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Stanford Univ - Feb 2016
Venture Capital 2.0
Make Lots of Little Bets.
Expect Most to Fail.
Dave McClure

Founding Partner, 500 Startups
00’s & 10’s:
• VC: Founders Fund, Facebook fbFund, 500 Startups
• Angel: Mashery,, SlideShare, Twilio, Wildfire, SendGrid
• Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired,, O’Reilly
80’s & 90’s:
• Entrepreneur: Aslan Computing (acq’d by Servinet/Panurgy)
• Developer: Windows / SQL DB consultant (Intel, MSFT)
• Engineer: Johns Hopkins‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
How to Become a VC
• Option 1: Go to Harvard/Stanford/Wharton, Get MBA, Become
VC Associate, Work at McKinsey / Google / Facebook, Re-Join
VC as Junior Partner or Partner
• Option 2: Start a Startup, Grow Really Big, Sell for $1B+, Join
VC as Partner
• Option 3: Wander around lost in the forest, Work Your Ass Off
for 25 yrs, do some angel investing, Start your own Firm
• What is 500?
– $220M silicon valley VC fund + startup accelerator
– 100 people / 30 partners / 25 languages / 20 countries
– 1500+ Companies / 3000+ Founders / 200+ Mentors
– Investment, Accelerator, Distro, Marketing, Events, Education
– Community + Content + Conferences
• 1500+ Co’s / 50+ Countries
– Credit Karma ($3.5B)
– Twilio ($1B+)
– GrabTaxi ($1B+)
– Wildfire (acq GOOG, $350M)
– MakerBot (acq SSYS, $400M)
– Viki (acq Rakuten, $200M)
– Behance (acq Adobe, $150M)
– Simple (acq BBVA, $117M)
– Sunrise (acq MSFT, $100M)
– Udemy
– Ipsy
– TalkDesk
– Intercom
500 Startups

Global Seed Fund & Startup Accelerator

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How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model
How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio modelHow to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model
How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model

This article aims to help VCs figure out how to size a venture capital fund, how many companies to include in your portfolio, and when and how to do follow-on investments. Most VCs aim to make a 3X (net) return on initial fund capital, at a ~20% net IRR. Note however, likely less than 10% of most VC funds achieve that goal.

venture capitalstartupsinvesting
Notation: Pre-seed Investing & Risk
Notation: Pre-seed Investing & RiskNotation: Pre-seed Investing & Risk
Notation: Pre-seed Investing & Risk

At the Notation annual LP meeting this past fall, we gave a short talk on how we think about pre-seed investing & risk, and why we think there's a particularly interesting risk versus reward tradeoff at this stage.

venture capitaltechnologyfundraising
Introduction to Venture Capital
Introduction to Venture CapitalIntroduction to Venture Capital
Introduction to Venture Capital

1. Venture capital firms raise capital to finance new companies, take equity stakes and board positions, add value through participation, and seek higher returns through liquidity events like IPOs or acquisitions. 2. In 2006, $25.8 billion was invested in the US through 2,454 deals, averaging $10.5 million per deal. Information technology received the majority of investments. 3. Venture capital has significantly grown as an asset class since 1980 and has expanded internationally to places like India and China.

Re-inventing a
50 year old sport:
Venture Capital 2.0
West Coast
3 point
Venture Capital
500 Startups
“Lots of little bets”
500 Strategy: MoneyBall for Startups
Re-inventing a 50-year old sport
500 Startups…
500 Startups Mission
1. Find Smart People.
2. Give Them Money.
3. Wait for Good Shit to Happen.

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5-minute primer on VC Term Sheets
5-minute primer on VC Term Sheets5-minute primer on VC Term Sheets
5-minute primer on VC Term Sheets

A short introduction to Venture Capital Term Sheets, and in particular the concept of liquidation preferences. Leo Dirac's talk from Ignite Seattle 4. For more detail, see

Hack fund pitch deck
Hack fund pitch deckHack fund pitch deck
Hack fund pitch deck

This document summarizes the Global Frontier Technology Fund, which invests in early-stage technology companies around the world. The fund highlights that 85% of future GDP growth will occur outside the US and that it has a network of over 300,000 founders building companies in 49 countries. It invests in sectors like AI, blockchain, IoT, and financial technology. The fund also has partnerships to help portfolio companies scale globally.

The Notation Annual Meeting - 2019
The Notation Annual Meeting - 2019The Notation Annual Meeting - 2019
The Notation Annual Meeting - 2019

- The document summarizes Notation's annual meeting, reviewing their 2019 performance and 2020 strategy. It provides updates on their two funds, key investments, and team. - Notation Fund I is mostly invested with several potential high-value companies. Fund II also shows promising signs despite being earlier-stage. - Notation will focus on technical founding teams in NYC and other areas like proptech, healthcare, and education. They may increase check sizes due to rising valuations. - Goals for 2020 include improving deal flow strategies and scaling their network to find more pre-seed opportunities. Pro-rata remains a challenge that may require more incubation.

Building Startup Ecosystems
500 Startups Mission
• Provide capital, community, education
to smart people (founders, investors)
• Build functional startup ecosystems
(founders, team, angels, accelerators, VC
funds, capital, exits, liquidity, etc)
• #HFGSD: Have Fun, Get Shit Done.
500 Startups History:
What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Year People Locations AUM $ Companies
2010 5 MV 10 75
2011 10 BRZ 30 250
2012 15 MX, IND 50 450
2013 30 CHN, SEA 75 650
2014 50 SF, MENA 125 900
2015 100 Korea, UK, Thailand,
Vietnam, Germany, E.EU,
Israel, Japan, Turkey
200 1400
2016 150+ +10-20 More ??? 2000+
500 Startups History:
What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been

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Understanding VCs
Understanding VCsUnderstanding VCs
Understanding VCs

My goal is to provide early-stage entrepreneurs with accessible & “no bullshit” insights to understand what VCs do, how they think, what they want...

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Beginners Guide To Venture Capital
Beginners Guide To Venture CapitalBeginners Guide To Venture Capital
Beginners Guide To Venture Capital

The document provides an overview of how venture capital funds work, including: 1) Venture capital funds raise money from limited partners like pension funds and endowments and invest in companies. 2) Funds are organized as limited partnerships with general partners who manage the investments and seek high returns. 3) General partners are incentivized to find companies that can generate large returns in order to receive carried interest from highly profitable deals.

Venture Capital: An Entrepreneur's Manual
Venture Capital: An Entrepreneur's ManualVenture Capital: An Entrepreneur's Manual
Venture Capital: An Entrepreneur's Manual

This document provides an overview of startup finance and the investment process. It discusses important reflections founders should have before starting a business, including their motivations and risk tolerance. Financing options are explored, including self-financing, debt, angels, venture capital, and public markets. The document outlines how to attract investors by building context and momentum. The investment process is summarized, including sharing relevant information with investors and understanding common deal structures like preferred shares, liquidation preferences, and reverse vesting. Key considerations for founders in choosing investors focus on finding the right partner at a fair valuation.

500 Startups: a Platform made of People
100 People, 20 Countries, 25 Languages
500 Startups: “Full-Stack” VC
Legal review Partner approval
Angel Pre-Seed Seed Post-Seed Series A/B Growth
Selection Criteria – Data-Driven Process Based on Pre-defined Metrics
• Product or service solves a problem for a specific target customer
• Capital-efficient business; operational at less than $1M in external financing
• Scalable internet-based distribution (search, social, mobile) or proven ability to scale sales
• Functional prototype required before investing (or previous product success)
• Measurable traction: engaged users, some revenue, and attractive unit economics
• Cross-functional team with design, engineering and marketing expertise
How 500 Invests:
Accelerator, Seed, Distro

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Venture Capital 101
Venture Capital 101Venture Capital 101
Venture Capital 101

Venture capital (VC) is a form of private equity and a high-risk, high-return investment. VCs typically invest in startups that cannot raise traditional financing. They expect to lose their entire investment in 1/3 of companies, break even in 1/3, and generate returns from 1/3. VCs raise funds in cycles and have time-bound commitment and investment periods. They earn management fees and carried interest. Associates source deals and manage investments while partners make decisions. VCs prefer different stages and seek influence, liquidation preferences, and exist their investments through dilution or acquisition. There are also angel investors, accelerators, incubators, and corporate VCs that startups may encounter.

awsamazon web servicescloud computing
Sample Pitch Deck for Your Fund
Sample Pitch Deck for Your FundSample Pitch Deck for Your Fund
Sample Pitch Deck for Your Fund

The document describes Greenery Ventures, a $75 million sustainability venture fund. The fund aims to support pioneers of the sustainability era by investing in companies focused on carbon awareness, water usage, and waste reduction. Greenery Ventures will make 24 investments across agriculture tech, supply chain, and mobility sectors, primarily in North America and Europe. The fund differentiates itself through proprietary research networks that provide early insights into portfolio companies.

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Irish Technology Capital-European Technology Venture Fund - John Hartnett - S...
Irish Technology Capital-European Technology Venture Fund - John Hartnett - S...Irish Technology Capital-European Technology Venture Fund - John Hartnett - S...
Irish Technology Capital-European Technology Venture Fund - John Hartnett - S...

Presentation by John Hartnett, Irish Technology Capital, about the new venture Fund that he is raising in Ireland and Silicon Valley, aimed at the Irish and European hitech startups marketplace. Stanford Engineering, January 4 2010. Program Director and Course Instructor Dr. Burton Lee. Homepage:

stanfordvcburton lee
Portfolio Diversification
“Spray, not Pray”
Venture Capital Unlocked (Stanford) / Venture Capital 2.0
Q: Chances of spotting
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 5%
d) 10%

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Skip the J-Curve: An Intro to Venture Capital Secondary
Skip the J-Curve: An Intro to Venture Capital SecondarySkip the J-Curve: An Intro to Venture Capital Secondary
Skip the J-Curve: An Intro to Venture Capital Secondary

A brief overview of venture capital secondary, by Practical Venture Capital (Sept 2020, Dave McClure)

venture capitalsecondaryvc
Startup Valuation for pre-revenue companies
Startup Valuation for pre-revenue companiesStartup Valuation for pre-revenue companies
Startup Valuation for pre-revenue companies

This document provides an overview of startup valuation and fundraising strategies. It discusses financial projections, exit strategies, and valuation methods. Key points include: - Financial projections should include revenue models, customer projections, costs, and cash flow budgets to support fundraising goals. - An exit strategy outlines potential acquisitions, IPOs, or remaining independent to help investors evaluate return on investment. - Comparable company analyses use multiples like revenue or EBITDA to estimate startup valuation based on exited companies. The document provides templates and considerations for building financial models, researching comparable acquisitions, and determining valuation to support fundraising efforts.

startupvaluationstartup valuation
Hack Fund V - Pitch Deck
Hack Fund V - Pitch DeckHack Fund V - Pitch Deck
Hack Fund V - Pitch Deck

The document summarizes a venture capital fund that invests globally in technology companies. It has offices in major tech hubs around the world like Silicon Valley, Shanghai, Mexico City, and Dubai. The fund has invested in over 55 companies so far with a total valuation of $600 million generated from 8 exits. It provides services to support portfolio companies, including business consulting, sales and marketing support, and access to mentors. The fund aims to generate returns through investing in cutting-edge technology startups focused on growth.

hack fund pitch deck silicon valley world lse
Chances of spotting
unicorn = ~1%/
If portfolio size = 15
If portfolio size = 30
If portfolio size = 100

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Delivering Outstanding VC Results with DA
Delivering Outstanding VC Results with DADelivering Outstanding VC Results with DA
Delivering Outstanding VC Results with DA

Slides of guest lecture by Dr. Clint Korver, Partner, Ulu Ventures, at Stanford University's class Professional Decision Analysis (MS&E 352) on Feb 27, 2018

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Introduction to Venture Capital
Introduction to Venture CapitalIntroduction to Venture Capital
Introduction to Venture Capital

Topics Discussed: - What is Venture Capital - Overview of VC Funds  - VC Investment Process - VC Investing Strategies  - Other Investors  - VC Fundraising Materials - Resources

venture capitalentrepreneurshipinvesting
Distribution of Wealth in Islam
Distribution of Wealth in IslamDistribution of Wealth in Islam
Distribution of Wealth in Islam

Distribution of Wealth in Islam By Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani Note From Author: In the present study, we propose to state as clearly as possible the point of view of Islam in this matter, such as we have been able to deduce from the Holy Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the writings of the "Thinkers" (to use a current idiom) in the Islamic tradition. The time and space at our disposal being short, it would not be possible to discuss the subject in detail so as to cover all aspects. We shall, however, try to set down the essential and fundamental points in a concise but comprehensive manner.

500 Strategy: Lots of Little Bets*
1) make lots of little
bets on pre-traction,
early-stage startups
3) wait 5-10 years for returns:
-10-20% small exits @1-5X ($5-25M+)
-5-10% larger exits @5-20X ($25-250M+)
-1-2% unicorns @20-50X+ ($250M-1B+)
*See Peter Sims book: “Little Bets”
2) over the next five years,
double-down on top 20-30%
~500 co’s @ $100K 1st checks
100-200 co’s @ $200-500K
2nd/3rd checks
(target 25-50 exits @ $100M+)
(assume high failure rate ~50-80%)
Startup Risk Reduction
[about to be]
When 500
Likes to
Investor Ecosystem
Angels &
“Micro-VC” Funds
“Big” VC Funds
“Mega” VC Funds
Series A/B
Series B/C
Bootstrap, KickStarter,
AngelList, Crowdfunding
stage where
500 writes
first checks
stage where 500
[ This Talk ]
• Changes in Building Technology Startups
• Changes in Venture Capital Investing
• The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach
• Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m”
• Q&A

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Islamic Wealth Circulation
Islamic Wealth CirculationIslamic Wealth Circulation
Islamic Wealth Circulation

Islam provides guidance for all aspects of life, including economic prosperity. It aims to ensure equal participation and fair distribution of wealth through prohibiting interest and promoting alternative means of circulation like zakat. By eliminating interest and ensuring wealth flows between rich and poor, unemployment can be reduced as production and purchasing power increase through constant circulation. Countries like Switzerland saw success by limiting interest rates. True prosperity comes from following Islam's complete code of life.

When & How to Raise Venture Capital
When & How to Raise Venture CapitalWhen & How to Raise Venture Capital
When & How to Raise Venture Capital

Frank Rimalovski's When & How to Raise Venture Capital workshop slides from the 2016 NYU Entrepreneurs Festival

Halal Ways of Earning Wealth In Islam
Halal Ways of Earning Wealth In IslamHalal Ways of Earning Wealth In Islam
Halal Ways of Earning Wealth In Islam

This document discusses halal ways of earning wealth in Islam. It outlines several permissible sources of wealth, including various forms of trading like buying and selling, murabahah, salam, and ijarah. It also mentions inheritance and other means like worshipping Allah, seeking forgiveness, being grateful, and spending in the way of Allah. Wealth must be acquired honestly and responsibly in Islam and not distract from faith. Halal earnings are a form of worship that will be rewarded by Allah.

Changes in Tech Startups
• LESS Capital required to build product, get to market
– Dramatically reduced cost for servers, software, bandwidth
– Funding Platforms: KickStarter, Angel List, Funders Club, etc
– Access to online platforms for 100M-1B+ consumers, smallbiz, etc
• MORE Customers via ONLINE platforms (100M+ users)
– Search (Google, Baidu)
– Social (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
– Mobile (Apple, Android)
– E-Commerce (Amazon, PayPal, Alibaba)
– Media (YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram)
– Comm/Msgs (WeChat, WhatsApp, SnapChat, Email, Voice, SMS, etc)
• LOTS of little bets: Accelerators, Angels, Angel List, Small Exits
– Capital + Co-working + Mentoring -> Design, Data, Distribution
– “Fast, Cheap Fail”, network effects, quantitative + iterative investments
Platforms 2.0

Search, Social, Mobile,
Video, Messaging
Before & After 2 Dot-Com Crashes

LEAN Startup: Simpler, Faster, Cheaper, Smarter
Before 2000
”Big, Fat, Dinosaur Startup”
• Sun Servers
• Oracle DB
• Exodus Hosting
• 12-24mo dev cycle
• 6-18mo sales cycle
• <100M people online
• $1-2M seed round
• $3-5M Series A
• Sand Hill Road crawl
After 2008
”Lean, Little, Cockroach Startup”
• AWS, Google, PayPal, FB, TW
• Cloud + Open Source SW
• Lean Startup / Startup Wknd
• 3-90d dev cycle
• SaaS / online sales
• >3B people online
• <$100K incub + <$1M seed
• $1-3M Series A
• Angel List global visibility
Startup Education
• Business Plans / Revenue Projections
• Software + Design/UX
• Lean Startups + Continuous Deploy (Iterate)
• Metrics Framework + Continuous Testing
• Functional Prototypes / Customer Development
• Scalable [Internet] Marketing & Sales
• Cash-Flow Positive Unit Economics
• Pitching + Fundraising (Angel List)
• Monetization + Payments
• Customer Service + Support

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basics of computer network
basics of computer networkbasics of computer network
basics of computer network

Computer network is a distributed system consisting of loosely coupled computers and other devices. Any two of these devices, which we will from now on refer to as network elements or transmitting elements, can communicate with each other through a communication medium. In order for these connected devices to be considered a communicating network, there must be a set of communicating rules or protocols each device in the network must follow to communicate wit another device in the network. The resulting combination consisting of hardware and software is a computer communication network or computer network in short. Figure 1.1 shows a computer network

basics of computer networklanman
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Guadalajara, July 2015)

This document discusses changes in building technology startups and venture capital investing. It notes that startups can now be built with less capital due to reduced costs and access to online platforms with billions of users. Venture capital has also changed, with the rise of micro funds, accelerators, and global markets. The document advocates a "lean" approach of making many small bets across different investment stages. It emphasizes the importance of startup ecosystems that provide mentoring, capital, customers and exits for enabling startup growth.

startupsinvestingdave mcclure
500 Startups #DemoDay #Batch15
500 Startups #DemoDay #Batch15500 Startups #DemoDay #Batch15
500 Startups #DemoDay #Batch15

This document summarizes information about 500 Startups, a seed accelerator program. It notes that 500 Startups has 110 people from 20 countries speaking 25+ languages, and has invested $220 million across 1500 companies through various accelerator programs and funds. Over 500 companies were from accelerator programs, over 400 started outside the US, and over 400 had women co-founders. Details are provided about the various 500 Startups funds and their sizes. It is reported that they have 3 unicorns valued over $1 billion, 30+ centaurs valued over $100 million, and 300+ ponies valued over $10 million. Examples of notable companies are provided. Information is also given about their investor education program and the demographics of a

500 startupsdave mcclurestartups
[ This Talk ]
• Changes in Building Technology Startups
• Changes in Venture Capital Investing
• The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach
• Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m”
• Q&A
Industry Changes
• Financial Market Crises (2000, 2008)
• Startup Efficiency, Lean Startup Movement, Reduced Capital Costs
• Growing Market, Global Distribution Platforms, “Growth Hacking”
• Improved Monetization, Payments Infrastructure
• Developing Startup Ecosystems, Global M&A
• Micro VC: Seed Funds (ex: First Round Capital)
• Incubators & Accelerators (ex: Y Combinator, 500 Startups)
• Funding Platforms (ex: Angel List, Kickstarter)
• Global Market of Angel Investors, Accelerators, Seed Funds
more info:
SV Investor Ecosystem
Angels &
“Micro-VC” Funds
“Big” VC Funds
“Mega” VC Funds
First Round
SoftTech (Clavier)
Felicis (Senkut)
SV Angel
Union Square
Series A/B
Series B/C
Bootstrap, KickStarter,
AngelList, Crowdfunding
Angel List:
Platform for Investors + Startups
• Startups + Metrics
• Founders + Bios
• Investors + Syndicates
• Accelerators + Online Applications
• Jobs + Talent

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Lean, Little Cockroach Startup
Lean, Little Cockroach StartupLean, Little Cockroach Startup
Lean, Little Cockroach Startup

This document discusses changes in building technology startups and venture capital investing. It notes that startups can now be built with less capital due to reduced costs and access to online platforms. Venture capital has also changed, with more global markets, distribution platforms enabling growth hacking, and the rise of unicorns and micro VC funds. It emphasizes making many small bets across different investment stages to diversify risk and increase chances of high returns. Building strong startup ecosystems is also important and requires factors like mentorship, universities, capital, infrastructure, and exit opportunities.

500 Startups Update + VC 101 (Investor Education)
500 Startups Update + VC 101 (Investor Education)500 Startups Update + VC 101 (Investor Education)
500 Startups Update + VC 101 (Investor Education)

This document provides information about 500 Startups, a venture capital firm. It has over 75 employees across 15 countries speaking over 20 languages. It has $190 million under management and has invested in over 1200 companies across multiple funds, including over 300 companies started outside the US and over 300 with women co-founders. The firm has three unicorns valued over $1 billion and over 25 companies valued over $100 million. It also runs accelerator and distribution programs to help companies with growth.

demodayvc101venture capital
500 Startups corporate overview deck (2.23.2016)
500 Startups corporate overview deck (2.23.2016)500 Startups corporate overview deck (2.23.2016)
500 Startups corporate overview deck (2.23.2016)

"Introduction to 500 Startups" presentation will provide you a comprehensive overview of various activities that we do to promote startup ecosystem globally, discover best early stage companies and help them grow.

Investor Education
• Startups are NOT Real Estate
• Most Startups Fail / Power Law Returns
• Portfolio Approach (20-100+ investments)
• Legal Structure, Financial Structure
• Syndication + Co-Investment
• Access to Downstream Capital
• Exits & Liquidity
Critical Ecosystem Factors
• Optimism & Belief (“Silicon Valley”)
• Mentorship + Education (Knowledge)
• Universities + Companies (People)
• Capital, Legal, Finance (Infrastructure)
• Engineering + Design / UX (Product)
• Platforms + Distribution (Customers)
• Online Payments (Monetization)
• IPO / M&A Market (Exits)
[ This Talk ]
• Changes in Building Technology Startups
• Changes in Venture Capital Investing
• The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach
• Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m”
• Q&A
Building Startup Ecosystems

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10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems (Cairo)
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems (Cairo)10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems (Cairo)
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems (Cairo)

This document outlines 10 common challenges for emerging market startup ecosystems and offers responses to each. It notes that 1) there are few investors and most offer poor terms, 2) there are few experienced entrepreneurs, and 3) there are few customers willing to pay. It suggests focusing on traction over features, looking for profitable customer acquisition channels. It also advocates for more exits, distributing equity widely, starting regionally before going global, and having more confidence as the ecosystem matures.

Building Startup Ecosystems (Berlin, June 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Berlin, June 2015)Building Startup Ecosystems (Berlin, June 2015)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Berlin, June 2015)

The document discusses changes in building technology startups and venture capital investing. It notes that startups now require less capital to build products and reach customers due to cloud infrastructure and online platforms. Venture capital has also changed with the rise of seed funds, accelerators, and global funding opportunities. The document advocates for a portfolio approach of making many small bets on startups, expecting most to fail but a few to have outsized returns. It outlines stages of investing from product validation to revenue growth. Finally, it discusses how startup ecosystems develop through factors like capital, talent, and successful exits that inspire future entrepreneurs.

Silicon Valley 2.0: Make Lots of Little Bets.
Silicon Valley 2.0: Make Lots of Little Bets.Silicon Valley 2.0: Make Lots of Little Bets.
Silicon Valley 2.0: Make Lots of Little Bets.

The document discusses changes in building technology startups and venture capital investing. Specifically, it notes that startups now require less capital to build products and reach customers due to reduced costs and access to online platforms. It also discusses how venture capital investing has shifted towards making many small bets through micro-VC funds, incubators, and accelerators. Additionally, it outlines how startup ecosystems are developing globally through growing entrepreneurship worldwide.

metricsventure capitalangel investors
500 Strategy: Lots of Little Bets*
1) make lots of little
bets on pre-traction,
early-stage startups
3) wait 5-10 years for returns:
-10-20% small exits @1-5X ($5-25M+)
-5-10% larger exits @5-20X ($25-250M+)
-1-2% unicorns @20-50X+ ($250M-1B+)
*See Peter Sims book: “Little Bets”
2) over the next five years,
double-down on top 20-30%
~500 co’s @ $100K 1st checks
100-200 co’s @ $200-500K
2nd/3rd checks
(target 25-50 exits @ $100M+)
(assume high failure rate ~50-80%)
The Lean Investor
Make lots of little bets:
• Start with many small “experiments”
• Filter out failures + small wins
• Double-down on stuff that looks like it’s working
• Incubation: $0-100K (“Build & Validate Product”)
• Seed: $100K-$1M (“Test & Grow Marketing Channels””)
• Venture: $1M-$10M (“Maximize Growth & Revenue”)
Investment Stage #1: 

Product Validation + Customer Usage
• Structure
– 1-3 founders
– $0-$100K investment
– Incubator environment: multiple peers, mentors/advisors
• Test Functional Prototype / “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP):
– Prototype->Alpha, ~3-6 months
– Develop Minimal Critical Feature Set => Get to “It Works! Someone Uses It.”
– Improve Design & Usability, Setup Conversion Metrics
– Test Small-Scale Customer Adoption (10-1000 users)
• Demonstrate Concept, Reduce Product Risk, Test Functional Use
• Develop Metrics & Filter for Possible Future Investment
Investment Stage #2: 

Market Validation + Revenue Testing
• Structure
– 2-10 person team
– $100K-$1M investment
– Syndicate of Angel Investors / Small VC Funds
• Improve Product, Expand Customers, Test Revenue:
– Alpha->Beta, ~6-12 months
– Scale Customer Adoption => “Many People Use It, & They Pay.”
– Test Marketing Campaigns, Customer Acquisition Channels + Cost
– Test Revenue Generation, Find Profitable Customer Segments
• Prove Solution/Benefit, Assess Market Size
• Test Channel Cost, Revenue Opportunity
• Determine Org Structure, Key Hires

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10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems

1. There are challenges for emerging market startup ecosystems including a lack of experienced investors, entrepreneurs, customers, and viable exit opportunities. However, these ecosystems have grown significantly with increased internet access, smartphone adoption, and the ability for local startups to access global markets. 2. Accelerators and incubators play an important role in supporting emerging markets but many struggle due to lack of funding, expertise, and focus on short-term gains rather than long-term growth. For accelerators to succeed, they need sustainable models with corporate, academic or government partners. 3. Both founders and investors in emerging markets often lack confidence compared to Silicon Valley. However, the biggest startups started elsewhere and moved to Silicon Valley

dave mcclureventure capitalemerging markets
From 500 Startups to 500 VCs
From 500 Startups to 500 VCsFrom 500 Startups to 500 VCs
From 500 Startups to 500 VCs

Dave McClure gave a talk about reinventing venture capital through 500 Startups' model of making many small investments. He discussed how technology has lowered the costs of starting companies and how platforms provide access to large customer bases. 500 Startups makes over 100 investments per year and aims to have a portfolio size of over 100 companies to increase chances of finding unicorns. Their strategy is to make many small "bets" and double down on the most promising companies. McClure also proposed training 500 new VCs through programs with Stanford to expand access to startup funding.

venture capital500 startupsinvesting
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2015, Platzi)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2015, Platzi)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2015, Platzi)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2015, Platzi)

The document discusses startup metrics and provides an overview of the AARRR framework for measuring key metrics. It introduces the AARRR acronym which stands for Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It emphasizes measuring metrics that are simple, actionable and help optimize the product, marketing and business model based on user behavior data.

Investment Stage #3: 

Revenue Validation + Growth
• Structure
– 5-25 person team
– $1M-$10M investment
– Seed & Venture Investors
• Make Money (or Go Big), Get to Sustainability:
– Beta->Production, 12-24 months
– Revenue / Growth => “We Can Make (a lot of) Money!”
– Mktg Plan => Predictable Channels / Campaigns + Budget
– Scalability & Infrastructure, Customer Service & Operations
– Connect with Distribution Partners, Expand Growth
• Prove/Expand Market, Operationalize Business
• Future Milestones: Profitable/Sustainable, Exit Options
[ This Talk ]
• Changes in Building Technology Startups
• Changes in Venture Capital Investing
• The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach
• Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m”
• Q&A
Investing Workshop
• General Strategy
• Investment Thesis & Model
• Helping Companies Succeed
• Generating Dealflow
• Selecting / Evaluating Opportunities
• Deal Terms / Deal Memo
• Follow-On Strategy
• Investing Resources
Startup Investment Stages
• Concept
• Product
• Functional Prototype
• Early Users/Customers
• Other Investors
• Profitable Unit Economics?
• Scalable Cust Acquisition?
• Profitable Business
• Scalable Organization
• Exit / Liquidity?

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Startup & VC Tech Trends
Startup & VC Tech Trends Startup & VC Tech Trends
Startup & VC Tech Trends

Dave McClure, a founding partner at 500 Startups, gave a presentation on technology trends in 2017. He discussed how startups have become cheaper, faster, and better. He also talked about how VCs are making lots of small bets through many new, small funds. McClure highlighted several investment areas including fintech, AI, AR/VR, blockchain, and other new technologies. He emphasized 500 Startups' strategy of making many small investments to find the next big winners.

500 startupstechnologyinvestment
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems
10 Challenges for Emerging Market Startup Ecosystems

1) Emerging market startup ecosystems face challenges including a lack of investors, entrepreneurs, customers, and exits. However, these ecosystems are improving as more founders gain experience, customers increase with economic growth, and acquirers look outside major tech hubs for deals. 2) The document provides advice for emerging market startups and investors, such as focusing on customer acquisition and growth over features, aiming for regional success before global expansion, and distributing equity widely to create more angel investors. 3) It argues that most accelerators will struggle due to tough economics but can improve by specializing in industries, and getting corporate partners to boost funding and time horizons for supporting startups.

Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)
Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)
Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)

Dave McClure is a founding partner at 500 Startups, a global seed fund and startup accelerator. He discusses changes in building startups and venture capital investing. Specifically, he notes that startups now require less capital to build products and reach customers due to reduced costs and access to online platforms. Venture capital has also evolved, with the rise of micro funds, accelerators, and funding platforms. McClure advocates a "lean" portfolio approach of making many small bets on startups, expecting most to fail but a few to achieve large exits.

pankaj jainindiastartups
Startup Risk Reduction
[about to be]
When 500
Likes to
Investment Thesis + Model
• Define Investment Thesis (geography, technology,
customer segment, investment stage, etc)
• What’s Your Unique Insight / Advantage? Show
some proof or evidence of why you’re not crazy
(or at least not always wrong, occasionally…)
• Build Model of Potential Investments vs Returns
Helping Companies Succeed
• Advice (Product, Design, Marketing, etc)
• Recruiting
• Advisor / Mentor Intros
• Growth Consulting
• Next Round / Investor Intros
• Exits? M&A Consulting?
Investment Allocation Strategy
• How long will companies take to exit / reach liquidity? (3-7 yrs)
• How long is your investment cycle? (ex: 3-5 yrs)
• When will capital be returned? (1X in 5-8 yrs, 2-5X in 8-12 yrs)
• Simple allocation for $10M investment budget over first 5 years
• 50% 1st checks + 50% 2nd/3rd checks
• ~100 1st checks @ $50K each ($5M), ~20 checks / yr
• ~10-20 2nd checks @ $250-500K each ($5M), ~3 checks / yr
1 2 3 54 7 8 109 11 12 13 15146
1 5432
.. .. ..

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Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech StartupsBuilding Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups

slides from my talk in Tokyo on "Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups" (Feb 2015)

investingstartupsangel investing
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)

This document summarizes Dave McClure's presentation on building startup and investor ecosystems. It discusses what 500 Startups is and their approach of making lots of small investments. It outlines changes in how startups are built more leanly and how venture capital has adapted a portfolio approach of many small bets. It covers building startup ecosystems by providing capital, community, education and exits. Finally, it discusses questions around defining entrepreneurs and challenges and solutions for investing in new tech markets.

angel investorsecosystemventure capital
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech StartupsBuilding Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups

This document discusses building startup ecosystems. It notes that starting a tech startup now requires less capital due to reduced server and software costs. More customers can be reached through online platforms. Accelerators and angel investors provide capital, mentoring and networking opportunities. Changes in venture capital include micro funds and a focus on making many small bets. Successful startup ecosystems have factors like education, capital, universities, platforms and exits through acquisition or IPO. The document estimates that with 500 venture capital funds investing, the annual seed-stage startup market could be around $5 billion funding 10,000 startups per year globally.

startupsdave mcclureangel investing
Generating Dealflow
• Writing / Speaking
• Attend (or Run!) User Groups / Conferences
• Networking / Referrals / LinkedIn / Email
• Angel List / other funding platforms
• 500 / YC / TechStars / StartX / other acc
• Sand Hill Angels / angel investing clubs
• Domain Focus: What’s Your Thesis?
• Community: Founders / Mentors
Writing / Speaking
Deal Terms, Deal Memos
• Summarize Opportunity:
• Concept, Product, Problem, Market, Traction, Team,
Terms, IP, Users, Revenue, Other Investors, Conviction
• [Summary of Previous Investments made + % ownership]
• Pre-Money Valuation or Cap + Discount (Ask for Min 2x?)
• Ask for Info Rights? (YES) Ask for Pro-Rata / Follow-On Rights?
• Major Investor Status? (Usually Info Rights + Pro-Rata Rights)
• Do You Have Leverage (or Not)?

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Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...

500 Startups is a global seed fund and startup accelerator with over 1,500 companies and 3,000 founders in its portfolio. It has 125 people across 30 partners in 20 countries. Some of its notable exits include Credit Karma ($3.5B), Twilio ($1B+), Grab ($1B+), and Wildfire (acq. by Google for $350M). The presentation discusses how building startups and venture capital investing has changed, with startups now requiring less capital and having more distribution channels online. It outlines 500 Startups' "lean" portfolio approach of making many small bets across different stages. The final section discusses how 500 Startups aims to engineer startup ecosystems in emerging markets by providing capital

Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...

500 Startups is a global seed fund and startup accelerator that has invested in over 1500 companies across 50 countries since 2010. It provides capital, community, education, and resources to founders and investors through its accelerator program, seed fund investments, distribution platform, marketing support, events, and educational content. The presentation discusses changes in how startups are built and funded more efficiently using lean startup methodologies and online distribution platforms, as well as changes in venture capital investing towards a portfolio approach of making many small bets across different stages. It outlines 500 Startups' strategy of investing small amounts in many early stage companies and selectively doubling down on the top performers over time to achieve outsized returns from successful exits.

dave mccluresingapore500 startups
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup EcosystemsChanges in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems

This document provides an overview of a talk given by Dave McClure on changes in venture capital and building startup ecosystems. The key points covered include: 1. An introduction to 500 Startups, a global seed fund and startup accelerator that has invested in over 700 companies across 40+ countries. 2. Changes that have occurred in technology and venture capital due to factors like reduced costs, increased online platforms, and the rise of accelerators and angel investing. 3. How 500 Startups employs a "Lean VC" approach of making many small bets through incremental investment stages focused on product validation, market validation, and revenue validation.

lean vcstartupsventure capital
The Flat, The Elbow, The Wall
• Invest @ “The Flat”
when prices are low
• Double-down if/when
you detect “The Elbow”
(if valuation isn’t crazy)
• Don’t invest @ “The
Wall” unless capital is
infinite — if valuation
starts running away, you
usually can’t buy any
meaningful ownership
relative to existing. Time
Growth Startup W
Startup L
Startup K
“The Flat”
“The Elbow”
“The Wall”
Investing Resources
• The Venture Capital Cycle (Gompers, Lerner)
• Venture Deals (Feld, Mendelson)
• Angel Investing (Rose)
• Venture Hacks (Naval, Nivi)
• blogs: Fred Wilson, Brad Feld, Mark Suster
• Quora: Jason Lemkin, David Rose, etc
Questions? Comments?
• More Info?
– (our company)
– (my blog)
– (our fund)
– Dave McClure, @DaveMcClure

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Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)

slides for my talk on building startup ecosystems, for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (Stanford, June 2016)

dave mccluregesstartups
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...

500 Startups is a global venture capital firm and startup accelerator that has invested in over 1,500 companies across 50+ countries. The presentation provides an overview of 500 Startups, including its portfolio approach of making many small investments, changes in building startups and venture capital investing, and strategies for building startup ecosystems, particularly in emerging markets. Key points include diversifying investment risk across a large portfolio, focusing on early-stage companies, and addressing challenges like access to capital, acquirers, and liquidity events in developing startup communities.

Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)

This document summarizes Dave McClure's talk on changes in tech startups, venture capital, and building startup ecosystems. Some key points include: - Startups now require less capital, have faster development cycles, and can reach more customers through online platforms. - A "Lean VC" approach involves making many small bets across early-stage startups using incremental funding. - Critical factors for strong startup ecosystems include education, mentors, capital access, universities, and infrastructure to support companies from early ideas through growth. - McClure argues that 500 venture capital funds globally could support 10,000 seed-stage startups per year through this Lean VC approach of making many small bets.

dave mcclureventure capitalstartups
500 Startups
to 500 VCs
We live in a World of ABUNDANCE
• There are LOTS of talented people in the world
• There are LOTS of entrepreneurs everywhere
• There is a LOT of capital sitting around, BUT….
• Not much is available for un-tested entrepreneurs :(
• 500 Startups plans to change that.
Who, What is an
Who/What is an Entrepreneur?
• someone who WANTS to start a business
• someone who can RUN a business
• someone who can run a SUSTAINABLE business
• someone who can run a PROFITABLE business
that creates VALUE & employs LARGE # people
• someone who can run a $10M/yr business that
employs 100+people

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Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)

This document summarizes Dave McClure's presentation on building startup ecosystems and investing strategies. The key points are: 1) McClure discusses 500 Startups' strategy of making many small "spray and pray" investments in early stage startups to increase the chances of finding a unicorn. 2) He outlines the typical stages and structures of startup investments from incubation to growth, focusing on validating products, markets, revenue, and growth at each stage. 3) McClure emphasizes the importance of building strong startup ecosystems through factors like capital, mentors, universities, and successful exits to attract more entrepreneurs and investors.

Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)

This document summarizes Dave McClure's talk on changes in venture capital and building startup ecosystems. Some of the key points discussed include: 1) The venture capital industry and tech startups have changed significantly since the dot-com era, requiring less capital and using online platforms to reach more customers. 2) A "Lean VC" approach of making many small bets on early-stage startups in seed rounds has replaced the traditional large funding rounds of the past. 3) Critical factors for building strong startup ecosystems include mentorship, universities, capital, infrastructure, and successful exits through IPOs or acquisitions.

dave mccluredubai500 startups
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014

This document summarizes Dave McClure's talk on changes in venture capital and building startup ecosystems. It discusses how technological changes and the rise of online platforms have made it cheaper and easier for startups to launch and reach customers globally. It also describes the evolution of a "lean" venture capital model of making many small bets across early-stage startups. Finally, it outlines critical factors for building strong startup ecosystems and the role of incubators, angel investors, and venture capital funds.

How Big Is The Market?
Q: How Many Entrepreneurs?
• How Many People = 7,000,000,000 on earth
• 1% of Humanity is Entrepreneurial = 70,000,000 founders
• Live 70 years, try at least once = 1,000,000 founders / year
• How Much Do They Need? Zero? $100K? $1M? $10M?
• How Big is the Market = 1M founders x $10M = $10 TRILLION / year
• Come on, REALLY? (ok Divide by 100)
• 100,000 founders / year * $1M each = $100 BILLION / year
How Many VCs?
• How Many Founders? 1,000,000 founders / year
• (ok, divide by 100, let’s say 10,000 founders / year)
• 1 VC can make 20 investments / year
• 10,000 founders / 20 deals per VC = 500 VCs

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Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech StartupsBuilding Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
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Dave McClure
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Dave McClure
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Dave McClure
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup EcosystemsChanges in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Dave McClure
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Startup Istanbul
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Dave McClure
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Dave McClure
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Dave McClure

Similar to Venture Capital Unlocked (Stanford) / Venture Capital 2.0 (20)

Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)
Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)
Venture Capital 2.0 (Delhi, Feb 2016)
Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech StartupsBuilding Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosystems + Investing in Tech Startups
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Dublin, June 2016)
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech StartupsBuilding Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
Building Startup Ecosytems & Investing in Tech Startups
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup EcosystemsChanges in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Changes in VC + Building Startup Ecosystems
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Stanford, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging Markets ...
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Seoul, Oct 2014)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems (Madrid, June 2016)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Dubai, Oct 2014)
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Dave McClure 500Startups_StartupIstanbul2014
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Investing in Tech Startups + Corporate Innovation (with SVB)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Cairo, Oct 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Bahrain, May 2013)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Singapore, July 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Denver, Sept 2014)
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Changes in Venture Capital (Pioneers, Vienna)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)
Building Startup Ecosystems (Istanbul, Sept 2014)

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Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems for Emerging Markets
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Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns in Emerging Markets (Dubai, Oct 2016) #Gitex
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Dave McClure
The Unicorn Hedge: Why Are Corporations Buying Unicorns? (Madrid, Oct 2016)
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Dave McClure
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FounderX, May 2016)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FounderX, May 2016)Startup Metrics for Pirates (FounderX, May 2016)
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Dave McClure
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
Dave McClure
How to Win Friends, Influence People, and Get a Better Valuation with Emoji, ...
How to Win Friends, Influence People, and Get a Better Valuation with Emoji, ...How to Win Friends, Influence People, and Get a Better Valuation with Emoji, ...
How to Win Friends, Influence People, and Get a Better Valuation with Emoji, ...
Dave McClure

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Tech and Venture Capital in the Time of Corona
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Building #500STRONG
Building #500STRONGBuilding #500STRONG
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Take a Walk on the Dark Side: Branding for Startups & Sith Lords
Take a Walk on the Dark Side: Branding for Startups & Sith LordsTake a Walk on the Dark Side: Branding for Startups & Sith Lords
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Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems for Emerging Markets
Farming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems for Emerging MarketsFarming Unicorns: Building Startup & Investor Ecosystems for Emerging Markets
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Farming Unicorns in Emerging Markets (Dubai, Oct 2016) #Gitex
Farming Unicorns in Emerging Markets (Dubai, Oct 2016) #GitexFarming Unicorns in Emerging Markets (Dubai, Oct 2016) #Gitex
Farming Unicorns in Emerging Markets (Dubai, Oct 2016) #Gitex
The Unicorn Hedge: Why Are Corporations Buying Unicorns? (Madrid, Oct 2016)
The Unicorn Hedge: Why Are Corporations Buying Unicorns? (Madrid, Oct 2016)The Unicorn Hedge: Why Are Corporations Buying Unicorns? (Madrid, Oct 2016)
The Unicorn Hedge: Why Are Corporations Buying Unicorns? (Madrid, Oct 2016)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (FounderX, May 2016)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (FounderX, May 2016)
Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
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Build Your Own Valley: Engineering Startup & Investor Ecosystems in Emerging ...
How to Win Friends, Influence People, and Get a Better Valuation with Emoji, ...
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Venture Capital Unlocked (Stanford) / Venture Capital 2.0

  • 1. @DaveMcClure @500Startups Stanford Univ - Feb 2016 Venture Capital 2.0 Make Lots of Little Bets. Expect Most to Fail.
  • 2. Dave McClure
 Founding Partner, 500 Startups 00’s & 10’s: • VC: Founders Fund, Facebook fbFund, 500 Startups • Angel: Mashery,, SlideShare, Twilio, Wildfire, SendGrid • Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired,, O’Reilly 80’s & 90’s: • Entrepreneur: Aslan Computing (acq’d by Servinet/Panurgy) • Developer: Windows / SQL DB consultant (Intel, MSFT) • Engineer: Johns Hopkins‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
  • 3. How to Become a VC • Option 1: Go to Harvard/Stanford/Wharton, Get MBA, Become VC Associate, Work at McKinsey / Google / Facebook, Re-Join VC as Junior Partner or Partner • Option 2: Start a Startup, Grow Really Big, Sell for $1B+, Join VC as Partner • Option 3: Wander around lost in the forest, Work Your Ass Off for 25 yrs, do some angel investing, Start your own Firm
  • 4. • What is 500? – $220M silicon valley VC fund + startup accelerator – 100 people / 30 partners / 25 languages / 20 countries – 1500+ Companies / 3000+ Founders / 200+ Mentors – Investment, Accelerator, Distro, Marketing, Events, Education – Community + Content + Conferences • 1500+ Co’s / 50+ Countries – Credit Karma ($3.5B) – Twilio ($1B+) – GrabTaxi ($1B+) – Wildfire (acq GOOG, $350M) – MakerBot (acq SSYS, $400M) – Viki (acq Rakuten, $200M) – Behance (acq Adobe, $150M) – Simple (acq BBVA, $117M) – Sunrise (acq MSFT, $100M) – Udemy – Ipsy – TalkDesk – Intercom 500 Startups
 Global Seed Fund & Startup Accelerator
  • 5. Re-inventing a 50 year old sport: Venture Capital 2.0
  • 6. Football West Coast Offense Baseball MoneyBall Basketball 3 point revolution Venture Capital 500 Startups “Lots of little bets” 500 Strategy: MoneyBall for Startups Re-inventing a 50-year old sport
  • 8. 500 Startups Mission 1. Find Smart People. 2. Give Them Money. 3. Wait for Good Shit to Happen.
  • 10. 500 Startups Mission • Provide capital, community, education to smart people (founders, investors) • Build functional startup ecosystems (founders, team, angels, accelerators, VC funds, capital, exits, liquidity, etc) • #HFGSD: Have Fun, Get Shit Done.
  • 11. 500 Startups History: What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
  • 12. Year People Locations AUM $ Companies 2010 5 MV 10 75 2011 10 BRZ 30 250 2012 15 MX, IND 50 450 2013 30 CHN, SEA 75 650 2014 50 SF, MENA 125 900 2015 100 Korea, UK, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany, E.EU, Israel, Japan, Turkey 200 1400 2016 150+ +10-20 More ??? 2000+ 500 Startups History: What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
  • 13. 500 Startups: a Platform made of People #500STRONG #500LOVE #HFGSD
  • 14. 100 People, 20 Countries, 25 Languages
  • 16. Legal review Partner approval Angel Pre-Seed Seed Post-Seed Series A/B Growth Accelerator Seed “Distro" Follow-On Selection Criteria – Data-Driven Process Based on Pre-defined Metrics • Product or service solves a problem for a specific target customer • Capital-efficient business; operational at less than $1M in external financing • Scalable internet-based distribution (search, social, mobile) or proven ability to scale sales • Functional prototype required before investing (or previous product success) • Measurable traction: engaged users, some revenue, and attractive unit economics • Cross-functional team with design, engineering and marketing expertise How 500 Invests: Accelerator, Seed, Distro
  • 20. Q: Chances of spotting unicorn?/ a) 1% b) 2% c) 5% d) 10% e) ZERO
  • 22. If portfolio size = 15 companies/
  • 23. / If portfolio size = 30 companies
  • 24. / If portfolio size = 100 companies
  • 25. 500 Strategy: Lots of Little Bets* 1) make lots of little bets on pre-traction, early-stage startups 3) wait 5-10 years for returns: -10-20% small exits @1-5X ($5-25M+) -5-10% larger exits @5-20X ($25-250M+) -1-2% unicorns @20-50X+ ($250M-1B+) *See Peter Sims book: “Little Bets” 2) over the next five years, double-down on top 20-30% ~500 co’s @ $100K 1st checks 100-200 co’s @ $200-500K 2nd/3rd checks (target 25-50 exits @ $100M+) (assume high failure rate ~50-80%)
  • 26. Startup Risk Reduction Concept Early Customer Usage Scalable Customer Acquisition [about to be] Profitable Unit Economics Scalable Profitable Business Functional Prototype PRODUCT MARKET REVENUE Exit? When 500 Likes to Invest
  • 27. Investor Ecosystem Angels & Incubators ($0-10M) “Micro-VC” Funds ($10-100M) “Big” VC Funds ($100-500M) “Mega” VC Funds (>$500M) Incubation 0-$100K Seed $100K-$2M Series A/B $2-10M Series B/C $10-50M Bootstrap, KickStarter, AngelList, Crowdfunding stage where 500 writes first checks stage where 500 doubles-down (maybe)
  • 28. [ This Talk ] • Changes in Building Technology Startups • Changes in Venture Capital Investing • The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach • Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m” • Q&A
  • 29. Changes in Tech Startups • LESS Capital required to build product, get to market – Dramatically reduced cost for servers, software, bandwidth – Funding Platforms: KickStarter, Angel List, Funders Club, etc – Access to online platforms for 100M-1B+ consumers, smallbiz, etc • MORE Customers via ONLINE platforms (100M+ users) – Search (Google, Baidu) – Social (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) – Mobile (Apple, Android) – E-Commerce (Amazon, PayPal, Alibaba) – Media (YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram) – Comm/Msgs (WeChat, WhatsApp, SnapChat, Email, Voice, SMS, etc) • LOTS of little bets: Accelerators, Angels, Angel List, Small Exits – Capital + Co-working + Mentoring -> Design, Data, Distribution – “Fast, Cheap Fail”, network effects, quantitative + iterative investments
  • 30. Platforms 2.0
 Search, Social, Mobile, Video, Messaging
  • 31. Before & After 2 Dot-Com Crashes
 LEAN Startup: Simpler, Faster, Cheaper, Smarter Before 2000 ”Big, Fat, Dinosaur Startup” • Sun Servers • Oracle DB • Exodus Hosting • 12-24mo dev cycle • 6-18mo sales cycle • <100M people online • $1-2M seed round • $3-5M Series A • Sand Hill Road crawl After 2008 ”Lean, Little, Cockroach Startup” • AWS, Google, PayPal, FB, TW • Cloud + Open Source SW • Lean Startup / Startup Wknd • 3-90d dev cycle • SaaS / online sales • >3B people online • <$100K incub + <$1M seed • $1-3M Series A • Angel List global visibility
  • 32. Startup Education • Business Plans / Revenue Projections • Software + Design/UX • Lean Startups + Continuous Deploy (Iterate) • Metrics Framework + Continuous Testing • Functional Prototypes / Customer Development • Scalable [Internet] Marketing & Sales • Cash-Flow Positive Unit Economics • Pitching + Fundraising (Angel List) • Monetization + Payments • Customer Service + Support 32
  • 33. [ This Talk ] • Changes in Building Technology Startups • Changes in Venture Capital Investing • The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach • Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m” • Q&A
  • 34. Industry Changes • Financial Market Crises (2000, 2008) • Startup Efficiency, Lean Startup Movement, Reduced Capital Costs • Growing Market, Global Distribution Platforms, “Growth Hacking” • Improved Monetization, Payments Infrastructure • Developing Startup Ecosystems, Global M&A • Micro VC: Seed Funds (ex: First Round Capital) • Incubators & Accelerators (ex: Y Combinator, 500 Startups) • Funding Platforms (ex: Angel List, Kickstarter) • Global Market of Angel Investors, Accelerators, Seed Funds more info:
  • 35. SV Investor Ecosystem Angels & Incubators ($0-10M) “Micro-VC” Funds ($10-100M) “Big” VC Funds ($100-500M) “Mega” VC Funds (>$500M) First Round A16Z Y-Combinator SoftTech (Clavier) Felicis (Senkut) SV Angel Sequoia Union Square Incubation Seed/A Series A/B Series B/C Bootstrap, KickStarter, AngelList, Crowdfunding
  • 36. Angel List: Platform for Investors + Startups • Startups + Metrics • Founders + Bios • Investors + Syndicates • Accelerators + Online Applications • Jobs + Talent 36
  • 37. Investor Education • Startups are NOT Real Estate • Most Startups Fail / Power Law Returns • Portfolio Approach (20-100+ investments) • Legal Structure, Financial Structure • Syndication + Co-Investment • Access to Downstream Capital • Exits & Liquidity 37
  • 38. Critical Ecosystem Factors • Optimism & Belief (“Silicon Valley”) • Mentorship + Education (Knowledge) • Universities + Companies (People) • Capital, Legal, Finance (Infrastructure) • Engineering + Design / UX (Product) • Platforms + Distribution (Customers) • Online Payments (Monetization) • IPO / M&A Market (Exits) 38
  • 39. [ This Talk ] • Changes in Building Technology Startups • Changes in Venture Capital Investing • The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach • Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m” • Q&A
  • 41. 500 Strategy: Lots of Little Bets* 1) make lots of little bets on pre-traction, early-stage startups 3) wait 5-10 years for returns: -10-20% small exits @1-5X ($5-25M+) -5-10% larger exits @5-20X ($25-250M+) -1-2% unicorns @20-50X+ ($250M-1B+) *See Peter Sims book: “Little Bets” 2) over the next five years, double-down on top 20-30% ~500 co’s @ $100K 1st checks 100-200 co’s @ $200-500K 2nd/3rd checks (target 25-50 exits @ $100M+) (assume high failure rate ~50-80%)
  • 42. The Lean Investor Make lots of little bets: • Start with many small “experiments” • Filter out failures + small wins • Double-down on stuff that looks like it’s working • Incubation: $0-100K (“Build & Validate Product”) • Seed: $100K-$1M (“Test & Grow Marketing Channels””) • Venture: $1M-$10M (“Maximize Growth & Revenue”)
  • 43. Investment Stage #1: 
 Product Validation + Customer Usage • Structure – 1-3 founders – $0-$100K investment – Incubator environment: multiple peers, mentors/advisors • Test Functional Prototype / “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP): – Prototype->Alpha, ~3-6 months – Develop Minimal Critical Feature Set => Get to “It Works! Someone Uses It.” – Improve Design & Usability, Setup Conversion Metrics – Test Small-Scale Customer Adoption (10-1000 users) • Demonstrate Concept, Reduce Product Risk, Test Functional Use • Develop Metrics & Filter for Possible Future Investment
  • 44. Investment Stage #2: 
 Market Validation + Revenue Testing • Structure – 2-10 person team – $100K-$1M investment – Syndicate of Angel Investors / Small VC Funds • Improve Product, Expand Customers, Test Revenue: – Alpha->Beta, ~6-12 months – Scale Customer Adoption => “Many People Use It, & They Pay.” – Test Marketing Campaigns, Customer Acquisition Channels + Cost – Test Revenue Generation, Find Profitable Customer Segments • Prove Solution/Benefit, Assess Market Size • Test Channel Cost, Revenue Opportunity • Determine Org Structure, Key Hires
  • 45. Investment Stage #3: 
 Revenue Validation + Growth • Structure – 5-25 person team – $1M-$10M investment – Seed & Venture Investors • Make Money (or Go Big), Get to Sustainability: – Beta->Production, 12-24 months – Revenue / Growth => “We Can Make (a lot of) Money!” – Mktg Plan => Predictable Channels / Campaigns + Budget – Scalability & Infrastructure, Customer Service & Operations – Connect with Distribution Partners, Expand Growth • Prove/Expand Market, Operationalize Business • Future Milestones: Profitable/Sustainable, Exit Options
  • 46. [ This Talk ] • Changes in Building Technology Startups • Changes in Venture Capital Investing • The “Lean” Investor + Portfolio Approach • Investment Workshop: “VC101 in 60m” • Q&A
  • 47. Investing Workshop • General Strategy • Investment Thesis & Model • Helping Companies Succeed • Generating Dealflow • Selecting / Evaluating Opportunities • Deal Terms / Deal Memo • Follow-On Strategy • Investing Resources 47
  • 48. Startup Investment Stages • Concept • Product • Functional Prototype • Early Users/Customers • Other Investors • Profitable Unit Economics? • Scalable Cust Acquisition? • Profitable Business • Scalable Organization • Exit / Liquidity? 48
  • 49. Startup Risk Reduction Concept Early Customer Usage Scalable Customer Acquisition [about to be] Profitable Unit Economics Scalable Profitable Business Functional Prototype PRODUCT MARKET REVENUE Exit? When 500 Likes to Invest
  • 50. Investment Thesis + Model • Define Investment Thesis (geography, technology, customer segment, investment stage, etc) • What’s Your Unique Insight / Advantage? Show some proof or evidence of why you’re not crazy (or at least not always wrong, occasionally…) • Build Model of Potential Investments vs Returns 50
  • 51. Helping Companies Succeed • Advice (Product, Design, Marketing, etc) • Recruiting • Advisor / Mentor Intros • Growth Consulting • Next Round / Investor Intros • Exits? M&A Consulting? 51
  • 52. Investment Allocation Strategy • How long will companies take to exit / reach liquidity? (3-7 yrs) • How long is your investment cycle? (ex: 3-5 yrs) • When will capital be returned? (1X in 5-8 yrs, 2-5X in 8-12 yrs) • Simple allocation for $10M investment budget over first 5 years • 50% 1st checks + 50% 2nd/3rd checks • ~100 1st checks @ $50K each ($5M), ~20 checks / yr • ~10-20 2nd checks @ $250-500K each ($5M), ~3 checks / yr 1 2 3 54 7 8 109 11 12 13 15146 1 5432 50 15 .. .. ..
  • 53. Generating Dealflow • Writing / Speaking • Attend (or Run!) User Groups / Conferences • Networking / Referrals / LinkedIn / Email • Angel List / other funding platforms • 500 / YC / TechStars / StartX / other acc • Sand Hill Angels / angel investing clubs • Domain Focus: What’s Your Thesis? • Community: Founders / Mentors 53
  • 56. Deal Terms, Deal Memos • Summarize Opportunity: • Concept, Product, Problem, Market, Traction, Team, Terms, IP, Users, Revenue, Other Investors, Conviction • [Summary of Previous Investments made + % ownership] • Pre-Money Valuation or Cap + Discount (Ask for Min 2x?) • Ask for Info Rights? (YES) Ask for Pro-Rata / Follow-On Rights? • Major Investor Status? (Usually Info Rights + Pro-Rata Rights) • Do You Have Leverage (or Not)? 56
  • 57. The Flat, The Elbow, The Wall • Invest @ “The Flat” when prices are low • Double-down if/when you detect “The Elbow” (if valuation isn’t crazy) • Don’t invest @ “The Wall” unless capital is infinite — if valuation starts running away, you usually can’t buy any meaningful ownership relative to existing. Time Revenue, Growth Startup W Startup L Startup K “The Flat” “The Elbow” “The Wall” 1 2 3 3
  • 58. Investing Resources • The Venture Capital Cycle (Gompers, Lerner) • Venture Deals (Feld, Mendelson) • Angel Investing (Rose) • Venture Hacks (Naval, Nivi) • blogs: Fred Wilson, Brad Feld, Mark Suster • Quora: Jason Lemkin, David Rose, etc 58
  • 59. Questions? Comments? • More Info? – (our company) – (my blog) – (our fund) – Dave McClure, @DaveMcClure
  • 62. We live in a World of ABUNDANCE • There are LOTS of talented people in the world • There are LOTS of entrepreneurs everywhere • There is a LOT of capital sitting around, BUT…. • Not much is available for un-tested entrepreneurs :( • 500 Startups plans to change that.
  • 63. Who, What is an Entrepreneur?
  • 64. Who/What is an Entrepreneur? • someone who WANTS to start a business • someone who can RUN a business • someone who can run a SUSTAINABLE business • someone who can run a PROFITABLE business that creates VALUE & employs LARGE # people • someone who can run a $10M/yr business that employs 100+people
  • 65. How Big Is The Market? Q: How Many Entrepreneurs? • How Many People = 7,000,000,000 on earth • 1% of Humanity is Entrepreneurial = 70,000,000 founders • Live 70 years, try at least once = 1,000,000 founders / year • How Much Do They Need? Zero? $100K? $1M? $10M? • How Big is the Market = 1M founders x $10M = $10 TRILLION / year • Come on, REALLY? (ok Divide by 100) • 100,000 founders / year * $1M each = $100 BILLION / year
  • 66. How Many VCs? • How Many Founders? 1,000,000 founders / year • (ok, divide by 100, let’s say 10,000 founders / year) • 1 VC can make 20 investments / year • 10,000 founders / 20 deals per VC = 500 VCs