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Variable Declaration
Object Literals
Arrow Functions

Rest and

Spread Operator

let — var with different scope rules.
{{{{{ var deep = 'This is available from outer scope.';}}}}}
!// This is available from outer scope.
{{{{{ let deep = 'This is available from outer scope.';}}}}}
!// ReferenceError: deep is not defined.
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i!++) {
!// 0, 1
!// ReferenceError: i is not defined
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i!++) {
!// 0, 1
!// 2
const — assignment only at declaration time.
const pi = 3.1415;
pi = 6;!// TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
Object Literal — key-value, powerful
data structure.
const book = {
title: 'Start With Why',
author: 'Simon Sinek',
publisher: 'Amazon'
let listeners = [];
function listen() {}
const podcast = {
listeners: listeners,
listen: listen
let listeners = [];
function listen() {}
const podcast = {
let emitter = {
events: {},
on: function(type, fn) {
if ([type] !!=== undefined) {[type] = [];
emit: function(type, event) {
if ([type] !!=== undefined) {
}[type].forEach(function(fn) {
let emitter = {
events: {},
on(type, fn) {
if ([type] !!=== undefined) {[type] = [];
emit(type, event) {
if ([type] !!=== undefined) {
}[type].forEach(function(fn) {
Arrow functions — another way of writing anonymous
function name(params) {
!// function body
const name = function (params) {
!// function body
const name = (params) => {
!// function body
Arrow functions — bound to their lexical scope, which is
the reason why they don’t alter the meaning of this.
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log(this); !// window
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log(this); !// <div class="box" …>
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log(this); !// window
}, 1000);
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
console.log(this); !// window
}, 1000);
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', function() {
const that = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {
console.log(that); !// <div class="box" …>
}, 1000);
const box = document.querySelector('.box');
box.addEventListener('click', function() {
window.setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this); !// <div class="box" …>
}, 1000);
Destructuring — Binds properties to as many variables as
you need. It works with objects, arrays, and even in
function parameter lists.
const character = {
name: 'Bruce',
pseudonym: 'Batman',
metadata: {
age: 34,
gender: 'male',
superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'],
const pseudonym = character.pseudonym;
const name =;
const superpower = character.superpower;
const character = {
name: 'Bruce',
pseudonym: 'Batman',
metadata: {
age: 34,
gender: 'male'
superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy']
const { pseudonym, name, superpower } = character;
const character = {
name: 'Bruce',
pseudonym: 'Batman',
metadata: {
age: 34,
gender: 'male'
superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy']
const { pseudonym: alias } = character;
const character = {
name: 'Bruce',
pseudonym: 'Batman',
metadata: {
age: 34,
gender: 'male',
superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'],
const { pseudonym: alias } = character.pseudonym;
console.log(alias); !// Batman
const { metadata: { gender: charGender } } = character;
console.log(charGender); !// male
const coordinate = [7.7956, 110.3695];
const [lat, lng] = coordinates;
const data = 'Lego City,toys,90290,2';
const [itemName, category, sku, qty] = data.split(',');
console.log(itemName, category, sku, qty);
Rest parameter — Better interaction with an arbitrary
amount of function parameters.
function convertCurrency() {
console.log(arguments); !// [1.1, 1, 10, 20]
const rate = arguments[0];
let amounts = [];
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i!++) {
return !=> amount * rate);
console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20));
!// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ]
function convertCurrency() {
console.log(arguments); !// [1.1, 1, 10, 20]
const rate = arguments[0];
let amounts = [];
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i!++) {
return !=> amount * rate);
console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20));
!// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ]
function convertCurrency(rate, !!...amounts) {
return !=> amount * rate);
console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20));
!// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ]
const runner = ['Mario', 'id123', 4.3, 4.1, 3.6, 1.9, 6.0];
const [name, id, !!...runs] = runner;
console.log(name, id, runs);
!// Mario id123 [ 4.3, 4.1, 3.6, 1.9, 6 ]
Spread operator — cast any iterable object into an array.
const foods = ['Gudeg', 'Krecek'];
const souvenirs = ['Wayang', 'Batik'];
let shopping = [];
shopping = shopping.concat(foods);
shopping = shopping.concat(souvenirs);
!// [ 'Gudeg', 'Krecek', 'Bakpia', 'Wayang', 'Batik' ]
const foods = ['Gudeg', 'Krecek'];
const souvenirs = ['Wayang', 'Batik'];
let shopping = [!!...foods, 'Bakpia', !!...souvenirs];
shopping = ['Bakpia', !!...foods, !!...souvenirs];
shopping = [!!...foods, !!...souvenirs, 'Bakpia'];
Template literals — Vast improvement upon regular
JavaScript strings.
const name = 'Lucy';
const age = 6;
const sentence = 'My guitar ' + name + ' is ' +
age * 2 + ' years old.';
const name = 'Lucy';
const age = 6;
const sentence = `My guitar ${name} is ${age *
2} years old.`;
const escaped = 'The first line
A second line
Then a third line.';
const escaped = `The first line
A second line
Then a third line.`;
const name = 'Lucy';
const age = 6;
let markup = '<div><h2>Guitar: ' + name + '!</h2>';
markup += '<span class="age">' + age + ' years
const name = 'Lucy';
const age = 6;
let markup = `
<h2>Guitar: ${name}!</h2>
<span class="age">${age} years old.!</span>
const Button = styled.a`
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0.5rem 0;
margin: 0.5rem 1rem;
width: 11rem;
background: transparent;
color: white;
border: 2px solid white;
${(props) !=>
props.primary !&&
background: white;
color: palevioletred;
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query {
allMarkdownRemark(sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] }) {
edges {
node {
excerpt(pruneLength: 250)
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")
Classes — Provide syntax to represent prototypal inheritance
under the traditional class-based programming paradigm.
function Fruit(name, calories) { = name;
this.calories = calories;
this.pieces = 1;
Fruit.prototype.chop = function() {
Fruit.prototype.bite = function(person) {
if (this.pieces < 1) {
const calories = this.calories / this.pieces;
person.satiety += calories;
this.calories -= calories;
const person = { satiety: 0 };
const apple = new Fruit('apple', 140);
console.log(person.satiety); !// 105
console.log(apple.pieces); !// 1
console.log(apple.calories); !// 35
class Fruit {
constructor(name, calories) { = name;
this.calories = calories;
this.pieces = 1;
chop() {
bite(person) {
if (this.pieces < 1) {
const calories = this.calories / this.pieces;
person.satiety += calories;
this.calories -= calories;
function Banana() {, 'banana', 105);
Banana.prototype = Object.create(Fruit.prototype);
Banana.prototype.slice = function() {
this.pieces = 12;
class Banana extends Fruit {
constructor() {
super('banana', 105);
slice() {
this.pieces = 12;
async/await — Syntactic sugar for promise-based
implementation and take advantage of the synchronous
style of code.
.then(profile !=> getRepos(profile.login))
.then(repos !=> countTotalStars(repos))
.catch(err !=> {
const countStars = async () !=> {
const profile = await getProfile("rizafahmi");
const repos = await getRepos(riza_profile.login);
const stars = countTotalStars(riza_repos);
(async () !=> {
const profile = await getProfile("rizafahmi");
const repos = await getRepos(riza_profile.login);
const stars = countTotalStars(riza_repos);
“Talk is cheap show me the code” — Linus Torvalds

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Essentials and Impactful Features of ES6

  • 1. ES6ES8, ES 2017, ECMAScript
  • 3. ECMAScript is a standard.
  • 5. 1997 1998 1999 2009 2015 2016 2017 ES1 ES2 ES3 ES8 ESNextES5 ES6 ES7 ES2015 ES2016 ES2017
  • 6. ES6 Variable Declaration Object Literals Arrow Functions Assignment 
 Destructuring Rest and
 Spread Operator Template
 Literals async/await Class
  • 8. let — var with different scope rules.
  • 9. {{{{{ var deep = 'This is available from outer scope.';}}}}} console.log(deep); !// This is available from outer scope. ES5
  • 10. {{{{{ let deep = 'This is available from outer scope.';}}}}} console.log(deep); !// ReferenceError: deep is not defined. ES6
  • 11. for (let i = 0; i < 2; i!++) { console.log(i); } console.log(i); !// 0, 1 !// ReferenceError: i is not defined ES6
  • 12. for (var i = 0; i < 2; i!++) { console.log(i); } console.log(i); !// 0, 1 !// 2 ES5
  • 13. const — assignment only at declaration time.
  • 14. const pi = 3.1415; pi = 6;!// TypeError: Assignment to constant variable ES6
  • 16. Object Literal — key-value, powerful data structure.
  • 17. const book = { title: 'Start With Why', author: 'Simon Sinek', publisher: 'Amazon' };
  • 18. let listeners = []; function listen() {} const podcast = { listeners: listeners, listen: listen }; ES5
  • 19. let listeners = []; function listen() {} const podcast = { listeners, listen }; ES6
  • 20. let emitter = { events: {}, on: function(type, fn) { if ([type] !!=== undefined) {[type] = []; }[type].push(fn); }, emit: function(type, event) { if ([type] !!=== undefined) { return; }[type].forEach(function(fn) { fn(event); }); } }; ES5
  • 21. let emitter = { events: {}, on(type, fn) { if ([type] !!=== undefined) {[type] = []; }[type].push(fn); }, emit(type, event) { if ([type] !!=== undefined) { return; }[type].forEach(function(fn) { fn(event); }); } }; ES6
  • 23. Arrow functions — another way of writing anonymous functions.
  • 24. function name(params) { !// function body } ES5
  • 25. const name = function (params) { !// function body } ES5
  • 26. const name = (params) => { !// function body } ES6
  • 27. Arrow functions — bound to their lexical scope, which is the reason why they don’t alter the meaning of this.
  • 28. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log(this); !// window }); ES6
  • 29. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log(this); !// <div class="box" …> }); ES5
  • 30. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', function() { setTimeout(function() { console.log(this); !// window }, 1000); }); ES5
  • 31. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { console.log(this); !// window }, 1000); }); ES5
  • 32. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', function() { const that = this; window.setTimeout(function() { console.log(that); !// <div class="box" …> }, 1000); }); ES5
  • 33. const box = document.querySelector('.box'); box.addEventListener('click', function() { window.setTimeout(() => { console.log(this); !// <div class="box" …> }, 1000); }); ES6ES5
  • 35. Destructuring — Binds properties to as many variables as you need. It works with objects, arrays, and even in function parameter lists.
  • 36. const character = { name: 'Bruce', pseudonym: 'Batman', metadata: { age: 34, gender: 'male', }, superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'], }; const pseudonym = character.pseudonym; const name =; const superpower = character.superpower; ES5
  • 37. const character = { name: 'Bruce', pseudonym: 'Batman', metadata: { age: 34, gender: 'male' }, superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'] }; const { pseudonym, name, superpower } = character; ES6
  • 38. const character = { name: 'Bruce', pseudonym: 'Batman', metadata: { age: 34, gender: 'male' }, superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'] }; const { pseudonym: alias } = character; ES6
  • 39. const character = { name: 'Bruce', pseudonym: 'Batman', metadata: { age: 34, gender: 'male', }, superpower: ['rich', 'sugardaddy'], }; const { pseudonym: alias } = character.pseudonym; console.log(alias); !// Batman const { metadata: { gender: charGender } } = character; console.log(charGender); !// male ES6
  • 40. const coordinate = [7.7956, 110.3695]; const [lat, lng] = coordinates; ES6
  • 41. const data = 'Lego City,toys,90290,2'; const [itemName, category, sku, qty] = data.split(','); console.log(itemName, category, sku, qty); ES6
  • 42.
  • 43. Rest parameter — Better interaction with an arbitrary amount of function parameters.
  • 44. ES5 function convertCurrency() { console.log(arguments); !// [1.1, 1, 10, 20] const rate = arguments[0]; let amounts = []; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i!++) { amounts.push(arguments[i]); } return !=> amount * rate); } console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20)); !// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ]
  • 45. function convertCurrency() { console.log(arguments); !// [1.1, 1, 10, 20] const rate = arguments[0]; let amounts = []; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i!++) { amounts.push(arguments[i]); } return !=> amount * rate); } console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20)); !// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ] ES5
  • 46. function convertCurrency(rate, !!...amounts) { return !=> amount * rate); } console.log(convertCurrency(1.1, 1, 10, 20)); !// [ 1.1, 11, 22 ] ES6
  • 47. const runner = ['Mario', 'id123', 4.3, 4.1, 3.6, 1.9, 6.0]; const [name, id, !!...runs] = runner; console.log(name, id, runs); !// Mario id123 [ 4.3, 4.1, 3.6, 1.9, 6 ] ES6
  • 48. Spread operator — cast any iterable object into an array.
  • 49. const foods = ['Gudeg', 'Krecek']; const souvenirs = ['Wayang', 'Batik']; let shopping = []; shopping = shopping.concat(foods); shopping.push('Bakpia'); shopping = shopping.concat(souvenirs); console.log(shopping); !// [ 'Gudeg', 'Krecek', 'Bakpia', 'Wayang', 'Batik' ] ES5
  • 50. const foods = ['Gudeg', 'Krecek']; const souvenirs = ['Wayang', 'Batik']; let shopping = [!!...foods, 'Bakpia', !!...souvenirs]; shopping = ['Bakpia', !!...foods, !!...souvenirs]; shopping = [!!...foods, !!...souvenirs, 'Bakpia']; ES6
  • 52. Template literals — Vast improvement upon regular JavaScript strings.
  • 53. const name = 'Lucy'; const age = 6; const sentence = 'My guitar ' + name + ' is ' + age * 2 + ' years old.'; console.log(sentence); ES5
  • 54. const name = 'Lucy'; const age = 6; const sentence = `My guitar ${name} is ${age * 2} years old.`; console.log(sentence); ES6
  • 55. const escaped = 'The first line A second line Then a third line.'; ES5
  • 56. const escaped = `The first line A second line Then a third line.`; ES6
  • 57. const name = 'Lucy'; const age = 6; let markup = '<div><h2>Guitar: ' + name + '!</h2>'; markup += '<span class="age">' + age + ' years old.!</span>!</div>'; ES5
  • 58. const name = 'Lucy'; const age = 6; let markup = ` <div> <h2>Guitar: ${name}!</h2> <span class="age">${age} years old.!</span> !</div>`; ES6
  • 59. const Button = styled.a` display: inline-block; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0.5rem 0; margin: 0.5rem 1rem; width: 11rem; background: transparent; color: white; border: 2px solid white; ${(props) !=> props.primary !&& css` background: white; color: palevioletred; `}; `; ES6
  • 60. export const pageQuery = graphql` query { allMarkdownRemark(sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] }) { edges { node { id excerpt(pruneLength: 250) frontmatter { date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY") path title } } } } } `; ES6
  • 61. CLASS
  • 62. Classes — Provide syntax to represent prototypal inheritance under the traditional class-based programming paradigm.
  • 63. function Fruit(name, calories) { = name; this.calories = calories; this.pieces = 1; } Fruit.prototype.chop = function() { this.pieces!++; } Fruit.prototype.bite = function(person) { if (this.pieces < 1) { return; } const calories = this.calories / this.pieces; person.satiety += calories; this.calories -= calories; this.pieces!--; } ES5
  • 64. const person = { satiety: 0 }; const apple = new Fruit('apple', 140); apple.chop(); apple.chop(); apple.chop(); apple.bite(person); apple.bite(person); apple.bite(person); console.log(person.satiety); !// 105 console.log(apple.pieces); !// 1 console.log(apple.calories); !// 35 ES5
  • 65. class Fruit { constructor(name, calories) { = name; this.calories = calories; this.pieces = 1; } chop() { this.pieces!++; } bite(person) { if (this.pieces < 1) { return; } const calories = this.calories / this.pieces; person.satiety += calories; this.calories -= calories; this.pieces!--; } } ES6
  • 66. function Banana() {, 'banana', 105); } Banana.prototype = Object.create(Fruit.prototype); Banana.prototype.slice = function() { this.pieces = 12; }; ES5
  • 67. ES6 class Banana extends Fruit { constructor() { super('banana', 105); } slice() { this.pieces = 12; } }
  • 69. async/await — Syntactic sugar for promise-based implementation and take advantage of the synchronous style of code.
  • 70. getProfile("rizafahmi") .then(profile !=> getRepos(profile.login)) .then(repos !=> countTotalStars(repos)) .catch(err !=> { console.error(err); });
  • 71. const countStars = async () !=> { const profile = await getProfile("rizafahmi"); const repos = await getRepos(riza_profile.login); const stars = countTotalStars(riza_repos); }; countStars();
  • 72. (async () !=> { const profile = await getProfile("rizafahmi"); const repos = await getRepos(riza_profile.login); const stars = countTotalStars(riza_repos); })();
  • 73. “Talk is cheap show me the code” — Linus Torvalds