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Fundamentals For Startups
Get Funded: Financing your Startup
August 13, 2013
Smith Anderson
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Silicon Valley Bank
(617) 796-6904
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Sources of Financing Overview
Crowdfunding: A Kickstarter case
Equity: What you need to know.
Debt: When is it right for you.

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Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...

500 Startups is a global seed fund and startup accelerator that has invested in over 1500 companies across 50 countries since 2010. It provides capital, community, education, and resources to founders and investors through its accelerator program, seed fund investments, distribution platform, marketing support, events, and educational content. The presentation discusses changes in how startups are built and funded more efficiently using lean startup methodologies and online distribution platforms, as well as changes in venture capital investing towards a portfolio approach of making many small bets across different stages. It outlines 500 Startups' strategy of investing small amounts in many early stage companies and selectively doubling down on the top performers over time to achieve outsized returns from successful exits.

dave mccluresingapore500 startups
How 2 Pitch a VC (New Delhi, Dec 2011)
How 2 Pitch a VC (New Delhi, Dec 2011)How 2 Pitch a VC (New Delhi, Dec 2011)
How 2 Pitch a VC (New Delhi, Dec 2011)

The document provides advice on how to pitch startups to venture capitalists (VCs) in 10 slides or less. It recommends including an elevator pitch, describing the problem being solved, the proposed solution, market size and potential, revenue models, proprietary technology, competition, marketing plans, the founding team, and funding requests and milestones. It emphasizes clearly explaining the problem and how the solution benefits customers, demonstrating the product, and having an experienced founding team.

pitchnew delhi#swdel
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)

Dave McClure discusses changes in venture capital and building startup ecosystems. He outlines how startups now require less capital and have access to large online customer platforms. This enables the "lean startup" approach of making many small bets through incubators and accelerators. McClure also discusses factors needed for strong startup ecosystems like education, mentors, capital sources and exits. He believes this model can work globally as barriers lower with technologies like smartphones and payments systems.

500 startupsangel investorsdave mcclure
Financing partners take risk
• Vendor	
• Customer	
• Self	
• Amount	
• Use	
• Stage	
• Who	
Crowdfunding deep dive

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Startup 2.0: A Silicon Valley Story (July 2010)
Startup 2.0: A Silicon Valley Story (July 2010)Startup 2.0: A Silicon Valley Story (July 2010)
Startup 2.0: A Silicon Valley Story (July 2010)

The document discusses startup incubators and the Silicon Valley investor ecosystem. It describes how incubators allow for many small, low-cost experiments that can fail quickly. Most startups in incubators fail, but this allows investors to identify the few successes. Incubators emphasize education, collaboration, and fast iteration to help startups launch cheaply and get feedback to improve. This lean startup model uses incremental investment to filter out failures and expand funding for successful startups.

VC 2.0: The Lean Investor (Sept 2010)
VC 2.0: The Lean Investor (Sept 2010)VC 2.0: The Lean Investor (Sept 2010)
VC 2.0: The Lean Investor (Sept 2010)

The document discusses changes in venture capital and startup investing, including the rise of smaller funds, super angel funds, incubators, and an emphasis on metrics and iteration. It advocates a "lean" approach to venture investing that focuses on many small, experimental investments using incremental funding and filtering out failures. This model emphasizes building minimum viable products, testing customer adoption and marketing channels, and proving concepts with metrics before increasing investment at the seed and venture stages.

Building Startup Ecosystems (Baku, Nov 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Baku, Nov 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Baku, Nov 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Baku, Nov 2014)

Dave McClure is a founding partner at 500 Startups, a global seed fund and startup accelerator. In his talk, he discusses how building technology startups and venture capital investing have changed significantly since the dot-com eras. Specifically, he notes that startups now require less capital, have access to large online customer platforms, and can iterate quickly using lean startup methodologies. Additionally, venture capital has evolved to emphasize portfolio approaches with many small bets rather than large individual investments. McClure also outlines how startup ecosystems can be built globally by focusing on critical factors like education, mentoring, and available capital.

ecosystems500 startupsventure capital
• 1884	
• 1884	
• Joseph	
• 1884	
• Joseph	
• $100K	

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Silicon Valley 2.0 -- The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0 -- The Lean VCSilicon Valley 2.0 -- The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0 -- The Lean VC

The document discusses changes in technology and venture capital that have led to the rise of "Lean Startups" and "Super Angels". Specifically, it notes that platforms like Google, Facebook, and mobile have lowered barriers to distribution and monetization, while more incubators are making many small bets on startups using metrics and fast iteration to filter out failures. This new model requires smaller funds and sees more acquisitions under $250M, benefiting entrepreneurs over large VCs.

lean vcangel investorlean startup
Changes in Venture Capital + Building 500 Startups (Istanbul, Sept 2013)
Changes in Venture Capital + Building 500 Startups (Istanbul, Sept 2013)Changes in Venture Capital + Building 500 Startups (Istanbul, Sept 2013)
Changes in Venture Capital + Building 500 Startups (Istanbul, Sept 2013)

Dave McClure discusses changes in the venture capital industry and startup trends. He notes that startups now require less capital to build products and reach customers due to reduced costs and access to online platforms. This has led to a trend of "lots of little bets" through accelerator programs and smaller seed funds. McClure also discusses the growth of startup hubs globally and the importance of platforms, community, and quantitative metrics in venture capital investing.

incubatorsseed fundsemerging markets
Silicon Valley 2.0: Lots of Little Bets (Hong Kong, May 2013)
Silicon Valley 2.0: Lots of Little Bets (Hong Kong, May 2013)Silicon Valley 2.0: Lots of Little Bets (Hong Kong, May 2013)
Silicon Valley 2.0: Lots of Little Bets (Hong Kong, May 2013)

slides for my talk on changes in the VC & Startup industry, at Tie-HK Entrepreneurs Day (Hong Kong, May 2013)

dave mcclureasiase asia
• 1884	
• Joseph	
• $100K	
• 125K	
• 1884	
• Joseph	
• $100K	
• 125K	
• GiU	
• 1884	
• Joseph	
• $100K	
• 125K	
• GiU	
• Currently	
– Pledgie	
– Sellaband	
– IndieGoGo	
– GiveForward	
– Kickstarter	
– RocketHub	
– Fundly	
– GoFundMe	
– Appsplit	
– Microventures	
– Fundageek	
• Incredibly	
• Not	
• Accredited	

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Dinosaurs & Unicorns: Avoiding Corporate Extinction by Investing in Startup I...
Dinosaurs & Unicorns: Avoiding Corporate Extinction by Investing in Startup I...Dinosaurs & Unicorns: Avoiding Corporate Extinction by Investing in Startup I...
Dinosaurs & Unicorns: Avoiding Corporate Extinction by Investing in Startup I...

Software Eats The World. Unicorns Kill Corporations (Dinosaurs). Smart Dinosaurs Invest in Innovation & Buy Startups Before They Become Unicorns. These & Other Stories by 500 Startups

dinosaurscorporate vcunicorns
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VCSilicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Lean VC

The document discusses several trends in technology platforms, venture capital, and startup incubation over the past decade. These include the rise of distribution platforms like Google, Facebook, and mobile enabling easier customer acquisition and monetization. It also notes a shift toward more and smaller venture capital funds and startup exits, as well as an emphasis on incubators and metrics to run many small experiments with most failing but a few succeeding. Globalization and specialization into industry verticals are also highlighted trends.

dave mcclure500startupslean startup
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)

This document discusses changes in building technology startups and venture capital investing. It notes that startups can now be built with less capital due to reduced costs and access to online platforms with billions of users. Venture capital has also changed, with the rise of micro funds, accelerators, and global markets. The document advocates a "lean" approach of making many small bets across different investment stages. It emphasizes the importance of startup ecosystems that provide mentoring, capital, customers and exits for enabling startup growth.

startupsinvestingdave mcclure
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	

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Silicon Valley 2.0: Lean Startup, Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: Lean Startup, Lean VCSilicon Valley 2.0: Lean Startup, Lean VC
Silicon Valley 2.0: Lean Startup, Lean VC

This document discusses the evolution of venture capital and startups, enabled by new technologies and business models. Specifically: 1. Lower costs and online platforms have lowered barriers to building products and acquiring customers. 2. Successful startups are using metrics and iterative development to quickly validate products and business models. 3. Incubators and accelerators are making many small bets to identify the few startups that succeed, through mentoring and collaborative environments. 4. Venture capital is also making many small bets through incremental funding, focusing on validating products, markets, and revenue before larger investments. 5. Global trends are creating new opportunities for startups to reach global audiences and expand internationally.

lean vclean startupplatforms
Building #500STRONG
Building #500STRONGBuilding #500STRONG
Building #500STRONG

Dave McClure is the founding partner and chief troublemaker of 500 Startups, a global seed fund and startup platform. The document provides biographical details about McClure's background and career, which spans from being an entrepreneur and developer in the 1980s and 1990s to becoming an investor and venture capitalist through funds like Founders Fund and 500 Startups. It also summarizes 500 Startups' strategy of making many small, early-stage investments in startups across different countries and industries in hopes that some will achieve significant growth and success.

VC Evolution: Software Eats Private Equity
VC Evolution: Software Eats Private EquityVC Evolution: Software Eats Private Equity
VC Evolution: Software Eats Private Equity

1) The document discusses strategies for improving venture capital and startup accelerators, focusing on making more and smaller bets to reduce risk, using data and metrics to identify winning startups, and creating strong mentorship communities. 2) It recommends that VC funds and accelerators adopt strategies like increasing their deal volume, closely monitoring startup progress, doubling down on successful startups, and helping startups refine their products, test their markets, and generate revenue. 3) The document argues that the venture capital industry is immature and fragmented and ripe for disruption through new models that can scale investment strategies internationally.

startupsventure capital500 startups
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
Ø Price	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
Ø Price	
Ø Go	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	

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Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)

This document summarizes Dave McClure's presentation on building startup and investor ecosystems. It discusses what 500 Startups is and their approach of making lots of small investments. It outlines changes in how startups are built more leanly and how venture capital has adapted a portfolio approach of many small bets. It covers building startup ecosystems by providing capital, community, education and exits. Finally, it discusses questions around defining entrepreneurs and challenges and solutions for investing in new tech markets.

angel investorsecosystemventure capital
Startup Organizer Summit (Rio, 2013)
Startup Organizer Summit (Rio, 2013)Startup Organizer Summit (Rio, 2013)
Startup Organizer Summit (Rio, 2013)

slides from my talk @ Startup Organizer Summit (March 2013, Rio de Janeiro) #sosummit cc @500startups

LinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings Call
LinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings CallLinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings Call
LinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings Call

Presentation given by CEO Jeff Weiner, and CFO Steve Sordello, at LinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings Call. For more information, check out

earnings callearningslinkedin
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
Ø Price	
Ø Go	
Ø Runway	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
Ø Price	
Ø Go	
Ø Runway	
Ø Timing
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Demand/market	
• Almost	
• MarkeAng	
• Almost	
Ø No	
Ø Price	
Ø Go	
Ø Runway	
Ø Timing
Ø Funding	
• Kickstarter	
• $750MM	
• 4K	
• Melon	
• Hardware	
• Consumer	
• Micro-­‐market	
• Market	
• One-­‐off	
• ArAsts
• Philanthropists
• Large	
• Complex	
• Infrastructure	

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Startup Ideas and Validation
Startup Ideas and ValidationStartup Ideas and Validation
Startup Ideas and Validation

Every startup begins with an idea. This is a talk on how to come up with startup ideas and how to use validation to pick the ones worth working on. It's based on the book "Hello, Startup" ( You can find the video of the talk here:

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This deck is a sample from the Jackdaw Research Quarterly Decks Service, which includes similar deck for around a dozen companies and industry sectors. You can learn more and sign up for the service at:

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When & How to Raise Venture Capital
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When & How to Raise Venture Capital

Frank Rimalovski's When & How to Raise Venture Capital workshop slides from the 2016 NYU Entrepreneurs Festival

Angel Investors
• Class	
• Structure/organizaAon
• MoAvaAon/incenAves
• Amount	
• Use	
• Stage	
• Who	
• Structure	
• Price	
• Monitoring	
• Value	

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VC survey data 2016
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VC survey data 2016

An industry survey of top US VC firms that outlines their views on the venture capital market in 2016.

Pollen VC Building A Digital Lending Business
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Pollen VC Building A Digital Lending Business

Pollen VC builds a digital lending business to help app developers access their app store earnings early. Their tech platform connects directly to app stores to price risk in real time. This allows developers to reinvest earnings daily into user acquisition instead of waiting 60+ days for platforms to pay out. Typically, developers fail to get early credit and can't acquire more users, but Pollen VC's new model provides funding using real-time app data to validate risk. They aim to fund more opportunities for long tail developers by improving access to working capital.

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Venture Capital Unlocked (Stanford) / Venture Capital 2.0
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slides for my "Venture Capital 2.0" opening talk at Stanford School Continuing Studies, VC101 class "Venture Capital Unlocked" #VCunlocked #500startups

venture capital500 startupsangel investor
Venture Capital
• Class	
• Structure/organizaAon
• MoAvaAon/incenAves
• Amount	
• Use	
• Stage	
• Who	
• Structure	
• Price	
• Monitoring	
• Value	

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8 Things Your VC Won’t Tell You
8 Things Your VC Won’t Tell You8 Things Your VC Won’t Tell You
8 Things Your VC Won’t Tell You

Venture capitalists, especially those investing at the early stage, could be described as “relationship capitalists”. You’ll often hear how investors approach their commitments like a marriage, and that they think long and hard about with whom they want to go to bed. Avoid picturing that second part. But the VC mystique can be inexplicable at times. Why do they send such curt emails? What the #%$! do they mean by “traction”? Are they even paying attention?! Here are some things they might be thinking (but probably won’t flat-out say) during the courtship process, and how you can prepare, take ownership, and rock the pitch.

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Benchmarking Exceptional Series A SaaS Companies
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Benchmarking Exceptional Series A SaaS Companies

These slides from SaaStr 2016 cover: 1. The revenue growth rates of the fastest growing SaaS companies 2. The revenue profiles of these businesses at Series A 3. The round sizes at series A. 4. A broad overview of the venture capital environment in 2015 5. Implications of recent changes in 2016

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Upfront vc analysis 2016
Upfront vc analysis 2016Upfront vc analysis 2016
Upfront vc analysis 2016

- Venture capital fundraising and investments reached record levels in 2015, with more money coming from non-traditional investors. However, public tech valuations have dropped and private valuations are correcting from unsustainable highs. - Most venture capitalists expect valuations to decline further in 2016 and are advising portfolio companies to cut costs. Fewer IPO and acquisition exits also have VCs taking a more cautious approach to new investments. - Limited partner investors in venture funds remain concerned about high investment pacing, valuations, and company burn rates. However, most will maintain rather than decrease their commitments to venture capital over the next three years.

• Class	
• Structure/organizaAon
• MoAvaAon/incenAves
• Amount	
• Use	
• Stage	
• Who	
• Structure	
• Price	
• Monitoring	
• Value	

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UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesUX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives

1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors. 2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience. 3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.

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The stock market has been getting walloped over the past few weeks, and the Internet sector has not escaped unscathed. This of course has far reaching implications for private market valuations and for what consumer startups can ultimately be worth. Three months ago, I created my own index of Internet companies and analyzed valuation and margins. Let's see how that very index has performed over the past three months by looking at stock performance (data as of Tuesday, 1/26).

venture capitaltechnologyinternet
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We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether they’re using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating – and in many cases, surprising. This SlideShare explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology – and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If you’re marketing a tech brand – or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience – then these are insights you won’t want to miss.

automotivesocial media marketinglinkedin marketing solutions
Case study
• The	
• How	
• The	
• Six	

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• Six	
• Q1-­‐10:	
• Q1-­‐10:	
• Q1-­‐11:	

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• Q1-­‐11:	
• The	
• Personnel	
– 5-­‐20	
• The	
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Adam Vollmer of Faraday Bikes
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Adam Vollmer launched a successful Kickstarter campaign for his electric bicycle company Faraday that raised $177k. He provides tips for running a successful crowdfunding campaign, including having a clear strategy, offering rewards, creating a compelling video, using great photography, generating press, building a website, and allowing sufficient time for the campaign. Key factors in Kickstarter success include appealing to popular product categories like technology accessories, having an engaging story, and generating early buzz through press and social media. Planning, execution, and fulfilling rewards are essential.

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Learn the skills
you need to win,
from people who’ve
done it before

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Startup Roadkill??....these financing tools will help you avoid the 18 wheelers

  • 1. presents Back to Basics: Financial Fundamentals For Startups
  • 2. Get Funded: Financing your Startup August 13, 2013 Smith Anderson Silicon Valley Bank (617) 796-6958 Twitter: @SmithTown561 Dan Allred Silicon Valley Bank (617) 796-6904 Twitter: @dgallred
  • 3. Chuck Goldman Apperian CEO and Co-Founder Arye Barnehama Melon Co-Founder
  • 4. Why We’re Here Sources of Financing Overview Crowdfunding: A Kickstarter case study. Equity: What you need to know. Debt: When is it right for you.
  • 6. Bootstrapping   • Vendor  financing    Trade  credit    Stretching  payables • Customer  financing    Prepayments,  deferred  revenue • Self  financing    Working  without  pay    Ge>ng  others  to  do  the  same    Personal  credit,  credit  cards,  etc.
  • 7. Bootstrapping   • Amount  of  capital    RelaAvely  small  amounts • Use  of  capital    Working  capital  (brings  future  cash  inflow    forward  OR  delays  current  cash  ouElow)   • Stage  of  company    Useful  at  all  stages,  especially  startup. • Who  bears  the  risk  &  what  type    Personal  risk  early,  bankruptcy  risk  later    Working  capital  risk  (risk  of  insolvency)
  • 10. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.  
  • 11. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.   • Joseph  Pulitzer  wrote  an   arAcle  asking  for  donaAons   to  fund  project.  
  • 12. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.   • Joseph  Pulitzer  wrote  an   arAcle  asking  for  donaAons   to  fund  project.   • $100K  raised  to  finish  this   project  in  just  under  6   months
  • 13. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.   • Joseph  Pulitzer  wrote  an   arAcle  asking  for  donaAons   to  fund  project.   • $100K  raised  to  finish  this   project  in  just  under  6   months • 125K  people  donated  to  this   fund.  
  • 14. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.   • Joseph  Pulitzer  wrote  an   arAcle  asking  for  donaAons   to  fund  project.   • $100K  raised  to  finish  this   project  in  just  under  6   months • 125K  people  donated  to  this   fund.   • GiU  from  France
  • 15. Crowdfunding  Then.. • 1884  this  project  ran  out  of   money.   • Joseph  Pulitzer  wrote  an   arAcle  asking  for  donaAons   to  fund  project.   • $100K  raised  to  finish  this   project  in  just  under  6   months • 125K  people  donated  to  this   fund.   • GiU  from  France
  • 16. Crowdfunding:  Today  and  Beyond Product/Project • Currently  thriving – Pledgie  (2006) – Sellaband  (2006) – IndieGoGo  (2008) – GiveForward  (2008) – Kickstarter  (2009) – RocketHub  (2009) – Fundly  (2009) – GoFundMe  (2010) – Appsplit  (2010)   – Microventures  (2010) – Fundageek  (2011) • Incredibly  powerful  momentum  in  the   last  few  years.     Equity   • Not  legal…yet • JOBS  Act  passed  July  10th • Accredited  vs.  non-­‐accredited.      
  • 17. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   Not  to  Kickstart? • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 18. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     Not  to  Kickstart? • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 19. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   Not  to  Kickstart? • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 20. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. Not  to  Kickstart? • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 21. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 22. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 23. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   Ø Price  point • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 24. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   Ø Price  point Ø Go  to  Market  Strategy   • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 25. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   Ø Price  point Ø Go  to  Market  Strategy   Ø Runway   • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 26. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   Ø Price  point Ø Go  to  Market  Strategy   Ø Runway   Ø Timing • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 27. Crowdfunding:  A  Kickstarter  story   To  Kickstart?   • Demand/market  validaAon   done  before  you  go  to   market.     • Almost  zero  risk  if  market   • MarkeAng  story  done  for   you. • Almost  immediate  access  to   cash Not  to  Kickstart? Ø No  secrets  to  hide  from   compeAAon.   Ø Price  point Ø Go  to  Market  Strategy   Ø Runway   Ø Timing Ø Funding  Commitments   • Kickstarter    -­‐  Launched  in  2009 • $750MM  funding  46,000  projects. • 4K  currently  in  progress,  110,000  total • Melon  Kickstarter
  • 28. Is  it  right  for  you? Probably • Hardware  with  a  specific   cost  for  prototype. • Consumer  facing  projects • Micro-­‐market  products • Market  unknown  products.   • One-­‐off  garage  projects • ArAsts • Philanthropists Probably  Not • Large  companies • Complex  products  with   intricate  sales  cycles • Infrastructure  or  enterprise   products  that  are  unlikely  to   touch  consumers.
  • 30. Angels • Class  of  capital    Equity  (ownership  in  company) • Structure/organizaAon    High  net  worth  (HNW)  individuals    Some  groups  and  clubs    Some  “super  angel”  funds • MoAvaAon/incenAves    Upside  –  stock  appreciaAon    Most  look  for  an  “exit”  (i.e.  liquidity  event
  • 31. Angels • Amount  of  capital    $100k  to  $2mm • Use  of  capital    Growth  capital  (i.e.  new  cash  for  growth) • Stage  of  company    Early-­‐stage,  product/market  development • Who  bears  the  risk  &  what  type    Angel  investor  bears  risk    Product/market  risk,  execuAon  risk
  • 32. Angels • Structure  of  investment    Purchase  of  common  or  preferred  stock    SomeAmes  converAble  debt  iniAally • Price  of  investment    25-­‐50%  of  company’s  stock    ConverAble  debt  ~25%  min  ownership • Monitoring  the  investment    ReporAng    Some  angels  (or  groups)  want  BOD  seat • Value  add    $$$,  industry  experAse,  connecAons
  • 34. Venture  Capital   • Class  of  capital    Equity  (ownership  in  company) • Structure/organizaAon    Limited  partnership    10  year  funds  (invest,  grow  &  harvest) • MoAvaAon/incenAves    Upside  (30%  IRR  and  3x  overall  for  fund)    Looking  for  an  “exit”  (i.e.  liquidity  event)
  • 35. Venture  Capital • Amount  of  capital    $1mm-­‐20mm      Some  seed  acAvity  as  well • Use  of  capital    Extreme  growth  capital • Stage  of  company    Early-­‐stage  and  growth  stage • Who  bears  the  risk  &  what  type    Limited  partners  and  general  partners    Product,  market,  tech  &  execuAon  risk
  • 36. Venture  Capital • Structure  of  investment    Purchase  of  preferred  stock    SomeAmes  converAble  debt  iniAally • Price  of  investment    20-­‐40%  of  company’s  stock • Monitoring  the  investment    ReporAng    BOD  seats    RedempAon  rights,  registraAon  rights • Value  add    $$$,  industry  experAse,  capital  markets
  • 37. Debt
  • 38. Debt • Class  of  capital    Debt  (senior  debt  as  discussed  here) • Structure/organizaAon    Banks  (regulated  to  accept  deposits)    Finance  companies  (corporaAons)    Debt  funds  (limited  partnerships) • MoAvaAon/incenAves    Banks  –  interest  &  fee  income    Finance  companies,  funds  –  interest    Venture  debt  –  warrant  income
  • 39. Debt • Amount  of  capital    $1mm-­‐100mm • Use  of  capital    Working  capital    Growth  capital    AcquisiAon  capital • Stage  of  company    All  stages • Who  bears  the  risk  &  what  type    The  lender
  • 40. Debt • Structure  of  investment    Senior  secured  credit • Price  of  investment    Interest  and  fees  for  established  co’s    Plus  warrants  for  pre-­‐profit  co’s • Monitoring  the  investment    ReporAng    Financial  covenants    AffirmaAve  &  negaAve  covenants • Value  add    $$$,  connecAons,  patern  recogniAon
  • 42. • The  early  days…  -­‐Chuck  –  director  of  enterprise  at  Apple  -­‐Launches  Apperian  in  January  2009  -­‐App  development  for  enterprise  clients  -­‐Fee  for  service  work     • How  did  I  finance  the  business?
  • 43. • The  early  days…  -­‐Bootstrapping  -­‐Self-­‐financing  (and  sacrifice)  -­‐Vendor  relaAonships  -­‐Customer  financing  
  • 44. • Six  months  later…  -­‐The  dogs  are  eaAng  the  dog  food  -­‐iPhone  is  exploding  in  the  enterprise  -­‐Recurring  service  revenues  -­‐Vision  for  EASE  (Enterprise  ApplicaAon   Services  Environment)  plaEorm How  did  I  finance  the  business?
  • 45. • Six  months  later…  -­‐$1mm  seed  round  -­‐Common  Angels  &  Launch  Capital  -­‐AddiAonal  $500k  in  Q1-­‐10
  • 46. • Q1-­‐10:  the  one  year  old  startup…  -­‐Begin  developing  EASE  plaEorm  -­‐Acquihire  a  small  development  shop  -­‐Focus  solely  on  enterprise  app  clients  -­‐Begin  transiAoning  from  services  to  products   How  did  I  finance  the  business?
  • 47. • Q1-­‐10:  the  one  year  old  startup…  -­‐$500k  SVB  line  of  credit  -­‐Leverage  A/R  with  enterprise  clients  -­‐Smooth  out  cash-­‐flow  as  R&D  expense  ramps  -­‐Bridge  between  payrolls  –  when  flush  with  A/ R  but  low  on  cash,  uAlize  line  of  credit  for   payroll,  expenses,  etc.
  • 48. • Q1-­‐11:  the  two  year  old  startup…  -­‐Enterprise  mobility  is  hot!  -­‐BYOD,  iPad  in  Xmas  2010  -­‐Apperian  building  out  management  team  -­‐Customers  converAng  from  service  contracts  to   EASE  plaEorm    -­‐  Key  move:  move  to  recurring  SaaS  Product How  did  I  finance  the  business?
  • 49. • Q1-­‐11:  the  two  year  old  startup…  -­‐$9.5mm  series  A  -­‐NorthBridge,  Bessemer,  Kleiner  Perkins  -­‐1st  enterprise  investment  from  KP  iFund  -­‐Over  2  years  of  cash  runway
  • 50. • The  past  two  years…  -­‐ConAnued  market  expansion  -­‐MDM,  MAM,  BYOD,  etc.  -­‐Enterprise  security,  compliance,  etc.  -­‐DistribuAon  partnerships • Personnel  growth – 5-­‐20  year  one,  40  by  year  three  and  70  year  four   How  did  I  finance  the  business?
  • 51. • The  past  two  years…  -­‐$12.4mm  preempAve  series  B  in  Mar  ‘12  -­‐$4.6mm  series  B  extension  in  Jan  ’13  with   Intel  Capital  -­‐ConAnued  expansion  of  SVB  credit   relaAonship  each  year • Exit  Scenario  at  10x  revenue  –  Looking  at   market  trends…
  • 53. presents INSTRUCTOR Course Name Learn the skills you need to win, from people who’ve done it before visit