Architecture6 Traits of a Successful Test Automation Architecture
6 Traits of a Successful Test Automation Architecture

This document discusses 6 traits of a successful test automation architecture: 1. Deciding which test levels to automate by considering factors like efficiency, expected vs unexpected scenarios, and intelligence vs repetitiveness. 2. Design principles for test automation including modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns. 3. Locator strategy which determines whether tests are flaky or robust, prioritizing unique, descriptive locators that are unlikely to change. 4. Methodology such as behavior driven development, test driven development, and continuous testing approaches. 5. Framework and language selection considering project dynamics and technologies. Examples mentioned are Geb, Spock, Groovy, and CodeceptJS. 6.

test automationtest automation conferencesoftware testing
Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend Keyword driven In the Keyword driven approach, each business process is mapped into actions and further each operation is mapped as a keyword. It is easy for non technical users to create test scenarios without knowing much of the testing tool. Scripts are not modular and major advantages of functional decomposition are lost. Functional decomposition In the functional  decomposition approach, business processes are created first and while creating the test scenarios and test scripts, each business process is called in a sequence. This approach is modular but for every test scenario, a test script is required. In this approach scripts are maintainable to the extent that implementation of the business process is not changed.
Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend Keyword driven Keyword calling EnterText-  username ,  mukesh EnterText-  password, hello Click   OK ClickLink   create payment EnterText  account_name, 1209892 EnterText  amount 122$ EnterText  date 04-Aug-2007 . . . so on Functional decomposition Library Login() { Enter username Enter password Click ok } ------------------------------------------ Test Script for approval login () create_payment () logout () login () approve_payment()
Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend The combined trend Moving beyond FD and KD, the trend shall be to combine both Keywords as a set of business processes, which are packaged as user defined functions. These keywords/user defined functions can be called in a sequence in excel or a database to test the business rules.  This gives users the modularity of functional decomposition and the usability of keyword driven ZenTEST Labs’ ZenFRAME is one such framework that combines both

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Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile TesterAgile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile Tester

This presentation provides an overview of the role of testers on agile teams. In essence, the differences between testers and developers should blur so that focus is the whole team completing stories and delivering value. Testers can add more value on agile teams by contributing earlier and moving from defect detection to defect prevention.

Automation testing
Automation testingAutomation testing
Automation testing

This document discusses automation testing. It begins by defining automation testing and listing its benefits, which include saving time and money, improving accuracy, and increasing test coverage. It then covers levels of automation testing, frameworks, approaches like record and playback, modular scripting, and keyword-driven testing. The document also discusses the automation testing lifecycle, how to choose a testing tool, types of tools, when to automate and who should automate, supporting practices, and skills needed for automation testing.

testingautomation testingquality control
Test Automation Framework Designs
Test Automation Framework DesignsTest Automation Framework Designs
Test Automation Framework Designs

See how Martin Lienhard of Williams-Sanoma builds a test automation framework using Selenium, data-driven tests, and much more!

Q #8 : Keyword driven or functional decomposition  The basic theme to build an extensible framework  “ Keep everything, that changes or has chances of changing, separate from the script.” Object properties change. So keep that separate. This is a default feature in most of the tools. Test data changes. So keep test data separate from the script Sequence/ flow of application changes. So separate that into an excel sheet or a database (Most automation engineers follow the first 2 points as more or less they are default feature in the automation tools, now lets take advantage of the third approach)
Q #9:  Whether to run in a sequence or concurrently? The concurrent users trend for functional automation What if, you have a time frame and you have to finish test execution within that time frame. Possible Option 1: Reduce the number of testing cases by sampling and execute only the selective ones Possible Option 2: Execute 100 test cases on one machine, another   100 on second machine and so on. How about this idea of automating functional test cases using load testing tool ? This will help in executing multiple test cases at the same time. You can even execute thousand different test cases on an high end server and finish complete test suite execution in just few hours. Same set of functional test cases can be further used when doing actual performance testing.
Q #10 :  Whether to offer scripts to your end client The selling trend The selling trend Recent Trends indicate that soon test scripts will also be shipped along with the application. Every patch release will have the modified test scripts with it. Clients have started demanding automation scripts for doing their UAT and testing application during bug fixes. It has also become a new source of income for product companies, wherein additional cost can be billed for automation scripts which are anyways available with QA team. This also brings in additional budget for future automation effort and automation gets buy-in from senior management.
Ten Questions: Six Choices and Four Trends Six Choices To automate or not to automate at all? The do or don’t choice To automate now or automate later?  The time choice To automate through this or that?  The tool choice To automate this or that? The test case choice Vertical Automation or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice Test data hard coded or Test data kept reusable?  The data design choice Four Trends Keyword or functional  decomposition? The combined trend Whether to automate and  execute early? The agile trend Whether to run in a  sequence or concurrently? The concurrent user trend 4.  Whether to offer scripts to  clients? The selling trend

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Volodymyr Prymakov and Vlada Benyukh Detailed manual estimation approach for ...

This document provides guidance on conducting manual test estimation for the pre-sale phase of a project. It discusses factors to consider like requirements, environments, and complexity. Main activities to estimate include requirements review, test design, execution, and bug handling. Regression is calculated based on sprint count, tested functionality percentage, and environments. Risks like changing requirements and infrastructure issues are accounted for with multipliers. A demo is provided of estimating a real project involving calculations, environments, and risks. Statistics on past projects estimated duration and team size are also included.

Ivan Pashko - Simplifying test automation with design patterns
Ivan Pashko - Simplifying test automation with design patternsIvan Pashko - Simplifying test automation with design patterns
Ivan Pashko - Simplifying test automation with design patterns

The document discusses simplifying test automation through the use of design patterns. It begins by defining code smells that make tests complex, such as duplication, conditional logic, obscure tests, and fragile tests. It then explains several design patterns that can address these smells, including template method for removing duplication, strategy for replacing conditional logic, factory/builder for constructing complex objects, composite for grouping objects, and decorator for adding responsibilities dynamically. The document advocates for clean, well-structured test code through applying these patterns.

Patterns of a “good” test automation framework
Patterns of a “good” test automation frameworkPatterns of a “good” test automation framework
Patterns of a “good” test automation framework

This document discusses patterns for test automation frameworks. It begins by introducing common patterns like page objects, business layer, and factories. It then provides examples of page object and business layer page object patterns. The document also discusses test data patterns and different ways to specify test data and locators. Finally, it outlines advantages of using patterns like reduced complexity, reusability, and maintenance. The key message is that the best pattern depends on the specific test automation context.

software testingautomationtest data pattern
Sahi – Web automation tool -Open source web automation tool -Created by Narayan Venkatraman -Useful for automating functional testing and configuration testing. -Official sahi website -Commercial support available.
Sahi – Benefits - Install once and use anywhere: Once Sahi server is running, tester can access Sahi Controller (aka IDE) from any supported browsers. - The browser accessible controller is an all in one utility including a script recorder, object inspector, log browser, debugger, utility to test code without recording etc. - Easy to learn, simple, powerful APIs.  -  Javascript  as the scripting language - Built-in color coded HTML  logs , accessible over browser  - Extensible Javascript APIs (Does not need a rebuild)  - Extensible on the server with Java - Parallel execution of tests (Does not require additional tools).
Sahi – Architecture -Sahi server – runs as a proxy -Recording and Playback both is managed by sahi server. -Uses Rhino -DB connectivity managed by the proxy server
Sahi – Demo -Configure the proxy. -Open IDE (Alt + Ctrl+ Double click) -Record -Playback -Functional decomposition (Fill-Click) -Test data management strategy.  -Business process using  keywords

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Agile Testing Framework - The Art of Automated Testing

Once your organization has successfully implemented Agile methodologies, there are two major areas that will require improvements: Continuous Integration and Automated Testing. This presentation illustrates why it's important to invest in an Automated Testing Framework (ATF) to reduce technical debt, increase quality and accelerate time to market. Learn more at

How to be an awesome test automation professional
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How to be an awesome test automation professional

This document provides guidance on becoming an expert in test automation. It recommends learning multiple automation tools to test different applications and platforms, including Selenium for web, Appium for mobile, REST Assured for APIs, and tools like Robot Framework and Winium for desktop. The document also stresses the importance of creating reusable, scalable automation frameworks that integrate with other tools and are not dependent on a single language or platform. It suggests attending meetups and talks to learn from other experts and stay up to date on new techniques and tools in the evolving field of test automation.

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Introduction to Automation Testing
Introduction to Automation TestingIntroduction to Automation Testing
Introduction to Automation Testing

This document provides an introduction to automation testing. It discusses the need for automation testing to improve speed, reliability and test coverage. The document outlines when tests should be automated such as for regression testing or data-driven testing. It also discusses automation tool options and the process for automating tests. While automation testing provides benefits like time savings, it also has limitations such as the need for programming skills and maintenance of test code. Key challenges of automation testing include unrealistic expectations of tools and dependency on third party integrations.

when to automateneed for automation testingautomation testing
Uses in Agile -Good integration with build tools via ant tasks and command line  -Can be used for continuous integration. -Can create highly reusable scripts -Easy to modify scripts.
About ZenTEST Labs… Purpose Focus Sample List of clients Offshore Testing Centre Located at Pune, India 55 People Company Domain Expertise Finance and banking eLearning and education Document and Project Mgmt Technology Expertise Certified Mercury Product consultants Proprietary Test Automation Framework, viz. ZenFRAME Specialized testing services Highlights An independent testing company focusing on functionality testing and quality consulting. World’s number 1 automation provider World’s largest eLearning solutions provider Europe’s largest bank World’s number 2 computer manufacturer One of the world’s leading cash management solutions provider One of the world’s leading customer interaction software for payments Europe’s leading Infrastructure Management software provider. One of Middle East’s largest banking software providers To enable client experience ‘Zen’ through our Testing and Quality services
About ZenTEST Labs. Testing Consulting Testing Projects Testing Training Outsourced Testing  Functionality Testing Unit Testing Test Automation Projects Functional Automation Performance Testing Test Maintenance Projects Maintain Regression Suites Specialized Testing eLearning specific testing Security Testing Compliance Testing Localization Testing Usability Testing Agile Testing Mercury WinRunner/ QTP Mercury Load Runner Mercury Quality Center Rational Testing Tools Test Project Management Test Estimation Advanced Test Automation How to write test cases The mind of a software tester Test Process Assessment Automation Consulting Testing Project Management
Further Help As a practice from our past STAR conferences talk, we shall be pleased to conduct this presentation at no cost over the phone for your team. Please email at  [email_address]   if you are interested in the same. To view other ZenTEST whitepapers and presentations, please visit  download page.

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Introduction to Automation Testing
Introduction to Automation TestingIntroduction to Automation Testing
Introduction to Automation Testing

This document provides an introduction to automation testing. It discusses the need for automation testing to improve speed, reliability and test coverage. The document outlines when tests should be automated such as for regression testing or data-driven testing. It also discusses automation tool options and the types of tests that can be automated, including functional and non-functional tests. Finally, it addresses the advantages of automation including time savings and repeatability, as well as challenges such as maintenance efforts and tool limitations.

advantages of automationintroduction to automation testingsoftware testing
Unit 5 st ppt
Unit 5 st pptUnit 5 st ppt
Unit 5 st ppt

The document discusses software test automation. It defines software test automation as activities that aim to automate tasks in the software testing process using well-defined strategies. The objectives of test automation are to free engineers from manual testing, speed up testing, reduce costs and time, and improve quality. Test automation can be done at the enterprise, product, or project level. There are four levels of test automation maturity: initial, repeatable, automatic, and optimal. Essential needs for successful automation include commitment, resources, and skilled engineers. The scope of automation includes functional and performance testing. Functional testing is well-suited for automation of regression testing. Performance testing requires automation to effectively test load, stress, and other non-functional requirements

M. Holovaty, Концепции автоматизированного тестирования
M. Holovaty, Концепции автоматизированного тестированияM. Holovaty, Концепции автоматизированного тестирования
M. Holovaty, Концепции автоматизированного тестирования

The document discusses concepts related to automated testing, including: 1) Automated testing scripts are developed and updated in sync with the cyclic development process of the application under test. 2) Automated testing is effective when the time to create, update, and analyze scripts across iterations is less than the time for manual testing. 3) Effective logging, test result modeling, and failure analysis are important for reducing the time spent understanding failures in automated tests.

by Alex
qaautomationquality assurance
Bibliography When should a test be automated? Article by Brian Marick, 1998. When to automate testing David Weiss blog Agile Test Automation White paper by James Bach
website:  email:  [email_address]  blog: Thank You  Sunil D Mukesh M

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Test Automation Strategies For Agile

  • 1. Test Automation Strategies Sunil Deshmukh & Mukesh M Agile India 2010
  • 2. Test Automation Strategies - Important Automation Strategies- Part 1 Introduction to Open Source Automation tool- Sahi Sahi tool Walkthrough- How to use it. Important Automation Strategies- Part 2
  • 3. Test Automation process? What is your test automation approach?
  • 4. Ten Questions: Six Choices and Four Trends Six Choices To automate or not to automate at all? The do or don’t choice To automate now or automate later? The time choice To automate through this or that? The tool choice To automate this or that? The test case choice Vertical Automation or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice Test data hard coded or Test data kept reusable? The data design choice Four Trends Keyword or functional decomposition? The combined trend Whether to automate and execute early? The agile trend Whether to run in a sequence or concurrently? The concurrent user trend 4. Whether to offer scripts to clients? The selling trend
  • 5. Q #1 To automate or not to automate? The do or don’t choice The do or don’t choice Knowing the key drivers behind test automation is important Different objectives would require different test automation strategies Clear understanding of “Why to automate” helps in reducing the expectation gap between management and test automation team
  • 6. Q #1 : To automate or not to automate Common objectives of test automation Saves Time 2 hour regression suite Time to market increases Increases accuracy Reduced person dependency Reduces Cost Better ROI Improves coverage Localization Reusability
  • 7. Q #2 : To automate now or automate later? The time choice The time choice Key to successful test automation is knowing when to automate. Often overlooked and sometimes undervalued. Even the best of automation approaches could fail to give ROI if the timing of automation is wrong. This question is critical since test automation is Pointless if it is at the fag end of a product lifecycle Painful if the product is unstable Possible even if the product is not ready (future trend)
  • 8. Q #2 : To automate now or later? F actors to be considered before starting automation Quality of manual testing process Detailed test conditions and pre conditions Accurate test data and expected results Stability of module/application Core functionality and navigation flow is approved and accepted by end client No bug fix should impact major functionality No planned major enhancements in the functionality for minimum next 3 regression rounds
  • 9. Q #3 : To automate through this or that? The tool choice The tool choice Functionality Usability Maintainability Flexibility Affordability Compatibility
  • 10. Q #3 : To automate through this or that F actors to be considered for choosing a tool Compatibility Is the tool compatible with the application? Does it identify all the objects in your application? Identify different classes of object in the application. (Standard controls & customized) Identify different possible events for each object (mouse over, mouse down, type, drag, etc) Record and Playback for above Functionality Rate the application against the features list required for automation team (Evaluation Criterion)
  • 11. Q #3 : To automate through this or that F actors to be considered for choosing a tool Usability How easy it is to learn and adapt? Availability of trainings. Maintainability (Support) How good is support by the company. Online user community? Flexibility Licensing policy of the company (This points is here thanks to the rigid licensing policies of some companies Affordability € O $ £ : After all.
  • 12. Q #4 : To automate this or that The test case choice The test case choice After knowing when to automate, its critical to know what to automate and what not to automate. Remember: Its not feasible to automate all the test cases. Decide a test selection criterion for automation to improve automation effectiveness.
  • 13. Q #4 : To Automate this or that Test case selection criterion Is the test case repeatable? Does this test case require manual intervention? Has the test case passed manual verification? Are all the preconditions for the test case taken care-of? Are the execution steps very clear? Do we have test data for this test case? Is the expected result clear enough to decide the test case status (PASS & FAIL)? Will the test case survive the functional changes around it? Is the test case straightforward for automation? Can I trust this script to really test this part of the feature?
  • 14. Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice The flow choice Automating End to End Flow where each test cases is independent of each other such as Horizontal Automation Vertical Automation Vertical automation is executing test cases feature wise to save execution time. e.g. Create payment2 Create payment1 Reject payment2 Approve payment1 TC1&2: Login(user1) Logout->Login(user2) Create payment1 Approve payment1 Logout->Login(user2) TC1: Login(user1) Create payment2 Reject payment1 Logout->Login(user2) TC2: Login(user1)
  • 15. Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Test Automation Advantages of each Advantages of Horizontal Automation Flexibility in running any test case any where as each test case is independent of other. Easy to organize and automate. Less administration is required Test Execution progress can be ascertained at any point since every completed test case gets immediately logged Advantages of Vertical Automation Faster test execution as navigation is minimized, (such as login -logout) Effective when same functional flow is tested with different data sets
  • 16. Q #5 : Vertical or Horizontal Test Automation How to automate whether vertically or otherwise Prioritize functionality  Test cases.( Functionality with maximum depth usually gives higher ROI.) Based on Test cases, identify different business processes ( PIPE ) - Identify Pass and Fail criteria - Identify Input criteria (Test Data) - Identify Exceptions / user flows. - Identify Precondition 3. Identify the GUI objects. 4. Identify the global and local parameters. 5. Automate the Business Processes into User Defined Functions (UDFs) 6. Compile UDFs to create test case using Driver script. 7. Test the script.
  • 17. Q #6 : Test data hard coded or kept reusable The data design choice The data design choice A good automation architect ensures that scripts are reusable. A great automation architect ensures that scripts and test data, both, are reusable.
  • 18. Q #6 : Test data hard coded or kept reusable Reusing test data Generally , there is more emphasis on reusing test script than reusing test data. Generally one test set is used per test case. For e.g. approve payment test case and reject payment test case may use same user (i.e. user1) but the test data sheet is stored within the test case and gets repeated again and again for each test case. On the other hand to keep the test data reusable: Store data screen wise and not test case wise Assign reference id to each test data. Pass reference id to each test case for accessing the test data.
  • 19. Q#7 : Whether to automate early The early trend Agile Test Automation Principles by James Bach Consider thinking of test automation as …Any use of tools to support testing (James Bach) Test automation means tool support for all aspects of a test project, not just test execution. Test automation progresses when supported by dedicated programmers (toolsmiths). Toolsmiths are directed by testers. Test toolsmiths gather and apply a wide variety of tools to support testing. Test toolsmiths advocate for testability features and produce tools that exploit those features. Test automation is organized to fulfill short term goals. Long term test automation tasks are avoided in the absence of specific approval based on a compelling business case.
  • 20. Q#7 : Whether to automate early The early trend The early trend Ideally automation should start once the application is stable but with good technical QA engineers one can start much before the application is even ready for manual testing. This can be achieved by Using abstract automation approach for building the automation flow and important components. Manually scripting application objects and user actions. There is high dependence on good requirements and screen layout. Traditional automation is mainly used by QA engineers for regression testing, but latest trends show that the automation suite can yield more returns when developers can use it for their unit testing.
  • 21. Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend Keyword driven In the Keyword driven approach, each business process is mapped into actions and further each operation is mapped as a keyword. It is easy for non technical users to create test scenarios without knowing much of the testing tool. Scripts are not modular and major advantages of functional decomposition are lost. Functional decomposition In the functional decomposition approach, business processes are created first and while creating the test scenarios and test scripts, each business process is called in a sequence. This approach is modular but for every test scenario, a test script is required. In this approach scripts are maintainable to the extent that implementation of the business process is not changed.
  • 22. Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend Keyword driven Keyword calling EnterText- username , mukesh EnterText- password, hello Click OK ClickLink create payment EnterText account_name, 1209892 EnterText amount 122$ EnterText date 04-Aug-2007 . . . so on Functional decomposition Library Login() { Enter username Enter password Click ok } ------------------------------------------ Test Script for approval login () create_payment () logout () login () approve_payment()
  • 23. Q#8: Keyword driven or functional decomposition The combined trend The combined trend Moving beyond FD and KD, the trend shall be to combine both Keywords as a set of business processes, which are packaged as user defined functions. These keywords/user defined functions can be called in a sequence in excel or a database to test the business rules. This gives users the modularity of functional decomposition and the usability of keyword driven ZenTEST Labs’ ZenFRAME is one such framework that combines both
  • 24.  
  • 25. Q #8 : Keyword driven or functional decomposition The basic theme to build an extensible framework “ Keep everything, that changes or has chances of changing, separate from the script.” Object properties change. So keep that separate. This is a default feature in most of the tools. Test data changes. So keep test data separate from the script Sequence/ flow of application changes. So separate that into an excel sheet or a database (Most automation engineers follow the first 2 points as more or less they are default feature in the automation tools, now lets take advantage of the third approach)
  • 26. Q #9: Whether to run in a sequence or concurrently? The concurrent users trend for functional automation What if, you have a time frame and you have to finish test execution within that time frame. Possible Option 1: Reduce the number of testing cases by sampling and execute only the selective ones Possible Option 2: Execute 100 test cases on one machine, another 100 on second machine and so on. How about this idea of automating functional test cases using load testing tool ? This will help in executing multiple test cases at the same time. You can even execute thousand different test cases on an high end server and finish complete test suite execution in just few hours. Same set of functional test cases can be further used when doing actual performance testing.
  • 27. Q #10 : Whether to offer scripts to your end client The selling trend The selling trend Recent Trends indicate that soon test scripts will also be shipped along with the application. Every patch release will have the modified test scripts with it. Clients have started demanding automation scripts for doing their UAT and testing application during bug fixes. It has also become a new source of income for product companies, wherein additional cost can be billed for automation scripts which are anyways available with QA team. This also brings in additional budget for future automation effort and automation gets buy-in from senior management.
  • 28. Ten Questions: Six Choices and Four Trends Six Choices To automate or not to automate at all? The do or don’t choice To automate now or automate later? The time choice To automate through this or that? The tool choice To automate this or that? The test case choice Vertical Automation or Horizontal Automation? The flow choice Test data hard coded or Test data kept reusable? The data design choice Four Trends Keyword or functional decomposition? The combined trend Whether to automate and execute early? The agile trend Whether to run in a sequence or concurrently? The concurrent user trend 4. Whether to offer scripts to clients? The selling trend
  • 29. Sahi – Web automation tool -Open source web automation tool -Created by Narayan Venkatraman -Useful for automating functional testing and configuration testing. -Official sahi website -Commercial support available.
  • 30. Sahi – Benefits - Install once and use anywhere: Once Sahi server is running, tester can access Sahi Controller (aka IDE) from any supported browsers. - The browser accessible controller is an all in one utility including a script recorder, object inspector, log browser, debugger, utility to test code without recording etc. - Easy to learn, simple, powerful APIs. - Javascript as the scripting language - Built-in color coded HTML logs , accessible over browser - Extensible Javascript APIs (Does not need a rebuild) - Extensible on the server with Java - Parallel execution of tests (Does not require additional tools).
  • 31. Sahi – Architecture -Sahi server – runs as a proxy -Recording and Playback both is managed by sahi server. -Uses Rhino -DB connectivity managed by the proxy server
  • 32. Sahi – Demo -Configure the proxy. -Open IDE (Alt + Ctrl+ Double click) -Record -Playback -Functional decomposition (Fill-Click) -Test data management strategy. -Business process using keywords
  • 33. Uses in Agile -Good integration with build tools via ant tasks and command line -Can be used for continuous integration. -Can create highly reusable scripts -Easy to modify scripts.
  • 34. About ZenTEST Labs… Purpose Focus Sample List of clients Offshore Testing Centre Located at Pune, India 55 People Company Domain Expertise Finance and banking eLearning and education Document and Project Mgmt Technology Expertise Certified Mercury Product consultants Proprietary Test Automation Framework, viz. ZenFRAME Specialized testing services Highlights An independent testing company focusing on functionality testing and quality consulting. World’s number 1 automation provider World’s largest eLearning solutions provider Europe’s largest bank World’s number 2 computer manufacturer One of the world’s leading cash management solutions provider One of the world’s leading customer interaction software for payments Europe’s leading Infrastructure Management software provider. One of Middle East’s largest banking software providers To enable client experience ‘Zen’ through our Testing and Quality services
  • 35. About ZenTEST Labs. Testing Consulting Testing Projects Testing Training Outsourced Testing Functionality Testing Unit Testing Test Automation Projects Functional Automation Performance Testing Test Maintenance Projects Maintain Regression Suites Specialized Testing eLearning specific testing Security Testing Compliance Testing Localization Testing Usability Testing Agile Testing Mercury WinRunner/ QTP Mercury Load Runner Mercury Quality Center Rational Testing Tools Test Project Management Test Estimation Advanced Test Automation How to write test cases The mind of a software tester Test Process Assessment Automation Consulting Testing Project Management
  • 36. Further Help As a practice from our past STAR conferences talk, we shall be pleased to conduct this presentation at no cost over the phone for your team. Please email at [email_address] if you are interested in the same. To view other ZenTEST whitepapers and presentations, please visit download page.
  • 37. Bibliography When should a test be automated? Article by Brian Marick, 1998. When to automate testing David Weiss blog Agile Test Automation White paper by James Bach
  • 38. website: email: [email_address] blog: Thank You Sunil D Mukesh M