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<ReactApp />Style
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Handal Yang Bisa Berjaya Di Negara Sendiri"
Hi, I’m Riza
Let’s talk about styling

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Single-page applications and Grails
Single-page applications and GrailsSingle-page applications and Grails
Single-page applications and Grails

This document discusses single-page internet applications (SPI apps) and their implementation using Grails. SPI apps use JavaScript for their model, views, and controllers in the browser, communicating with a REST API on the server. While SPI apps provide faster loading and a better user experience, they require replicating the MVC pattern in JavaScript. Grails 3.0 will support different profiles including REST that simplify the server-side logic. Popular JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and Ember.js provide similar features to Grails like models, views/templates, and controllers. The TodoMVC site demonstrates these frameworks.

Super tools to boost productivity in React dev env!
Super tools to boost productivity in React dev env!Super tools to boost productivity in React dev env!
Super tools to boost productivity in React dev env!

This document discusses various tools that can boost productivity for frontend developers. It covers tools for prototyping, design, coding, debugging, testing, building, deploying, releasing, supporting, and learning code. Some key tools mentioned include pencil and paper, Mural, Sketch, Figma, VS Code, React Boilerplate, Storybook, Chrome Dev Tools, Jest, Netlify, LogRocket, and Udemy courses. The document emphasizes learning fundamentals, ergonomic setups, regular breaks, and maintaining a holistic lifestyle to maximize productivity.

Continuous delivery@LesFurets - DC Continuous delivery meetup
Continuous delivery@LesFurets - DC Continuous delivery meetupContinuous delivery@LesFurets - DC Continuous delivery meetup
Continuous delivery@LesFurets - DC Continuous delivery meetup

The document discusses the journey of an insurance comparison website from 10-12 releases per year using a traditional development process to daily releases using a continuous delivery approach. Key aspects of the continuous delivery approach implemented include adopting Kanban workflows, validating and deploying each feature independently with automated deployment scripts, integrating production monitoring, and maintaining a clean codebase. This has allowed the organization to increase release frequency from every 3 weeks to daily while empowering individual developers and teams.

Good Old CSS
Brand New

React Styling
Good Old CSS
Options For CSS
CSS Preprocessors

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Wikihow webbflow | HYDRA
Wikihow webbflow | HYDRAWikihow webbflow | HYDRA
Wikihow webbflow | HYDRA

How to speed up your process 10x as a designer using webflow Resources to learn Webflow university: FLUX videos (this guy is awesome): PixelGeek:


The document discusses Blazor, a new web framework that uses C# and .NET to build client-side web UI using WebAssembly. It begins with background on JavaScript and WebAssembly. It then covers the key aspects of Blazor like components, routing, dependency injection. It addresses concerns about older browser support and downloading the .NET runtime. Overall, the document provides an introduction to Blazor highlighting its benefits and community projects while also addressing some potential concerns.

Node on Windows Azure
Node on Windows AzureNode on Windows Azure
Node on Windows Azure

The document discusses running Node.js applications on Windows Azure. It begins with an introduction to Node.js and demos of building a simple Node.js app. It then discusses how LinkedIn uses Node.js extensively for their mobile backend. Finally, it covers deploying Node.js apps to Windows Azure Websites, including support for Node.js, tools like NPM, and databases like MongoDB on Azure.

node.jsazurewindows azure
Good Old CSS

// index.css
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: sans-serif;

// App.jsx
import './index.css'
/>, document.getElementById('root')
Styling Your CSS Using

// index.styl
-webkit-border-radius: arguments
-moz-border-radius: arguments
border-radius: arguments

// react.js
import './index.styl'
const CoolButton = () 
=> (
<button className=‘cool_button’>Confirm

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CraftCamp for Students - Introduction to JHipster

This document discusses JHipster, an open source tool for generating and developing modern web applications in Java. JHipster uses Spring Boot and AngularJS to generate a frontend and backend for a web app that is production-ready out of the box with features like HTTP caching, JavaScript minification, monitoring, and logging. It presents JHipster as a foundation for building fast, scalable web apps using trends like microservices and NoSQL databases. A demo JHipster app is provided and the basics of using JHipster are explained, with pointers to documentation and other resources to get started.

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Deep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.jsDeep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.js

Vue.js의 깊은 곳을 알아봅시다. 1. Vue.js Architecture 2. Observing 3. Rendering 4. Vue.js Package * 이 자료는 VUE.TIFULE KOREA 6회에서 발표한 자료입니다.

Frameworks for Web Development
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Frameworks for Web Development

It is a must to Adapt the latest Frameworks to become a Best Web Development Firm. Frameworks have become an essential part of web development as the standards of Web Applications are always rising.

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Bad For Dynamic UI

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MVP with GWT and GWTP
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MVP with GWT and GWTP

ArcBees is a company founded by Christian Goudreau and Philippe Beaudoin that develops two open source projects: GWT Platform (GWTP) and Jukito. GWTP is a framework that uses the Model-View-Presenter pattern to build complex browser-based applications in Java that get compiled to JavaScript. It allows for loosely coupled and testable code and includes features like MVP lifecycle functions, activities and places for navigation, and support for advanced topics like security and client-server communications. GWTP and GWT are best suited for structured enterprise web applications rather than small sites or functional programming projects.

Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and BackboneJavascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone

Introduction and Comparison of polpular JS Frameworks Knockout, Ember, Angular and Backbone. The presentation descrobes How and when to select each framework.

GWTcon 2015 - Best development practices for GWT web applications
GWTcon 2015 - Best development practices for GWT web applications GWTcon 2015 - Best development practices for GWT web applications
GWTcon 2015 - Best development practices for GWT web applications

Best development practices for GWT web applications Conference by Christian Goudreau, at GWT Con 2015. Christian Goudreau is BEE-EO AND CO-FOUNDER at Arcbees. You can follow Christian on Twitter : @imchrisgoudreau

#arcbees #gwt #gwtcon #gwtp
React-based Styling
Styling Your React App
// cool.js
import styles from './styles.css'
export const CoolButton = (props) 
=> {
return (
<button className={}>{this.props.text}

/* styles.css 
.red {
font-size: 25px;
background-color: red;
color: white;

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Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular, and Spring Boot - GeeCON 2017
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Building a PWA with Ionic, Angular, and Spring Boot - GeeCON 2017

In this session, I show how to build a Progressive Web App (PWA) using Ionic, Angular, and Spring Boot. PWAs are being hyped as the next big thing in mobile development. This talk will cut through the hype and get down to the nitty-gritty. Are they really better than native applications? Can you develop PWAs and easily target mobile and desktop with the same application? Tutorial used for demo: Source code:

introduction to Vue.js 3
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introduction to Vue.js 3

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces and is used for single-page applications. It was created by Evan You and released in 2014. Vue.js uses declarative templates and reactive data binding to render the view layer for an application. Templates in Vue use HTML-based syntax with directives prefixed with v- to dynamically bind expression results. Common directives include v-bind, v-if, and v-for. Vue.js applications can be built with its core library or integrated with other libraries and frameworks.

Oleksandr Skachkov "Running С# in your Web Browser with WebAssembly"
Oleksandr Skachkov "Running С# in your Web Browser with WebAssembly"Oleksandr Skachkov "Running С# in your Web Browser with WebAssembly"
Oleksandr Skachkov "Running С# in your Web Browser with WebAssembly"

WebAssembly is increasing its popularity and more a more languages support WebAssembly. We will overview what WebAssembly is, how it works and what key features has. Also we will take a look at Blazor, the new framework from Microsoft that allows to build a .NET application running in a browser.

Styling Your React App
Styling Your React App
React Style

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Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017
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Get Hip with Java Hipster - JavaOne 2017

Building a modern web application requires a lot of tools, frameworks, and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks such as Angular, Spring Boot, and Bootstrap. Learn how Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern web apps, works with JHipster to generate a project that uses Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Webpack, WebSockets, and BrowserSync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms, including classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, and JWT-based authentication. For production deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for AWS, Cloud Foundry, Heroku, Docker, and Kubernetes.

20210411 全端網頁開發起手式:建構並佈署Angular網頁應用程式至GCP
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20210411 全端網頁開發起手式:建構並佈署Angular網頁應用程式至GCP

GDG Taoyuan 2021 #01 全端網頁開發起手式:建構並佈署Angular網頁應用程式至GCP Beginner Full Stack Web Development: Build and deploy an Angular webapp to GCP

angulargoogle cloud platformgoogle app engine
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This document provides an introduction and overview of React, including: - What React is and who is using it - The core concepts of React including components, one-way data flow, and the virtual DOM - Why React is popular due to its cross-platform capabilities, performance advantages of the virtual DOM, and being maintained by Facebook - How to get started with React using create-react-app and building a basic component

import StyleSheet from 'react-style'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
primary: {
backgroundColor: 'green'
button: {
padding: '1em'

// media queries
'@media (max-width: 200px)': {
button: {
width: '100%'


<button styles={[styles.button, styles.primary]}>Confirm
Styling Your React App
import styles from './styles.js'
<button styles={[styles.button, styles.primary]}>Confirm

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This document provides advice on choosing co-founders and building a startup team. It recommends finding a co-founder to share the stress of starting a business and distribute responsibilities. Investors see the startup as a team, so choosing a co-founder is the most important decision. The document advises picking no more than 3 co-founders, as 2-3 is ideal and 5 can be a disaster. It is better to have no co-founder than a bad one, and if not technical, a technical co-founder is a must. The document also recommends starting small and only hiring when desperately needed to avoid bad hires that can kill a startup.

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This document provides code examples for implementing various networking and internet protocols in Java, including: 1. A protocol scanner that tests which protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.) are supported for a given URL. 2. A port scanner that detects which ports on a given host are open or closed. 3. Code to download and parse an HTML page from a URL. 4. A knock-knock joke client-server application implementing a protocol to exchange jokes over a network.

Styling Your React App
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The document discusses React Native, a framework that allows developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It highlights that native mobile app development is difficult due to issues like lack of code sharing and low iteration speed. React Native addresses these issues by allowing developers to write once and deploy their code to both Android and iOS. The document provides an overview of React Native concepts like components, styling, and setup instructions for Android development. It concludes by noting benefits like fast iteration and the ability to deploy code updates directly to users without app store approval.

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This document promotes the Meteor JavaScript platform for building web and mobile apps. It summarizes Meteor's features like reactive rendering, database synchronization, and cross-platform support. It highlights Meteor's ease of use with minimal code and rapid prototyping. Examples are given of companies using Meteor like Workpop. Meteor's growing community is also noted. The document concludes by introducing Riza Fahmi, who manages startups and is a polyglot developer, content creator, and leader of the Meteor Jakarta Meetup group.

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Muhammad azamuddin introduction-to-reactjs

ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses a component-based approach to build modular and reusable UI components that make code more maintainable and boost productivity. Some key advantages of React include its simplicity, ability to easily create reusable UI components, support for one-way data binding that makes the data flow clear, ability to render on both client and server sides, and strong performance due to its use of a virtual DOM. It is used by many large companies including Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and Airbnb.

web developmenteventsphpindonesia
Inline Styling
const divStyle = {
color: 'blue',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
WebkitTransition: 'all',
msTransition: ‘all’,
height: 20,
function App () {
return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!
Implement Logic
<input onChange={this.handleColorChange} 
<input type='number' onChange={this.handleSizeChange} 
color: this.state.color,
fontSize: this.state.fontSize
This paragraph is {this.state.color} and {this.state.fontSize} px



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React Fundamentals - Jakarta JS, Apr 2016

This document discusses React fundamentals and why React is a good choice for building user interfaces. It explains that React uses a component-based approach where each component is a pure function of state. This makes the UI easy to reason about and improves testability, performance, and code reuse. It also notes that React uses immutable data structures and re-renders the entire UI when state changes, similar to how server-side rendering works. This avoids issues with directly manipulating the DOM and helps developers build more reliable software faster.

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This document discusses building a multicast network using UDP. It explains that UDP is simpler and faster than TCP. It then shows code for a basic UDP client-server program where the client sends a message to the server. The server receives the message, converts it to uppercase, and sends it back to the client. The client then prints the modified message received from the server.

Styling Your React App
Code Reusability
Style Next To Markup
const divStyle = {
color: 'blue',
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
WebkitTransition: 'all',
msTransition: 'all'
function App () {
return <div style={divStyle}>Hello World!

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DEVIEW2015 DAY1. react everywhere

Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?
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The number of web development frameworks and libraries based on JavaScript continue increasing. The most popular client-side technologies are Angular and React, but you might ask - What should I use?

Styling Your React App
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Styling Your React App
Let’s have some question

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The document discusses the history and challenges of front-end development. It notes that initially there were many different front-end tools that made selection difficult. Frameworks became popular but could be incompatible and difficult to decouple. It suggests that ES6 and React provide a good foundation for building front-ends, as React code can be written in ES6 and they avoid issues of other frameworks.

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Minko is a platform to display, share and interact with 3D content from anywhere, whether you're on a web browser, a workstation, or a device that fits in your pocket. In order to reach those targets with the team we have, we had to go with a cross-platform, hybrid solution that would enable fast UI development with native 3D performances. So we built one, on top of many open source projects, using C++. This talk will discuss our approach for building cross-platform HTML5 interfaces, with a C++/JS bridge to bind DOM APIs, and the tricks we use to make them responsive (spoiler: React is one of them).


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