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Test Automation
Principles, Terminologies & Implementations
Steven Li
•Test Automation Principles & Terminologies
 Why Test Automation
 How to do Test Automation
 Terminologies about Test Automation (Sycamore)
•Implement the Terminologies in Automation Scripts
 General Conventions
 An Example - PET
Why Test Automation
Top 10 Reasons for Automating Tests - What people said
1. Manual testing sucks.
2. Tool vendor said
“Capture replay works.”
3. Fun to watch the
dialogs popping on the
4. “Afterwards we can fire
all those pesky
5. Everybody else is doing
6. “No humans were
harmed in the testing of
this software.”
7. Big bucks already spent
on the test tool.
8. Looks good on the
9. No Testing for Dummies
book ... yet.
10.Keep the intern busy.

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Test Management introduction

The document discusses test management for software quality assurance, including defining test management as organizing and controlling the testing process and artifacts. It covers the phases of test management like planning, authoring, execution, and reporting. Additionally, it discusses challenges in test management, priorities and classifications for testing, and the role and responsibilities of the test manager.

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Software Testing Process

Based on V-Model (Extention of Waterfall model). It describes Test Process. Including Test process,strategy,R&R,Testing model and techniques.

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Basic Guide to Manual Testing

In this presentation you will get brief idea about software testing, objective of software testing,testing life cycle & testing type.

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Reasons for Automating – What people want
• Speed up testing
• Allow more frequent testing
• Reduce manual labor costs
• Improve test coverage
• Ensure consistency
• Simplify testing
• Define the testing process
• Make testing more interesting and challenging
• Develop programming skills
• Justify cost of the tools
• Of course we’ll have automation!
How to do Test Automation
Keep it Simple, Sustainable
•Uniform/Common infrastructure
•Appropriate tools
•Manage source code, test data, tools
•Agreed Conventions within the team
•High-quality Scripts
•Gradual Test Automation
Quality of Automation Scripts
 Will the tests still run after product design changes?
 Will tests for 1.0 work with 2.0? And can be easily updated?
 Can others review and understand what is being covered?
 Are the scripts documented?, can we make sure it matches the original design?
 How about the coverage? How easy another engineer use the scripts for the next
 To what degree the assets can be reused to create more, different tests?
 Can they be reused in different releases, in different environments?
 Integrity
 Reliability

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The document discusses hybrid test automation frameworks. A hybrid framework combines aspects of data-driven and keyword-driven frameworks to eliminate their individual disadvantages. It allows testers to write tests using keywords without coding, while supporting bulk data changes and flexible execution like data-driven frameworks. The document proposes a sample hybrid framework where test data, page objects, and keywords are defined in an Excel file, eliminating the need for code. This provides reusability, maintainability and a low learning curve while maintaining flexibility.

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A brief that includes the following: - Software Testing - Quality Assurance - Quality Control - Types of Testing - Levels of Software Testing - Types of Performance Testing - API - Verification & Validation - Test Plan & Testing Strategy - Agile & Waterfall - Software Development Life Cycle - Career Path

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The document discusses various aspects of test management including organizational structures for testing, configuration management, test estimation and monitoring, incident management, and standards for testing. It describes different levels of independence for testing, such as testing by developers, testing by development teams, and independent test teams. It also outlines the importance of configuration management, estimating and measuring test progress, logging incidents, and following standards for quality assurance and industry-specific testing.

software testingistqb certificationiseb
Terminologies for
Test Automation
Architecture for Automation
Test Planning Test Preparation Test PerfectingTest Performing
Test Suite
Logical TestBed
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Suite
Physical TestBed
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Logical TestBed
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Plan
Test Step 1
Test Step 2
Test Step n
Test Task
Test Report
Specify TestBed & TestCase List
For a release
Set a task to run a plan
Runtime Options+
Runtime Options+
Detailed Runtime Information
Detailed TestBed Information
Test Case Result
Test Case Result
Test Case Result
Detailed Runtime Information
Detailed TestBed Information
Test Case Result
Test Case Result
Test Case Result
Test Suites
Test Plans
Logical TestBed
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Physical TestBed
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Execute a task
Test Bed
•Briefly, a test bed is the definition of the environment for a
specified test. A test bed include the hardware/software
and configuration/provisioning.
•There are two kinds of test beds:
 Logical TestBed. A logical test bed depicts all the elements and
configuration required for the test, but not indicate which exactly
elements will be used (i.e. the index or addresses are not required.)
 Physical TestBed. A physical test bed is an instantiation of a logical
test bed. A physical test bed exactly indicates which elements are
used in the test, and a test task can be really run on the test bed.
• Base State of a test bed
 The initial state of the test bed, ready for test case (group) start to
run with it.
 A self-cleaning test case (group) should get the test bed back to the
base state when the execution completed.
Test Case (group)
•A test case is a sequence of operations against a system
whose results can be used to determine if a requirement
or use case upon an application of the system is partially
or fully satisfied.
 A test case contains a set of test steps, and based on a particular
test bed.
 A test step is an atomic statement of a test case, can have pass/fail
result. Usually it contains one operation and the expected result.
 A set of test cases can be grouped in a test case file.
•Test Case File (test group):
 A test case file defines one or multiple test cases, which is based on
a clean test bed for running, and do self-cleaning after performing
all the cases one by one.
 A test group are a set of test cases saved in one test case file.

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The document discusses test automation process and framework. It provides details on what test automation means, benefits of automation, guidelines for identifying test cases to automate, challenges in automation, and components of an automation framework like data tables, libraries, object repositories, scripts, and results.

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API Testing With Katalon Studio
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API Testing With Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a free and robust automation solution for API, Web, and Mobile testing. It integrates all necessary components with built-in keywords and project templates into a complete automation framework. Katalon Studio is easy to use for beginners but still offers advanced capabilities for experienced users. This solution is trusted by an active community of over 150K users from 150+ countries around the world. In this knolx, we’ll take a look at what is API Testing and how the katalon studio is helpful in API Testing.

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Chapter 5 - Test Management
Chapter 5 - Test ManagementChapter 5 - Test Management
Chapter 5 - Test Management

Test Management as Chapter 5 of ISTQB Foundation 2018. Topics covered are Test Organization, Test Planning and Estimation, Test Monitoring and Control, Test Execution Schedule, Test Strategy, Risk and Testing, Defect Management

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Test Suite
•A suite of test cases, which share the same test bed to
verify a specified feature in a specified test area. Usually,
there are multiple test cases in one test suite.
•In automation scripts, a test suite includes:
 A test suite file: to describe the basic information of this test suite
 A logical test bed: to define the test bed which the test suite is
based on
 One or more test case files: each test case file is self-cleaning, so
that each file can run independently.
•Usually, test suite is feature oriented. It can be created
once the feature is introduced, and keep being improved
along the product life, or even product family life.
Test Plan
•A test plan is an instantiation of a subset of a test suite, in
which a set of test cases selected for a particular test for a
feature in a program; and indicate the physical test bed
for test performing.
 E.g. we have a BLSR_4F_2Node test suite, then we can make a plan
for SN16K R9.0 BLSR 4F 2Node Regression test, targeted run it in
two days.
•In automation scripts, a test plan includes:
 Test suite path/name
 The physical test bed, which is an instantiation of the logical test bed
 A test case file list, selected from the test suite
•Usually, a test plan is feature and release oriented. For
different releases, one can have different test plan for one
feature. And, a test plan should be defined in the test
preparation stage.
Test Task
•Test Task is a runtime concept, it defines when and how to
execute a test plan. Once a test task is executed, a test
report should be reproduced
•In automation scripts, a test task could be a command in
CLI, an item in TMS, or a file, which includes:
 The test plan path/name
 A schedule for the test plan running
 Runtime options, e.g. Halt or skip if any failure? Wait or fail if the
test bed is not available? Recycle or one-time running?
•Multiple test tasks can be created for a test plan, that
means, a test plan can be executed multiple times in a
•Usually, a test task is created in test performing stage by
the tester for one-time running, and will not be reused.
Test Report
•A test report is a result record of a test task.
•Test reports can also be organized by test plans or test
suites for broadened view to analyze requirements
•A test report should have the following information
 Runtime information: e.g. who/where/how had run this task with
what options?
 Detailed test bed information: e.g. build no. for each node, serial
numbers of elements, software versions
 Test results for each case and each step.
•A test report can be valuable just with a specified test bed
on which the test was running.

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There are many types of tools that support testing across the entire software development lifecycle. While automation can help improve testing, automating and testing require separate skills. Effective use of tools requires identifying the appropriate tests to automate through planning and effort, while maintaining control over the test automation process. Tools should support requirements testing, static analysis, test design, test data preparation, test execution, comparison, debugging, and test management.

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Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.


This document outlines a test plan template for testing a product. It includes sections for objectives and tasks, scope, testing strategy, hardware and environment requirements, test schedule, control procedures, features to be tested, resources and responsibilities, schedules, impacted departments, dependencies, risks, tools, and approvals. The testing strategy section describes the different types of testing to be performed, including unit, integration, performance, user acceptance, batch, regression, and beta testing. It provides definitions and outlines the methodology for each type. The document provides a framework to define all aspects of testing for a project.

•Test Automation Principles & Terminologies
 Why Test Automation
 How to do Test Automation
 Terminologies about Test Automation (Sycamore)
•Implement the Terminologies in Automation Scripts
 General Conventions
 An Example - PET
Classic Reasons for Automation Failure
10. No clear objectives for automation.
9. Minimal or No attention of non GUI automation.
8. Lack of methodology to success of the project.
7. Automation is easy Just record and playback. –
6. Aim for 100% automation.
5. Testing for automation scripts.
4. No clarity of real cost involved in automation.
3. Automation is part time job of testers.
2. Wrong selection of Test cases.
1. Not treating automation as software development.
General Conventions
A flexible framework
•General framework allows users define format and
•User defined languages for:
 Test bed
 Test cases
 Test report
 Test task
 Scheduler ….
•General format
 Perl, Python
 Simply BDD language,
 Spreadsheet

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Do you have traceability where you can efficiently determine the cause of defects if there was an unclear requirement? Are you sure your test cases cover your requirements? Can you easily execute targeted regression when you’ve updated your software’s functionality? Now with software development teams mostly working from home or in dispersed geographies, supporting effective collaboration between remote workers is critical. In this XBOSoft quarterly webinar, our CEO, Philip Lew, teams up with BDQ’s CEO Chris Bland, to discuss the problems with working remotely, integrating the phases of testing in development in an Agile, and how this can be done using Zephyr, one of the predominant plugins in the Atlassian marketplace for test management. In this webinar, you will learn how to: --Link tests with user stories and group tests within test cycles. --Tie your results (defects) all the way back to user stories for effective defect root cause analysis. --Classify defects to analyze and prioritize your test efforts. --Use the traceability matrix with Zephr for deep visibility into your Agile process.

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Plug-in technology
•A platform should support a general framework
•All support simple plug in
An example: PET
•Pet: Peal Engine for Test
 It is not just for Perl testing, but
 Implement a framework to support different test format
 It is independent to run as an application
 Or, to be used as a library for your bigger framework
•Key engine: Test Recorder
•Download from:
An example: PET
What is Pet?
•Pet – Perl Engine for Test
 Perl: Pet is based on Perl. It can run on almost any platforms
 Engine: It will speed up your work, and provide lots of benefit
 Test: It is designed for test, not just for test execution, but test
management as well
Support different products
TEA XML Perl …
Support different format/language
Support different outputs
Test Plans/Suites
Pet Engine
Test Cases
Test Beds

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The document discusses test automation frameworks and the page object model pattern. It recommends treating automated testing as software development with principles like separation of concerns. The page object model pattern models pages as objects and allows tests to interact with pages through page object classes. Data driven testing is also discussed where test data is stored externally in spreadsheets or databases and passed into tests.

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Dr. Yongyan Wang presented on a test automation framework (TAF). Some key points: - TAF is an open source framework for automating repeatable tasks across different languages/tools. It uses a distributed architecture. - Challenges addressed include making automation independent of test/tool types and ensuring consistency. TAF's design focuses on repeatability, adaptability, and a simple web interface. - A demonstration showed how TAF can simplify test management and provide pass/fail reports. It also integrates other tools like AutoIt and allows command-line usage. - TAF aims to make automation easy, reliable, reusable, and independent through its structured approach and extens

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Why you need Pet?
•TestRecorder Module embedded in Pet
 You will get test results via different channels
 Console output, HTML files for Web, E-mail notification, TMS database, and more if you request
 All the channels can be configured, you can select any of them as you like/need when running your scripts.
 A bunch of test recorder functions provided
•Multi-format supported for scripts writing
 Pure-perl
 TEA format compliant
 Or mix-programming
 You can use Perl in your TEA case file; or use TEA format in Perl scripts
 Spreadsheet cases
• Scripts running control
 A mechanism provided to run scripts case by case, or step by step
 Runtime control provided, by “Ctrl-c”
 Failure handling, for collect information in your scripts.
 Error handling, If there is some syntax problem in your scripts, Pet
will let you know.
How to run Pet – the 1st
• Pet looks complicated, but we make it simple
• Let’s start
a. Log into an automation Server using your unix account
• (Shanghai) or (Chicago)
• Run Pet
-bash-3.2$ pet
/usr/bin/pet requires arguments. Try ‘pet –h’ for help.
-bash-3.2$ pet -h
Usage: Pet [-cnhpv] [testplanfile] [switches] [arguments]
-u UserName indicate the who is running the test scripts. Pet will get the user name from OS if no this option
-h print Usage hints
-l OutputDir indicate the output directory of log. tmppetusername will be used for the default output directory
-m the mail address for test result reports
-v print version, subversion <includes VERY IMPORTANT Pet functionality info>
-d [:debugger] run program under debugger (future)
-b BuildNumber indicate the build number of the system/software under test
-n new a test plan file in current directory based on the existing test bed and test case files
-p parse the test plan and print the case list to the standard output
-r ReleaseName indicate the release name/number of the system/software under test
-o [tms/console/html/xml/txt] indicate the environment of the Pet. Local run by default
-c Pet will just check test bed availability, instead running all cases in the test case list
-t TaskID indicate the test task ID for TMS. This option is just required by TMS to run the Pet
EST_QUIT] continue the program or stop it when there is a case fail
Pet running examples
•Run a Perl file
 $ pet –r 1.0
•Run a Perl-format test plan
 $ pet example_pl.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.8
•Run a Tea-format test plan
 $ pet example_tea.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.7 –m
•More parameters
 $ pet example_tea.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.7 –u xli –m –t 53432 –o CONSOLE – l /tmp/xli
•Parse TestPlan
 $pet –p exampletp.xml
•Pet Basic
•Quick Start
 Understand test plan, test suite, test bed and test suite
 Create your own test task
 Testbed modification
 Testcase files selection
 Where you get the results?
 Email, HTML, TMS?
•I want to do some change
•Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts
•Dig into Pet

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Terms – Test Plan/Bed/Suite/Task/Report
•See details in
 Previous slides
•Pet is to run a test plan in which
 Test Bed, Test Suite, Test Case list are specified
•A test plan example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

! Use Relative paths in your test plan, instead of absolute ones !
Create your own test task
•Create/Modify TestBed file
•Create/Modify test plan file
 Indicate the test suite file
 Indicate the test bed file
 TestCase files selection
 Again, Use the relative paths, instead of absolute ones
•Demo …
Where is my test results?
•Important Environment Variables
 Get it by running ‘set’ in Linux
-bash-3.2$ set
… #results will be sent to this mail.
# All logs will be recorded
#The place to save output results
TESTRECTO='CONSOLE|HTML|EMAIL‘ #You can get results through Console, Email and HTML files.
•Pet Basic
•Quick Start
•I want to do some change
 Use default output options
 Set Pet Environment Variables
 Set Pet Options in your scripts
•Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts
•Dig into Pet

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The document contains questions and answers related to Cucumber integration with Selenium. It discusses how to integrate Cucumber and Selenium by creating a Maven project and adding the Cucumber dependency. It also addresses the need for a feature file and step definition file to run Cucumber tests and the use of tags to filter scenarios. Finally, it compares Cucumber to other frameworks like JBehave and RSpec.

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All about TestRecorder
•TestRecorder Manual
•TestRecorder Training Slides
•Default TestRecorder Options had been set in automation
servers for all users
•You need to set TESTMAILTO
•You can also set your own Recorder Options in your profile
Use different options for a particular test
•Two ways to go
 1) Specify your options as arguments when you run your test
 pet myplan.xml –m –r 1.2 –b 1 –l /tmp/xli/
 This time, will get the result, and all results
files will be save in /tmp/xli in the automation server
 pet myplan.xml –u goldman –r 1.2 –b 3.8 –f STOP_ON_CASE_FAIL
 This time, pet will think the goldman is running the scripts, instead of
you, the one log into the server, and scripts will stop once there is a
case fail.
 2) Set in your scripts (not recommended)
 See more in TestRecorder Training Slides
•Pet Basic
•Quick Start
•I want to do some change
•Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts
 Call Flow in Pet
 TestSuite file writing
 TestBed & TestCase file
 Pure Perl programming
 TEA format programming
 Mix-mode programming
•Dig into Pet
Call Flow in Pet
•Typical call flow
Import TestSuite
(run testsuite file)
Import TestBed
(run PhyTestBed file)
TestBed Setup
Test Start
Test End
TestBed Cleanup
Run CaseFiles #1
Case, Step & TestLog
related functions (defined
in TestRecorder) can be
used here, and all activities
will be recorded by Pet.

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TestSuite file
•TestSuite file has to be a Perl file
•It could be very simple
•The simplest example:
# A Test Suite Example
use IQsteam::Objects; # it means you will test a IQstream system
•The template:
## use the necessary packages here
use IQsteam::Objects;
sub TestBedSetup {
#add your scripts here#
sub TestBedClearup {
#add your scripts here#
TestSuite file is serving the test suite
•Anything related to the test suite should be defined in it
•It may contain
 The packages to be used in the test suite
 The attributes of the test suite
 Test Bed base state definition (TestBed Setup)
 How to recover the test bed after test completes
 Any variables/data to be used in the test suite, but not related to a
particular physical test bed
 Any functions definition for test cases & Test bed initiation
 E.g. the defined for Lab Pcap running
TestBed & Test Case files
•Test Bed design
 Define variables/data related to particular test beds, i.e. Any
parameters may change when you change your test bed to do the
same test
•Test Case file design
 Test Case file is just to define test procedures
 Test Case files should not be modified when you run your test on
different test beds
 Case / Step / TestLog related functions defined in TestRecorder will
be used in TestCase Files
 Test Cases defined in one TestCase file should be self-clean for
better test plan making
TestBed & TestCase Files – Pure Perl
•TestBed Example (from WebUI test suite)
our $BrowserType='*iexplore';
our $BrowserURL='';
our $CNIPAddress='';
our $client_IP='';
our $PortNumber='4444';
 All the definitions are about the particular test bed, and can be easily
changed when you run it in another test bed.
•TestSuite Example
CaseStart(“Just an example");
InfoMsg(“All the following steps should pass!");
Step(3*2==6, "3*2==6");
Like(“Shanghai”, “Sh”, “Shanghai =~ Sh");
Is(3*2, 6, "3*2 is 6?");
} CaseEnd();
CaseStart(“Other Cases….”); {…} CaseEnd();
More Functions, please
see TestRecorder Manual

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The document discusses font choices for a pop magazine called "We Love Pop". It considers fonts with hearts, flowers, stars, and simplistic designs that could fit the pop genre. A heart font is chosen for the masthead to represent love and follow conventions of pop magazines. Handwriting fonts will provide a personal connection for the readership while basic texts convey facts. A mixture of bold and childish fonts on the final cover design make the magazine fit the pop genre visually.

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Test automation principles, terminologies and implementations

  • 1. Test Automation Principles, Terminologies & Implementations Steven Li
  • 2. 2 Outline •Test Automation Principles & Terminologies  Why Test Automation  How to do Test Automation  Terminologies about Test Automation (Sycamore) •Implement the Terminologies in Automation Scripts  General Conventions  An Example - PET
  • 4. 4 Top 10 Reasons for Automating Tests - What people said 1. Manual testing sucks. 2. Tool vendor said “Capture replay works.” 3. Fun to watch the dialogs popping on the screen. 4. “Afterwards we can fire all those pesky testers.” 5. Everybody else is doing it. 6. “No humans were harmed in the testing of this software.” 7. Big bucks already spent on the test tool. 8. Looks good on the resume. 9. No Testing for Dummies book ... yet. 10.Keep the intern busy.
  • 5. 5 Reasons for Automating – What people want • Speed up testing • Allow more frequent testing • Reduce manual labor costs • Improve test coverage • Ensure consistency • Simplify testing • Define the testing process • Make testing more interesting and challenging • Develop programming skills • Justify cost of the tools • Of course we’ll have automation!
  • 6. How to do Test Automation
  • 7. 7 Keep it Simple, Sustainable •Uniform/Common infrastructure •Appropriate tools •Manage source code, test data, tools •Agreed Conventions within the team •High-quality Scripts •Gradual Test Automation
  • 8. 8 Quality of Automation Scripts •Maintainability  Will the tests still run after product design changes?  Will tests for 1.0 work with 2.0? And can be easily updated? •Reviewability  Can others review and understand what is being covered?  Are the scripts documented?, can we make sure it matches the original design?  How about the coverage? How easy another engineer use the scripts for the next release? •Reusability  To what degree the assets can be reused to create more, different tests?  Can they be reused in different releases, in different environments? •Dependability  Integrity  Reliability •Repeatability •Independence •Performance •Simplicity
  • 10. 10 Architecture for Automation Test Planning Test Preparation Test PerfectingTest Performing Test Suite Logical TestBed Test Case Test Case … Test Case Test Suite … Physical TestBed Test Case Test Case … Test Case Test Case Logical TestBed Test Case Test Case … Test Case Test Case Test Plan … Test Step 1 Test Step 2 … Test Step n Test Task … … Test Report Specify TestBed & TestCase List For a release Set a task to run a plan Schedule Runtime Options+ Schedule Runtime Options+ Detailed Runtime Information Detailed TestBed Information Test Case Result Test Case Result … Test Case Result Detailed Runtime Information Detailed TestBed Information Test Case Result Test Case Result … Test Case Result Revised Test Suites Test Plans Logical TestBed Test Case Test Case … Test Case Physical TestBed Test Case Test Case … Test Case Execute a task
  • 11. 11 Test Bed •Briefly, a test bed is the definition of the environment for a specified test. A test bed include the hardware/software and configuration/provisioning. •There are two kinds of test beds:  Logical TestBed. A logical test bed depicts all the elements and configuration required for the test, but not indicate which exactly elements will be used (i.e. the index or addresses are not required.)  Physical TestBed. A physical test bed is an instantiation of a logical test bed. A physical test bed exactly indicates which elements are used in the test, and a test task can be really run on the test bed. • Base State of a test bed  The initial state of the test bed, ready for test case (group) start to run with it.  A self-cleaning test case (group) should get the test bed back to the base state when the execution completed.
  • 12. 12 Test Case (group) •A test case is a sequence of operations against a system whose results can be used to determine if a requirement or use case upon an application of the system is partially or fully satisfied.  A test case contains a set of test steps, and based on a particular test bed.  A test step is an atomic statement of a test case, can have pass/fail result. Usually it contains one operation and the expected result.  A set of test cases can be grouped in a test case file. •Test Case File (test group):  A test case file defines one or multiple test cases, which is based on a clean test bed for running, and do self-cleaning after performing all the cases one by one.  A test group are a set of test cases saved in one test case file.
  • 13. 13 Test Suite •A suite of test cases, which share the same test bed to verify a specified feature in a specified test area. Usually, there are multiple test cases in one test suite. •In automation scripts, a test suite includes:  A test suite file: to describe the basic information of this test suite  A logical test bed: to define the test bed which the test suite is based on  One or more test case files: each test case file is self-cleaning, so that each file can run independently. •Usually, test suite is feature oriented. It can be created once the feature is introduced, and keep being improved along the product life, or even product family life.
  • 14. 14 Test Plan •A test plan is an instantiation of a subset of a test suite, in which a set of test cases selected for a particular test for a feature in a program; and indicate the physical test bed for test performing.  E.g. we have a BLSR_4F_2Node test suite, then we can make a plan for SN16K R9.0 BLSR 4F 2Node Regression test, targeted run it in two days. •In automation scripts, a test plan includes:  Test suite path/name  The physical test bed, which is an instantiation of the logical test bed  A test case file list, selected from the test suite •Usually, a test plan is feature and release oriented. For different releases, one can have different test plan for one feature. And, a test plan should be defined in the test preparation stage.
  • 15. 15 Test Task •Test Task is a runtime concept, it defines when and how to execute a test plan. Once a test task is executed, a test report should be reproduced •In automation scripts, a test task could be a command in CLI, an item in TMS, or a file, which includes:  The test plan path/name  A schedule for the test plan running  Runtime options, e.g. Halt or skip if any failure? Wait or fail if the test bed is not available? Recycle or one-time running? •Multiple test tasks can be created for a test plan, that means, a test plan can be executed multiple times in a release. •Usually, a test task is created in test performing stage by the tester for one-time running, and will not be reused.
  • 16. 16 Test Report •A test report is a result record of a test task. •Test reports can also be organized by test plans or test suites for broadened view to analyze requirements satisfaction. •A test report should have the following information  Runtime information: e.g. who/where/how had run this task with what options?  Detailed test bed information: e.g. build no. for each node, serial numbers of elements, software versions  Test results for each case and each step. •A test report can be valuable just with a specified test bed on which the test was running.
  • 17. 17 Outline •Test Automation Principles & Terminologies  Why Test Automation  How to do Test Automation  Terminologies about Test Automation (Sycamore) •Implement the Terminologies in Automation Scripts  General Conventions  An Example - PET
  • 18. 18 Classic Reasons for Automation Failure 10. No clear objectives for automation. 9. Minimal or No attention of non GUI automation. 8. Lack of methodology to success of the project. 7. Automation is easy Just record and playback. – 6. Aim for 100% automation. 5. Testing for automation scripts. 4. No clarity of real cost involved in automation. 3. Automation is part time job of testers. 2. Wrong selection of Test cases. 1. Not treating automation as software development.
  • 20. 20 A flexible framework •General framework allows users define format and language •User defined languages for:  Test bed  Test cases  Test report  Test task  Scheduler …. •General format  XML  Perl, Python  Simply BDD language,  Spreadsheet
  • 21. 21 Plug-in technology •A platform should support a general framework •All support simple plug in •
  • 22. 22 An example: PET •Pet: Peal Engine for Test  It is not just for Perl testing, but  Implement a framework to support different test format  It is independent to run as an application  Or, to be used as a library for your bigger framework •Key engine: Test Recorder •Download from:
  • 24. 24 What is Pet? •Pet – Perl Engine for Test  Perl: Pet is based on Perl. It can run on almost any platforms  Engine: It will speed up your work, and provide lots of benefit  Test: It is designed for test, not just for test execution, but test management as well IQstream WebUI SN9K/3K/16K … Support different products Console HTML TMS E-Mail … TEA XML Perl … Support different format/language Support different outputs Test Plans/Suites Pet Engine Library Key-Words Objects … Test Cases Test Beds TestRecorder
  • 25. 25 Why you need Pet? •TestRecorder Module embedded in Pet  You will get test results via different channels  Console output, HTML files for Web, E-mail notification, TMS database, and more if you request  All the channels can be configured, you can select any of them as you like/need when running your scripts.  A bunch of test recorder functions provided •Multi-format supported for scripts writing  Pure-perl  TEA format compliant  Or mix-programming  You can use Perl in your TEA case file; or use TEA format in Perl scripts  Spreadsheet cases • Scripts running control  A mechanism provided to run scripts case by case, or step by step  Runtime control provided, by “Ctrl-c”  Failure handling, for collect information in your scripts.  Error handling, If there is some syntax problem in your scripts, Pet will let you know.
  • 26. 26 How to run Pet – the 1st step • Pet looks complicated, but we make it simple • Let’s start a. Log into an automation Server using your unix account • (Shanghai) or (Chicago) • Run Pet -bash-3.2$ pet /usr/bin/pet requires arguments. Try ‘pet –h’ for help. -bash-3.2$ pet -h Usage: Pet [-cnhpv] [testplanfile] [switches] [arguments] -u UserName indicate the who is running the test scripts. Pet will get the user name from OS if no this option -h print Usage hints -l OutputDir indicate the output directory of log. tmppetusername will be used for the default output directory -m the mail address for test result reports -v print version, subversion <includes VERY IMPORTANT Pet functionality info> -d [:debugger] run program under debugger (future) -b BuildNumber indicate the build number of the system/software under test -n new a test plan file in current directory based on the existing test bed and test case files -p parse the test plan and print the case list to the standard output -r ReleaseName indicate the release name/number of the system/software under test -o [tms/console/html/xml/txt] indicate the environment of the Pet. Local run by default -c Pet will just check test bed availability, instead running all cases in the test case list -t TaskID indicate the test task ID for TMS. This option is just required by TMS to run the Pet -f [KEEP_RUNNING/STOP_ON_STEP_FAIL/STOP_ON_CASE_FAIL/PROMPT_ON_FAIL/PROMPT_BY_STEP/PROMPT_BY_CASE/T EST_QUIT] continue the program or stop it when there is a case fail
  • 27. 27 Pet running examples •Run a Perl file  $ pet –r 1.0 •Run a Perl-format test plan  $ pet example_pl.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.8 •Run a Tea-format test plan  $ pet example_tea.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.7 –m •More parameters  $ pet example_tea.xml –r 1.2 –b B2.7 –u xli –m –t 53432 –o CONSOLE – l /tmp/xli •Parse TestPlan  $pet –p exampletp.xml
  • 28. 28 Outline •Pet Basic •Quick Start  Understand test plan, test suite, test bed and test suite  Create your own test task  Testbed modification  Testcase files selection  Where you get the results?  Email, HTML, TMS? •I want to do some change •Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts •Dig into Pet
  • 29. 29 Terms – Test Plan/Bed/Suite/Task/Report •See details in  Previous slides •Pet is to run a test plan in which  Test Bed, Test Suite, Test Case list are specified •A test plan example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Test Engineer: Guo, Hugh --> <!-- Program: Pet Example --> <!-- Description: Tea-type example test plan --> <TestPlan SuiteFile="../" PhysicalTestBedFile="../PhysicalTestBeds/example_tb.ttb"> <TestCases> <File>../TestCases/example_tc.ttc</File> </TestCases> </TestPlan> ! Use Relative paths in your test plan, instead of absolute ones !
  • 30. 30 Create your own test task •Create/Modify TestBed file •Create/Modify test plan file  Indicate the test suite file  Indicate the test bed file  TestCase files selection  Again, Use the relative paths, instead of absolute ones •Demo …
  • 31. 31 Where is my test results? •Important Environment Variables  Get it by running ‘set’ in Linux -bash-3.2$ set … #results will be sent to this mail. TESTRECOPT='TESTSUMMARY|TESTDETAIL|TESTLOG|ERRORLOG|WARNINGLOG|INFOLOG|DEBUGLOG‘ # All logs will be recorded TESTRECPATH=/shared1/users/IQstream_Result/auto_pet/output/ #The place to save output results TESTRECTO='CONSOLE|HTML|EMAIL‘ #You can get results through Console, Email and HTML files. … •Demo…
  • 32. 32 Outline •Pet Basic •Quick Start •I want to do some change  Use default output options  Set Pet Environment Variables  TESTRECOPT, TESTRECPATH, TESTRECTO, TESTMAILTO  Set Pet Options in your scripts •Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts •Dig into Pet
  • 33. 33 All about TestRecorder •TestRecorder Manual  rder.htm •TestRecorder Training Slides  %20PET%20step%20by%20step.ppt •Default TestRecorder Options had been set in automation servers for all users  For TestRECTO, TESTRECPATH, TESTRECOPT •You need to set TESTMAILTO •You can also set your own Recorder Options in your profile
  • 34. 34 Use different options for a particular test •Two ways to go  1) Specify your options as arguments when you run your test  pet myplan.xml –m –r 1.2 –b 1 –l /tmp/xli/  This time, will get the result, and all results files will be save in /tmp/xli in the automation server  pet myplan.xml –u goldman –r 1.2 –b 3.8 –f STOP_ON_CASE_FAIL  This time, pet will think the goldman is running the scripts, instead of you, the one log into the server, and scripts will stop once there is a case fail.  2) Set in your scripts (not recommended)  See more in TestRecorder Training Slides
  • 35. 35 Outline •Pet Basic •Quick Start •I want to do some change •Advanced: How can I use Pet to write scripts  Call Flow in Pet  TestSuite file writing  TestBed & TestCase file  Pure Perl programming  TEA format programming  Mix-mode programming •Dig into Pet
  • 36. 36 Call Flow in Pet •Typical call flow Import TestSuite (run testsuite file) Import TestBed (run PhyTestBed file) TestBed Setup Test Start Test End TestBed Cleanup Run CaseFiles #1 #2 … #n Case, Step & TestLog related functions (defined in TestRecorder) can be used here, and all activities will be recorded by Pet.
  • 37. 37 TestSuite file •TestSuite file has to be a Perl file •It could be very simple •The simplest example: # A Test Suite Example use IQsteam::Objects; # it means you will test a IQstream system •The template: ## use the necessary packages here use IQsteam::Objects; sub TestBedSetup { #add your scripts here# 1; } sub TestBedClearup { #add your scripts here# 1; } 1;
  • 38. 38 TestSuite file is serving the test suite •Anything related to the test suite should be defined in it •It may contain  The packages to be used in the test suite  The attributes of the test suite  Test Bed base state definition (TestBed Setup)  How to recover the test bed after test completes  Any variables/data to be used in the test suite, but not related to a particular physical test bed  Any functions definition for test cases & Test bed initiation  E.g. the defined for Lab Pcap running
  • 39. 39 TestBed & Test Case files •Test Bed design  Define variables/data related to particular test beds, i.e. Any parameters may change when you change your test bed to do the same test •Test Case file design  Test Case file is just to define test procedures  Test Case files should not be modified when you run your test on different test beds  Case / Step / TestLog related functions defined in TestRecorder will be used in TestCase Files  Test Cases defined in one TestCase file should be self-clean for better test plan making
  • 40. 40 TestBed & TestCase Files – Pure Perl •TestBed Example (from WebUI test suite) our $BrowserType='*iexplore'; our $BrowserURL=''; our $CNIPAddress=''; our $client_IP=''; our $PortNumber='4444';  All the definitions are about the particular test bed, and can be easily changed when you run it in another test bed. •TestSuite Example CaseStart(“Just an example"); { InfoMsg(“All the following steps should pass!"); Step(3*2==6, "3*2==6"); Like(“Shanghai”, “Sh”, “Shanghai =~ Sh"); Is(3*2, 6, "3*2 is 6?"); } CaseEnd(); …… CaseStart(“Other Cases….”); {…} CaseEnd(); More Functions, please see TestRecorder Manual

Editor's Notes

  1. Actually, Pet is not a good name, since it is really like a robot or a dog, instead of a pet, which need you to take care of. On the contrast, it provide much more benefit to you, and help you